Minutes 08-04-98 MI'NUTES OF THE REGULAR CTTY COMMTSSI'ON MEETI'NG HELD I'N COMMISSTON CHAMBERS`, CTTY HALL`, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI'DA`, ON TUESDAY,, AUGUST 4`, :1.998 AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz, Vice Mayor Henderson Tillman, Mayor Pro Tem Jamie Titcomb, Commissioner Nellie Denahan, Commissioner Kerry Willis, City Manager Jim Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk 1'. OPENZNGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Rabbi Max Roth of Temple Beth Kodesch C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tern Henderson Tillman Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Rabbi Roth offered the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Tillman. D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz requested the addition under Presentations of Item II.B.2, a Report of the Senior Advisory Board, and the addition of Item A. under New Business Item X, Report on construction of the Mausoleum at the City's Cemetery. Mayor Taylor requested the deletion under Legal of Item XI.C.1. Item will be addressed earlier on the Agenda under Public Hearings. 2. Adoption Commissioner Titcomb moved Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. II. ADMINISTRATIVE: to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0. Vice Mayor A. Appointments to be made: MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Appointment To Be Made Board Length of Term Expiration Date TV Tillman* Bldg. Bd. Of Adj. & Appeals Alt I yr term to 4/99 TABLED-3 I Titcomb Code Compliance Board Alt 1 yr term to 9/98 T! Denahan Code Compliance Board Reg 3 yr term to 9/99 Mayor Taylor Community Relations Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/99 Mayor Taylor* Education Advisory Board Stu I yr term to 4/99 TABLED-3 T Titcomb Planning & Development BoardAlt I yr term to 4/99 Mayor Taylor appointed Dr. Floyd M. Bell as an alternate member of the Community Relations Board. MOtion Vice Mayor ]askiewicz moved to approve the appointment as stated and table the others. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A, Announcements 1. Mayor Taylor announced that the first City Commission Meeting in September and the first public Budget Hearing would be held on Thursday, September 3, 1998. The quarterly meeting of the City Commission and the Chamber of Commerce will be held on Monday, August 10, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room. B. Presentations: Proclamation from the City of Ormond Beachf Florida dated July 7, 1998. Mayor Taylor asked Fire Chief Bingham to take the podium. Mayor Taylor read the Proclamation expressing Ormond Beach's appreciation for outstanding service provided to the Ormond Beach Community by the City of Boynton Beach during the recent firestorm crises. On behalf of the City Commission, Mayor Taylor expressed MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 appreciation to City's firefighters for the outstanding manner in which the Fire Department represented the City during this crisis. B. Betty Collins, Chairperson of the Senior Advisory Board Betty Collins, 1010 SW 3rd Way, Boynton Beach, addressed the Commission and stated she was present this evening to express her deep appreciation to the Mayor and the Commissioners for their decision to move forward on the creation of a senior center in Boynton Beach. Ms. Collins presented the Mission Statement of the Senior Advisory Board to the Mayor and Commissioners and stated that purpose of the senior center will be for providing information and referrals on health, nutrition, education and leisure services for all seniors in the area. Also envisioned are social services, support groups, and creative and educational activities, with daily nutritional meals also being offered. MS. Collins pointed out that the Senior Center could be available for community and private rentals. Mayor Taylor informed the audience that the City is moving forward on the purchase of the property for the senior center and hopefully the contract for purchase will be finalized shortly. Vice Mayor _laskiewicz thanked the members of the Senior Advisory Board for the infOrmative booklet presented to the Commission this evening and asked them to stand in recognition of their fine work. TV. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Pro Tem Tillman requested that Ttem C.4 and item D.2 be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. A. Minutes Regular City Commission Meeting of .luly 21, 1998 Commissioner Denahan stated that the Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of _luly 21, 1998 be amended by deleting the word "McDougal' on Page 3, Item B.1, and inserting in place the word "McDonald" wherever the word appears. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1997-98 Adopted Budget 3 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Approve piggybacking the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY'S CIVIL ENGINEERING, CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CONTRACT, to the approved firms as per staff's recommendation Approve purchase of ten (10) DAVIS EMU/SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS for the designated Lift Stations from A. Guthrie and Associates in the amount of $58,040 Approval to extend the "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DELIVERED REFRESHMENTS (LATCHKEY AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM)" for one additional year to Sandra L. Stroke in the amount of $12,834 Award MATERIALS AND LABOR TO REPLACE THE TRAFFIC DECK COATING ON THE PARKING GARAGE AT CITY HALL to Atlantic Waterproofing, Inc., in the amount of $74,536, (Proposed Resolution No, R98-128 ) C. Resolutions: Proposed Resolution No. R98-129 Re: Otley's Letter of Intent for Lucille & Proposed Resolution No. R98-130 Re: Approving the abandonment of a 20' wide alley, 150' in length, lying westerly of Lots #9, #10 and #11, Block 1 of Lake Addition Proposed Resolution No. R98-131 Re: Amending Resolution R98- 127 to change first budget public hearing date to Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. Proposed Resolution No. R98-132 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Village of Golf providing for fire and rescue services to the Village of Golf by the City of Boynton Beach Item IV.C.4 removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Proposed Resolution No. R98-133 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Housing Authority providing for the provision of supplemental police services to the Authority MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 D. Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: Mobil Station at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue (2065 SW 15th Avenue) - Lighting for the IVlobil Gas Station Communication Pole on Recreation Dedicated Land (Quantum Park) - Change Land Development Regulations to allow the placement of a communications pole on recreation-designated land located within a Planned Industrial Development Ttem [V.D.2 removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Approve expenditure of Law Enforcement Trust Funds in the amount of $2,000 to "WE CHANGE" Motion Mayor Pro Tem Tillman moved that the Consent Agenda, with the exceptions of Items C-4 and D-2, and the Minutes of the July 21, 1998 Regular Commission Meeting, as amended, be approved. Vice Mayor .laskiewicz seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA DISCUSSZON ITEM: TV.C.4 Proposed Resolution No. R98- 132 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Village of Golf providing for fire and rescue services to the Village of Golf by the City of Boynton Beach. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman inquired how the price of the agreement was arrived at and how it compares with other agreements that the City has with other municipalities? City Manager Willis responded that this particular interlocal agreement will provide fire and rescue services to the City of Golf and is a renegotiated extension of the existing agreement that expired this year. The Agreement calls for a payment of $92,500 for the first three years with increases in future years. Chief Bingham responded that this is an increase over last year's price of $90,000 and a two and one-half percent increase was added to the contract. A CPI; formula increase will be applied in future years. The number of calls, population and other factors determined the price of the contract. MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Motion ViCe Mayor .laskiewicz moved that the Proposed Resolution No. R98-132 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Village of Golf providing for fire and rescue services to the Village of Golf by the City of Boynton Beach be approved. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tillman and carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA DTSCUSSION ITEM I'V.D.2 Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: Communication Pole on Recreation Dedicated land (Quantum Park) - Change Land Development Regulations to allow the placement of a communications pole on recreation-designated land located within a Planned Tndustrial Development. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman questioned what this action intends to change in the P:[D. City Manager Willis stated that this item was not included as an proposed use in a P:[D, which was simply an oversight from the current code and it is an appropriate use for that location. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Tillman moved that the Planning and Development Board approval of a communication pole on recreation dedicated land (Quantum Park) - Change Land Development Regulations to allow the placement of a communications pole on recreation-designated land located within a Planned Industrial Development be ratified. Motion seconded by Commissioner Denahan and carried 5-0. V. CTTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. G.A.L.A. Strategic Plan - Melody Green, Recreation Superintendent City Manager Willis asked Ms. Green to take the podium to present the new G.A.L.A. Strategic Plan and to give an overview of the Committee's progress to date. Ms. Green stated that for several months members of the Chamber of Commerce, City Board Chairpersons, community business leaders and City staff participated in three MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 strategic planning sessions. Missions, strategies, goals and objectives were developed for future expansion of G.A.L.A. Ms. Green read into the record a letter from Chairman of the Board of the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce, Mike Bottcher. "The Chamber applauds the City's efforts to evaluate, expand and ultimately spin-off the annual G.A.L.A. event to a separate entity with professional guidance. The Chamber of Commerce has been involved in the G.A.L.A. for a number of years and we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this process. "We feel the G.A.L.A. has a lot of potential for growth and visibility as the Visions 20/20 process evolves. We would welcome the opportunity of having a representative from our Chamber participate on the newly formed G.A.L.A. Executive Committee. As you may know, we have contracted with two outside consultants who are researching a signature event for our organization and we have asked them to review the G.A.L.A. as an option. "Again, thank you for inviting us to be a part of this process and look forward to the formation of an Executive Committee and future meetings." Ms. Green stated the vision decided upon is to make the G.A.L.A. a unique, nationally acclaimed destination for families. The mission is to promote Boynton Beach as a world class City, as well as the G.A.L.A. becoming a self-supporting festival. City action teams and all types of corporations will be encouraged to participate. Ms. Green stated that a considerable amount of time went into establishing the vision and mission of the G.A.L.A. and highlighted the specific strategies that will be focused upon and how the G.A.L.A. can be expanded. More community members will be participating in the planning and an Executive Board will be formed. Volunteerism will be increased. Operating the G.A.L.A. as a business is being considered and potential revenue sources need to be identified. Fees and charges will be reviewed. Consideration is being given to creating a 501.C.3 foundation. During this transition period, actual hours worked by staff are being reduced, and methods of reducing the cost to the City are being considered. The ultimate goal is to turn the event over to another agency or organization. Sponsorships will be sought to attract more entertainment. At the recommendation of Visions 20/20 consultant, a new water-based theme is being exPlored. :In the future, the Marina area will be incorporated into G.A.L.A. Ms. Green asked if there were any questions. 7 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Commissioner Titcomb inquired if it was realistic that the G.A.L.A. would have its own budget by 19997 Ms. Green stated that the Executive Board is coming together and that all direct expenses will be covered, except for staff. The goal for the first year is to reduce staff time by 50% by increasing the number of volunteers. IVlayor Taylor inquired if the City realized any profit from last year's G.A.L.A. IVls. Shea responded that the City profited approximately $7,000 last year. lVlayor Taylor stated that the G.A.L.A. should become a community event and the City should not be involved in the G.A.L.A. A future date should be set to turn the G.A.L.A. over to another entity entirely, or the City will no longer run the G.A.L.A. IVlayor Taylor colmmended the City staff for the outstanding job they have performed in presenting the G.A.L.A. annually. At the upcoming workshop with the Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Taylor said he would recommend that the G.A.L.A. be taken over by them or some other entity. Commissioner Titcomb inquired if the creation of the 501.C corporation was specifically for the purpose of running the G.A.L.A. Iris. Green stated that was correct. Also, in order for festivals of this type to grow, a foundation must be created. Commissioner Titcomb inquired as to the timeframe involved in this decision. Ms. Green stated it possibly could be accomplished within two years and if so directed, coUld be accomplished within one year. Mayor Taylor stated another entity should be encouraged to run at least 50% of the G.A.L.A. in :[999 and by 2000 to take it over entirely. Ms. Green stated that plan was very workable. B. Employee [ncentive Awards City Manager Willis asked Mr. Wilfred Hawkins, Support Services Manager to present an overview of the Employee Incentive Awards. City Manager Willis stated the program was instituted last year by the Commissioners to encourage employees to develop new and creative methods to increase customer service and efficiencies in service delivery to citizens. The City is extremely pleased with the quality of the submittals that were received for consideration. Each winning team will share an award of $1,000.00. City Manager Willis commended all of the staff for the excellent ideas submitted. Mr. Hawkins took the podium and expressed staff's appreciation for all of the submittals that were presented. Sixteen submittals were received and ten will be receiving awards tonight. Certificates will be presented to each team member. Mr. Hawkins asked Mayor TaYlor and City Manager Willis to assist in handing out the Certificates. 8 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Honorable Mention: Honorable Mention: Winner: Winner: Golf Course Proposal for obtaining a better grade of toilet paper and changing to another manufacturer of liquid soap used in the dispensers to a better grade to prevent soap from leaking out of the dispensers. These were cost savings measures that have been implemented Citywide. _loseph Sciortino Freda DeFosse Dominic DeMauro Golf Course Director Administrative Assistant T! Warehouse Supervisor Code Enforcement Department Arranged for the procurement of 67 signs from the Solid Waste Authority for posting throughout the City in order to control illegal dumping in the City, Scott Blasie Michael Landress Willie Webb Code Enforcement Supervisor Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Golf Course !nstituting a V.!.P. Program, which involves the selection of a player from the player pool on daily basis to receive golf related gifts, a nametag, and the golfer's name is displayed at the starter's booth. The program has been very well received and ties in with the City's Customer Service Priority I Program. Dan Hager _loe Sciortino Freda DeFosse Dan Miller Chris Gable Head professional Golf Course Director Administrative Assistant !! Certified Golf Course Supervisor Assist. Golf Course Supt. Public Works Department Submitted a proposal to reduce the cost of debris disposal by contracting with a new company for disposal, whereby reducing the cost of debris disposal for seven yards from 9 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR ClT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, '1998 Winner: Winner: $290 to $52. $17,136.00. This amounted to an annual savings of Robert Gibson George Mantell Gary Beane Thomas Collins Bill Federer Lura Lester Mark Pyne Jose Soto Gary Werner Roads & Street Supervisor Foreman III/Team Supervisor Equipment Operator III Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker Ii Maintenance Worker Ii Sign Shop Operator Maintenance Worker II Equipment Operator III Police Department Implemented a saving of $6,000.00 in photo processing to the police department whereby only finished prints will be developed of all major crimes and crime scenes. Negatives only will be made for lesser crimes. William Mitchell Gerald Nault Sgt. John Smith Michael Munro Kenneth Herndon Evidence Custodian Crime Scene Technician Investigative Services Support Services Administrator Crime Scene Technician Fire Rescue Implemented the addition of a compressed air foam system to an ambulance type unit of a fire suppression technique. This vehicle will be able to handle vehicle fires, dumpster fires, and fuel spills in the event a traditional fire vehicle may be delayed due to other emergencies. This has set the standard for future fire rescue units. By designing and implementing this technique by the City's in-house staff, this resulted in savings of $4,000-6,000 in design and development fees. Jim Ness Steve Gale Bill Gulbrandsen Deputy Fire Chief Deputy Fire Chief Battalion Chief 10 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR ClT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Winner: Winner: Ron Ruddy Tom Murphy Lieutenant Firefighter Public Works (Customer Service Priority 1) To enhance customer service the Administration Office expanded operating hours from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (old hours 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). Future enhancement of customer service includes setting standards, answer phone within two rings, and follow through on customer complaints. · Chris Roberts Roseana Derosier Vicki Rogerson Paul Leblanc Stephanie Soplop Admin. Asst./Team Supervisor Public Works Administration Public Works Administration Public Works Administration Public Works Administration Fire and Life Safety DiVision, Fire Rescue Department Developed and implemented eight customer service improvements including, expanding business hours, cross training all personnel in the division, safety personnel available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to answer questions, pagers are carried, produced in-house "the after fire booklet". Winner: Steve Gale Bob Borden Lisa Liu _lim MacTntyre Katie McCray Eric Wandell Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Assistant Fire Marshal Fire Rescue Department Fire Inspector Fire :Inspector Fire Tnspector Public Works/Sanitation/Front Loader Drivers Developed a route consolidation that allowed for each driver to work four 10[hour days, which eliminates one route each day. Drivers reconfigured the routes, resulting in more efficient routes and eliminated the need to purchase a new front load vehicle, resulting in a saving of approximately $133,000 to the City. 11 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Winner: Winner: Winner: Larry Quinn John Byers Allen Hatcher Eddie Roberts Charles Smith Assistant Public Works Director Equipment Operator [V Equipment Operator TV Equipment Operator !V Equipment Operator !V City Manager's Office Purchased a basic automated software package for tracking customer complaints at a cost of $8,000, as opposed to purchasing a complete software package for approximately $25,000-30,000; through team effort expanded the software in-house, with no additional cost to the City. The City now has in place a good and functional citizen's complaint tracking system, known as the Citizen's Action Center. Doug Solomon Carolina Luque Susan Berman Wilfred Hawkins Dale Sugerman Microsystem Analyst Micro Support Specialist Citizen Action Center Coordinator Manager of Support Services Assistant City Manager Cemetery Through staff's initiative, the Cemetery staff purchased a small word processing printer, copied records from the City Clerk's Office and inputted the records into a database program. This now affords the staff a much better opportunity to service the public by having all this information readily available at the Cemetery. Hark Aniki Wayne Chambers Daniel Feliciano Steven Harris Foreman Maintenance Worker [ Equipment Operator ! Equipment Operator ! Parks Division Six highly visible City locations, which had been maintained by contractors, were taken over by City workers. These locations included City Hall and nearby properties, whereby the quality of the work improved at these locations and the 12 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 workers assumed an increased workload and greater responsibilities. This resulted in a saving of $32,560.00 to the City. Mark Aniki Silvio Attanasio Thomas Balfe Betty Beckles Arthur Brode Wayne Chambers Susan Claude Christopher Collet Richard Cruit Norman Dawson Asnor Dor Russell Eichorst Daniel Feliciana Glenda Hall .~ames Harris Steven Harris Clarence Hickman Frank Inglese Reginald Jonas Todd Nault Daniel Perales Arthur Peterson Royston Reddick Robert Ribatto Donald Roberts Andrae Robinson Dwight Saulter Michael Taillefer Norman Turner Randy Weeks Alfred Wilson Foreman Trrigation T Foreman T Foreman T Foreman T Maintenance Worker T Maintenance Worker TT Equipment Operator [ Maintenance Worker [ Trrigation Specialist T Maintenance Worker Ti Foreman T Equipment Operator T Parks Supervisor Equipment Operator T Equipment Operator [ Equipment Worker Trrigation Specialist Ti Equipment Operator [ Maintenance Worker T Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker T Maintenance Worker Foreman T Maintenance Worker [T Maintenance Worker ! Maintenance Worker Ti Equipment Operator ! Forman Foreman T Maintenance Worker ! Mayor Taylor expressed appreciation for these employees' initiatives on behalf of the c ty. 13 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Recommendation of Contracting for/or Outsourcing Meter Reading and Services, Utility Billing and Customer Services. City Manager Willis asked Assistant City Manager Dale Sugerman to give an update on this issue. Mr. Sugerman stated that approximately one year ago the City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for providing certain services in utility billing and meter readings by outside sources. The City in requesting the RFP was simplistic in its approach to obtaining the proper information to accomplish the City's goals with regard to utility billing, meter reading and other customer services. Also, it was not entirely known what actual services the City was offering and the value of contracting those services out. There was no mechanism in place to measure the services in keeping them in house or contracting them out. Staff requested that the City Commission reject the bids approximately eight months ago and the City Commission complied. At that time, Mr. Sugerman stated he would re-write the RFP. Also, prior to the Commission endorsing the new proposal, staff would study its own operations for the purpose of improving the City's services. Referencing the report included in the Agenda, Mr. Sugerman stated that staff has done an outstanding job performing the City's customer service function. New hardware and software has been purchased so that utility billing can be done in-house. It is important that the City retain the customer database information and combined with the new software, it is believed that an elevated level of service can be provided to the City's customers. Training sessions are taking place for all utility employees. Therefore, Mr. Sugerman recommended that the City not authorize the release of an official RFP and that those services remain in house to be performed by current City employees. ViCe Mayor Jaskiewicz stated that it was an objective to have an envelope included with uti!ity billing in order that current City information could be provided to residents. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz inquired if this was still under consideration and if so, what was the time frame for implementation of an envelope for billing? Mr. Sugerman stated that the Ci~ will have an envelope system, but was unable to state a date at this time. Mr. Sugerman stated that staff is addressing the year 2000 compliance issue. This needs to be resolved first, before implementing the utility billing envelope function. Commissioner Titcomb inquired if the City currently jobber contracts any mailing outside the City? Mr. Sugerman stated that "Fun Fare" magazine is currently contracted out. Commissioner Titcomb added that it was a priority of the Commission that information 14 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 be disseminated to the public. Hr. Sugerman stated that the delay for use of the envelopes was due to outdated technology and if it were contracted outside the City, it would be too long and expensive a process, as opposed to waiting for the new system to come on line. These alternatives have been explored. At the present time, the utility bills are printed on a postcard and there is no mechanism in place to print on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper to be folded and stuffed into an envelope. Mayor Taylor inquired if anyone in the audience wished to address the Commission on this issue. Tony Soviero, President of Data Management Associates, Delray Beach, FlOrida took the podium and stated that his company had submitted a proposal to the City's RFP and that his firm currently serves the City of Hollywood, Florida in its meter reading, utility billing and customer service areas. Mr. Soviero stated that the City should solicit RFP's if only for the purpose of determining what private companies have to offer for services. He stated that based upon his analysis there would be a minimum of $:[00,000 in savings initially and twice that amount after a certain period of time. This is based on a budget of $750,000 that the City spends at this time. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman inquired how long would it be before the City's system becomes fully operational and would pay for itself?. Mr. Sugerman pointed out that tonight it was demonstrated how City employees have saved the City between $300,000/400,000, improved productivity and enhanced customer efficiency not for the small monetary reward, but because they are part of the City of Boynton Beach's organization. City employees feel they are part of the City's family. Employees have shown they want to work hard for the City by becoming innovative and creative and at the same time provide good customer service. Tf this function were privatized, employees would lose their jobs and perhaps there might be a saving of $100,000.00. What would happen to customer service efficiency if it were no longer provided by City staff?. Mr. Sugerman stated he was unable to measure how much savings would occur by contracting these services out, but stated if the services remain in house, you will see employees become more efficient, productive and offering higher levels of customer service. iVlayor Taylor thanked Hr. Sugerman for his presentation, but looking at the issue from the City's prospective, the best ways that the City can provide these services at the best price must be determined. IVlayor Taylor stated he was in agreement that these services remain in-house, if it is the best way to proceed. Also, Mayor Taylor stated 15 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 there were questions raised about the pay and classification of the customer relation's clerk not being high enough. If the pay and classification study indicates these employees should receive more pay, and since the City is not attracting qualified people to fill these positions, this would translate to increased costs. Mayor Taylor also stated that it has not been determined how much and how long additional training is needed for these employees to start performing at peak level. Mayor Taylor also stated that it is important for the City to maintain the City's database, but there have been no figures presented for comparison to keeping these services in house as opposed to contracting them out. Mr. Sugerman stated he was not sure if a figure could be furnished, but Mr. Sugerman made a commitment to work with the employees to prove that they can perform the work required and if this is not accomplished, then the City should pursue the RFP process. Mayor Taylor inquired if there was any further discussion and if anyone from the audience wished to address the Commission. Brian Edwards, 629 NE 9th Avenue, Boynton Beach took the podium and stated as a resident of the City his loyalty goes to the City employees. He has always been treated courteously and has never had a complaint against any City employee. Mr. Edwards asked for clarification of including additional news in the envelopes that would be used for utility billing and if this would be an additional cost. Commissioner Titcomb said this type of billing would be the same as the telephone bill in ~vhich the envelope is used as a delivery vehicle, which has already been paid for to deliver communication news pertinent to the customer. This would afford the City the opPortunity to dispense news to the residents by including a short newsletter with the uti!ity billing. Commissioner Titcomb stated this would incur an additional cost no matter how this function is accomplished. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz pointed out that currently the City mails out a newsletter periodically, but if the utility bill method were adopted, a monthly newsletter could be inc!uded with current City information instead of having to wait to receive City news on a quarterly basis. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz discussed different methods of printing the newsletter, whether it would be a separate enclosure or printed on the back of the billing. Dee Zibelli, 440 Ocean Parkway, Boynton Beach addressed the Commissioners and stated that since the City has purchased the computer equipment at an expense to the! City, it made no sense to contract the billing out. Also, Ms. Zibelli stated that the 16 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 City could not guaranty that the employees would be placed elsewhere within the City and 13 employees would lose their jobs. Ms. Zibelli agreed with Mr. Edwards sentiments regarding the politeness and courtesies that the City employees extend to the citizens of the City. Stephen Waldman, 41 Sausalito Drive, Boynton Beach addressed the Commissioners and stated his experience with the employees has been rewarding. Although most people think government is inefficient and ineffective, IVlr. Waldman stated that this does not exist in this City. :If utility billing were privatized, it would have a ripple effect among the employees and the employees should be given the opportunity to continue to demonstrate their concern for their jobs, the City and the community in general. Mayor Taylor stated that as policy makers, it is the responsibility of the Commission to look at these decisions and it is not the "matter of saving a buck", it is the Commission's job to make sure that the City is doing its job efficiently and effectively. It may turn out that the City employees are doing a premier job and there will be no need to look further to accomplish the job. Commissioner Denahan stated that this Commission should make a decision tonight on whether or not to accept Mr. Sugerman's proposal and allow the employees an opportunity to continue to perform the utility billing for the City. :It would be unfair to leave this hanging over the employees' heads. City Manager Willis recognized Pat Hughes, the Manager of the City's :Znformation Technology Service Department, who is in charge of installation of the software. Hr. Hughes stated that the City has purchased a new financial package, which includes a suite of financial and support services products that are specifically tailored to government, and utilities is the primary purchaser of the system. This new software will upgrade the City's account's receivable billing and will be combined with customer information services. Tt will also handle any type of billing in the future that the City may wish to utilize. Staff is currently studying different methods to handle the envelope mailing. A single invoice billing statement is anticipated for all City services, which in the end will reduce the cost of mailing to the City. Mr. Hughes stated it is anticipated that the new system will be going on line by .]une of next year, since 30,000 to 40,000 customer records must be converted to the new system. 17 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to accept staff's recommendation to retain utility billing functions in-house with the option to review it at the completion of the installation of a new system. Vice Mayor seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. VI. PUBLTC AUDZENCE Peggy Stranahan, Member of the Senior Advisory Board, 708 SW 24th Street, Boynton Beach presented additional data regarding the Senior Center. Ms. Stranahan was pleased that the Commissioners and the City were purchasing Lucille and Otley's for the Senior Center and hopes that the Senior Center will remain a Boynton Beach Senior Center and that will not become involved in any way with the Mae Volen Center of Boca Raton. Ms. Stranahan further stated that the Mae Volen Center has had monies available for use in the South County area and very little has been given for the seniors in Boynton Beach. Ms. Stranahan stated this should be looked into and that Boynton Beach receives its fair share of funds. Steven Waldman, 41 Sausalito Drive, Boynton Beach stated he is as an alternate on the Advisory Board for Children and Youth. Mr. Waldman informed the Commission that the Children's Advisory Board planted a butterfly garden at the Art's Center with the assistance of the Rotary Club, the Boynton Beach Garden Club and the Park's Department. Mr. Waldman gave a special thank you to Ms. Melody Green, Recreation Superintendent for all her support and thank you to Glenda Hall and Commissioner Denahan for their assistance. Secondly, Mr. Waldman stated that on Sunday, August 9th, the Advisory Board on Children and Youth, with the support of the Young Bowler's Association, will be sponsoring a double's bowling tournament for youths and adults at the Fairianes Center. Mr. Waldman presented the particulars for registration for anyone who wished to Participate and encouraged everyone to attend. Also, Mr. Waldman advised that on August 27th in the Library Program Room at 6:30 p.m. the Advisory Board on Children and Youth would be presenting a public forum on child safety in the schools. This is the first of several, programs being offered. At this forum, Boynton Beach Chief of Police Marshall Gage and Palm Beach County School DiStrict Police Chief, 3im Kelly will be giving presentations. 18 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Mayor Taylor thanked the Advisory Board on Children and Youth for the fine work they have performed on behalf of the youth in the City. Helen Schwartzenberg, 8876 Princess Donna West, Boynton Beach, stated that the Senior Center was a dream come true and that a lot of volunteers will be needed. Ms. Schwartzenberg introduced Mr. Bill Medlin, a former Palm Beach County Commissioner to the audience. Mr. Medlin stated he was present this evening to give his support for the Senior Center. Dorothy Davis, 2731 NW 2nd Street, Boynton Beach announced that a Cherry Hill Youth Career Day is being held on Saturday, August 8th at 10:00 a.m. at the Wilson Center. Everyone is invited to attend to lend support for the children in the City. Charles Lyons, 15 Colonial Club Drive, #100, Boynton Beach stated he applauds the City for recognizing its employees. He applauds the Police Department in their efforts and stated the City has lost in the last six years more than 60 employees who have left the City because of inadequate pay plans. Mr. Lyons pointed out that it costs $35,000 to train a police officer and if that officer leaves, it costs the City $70,000. Mr. Lyons stated that the City should not complain that the life and safety budget comprises 55% of the budget. Mr. Lyons further stated that this information was not provided at the budget hearings and that taxpayers are being provided with inadequate information. Mr. Lyons further complained about inaccurate information emanating from the City Manager's Office. Mayor Taylor stated that no one complained about 55% of the budget going to public safety throughout the City and this was merely pointed out at the budget hearings. Further, Mayor Taylor stated that the City is in the process of preparing a pay and classification study which will address these issues. City Manager Willis added that if any person has a problem with service from the City Manager's Office, the City Manager's Office should be contacted and requested that Mr. Lyons follow up his complaints with her office. Mayor Taylor asked if anyone else wished to address the Commission. There being none, Mayor Taylor closed the Public Audience portion of the meeting. 19 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 VTZ. PUBLIC HEARZNG: Adoption of the City of Boynton Beach 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant One-Year Action Plan (Proposed Resolution No. R98-134 Re: Adopting the City's CDBG One-year Action Plan) Wilfred Hawkins, Support Services Manager, took the podium and introduced Ms. Octavia Sherrod, the City's Community Redevelopment Program Coordinator. Mr. Hawkins referred the Commission to the comparative one-year ~llocation matrix (which is attached to and made a part of the minutes) for their referral and stated this is the second submittal of the City's one-year action plan to HUD. Mr. Hawkins stated the federal government mandates a public hearing to obtain community input into the plan and that the Secretary of HUD determines entitlement status. Metropolitan cities are guaranteed a certain sum of money pursuant to a formula used by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. That money will be made available to assist metropolitan areas to improve economic and social conditions. Cities must meet three national objectives, which are listed on the handout, and Mr. Hawkins read the list of eligible activities to the Commission. Mr; Hawkins referred to the City's one-year action plan for use of the various grant funds from federal, State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) and local match funds and reviewed the allocation of the funds with the Commission. Mr. Hawkins stated that beCause this is only the second entitlement year, it should continue to focus on the projects that were initiated in the first year so that they can be completed. Mri Hawkins stated that the $150,000 being allocated this year for CRA Programs be added to the Senior Citizen's Center, together with their allocation of $120,200 this year, would make the total funds available in 1999 for the Senior Citizen's Center at $395,400. Commissioner Denahan inquired what interests have been expressed in family development services for Iow-income residents. Mr. Hawkins stated that the Community Development office has been contacted by great many local organizations that intend to apply for these funds next year. Commissioner Denahan inquired what the timeframe would be in applying these funds to use and Mr. Hawkins stated after approval, the funds would be available in spring of next year. 20 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Mayor Taylor inquired if anyone in the audience wished to address the Commission regarding the Block Grant Funds. Ginny Foot, 2400 SW Ist Street, Boynton Beach stated she has operated a business in downtown Boynton Beach for 17 years and questioned that the $150,000 expenditure is being taken from the downtown CRA program and will be used for the Senior Citizen's Center. Mr. Hawkins stated that these funds could be used anywhere bY the CRA with a focus on economic development. ViCe Mayor ]askiewicz responded that the CRA referred to in the block grant funds is not the CRA funds that are derived from taxes. These are two separate funds and the block grant funds are federal monies. Coimmissioner Titcomb asked Mr. Hawkins to clarify how these funds could have been used in downtown if it was so decided. Mr. Hawkins stated the funds could have been used on the proposed promenade on Boynton Beach Boulevard, or assist with small business development. Commissioner Titcomb inquired if these types of funding have been identified from other sources and Mr. Hawkins stated that was correct. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman inquired if the S.H.T.P. funds were State funds. Mr. Hawkins said they were and S.H.I.P. funds had to be accounted to the Federal government. AlSo, the S.H.I.P. funds in the amount of $274,000 are in addition to the block grant funds. MOtion Vice Mayor ]askiewicz moved to approve Resolution R98-134, Adoption of the City of BoYnton Beach 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant One-year Action Plan. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tillman. Motion carried 5-0. VIii. BIDS None Ix~ None DEVELOPMENT PLANS 21 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR ClT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 X, NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Construction of the Mausoleum at the City's Cemetery Vice Mayor ]askiewicz expressed her concerns regarding the construction site of the mausoleum extension and that there has been no activity for several months. Also, a large dumpster has been overflowing for several months and no one is performing any work at the site. Vice Mayor ]askiewicz stated she was told that because the contractor complied with the inspection codes, the building permits are current. Vice Mayor ]aSkiewicz said the contractor should be cited by the Code Enforcement Department anid the area should be cleaned up and construction should commence as soon as i . possible. Mayor Taylor asked City Clerk Sue Kruse to give an update. Ms. Kruse said that Mr. Brady Osborne, President of Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Inc. reported to the Cemetery BOard that the contractor will be back on site the first week in August and that the mausoleum extension would be completed within four months. Mr. Osborne stated the delay in construction was due to the denial of his application to the City's Planning and Development Board for a variance on a side set back to build out closer to the street. Otis Walker~ 707 NW 3rd Street, Boynton Beach addressed the Commission and stated he was a member of the City's Cemetery Board. Mr. Walker stated that Mr. Osborne promised the Cemetery Board that work would begin this week, but no work has commenced to date. Mr. Walker said he spoke with the contractor's crew and they said construction should begin within a few days and that he will follow through on this issue. Mayor Taylor requested that Mr. Walker convey the Commission's concerns regarding the trash on the site and ask Mr. Osborne to remedy this problem. XT~ LEGAL Ordinances - second reading - PUBLTC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance O98-30 Re: Implementing the"FIorida Clean Indoor Air Act'; Florida Statute 386.201; Adopting the provisions 22 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 thereof; conflicts, Attorney Cherof providing for enforcement and penalties; providing for severability, codification and an effective date. read proposed Ordinance No. 098-30 by title only. Mayor Taylor stated this was the second reading and a Public Hearing and inquired if anyone would like to address the audience. There were none. MOtion Vice Mayor _]askiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance COmmissioner Denahan seconded the motion. The Clerk called the roll. 5-0. No. 098-30. Motion carried Proposed Ordinance O98-31 Re: Amending Chapter 1, of the Land Development Regulations, Article T~[, Definitions: Chapter 2, Section 6. Commercial District Regulations and Use Provisions; Chapter 2. Section I[.H. provision of off-street parking; and Chapter 2. Section 11.0 self-service storage facilities (mini- warehouses); providing for expansion of the definitions for self- storage facilities to differentiate between limited access self-storage facilities and multi-access self-storage facilities; providing for addition of limited access self-storage facilities to the list of permitted uses within the C-1 office/professional zoning district and providing for a change to the design requirements, Iocational criteria and other development standards for self-storage facilities; providing for conflicts, severability, codification and effective date. Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance O98-31 by title only. Mayor Taylor stated this was the second reading and a Public Hearing and inquired if anyone would like to address the audience. There were none. Attorney Cherof stated on Page 4 of staff comments, Paragraph K "Height" the language should read: "The maximum height for limited access storage facilities within the C-1 Zoning District shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. Limited access facilities 23 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 within the lVl-1 Zoning District shall conform to the maximum height for that district" Attorney Cherof stated that Paragraph C ("Parking") of staff comments, the second sentence of that paragraph should be deleted. I~lOtion COmmissioner Denahan moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O98-31, as amended. Commissioner Titcomb seconded the motion. The Clerk called the roll. IVlotion carried 5-0. NOne. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading C. Resolutions PROPOSED Resolution No. R98-134 CDBG One-year Action Plan. Re: Adopting the City's Ttem X[.C.[. addressed earlier under Public Hearings. D. Other 1. Report on Speed Humps Attorney Cherof stated that he had circulated a memorandum that the City of Sarasota had been challenged on that City's speed bump ordinance and program. The 12th Judicial Circuit had entered a final judgment declaring the speed bumps under Florida law were improper since they were characterized as traffic control devices under State law. The City of Sarasota has appealed the decision and the Florida League of Cities and Counties have become a party to the appeal. Attorney Cherof's recommendation to the Commission is that this City suspend any new projects that would place speed bumps in any part of the City, pending the outcome of the litigation. Attorney Cherof further stated it could take between six months to one year for a final ruling. 24 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 IVlayor Taylor stated that there is an elderly lady who continually calls him regarding the speed bump that was placed on 6th Street and has asked that the City remove the speed bump, as it has caused water to back up. These speed bumps were placed as a result of a petition of the residents on these streets. Originally speed bumps were only to be placed on 4th and 5th Streets, but one was also placed on 6th. Mayor Taylor questioned whether the Commission should consider removing the speed bump on 6th Street? ViCe IVlayor .laskiewicz stated that Mr. Kastarlak, Director of Development, personally visited this person and that the problem occurring with the water is in no way related to the placement of the speed bump. Bulent Kastarlak addressed the Commission and stated the reason the water was collecting at that point is that it had no place to go. A swale on either side of the road was suggested as a solution so that water would not collect. The resident was not agreeable to this solution. ViCe Mayor Jaskiewicz inquired when the survey of the residents was done was 6th Street included and lVlr. Roberts responded that it was included. Mayor Taylor inquired if ii would be possible to remove the speed bump without too much effort? Hr. Roberts replied it would not involve much effort to remove the speed bump. Vice IVlayor JaSkiewicz stated that if the speed bump were removed from 6th Street, all the traffic would shift to that street. City Manager Willis suggested that it should be determined if the speed bump should be moved to another location. 2. Policy Recommendations on Nuisance Abatement and Abandonment Activities City Manager Willis requested that this item be brought back to the next Commission meeting. IVlayor Taylor stated that item would be tabled. 3. Special Events Policy Wilfred Hawkins addressed the Commission regarding a special event policy for the City and stated that nine ordinances from other cities were reviewed in creating the draft ordinance being presented this evening for consideration. Mr. Hawkins stated that currently there is very little policy in place in the City regarding special events. There is no application or fee for administrative time spent on reviewing special event requests. Also, there is no definition as to what a special event is. The proposed ordinance now set~ specific standards for applying for a special event permit, including timeframes and fees. The ordinance is written that certain special event permits would be brought 25 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 before the Commission for approval, and staff would handle the smaller, routine events permit requests. Also, Mr. Hawkins suggested that an events handbook be published that would assist anyone applying for a permit. Mayor Taylor was in agreement with Mr. Hawkins presentation, however, felt that the draft ordinance presented to the Commission needs clarification and suggested that issue be tabled in order to confer with the City Manager. Further, Mayor Taylor said that recommendations for a permit should be included and also suggested that there should be some process for a waiver in the event a short notice request was received. These issues need to be addressed. Mayor Pro Tem Tillman questioned how the surcharge on fees would be addressed? Mr. Hawkins stated that the current fee schedule would be incorporated into this proposed Ordinance. After discussion, it was determined to table the item for future review. xlI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ratification of Code Compliance Board actions: Approve Code Compliance Board recommendation to reduce the lien in Case No. 98-29:[ from $1,200 plus administrative costs, to $50 for Nary Jane Williams of 28:[ NE :[9th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator informed the Commission that at the July Code Enforcement meeting that Board voted to reduce the fine to $250. Ns. Mary Jane Williams was elderly and unable to care for her property. Her daughter appeared at the meeting on her mother's behalf. Ns. Williams' daughter took the podium and informed the Commissioners that her mother did not understand the content of the code violation notices and that she has since moved into the home to care for her mother. Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved that the Code Compliance Board's recommendation in CaSe No. 98-291 to reduce the lien from $:[,200 plus administrative costs, to $250 be approved. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tillman. Notion carried 5-0. 26 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Approve Code Compliance Board recommendation to reduce the lien in Case #97-2300 from $6,850 plus administrative costs, to $4,500 for Jean IVl. Joseph of 115 SW 4th Avenue. Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator informed the Commission that the reduction in fine to $4,500 by the Code Enforcement Board was primarily a result of the applicant acknowledging they knew the violations existed previously and did not correct the violations. Mr. Blasie stated the property is now under contract for sale. Allen Martincavage, Attorney took the podium and informed the Commission that he rePresents Jean M. Joseph. Attorney rvlartincavage stated that in 1993 when the Josephs separated, Mrs. Joseph moved north and the property was rented out. When the property was originally cited renters were on the property that had allowed trash to accumulate and created other code violations. Attorney IVlartincavage stated IVlrs. JoSeph never notified the post office of her new address, and therefore never received the code violation notices. The tenants on the property never notified Mrs. Jean of the viOlations. The Attorney questioned why no one in the City contacted the realtor who had a sign on the property and could have addressed the problem if she had been notified. Attorney Martincavage stated that even with the reduction of fine, the seller will have to pay approximately $2400 to sell her property and does not have the money. Mrs. Joseph has been given to August ~[0th to finalize the sale, otherwise the property will be foreclosed upon. Attorney Martincavage requested that the fine be reduced to the point where the seller can sell the property without having to pay out-of- pocket money in order to sell the property. Vic~e Mayor Jaskiewicz questioned how the realtor was not aware of the violations on the property, since the violations were visible. Marie Seide of Tropical Realty addressed the Commission that when she listed the property it was listed as a "fix-up" property. Ms. Seide also stated that Mrs. Joseph was advised that the lawn needed to be cared for and Mrs. Joseph had someone take care of the lawn regularly until a buyer could be located. After seven months, a buyer was located who is an investor who will fix the property and resell it. Ms. Seide stated she did! not become aware of the code violations until a title examination on the property was requested. MaYor Pro Tem Tillman stated that these problems are not the City's Problem because MrS. Joseph was an errant landlord and is responsible for her property even though she 27 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 resides in New York. Also Mayor Taylor stated a property owner has responsibility to care for their property and the only reason the property was brought into compliance is because of a possible sale. Tn all probability, if there weren't a sale, the property would still be sitting in non-compliance. Mayor Taylor_pointed out that there was a reduction of $2,300 in the fine and questioned whether the property is being sold at a complete lOSS.~ ViCe Mayor .]askiewicz stated that the trash and debris left on the property was offensive and could have been cleaned up at any time. Motion Commissioner Denahan moved that the Code Compliance Board's recommendation in Case No. 97-2300 to reduce the lien from $6,850 plus administrative costs, to $4,500 be approved. MOtion seconded by Commissioner Titcomb. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz raised concerns that the long-range objective is to clean up the neighborhood and would like the fine reduced so that the sale could still proceed in order to bring the property into compliance. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz suggested the fine be reduced by $1,500 to make the fine $3,000. MOtion carried 4-1 with Vice Mayor .]askiewicz dissenting. Approve Code Compliance Board Order to authorize abatement of nuisance in Case #98-1595 to board up vacant structure at 514 NW 11th Avenue. Approve Code Compliance Board Order to authorize abatement of nuisance in Case #98-2587 to board up vacant structure at 31:[ NE :[ :[th Avenue. Approve Code Compliance Board Order to authorize abatement of nuisance in Case #98-2064 to board up vacant structure at 3225 East Palm Drive. Mayor Taylor asked Attorney Cherof if a blanket motion could cover the above three cases and Attorney Cherof stated yes. 28 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 Scott Blasie said that Section 2-79 of the City's Code of Ordinances allows the City to board up vacant structures. All three houses are vacant and abandoned and are open to the public. Through this process, the City can charge the property for the costs associated with boarding up the property. Mayor Pro Tillman inquired if the property at 514 NW 11th was approved for demolition? Inspector Blasie said he would look into this, but was unaware of a demolition order on this property. Vice Mayor .laskiewicz inquired how long it would take for the City to take ownership of the property for the purpose of demolishing these properties? Mr. Blasie stated that each property would have to be taken on a case-by-case basis to determine what liens exist on the property. Vice Mayor _laskiewicz asked what the next step would be. Inspector Blasie stated that the properties would be boarded up and a lien filed on the property for the cost of boarding up the property. City Manager Willis stated the City is not as aggressive as it could be against these properties. This process has to be followed and can be done under Consent in the future. These foreclosure proceedings usually get the attention of the titleholder and usually the owner will contact the City to determine why foreclosure proceedings have been instituted. This affords the City an opportunity to deal with the owners. :If this procedure is not followed, these houses will sit boarded up for years. Vice Mayor .laskiewicz inquired if the fines still accrue and was informed that they continue to accrue. Commissioner Denahan questioned why Case #98-2064 ( 3225 East Palm Drive) stated "90" days, whereas the first two properties stated "10" days. Inspector Blasie stated that all three properties were given 10 days. Inspector Blasie said he would check on this, but it is standard that 10 days only be allowed. MOtion Commissioner Denahan moved that this Board approve the Code Compliance Board's Orders to authorize abatement of nuisance in Case Nos. 98-1595, 98-2587 and 98- 2064. Vice Mayor .laskiewicz seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 29 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CIT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 B. Schedule workshop to review Boynton Terrace Issues. Mayor Taylor asked Wilfred Hawkins, Support Services Specialist to address this item. Mr. Hawkins referred to the Plan of Action furnished to the Commission, which was prepared as a result of the concerns expressed in the community on the Boynton Terrace issues. A project team was formed. Members of the team are Hank Ackermann, Police Chief Marshall Gage, Police Officer Brian Anderson and Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins also stated that the Plan of Action contains a long-range plan. Commissioner Denahan pointed out that at the last Commission meeting it was recommended that a workshop be held within 30 days. Mr. Ackermann addressed the Commission and stated that there are very specific items that need to be addressed. The team did a search of ownership and management and there has been constant contact with the management. Also, a tenants association is being formed and they will be meeting next week. Vice Mayor .]askiewicz expressed concerns on the great number of 911 calls that originate from this property and the hang-ups and questioned if these calls were from a particular residence. AEer discussion it was determined to hold a workshop On the Boynton Terrace Apartment issues on Wednesday~ September 2, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. in Commission Chambers. City Manager Willis stated that staff has been moving forward on this issue. There have been several meetings with the residents, a tenants association is being formed, and a lot of progress has been made. Mayor Taylor commended the accomplishments to date and said it is a good start to addressing the issues. 30 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR ClT COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 4, 1998 X]:V. AD.1OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:15 p.m. A~E~: City'Clerk Recording Secretary (three tapes) CITY OF BOYNTON ~~,H Mayor, ~layor Pro Tem C(~m-missioner 31 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FL(~'DA PROJECT NAME: Communication Pole on Recreation Dedicated Land APPLICANT'S AGENT: Richard Ventura, Silvergate Site Acquisitions APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 4101 N. Andrews Avenue, Suite 304, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 DATE OF CITY COMMISSION RATIFICATION: August 4, 1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Code Review LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Quantum Boulevard DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X . ' THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development. Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance bY the City Clerk; All further development on the Property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk J:~SHRDATA~PlanningNSHAREDN~ROJECTS~COMMUNICATiONS POLE-QUANTU~CDR~EVELOPMENT EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Communication Pole File number: CDRV 98-003 Reference: Letter of request da.ted June 26, 1998. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. The planned recreation for the Optimist Park and the possible lighting on X the communication pole be coordinated in the plan for this tower. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONs 2. T~~,s:~-n~d. ~ t,/ /dim J:~SHRDATA~PLANNING~SHARED~,WF~PROJECTS~COMMUNICATIONS POLE-QUANTUM~CDRV~COND. OF APPR. DOC DEVELOPMENT ORDER ~. fY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIb~ PROJECT NAME: Mobil Gas Station at Woolbright and Congress APPLICANT'S AGENT: Anna Cottrell APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: P.O. Box 19058, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: ~ 1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Conditional Use Approval - site lighting LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2605 S.W. 15th Ave (Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. ~ THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "B" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development On the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. Other ~ City Clerk %,. J:~SHRDATA~Planning~SHARED~WP~ROJECTS~obil at Woolbright & Congmss~COUS~DEV ORDER-site lighting.d~/lllllJllll~~ EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: Mobil Gas Station at Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road File number: COUS 97-002 Reference: Site Lighting. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X F1RE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST COmments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. Light fixtures must be baffled, shielded, screened, or recessed to prevent X visibility of the lit portion of the fixture from off the premises. 2. The site should not generate average, under-canopy light levels in excess X of 60 foot-candles. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 3. See Planning and Development Board comments included in the X Conditions of Approval/Development Order from the September 2, 1997 City Commissions. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 4.: .Tc, bc, ............ ~1. A/oar~ /,,/ & CONGRESS\COUS\COND. OF APPR-SITE LILiHTING.DOC