Minutes 11-23-99MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD IN THE WEST WING, CONFERENCE ROOM C, CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 PI~,ESENT G~rald Broening, Mayor H~;nderson Tillman, Vice Mayor N{,~llie Denahan, Commissioner R~nald Weiland, Commissioner AI~,SENT William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tern i Al-so PRESENT: Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager Nicholas Igwe, Assistant City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk Rebert Slavin, Slavin Management Associates 1¢yor Broening called the workshop to order at 5:30 p.m. and thanked Mr. S av'n for his a !endance tonight. Mayor Broen ng sa d they would like to set a schedu e ton ght and agree to a profile. During the retreat, a broad profile was agreed upon and that needs toibe fine-tuned. There was consensus that these would be the two items focused upon thi~ evening. Although no one from the public was present, Mayor Broening said that there would be nO! public comment permitted tonight during the workshop. MCyor Broening asked Mr. Slavin what the "minimum 60 days" in his proposal applied to~ Mr. Slavin sa d the 60 days would begin at the time the profile is established and recruitment can begin. Mr. Slavin said if a profile was determined tonight, the process could begin tonight. Mayor Broening noted that 60 days from tonight would be January 23!, 2000. Mayor Broening also said at the retreat there was discussion about using the pool of aPiplicants that the City currently has. Mayor Broening would also like the Commission to Come to some agreement on this pool. Mayor Broening asked - i f Should Mr. Slavin look at the pool? Should Human Resources check with the pool to determine how many candidates may still be interested in the position? MEETING MINUTES cI'rY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, '1999 Therefore, the three items to be addressed tonight would be: · Timetable; · Profile · Current applicant pool Timetable Mi C( h~ sh gi~ if r& C( th, C( C~ 2 Oi W( to C( to Cc sa Mi otl w6 · . Slavin expressed concerns about the upcoming March elections and noted that the )mmission will change by at least two people. Mayor Broening stated this is possible, d it will change by at least one.' Mr. Slavin said candidates would want to know for ~om they would be working and if it stays at four that would be acceptable. However, )nly three remain, it could become precarious. ~mmissioner Weiland also stated that after the City Manager is hired, the Commission s agreed to change the Ordinance. Also, Commissioner Weiland felt the Ordinance ould be changed from 3 to 2 to hire the City Manager and 4 to 1 to fire. This would ~e the new Manager more security. Mr. Slavin said this could be a problem to the City Ihis change is made. However, Mr. Slavin agreed it would certainly help in the :ruitment process and would help people select the position. Immissioner Weiland said it was agreed that once the City Manager was hired and .~ contract is signed, the Ordinance would be changed back to 3 to 2 for hiring. Immissioner Denahan does not recall this discussion having taken place. ~mmissioner Denahan said when they left the retreat, it was agreed to overturn the 3- for hiring and leave the 4-1 for firing. Commissioner Denahan said that the dinance would be changed to 3-2 to hire. Commissioner Weiland said the minutes ~re very vague. However, he is agreeable to changing the ordinance from 4-1 to 3-2 hire and leave the 4-1 to fire. This would be in favor of the new City Manager. ,mmissioner Denahan said it is not only the Commission's desire to just have people hire by the beginning of February, but to have a City Manager in place when the ,mmission changes over. The election will take place on March 14, 2000. Mr. Slavin id if everything went smoothly, this is possible. · Slavin pointed out that the advertisement for a City Manager is not as difficult as for ~er positions, because the publications that are utilized come out every two to three ,eks; therefore, the word can get out. 2 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November23,1999 2. Current Applicant Pool Mr. Slavin requested to receive copies of the 65 resumes that the City currently has because they could assist him. Mr. Slavin also stated the summary that was prepared bY Dr. deHaven-Smith would be quite helpful. Mr. Slavin said interviews by mid- January are possible. COmmissioner Weiland felt that advertising in the next ICMA Newsletter is crucial and Mr. Slavin said that the Newsletter comes out every two weeks. Mr. Slavin said he also would advertise in JOBS (minority and women's publication) which comes out every three weeks. COmmissioner Weiland said he would like to look at the 65 resumes that the City has to determine if there are any candidates in this pool. Mr. Slavin said he also should look at these resumes in order to know who previously applied and since he will be doing the recruiting, he would like to know who has expressed an interest in the position. Mayor Broening said he would also like to look at all the resumes and stated they were oriiginally furnished with ten names during the last process. Mr. Slavin said when he received the resumes, he would contact the candidates to tell them that the City is in the process of looking for a City Manager again. COmmissioner Denahan requested that the City Attorney's Office should coordinate this. ASsistant City Attorney Igwe said he would get the resumes from Human Resources and forward copies to Mr. Slavin and all the Commissioners. COmmissioner Weiland asked when the Commissioners would receive copies of the resumes and Assistant City Attorney Igwe said he would have them to the COmmissioners by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. COmmissioner Weiland also stated that it needs to be determined how the Commission would be working with Slavin & Associates. M~. Slavin said he would like to be kept informed about any of the candidates and if a Cqmmissioner has a particular interest in one of the candidates, he would certainly be free to contact that person. However, Mr. Slavin would like to know when this is being done and suggested he be contacted prior to any communication with a candidate because he may know something about the person. MN. Slavin said this should be a two-way process and hopefully a person can be found that would meet the needs of all the Commissioners. Mr. Slavin suggested that he wduld like to have individual telephone conversations with each Commissioner or he coUld come back to the City and speak with each Commissioner on an individual basis. 3 MEETING MINUTES Cl'rY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, 1999 COmmissioner Denahan was concerned about the timing and Mr. Slavin said that an up- dated advertisement could always be placed. Mr. Slavin said that they also contact people directly on an individual basis. Commissioner Weiland also wanted assurances that the advertisement would be placed in other minority publications. Mr. Slavin said he has a directory to utilize in this instance. Commissioner Weiland asked how many ads would be placed and Mr. Slavin said usually about five, because ads become redundant. Commissioner Denahan stressed it is important that the minority organizations know that the City is looking for a City Manager in order to attract a good representation in the final pool of qualified candidates. 3. Profile Mr. Slavin suggested getting a profile together in draft form and submitting it to the COmmissioners. After the Commissioners have an opportunity to look at it, he can come back to the City to discuss it. Hopefully, this could be done in early December. COmmissioner Denahan asked Mr. Slavin if he could place an ad without a profile and he said he could, but would like to know the criteria first. Mr. Slavin stated that a profile provides him with a good understanding of the position and secondly, it is a marketing tool. COmmissioner Denahan said she had no objectiOns to doing it by telephone in order not toidelay the process. The other Commissioners agreed to this. A date of December 6th wis chosen for Mr. Slavin to speak with the Commissioners on an individual basis by tejephone. COmmissioner Weiland said once all the resumes are in place, he would like to look at ali the resumes that have been received. Mr. Slavin had no objection to this. However, when you take the criteria and compare it to the resumes received, that will create a short list. Mayor Broening suggested that they could make up a short list and Mr. Slavin could make a short list and then each list could be compared. Mr. Slavin said he had no objection to this. However, he said if he knew something about a particular candidate that he did not want to say publicly, he would speak to the COmmissioners privately. COmmissioner Denahan noted that the first time the search was done, the collaborative effort among Human Resources, Mercer and the Commission was not very good. COmmissioner Denahan does not want the Commission to interfere with Mr. Slavin's i ability to do his job. She stated we are paying him and he is objective and this is his 4 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, 1999 expertise. Mr. Slavin said he would like the Commission to have as much input as they would like. COmmissioner Weiland asked if a background check on the applicants is done. Mr. Slavin said they do background checks on credit history, driving record, education record, and employment references. This will be done before the candidates are ever interviewed. Commissioner Weiiand inquired how many candidates should the Commission interview. Mayor Broening said that could be left open for now. 4. Salary The next issue discussed was the salary and Commissioner Weiland said at the retreat the figure of $100,000 to $110,000 was brought up, but that could be left open for diScussion. Mr. Slavin said a survey was done recently of the salaries that City Managers receive in this area. Mr. Slavin felt the figures were fine, but what the candidates are currently making needs to be considered. Also, the support staff salaries need to be considered also. 5. Issue of Stability COmmissioner Denahan said that the basic issue that was agreed upon at the strategic planning session was the relationship of stability and tenure in the job. It should be n°led that Boynton Beach has extremely restrictive term limts and the Commission ch~anges annually. Mr. Slavin noted that managers have not been asked to leave, but halve mostly left on their own and the City doesn't have a reputation of letting people go, M~. Slavin said he would draft a profile and get it back to the Commission as soon as po~ssible.~ He said he will do this immediately and would appreciate receiving the work that was done before. Attorney Igwe said he would furnish this information to Mr. Sh A~ C( Br ch the ha ~vin. Mr. Slavin also requested an updated budget and the current number of ~ployees. sistant City Attorney Igwe informed the Commissioners that if more than one ,mmissioner would be meeting with Mr. Slavin, it would have to be advertised. Mayor )ening said it would be done on a one-on-one basis. Mr. Slavin said if some of the anges that are suggested by one Commissioner conflict with other Commissioners, ;n a meeting would be necessary to vote on the changes. Mr. Slavin said that this s only happened twice in his career. MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, 1999 Commissioner Denahan requested that the Commission review what they had decided would be included in the profile. ¢': 5 to 7 years of experience ¢' Master's Degree in Public Administration or an equivalent degree in another field. (Mr. Slavin suggested that if an equivalent degree is included, it should be a Master's Degree in Business Administration with government administration or a JD Degree with experience as a manager, or a Graduate Degree in Public Finance with experience as a manager.) C~mmissioner Weiland expressed disappointment that the minutes from the strategic pli~nning session were incomplete and a great deal of the information discussed was not included. City Clerk Sue Kruse reminded Commissioner Weiland that the Clerk's Office was informed that no Recording Secretary would be assigned to take the minutes and the minutes were transcribed from seven tapes that were left at her office. The tapes were of such poor quality that the Recording Secretary was unable to accurately I . transcribe what transpired at the strategic planning session. Mr. Slavin requested that he be furnished with a copy of the minutes from the strategic planning session and Attorney Igwe said he would take care of this tomorrow. Ms. Kruse left the meeting to make copies of those minutes and furnished a set to everyone present. He or she must have experience with a council/manager form of municipal government. Mr. Slavin said this sounds like it excludes county. Commissioner Denahan said she did not believe that the Commissioners meant to exclude this. She did think the Commission wanted to exclude the private sector. He or she must have at least five years of experience as a City Manager or seven years of experience as an Assistant City Manager. He or she must also have experience with city management at the highest level, rather than just experience as a department head or other area of public administration. Boynton Beach needs a seasoned professional to bring the City's government and culture back into line with the council/manager system. He or she must have a demonstrated history of job stability. MC. Slavin said he would like to discuss the issue of diversity. Mr. Slavin asked how important is it for the finalist group to have female and/or minority representation? COmmissioner Denahan felt it was important and should be a priority. Mayor Broening said he wants to see minorities and women represented. : I C( C( pc ~mmissioner Denahan said Boynton Beach is a very diverse community and the ~mmissioners want to represent the demographics of the community as best as ssible. Currently, the City organization is not representative of that at this time. 6 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, 1999 Mr. Slavin asked if a car is included and was informed there has been a car allowance. HOwever, everything is negotiable. Retirement is local as opposed to the State retirement and the City will pay for relocation. Mr. Slavin asked if an employment agreement would be required and was informed it would be. COmmissioner Weiland said he would like to discuss a severance package. Mayor Broening said that would be put in the contract. Attorney Igwe said that could be open to negotiation. Mr. Sugerman inquired if it would be of assistance if the Commissioners could identify i s~me skills that they are looking for in a manager?. Mr. Slavin said he needs this if it is net articulated in the original profile. Vice Mayor Tillman said he wants a team manager. Vice Mayor Tillman said that all this was discussed during the strategic planning session and should be in the minutes. M; wi Ci M C( ~yor Broening said that the person who assumes the City Manager position must work Ih the Visions 20/20 plan, which has provided a mandate for elected officials. The Iy is working on a stormwater issue and how this will be financed must be addressed. ~yor Broening said the City has teams in place that have performed superbly. ~mmissioner Denahan pointed out that there are seven unions in the City. Also the rson must deal with redevelopment. Commissioner Denahan said there is a sheet of paper that lists the 10 qualifications. Vice Mayor Tillman again said this was discussed ati the strategic planning session on Saturday afternoon and this should be in the minutes. M~. Slavin also requested a copy of the Visions 20/20 statement. Cemmissioner Denahan said the Commissioners did not get into detail about the 10 qlJ C( Si thl ha as trs alifications that were given scores from the previous short list. Attorney Igwe will also 'nish this. ~mmissioner Denahan asked if the previous profile listed specific credentials? Mr. german said just because someone is a member of ICMA doesn't mean they bring right credentials to the table. Commissioner Denahan wants to make sure the City s a well-rounded City Manager. Mr. Sugerman said a lot of these questions could be ked during the interview process regarding the candidate's professional development ~ning. 7 MEETING MINUTES ciTY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA November 23, 1999 Mr. Slavin also said it would be helpful for him to visit with some of the City's Department Heads. COmmissioner Weiland asked if Mr. Slavin contacts City Managers that are currently employed to which he replied he does. Mr. Slavin said he knows a great deal of people and does contact them. COmmissioner Denahan said she would be interested to know what Isaac Turner is cUrrently doing. Mr. Turner was the number two choice a few years ago. Mr. Slavin will check on this. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:45 p.m. A~TEST: CiI~/Clerk R~cording Secretary (~o tapes) M~y0rI // ~ ~'/ "~"~ Mayor Pro/em 8 TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM November 8, 1999 Henorable Mayor and City Commission Cherof, City Attorney (~c/y~t~ ]ames A. To assist you in beginning your selection of a search consultant, ! have obtained the following listings through consultation with Managers at other municipalities. These companies are frequently listed in Public Management journals and are apparently well known and respected. V/ The PAR Group 100 N. Waukegan Road, Suite 200 Lake Bluff, IL 60044-1694 Tel: (847) 234-0005 Fax: (847) 234-8309 / / DMG Maximus Renee Narloch 1949 Commonwealth Lane Tallahassee, FL 32308 Tel' (850) 386-1101 Fax: (850) 386-3599 v~achlin Cohen & Holz 700 SE 3rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 Tel: (954) 525-1040 Fax: (954) 525-2004 PA Bennett Associates Richard T. Bennett 335 Washington Street Suite 12 Norwell, MA 02061 Tel: (781) 659-9950 Fax: (781) 659-9969 Honorable Mayor and City Clerk November 8, 1999 Page 2 Ralph Anderson & Associates (916) 630-4900 - Sacramento (214) 956-7097 - Dallas Slavin Management Consultants 3040 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite B1 Norcross, GA 30071-1357 Tel: (770) 449-4656 Fax.' (770) 416-0848 selection. S:ca~Comm\f4emo-Search Consultant UsUng By providing the foregoing ! am not suggesting that any one is more or less qualified than the other, but simply giving you a starting point to begin your MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR JERRY BROENING & C1TY COMMISSIONERS DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1999 FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK RE: Cancellation of .loint Commission/Chamber 11/8/99 Meeting The meeting scheduled on December 14, 1998, for one of the quarterly meetings of the City Commission with the Chamber of Commerce on November 8, 1999, was cancelled by telephone notification by Kathy Shabotynskyj. This came about when I called to confirm the date in preparation of the November 1999 calendar. Kathy mentioned that the August 9 meeting was not held until September 27; therefore, it did not seem necessary to have the November 8 meeting. It was not scheduled on our November 1999 calendar. I will await notification from Kathy or the City Manager's office what dates to include in the 1999 schedule. ¢: W. Hawkins, Intedm City Manager TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM November 8, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commission James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~.~ To assist you in beginning your selection of a search consultant, ! have obtained the following listings through consultation with Managers at other municipalities. These companies are frequently listed in Public Management journals and are apparently well known and respected. The PAR Group 100 N. Waukegan Road, Suite 200 Lake Bluff, ]:L 60044-1694 Tel: (847) 234-0005 Fax: (847) 234-8309 DMG Maximus Renee Narloch 1949 Commonwealth Lane Tallahassee, FL 32308 Tel: (850) 386-1101 Fax: (850) 386-3599 Rachlin Cohen & Holz 700 SE 3rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 Tel: (954) 525-1040 Fax: (954) 525-2004 PA Bennett Associates Richard T. Bennett 335 Washington Street Suite 12 Norwell, MA 02061 Tel: (781) 659-9950 Fax: (781) 659-9969 Honorable Mayor and City Clerk November 8, :[999 Page 2 Ralph Anderson & Associates (916) 630-4900 - Sacramento (2:[4) 956-7097 - Dallas $1avin Management Consultants 3040 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite B:[ Norcross, GA 3007:[-:1357 Tel: (770) 449-4656 Fax: (770) 416-0848 By providing the foregoing ! am not suggesting that any one is more or less qualified than the other, but simply giVing you a starting point to begin your selection. S:ca\Comm\Merno-Search Consultant Lisldng