Minutes 07-27-92HIHUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP #EETIHG HELD IN COHI4ISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYHTOH BEACH, FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, JULY 27, 1992 AT 6:00 P.M. PRESENT Arline Weiner, Mayor (arrived late) Lynne Matson, Vice Mayor Jose Aguila, Commissioner Edward Harmening, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager CALL~ TO ORDER Vice Mayor Matson called the workshop meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. City! Manager Miller explained that he would work through the revenues first and then! continue with the City Commission and department budgets. The iproposed FY 92-93 includes an increase in the millage rate of .2176. One of the variables to be considered is the 98.5% collection rate. During the past yearl, the City did very well and was near the 100% rate; however, during past fiscial years, the rate has been as low as 97.4%. The average over the last four yea~s has been approximately 98.6%. Another variable used is the 3.3% which repnesents discounts. Instead of collecting the tax rate times the taxable valuie to arrive at I5,412, applying 1.5% uncollectibles and 3.3% on the discounts will bring in a net estimated revenue of $14,904,175. He pointed out that one (1) mill at the assessed value of $1,963,202,655 times 98.5% times ?97. equals one mill equalling 1,869,940. The .21 proposed is approximately $40 ,000 to $450,000. This money can be taken from the fund balance or reduc- tions can be made in expenditures which will render no tax increase for the upcQming fiscal year. PAGE The iCity's Fund Balance for FY 90-91 is $493,454, an audited figure which is the amount the City feels will be collected and disbursed between now and the end of theifiscal year. The Anticipated Revenues and Estimated Expenditures for FY 91-92 will result in a Fund Balance of $367,511. By adding both Fund Balance figdres together, the result is a Fund Balance of $860,965. In mid-lggo, the Cit~ received $706,000 of insurance money which is the Tradewinds account. That money was set aside. The figure of $706,000 is deducted from the $860,511 which ]ea~es a total Fund Balance of $154,965. In discussions with Grady Swann, it wasldecided that $100,000 Fund Balance Appropriated could be budgeted. The $704,000 would be left as contingency or reserve. Commissioner Walshak asked wha~ this reserve would be used for. City Manager Miller reported that the Commission would make that decision. Commissioner Walshak suggested that money be Qsed for the General Fund as it was originally intended. Commissioner Wal~hak pointed out that it made sense in 1990 to leave the money collecting between 10% and 14% interest. Today, the interest rate is only 3%. Commissioner Wal~hak said that money would solve all of the problems in the budget by covering the $450,000 shortfall, there would be no need for a tax increase and thelCity would go into next year with a $300,000 surplus or contingency. - 1- HINUTE$ - CITY COHMI$$ION BUDGET WORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 Commissioner Walshak further explained that the money was given back to the tax- payers for insurance which was purchased for the Tradewinds settlement. He suggested paying the Tradewinds obligation from the $706,000 and that will give an additional $705,000 in general revenue. City Manager Miller feels the Conmlission should give Commissioner Walshak's suggestion some thought over the next three nights. City Manager Miller reminded the Commission that once the millage rate is set, it can be lowered in September when it is adopted, but it cannot be raised. Commissioner Walshak asked Mr. Miller if it is necessary to squirrel away this $706,000 of the taxpayers' money and then increase taxes. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that using that money would leave the City with a very thin contingency fund. Commissioner Walshak feels this money should be used for the obligation since the taxpayers paid for the insurance and the insurance com- pany paid their portion of the obligation. City Manager Miller is aware that the iCommission does not wish to raise taxes. He suggested proceeding through thebudget where other changes may be made which may prove that using that money is not necessary. The Commission decided to move on and return to this discussion on Wednesday. -- City Manager Miller began with Revenue items. Regarding Franchise Taxes, there haslbeen a slight decrease. Florida Power & Light has shown the largest decrease. A portion of this was offset with an increase the Cable Television Franchise fees which total $32,200. The total decrease in Franchise fees amounts to approximately $13,000. There is an increase of $40, 380 in the Util!ity taxes. On public utilities, when the funds come in at 100%, there is a distribution at 22% for Tradewinds and 35% for the 1986 Debt Service. The balance of 43% goes into the General Operating Fund. The 35% which goes to pay offlthe 1986 Debt Service was set by the Commission years ago. The actual per- centage required to pay off the Debt Service is approximately 31% or 32%. The difference between the 31%-32% and the 35% goes into the Capital Improvement Fund, That Fund is replenished by approximately $250,000 on an annual basis. PAGE 5 With regard to Occupational Licenses, the City anticipates an increase of approximately $15,000. This is a small growth. Some larger businesses are expected, but this figure does not include any large businesses which may come into the City next year, Mr. Jaeger has a listing of major projects including thelmarina, the market-type square in Quantum Park, a Scandinavian-type village in Quantum Park, ACLFs on Congress Avenue, and the ACLF on Hypoluxo. Hopefully, these projects will come to fruition next year or the following year. Mayor WeiSer asked for copies of the list of projects. Regarding permits and fees, the projects have been reviewed three times and the Cit~ is comfortable that the anticipated revenue will come in at $198,000 more nex! year than what was collected this year. At the beginning of this fiscal year, the City was in poor shape; however, over the last six months, there has bee~ a doubling in revenue. The anticipated revenue will be over the figure anticipated in the Amended Budget. -2- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 There is a proposed increase listed under Beach Decals. Staff has proposed that the fee for a Beach Decal be increased from $10 to $15. The last increase was in 1989-90 which was a $3 increase. A $5 increase will bring in $45,000. Commissioner Aguila wondered if this increase is contemplated only to generate additional revenue. Mr. Miller stated it is proposed to increase revenue and to make the service more user oriented and to pay for itself. Mayor Weiner feels the City's beach is the best bargain to be found in Palm Beach County and has no problem raising the fee. Commissioner Harmening and Vice Mayor Matson feel the increase is too high. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that the people who buy the decals are taxpayers and the original purpose of the charge was to control parking. He does not feel the taxpayers should be gouged twice. Commissioner Aguila feels $15 is an outrage. Vice Mayor Matson and Commissioner Walshak would like to leave the fee at $10. At this point, Mayor Weiner asked that a list be kept on these items so that a decision can be made on Wednesday. Mayor Weiner questioned whether or not there had been any increases in the user fees under licenses and permits. Mr. Miller reported that there have been no increases since the Occupational Licenses were increased two years ago. The City does not have the authority to increase them again until there is an act of the!Legislature. Permits were also increased two years ago. PAGE 6 A sleight increase is realized in State Revenue Sharing which is based upon what hasibeen collected for the past year. We hope to collect $1.1 million. There willi be a slight increase in the Sales Tax which is based on what has already been collected over the past several years. This year's collections are about $40~000 to $50,000 ahead of last year's collection. The total State-shared revenue has been increased from $3,622,148 to $3,713,065. PAGE Z This grouping shows revenue from other local governments. This is primarily from the State and County. The School Crossing Guard was based on a two-year phaSe-out program and is now left to the cities to finance. The County court figure has been increased from $360,000 to $372,000 based on stepped up increase in traffic enforcement and citations along with growth in the Palm Beach County court system. ThelLocal Option Gas Tax has been transferred to the end and listed under trans- ferS. That was done because there is a separate fund set up as Local Option Gas Tax Fund. Commissioner Aguila questioned the drop in Line Item 389.11, Palm Beach County 9111Reimbursement. Mr. McCaffrey stated this is a reimbursement of funds which have been spent. Last year there was a purchase of a logging tape recorder for $48~000 which had to be paid for. Total revenue from other governments has decreased about $44,000. -3- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, ~992 Under Other Licenses and Permits which includes applications for rezoning sub- divisions, annexations, additional uses, abandonments, site and street light fees, there is a decrease of approximately $49,000 because of the lack of deve- lopment. PAGE 8 Fees and Charges for Services was the next area reviewed. There is $100,000 for Police Special Detail, but there is a $100,000 expenditure on this Detail. The Fire Services of $80,000 covers the contract the City has with the Village of Golf to provide fire and EMS services. With regard to EMS services, this item covers ALS. There is no history on this item. Commissioner Harmening wondered what will happen if the Hospital goes out of the business of BLS transports and the City must pick them up. City Manager Miller feels the City will be in trouble if that occurs. That cost would have to come out of the revenue generated by ALS. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that if they lose the County, they will go out of business. City Manager Miller feelis a conservative approach was taken in this area. CommissionerHarmening feels if the City goes into BLS transports, instead of having a +$120,000 there will be a -$500,000. Commissioner Walshak questioned where Commissioner Harmening got those figures. Commissioner Walshak thinks BLS transports are very profitable. City Manager Miller stated BLS would increase the number of calls substantially because the City would have to man another full unit with three Paramedics and three Firefighter EMTs. At $35,000 to $40,000 per Firefighter, the personnel costs are over $200,000 alone. Consideration would then have to be given to upgrading a full unit and medical supplies. Commissioner Walshak thinks money can be made on BLS service because the same service is provided as in ALS transports. The money generated is not less than between $250 to $400 per trip. Increases are evident in Line Items 472.10, Program Activity Fees. City Manager Mill)er pointed out that all of the Program Activity Fees in the Racquet Center were put into one area last year. This year, those figures have been broken out' The City is anticipating $168,000 in Line Item 472.10 and $41,282 in Line oitem 472.12. When these two figures are added together, they total $209,000. That is an increase of $11,000 in revenue generated. Racquet Center Memberships andlDaily Fees will show an increase of $8,100. Collections as of this date exceed what is presently in the budget. The Racquet Center has entirely paid for;itself. In response to Mayor Weiner's question, Mr. Frederick stated that ~the~e is~room for four additional courts and those four.courts could-be utilized during the season. Beginning with Line Item 472.90, Beach Parking Fees, and continuing through Line Item 491.20, there are many new fees which were collected based on an Ordinance pas~ed this year with regard to rental of City facilities and equipment. Commissioner Aguila wondered why the figure for Hester Park appeared to be low compared to Freedom Hall. Mr. Frederick stated a conservative estimate was done for;Hester Park since it was not in operation. -4- HINUTES - CITY COle~I$$Igl BUDGET WORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 There will be a total increase in charges for services primarily due to the ALS revenue, the Activity Center and the Racquet Center. With regard to Fines and Forfeitures, there has been an increase in the Library Fines and Code Enforcement Fines. Line Item 540.20, Parking Fines - Police, has decreased. There was an overestimation regarding this year's collections. Commissioner Aguila asked for clarification on the difference between Line Item 540.20 and 540.21. Line Item 540.20 is when a person voluntarily pays the fine. Line Item 540.21 covers a collection agency collection of the fine. The collec- tion agency gets a share of the fee. City Manager Miller feels it is necessary to do a better job of collecting these fines. In response to Mayor Weiner's question, City Manager Miller stated that the City may have to consider getting another collection agency involved. Deputy Chief DeLoach reported that Computel was not keeping good records. Some people were getting letters even though they had already paid their fines. Now, all records have been shifted to the Finance Department. The voluntary collection rate is good, but the City has not been going out to collect. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that there is a State Statute whereby if these delinquent parking fines are turned over to the County Clerk, for $4, the County Clerk will turn this over to the Tax Collector and the fines must be paid before renewal of license plates. Commissioner Harmening suggested the Finance Department investigate this option. There has been a slight increase in False Alarm Fines. The total figure for Fines and Forfeitures is approximately the same as last year. Under Interest Income, there is a proposed increase expected in this area. Mr. Miller is comfortable with the proposed figure of $200,000 for next year. To date, $176,000 has been collected. PAGE There is a slight decrease of approximately $3,000 for the upcoming fiscal year under Rents and Royalties. Under Line Item 694.32, Returned Check Charge, shows the largest increase of $6,000. The fee for a Returned Check is $15 or a percentage, whichever is higher. The transfer from the Boynton Beach Memorial Park shows a proposed increase of $10;000. The reason for this is that the costs for the cemetery maintenance and crew is approximately $90,000 and there~is one person in the~City Clerk's Office who works almost full time on cemetery. Additionally, there is building main- tenance which involves the Facilities Management Division. More facilities maintenance is needed on the Mausoleum. Vice Mayor Matson wondered if the situation has yet to be corrected regarding their Occupational License. City Manager Miller reported that they are still claiming they are an agent of the City. He had not as yet completely researched this subject. A discussion 'ensued regarding the Sales Agreement. Commission Walshak stated the Sales Agreement says the City will furnish the lettering. He further pointed out that there are many who are very upset with the lettering at the Mausoleum. There is -5- HINUTE$ - CITY COHI4I$$ION BUDGET WORK$HOP HEETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 no problem with the brass markers which are placed at the cemetery. When they are~cleaned, they come up clean. When that same solution is used at the Mausoleum, they don't come clean. It may be necessary to change the lettering or the vendor to satisfy the customers. Mr. Wildner stated that the Sales Agreement states the City will install the lettering. Ms. Kruse agreed and pro- vided a copy of the Sales Agreement for review by the Commission. The transfer from the Local Option Gas Tax is recommended to be made to the Local Option Gas Tax Fund which will appear later on. Under the $29,600 transfer from Capital are the two positions under Project Management which will now be appropriated for in the General Operating Fund. Since approximately 30% of the work will be with ADA and new projects, Mr. Hiller is transferring 30% of their salaries from the Capital Improvement Fund into the General Fund. The transfer from Miscellaneous Trust is an interim service fee. The City is ant!cipating revenue of $80,000. Commissioner Harmening questioned the increase from $60,000 anticipated in 91-92 to $80,000 proposed for 92-93. The additional $20,000 is a Local Government Crime Control Trust which has been sitting since 1983. $20,000 has been transferred into this account. There are no funds remaining in the Reserve account. The Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Account will be increased $150,000 from the current year. Commissioner Harmening questioned why this amount keeps increasing. Mr. Swarm pointed out that their budget and costs keep rising and the City must keep up with it. Commissioner Walshak noted that it stayed the same over a three-year period. There has been no increase since 88-89. The Golf Course CIP Administration was a one-time deal relative to the 1% on the Golf Course Bond Issue. The Golf Course Administrative Fee will remain the same. The Sanitation Billing Collection has been increased from $502,000 to $525,000. This is an increase of $23,000. The total proposed revenues for the General Fund are anticipated at $29,052,370 less whatever the Commission decides regarding the Beach Decals. City Manager Miller pointed out that the City's Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage increased 10% which amounts to an additional $95,000. Mr. Sullivan reported that this item was not shopped since he is working with other cities in the County to establish a consortium where all cities would be under one group. This is not easy to accomplish since each city has union obligations. It would take approximately two years to see such a plan come to fruition because an agreement must be established and approved by each city. Vice Mayor Matson feels a $95,000 increase is a great deal of money, but Commissioner Harmening pointed out that the Florida League of Cities is good enough to notify the cities prior to the budgetary process. -6- #INUTES - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 A discussion ensued regarding whether or not City Commissioners can be eligible to enter the program. Mr. Sullivan pointed out that Blue Cross/Blue Shield is very clear in its definition of a full-time employee. In Commissioner Walshak's opinion, the Commissioners should be eligible as full-time employees. He feels some of the Commissioners might like to take advantage of membership in this plan on a pay basis. Commissioner Harmening suggested Mr. Sullivan investigate the possibility of Commissioners being eligible as members of the group. Mr. Miller reminded the Commissioners that every department will show an increase in Personnel Services because of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield increase. Workers Compensation has also been increased. The premiums have increased 100%. An additional $438,000 had to be appropriated throughout all of the accounts. Capital Outlay was offset by funding through the Capital Improvement Fund because some of the items were needed. If they were not funded through the CIP, additional funding of $150,000 would be needed. Commissioner Walshak questioned the reason for the 100% increase in Workers Compensation. Mr. Miller reported that increase is partially because of acci- dents, but also because reserves have been set aside for special cases such as for the Police Department for physical and psychological problems. Mr. Miller does not feel a great deal of the increase was due to safety. In response to Commissioner Aguila's question, Mr. Miller stated that if the City has a good year, that figure will be lowered. PAGE 16 - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET City Manager Miller reported that this budget shows an decrease of approximately $8,000. Business meetings were cut from $10,000 to $5,000. Memberships were reduced. The City has memberships in the Municipal League, the Florida League of Cities and the South County Council of Governments. PAGE 23 - CITY MANAGER With regard to personnel, no changes or reclassifications are being recommended. There are seven {7) full-time positions. Mayor Weiner commended the City Manager's Office for being able to get out the tremendous amount of work which is generated. .Their:increase noted..in Line Item 976,01 is due to Workers Compensation. Several decreases are evident on Page 25. There is one proposed item for the General Fund which is a capital outlay. That item is a Printer Memory Upgrade for the Public Information Office. In realizing this is a tight budget, a policy decision was made that there would be no attendance at conferences out of State. A savings of $40,000 was realized by implementing this policy. The line items for business meetings and expenses will be decreased in each department budget. -7- NINUTES - CITY CONNISSION BUI)GET~RKSHOP NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~UL¥ 27, 1992 PAGE 30 - CITY CLERK The number of personnel in this department will remain at eight (8). No reclassifications are being recommended at this time. Personnel Services and Supplies decreased slightly. There are some decreases in operating expenses; however, $15,000 was included for election expenses in anticipation of two elec- tions in March. Commissioner Harmening wondered what would happen if the Boynton Beach News decided to close their office. City Manager Miller stated the City would be in trouble with advertising since the bulk of advertisement is being done through them. They are the least expensive. One appropriation is proposed for two (2) IBM Wheelwriter Typewriters. Further, the Zoom Lens and Microfilm Autocarrier for Reader/Printer will be funded through the Capital Improvement Budget. Commissioner Walshak pointed out that the City Clerk's Office operates very efficiently and effectively. He reviewed the budget figures since 89-90 and noted that there is a reduction of $17,000. There has been no increase in the budget over four years. He applauded Sue Kruse for her efforts. Commissioner Aguila questioned why the Mail Sorter/Table was deleted. City Manager Miller stated a compromise was reached on the system used. PAGE 38= FINANCE The Finance Department currently has six (6) full-time positions and two part- time positions. That number will remain the same, but there are changes in per- sonnel. The Assistant Treasurer position has retired and will be replaced with an Accountant I. Further, a reclassification of the Assistant Finance Director to a Deputy Finance Director/Treasurer from Grade 34 to Grade 37 is proposed. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that the Charter calls for only one Treasurer. City Manager Miller stated this would be a Deputy Finance Director/Assistant Treasurer. There is a decrease in the Personnel Services for the Finance Department. There is a decrease in Materials and Supplies. There is a decrease in Operating Expenses primarily in the area of the CPA Audit. Business Meetings and Training also show slight decreases. There was nothing approved for Capital outlay. There was an increase in Workers Compensation from $816 to $1 579. Overall the FinanceDepartment budget decreased from $425,105 to $381,987~ ' City Manager Miller reported that the Budget Coordinator position will be reclassified from Grade 28 to Grade 30. PAGE45= CITIZEN SERVICES FouK (4) full-time positions will be retained. Rather than two (2) Citizen Services Clerks III, there will be one {1} Citizen Services Clerk III and a Citizen Services Clerk I will be added. It was pointed out by Commissioner ~arYnening that the lines become very long in this area. City Manager Miller -8- HINUTE$ - CiTY COHHI$$ION BUDGET WORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 stated changes have been made to the outer office. Additional dollars have been appropriated for contractual services. The window area was closed and the cash register was put in the outer office. There now exists the possibility of having two cash registers working in that area. The City already possesses a second cash register which will be put in place. The increase in contractual services is to cover the time when the City sells golf permits. This money will pay for part-time help. The Department reflects decreases in Personnel Services and Materials and Supplies and shows an overall decrease from $145,341 to $130,641. PAGE 53 - DATA PROCESSING There are. currently six full-time positions. These positions will be retained. The only change proposed is a title change of one (1) Programmer/Analyst to Microsystem Analyst. There is no change in grade. On Page 54, it was noted that there will be an increase in Personnel Services from $276,000 to $281,000 due to fringe benefits. City Manager Miller distri- buted information regarding upgrading the computer system from an AS 400 Model 40 to AS 400 Model 50. City Manager Miller pointed out that if the Commission decides to go with the computer upgrade, Line Item 430.07, Computer Maintenance, will be reduced approximately $11,000. Further, Page 55, Transfers Out, Interest Expense increased approximately $10,000. These two items offset each other. Mr. Munro explained that computers are rated by letters. The City purchased a "B"~model. Since the purchase, the system has been upgraded with additional database, storage and memory. They now have an "E" model which is much faster. This will supply a 275% increase in processing time. Additional disk capacity will) be added. He reported that he is now at 92% of disk capacity with the pre- sent system. As a result, the system runs slower. There are approximately 120 assilgned terminals throughout the system. In response to Mayor Weiner's question, Mr. Munro stated the hardware alone is $190,000. That covers the disk and the memory. The software to run the system is $43,000. The main- tenance costs are pulled out and added to this figure and that would allow a four-year fixed rate on maintenance. There is also the payoff of the last year from the Utility Fund which paid for the original model. The entire amount of $400,000 will be borrowed from IBM and paid off over four years. Mr. Munro sta~ed~,therewill be an interest rate of 6.9% on the $190,O00and 9.75% on the remainder. The reason for the lower amount is the physical hardware can be sold if ~here is a default on the loan. Mr. Munro does not know about any better rat~s from the banks. Mayor Weiner suggested asking the banks,'and Mr. Munro agreied to do that. Commissioner Walshak explained that the rate from the banks on n)on-collateralized equipment is approximately 10% or 11%. IBM is offering the ibest packages. Mr. Swarm will get informal quotes from Barnett and Sun Bankis. In rlesponse to Commissioner Walshak's question, Mr. Munro stated that IBM will not !lock the City out of any of their packages even if financing is secured -9- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 somewhere else. Commissioner Aguila feels IBM may like the situation more if financing is not done through them since they will not be taking any risk. Operating Expenses decreased. Funds for a one (1) tape backup unit for the Microcomputers have been appropriated through the Capital Improvement Budget. Commissioner Aguila questioned the request for $5,350 under Business Meetings. Mr. Munro explained that the money would be used for three Programmers to attend conferences which are technical seminars. That figure was reduced to allow one defiinitely to attend and possibly two, depending on the fees. Some of the regi~stration fees are $1,go0 for these seminars. The;Data Processing budget increased from $294,401 to $307,136. Mr. Munro stated that a Letter of Intent can be sent to IBM to get in the pro- duction line. He asked for approval to put this system on tentative order. The order can be pulled in September if the Commission decides against it. If this is not done, Mr. Munro's alternative is to add more disk drives which will require a great deal of purging of information. Mr. Munro was given authorization to send the Letter of Intent to IBM. PAGE 61 _- PURCHASING Thene are currently four (4) full-time positions and one CBE Clerk. That staffing level will remain the same. There was a slight increase in Personnel Services, while Materials and Supplies remained the same as last year. The Operating Expenses reflect a slight reduc- tion. Page! 64 shows a Memory and Software Upgrade which will be purchased from the General Fund. The overall budget increased from $i68,712 to $175,039. The areas of pension, health and related fringe benefits account for the increased budget. PAGE 69 - PERSONNEL There are currently five (5) full-time positions in this department and those samei positions are being recommended for the 92-93 budget. Personnel Services decreased slightly from $272,470 to $270,143. Materials and .Supplies. increased slightly since the~cost of exam supplies increased. Operating Expenses increased. $2,000 was added under recruitment and $1,000 was added under other contractual services. That $1,000 is being used for the pro- cess~ng of fingerprints for new employees. The State no longer waives the fee. Regarding the Wellness Program, City Manager Miller reported that this program involved physical fitness/wellness seminars and programs on nutrition and exer- cisei The reason for the cutback is that utilization of the programs has been light. The "Brown Bag Lunch Program" was instituted last year and included were discussions on nutrition, exercise, smoking, weight reduction, etc. Mr. - 10- #INUTE$ - CITY COI4NI$$ION BUDGET NORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 Sullivan feels the results of that program were reflected in last year's Blue Cross rates since there was no increase. By changing lifestyles, an impact is made on health insurance. Commissioner Aguila questioned Line Item 474,00, Periodicals/Magazines/Books. It was explained by Mr. Sullivan that this cost is for Personnel professional magazines and publications on new labor laws, Mr. Sullivan stated that much of this information is technical journals. Personnel recently purchased an ADA Journal at a cost of $150. There is no capital outlay for the Personnel Department. The overall budget for the Personnel Department decreased from $365,749 to $350,260. Vice Mayor Matson wondered if the $2,000 for recruitment expenses would be enough to cover those expenses. Mr. Miller feels it should be enough money to recruit four or five times. The testing cost comes from Exam Supplies. Commissioner Walshak wondered if the City is tapped into any of the ADA reference terminals. He stated that buying into these programs costs very little each year and they furnish technical data. Mr. Sullivan was not aware of this service. Commissioner Walshak suggested looking at this possibility. Mr. Munro stated there is no program he is aware of at this time. This would require the purchase of a modem at a cost of approximately $200 and a laser disk for $450 to $500 which is tied into a computer. A hard copy is sometimes better since it can be moved around. PAGE 76 - CITY ATTORNEY The City Attorney's Office currently has one (1) full-time person and the City Attorney is under contract. Personnel Services will remain the same. Materials and Supplies will decrease slightly. There has been a realignment of Line Items 452.00, Special Contingency, 450.18, Legal-Labor Contingency, 461.00, Legal Fee-City Attorney and 468.00, Professional Service from the Amended Budget 91-92 to Proposed Budget 92-93. Totalling those four accounts amounts to $181,500. Of that amount, we have expended 69% ($125,515) to date. We should be at the 75% mark within the next three months. The proposed amount for those four accounts for 92-93 is $175,000, which is a slight reduction. In response to Mayor Weiner's question,.Mr. Miller stated the Special Contingency is the fund used to pay Mr. Cherof for his hourly work. The Legal Fee-City Attorney (461.00) is the retainer fee only ($75,000 per year). The Special Contingency ($50,000) is that which is paid for outside litigation. The Legal-Labor Contingency ($20,000) is for labor-related incidents. This will be used for recertifications and grievance arbitrations. Professional Services ($30,000) is for outside legal counsel brought in on any case. Although the City Attorney's overall budget decreased slightly from the Amended Budget, there is always the possibility of a large lawsuit. - 11- MINUTES - CITY COHHI$$ION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 Commissioner Aguila questioned the cost of operating the Software and Modem which is recommended for funding. It was pointed out that a direct telephone line already exists for this operation. Commissioner Walshak wondered why the Paralegal position has not changed in grade. It was pointed out by both Commissioner Walshak and Vice Mayor Matson that special training was required which should be rewarded. Mr. Miller feels that this Administrative Assistant I does not perform more work than the Administrative Assistant i in his office. Commissioner Walshak pointed out that the amount of work is not as important as the quality and training. He further pointed out that education benefits the City and moves the employee ahead. Mr. Mill!er stated that Police and Fire personnel are going for law degrees and Masters degrees. While the City pays for that education, the City does not necessarily reap the benefits of that education. Commissioner Walshak pointed out that the Paralegal benefitted the City and he feels she should be compen- sated. Mayor Weiner didn't feel her duties have changed since she became a Paralegal, but Commissioner Walshak disagreed. Ms. Parker suggested doing a salary survey in surrounding areas to be reviewed by the Commission on WedneSday. Commissioner Walshak feels that by not rewarding this employee, a message is being sent to the entire labor force that education does not mean anything, PAGE 83 _- ,PLANNING Commissioner Aguila stated that this department has grown in size and respon- sibility over the last year, but the budget keeps going down. More work is being done with less people and less money. He feels this department may be being pushed to the limit because some of the things which should take two montihs to accomplish are now taking four or six months. Commissioner Aguila specifically spoke about an ordinance which has been discussed for a year, but is Still not ready because of more pressing business. Commissioner Aguila feels thisl department needs one or two more people. City Manager Miller agrees with the ineed for an Assistant Planner; however, this position would be a Grade 30 and would cost approximately $30,000. This position is now vacant and an econo- mic decision was made to eliminate it. Commlissioner Walshak stated that there are three people in Community Improvement who have a total of twenty-six (26) rehab projects and four (4) paint up/fix up projects. Chris Cutro stated that the Secretary, Loan Officer and Inspector are being moved to the Planning Department. Mr. Cutro explained that the money for ..those three positions comes from TIF and must be directed into the downtown efforts or housing efforts. That money cannot be used for an Assistant Planner. Mr. Cutro reported that the budget is set up so that the three positions are completed funded by TIF even though they will be in the Planning Department. Mr. Hawkins stated that these projects are not little jobs. These are major renovations on homes requiring bid specifications, contractors, subcontractors, plumbing and electrical work and landscaping. In many cases, the people are getting a new house. Only four (4) projects were paint up/fix up; twenty-six - 12 - HINUTE$ - CITY C01~I$$ION BUDGET HORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 involve extensive work. The Loan Specialist spends a great deal of time getting approvals from the bank. The Inspector handles the bid specifications and works with the contractors. Tracking the work is very important. In response to Commissioner Walshak's question, Mr. Hawkins stated that a renovation will generally cost between $13,000 and $15,000. Over $300,000 has been spent this year. Mayor Weiner pointed out that the work of this department has always been labor intensive. Ci'ty Manager Miller said that the City Planner may utilize these workers if the programs slow down. However, he further pointed out that these individuals have not been trained in the planning areas so that they would not,be able to work on certain projects. Commissioner Walshak was satisfied with this response. Commissioner Aguila feels this department is overtaxed. Mr. Cutro explained that the areas which have been suffering are Comprehensive Plan implementation and the rewriting of ordinances because all other work must come first. Most of the Planning time has been devoted to plan review, and building plan reviews. The Zoning and Site Administrator, the Site Development Revi~ewer and the Senior Planner are becoming more involved in the development review situation. Commissioner Aguila suggested unfreezing the Assistant Planner position. In response to Commissioner Walshak's question, it was determined that unfreezing the Assistant Planner position would cost $35,000 including benefits. Mr. Cutro offered to go with a Planning Technician rather than an Assistant Planner in an attempt to cut costs while still offering the help required. Mr. Cutro will return on Wednesday with additional information. City Manager Miller stated that there has been a decrease in Planning's Personnel Services because of the elimination of the Assistant Planner position. Materials and Supplies and Operating Expenses have remained the same. There is no Capital outlay. There is an increase in Workers Compensation. The overall Planning budget has decreased $10,000 from the Amended budget. If an appropriation is provided for the Assistant Planner, that would bring the overall budget above the current year. PAGE 448: COHHUNITY IHPROVEHENT May~r Weiner explained that the personnel paid from TIF must do TIF work. If they are not used to do residential in that district, then they must be used to do Commercial in the downtown area. Mr. Cutro is attempting to reorder the division so that personnel are providing loan assistance on both residential and commercial sides of the district. The main focus is to use turnkey money to free up money in other programs so that houses can'be built in the north end of Boy, ton Beach. The cost will be approximately $6,000 as opposed to approxima- tel~ $30,000. This year, there is $16,000 to fund the mangrove park, $44,000 forlPoinciana School, $10,000 in the Paint Up/Fix Up Program, $140,000 for the additional islands on Boynton Beach Boulevard, and $80,000 for CRA projects. The~e are no defined projects at this time, but the CRAB will make recommen- dations in the CRA. There is $170,448 in TIF money. Line Item 751.00 is a transfer of $31,600 which is a loan repayment. This is the second year of the toad repayment. City Manager Miller stat~ed that the General Fund has no contri- butiion to the CRA this year. All of the TIF money goes into a separate fund to be Spent in the CRA district and the expanded CRA to be decided by the CRA. - 13- H]:NUTE$ - CITY COHHIS$ION BUDGET WORKSHOP HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 Ms. Parker pointed out that the Home Improvement Program has not been funded at all for next year and there will only be $10,000 in the Paint Up/Fix Up Program. The~Community Improvement staff will be used for the following programs: the construction of five (5) homes which will require monitoring and inspections, thelPaint Up/Fix Up Program, the Boynton Beach Boulevard design specifications, part of the funding and information for the downtown mangrove park and recommen- dations from the CRAB. In response to Commissioner Walshak's question, City Manager Miller stated that the person serving as the Inspector will be involved in CRA projects. PAGE 91 - PRO,)ECT HAHAGEHEHT City Manager Miller stated that Mr. DeBeck has been the Project Manager for the Cit~ for the past five years. He and the Administrative Assistant have been financed out of the Capital Improvement Fund. Since the City will complete all of ilts building programs by the end of this year, Mr. DeBeck and his Admiinistrative Assistant will be brought into the General Fund to assist Faciilities Management in maintenance and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Mr. DeBeck is an expert on the ADA. He has attended seminars and lis.familiar with the necessary requirements. He will be involved in pro- per~y control relative to tagging all City inventory and assist in Facilities Manaigement working with Gene Lusk. Bill DeBeck will assist in maintenance func- tionis and problems with the HVAC problems. He will be involved with construc- tioni of new facilities which could involve parks. The City has $800,000 in the Parks Trust Fund for the development of parks. That money will need to be leveraged. Grant programs come through on an annual basis. A phasing develop- men~ plan will be set so that grants can be applied for and development can go forward. City Manager Miller pointed out that getting involved with a State grants turns the park into an open project. This budget will involve the Project Manager and Administrative Assistant I and the !budget would be parallel to what it has been over the last five years. PAGE 97 - FACILITIES HAHAGEHEHT The positions have decreased by one (1). The staff has gone from twenty-seven (27)i to twenty-six (26). The Foreman I position, which is vacant, will not be fillied. Additional areas and building space is being taken on, but Mr. Lusk has rescheduled his personnel and feels he can assume the additional respon- sibi~lities. Persionnel Services have decreased $60,000 because some of the long-term ~mplloyees have retired and the new employees start at Step A. There is a slight lncrlease in Materials and Supplies because of the new buildings. Line Item #4331.02 covers fire alarm repairs. There are problems with the fire alarms in Cityl Hall and there will be involvement with fire alarms in other facilities. Linei Item #470.10 will involve the training of two HVAC Mechanics at $750 per day !for on-site chiller repairs and maintenance. Vice Mayor Matson questioned Linei Item #434.00, Building Repairs. She feels more than $4,000 is necessary to repalir this building. If repairs are in excess of this amount, money will have - 14 - MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 27, 1992 to be taken from the Capital Improvement Fund. Other Contractual Services has been increased from $42,000 to $56,872. This will cover monthly pest control, elevators, emergency generator contract and the annual inspection and cer- tification of the fire alarm systems, chiller inspections, etc. The Chiller Purifier Purge and two {2) 15-ton Air Conditioners for Freedom Hall will be funded under the Capital Improvement Fund. Other requested items will be funded through the General Fund. This budget decreased from last year. PAGE 103 - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION/CITY HALL Cit~ Manager Miller pointed out Line Item #158.00, Compensation Adjustment in theamount of $286,340. This is a portion of monetary remuneration the Commission may want to appropriate for cost of living raises for FY 92-93. Line Item #478.00, Postage, has increased $5,000. Line Item #972.00, Transfers to TIFi decreased because of a decrease in assessed valuation for the downtown area. Line Item #976.00, Transfer to Self Insurance, increased from $660,722 to $874,839. There was a decrease in Line Item #977.00, Transfer to Warehouse. Line Item #988.00, Contribution to Human Services, was increased. This is the Titlle 20 Program. Our share for next year will be $11,400. This overall budget increased from $1,342,405 to $1,949,041. PAGE 105 - RISK MANAGEMEN?/INSURANCE This account was zeroed out as far as the General Operating Fund. This will be entirely funded from the Internal Service Account. This will be reviewed on Wednesday. PAGE 117 - Co)~m(UNICA?IONS The~e are twenty (20) full-time and three (3) part-time employees in communications currently. There are plans to increase the full-time positions to twenty-two {22}. These two positions were frozen in April, 1992. They will be restored on October 1, 1992. Funds have been appropriated for these posi- tiods. Personnel Services has increased from $830,475 to $856,821. Line Item 323j00, Radio Batteries and Supplies, has decreased because some of the depart- men!s are now securing their own batteries and supplies. Line Item #413.00, Ele~tic Services decreased. Line Items #431.00, Radio Repairs, and #433.00, Equipment Repairs, increased. CommissionerAguila questioned Line Item #472.00, Printing and Binding. Mr. McCaffrey stated this covers the forms being used. This is not a new item. All Dispatchers are EMD certified. This printing and binding covers the necessary booklets and cards. New cards will be ordered for the next three years. The total overall budget has been decreased from $1,171,324 to $1,125,070. There were large decreases in the area of capital outlay. A Backup Radio System - TWo Channel Transmitters with Associated Hardware will be funded from the Capital Improvement budget. City Manager Miller would like to get involved with thelROLM Telephone Switch with voice, but the expenditure is too large at this - 15 - HINUTES - CITY COMHISSIOH BUDGET WORKSHOP #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 time. This system would provide a great many enhancements to the current system. City Manager Miller pointed out that over ten years, the same amount of money will be expended maintaining the current system. Mayor Weiner explained that the economic situation may be different next year and the City may be better prepared to spend this amount of money. PAGE 123 - HANAGEHENT SERVICES This part of the budget was deleted during the last fiscal year. It appears to show that there is a history. PAGE 129 - POLICE DEPART#ENT Cite Manager Miller stated that there will be an increase to 124 sworn staff. Two!Police Officer positions were frozen in April, 1992. They will be unfrozen. Two!CPOs will be assigned into the CPO Program. Changes were made within the civi!lian staff. They have been decreased from twenty-six (26) positions to twenty-four {24) positions. One Shift Clerk position was frozen in 1992, but tha~ position will be unfrozen. One (1) Clerk II was transferred to Code EnfOrcement and one (1) Clerk II was upgraded to Shift Clerk. Personnel Services has decreased from 163 to 161. However, the 163 figure is currently two i(2) short. One (1) Clerk does Shift Clerk work and will be upgraded. Althiough Line Item #121.00, Incentive, shows an increase, Line Item #123.00, Overitime, has been consistent because of changes which have been implemented with!in the department. Line Item #146.00, Police Pension, decreased because of good) earnings. Most of the expenditures on Page 135 have remained the same with the exception of ai decrease in Line Item #397.00, Uniforms. The reason for the decrease is based on contractual language. Line Item #427.00, Vehicle Service Costs, decreased. Line Item #429.00 shows involvement with leased vehicles. However, because of the confidentiality involved, it was decided to fund the vehicles froml the Forfeiture Account. As of this date, there was $340,000 in the account. The City Commission encumbered $26,000 at the last City Commission meetling for video which leaves at least $300,000 in the account. Chief Hillery said some vehicles are being used for undercover work. They will be auctioned and replaced. In response to Mayor Weiner's question, Chief Hillery said the vehicles are brought to the Sheriff's Office auction. Those funds~will goback into the Confidential Fund to offset this money. The General Fund~is not used at all. Line;Item #450.37, Community Promotion, has increased from $3,000 to $6,000. Thisiis relative to the programs at Hester Park. Total Operating Expenses have decreased from $491,343 to $452,523. Under the capital outlay section, the appropriations are similar to last year. Two funding mechanisms are being used; the General Fund, the Confiscation Funds. $21,967 will be used from the General Fund with the balance coming from the Confiscation Fund. - 16- #IHUTES - CITY COHNI$$IOH BUDGET WORKSHOP HEETIHG BO~HTOH BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 27, 1992 PAGE 153 - FIRE Currently, there are ninety-one (91) positions on staff. One (1) Deputy Chief and itwo (2) Firefighter positions are frozen. It is proposed to fund the froze~ posStions of Deputy Chief and two Firefighters. It is also proposed to hire one Clerk I to be utilized for ALS recordkeeping. Line Item #147,00, Firemens Pension, showed a decrease from $518,305 to $467,841 because of good earnings. Materials and Supplies decreased slightly overall. Vice Mayor Matson wondered if Line Item #371.00, Medical Supplies, was large enough since the ALS program will be implemented. Chief Allen feels that figure is liarge enough. City Manager Miller suggested increasing that amount if Ocean Ridge and Briny Breezes are added. Line Item #297.00, Uniforms, decreased because of language written into the contract. Under Operating Expenses, each item remained fairly consistent. Capital outlay is listed on Page 158. The upgrading of the Station 2 phone system for Fire Rescue operations will be funded through the Capital Improvement budget along with the Paramedic Equipment which includes two Cardiac Monitor/Pacemakers and three Pulse Oximeters. The!Fire Department budget increased $265,000, but most of that increase per- tails to the funding of the frozen positions and Workers Compensation. MayOr Weiner suggested having a workshop meeting with regard to Workers Compensation to put forth a request of State Legislators to see how the law can be improved as it relates to Workers Compensation. Commissioner Harmening agreed with this suggestion. In ~esponse to Commissioner Walshak's question, City Manager Miller stated that the Deputy Chief will be brought up through the ranks as required by Civil SerVice Rules. Theibudget workshops will continue on Tuesday evening, beginning with the review of the Building Department budget. ADJOURNI4EHT There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:07 p.m. ATTEST: Ci ~yg~C1 erk ~f~rding Secretary (Five Tapes) THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH  ~ ~ce Mayor  Co~ ss~6ner - 17 -