R99-112R~SOLUTION NO. R99- H~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE LIBRARY LONG RANGE PLAN FOR 1999-2002; AND PROVIDINGAN EFFECTIVE DATE. WI4EREAS, the City of Boynton Beach Library provides a great service to all members of the community; and W/qEREAS, in order to insure that the public receives the highest quality of service, the Library Administrative staff has compiled a Long Range Ptan~for 1999-2002, which Plan requires formal approval by the City Commission; Wq{EREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to approve the Long Range Plan for 1999-2002, which Plan will also qualify the City to apply for State Grants; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby approves the Library Long Range Plan for 1999-2002. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective i~ediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7 day of September ,1999. Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commi s~s-i oner Commissioner Boynton Beach City Library Long-Range Plan iL Mission Statement The mission of the Boynton Beach City Library is to select, organi?e, preserve and make available, freely and easily, to all residents of the community, printed and other materials, within the limitations of space and budget, which will aid them in the pursuit of education, information, research, recreation and in the creative use of leisure tune; and further to provide skilled guidance in the use of the library and its materials and electronic resources. B. Service Statement: The Boynton Beach City Library provides our customers with the best resources and personal service. C. Long-Range Goals - General Statements. The following goal statements define the philosophy of service and determine the broad-based elemems of the practical implementation of the library service philosophy subscribed to by the Boynton Beach City Library. 1.0. Reference. Patrons receive up-to-date and accurate information in a timely manner with assismce from courteous and intuitively alert staff. 2.0. Popular. Patrons have access to current, high demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats, within a reasonable time frame. Independent Learning. Independent learners obtain materials, programs, information and staff assistance to attain their goals. 4.0. Formal Education. Students of all ages receive resources and staff support assisted by a strong library/school relationship. Facilities. Patrons are provided attractive, well-maintained, user friendly facilities offering expanded technologies. Staff. The public is assisted by knowledgeable, well-mined, courteous, technology and se~ce-oriented staff. Technolok, v. Patrons and staff use appropriate technology to facilitate access to informatiom Public Relations. The community is aware of library/museum resources and materials and the availability of staff assistance. 9*0. 10.0. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2.0. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Objective 3. 1999-2002. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Cooperation. Palm Beach County residents have access to expanded services and resources by the library's participation in cooperative networks. Administration. The public receives the highest quality library service product at the most reasonable cost through routine review, evaluatior~ and modification of the organization and its' operations, policies, and procedures. Goals and Objectives. Reference. Patrons receive up-to-date and accurate information in a timely manner with assistance from courteous and intuitively alert sta~ Objective 1. Increase questions answered by two percent (2%) per year, using FY1998as the base year, 1999-2000. Objective 2. Continue to improve patron access to reference materials and magazine articles, in all formats including electronic resources, by expending 20% of State Aid Funds in this area, for the period of Fyi999-2000. Objective 3. Plan, develop and implement a business, finance and government information service program, 1999-2002. Objective 4. Serve as the infomtional resource center for education issues and the new Boynton Beach High School 1999-2001. Popular. Patrons have access to current, tfigh demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats, within a reasonable time frame. Objective 1. Complete overview of a Collection Development Plan by 30 September 1998 and develop and adopt full Collection Development Plan by December 1999. Objective 2. Increase total materials circulation (all formats) by five percent (1%) annually, 1997-2002. Increase total number of library cardholders by percent (5%) annually, Objective 4. Expand the collection in all formats by expending up to 20% of State Aid funds in this area, 1999-2000. Objective 5. Improve patron access to circulating and reference materials in all formats (including electronic resources), ongoing. Objective 6. Increase usage of the media/technology area of the library 1999-2002. 3.0. 3.2. 3.3. 3.5. 3.6. 4.0. 4.1. 4.2. 5.0. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. Independent Learning. Independent learners obtain materials, programs, information and staff assistance to attain their goals. Objective 1. Refine and expand youth and adult computer training, concentrating on word-processing and Interact usage, 1999-2002. Objective 2. Measure public use of electronic resources against a 1997 baseline, 1999-2002. Objective 3. Increase in-house tutoring in Adult Literacy Program, ongoing. Objective 4. Finalize plans utilizing hands-on technology and local historical themes for 1913 Schoolhouse Museum by January 2000. Obiective 5. Plan, implement and promote a Library After-School Mentoring/Tutoring Program with emphasis on Library Services, 1999-2002. Objective 6. Cont'mue the Youth programs and implement refinements, 1999-2000. Objective 7. Provide at least 10 workstations for public training in the use of the Library's electronic resources at ne'~laborhood sites throughout the City, 1999-2002. (This is cont'mgem upon the successful application for a federal LSTA grant.) Formal Education. Students of all ages receive resources and staff support ass'kqted by a strong h'orary/school relationship. Objective 1. Develop one additional school partnership program annually, 1999- 2002. Objective 2. Monitor the state's Long-Distance Learning Plan and incorporate relevant elements into the library's plan, 1999-2002. Facilities· Patrons are provided attractive, well-maintained, user-friandly facilities offer'rog expanded, relevant and appropriate technologies. Objective 1. Reassess and implement Adult and Reference Services area enhancement projects, Objective 2. Open Schoolhouse Museum in 1999 and operate annually, 1999-2002. Objective 3. Submit minimum of four (4) grants per year for the ongoing operations of the Schoolhouse Museum, 1999-2002. Objective 4. Develop and implemem audiovisual department plan to enhance customer u 'tflization, 2001-2002. 5.5. 5.7. 5.8. 7.0. 7.1 7.2. 7.3. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. Ob,ieetive 5. Completion ofthe computer lab project, 1999-2002. Objective 6. Review and evaluate the Circulation Area processes and plan to improve service response time to the Library customer, 2000-2002. Objective 7. Replace old shelving in Adult and Reference collection areas, September 2001. (CIP Program) Ob,|eetive 8. Expand existing L~rary physical plant, 2003. (CIP program) Stag The public is assisted by knowledgeable, well-trained, courteous, technology and service oriented staff Ob,ieetive 1. Complete comprehensive staff training plan, September 2000. Objective 2. Incorporate city's education/training component into staff training plans by September 2000. Teehnolok, v. Patrons and staff use appropriate technology to facilitate access to informatiom Objective 1. Continue expansion and replacement of existing public access to electronic tools. Objective 2. Develop and implement plans for incorporating electronic L~rary access in the Museum, 1999-2000. Objective 3. Develop policies and procedures, train staff and implement Selfcheck System program, 1999-2000. Ob,~eetive 4. Upgrade COALA network, September 2002. (CIP program) Public Relations. The community is aware of library/mnseum resources and materials and the availability of staffassismce. Ob,ieetive 1. Review techniques and methods for marketing/promoting the Library throughout the community, develop and implement a public relations plan which will facilitate community awareness, 1999-2002. Ob.|eetive 2. Conduct a comprehensive user survey annually to determine the customer satisfaction level, 1999-2002. Objective 3. Continue to build a closer working relationship with news media, ongoing. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 9.1. 9.4. 9.5. 9.7, 9.8. 9.9. 9.10. 9.11. Objective 4. Build a 3-way partnership among the Library, Museum and schools utilizing technology and the Interact connection, 2000-2002. Objective 5. 2002. Develop and begin utilizing a Marketing Plan for the Museum, 2000- Objective 6. Utilize the Intemet to promote the City and its services, ongoing. Cooperation. Palm Beach County residents have access to expanded services and resources by the h'brary's participation in cooperative networks. Ob.iec{ive 1. Increase staffparticipation ia Seflln, 1999-2002. Objective 2. Expand membership in the Library cooperative of the Palm Beaches, 1999-2002. Objective 3. Develop a COALA expansion of services plan and implement, 1999- 2002. Objective 4. Improve access to library materials and programs by promoting the shnt~g of resources among the member libraries of the Library Cooperative of the Palm Beaches, 1999-2002. Objective 5. Improve access to information for residents of all ages by promoting Library Cooperative reference program~, 1999-2002. Objective 6. Increase the availability of h~brary resources and services to serve special populations within the Library Cooperative scawiee area, 1999-2002. Objective 7. Increase awareness of programs, services and benefits of the Library Cooperative, 1999-2002. Objective 8. Provide equal access to public library service for all residents in the Library Cooperative service area, 1999-2002. Objective 9. Increase the effectiveness of member library staff by providing appropriate continuing education and training opporttmities, 1999-2002. Objective 10. Promote cooperation among Library Cooperative members by involving staffat all levels in plarmlng and evaluation, 1999-2002. Objective 11. Continue and expand cooperative services and staffparticipation in COALA and the Library Cooperative of the Palm Beaches, 1999-2002. 10.0. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. Administration. The public receives the highest quality library service product at the most reasonable cost through routine review, evaluation, and modification of the organization, and its' operations, policies, and procedures. Objective 1. Publish library policies that promote fair and equitable patron service, facilitate optimal access to the wide range of informational resources, and are relevant to the needs and demands of the community, 1999-2002. Objective 2. Review, evaluate and assess existing procedural manual for relevance and currency, 1999-2002. Objective 3. Conduct annual reviews of hbrary policies and procedures so as to insure relevance, currency and effective community access to the htn'ary's information resources, 1999-2002. Objective 4. Revise and update the Long-Range Plan reflecting current and future needs for the provision of quality library services and information resources to the community, 1999-2002. Addendum A. Library Technological Services Plum 1.0 Goal Statement. It is the intent of this library to establish, maintain and continue to develop an environment that facilitates effieiant and effective public access to the wide range of informational resources available through the use of state-of-the-art technological tools. An optimum accessibility environment would include the use of current technology, such as computers, electronic assistive devices, wide area networLs (WANs), internet and other telecommunication tools, ed-rom local area networks (LANs), online catalogs and the like. In this "patron friendly' technological context, the training of all h'brary staff members and patron/clients alike is an essential element in the maintenance and growth of such an information rich environment. The knowledge of the "hows, the whats and the wheres of the technological tools of our information age is the key to success. Therefore, the training of library staff members and patron/users is a pivotal consideration in the h'brary's current and future service programs and operations involving the use of technological tools. It is implicit that technology and training are critical components in the formula necessary for the development and execution of high quality and effective information services to Library's customers, including those clients with special needs and the community at large. 2.0. Subgoal 1. To provide for expanded client access to the informational resources available at the local, regional, state, national and international levels through the increased utilization of state-of-the-art technological tools and resources. 2.1 Objective 1. (Hardware and Software). To acquire the technological capability enabling the expansion of access to the wide range of informational resources and the maintenance of a secure and safe electroulc environment. 2.2. Objective 2. (Telecommunications). To secure the appropriate communications technologies so as to insure a reasonable level of consistent, effective, secure and safe interact/World Wide Web access for all library patrons/users. 2.3. Objective 3. (Administration). To develop and implement policies and procedures which will provide for an efficient and effective public service product, an internal structure to operate and maintain the service and a cost effective product environment. 2.4. Ob.iective 4. (Administration). To develop an organizational structure which will provide for the maintenance and support of the public access internet/Web service product, as well as other o~xline services to the patron/user. 3.0o Subgoal 2. (Partnerships). To establish working partnerships with the community at large, including local Governmental entities, educational organi?ations/institutions, cultural agencies and civic groups in order to support and promote quality h'brary electronic service programs throughout the community. 3.1. Objective 1. (Commtmity). To establish a team of local representatives to assist in the development of a plan of action, which would determine effective approaches to supporting and promoting technological accessibility to information by the general public. Some considerations would include the optimization of interact/Web and distant learning capabil/ties. 3.2. Objective 2. (Partnerships). To establish partnerships with local community groups, organizations, institutions, etc., for the purpose of supporting and promoting public access to interact/Web and other electronic information service relevant to patron/user needs and the needs of the community at large. 3.3. Objective 3. (Partnerships). To establish other eommuulty partnerships through the promotion of those services that provide increased accessibility to those information resources demonstrating the most relevance to specific patron needs and demands. 4.0. Subgoal 3. (Hardware and Sottware). To enhance/upgrade existing access tools through the introduction of technologies and knowledges that promote efficient, effective and expanding use of and access to the wide range of informational resources by the library's patron/users and the comrmmity at large. 4.1. Objective 1. (Electronic Products). To enhance and expand public accessib'flity to the wide range of information resources through a continuing process of introducing relevant technological tools. In addition to relevance, these tools should also produce efficient, effective, secure and high quality public service product results. 4.2. Ob,ieetive 2. (Training). To develop an ongoing h'brary staff and patron/user training program which will establish and maintain basic technological skills. It will include intemet/Web access and search strategies, using and searching the online catalog and other skills and knowledges required to function in an electronic information environment and give a working knowledge of the technological tools and resources available in the library.