Minutes 06-27-97 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN THE LIBRARY PROGRAM ROOM, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1997, AT 3:00 P.M. PRESENT Gerald "Jerry" Taylor. Mayor Jamie Titcomb, Vice Mayor Matt Bradley, Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz. Commissioner Henderson Tillman. Commissioner Kerry Willis. City Manager Jim Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse. City Clerk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. Proposed Resolution No. R97-104Re: Appoint members to the Local Housing Assistance Program (State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act) Mayor Taylor advised that nine regular and two alternates will make up this committee. He recommended that each Commissioner begin the appointment process by submitting two names each. Vice MaYor Titcomb appointed Robert B. Taylor to fill an undesignated position, and Sy Rosenthal as a real estate professional. Commissioner Bradley appointed Betty Collins to fill the position of advisor for Iow income persons, and Angela Girtman as the citizen who is a provider of affordable housing. Following discussion among the Commissioners relative to members serving on more than one City board, AttOrney Cherof advised that the City's policy states a member may not serve on two quasi-judiCial boards. There is nothing in the Statute that precludes members from serving on more than one board as long as they are not quasi-judicial boards. Commissioner Bradley questioned whether or not the Commissioners should be concerned about appointing Angela Girtman to this committee since she is a member of the CDC. Attorney Cherof did not believe there would be a legal conflict. ' Mayor Taylor appointed Jeanne Heavilin as an individual actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry. COmmissioner Jaskiewicz appointed Reverend Lee and Sara Williams as alternates. Commissioner Tillman appointed Margaret Johnson and Michael Campbell to fill the remaining undesignated positions. There was a consensus of the Commission to appoint Dale Bailey as an individual actively engaged in the residential home building industry, Robert Daniels as a representative of areas of labor engaged in home building. MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Motion Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve the appointments. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Attorney Cherof recommended that Section 2 of the Resolution be changed to read as follows. "That the members and alternates of the affordable housing advisory committee shall be appointed or removed by a majority of the Commission." Vice Mayor Titcomb and Commissioner Tillman agreed to include Attorney Cherof's recommendation in their motion. The motion carried unanimously. Pre-Budget Review Diane Reese. Finance Director distributed graphs which summarize the budget information for Fiscal Year 1997/98. She explained that the budget is comprised as follows: Transfers in (Funds from Within the City) = 12% Taxes = 48% Utility Taxes = 13% Licenses & Permits = 7% Revenues from Other Governments = 13% Charges for Services = 4% Other Income = 3% The money is spent as follows: General Government = 26% Public Safety = 56% Transportation = 2% Physical Environment = 1% Culture/Recreation = 15% The General Fund expenditures are as follows: Personal Services = 70% Operating Expenses = 17% Capital Outlay = 3% Non-Operating = 10% City Manager Willis advised that ali of the numbers included in this budget are preliminary and are based upon estimates, it is hoped that the numbers will fluctuate down following review prior to the second workshop meeting in July. ,~ 2 MEETING MINUTES ' SPECIAL'CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 The current millage of 7.9251 is maintained in the proposed budget with no recommendation of change to the current watedsewedstormwater or sanitation rates. This could change since we believe there could be a reduction in sanitation rates, The specifics of such a move have not yet been worked out. The possible reduction will be in accordance with looking at the cost of service and service levels. New mission statements for each department have been incorporated into the budget presentation ~n accordance with our theme of customer service and neighborhood outreach focus as established by our Visions program. The overall taxable value of the City has increased slightly more than 3% for the 1997/98 fiscal year. This will provide the City with approximately $862,564 in new tax revenue. This amount may vary based on the number of appeals made to the Property Appraiser's Office. In an effort to address neighborhood revitalization we will add two new Code Enforcement Inspectors to assist in Code compliance needs. With the Citizen Observer Patrols gaining support as new neighborhood associations are formed the Police Department has included funds to purchase three used vehicles for this program. The Fire Department is requesting several reclassifications which will enable them more flexibility in addressing fire prevention needs. We also plan to purchase new Fire apparatus under a lease/purchase program. With regard to economic and commercial revitalization, our Economic Development Director will continue to work to attract new developers to the City We are targeting small technical manufacturers to target 300 new jobs by August of 1998. anG continue [he redevelopment arounG the Ocean Avenue corridor and surrounding areas. Education is a major focus for the City. We are researching and discussing ways to finance a new high school in Boynton Beach, The Children's Museum Coordinator ~s working with the Library Director to raise funds for the Children's Museum to be located in the 1913 School. Our emphasis will be on grants to help us meet some of the immediate and long-term needs of the City. We currently have approximately 25 grants, and will continue to review our grants needs. The remediation work on City Hall is coming to an end. We were able to avoid moving out of City Hall which saved a tremendous amount of time and money. We have spent approximately $1 million on this phase of the cleanup, Two million dollars of funds were originally transferred out of this current year's budget. The money that remains when the remediation is cern pleted will go back to the Genera~ Fund balance. Our undesignated reserve is currently $2.223.987 with an additional $706.000 set aside in reserve for emergencies. This amounts to an approximate total of $2.900.000 in the General Fund reserve account. This amount is $671.000 short of our ultimate goal of maintaining a minimum of 10% undesignated fund balance. In the upcoming budget, the Planning and Zoning Department will be consolidated as part of the overall Development Department. This is being done to allow for better overall operational guidance and direction. All building, planning, zoning, inspection, construction and community redevelopment activities will be under the Development Department. 3 MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY coMMISSION BOYNTON BEACHi FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 We have been upgrading our computer system. Dudng the current fiscal year, we have been installing the network system which will provide all departments the opportunity to share data. The next phase of this project will be to purchase new software for all City departments. The two main components of the purchase will be the Finance and Human Resources software and the Building Occupational License software. In addition to mon~es already set aside for these purchases, we will fund an additional $381,000 toward the purchase. An early, retirement program is being studied. Preliminary calculations are estimated to result in a potential first-year savings of approximately $800.000. This figure assumes that all of the positions that could be eliminated will be refilled by existing personnel by promotions. Actual savings are unknown until we have received the actuarial study and have considered all of the costs of the program. This $800,000 savings ~s based on all eligible employees taking early retirement. However, that will not happen. Staff will monitor this program and bring back more complete information in July. The stormwater improvements and upgrades to the West Water Treatment Plant are two of the major expenditures proposed in Fiscal Year t997/98. In addition, staff is looking at the overalt customer service operation to determine whether we want to try pdvatization in this area. or move forward with, the consolidation of meter reading and customer service into the Utilities Department. The proposed budget has been prepared with the assumption that these operations will be merged; however, a final decision has not been made. The Golf Course does not propose any increase in the user rates for the upcoming year. However they are proposing adjustments of the rates which will provide for a better rate structure than we currently have. We anticipate losing 50 fewer annual permit holders which will alIow for an increase in daily fee play to offset the loss of revenue from the overall decrease in permil holders. Some capital improvement projects will be discussed. Sanitation management is doing an overall cost of service and level of service analysis of their operation. Staff began with this operation because it lends itself to a quantifiable measurement of cost of service in terms of cost per output. We are looking at adapting this type of program Citywide. Staff is working on a fleet replacement policy, However. we have not had time to factor all dollars into this program. We are investigating ways to phase in a capital orogram budget for the City. The major focus of change in the Community Redevelopment Division will be administering the new Entitlement Fund monies. We currently estimate that we will receive $569,000 from HUD for Fiscal Year 1997/98. These funds will be spent on projects within designated community development a~eas. We also anticipate receipt of SHIP grant monies n an amount just under $300,000 for home improvements and new home building. City Manager Willis thanked the department heads for working closely with the City Manager's Office. She is confident that the Commission will be pleased with the program budget that has been proposed, and she is certain savings will be projected over the current fiscal year. 4 MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, '1997 Mayor Taylor referred to the section called "Other Issues". He questioned whether the figure of $2.929,987 assumes the $1 million has been put back into the Fund Ms. Reese responded negatively, and added that that figure of $2.929.987 is prior to the $1 million being returned. Mayor Taylor referred to the Utility Fund budget. In response to his question, City Manager Willis advised that the proposed budget shows figures that assume we are not privatizing the meter reading and customer service functions. She added that there are currently three people performing these operations who are etigible for the early retirement program. It is not known at this point if any of those employees are interested in taking early retirement, n addition. some of the meter readers are looking at other job offers. Therefore. it may be a cost effective time to go to a s~x month or one year evaluation before the City commits a substantial amount of fu qds to a retooling effort. With regard to the issue of vehicle purchases. City Manager Willis advised that the City has been making purchases. However, there is no formal fleet replacement (.rotation) policy in place to allow us to automatically fund changing out one-third of the fleet yearly. Mayor Taylor questioned who will be administering the HUD funds. Mr. Hawkins advised that the City Commission will deCide how the $569,000 of HUD fundS will be spent, and the advisory committee will make recommendations to the Commission on expending the SHIP funds. In response to Vice Mayor Titcomb's question, City Manager Willis advised that there is $706,000 set aside aS an emergency reserve. Ms. Reese explained that this fund was originally set up when the City reCeived $1 million from the insurance company relative to Tradewinds. City Manager Willis advised that the State has gone back to a policy of requiring a local match for emergencies with regard to natural disasters. We have designated funds to address that 12.5% local match that are not shown in these numbers. In addition, City Manager Willis advised that we have currently budgeted $300,000 in a CIP Fund. This rolls over and approximately $500,000 will be added to the 1997/98 budget. This is the fund that has traditionally been used to pay for vehicles. City Manager Willis plans to designate these funds to begin funding the annual roll-over for a fleet replacement policy. Fire Department!- Bill Bngham The proposed budget reflects the desire to address issues and programs that are of immediate concern, and it sbrves as a springboard for further long-range planning and subsequent fiscal responsibility. ItladdresseS personnet and equipment needs that are crucial to maintaining operational readiness today, and it establishes a foundation for future progress. The miss'on statbment is to provide the highest level of emergency response and community service through fscaily responsible management in order to meet the needs of the customers served as well aS! the members of the department. Three goals hav~ been identified for this year as follows: 5 MEETING MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Fire Department operations: to provide for tmproved community service while continuing to focus on prevention programs; and encourage empowerment for Fire/Rescue personnel, encouraging innovation, and getting away from a robot mentaIity within the Fire stations. Measures of achievement have been established as follows: 2. 3. 4. Increase technical and academic knowledge of all Fire/Rescue personnel; positive feedback with customer service exit polls: improve morale: and increase numbers of citizen service programs The Fire/Rescue proposal includes a new Quint fire engine, new personnel, and reclassification of some existing positions. It also will facilitate personnel training, and provide immediate relief to safety concerns and issues which were not previously g~ven sufficient emphasis. Funding ~s included for the purchase of equipment to be used by the technical rescue team. and sufficient funds to change the Fire Department's uniform. Citywide hurricane preparedness materials and equipment are also incorporated in the proposal. Jim Ness modeled the proposed new uniform which includes a higher quality type rescue trousers which should provide a longer life for the equipment. In addition, the Fire Department will move away from the use of t-shirts and select a polo-type shirt in its place which contains the department logo and the name and rank of the wearer. It is believed that this new uniform will add to department morale. The entire department will be retrofitted. The budget will be larger for the first year, but there should be a reduction in future years. This item will be addressed in the contract. In response to Mayor Tayior's question, City Manager Willis advised that the Fire Department will increase their personnel by up to three people because this department is consistently running very high in overtime costs. Mayor Taylor asked the Fire Chief to address Boynton's involvement with Hazmat. Chief Bingham explained that Boynton does not have a hazardous materials team. We contribute to the County-wide system by continuing to develop our tactical rescue team. One of the areas that will be focused on this year is a basic readiness level in the area of hazardous materials to be able to provide support for Boca Raton or Delray. The City of Boynton Beach is involved in the County-wide discussions. Mayor Taylor inquired as to whether we are involved with preemption devices. Chief Bingham advised that we are investigating some of the devices that will be used with the sirens and looking for grants to help with the funding. Mayor Taylor advised that the County is in this process also~ Jim Ness said the County will be going with a different type of system. Other municipalities will be able to use the system we are looking at. MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Police Department - Marshall Ga.qe The Police Department has made a lot of plans and compromises to accommodate the lean budget year we are facing. Chief Gage announced that the name of the Code Enforcement Division will be changed to Code Compliance. The mission statement is that the Police Department is responsible for the assurance and well being of all citizens by prudent and impartial enforcement of municipal and County Ordinances and Florida State Statutes within the City's jurisdiction Exemplifying the highest level of professional standards, we will constantly seek and find Ways to improve the quality of life, and preserve and deliver a feeling of security and safety in a manner consistent with the law and reflective of shared community values, The Police Department has 133 sworn and 30 non-sworn full-time employees. In the budget for fiscal year 1997/98. there will be an increase of one sworn and one non-sworn positions. In Code Compliance. there are currently seven ~nspectors and four clerks. In the fiscal year 1997/98 budget, there will be nine inspectors and four clerks. The increase in the Police Department budget represents 3.36% which is attributable to personnel costs. The increase ~n Code Compliance amounts to 40.24% which is attributable to staffing and vehicles. The goals of the Police Department are: Goal I Professionalization of the Department Objective: To develop a new procedural manual consistent with the accreditation agency. There are plans to begin State accreditation, and complete that process by the end of the year. Objective: Computerization in records, mobile reporting, and Internal Affairs. This will be done to increase efficiency, and accuracy of data. The Police Department is looking for alternative funding mechaniSms to accomplish their goals with respect to technology. Goal 2 Improvement of Community Relations Objective: Reduction of complaints against Officers and employees, reduction of drug trade in the City, and increased member involvement in community functions. Goal 3 Improve hiring and retention Objective: Improvement of field training program and a decrease in the failure rate of the officers. A mentoring program will be implemented, and a recruitment video program will be developed. There will be an expansion of community policing, and revamping of the records system. It is believed that there will be a reduction in staff through attrition or reassignment of personnel in Records. There is a very high probability of a reorganization at, or shortly after the start of the MEETING MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 year. This will be an effort to lower the overali profile of the organization. A proposal is being developed for a corporal program. The Police Department will make a strong effort to get involved with the community, and have the community involved with the Police Department. A pilot project will begin at the beginning of the school year at Congress Middle School. One of the community police officers will be assigned to the school on a full-time basis to deal with at-dsk youth who are excessive in truancy and outdoor suspensions. In addition, the COPS programs will be expanded. There are currently five programs in operation and the goal is to have a program in every community of the City. This program has proven to decrease the amount of crime and increase the participation on the part of community members. This program creates a stronger sense of partnership and ownership of the problems. Seven unmarked vehicles will be replaced this year The remainder of the vehicle requests were held back in an effort to work within the budgetary constraints. The Police Department is working with Larry Roberts to develop a formal replacement program. Code Compliance - Marshall Ga.qe The mission statement of Code Compliance ~s working with the community to edhance the quality of life with fair and equitable enforcement of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Goal 1 Proactive Enforcement Objective: Expanded hours with two additional staff people. Code Compliance will have more nighttime hours an~ weekend hours. The citation program will be expanded, and the educational materials for the public will be increased. Objective: Strengthen the demolition projects and a cooperative effort with Community Improvement for identification of problems and inclusion of vacant structures in the program ntensify the nuisance abatement efforts. There will be a cooperative effort with agencies m the City. Video documentation will be increased. There Will be an increase of two inspectors in this division. The inspectors will be cross-trained in an effort to share some of the inspection responsibilities. They will be working with the Fire Department crosS-training as inspectors for their function, and vice versa, as well as Occupational Licensing. The City's grant program, administered by Octavia Sherrod, will be stressed by these same officers. They will advise the citizens of the tools available to them. They will also stress the new HAMAR program that will be administered by Hank Ackermann. We will be working with other City and County departments to assist in area cleanups and waste amnesty days. Code Compliance will get three new vehicles for the very first time. 8 MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOyNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Success will be measured by a documented perception of professionalism within the Police Department which will mean increased efficiency. This will also result in an increase in morale and improved working relationships with the community. In Code Compliance. there will be improved community appearance, an increase in voluntary compliance with Code. increased community involvement, and a visual improvement in the appearance of the City within one year, The Police Department and Code Compliance will work harder and smarter in partnership with the community. Commissioner Tillman asked Chief Gage to explain the value of accreditation. Chief Gage explained that it is important to make sure the entire department participates in the process so that the employees understand what a professional organization is supposed to look like and what they are supposed to do. It should take one year to gain State accreditation. In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz' question. Chief Gage explained that we currently have two D.A.R.E. officers at Congress Middle School on a full-time basis. Mayor Taylor inquired as to a target date when Chief Gage will feel comfortable about the Evidence Room. Chief Gage is comfortable that we are now doing the job right. However, the final cleanup and disposition of property will be on October 1 The process has been cleaned up, but the depar[mem is going through the destruction of evidence that has been collected over 50 years. This is a slow process. Mayor Taylor asked Chief Gage if the issue of the saIary of a new recruit being the same as an officer who has been on the job for two or three years will be corrected in the new budget. Chief Gage advised that this issue is being addressed by the Labor Management Team. Commissioner Bradley commended Chief Bradley for taking the lead in attacking the problem at Congress Middle School Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that one of the condos contacted her to advise that they have had a definite reduction in crime since they began their COPS program. Vice Mayor Titcomb commended Chief Gage on the Code Compliance efforts. Chief Gage thanked his staff for doing a very professional job. Recreation and Park - Charles Frederick The mission statement is through professional recreation management, provide wholesome and constructive leisure activities with facilities equally distributed throughout the community which meet the needs of all ages, interests, and abilities. These services will be provided in a safe, accessible, and aesthetic environment contributing to the well being of the individual and enhancing the quality of life. Charles Frederick advised that the Recreation and Park budget is composed of 13 program or facility cost centers. They are the administration operatiOn, Arts & ACtivities Center, the Athletic Section, the Community School Section, Civic Center, Hester Park & Center, Tennis Center, MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Sara Simms Park, Special Events-Community Promotion, Playgrounds Therapeutic Section, Wilson Center & Park, Wilson Pool, and '[he public beach. In the last four years, a program revenue fund was created Which operates many of the activities on a self-sustaining fee and charge basis. This has been able to accommodate the costs associated with the T.N.T. concerts at the beach and full publication of Funfare Magazine. The department runs over 450 activities each year with a visitation rate of programs and facilities at approximately 1 million A high percentage of that number comes from the public beach. This department atso runs the Latchkey Program at Rolling Green School. and the Latchkey Afterschool Program at Hester Center. Special events handled by the department are G.A.L.A. Fourth of July, the Holiday Parade. and Black Awareness Day. Goal 1 The department is addressing a better customer service program by providing continued training to staff as it relates to customer service. A survey has been developed to allow users to provide input on programs and facilities. The department's goal is to reach an 80% satisfaction rating. Goal 2 Continue providing a vadety of recreation programs. The department is attempting to establish a collaborative effort among several County departments to provide for ADA and inclusion programs, t is anticipated that our cost will be $20.000 per year. We are attempting to g~ve special recognition to at-need and at-risk populations. This budget includes expanded Wilson Center operations The pool will be operated on an eight-month basis. Hester Park expansion is coming on line with bids due July 31. Dudng the next fiscal year. there will be tennis, volleyball, and racquetball courts along with football and soccer fields at that Park. As part of the Visioning process, a scholarship program is being continued. A marketing tool has been developed to be sent out to the community, businesses and nonprofit organizations. Goal 3 Continue m promote and market ourselves. Objective: Develop better business sponsorships with the community. Develop a speakers aureau to speak to neighborhood groups and other organization. We will apply for the National Gold Medal Award which is sponsored by the National Recreation and Parks Association. Mr. Frederick asked whether or not the Commissioners would like to consider an increase in the beach decal program He explained that this issue was raised when a letter was received from COWBRA representatives who feel they should be equal partners in our beach. The beach fee has not been raised since 1990. With the Commission's approval Mr. Frederick will put together the facts and numbers and bring them back at the July workshop. Vice Mayor Titcomb asked if there has been any discussion about partnership with the Chamber of Commerce or other sponsorships to make special events more self-funding 10 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Mr. Frederick exolained that some of the programs can be revenue producing, and others are strictly cost out. However. staff has not recewed any formal direction on this issue. Mr. Frederick has no objection to working in conjunction with other organizations. Vice Mayor Titcomb reminded Mr. Frederick of the issue that was brought up last year relative to additional funding for Black Awareness Day, He would like to be certain that the monies needed are requested at budget time rather than a month before an event. Parks Division - Charles Frederick The mission statement is to enhance our physical environment with conservation and preservation of natural resources, sound management, public parks and municipal grounds, and participation and promotion of landscape beautification throughout the community. This division provides services to approximately 140 locations throughout the community including 24 City parks, a variety of municipal building grounds, vacant lots, City medians. rights-of-way, lift stations cemeteries, and canals. This division applies for grant applications and administers those grants through DOT, Palm Beach Beautiful. and other funding sources. Goal 1 Continue to plan and expand the beautification of our roadway systems. DOT is now in the midst of the Federal Highway and Boynton Beach Boulevard projects. This division plays an important role in overseeing that project. They are also dealing with design plans for Woolbright Road, and Gateway Boulevard We will continue to submit applications to Palm Beach Beautiful with money in this budget to match the continued expansion of Congress Avenue corridor and the medians from Woolbright Road to Miner Road. Money is included for the design work for five grassed medians on Hypoluxo Road between Congress Avenue and High Ridge Road. Work is now ongoing for median improvements on Seacrest Boulevard. Hypoluxo Road. and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Goal 2 We continue to move forward in terms of park development There are intentions to mprove our tree planting orogram. We are in master plan design and finalization of the Intracoasta110-acre site and Boat Club Park. We received $2.6 million from the County that will go through the process this coming fiscal year. We plan to plant shade trees in all of the parks, and the Adopt-a-Tree program will be expanded to plant an additional 200 trees. We are attempting to improve the quality of grounds maintenance, and will be Picking up new maintenance with Mangrove Park which is scheduled to be completed in August Ezell Hester expansion and Palmetto Greens Neighborhood Park will be completed in the next fiscal year This division will reanalyze the entire crew system in an effort to become more cost effective. Commissioner Jaskiewicz referred to Goal #1 and the reference to grassed medians. She pointed out that there is a section between 23r° and Boynton Beach Boulevard that is filled with cement and weeds. She requested that these medians become grassed areas rather than concrete. Mr. Frederick advised that this is a County road and he will have to find out whether 11 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 or not the concrete can oe removed. The only medians we maintain the ones where we request irrigation and redesigned landscaping. Then we assume the maintenance With regard to the shade trees, Commissioner Tillman questioned whether or not there ~s a priority relative to the placement of [hese trees. Mr. Frederick advised that staff looks at the parks that are most actively used. We have an excellent source of over 1.000 Oak trees that are being donated. The only problem we are experiencing is having the manpower available to pick up the trees and plant them. We will use as many trees as possible. Mayor Taylor suggested that this would be a great project for the Jaycees. Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned whether or not this budget includes any proposal for land acquisition for a future park in the south part of the City. Mr. Frederick said this is part of a wish list. The acquisition will be a major expenditure requiring a funding source other than the General Fund. Commissioner Bradley questioned whether the Adopt-a-Trees are exclusively native. Mr. Wildner advised that they will be Live Oaks and Queen Palms. Mayor Taylor asked for a status report on the property that we will get from FPL south of SW 23% Mr. Frederick advised that we already have that property. It is an undeveloped site that will have to be reviewed in terms of our overall wish list since it wili require substantial dollars to develop that property. Commissioner Bradley suggested that greenways be investigated. Mr. Frederick advised that he has cOst estimates for the continuation of Linear Park that runs weSt of Seacrest Boulevard to 1-95. Dee Zibelli requested that Ocean Parkway not be forgotten in this budget for repairs to the sprinkler system. She advised that eight Queen Palms will be planted if the irrigation can be repaired. Mr. Frederick feels this would be a good neighborhood project as a joint venture and partnership. Ms. Zibelli was agreeable to that suggestion. Facilities Management - Charles Frederick The mission statement is to plan, establish and maintain a service organization which will preserve the City's physical building asset; maintain a proper work environment for City employees; maintain safe and pleasant facilities for the general public, support all departments in their operational requests, assist in planning, design, supervising construction and remodeling of the boat park and City facilities. This division is responsible for the maintenance and repair of approximately 28 buildings throughout the City. Many of the facilities are aging, and therefore, staff must continue to stay 12 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 on top of this operation to ensure maintenance of our assets. functions include the building trade section, the custodial management section which deals in the planning, design, administration of projects. Some of the major program operation, and the project remodeling, and contract Goal 1 Upgrade the level of custodial services in City Hall and other facilities. Goal 2 Create a new crew to provide specialized service, and develop a written maintenance plan. We are also becoming more computer oriented in order to provide a strong preventive maintenance program. Goal 3 Develop Maintenance Management Plan for all operations and inventory. Public Works - Larr~ Roberts A theme has been adopted known as. "Justifying Our Existence". There will be an effort to adopt the cost of doing business in private enterprise as a gauge to measure the performance of Public Works. Public Works will be looking at pay for performance and other incentives to help motivate the employees. Systems are being set up n each division to measure performance and comparison of cost of operations against private enterprise. Public Works is made up of six divisions which include Administration. Animal Control. Road & Streets. Sanitation. Transportation. and Vehicle Service. The mission statement for Administration is to provide the center for supportive leadership for the five divisions within the Public 'Works Department and provide the best possible customer service for citizens n reference to refuse collection, transportation schedules, streets and sidewalks, complaints and animal control problems. The Animal Control Division is responsible for the enforcement of State aws and local Ordinances to ensure the humane treatment of animals and the safety and welfare of Boynton Beach residents. In Animal Control. we intend to involve our local vets in a volunteer program that is designed to offer vaccination and other specialty services to the lower income neighborhoods where free-running animals and the lack of proper care can be a problem At present, this program will be a Iow-cost service to the citizens, and it will generate income to the Division A new Ordinance is being prepared which will give the animal control officers more power in dealing with the problems. The Roads & Streets Division will provide restoration of City streets and sidewalks efficiently and economically to serve the citizens of Boynton Beach. This is one of the divisions that can be looked at to define its direction. Programs will be evaluated to determine what we want to accomplish and whether or not we are doing the job. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the operation compared to the private sector~ we wilt almost incorporate a billing system in Public Works for each of the tasks that are provided. Using this task accounting system, within one year a great deal more information will be available relative to the costs of each individual task. 13 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CiTY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Sanitation will provide the most efficient level of solid waste collection by providing the best economica~ cost to citizens and increase of service by enhancing customer education on refuse collection. Areas that will receive a great deal of attention will be the determination of proper manpower requirements, types of trucks being used, and the cost of providing this service, it is believed that a considerable savings can be realized by doing things differently. Garbage collection systems can be made more user friendly, can be conducted at less cost. and the level of serwce can be maintained. We will look at methods used in other cities and in the private sector, and we will examine different types of trucks. Considerable changes in the operation will most likely result in the upcoming year. All of the changes will be attempts that involve the labor management concepts to minimize the effects of changes to the employees. The mission of the Boynton Beach Transit Authority is to provide a safe and user-friendly transportation system that is accessib e throughout the City. n the upcoming year. the major effort will be stabilization, There are considerable problems with definition of our service, and where the service should take place. Public input has had a tendency to continually change the service. The parameters of this service will have to be established and properly advertised, and the service will have to be dependable. Vehicle Maintenance will be a pr mary target this year. The m~ssion of Vehicle Maintenance ~s to provide the highest level of service to maintain Ihe City fleet through a rigid safety and economic program. Several major changes are proposed in the operations of the garage with most of those changes being in the areas of new ways of funding replacement vehicles, vehicle assignments, and accounting for the service. The garage should move toward operation as a business where revenue ~s generated by rentals and repairs funding the operation and replacements. We will work closely with employees to be sensitive to their needs in return for the additional performance that will be required of them. Mr. Roberts is confident Public Works will be able to maintain levels of service while making all necessary changes and retaining high employee morale. In response to Mayor Taylor's question about the possibility of these services becoming revenue generating, Mr. Roberts advised that he is looking at providing Fire and Public Works services outside the City. Mayor Taylor inquired as to whether we have a sidewalk program and whether we look at areas where sidewalks do not currently exist. City Manager Willis advised that this would fall under an assessment program. At the current time. Roads & Streets is a support service for Utilities. To do an assessment program, it would be necessary to increase staffing and begin doing evaluation and proactive planning. Mr. Fisher explained that we currently only do sidewalk restorations. New sidewalks are addressed when development takes place. With an assessment program for sidewalks the bid process could be used and a construction company would do the installation. 14 MEETING MINUTES 'SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Utilities - John Guidry Utilities is a large enterprise fund This is a business operating from a profit motive. Utilities serves a population of approximately 85.000. The service area encompasses 30 square miles. The mission statement is to provide consistently high quality of reliable service to our water, sewer and stormwater customers. Utilities strives always to meet treatment requirements, plan for meeting future needs, and correct any existing deficiencies that may occur. Utilities is always aware of its primary purpose to serve our customers. Goal 1 To corn plete the expansion of the West Water Treatment Plant to 8+ million gallons a day; Goal 2 To complete master plan and design stormwater improvements in the downtown area so as to manage stormwater on a regional basis. This capability will provide greater flexibility to downtown redevelopment at a reasonable cost. Goal 3 Improve overall efficiency and customer service of the department by combining job functions where possible to ~ncrease maintenance efficiency. Combining water distribution and meter reading divisions for better coordination in meter service. Improving water quality by expanding the 2" water ma~n replacement. Installing a new utility billing system including invoice billing with monthly City news items for customers. Renovate the East Water Treatment Plant site and Administration Building creating additional office space, improving the site appearance with redone building facades and landscaping, and installing a stormwater retention area for drainage improvements. There are 10 divisions tr Utilities Administration's responsibility is to upgrade departmental computer network server, continue developing maps for water, sewer, stormwater network, plan review and construction inspection for new development, backflow prevention, master planning, all recordkeeping functions, engineering design, construction survey and support. The Constructior Division installs replacement water mains and relocates existing mains where necessary They rehabilitate or build all pumping stations and repair fatal sewer lines and storm drainage piping. Customer Relatibns and Meter Reading performs billing services for water, sewer, stormwater, and Sanitation,, processes payments, arranges refunds, responds to customer inquiries, establishes new accounts, maintains billing records, and reads all water meters on a monthly basis. Laboratory Services performs required testing on potable water systems at both treatment plants, wells, an~ throughout the distribution system, flushes distribution system when water quality is needed, collects additional data for the new EPA Information Collection Rule, and monitors the City's old landfill. Public Water Operations operates both water treatment plants, wellfields, and water storage tanks, and flushes distribution system to maintain good quality as need. 15 MEETING MINUTES · SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Public Water Maintenance repairs or replaces malfunctioning components for both water treatment plants, all wells, water storage tanks, and performs preventive maintenance on all equ,pment. Pumping Stations Division maintains approximately 145+ sewage pumping stations, and replaces sewage pumps on a rotating schedule. Sewage Collection maintains the gravity sewer system, and televises new lines prior to acceptance by the City. Stormwater Division cleans and maintaihs existing stormwater p~plng, and assists construction crew in redevelopment of swale and drainage systems. Water Distribution repairs or reptaces meters as required, maintains all fire hydrants, valves. piping and distribution centers, locations for all underground water and sewer piping, and coordinates relocation of water service in piping replacement projects. The budget for this year ~s approximately $22+ million, but it is a 9% reduction over last year. Commissioner Bradley expressed confusion over the two Customer Relations Departments (Fund 401 and Fund 001). Mr. Guidry explained that there are two divisions in Customer Relations. One is the meter reading group, and the other group is Utility Billing. Mr. Sugerman further explained that the 401 Fund is a charge to Utilities. and the 001 Fund is a General Fund Account City Manager Willis advised that this confusion will be cleared up when a final decision is made relative to these functions. Development- Milan Knor The Development Department was created in October, 1994, and was composed of two Divisions - Engineering and Building. The new administration was charged with consolidating Planning and Zoning and the Community Redevelopment Department into the new Department of Development. These two departments are now divisions. At the same time, Occupational Licensing has been elevated into a division. The mission of Development is to provide a safe and healthy environment in an expeditious and efficient way for the citizens and business community. Goal 1 To eliminate duplication of work activities within each division. Goal 2 To share expertise of individual members of each division and enable the department to reduce the need for additional personnel without sacrificing efficiency. Development is actively pursuing the challenge presented by Visions 20/20 together with the mandates imposed by the State of Florida and evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan. A new 16 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 challenge wii be undertaken providing graphic information systems. It is believed that this effort will result in a drastic reduction of the need for storage of hard copies in the City. The Building Division will ~)rovide a safe and healthy environment to the residents of Boynton Beach We recently implemented a new staggered work day which begins at 7:30 a.m.. and extends until 5:30 p.m These hours assist in accommodating the residents of the City. The goal is to improve interaction with the public. We will provide a speakers bureau to various homeowners' associations and ciwc groups. Monitoring of administrative costs will be implemented to determine whether the current permit application costs are sufficient to cover the City's costs. No additional positions are anticipated in the new fiscal year. The Occupational License Division Will provide safe and orderly bus,ness within the City boundaries. This is accomplished through appropriate issuance of Occupational Licenses. It is anticipated that monitoring of existing business activities will be implemented by improving the computerized system that is in place. The annual inspection of every business establishment in the City will be increased. The Engineering Division Is presently reduced to one technical and one clerical position. This reduction was based on the fact that many of the activities in the Development Department are shared by other divisions. We are consolidating those functions and eliminating the duplication process within the department. The Land Development Regulations are currently being revised to impose certain standards that wil~ accelerate the review process. It is our goal to reduce the number of members that attend the TRC meetings to one member who will represent all divisions. This will reduce the time that is wasted in meetings. Engineering support will come from other divisions within the department. Community Redevelopment is responsible for implementation and administration of the City's housing programs. These programs consist of minor and major repair as well as first-time buyer application and construction programs. This division ~s responsible for administration of Community Development Block Grant funding which will allow the City to pursue its economic development and redevelopment. In the Planning and Zoning Division, the goal is to streamline the review process and improve the appropriate regulations. In addition; the division is charged with the administration of various development applications, State-mandated Comprehensive Plan; Evaluation & Appraisal of that plan with amendments; and review and maintenance of the Land Development Regulations. In addition to these activities, the division is active!y engaged in the study of approximately 300 acres of contiguous properties which are the potential target for annexation by the City. The Planning and Zoning Division provides technical iflformation and research as the need presents itself. Commissioner Bradley questioned whether or not we will look at a commercial and residential landscape code. Mr. Knot responded affirmatively, and advised that he will work with the City Horticulturist on this project. Human Resources - Arthur Lee 17 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 A Labor Management Committee was formed to discuss items that are of common interest to everyone in the City. One of the first discussion items was a proposal for a City-wide pay plan. Mr. Lee distributed a document which highlighted all of the items to be investigated in taking on this task. He explained that the beginning pages provided a historical perspective of the City's pay plan that existed for years. It was one pay plan for all employees. However. as a result of the freeze from 1989 to 1991, we now have five pay plans. Discussions among the Committee members included trying to bring everyone back into the same pay plan. Mr. Lee discussed several proposals which include a 1% and 1% matrix, a 1% and 5% matrix. and a 2% and 5% matdx. AIl of these plans were discussed among the Committee members. There are many issues that must be resolved: however, every employee group was represented and there was open dialogue. With regard to the matrix, there were discussions about where to incorporate specific components as follows: Pay for Performance - This could be a flat percentage raise for meeting or exceeding standards. Another option would be a progressive amount for meeting or exceeding standards. The Committee decided that a flat rate would be favorable. However. pay for performance should be interfaced with several other components as follows: a. Longevity - The Committee would like to standardize what each employee receives. A proposal was developed looking at an employee after five years In doing this. a fiat rate would be used that would not be attached to the base {i.e., $100 after the fifth year, and that would go up to a maximum of $1.500 over the career of the employee). Training and Development - Employees should enhance their skills and abilities over a period of time by taking courses. If this is included in the pay olan with the addition of 1%. it would motivate employees to enhance their careers through career development. The Committee also came up with the idea of pay plan incentives such as a 1% savings bonus program People working in a team situation would be eligible to receive a bonus if, over a period of time. they work on a project and savings are realized. They would receive 1% of the savings up to a certain amount. In addition, a sick leave ~ncentive will be included to motivate people to come to work. The employee would be awarded one personal day per quarter if they do not use sick leave during the quarter. These ideas are conceptual and will be reviewed again by the Committee. However. when the plan is implemented, it would be done in two phases The trait ng and pay for performance will require research The first phase will include having a pay plan that will be implemented by October of this year In that matrix, all job classifications will be included. All job titles will be reviewed. Phase II would :)e implemented in January of 1998. This phase will include the training component and the performance con' portent. Vice Mayor Titcomb inquired as to how feasible it is to be able to get all negotiating factors into one matrix. Mr. Lee agreed that it will be difficult, but he is hopeful that through the Labor Management Committee meetings, all factors can be brought into this matrix. 18 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Golf Course - Joe Sciortino The m~ssion of the Golf Course is to provide the golfing public with an enjoyable golf experience while seeking to expand our customer base through creative programs and promotions. Three years ago, the Golf Course had 800 permit holders. Less than 20% of those permit holders were citizens of Boynton Beach. Therefore. a decision was made to let the customer base go down through attrition, and look at it on a year-by-year basis. Although we have 30% fewer permit holders playing 30% few rounds, 25% get greater play from daily fee players. We have very strong customer orientation and we will expand on that. At the end of September. we will be fully funded for the reserve fund and the bond requirements, and we will have in excess of $300,000 in undesignated reserve funds. The Golf Course is very strong financially. They will take advantage of this by making adjustments in the shoulder rates. This will allow the year-round residents to be able to take advantage of the nine-month rates. The Golf Course has held the line this year relative to expenditures. Capital improvements will include renovation of the cart facility. We are investigating lightning protection and warning devices. The collars on the Red Course are being resodded and we will resod the White Course this coming year. A data transmission weather system network will be purchased This will tie the Golf Course into a national weather service. We propose creation of an incentive pay plan for an Certified Golf Course Superintendent. and would like to consider having a pro shop attendant as opposed to only male professionals. The Golf Course is looking to share a qualified custom club fitter teacher with other clubs. Community Redevelopment - Todd Kotas The mission statement is to formulate policies an(: procedures to promote desirable economic growth. Some of the goals and objectives are as follows: Goal I Target market for what fits Boynton Beach. We are looking at a private and public fund for Boynton industrial development. Goal 2 Develop a cross-link buying program in order to allow industries to buy efficiently. This can be done through the Chamber of Commerce. Goal 3 Redevelopment of Ocean Avenue and surrounding areas. We would like this project to be 10% complete by 1998. We would like to create an additional 300 manufacturing-type jobs. 19 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, t997 Human Resources - Dale Su,qerman The mission of the Human Resources Department is to pre thorough, fair and objective terms of employment and provid objective opportunities to obtain employment. Goal 1 Recruitment and Selection Goal 2 Classification and Compensation Goal 3 Improvement in Customer Service vide our two customer bases with .~ the public with thorough, fair and The budget includes a $1C 637 decrease in the annual budget over last year's budget. There will be no increase in staff. They will attempt completion o~ automating the department. The budget includes a request for $35.000 for a comprehensive p~ay and classification study. The City Hall budget includes a request for $155.000 for the education development component of the new pay plan. ITS - Da e Su,qerman The mission statement of the ITS Department is to provide the computer users of the City a high level of effective and cost efficient service through the development and implementation of the best possible solutions for the corn puter users. Goal 1 Continue the implementation of the ITS Master Plan. Goal 2 Continue providing appropriate computer training classes to ensure they are fully capable of using ali hardware and software. Goal 3 Development of a ComprehensiVe communications effort. There is a $528,927 increase in the annual department budget over the 1996/97 allocation. However, this is the result of an accouniing method to show the combined General Fund costs associated with hardware, softwa[e, installation, training and maintenance. There will be the reduction of one professional position in;the ITS staff. There will be the completion of the third phase of the three-year ITS Master Plan. ITS funding should go down significantly in subsequent years since this is the third and final phase. Mayor Taylor noted that the City is spending significant funds to train our employees. He is hopeful that new hires will be equally computer literate. Libran/- Vir.qinia Farace 2O MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 The mission of the Library ~s to select, organize, preserve, and make available printed materials, and provide guidance in the use of the Library and its materials. Since the Library is a service organization, customer service is the main priority. The service statement of the Library is to provide their customers with the best resources and personal service, and to provide [he most effective and customer oriented service program possible through operational efficiency and fiscal responsibility. This quality service emphasis is reflected in the goals and objectives. In keeping with the requirements of the State aid to Library Programs, our Library has a long- range plan that the Commission adopted in September of 1996 An updated version of that long-range plan with go to the City Commission in September, 1997. Goal 1 Resources and Services: Objective: Patrons ReceMng up-to-date and accurate information is the reference component. This is the number 1 focus for this year. The Library's materials budget has been stagnant over the last nine years Objective Well-trained service oriented staff is the staff development program. Each staff member by their evaluation period, will be going through various training programs to enhance morale and service to the public. Objective: Improve patron access to reference materials and magazine articles in all formats including electronic resources. Goal 2 Patrons are provided attractive, well-maintained user-friendly l'acilities offering expanded and appropriate technology to facilitate access to information This encompasses facilities and technology. Objective 1 Develop and implement facility's enhancement plan Objective 2 Add public access termi hals. Objective 3 Raise full funding for the 1913 Schoolhouse project. Goal 3 Residents have access to expanded services and resources by the Library's participation in cooperative networks and the developing of a full awareness of the Library's resources and material. Objective 1: To fully implement and utilize SEFLIN membership that allows staff participation. Objective 2: Cominue and expand cooperative efforts in COALA and the Library Cooperative of the Pa m Beaches. 21 MEETING MINUTES $PECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 Objective 3: Developing and implementing a public relations program plan. Each line item has been rewewed and submitted after considerable investment in time and effort. The concepts which came into play were quality service and cost containment. The final result is a Library budget that is characterizes fiscal responsibility, practical application and a commitment to the highest-quality service product. In response to Vice Mayor Titcomb's question, Ms. Farace advised that the Library will become a server site however, there will not be access for placement of home pages on our web server. We will develop home pages for the City Library, the museum and the City. In addition. each library that is part of COALA will be able to put those web servers on that site Finance - Diane Reese The m~ssion of the Finance Depar[ment is to provide timely and accurate financial reports to City officials and to departments. The Finance Department has been taking five months to provide the annual financial report to the City Commission. This is too long, and they will strive to complete and submit this report within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year. The Finance Department will develop an educational program to go out and meet with the citizens ~n an effort to develop more trust with the citizens. The Finance Department will be more flexible with departments to meet their needs while meeting certain State requirements. They will ask the City Commission for authorization [o raise t~e bid imit in oroer to give the departments some additional flexibility in go~ng out for bids. City Manager Willis added that we are looking at ways to tighten up on oversight of grants and pension administration. Commissioner Tillman questioned whether Finance has studied the possibility of going to bi- weekly payroll. City Manager Willis responded affirmatively, but advised that this will require more investigation. Communications and 9'1'1 - Wilfred Hawkins Hugh McCaffrey explained that money has been shifted in the budget for a replacement radio system. There have been discussions with Boca Raton and Delray Beach to nstall a system that would service ali three cities. This system would be owned and maintained by the three cities and it would provide police, fire and emergency medical service with common channels. This would extend the range of our own users. The County determined that they will install the Motorola system. However. there is not enough room on that system to accommodate all the cities and the County. Mr. Hawkins advised that we nave been an 800 MHz system for many years, but we are now looking at the possibility of adding an additional 800 MHz. We were pioneers with the 800 MHz, 22 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 and because of that. our system ~s now getting worn out. It is very difficult to find replacement parts. Our system must be upgraded, and the cost will be approximately $2.5 million. When the discussions begin regarding a funding mechanism for all capital projects, this system must be a top priority item. City Manager Willis advised that we are looking at a potential bond issue for November, 1998. This request would be part of that bond since there is no other way of lundin9 such an item. Ne ,qhborhood Program - Wilfred Hawkins The mission is to encourage cooperation and coordinate resources in the private and public sectors to identify and prioritize needs a~d present solutions to solve neighborhood problems through a united effort of citizens, government and business. We will establish neighborhood associations throughout the City, perform neighborhood needs assessments and promote cooperation between neighborhoods, business and City government for the betterment of all of Boynton Beach. We will issue a new City-wide newsletter beginning 'n August of 1997. This newsletter will contain many items relative to our Visions 20/20 projects, t will also feature articles on projects being handled by individual departments. A corn~)rehensive City directory is currently being developed contaimng department names. phone numbers and descriptions of the departments. Work will be done to facilitate the understanding of the benefit of public/private partnerships among City officials and the general pub]ic. We are already experiencing the benefit of such a partnership in relation to the NW 17th Avenue and Cherry Hill projects. We will continue to get communities involved in these types of partnerships. A council of neighborhood associations will be established. Henry Ackermann is currently planning a neighborhood summit in August. We will encourage neighborhood associations to work with Code Enforcement initiatives, and increase neighborhood sensitivity to negative factors and foster citizen pride in the neighborhoods, Increasing volunteerisrn will help to minimize negative factors, We will establish and maintain effective lines of Communications and establish a resou "ce bank to provide technical assistance. We wilt encourage neighborhood organization representation at City Commission meetings and hearings. We are currently developing a bank of City employees who are willing to volunteer their time and services. This bank will then be expanded into the neighborhoods. City Attorney - James Cherof The mission of the City Attorney's Office has been redefined to make sure that staff is able to accomplish their missions exped'tiously, legally and with minimal or no risk of getting sued. The 23 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 City Attorney's Office will act in a positive, aggressive fashion to meet with staff to anticipate legal problems. They will demonstrate a can-do attitude. They believe their goal and objective is to find ways to do things. The City Attorney's objective is to search until they find a solution to a problem. They will do this through diligent research of facts diligent research of law. and they will continue to push the frontier of the law until they get to the point where they believe the risk is not acceptable to staff or the Commission This objective will be measured at the end of the year by determining how many of the missions were accomplished with the assistance of the legal department. Mayor Taylor pointed out that there is a tremendous willingness by people to go after cities with frivolous lawsuits. He would like to look at how we can go after someone who does this and make [hem pay. Attorney Cherof explained that there have been discussions with the Florida League of Cities with the hope that a bill can be passed in this upcoming Legislative Session that will provide a basis for cities to recover costs and attorneys fees from people who bring frivolous lawsuits. Mayor Taylor feels we should make an effort to tobby our legislators to pass this law. City Clerk - Sue Kruse The City Clerk's Office is a service-oriented department whose mission is to strive to fulfill every request within 24 hours for public documents from our repository of City records, and provide accurate and concise meeting minutes in a timely period. Constant improvement is enacted consistent with applicable laws. Our duties include minutes transcription, tax certificates, distribution of Ordinances and Resolutions, elections, central files and property records. We are making computerization a top priority and have set goals and objectives taking into consideration the amount of records in the department dating back to 1910. Network computerization is the #1 goal with indexes for Resolutions. Ordinances. Proclamations. contracts, agreements, annexations, abandonment applications and minutes for availability to all City departments. After accommodating this for City-wide use our goal is to obtain a software program for computerization of all cemetery records so that we can eliminate the cards and journal-recordkeeping and typewritten preparation of work orders, invoices, deeds, certificates etc. Vice Mayor Titcomb questioned whether the ,corn outerization of records storage will permit a rewew of the records to flag the actions taken ~n minutes, votes, and Resolutions to determine whether or not the actions have been fulfilled. Assistant City Manager Sugerman advised that the software does not automate action. However. it automates access. Sue Kruse is currently generating an action report at the end of every Commission meeting which lists the items of action. This report is on the shared network. Proposed Charter Revision Attorney Cherof reviewed the chart and schedule that was prepared relative to the proposed Charter Revisions, The chad demonstrates the review of the Charter. There are a number of 24 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 provisions that are listed as a recommendation to delete. These are obsolete provisions, or provisions covered by State law. This is an effort to clean-up the Charter to remove all obsolete provisions. There are other substantive provisions of the Charter that require review. A change to these prowsions will require a vote by the citizens since they require referendum questions. There is currently a provision which was enacted in 1987/88 which requires amendments to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to be voted on by a super-majority of the Commission· This is not required under Chapter 163 which governs Comprehensive Plans· and there is no provision of the State Constitution requiring this action, This was a local procedura! requirement imposed only here in Boynton Beach. In Attorney Cherof's opinion, this prowsion in Charter Section 24C ~s unnecessary andit infringes upon the concept of-the majority rule type vote found elsewhere in the Commission's powers. It is an unnecessary restriction on the Commission's legislative authority. Section 50 of the Charter deals with the terms of office. It is felt that there is an increased need for legislative continuity that is not currently available under the current term limits. Two options are suggested. They are either three two-year terms, or un imited:two-year terms. Article IV. Section 72 of the Charter deals with civil service, It is recommended that the Commission replace the existing system with an administrative policy system which would enhance the ability of the City to compete with the private sector, and eliminate many archaic procedures. It is believed that we can better define opportunities for hiring, promotion, advancement, discipline, and removal within a new system rather than try to redo the old system. It s recommended that if the Commission wishes to move in the recommended direction it should be done over time. It should not be implemented in conjunction with the adoption of a referendum question. It should~be adopted effective October 1, 1998. This would permit sufficient time to study the policy book and allow the City Manager to take it to the Labor Management Comntittee prior to the City Commission reviewing it. The schedule proposed would take the Commission through the fall of this coming year into the spnng, wth final adoption of the policy manLr~al in May or June of next year and implementation n October. This would be City-wide;: affec~n~ all employees. This would eliminate the Civil Service Board and repace it with aD ir0pa~tial~ outside, third-party special hearing officer to gather facts and make recommendati0ns to the City Manager. Mayor Tay or recommended that the= Comm~ssoners oe give an opportunity to review this information and d scuss t at the next C~ty~Comm]ss on meet ng. Attorney Cherof recommended that the Cot not listed. He pointed out that there is a Commissioners at $350 per month. This suggested that the this provision from the Charter into the consider one additional point which is the Charter that fixes the salaries of the lags behind other cities of this size. He ~n for a Charter amendment to either shift Charter. Mayor Taylor thanked everyone for,the presentations were very informative. was done on this budget. He felt the MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTO N BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 27, 1997 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting propedy adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City~.lerk ording Secretary '"(Five Tapes) Commissioner Commissioner 26