Minutes 07-16-97 MINUTES OF THE CITY CaMM SSION WORKSHOP MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1997, AT 8:00 A.M. PRESENT Gerald Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Jamie Titcomb. Vice Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz Commissioner Kerry Willis, City Manager Sue Kruse. City Clerk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Taylor called the meeting [o order at 8:07 a.m He introduced Stephen Kelly and Elaine Wright of the Florida Planning Group, ~nc. Mr. Kelly said this is a very complex program that brings a great deal of money to the community. Opening Remarks - Wilfred Hawkins Mr. Hawkins explained that this process ~)egan a number of months ago at a workshop meeting where an explanation of "Entitlement City" was provided. At that time. discussion took place relative to the fact that it would De necessary [or us to develop a consolidated p~an to be submitted to HUD. This meeting will prowde an overview of the consolidated plan. During this process, two public hearings are required. One public hearieg has already taken place, and the minutes of that meeting were provided in the booklet. The second public hearing will be held this evening at 5:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room. This public hearing will allow input from the community_ At its meeting on August 5% the City Commission will adopt the plan. There will be no public hearing at that meeting. Following adoption by the Commission. the alan will be sent to the HUD Office in Coral Gables. They will have 45 days to review the document and either provide recommendations or approve it. The Florida Planning Group, Inc. was selected through the RFP process. They have worked for cities throughout [he State of Florida specifically administering consolidated plans This firm has extensive background in the develonment of conso~lda[ed plans on the County and municipal level. Therefore. they are able to provide technical assistance. Elaine Wright has more than 25 years of exuerience, and is one of the State's leading experts in the CDBG Entitlement and Housing Programs. Stephen Key is an architect and one of the State's leading house program planners. He has prepared housing elements for communities across Florida The two principals have brought extensive background and knowledge to the City. Elaine Wright advised that the consolidated plan is presented according to HUD requirements. She also reported that a handout WaS included in the packets which provides a briefing of the program. As of October I, 1997, the City will begin receiving $569,000 in CDBG dollars. In addition, because the City has become an .entitlement city, we will also receive slightly more than $300,000 in S.H.I.P funds from the State, The CDBG Program requires that 70% of the funds be used for the primary objective which is of benefit to Iow and moderate income people. Funds can also be used for the elimination of slums and blight. The community redevelopment areas would quality for funds for activities within those neighborhoods. The third national objective relates to meeting health emergency/safety issues. It is very difficult to qualify projects under this objective; therefore, it is not used. The list of eligible activities is very extensive. The funds Can be used as follows: MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16, 1997 · Acquisition of land and disposition of land · public facilities and improvements that will benefit a neighborhood; · streets; · waterand sewer; · clearing of dilapidated properties or influences in an area: · upto15% oercent for public services: o interim assistance ~n an area that is slated for future activity; · relocation of people who are on property the City is acquiring; · housing administration: ° housing rehabilitation; · certain kinds of economic development activity; and · planning and administration of the grant with a cap of 20% of the funds. · Urban renewal completion is not applicable to Boynton Beach. When Mayor Taylor questioned why urban renewal completion wou~o not be applicable to Boynton Beach, Ms. Wright explained that in order to take advantage of this area. we would nave had to have had an urban renewal :)rogram that was not comp eted. We do not have such e program. Stephen Kelly explained that the CDBG Program is the uroan develooment side of HUD, CDBG was never oeslgned to be used totally for housing projects This program brings s~gnificant dollars to the City, but there is a tremendous amoun[ of red tape and requirements Ihat must be adhered to in order to administer and account for the money. Mr. Kelly explained that this program s designed to include people below 80% of the median income. Three other groups are.included. They are the homeless, the handicapped, ana the elderly. The national objectives must be met. Using a map. Mr. Kelly showed areas where 51% of the residents are of Iow or moderate income. Projects such as road paving or construction of a park ~n these areas would qualify for funding. Mr. Kelly showed slides which depicted projects thal have seen accomplished in other cities. The following items are eligible: · Land acquisitions · Paving and Drainage Storm Drainage · Water & Sewer Projec[s · Sidewalks and Handicap-Accessible Curb Cuts · Pocket Parks · Fire Substation and Equipment Social Service Agencies and Day Care Centers · Senior Citizen Centers · Rehabilitation of Existing Facilities · Demolition of Old Structures · Public Transportation for Senior Citizens and Disabled · Purchase of Large Print Library Books · Purchase of Equipment for Social Service Agencies · Job Training · Purchase of Land and Construction of Infrastructure · Rehabilitation of Public Housing Projects · Historic Preservation · Urban Renewal (with conditions) 2 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16,1997 · Economic Development · Urban Planning Mr. Kelly explained that this ~s a very bureaucratic program. HUD cares about the aaperworK and files ano wants everything documented. The S.H.I.P. program also has bureaucratic reau~rements which also must be met: however, the Federal program is different from the State program and the requirements do not match. HUD continues to add regulations, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to run the program. When discussing the use of funds for job training, Mr. Kelly referred to the City of Jacksonville's job training program. Mayor Taylor requested that [he Commission be arovided with a copy of that job training program. Vice Mayor Titcomb questioned whether Code compliance grants wou~d be eligible under this program to bring properties up to Code. Ms. Wright and Mr. Kelly responded affirmatively. With regard to job training, Ms. Sherrod explained that staff had discussions relative to the direction to take in this regard. A decision was made to do incubators for icc training to help create jobs for people to be able [o sustain themselves. The recommended budget is $50,000. This is an amendment to Page 34 which indicates $100,000. This is m conjunction with the economic development plans that are being considered. There is also a recommendation for $200,000 for land acquisition for the redevelopment program for our CRA Residential and Commercial area. The consultants have determined that 44% of our c~tizens are senior citizens. Therefore. we would like to set aside $125,200 for land acquisition, planning and design to provide a senior service center. Based on past expenence, we would like to provide $30,000 in scholarships for summer camp programs for Iow and moderate income families who cannot afford summer camps. in conjunction with the social service agencies for family development services, we would like to set aside $50,000 for agencies that will facilitate those needs. Twenty (20%) percent of the funding ($113,800) will be used for planning and administration of the CDBG dollam. Mr. Hawkins advised that these are recommended priorities based upon the studies in the consolidated plar~. These are eligible activities that HUD will approve without a great deal of questioning. This is a beginning. In the redevelopment program, the land acquisition for commercial would be downtown and a residential area (CRA residential area). These funds can provide a head start in our redevelopment plans and activities. With regard to the funding for the senior service center, this will be an opportunity to do something for the seniors who have questioned what the City is doing for them. Mr. Hawkins further advised that as long as the people benefiting from the programs are Iow or moderate income, the locatiOn of the facility does not have to be in a particular target area. City Manager Willis does not believe it would help the City to talk about the location of a facility at this point even if we know where we would like a particular facility t¢ be located. In addition, we could utilize existing parcels we already own thereby saving $325;200 in the ifirst year alone. She believes there are ways to leverage with the demolition of existing facilities and rebuilding of the site. 3 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16, '1997 Commissioner Jaskiewicz is of the opimon that the Old Boynton High School location could be a potential site for a senior center once that structure is demolished. That would result in savings in terms of not having to purchase land. Ms. Sherrod explained that this p~an can be amended. In addition, the City has three years to expend each year's allocation. With reference to job training, City Manager Willis explainec that [here have been discussions about relocating a job training and social services center to Boynton Beach, She questioned whether these expenses could be combined since the services can be provided in one facility. Mr. Hawkins said there are ways to combine programs: however, the City must be specific about the categories where the dollars will be spent. In response to Vice Mayor Titcomb's question, rvlr. Hawkins advised that examples of family services would involve a child care cenT, er a health facility, a place where people learn life skills development, a training center for work sufficiency type programs and parenting classes, Ms. Wright said there is a two-step process involved in job training and family development. It is necessary to develop the project list and provide it tc HUD as the priorities the City wishes to fund. The City will then have to do an RFP from agencies that can provide the services. She confirmed that there is flexibility so that changes can be made even after the categories and amounts are submitted. A substantia~ change would 'eeulre an amendment process; however, small budgetary changes can be easily adjusted. Mayor Taylor is pleased that the senior citizen center category is included in this plan. He is in agreement with the categories that were suggested, but feels there should be a category for parks since there is a need for such a facility in the southeast section of the City In addibon, there have been discussions about expanding the park at the C-16 Canal and the park on the west side. Mr, Hawkins exelained that the Commission could change the list. but he reminded Mayor Taylor that only $569,000 is available. The list presented provides suggestions. The categories can be amended to bring in parks develoement. The amounts in the other categories can be reduced [o add recreation items. City Manager Willis urged the Commissioners to set a clear course so that we do not have to amend the first-year plan. Vice Mayor Titcomb recommended that a ~me item be added for parKs and recreational acquisitions. Funds can be freed up by using existing lands and facilities rather than ~urchasing new lands for items such as the senior center, City Manager Willis was of the opinion that Mr. Frederick had brought a plan to a department staff meeting which included e design for rehabilitation of the Civic Center. However. Mr Frederick explained that during a previous administration, there were discussions about contracting to reelace the existing Civic Center. Thai project would cost more than $5 million. Mayor Taylor recalled that the charratte indicated demolition of the existing Civic Center and the construction of a Civic Center in another location. Commissioner Jaskiewicz inquired as to whether it would be possible for the City to build a social agency facility, bond it and pay the charges from these funds Ms. Wright said she would have to investigate the answer to this question with HUD since there are many exclusions. Mr. Hawkins said we would have the ability to leverage the funds. However he did not have a specific answer for Commissioner Jaskiewicz. MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16, 1997 Mayor Taylor said the United Way has a facility in Quantum ParK. He pointed out that we might be able to Paase space from them. and inquired as to whether or not we could use these funds to make lease payments. Ms. Wright responded affirmatively. Vice Mayor Titcamo questpaned whether any of the funding under the redevelopment CRA area would be appropriate for the parks and recreatior line item. Mr. Hawkins explained that there is $200,000 under the reaevelopment program under CRA residential and an additJona, line item for acquisition The park is located within the CRA residential. In response Co City Manager Willis' question, Mr. Frederick reported that the projected cost for the demolition of the old high school was $80,000 to $120,000 in 1989. Mr. Hawkins advised that the cost is high because there are some asbestos concerns in the flooring and ceilings. City Manager Willis said there have been discussions at staff meetings about the view across the green if the old high school ts demolished. The demolition would result in a view that would expand to the Civic Center. Library and all of the buildings that are Pacing into the souare. Staff is excited about doing something with that area now. The cost estimates were $3.5 million to $5 million for renovation and retrofitting that buildin~ so that it can be open'ed for.public use. It is essential to have a consensus on what should be done with that facility. Replacement of the roof on the old high school would be necessary, and the cost estimate for that replacement was approximately $260,000 in 1989. Mayor Taylor remindeG the Commissioners that we have a long-term commitment to the elementary school, and he would not supDori: a renovation project for the high school. He would support demolition of that facility and doing somethin~ else with that and. City Manager Willis said staff suggested demolishing the buildin9 and sodding the land. This will allow the Children's Museum to become a focal point, and it will provide a green area We would then be able to plan for the future. Ms. Wright suggested demolishing the building, landscaping it. and providing park benches. It would become an open space passive Dark Vice Mayor Titcomb referred to a future "square" concept and suggested razing the existing Civic Center and Madsen Center and placing the facilities at the southeast corner of the entire square. Mayor Taylor requested that a line item for aarks and recreation be included. City Manager Willis advised that an agenda item will be included on the next regular City Commission meeting agenda for the demolition of the high school. Mr Hawkins recommended reducing the redevelopment line item Dy $50,000 in order to add it to the oarks and recreation line tern. Mayor Taylor clarified that a parks and recreation **ne item wi~ be included for $50,000, and the CRA redevelopment program will be reduced to $150.000. The sen~or center wJJl remain at $125,000. Mr. Frederick suggested reaucing the scholarship line item since staff will be soliciting funds through businesses to develop a scholarship base in the community. Mayor Taylor recommended that insmaa of having a line ~tem for scholarship programs, this funding can be included under the oarks and recreation line item, and it can De used for schoparships. MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16, 1997 City Manager Willis questioned how many staff positions are involved in the planning and administration line item. Mr. Hawkins aav~sed that [his line i[em has not been budgeted out. Ms. Sherroo introducea Chris Mitchell, the Construction Coordinator. She also advised that the interviews for the Clerk Ill are complete and a candidate has been selected. That process has not yet been formalizea by Human Resources. Mayor Taylor requested that the Commission be advised of the details of any possible new positions in advance of selection. City Manager Willis advised that this is staffing associated with the existing program. These positions are not new positions. Vice Mayor Tit'comb asked if our current systems provide the paperwork and tracking methodology to qualify under the criteria. Mr. Kelly advised that a new layer will be necessary and some of the existing adminJstratwe systems may have to be modified totally'or in part to meet the CDBG conditions. A program of this s~ze requires at least four people for CDBG. In most Communities, a fifth person was added to handle the S.H.I.P program. City Manager Willis will look at this very closely since this may be an opportunity to Consolidate existing functions Corniness*crier Jask~ewicz questioned whether the planning and administration covers the salaries. Mr. Hawldns said it can cover the salari-es, but it wJl! not cover all of the salaries. The amount of $113,000 is 20% of the $569,000. Ms. Sherrod advised that we will have 10% of the S.H.I.P. funds which amounts to approximately $29 000. CLOSING Mayor Taylor thanked everyone involved in this oresentation which provided a great deal of information. This is a major undertaking for this City. He thanked Mr. Hawkins. Ms. Sherrod, and Mr. Mitchell for their lime and effort on this project. Ms. Sherrod said the approval of the consolidated plan will appear on the next regular City Commission meeting agenda. This plan must :~e in Coral Gables on August ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission. the meeting properly adjourned at 9:15 a.m. 6 MEETING MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 16, 1997 ATTEST: uity~:;lerk ~ ' ~lZe/wCO rdin g Secretary o Tapes) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ommissi~er~,/ / C~)mmissioner ~ 7