Minutes 07-07-92HINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COHI4ISSION NEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAHBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1992 AT 7:00 PRESENT Arliine Weiner, Mayor Lynne Matson, Vice Mayor Jose Aguila, Commissioner Edward Harmening, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk OPENINGS: Call to Order~ Invocation And Pledge of Allegiance MayOr Weiner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After a moment of silent prayer, Vice Mayor Matson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Agenda Approval: 1. Addlttons~ Deletions~ Corrections Commissi.oner Aguila added an item under "Announcements" regarding Budget Hearings. He further added an item under "New Business", Item C.1, "Rearrangements to the Agenda". City Manager Miller asked that an item be added under Administrative, "K", "East Wing Hurricane Panels". Attorney Cherof added an item under Legal, Other, #3 "Coyle vs. City of Boynton BeaCh - update on litigation". Mayor Weiner added Item #4 under Presentations, "Presentation by Hunters Run". 2. Adoption Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of the agenda as corrected. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Introduction o__fSenate PresldentGwen Margoll$ MaYOr Weiner introduced Senator Gwen Margolis. Senator Margolis' career began in the Florida Legislature as a House Representative in 1974. She was reelected to the House as the North Miami Representative for three terms. In 1980, her career began in the Senate and on November 20, 1990, Senator Margolis was sworn in as the first woman President of the Florida Senate. Mayor Weiner and Senator Margolis met and she offered help on matters concerning Boynton Beach. Senator Gwen Margolis stated that she has had discussions with Larry O'Donnell of DER regarding the bridge and a permit for dredging the channel to accommodate boat traffic on the Intracoastal Waterway. Regarding the issue of seagrass in theichannel area, he feels he can be helpful, but the file is incomplete and 'the~e are questions which require answers. Within the next month, a few issues in ~he file will be completed and the permit should not be a problem. Regarding thelbridge, Mr. O'Donnell is satisfied that the mitigation will probably be fine. However, he is not yet sure the realignment is an appropriate one. - 1- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMNISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 Evidence will be presented at public hearings to be conducted here at City Hall in August. Mr. O'Donnell indicated that he is willing to work with the com- munity to accomplish our goals. Senator Margolis feels Mr. O'Donnell's response was an excellent one for a beginning and she offered to intercede in any matter which does not work out to the benefit of the citizens of Boynton Beach. Mayor Weiner thanked Senator Margolis for her letter of support for grant funding for the mangrove park. Announcements: 1. Report by Nayor Arllne Welner - We Care Health Fair Mayor Weiner reported that on June 27, 1992, the City of Boynton Beach and Bethesda Hospital cosponsored the We Care Health Fair from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Many health care services, screenings and demonstrations were offered. Three seminars were conducted along with fingerprinting for children, a self- defense demonstration and information regarding nutrition, cancer and prenatal care. Torrential rains did not discourage 350 people from participating in the Health Fair. Mayor Weiner thanked Bethesda Hospital and the City's Public Information Office, citing Laura Widmer in particular, for the work involved in organizing and staffing the Health Fair. While the Health Fair costs the City nothing each year, it provides a tremendous service. Mayor Weiner thanked all involved and looks forward to the repetition of the Health Fair next year. 2. Budget Workshop Hearings: Cemnlsstoner Oose Agulla Commissioner Aguila requested rescheduling the Budget Workshop Hearings to 6:00 p.m. rather than 7:00 p.m. since the Hearings are quite lengthy. There was a consensus of the Commission that the Budget Workshops begin at 6:00 p.m. on July 27th, July 28th and July 29th. PreSentations: 1. Key to the Ctty to Dana Centl (Exchange Student) At the podium, Mayor Weiner introduced Dana Centi. Ms. Centi is a twelve year old!resident of Boynton Beach who is participating in a student exchange program. She will be traveling to Paris and Barcelona where she will attend the Olympics. Mayor Weiner advised Ms. Centi that she will become an ambassador of the United States and Boynton Beach and will represent the values and ideals of young people. As a symbol of the City's support of Ms. Centi's trip, Mayor Weiner presented Ms. Centi with two keys to the City which will be presented to digni- tariles in Barcelona and Paris. Mayor Weiner offered best wishes for a wonderful triP. Ms. iCenti presented Mayor Weiner with a framed photograph of "Cobi", the mascot of the Olympics. Anne Centi presented Mayor Weiner with a book provided by the exchange student from Spain. #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHI$SION #EETIHG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 2. Employee of the Honth (June) 1992) Mayor Weiner and City Manager Miller presented Shannon Burkett with the Employee of the Month Award for June, 1992. Mrs. Burkett is the Deputy City Clerk and was nominated by City Clerk Sue Kruse for outstanding performance during Mrs. Kruse's absences in May. Mrs. Burkett was cited for an admirable job in the performance of an extraordinary number of duties. 3. Con~nents from Education Advlsor~ Board Chatrman Matthew Bradley, Chairman of the Education Advisory Board, explained that the Board has been in place for one year. Two of the most important issues being addressed by the Board are Poinciana School and the new high school. Mr. Bradley said the Poinciana issue is very important and very critical to the City. A steering committee has been formed which is comprised of Chamber of Commerce members, City staff members, Education Advisory Board members and com- munity leaders. The steering committee is looking at the possibility of expanding the school by renovations and by acquisition of property in adjacent areas. The possibility of instituting a magnet program is under consideration. Members. of the steering committee recently visited Spady Elementary School which has a Montessori program in place and now has a waiting list of over 200. The School Board has unofficially approved such a magnet program for Poinciana. There will be another meeting at Poinciana School on July 20th. Mr. Bradley encouraged attendance at that meeting. Mr. Bradley reported that the Education Advisory Board voted to support the Congress Avenue site for the new high school. The Board was excited over MotOrola's support and the possible support of the Boynton Beach Mall. This support can provide a magnet program which will enhance the curriculum for the students and benefit business in the area. All,of the Education Advisory Board members sit on School Advisory Councils. TheSe members have been chosen by the schools to represent the City. Close con- tact is maintained with the schools. Mr. Bradley encouraged all to be aware of what is happening in the schools. The Board has researched the viability of interlocal agreements, formed a committee which sits on the PTA Council for the county and the State, members who attend School Board meetings and a committee whiCh addresses business partnerships and safety. Mayor Weiner thanked Mr. Bradley for his report and stated that she and Wilfred Hawkins attended a School Board session on capital improvement line items in the budget. There was a line item in the amount of $431,000 in 1994 for Poinciana capital improvements. There was some movement with the high school in that they moved approximately $1 million for site inspections from 1995 to 1994 and moved up a $30 million item for construction of the high school from 1996 to 1995. This proves that action has taken place because of the proactive stance of the City Commission and Education Advisory Board. She thanked Mr. Bradley for his leadership ability and commended the Board. She stated that the actions of the Board have made a great difference in the City's relationship with the School Board. ~4. Presentation by Hunters Run - #aurlce Rosenstock Maurice Rosenstock, President of the Golf and Racquet Club of Hunters Run, sta~ed that the constituent members, through the Board of Governors, set up -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~ISSIOH #EETiNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 funds to contribute to charities only within the City of Boynton Beach. In the past, contributions have also been made to City departments. Mr. Rosenstock and Harold Kahn presented Fire Chief Ed Allen with a check in the amount of $1,500 to be used for the Emergency Medical Services of the Fire Department. Mr. Rosenstock vowed to continue these contributions in the future. Chief Allen thanked Mr. Rosenstock and the people of Hunters Run for the dona- tion and stated it will be put to good use. BIDS None PUBLIC HEARING None PUBLIC AUDIENCE: ~ Katz and Eddie Mitchell, spoke as members of the North Boynton Beach Task ForCe. At the May 26, 1992 meeting of the Task Force, the members discussed the issues of the juvenile curfew and nuisance abatement ordinance. The North Boynton Beach Task Force voted unanimously to support a nuisance abatement ordi- nance and to forward a statement of support to the City Commission. They requested that the Commission take action to pass a nuisance abatement ordinance and establish a Nuisance Abatement Board. In response to Mayor Weiner's question, Attorney Cherof stated that a draft of the ordinance has been circulated and is ready to come before the Commission. This item will be included on the agenda for the next City Commission meeting. Wllda Searcy, 402 N_.~E 13th Avenue, questioned why this meeting had not been advertised in the Palm Beach Post. Mrs. Searcy was advised that staff from the Palm Beach Post calls each week for a schedule of the meetings. It is the new:~paper's decision whether or not to publish the calendar. Mrs Searcy asked that the Police Department work to clean up Railroad Avenue bet~/een lOth and 11th Streets. She further questioned why there is no super- mar):et in the downtown area. Mayor Weiner explained that the Commission is unh~ppy about the loss of the supermarket, but it cannot force businesses into the downtown area. Mrs. Searcy spoke about money being available to supply ade- qua':e housing and living conditions for the Black community. She feels the City is )indering Blacks from living adequately. Mrs. Searcy urged the Police Department to clean up the drugs at lOth Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Don Fenton, of 2556 SW 23rd Cranbrook Drive, addressed the Commission with r-~rd to wh~-E he'"co~'~idered biased rePorting by the Palm Beach Post. He reported that he wrote a letter to the Editor today which he read to the Commission. The letter spoke of Police Chief Ed Hillery's address to the Rotary Club wherein he attempted to explain the recent ethnic problems experienced by the Police Department. It was the consensus of the Rotary members that while s ~ ~ i ~ ~ned -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 to cancel his subscription at first, but decided instead to discontinue adver- tising in the paper. He accused the Palm Beach Post of shaping the news. Mr. Fenton pointed out that the Police Department has shown proactive actions with regard to minority recruitment. He suggested other business people cancel their advertisements in the Palm Beach Post. Henrietta Solomon~ of 230 NE 2$th Avenue, stated that many years ago, she was active in having a ~-~fer'en~'~p--~'E on the ballot concerning the Boynton Beach elections. The citizens of Boynton Beach voted that they did not want anyone to run for more than two {2) terms and it was specifically understood by the resi- dents that if someone served a portion of any term, that would be considered a full term. Somehow in the writing of the Ordinance, it was fouled up. She pointed out that today, when someone is running for the third time, it does not say in the ordinance that a portion of the term had been served and that is con- sidered a full term. The intention of the citizens is not being adhered to. That ordinance was put in place for a specific purpose. Mrs. Solomon asked the Commission to begin to look into this matter to afford the citizens with an honest deal. It is possible this will have to go back for referendum again, or perhaps it will only involve the City Attorney rewriting the ordinance the way it should have been written. Mayor Weiner asked City Attorney Cherof to supply her with a copy of the referendum. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. CONSENT AGENDA - UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD None B. NON-CONSENT AGENDA - NOT UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Cedar Grove PUD .......................... TABLED Julian Bryan Cedar Grove Investments, N.W. ~ The east side of South Seacrest Boulevard, approxi- mately 100 feet south of SE 31st Avenue (South Seacrest Scrub Site) REZONING: Request to rezone 53.69 acres from R-1AA, Single-Family Residential and R-2, Single and Two-Family Residential to PUD, Planned Unit Develop- ment to allow for the construction of 234 dwelling units, comprised of single-family dwellings and duplexes. City Manager Miller reported that this application is still on the table. The Engi)neering Department received drainage plans and technical data this morning, but ihas not had an opportunity to review the information. The City Attorney has received information regarding controls, but that information also must be revi)ewed. Mayor Weiner stated this item would remain on the table. Mr, iMartln Perry, attorney for the applicant, questioned why this item was being kept on the table with no opportunity for the applicant to speak. Mayor Weiner explained that there has been no opportunity for staff to review the information -5- NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COl~I$$ION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 submitted by the applicant. Mr. Perry began to comment that the application was tabled over their objections since they had submitted everything required. At this point, Mayor Weiner questioned Attorney Cherof as to whether or not another motion was necessary to keep this item on the table. Attorney Cherof explained that the item is on the table and there should be no discussion. He suggested Mr. Perry put his comments in writing and submit them to the City. Mr. Perry wondered why the City would invite litigation. Commissioner Aguila explained that the newly submitted information was received by him at 7:00 p.m. and he had not had an opportunity to review it. He suggested the Commission be given the courtesy of time to review. Mr. Perry stated that the Commission has been in possession of all of the necessary information. Commissioner Aguila disagreed. C. OTHER: Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: #obtl 011 Service Station Julian T. Bryan III Lennar Homes Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road CONDITIONAL USE: Request for site plan approval to construct a service station, convenience store and car wash on a 0.845 acre site. Mayor Weiner asked Attorney Cherof if this item is still open for public audience. Attorney Cherof explained that the public audience was closed at the last Commission meeting. This item was addressed at a special City Commission meeting where a motion for reconsideration passed and it was scheduled for tonight's meeting. This meeting should now be only a commission discussion on a pending motion to approve. That motion is before the Commission this evening. Commissioner Aguila explained that he has received many comments on this issue. He feels it is his responsibility to consider the entire City, not a particular neighborhood or part of town. He said that he supported denial at the last regular City Commission meeting because he was not comfortable about the drainage question and several other questions. Since that time, he has reviewed drawings from Mobil Oil. He has studied the installation procedures and the safety features and has no doubt that, compared to other gas stations built in the~past and not subject to regulations of the State and Federal government such as is the case now, this gas station will be incredibly safe. While he does not agree that Boynton Beach needs another gas station, he cannot deny this applica- tion for that reason. It is his responsibility to judge whether the City of Boynton Beach can risk a lawsuit, which it cannot win. The applicant has met all requirements. He further explained that the Commission cannot deny this use because a particular neighborhood objects. Commissioner Aguila attempted to make a motion. Attorney Cherof explained that a motion is already on the floor and stated that the Commission is reconsidering tha~ motion. He read the motion as follows, "There was a motion by Commissioner WalShak to move to deny the conditional use request for site plan approval to construct a service station, convenience store and car wash on .845 acre site Mobil Oil Service Station at the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and HypOluxo Road. The motion was seconded by Lynne Matson. The motion was amended by Mr. Walshak to include that he did not feel the applicant has addressed all of the general health, safety and welfare of the community requirments of the Code. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the amended motion". M~NUTE$ - REGULAR C~TY COMHZ$$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 In response to questions, Attorney Cherof stated that if the motion passes, the conditional use is denied. If the motion fails, there is no motion and a new motion can be made. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse: Commissioner Harmening - No Commissioner Walshak - Aye Mayor Weiner - No Vice Mayor Matson - Aye Commissioner Aguila - No The motion failed 2-3. Motlon Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the conditional use application for the Mobil Gas Station with four {4} conditions: Condition #1: no oil change can ever take place on this site; Condition #2: that the car wash be closed between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., including the use of the vacuum cleaner; Condition #3: all roof-top mounted mechanical equipment should be shielded from view for distances of a minimum of 600 feet; and Condition #4: the convenience store will be closed to the public between midnight and 6:00 a.m. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion. The conditions were reviewed. There were questions from the audience as to whether or not there would be public discussion on this item. Mayor Weiner asked for a ruling from the City Attorney who stated that public discussion was closed on this item and this is a reconsideration on a pending motion which failed. A new motion is now on the floor. Mayor Weiner explained to the audience that there is a motion, a second and a ruling from the City Attorney. In response to Vice Mayor Matson's question, Attorney Cherof stated that the ruling of the chair can be overruled by a majority vote of the Commission in terms of procedure. Motion Vice Mayor Matson moved to allow the public an opportunity to speak. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse: Commissioner Walshak - Aye Mayor Weiner - No Vice Mayor Matson - Aye Commissioner Aguila - No Commissioner Harmening - No The vote failed 2-3. -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 4ULY 7, 1992 There were outbursts from the audience as they left the Chambers. Mayor Weiner questioned the City Attorney regarding the four (4) conditions which were placed on the approval. She wondered if any of those items were out- side the purview of the City's Ordinances as they currently stand. Attorney Cherof believes the City Commission is preempted by State Statute with regard to the last condition concerning the operation of the convenience store. He further pointed out that nothing in the record would support that condition. Amended Motion Commissioner Aguila amended his motion to approve the conditional use of the Mobil Gas Station with the three conditions, excluding the convenience store. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2. (Vice Mayor Matson and Commissioner Walshak cast the dissenting votes.) Vice Mayor Matson left the dias at 8:00 p.m. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Readln9 - Public Heartn9 1. Proposed Ordinance No, 092-39 Re: Addition of one alternate member to the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-39 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE I. SECTION 2-12.5 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; CREATED, APPOINTMENT, TERMS, DUTIES. TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ONE ALTERNATE TO SAID BOARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-39 on second reading. THE MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. (Later in the meeting, this Ordinance is reconsidered and approved. See Page 10 of these minutes.) B. Ordinances - 1st Readlno: Proposed Ordinance No, 092-40 Re: Employees Pension Board - Amend Ordinance No. 092-7 to provide for a new investment policy schedule {increasing equity cap from 35% to 40%} Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-40 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 092-7 TO PROVIDE FOR AN AMENDED INVESTMENT POLICY; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER PART OF ORDINANCE 092-7 NOT HEREIN SPECIFICALLY AMENDED SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. -8- *Commissioner Harmening agreed to the amended motion. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHMIS$IOH MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Attorney Cherof pointed out that a change is found in Ordinance and directed attention to Policy #1. jULy 7, 1992 Exhibit "A" to/the Mot!on Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-40 on first reading. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. A roll call vote was pollled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote carried 4-0. (Vice Mayor Matson was away from the dias.) 2. Proposed Ordinance No, 092-41 Re: Adoption of the Standard Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Gas Code, 1991 Edition Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-41 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, BUILDING, HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE STANDARD BUILDING, ~AS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CODES, 1991 EDITION; DELETING SECTION 5-7, STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ROOF COVERINGS PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND ~"~VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Vice Mayor Matson returned to the dias at 8:05 p.m. Morton Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-41 on first reading. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. Commissioner Aguila reconfirmed with Don Jaeger that these amendments are Countywide amendments with only minor City adjustments. Mr. Jaeger stated the first Ordinance is only the adoption of the Standard Code. The second one is the adoption of the amendments. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote carried 5-0. 3. Proposed Ordinance No, 092-42 Re: Adoption of the amendments to the Standard Building, Plumbing, and Mechanical Code Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-42 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE STANDARD BUILDING, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING CODES, 1991 EDITION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-42 on first reading. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote carried 5-0. -9- M~HUTE$ - REGULAR C~TY COMH~$$~ON MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 4. Proposed Ordinance No, 092-43 Re: Adoption of Boynton Beach Swimming Pool Code Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-43 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5 BUILDINGS, HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS; ADOPTING A NEW SWIMMING POOL CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-43 on first reading. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by CitY Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote carried 5-0. Mot!on Vice Mayor Matson moved to reconsider Proposed Ordinance No. 092-39 since she was away from the dias at the time of voting. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1. {Commissioner Harmening cast the dissenting vote.) Motion Commissioner Aguila moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-39 on second reading. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote carried 3-2. {Commissioner Harmening and~Commissioner Walshak cast the dissenting votes.} C. Resolutions: Proposed Resolution No, R92-103 Re: Support concept of Amtrak Service from Jacksonville to Miami along the Florida East Coast Railway Corridor Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-103 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF AMTRAK SERVICE FROM JACKSONVILLE TO MIAMI ALONG THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY CORRIDOR; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SUBMIT .COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COASTAL MUNICIPALITIES OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, THE PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE TRI-RAIL AUTHORITY AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. In Commissioner Harmening's opinion, although he does not object to this resolu- tion, it seems futile. FEC has no facilities for passengers and Commissioner Harmening doubts they would be interested in such service. Motion commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-103. Vic~ Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, Z992 e Proposed Resolution No, R92-ZO4 Re: Authorization of agreement between City of Boynton Beach and Bethesda Memorial Hospital for an On-Site Hepatitis B Vaccination Program (Police, Fire and Lifeguards) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-104 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND BETHESDA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (EMPLOY MED) WHICH AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-104. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. ® Proposed Resolution No, R92-105 Re: Authorization of maintenance agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Office Systems Equipment and Consulting, Inc. for the Kardex Lektriever file system located in the Personnel Department Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-105 by title only: AN RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND OFFICE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT & CONSULTING, INC., TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE ON THE KARDEX LEKTRIEVER; A COPY OF SAID CONTRACT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-105. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. e Proposed Resolution No, R92-106 Re: Authorization of service agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Deltec for main- tenance and repair of the Uninterrupted Power Supply {UPS) equipment located in the Data Processing Department Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-106 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND DELTEC WHICH AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Vice Mayor Matson moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-105. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 11 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CZTY CONHISSZON HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 e Proposed Resolution No, R92-107 Re: Approval of Letters of Credit (drainage, sewage collection, and water distribution improvements) Boynton Lakes Commercial Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-107 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING TWO LETTERS OF CREDIT FOR BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL IN THE AMOUNTS OF $52,272.00 AND $84,472.00, NUMBERED 16517 AND 16518 RESPECTIVELY, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE PLAT KNOWN AS BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND HYPOLUXO ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ho~ton Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-107. commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 6. Proposed Resolution No, R92-108 Re: Approving application for Palm Beach County Emergency Medical Service Grant Funds (continuation of City/Citizen CPR Program) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-108 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE GRANT FUNDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Vice Mayor Matson moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-108. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. e Proposed Resolution No, R92-I09 Re: Consultant Agreement with Geraghty & Miller, Inc. to provide Hydrogeological Services related to construction of two production wells in Girl Scout Park (Chapel Hill Area) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-109 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND GERAGHTY & MILLER, INC., FOR HYDROGEOLOGICAL SERVICES RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION OF TWO PRODUCTION WELLS IN iGIRL SCOUT PARK (CHAPEL HILL AREA); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-109. vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 Be Proposed Resolution No, R92-110 Re: Release of Surety (water and sewer improvements) Windward Phase II (Military Trail north of NW 22nd Avenue) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-110 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE RELEASE OF A SURETY BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $286,908.00 TO SAFECO INSURANCE CO. (WINDWARD PHASE II.); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-110. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. gm Proposed Resolution No, R92-111 Re: Urging support for Vice Mayor Lynne Matson's interest in serving on the Board of Directors of the Florida League of Cities Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-111 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE APPOINTMENT OF VICE MAYOR LYNNE MATSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-111. Vice Mayor Matson pointed out that an error appears in this Resolution. The error appears in the first "WHEREAS" paragraph and should be changed to read, "ViCe Mayor Matson has expressed an interest in serving...". The correction will: be made. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion as amended. Commissioner Harmening questioned whether or not this opening on the Board of Directors of the Florida League of Cities is one of the Congressional District openings. Vice Mayor MatSon stated if Clarence Anthony gets the second Vice President, then the opening will be a Congressional district. The~motion carried 5-0. Mayor Weiner asked City Clerk Sue Kruse to send copies of the Resolution to the Florida League of Cities and the Palm Beach County Municipal League. 10. Proposed Resolution No, R92-112 Re: Urging support for Commissioner Aguila's interest in serving as the Palm Beach County Municipal Representative to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-112 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER JOSE AGUILA TO THE TREASURE COAST ,REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - 13 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHIqI$S:]:OH 14EETtHG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 A correction will be made to the first "WHEREAS" paragraph to read, "...Commissioner Jose Aguila has expressed an interest in serving...". Motlon Vice! Mayor Matson moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-112 as amen~ded. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mayor Weiner asked City Clerk Sue Kruse to send copies of the Resolution to the Palm Beach County Municipal League. Mayor Weiner thanked Commissioner Aguila and ~Vice Mayor Matson for volunteering to serve on these committees. D. Other: 1. Barfleld vs, City of Boynton Beach settlement Attorney Cherof reported that this action was a lawsuit by a citizen who made a public records request to the Police Department for records involving an inter- nal investigation. The Police Department responded, but improperly cited Statute and law. The records should have been produced. A lawsuit was then filed and proceeded for several months. The records were eventually produced and a Stipulation was made in court that the records should have been released under applicable State law. Under Chapter 119 Florida Statutes, in a public records request, the prevailing party is entitled to recovery of attorney fees. An offer has been made to resolve the case for $5,000 in fees. The attorney's records have been reviewed and Attorney Cherof recommends settling for $5,000. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to accept Attorney Cherof's recommendation to settle thils case for $5,000. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion. Attiorney Cherof reported that a memorandum was sent to the Police Department tod!ay advising that every public records request is to be logged in and for- warded to the City Attorney's Office for review and response. There was discussion about all possible litigious public records requests being reviewed and handled by the City Attorney's Office; however, it was pointed out that only the Police and Fire Department requests should be handled in this manner. The motion carried 5-0. 2. Watson v$, City of Boynton Beach settlement Attorney Cherof explained that this case involves burn injuries to a minor which resulted from a S.W.A.T. team entry into a building. Following negotiations, recommendation from our Risk Manager and League Attorney is to settle for $70,000. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to accept the recommendation of the attorney and Risk Manager to settle this case for $70,000. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 14 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 3. Coyle vs. the City of Boynton Beach Attorney Cherof reported this is a lawsuit which has recently been filed against theiCity and City Police Officer William Celestino by Coleen Coyle. The lawsuit involves incidents which were reported to have occurred while Officer Celestino was on duty. Mr. Cherof wrote to the attorney representing Officer Celestino advising him that, under City policy, the City would not provide the defense since the allegations of the complaint indicated he was outside the scope of his duties as a City employee and he was not furthering any end of the City. Mr. Cherof received a response which is a demand that the City provide a defense to Officer Celestino and if the City fails to provide that defense, a Declaratory Judgment will be filed. Attorney Cherof requested approval to write back to the attorney to deny his reqUest for a defense. Norton Commissioner Harmening moved to direct the City Attorney to write Mr. Celestino's attorney to tell him that the City will not, under any circumstan- ces, defend this case. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 3. Authorization to file liens against City-funded demolitions of unsafe structures City Manager Miller asked for authorization to file liens against four houses which were demolished because they were unsafe. The individuals were billed and have not paid. The properties are now vacant. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to authorize the City Manager and staff to file liens against 417 NE lOth Avenue in the amount of $2,675.15, 319 NE 12th Avenue in the amount of $2,07.5.15, 111-117 NE 13th Avenue in the amount of $2,875.65, and 210 NE 13th Avenue in the amount of $2,225.15. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: A. Community Development Block Grant - Sub Area #1 (NE 11th, 12th and 13th Avenues) - Indemnification to Overhead Utilities Mike Kazunas reported that in discussions with the contractor, it was learned that the contractor is being delayed because of conflict with the buried telephone utilities. The contract is due for completion in September. Mr. Kazunas requested approval to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary indemnification letter for Southern Bell. It was confirmed by Mike Kazunas that the power company has had adverse possession. The telephone company has not agreed to mount on the FPL poles and has irequested the indemnification letter. They will not relocate without that letter. - 15- #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHISSIOH HEETZNG BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 Commissioner Harmening questioned whether or not any thought had been given to having the telephone company put in a service for every lot while the road is torn up and suggested telling them the City would furnish the conduit. Mr. Kazunas offered to investigate that option and return with a recommendation in final form. Commissioner Harmening questioned whether or not this item could be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Kazunas stated there was time, but all of the "wrinkles" would have to be out of the document at that time and ready for signature. Mr. Kazunas stated that Mr. Cherof requires direction from the Commission and he will pursue other options with the telephone company. Commissioner Harmening clarified for Commissioner Aguila that this is an effort on the part of the City to help the phone company hold itself harmless. Commissioner Harmening moved to direct Mr. Cherof to iron out the "wrinkles" by the next meeting and tabled this until the next meeting. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. B. Performance Report on Hurph~'s Towlng Contract Probation Period and reconmendatlon on contract continuance Wilfred Hawkins explained that Murphy's Towing has been assessed and inspected over the last three months. Ten categories were evaluated. The overall assessment is that Murphy's meets all requirements and, in some areas, exceeds thelrequirements. No problems have been detected and it is recommended that the contract be continued to January 7, 1994. Hotlon Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the continuation of Murphy's Towing to con- duct the City's towing through the contract period. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. C. Landscape Buffer - Congress Avenue Conmunlt~ Park and Hunter's Run Development City Manager Miller stated that Mr. Jules Winer of Hunters Run has requested the landscape buffer as a result of the affect of lighting from the parking lot lights in the tennis complex, streetlights along Congress Avenue and the lights from the businesses on the west side of Congress Avenue. Mr. Winer would like to implement a raised soil berm landscaped with trees. Three plans were deve- loped and Mr. Winer is in favor of Plan #2. Mr. Winer has offered to pay one- half of the cost of the plan. The proposed landscaping is somewhat included in the future plan for landscaping and the implementation of Plan #2 at this time would help save the City money. The City Manager and the Recreation and Park Department recommend approval of Plan #2. Hotlon Comrpissioner Aguila moved to approve the concept of sharing expenses with Mr. winer on the planting adjacent to the tennis court as proposed. Commissioner Wal~hak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 16 - #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 NEW BUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Arline Weiner: 1. Support The Unlted States Conference of t4a.yors Resolution Ho, 63 reference Pet Overpopulation Mayor Weiner explained the resolution which promotes spaying and neutering of pets. #orlon Commissioner Aguila moved to support the resolution. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mayor Weiner asked City Clerk Sue Kruse to send copies to the appropriate agencies. B. Items for discussion requested by Vice Mayor Lynne Matson: 1. Review of distance requirements restricting places of worship in proximity to businesses selling alcoholic beverages Vice Mayor Matson reported that she has been contacted with regard to Code Section 3-7. After reviewing the section, she feels it is archaic and ine- quitable in light of the fact that St. Mark's Church is next to Topper's Restaurant and because they sold food, they were also permitted to sell alcohol- ic beverages. She asked that Section 3-7 be stricken from the Code of Ordinances to allow churches to come into town. Vice Mayor Matson reviewed this Section with the City Attorney who concurred that none of the language is appli- cable any longer. City Attorney Cherof explained that an Ordinance is required to delete Section 3-7 from the Code. Mayor Weiner is willing to review the Ordinance, but she is uncomfortable with the fact that a number of churches will want to occupy empty stores on Federal Highway. She pointed out that that might not be the direction the City Commission wishes to go with for Federal Highway. However, she is willing to review the language. Commissioner Aguila suggested the City Attorney review Section 3-7, make recommendations, changes and update it and bring it back at the~next meeting. There was a consensus of the Commission to go along with Commissioner Aguila's suggestion. Bob iOlenlk, Jr,, Executive Vice President, Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce, s'ta~ed there are two additional Sections of the Code dealing with-~blue'' laws related to beer and wine sales. He suggested the Attorney review all of those Sections. Mr. Olenik suggested addressing the allowance of churches along Federal Highway, not the restriction of them close to alcoholic beverage loca- tions. MayOr Weiner thanked Mr. Olenik for his help in gaining Motorola's support of the high school site on Congress Avenue. - 17 - *bring it back at the next possible meeting. HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 Carlos Ramlrez, represented the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DaN Saints. He Stated that his congregation is gro'wi-~g rapidly and h"~ must relocate to a larger space. His church is currently located at 400 Boynton Beach Boulevard. He is experiencing difficulties finding a larger location because of Section 3-7. Mayor Weiner explained that the City Attorney will bring back new language for this Ordinance at the next meeting. 2. Offer fremNatlonal Black Pollce Officers Association Vice Mayor Matson requested approval to direct the City Manager to send a letter to the National Black Police Officers Association requesting their assistance. There will be no cost to the City for training and recruitment. Hotton Commissioner Harmening moved to instruct the City Manager to write a letter to the National Black Police Officers Association to invite them in for their aid and assistance. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. C. Item for discussion requested by Commissioner Jose Aguila: 1. Rearrangement of Agenda While visiting a City Commission meeting in Delray Beach, Commissioner Aguila was impressed with the way they handle their agenda. In Delray Beach, they begin their meeting at 6:00 p.m. and handle the City Manager's Report, Administrative and Consent Agenda prior to the other business. This allows staff to leave the meeting when their business is concluded. Commissioner Aguila asked the City Commission to consider the possibility of beginning the meeting at 6:00 p.m. to take care of in-house business. At 7:00 p.m., the public meeting begins. If that business is concluded before 7:00 p.m., the Commission could take a break. If the business is not concluded, it can be con- tinued after all other agenda items have been taken care of. Mayor Weiner stated that when she took over as Mayor, she asked that the meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. to allow more of the citizens to attend and to afford the City Manager and staff an opportunity to eat dinner. City Manager Miller feels beginning at 6:00 p.m. is a good idea. Commissioner Aguila requested a show of hands of the department heads regarding their opinions and it was determined that most of them preferred beginning the meeting at 6:00 p.m. There was additional discussion on the time and a suggestion was made to begin at 6:30 p.m. Hotlon Commissioner Aguila moved to start the meetings at 6:30 p.m. and deal with the admilnistrative items on the agenda until 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 3-2. (Commissioner Harmening and Vice Mayor Matson cast the dissenting votes.) - 18- MINUTES - REGUI. AR CITY COMHIS$IOH MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 De Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Bob Walshak: 1. Old Wastewater Treatment Plant In response to Mayor Weiner's question, Commissioner Walshak stated that he has new information to add on this subject and believes the speakers may have something new to add also. Vice Mayor Matson asked Attorney Cherof if a motion to reconsider is necessary since a vote on this issue has been taken in the past. Attorney Cherof stated that a procedure can be adopted which will regulate how many times an issue can. appear on the agenda, but no rule of procedure is in force at this time. The Commission is governed by Robert's Rules and every meeting is an opportunity for items to be discussed. Other cities have adopted regulations restricting the number of times an item can be introduced. Dee Zibelll~ 440 Ocean Parkway, pointed out that contrary to Vice Mayor Matson's e-~-~lianation, the budget hearings have nothing to do with the demolition of the plant. Mrs. Zibelli requested copies of the Water and Sewer Available Funds and learned that there are six funds totalling $22,221,934. In the General Utilities Fund, from which the razing funds would come, there is $4,827,523. If there was a cost overrun of $2 million on the elevated tower, DACS or West Water Treatment Plant, there would still remain $2,827,523 available. These funds continue to grow. Mayor Weiner is delaying the demolition in order to finish Ezell Hester Park and other parks throughout the City. Mrs. Zibelli pointed out that these projects were put on line in 1986 and are paid for by a bond issue. Co~issioner Harmening doesn't feel the plant looks very bad. Ms. Zibelli feels this statement is insensitive. Commissioner Aguila does not want to discuss this item any more; however, Ms. Zibelli feels when the going gets tough, Co~issioners cannot pick up their marbles and go home. She suggested not putting band-aids on problems in low-income targeted areas. She pointed out that money was put aside for housing, but feels it is not right to put houses in the)area until that "monstrosity" is removed. She urged a 5-0 decision to tear down the old water treatment plant. Michael Lyons, 9873 Lawrence Road~ suggested the Commission act immediately to demOlish this p~ before a child dies at the location. Commissioner Walshak feels that the comments regarding the old wastewater treat- ment plant have not been redressed. He spoke about prior comments made to delay this demolition because the money used for demolition might be needed to complete the western wellfield project. He pointed out that tax dollars are not used. User's fees are used. He explained that the western wellfield is covered in the new bond issue under Table 5.3. All of the City's current pro- jec~s are listed on that page. The total of those projects is $29,693,000 which areiprojected funds. The allocated funds are $29,654,400 which is $38,600 more from bond issues and is already in the bank. This proves the western wellfield project will be taken care of with bond money. He went on that if there was a $1 million overrun between the western wellfield, the elevated tower and the DAC$ system, there are funds in the water and sewer operating fund (Fund 401) which amount to $7,630,053. In Fund 402, there is no money. In the Utility General Fund 403, there is $4,877,573; and the Utility Cap Account contains $6,898,081. The total of all these funds amounts to $22,221,934. - 19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7~ 1992 After reviewing a break-out list from the Utilities Department, the City will need $2,073,576 out of user's fees through 1993 for ongoing projects. This is Utility Reserve money which will complete all projects on the books. Commis- sioner Walshak stated that the argument that the City does not have the money, or that the Commission should wait for the budgetary process, is nonsense. Commissioner Walshak asked City Manager Miller if the demolition project were to cost $200,000 to $300,000, does the City of Boynton Beach have the available money to do it now without jeopardizing any other Utilities project in the City? Mr. Miller responded yes. Commissioner Walshak urged the Commission to come up with an idea to get the plant torn down. He pointed out that the demolition is part of the Comprehensive Plan, it has been discussed for years and the money is now available. He further suggested a study be done through the Utilities Department to determine what buildings can be saved and present a budget to demolish the rest. Motion Commissioner Walshak moved that the Commission instruct the City Manager to instruct the Utilities Department to prepare the necessary documents to bring back to the City Commission: 1) a budget, 2) their projected costs to tear it down, and 3) what buildings can be saved and salvaged. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse: Vice Mayor Matson - No Commissioner Aguila - Aye Commissioner Harmening - No Commissioner Walshak - Aye Mayor Weiner - No The vote failed 2-3. Commissioner Hamening remarked that he trusted this issue would not come back before the Commission except by a member from the prevailing side. 2. Veterans' Memorial Circle Commissioner Walshak explained that there is a circle in front of the American Legion on which members are requesting a flagpole be placed. They will do planting and furnish lighting for the flagpole. Further, they would like to move the stone from Ocean Avenue to the circle and call it "Legion Circle". The stone belongs to the American Legion and was put in place in 1948. BobBorovy, 2521SW 11th Street, is past Commander of American Legion Post 164, past District Commander and Chairman of the'Boyntonieach Veterans Council, ' After discussions with the Veterans Council, it was determined that the stone woulld be lost in the new park because of the immensity of everything else. The Veterans Council would prefer to locate the stone in the circle, with a 35-40 foot flagpole and lighting furnished by the American Legion. Mr. Borovy requested permission to call it, "Legion Circle". - 20 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COMt4IS$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 Commissioner Aguila did not object to Mr. Borovy's request, but expressed dis- appointment that the stone would not be at the Intracoastal Park. Mr. Borovy stated that discussions have been conducted regarding the Intracoastal Park and they would prefer to have a panoramic view beginning with the Civil War through Desert Storm. #orlon Commissioner Walshak moved that the City Commission grant permission to the American Legion to name that particular circle, "Legion Circle" and authorize the City to install a flagpole at "Legion Circle". The American Legion will furnish lighting and maintain the circle. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. CITY HANAGER'$ REPORT: City Manager Miller updated the Commission relative to the Police Department. The!City Manager's Office is working on four {4} components: an outside investigation - Contact has been made with agencies to see if they.are willing to undertake the investigation. The Justice Department, the FBI, and FDLE {Florida Department of Law Enforcement} have indicated that since no criminal activity has occurred, they will not investigate. Other agencies have been contacted, and only one has responded to date with a quote of $8,000 to $11,000. Other quotes are expected. e training - Arrangements have been made to begin ethnic sharing and diversity training. The program will begin with management staff of all departments and the Police Department. Police personnel will receive training next, and if training can be provided free of charge, the remaining personnel will be trained. This training is planned for the end of July, If this cannot be accomplished, the training will be delayed until September because of scheduled vacations during August. Mayor Weiner clarified that the direction of the Commission was for City Manager Miller to bring back a proposal because the Commission's consensus was to have all personnel trained regardless of whether the training was free of charge. The Commission also agreed that there would be continuous training programs. Mr. Miller stated that the general employees will be trained free of charge through the American Jewish Committee. Mr. Miller pointed out that at this point, the most inexpensive training can be provided by a consultant at $700 per day. Mayor Weiner reminded Mr. Miller that he was seeking ongoing training through the Personnel Department. Mr. Miller said there is only one person qualified to get involved with this training. Commissioner Aguila confirmed that the training will begin with top management and continue through all City employees. This training will be a continuing process until and, if, there is no longer a need for such training. Mr. Miller agreed. Mr. Miller reported that Bill Grailick from the American Jewish Committee will be doing the training. - 21 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHI$$ION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 ® policy - The City is determined to develop a stronger comprehensive policy on acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The policy will be similar to the Police Department's policy which has been approved and is in effect since April, 1992. Copies of the policy will be furnished to the Commissioners. hiring of Black officers - The City is attempting to develop a policy which will set a percentage to work toward bringing Black officers into the Police Department. Recruitment is being conducted and a test will be given Saturday in Daytona Beach. Mr. Miller is concentrating on the recruitment of Black officers since our population is 20% Black and the force has only three (3) Black officers. Vice Mayor Matson questioned the situation with the Black officer from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office who wanted to apply, but was told it was necessary for!him to go out of the area to take the test. She wondered if he would have to wait until the test is given here. Mr. Miller explained that the test which willl be given on Saturday will be certified by the Civil Service Board and is good for one year. Daytona Beach was selected because there was a good pool of candidates in that area. Vice Mayor Matson stated that some cities will accept a person from another city or law enforcement agency who has already been on the force to take the place of someone who is leaving. She suggested reviewing such a policy. Mr. Miller said that procedure would be a major deviation from Civil SerVice Rules and Regulations. Attorney Cherof further pointed out that such a procedure would be prohibited under the City's collective bargaining agreement which creates a procedure for promotion from within the~department. A waiver of tha~ restriction or renegotiation would be necessary. commissioner Walshak wondered why there couldn't be more than one test. Mr. Milller said that accusations of unfairness could result. Commissioner Walshak suggested giving the exaCt same test at the exact same time, but in two loca- tioQs. Mr. Hawkins stated the Scantron, which grades the tests, will be taken to Daytona Beach so that the applicants will know their grades when they leave. ThoSe who pass the test will be readied for the next process. There is only one (1) iScantron machine. Commissioner Walshak suggested giving the test here and holding them in a safe until they can be run through the Scantron. Mr. Hawkins said no one is being eliminated, but opportunities are being increased by going outside of the area. This is the first time the test will be given outside the area. vice Mayor Matson feels this investigation should move alongmore quickly and reqqested the information on who submitted a proposal. Mr. Miller pointed out tha~ it would be unfair to release the names of agencies at this point because notlall proposals have been received. Mr. Miller agreed to return at the next meeting with additional information so that this can go forward expeditiously. - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$IOH MEETING BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Board Appointments: Appointment To Be Made Reg/ Board Alt Length of Term Expiration Date Matson Aguila Harmening Aguila Walshak Advisory Board on Elderly Reg Advisory Board on Elderly Alt Advisory Board on Elderly Alt Board of Adjustment Reg Com. Redevelopment Advisory Bd. Alt Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 6/93 TABLED Term expires 6/93 TABLED Term expires 4/94 Term expires 7/93 Notion vice Mayor Matson moved to remove her Regular appointment to the Advisory Board on the Elderly from the table. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Matson moved to appoint Reverend Thomas Newton as a Regular member of theiAdvisory Board on the Elderly. Reverend Newton is a member of the Board of AdjUstment, but has submitted his resignation letter which will become effective after the Board of Adjustment meeting on Monday. There were no objections. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to remove his Alternate appointment to the Advisory Board on the Elderly from the table. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Commissioner Aguila appointed Karen Kelly as an Alternate member of the Advisory Board on the Elderly. There were no objections. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to remove his Alternate appointment to the Advisory BoaPd on the Elderly from the table. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Commissioner Harmening appointed Jane Suval as an Alternate member of the Advisory Board on the Elderly. Vice Mayor Matson objected since Ms. Suval is not a resident of Boynton Beach. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to table his Alternate position to the Advisory BoaCd on the Elderly. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried una- nimously. Commissioner Aguila tabled his Regular appointment to the Board of Adjustment. commissioner Walshak moved to table his Alternate appointment to the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. - 23 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONHISSIOH NEETING BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 B. Palm Beach County Nunlclpal League Report Commissioner Aguila reported that a group of Planners throughout Palm Beach County have been meeting at the request of the Municipal League and as a follow up to the Charter amendment which failed in March. The Municipal League asked Planners to organize a committee of Planners to develop a system where Comprehensive Plan amendments and Countywide issues could be discussed. Chris Cutrlo is the Chairman of the Committee. A very thorough presentation was made to the Municipal League last month. On July 14th, that presentation will be made before the County Commission. A proposal has come forward and they hope it will be implemented by January of 1993. Terminate concessionaire agreement wtth San Francisco Puffs & Stuff, Inc, (Clubhouse Concession at Golf Course) and authorization to proceed to bid Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to accept the termination of the concessionaire's agreement and authorize permission to rebid the concession on the owner/operator type! of concession. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion. Mr. Sciortino stated that he is not unhappy with San Francisco Puffs & Stuff nor were they unhappy with the City. It is possible that they may rebid. Mr. Sciortino asked for and received permission to allow them to stay rent free for a limited time if the bidding process goes beyond their ninety-day notice. The motion carried 5-0. D. Selection of consulting engineer for Data Acquisition/Control System Design and Construction Nanagement Services City Manager Miller stated seven responses were received to the City's request for qualifications for Design Engineering and Construction Management Services for~DACS. The Utilities Department has recommended the selection of Stanley Consultants, Inc. to perform the engineering services for the DACS system. NOt!on Commissioner Harmening moved to accept staff's recommendation and go with Stanley Consultants, Inc. on DACS. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. E. Change Order No, 1 - Youngqulst Brothers, Inc, - Deep Injection Well (Oeductlon in contract amount) City Manager Miller reported that this is a change order for a decrease in the amount of $63,429. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Change Order No. I for Youngquist Brothers, Inc. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 F. Constder proposal from Recreation and Parks Oeparbnent to Increase fees for non-residents at Boynton Beach Racquet Center This is a 10% increase in non-resident fees. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve staff's recommendation from the Recreation Department for an increase in non-resident fees. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. ~G. Change Order No, 21 - Eze11Hester Park (removal of two additional roofing systems) City Manager Miller recomaended not approving this change order since the speci- fications were comprehensive enough, and the removal of the two systems was an error on the part of the architects. Commissioner Aguila agreed since repairs were made to the roof and the contractor chose not to investigate the problem. Motion commissioner Aguila moved to deny Change Order No. 21. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Request for additional funding for the Passive Park located on the southwest corner of North Seacrest Boulevard and Nartln Luther King Boulevard Last February, the City Commission approved the construction of a passive park at ~his location with a budget of $12,559. The cost of concrete work has been higher than anticipated which will leave a balance of only $763 for landscaping and isignage. City Manager Miller requested authorization for an additional $3,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to complete the landscaping and signage. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve this recommendation not to exceed $3,000. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Consider request to name the passive park located on the southwest corner of North Seacrest Boulevard and Nartln Luther King Boulevard as "Heritage Park" City Manager Miller reported that the Martin Luther King Committee has requested this park be named "Heritage Park". Blanche Gtrtmaa~ of 912 NW 3rd Street) announced that it is the desire of the Committee that this park be named "Heritage Park" to honor individuals who have made contributions to their heritage. There have been'contributions made both locally and nationally and the Committee would like to begin honoring indivi- dualls by placing a plaque of Martin Luther King at the park during the obser- vance of Martin Luther King Day in January of 1993. Organizations throughout theiCity will be solicited to sponsor plaques for the park along the walkway. She requested support from the Commission. Ms. Girtman introduced Elizabeth Jenkins and Angela Girtman. - 25 - HINUTES - REGULAR C]'TY COI~ZSSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 Hotlon Vice Mayor Matson moved that Martin Luther King Passive Park be named "Heritage Park". Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. J® Consider utilizing the Palm Beach County contract with Insltuform Southeast, Inc, for sewer rehabilitation (SE 4th Street and Rainbow Lakes) City Manager Miller requested approval to piggyback on a Palm Beach County Contract for Insituforming several areas in the City; SE 4th Street up to 896' of sewer main and 50' of sewer main in the Rainbow Lakes area. The cost would be $49,797.50. #orlon Commissioner Walshak moved to approve the Utilities Department request for sewer rehabilitation in the amount of $49,797.50, piggybacking the Palm Beach County Contract. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. K. East Wtng Hurricane Panels City Manager Miller requested approval to purchase hurricane panels for the Communications section only in the East Wing. Because of the construction of the building, it would be extremely difficult to attach plywood panels to those windows. It is imperative that the Communications center be enclosed in case of a hurricane so as not to lose effectiveness of operation. The lowest proposal was submitted by Broward Hurricane Panel Corporation in the amount of $4,475. Notlon vice Mayor Matson moved to go with Broward Hurricane Panel Corporation to put the hurricane panels on the East Wing for $4,475. Commissioner Aguila seconded the:motion which carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Nlnutes: 1. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of June 11, 1992 Be 2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of June 16, 1992 3. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes (Parks) of June 23, 1992 4. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes (Mobil Oil) of June 23, 1992 5. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of June 29, 1992 Bids - Recommend Approval - All'expenditures are approved in the 1991-92 Adopted Budget None - 26 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI~I$$IOH HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ULY 7, 1992 C. Approwl of Bills With regard to Item #7, Commissioner Aguila questioned how much money has been spent on the Finizio lawsuit to date. It was determined that the City has spent between $25,000 to $35,000 in legal fees to date. Vice Mayor Matson suggested notifying the court of the fact that our City Engineer was forced to resign from the department because of the problems in that department. The court was asked to move this along as quickly as possible, but they appear to be dragging their heels. Commissioner Aguila stated that no one was forced to leave the department, but there was a certain amount of pressure involved. City Manager Miller does not think the Court of Appeals will care. Regarding Item #13, Gee & Jenson, Commissioner Aguila wondered why they were still doing work for the City from March to May. City Manager Miller explained that Gee & Jenson was under contract to do the Boynton Lakes Park and Quantum Park. A copy of these bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. D. Authorization to dtspose of records - Golf Course As outlined in City Clerk Sue Kruse's Memorandum No. g2-093, the State ha§ approved Records Destruction Request #228 prepared by the Golf Course. Hotlon Vice Mayor Matson moved the approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. In response to Vice Mayor Matson's question regarding whether or not the courts should be notified that Mike Kazunas left the Engineering Department because of thelsituation which has arisen since this case has been dragging on for such a long time. She suggested including a request to move this case along a little faster. Attorney Cherof feels the request should be made through the attorney of record and he should address it with the appropriate court by the appropriate pleading. Attorney Cherof believes the court should be kept apprised of the situation. Hotlon Vice Mayor Matson moved that the attorney of record address this situation with the appropriate court by the appropriate pleading. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-1. (Commissioner Walshak cast the dissenting vote.) OTHER: None - 27 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHMISSIOH MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 7, 1992 ADJOURNMENT: There being no Turther bus,ness to d~$cu$$, the meeting properly adjourned at ~0:~3 p.m. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor ATTEST: Ci ty~Cl erk ~e6Ordi ng Secretary (Three Tapes) Vi ce Mayor COmmissioner Commissioner - 28 - 10 .Z 11 COMMISSION JUL ? i992 AGENDA APPROVAL July 7, 1992 A & B PIPE AND SUPPLY CO. Stock for Water & Sewer Repairs in Water Distribution. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-333-5-651-00 ALLIED LIME Blanket P.O. 221 - Pebble Quicklime for Water Plant. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-$-365-00 ASAP SOFTWARE EXPRESS, INC. 81 Wordperfect "Competitive Tradeup" Diskets to upgrade entire City to Wordperfect. Pay from General Fund---00!-000-!-451-02 Commission approved 6f16/92 BROOKS PRODUCTS, INC. 200 Concrete Lid Steel Flap and 200 Complete Box & Steel Flap for replacement of broken boxes for Water Distrb. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-333-5-387-00 BULLDOG FENCE CO. Fence installation at old City D~np Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-06 C~MP DRESSER & MCKEE INC. Stormwater Funding Study and Implementation, Phase II, Stage 1 - Pay'Request #3 - services thru 5/23/92. Pay from Stormwater Utilities---425-000-0-692-10 EDNA L. CARUSO, P.A. Professional services rendered from 10/11/92 thru 4/15/92 for Finizio vs. City of Boynton Beach. Pay from General Fund---001-141-5-468-00 JOHN K. CLARK, PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 1991 Taxes - Radio Tower. Pay from General Fund---001-194-5-912-00 COASTAL REVEGETATION, INC. 3,600 Sea Oats installed at Oceanfront Park. Pay from Rec & Mun Beach Improve---303-000-0-693-30 Commission approved 6/2/92 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUSTRIES Blanket P.O. 230 - Monthly rental of Air Scrubber for Sewage Pumping. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-5-499-O0 EMBREY LYNN EQUIPMENT, INC. Fill transported from Ezell Hester Center to old Sewer Plant Site for construction of Berm. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-5-629-00 XI. CONSENT AGENDA C cc: Finance Utilities Finance 1,448.47 12,328.43 10,634.49 5,225.00 1,495.00 12,707.00 14,220.72 1,053,94 2,700.00 3,575.00 1,165.50 12. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. EVERGLADES LABORATORIES, iNC. Semi-Annual Sampling & Boynton Beach Landfill. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-06 GEE & JENSON Services from 3/1/92 thru 5/1/92 for Meadows Park Site Site 2, Boynton Lakes Park and Quantum Park Site. Pay from Capital Improve. Fund---302-721-5-463-00 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. Materials for installation and upgrade of electrical ser- vices for Lift Stations 401, 503 and 103. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-5-629-00 HESCO SALES,INC. Roll Off Containers for Sanitation. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-690-02 HI-TECH ASSISTANCE CORP. Blanket P.O. 131 - Annual PC Maintenance Contract - 4th Qtr. maintenance service from 7/1/92 thru 9/30/92. Pay from various funds. INSURANCE SERVICING & ADJUSTING CO. Payment for Worker's Comp. claims - administration services from 5/16/92 thru 6/16/92. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-447-00 LIQUID AG SYSTEMS, INC. Bianket P.O. 198 - Fertilizer for Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course---411-721-5-366-00 MiLNE & NICHOLLS, INC. P.O. 1374 - Recreation Activity Center, Pa~ent #4. Pay from Public Service Tax Constr---301-72!-5-634-03 NATIONAL WASTE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 4 Plastic Benches for Oceanfront Park. Pay from Rec & Mun Beach Improve---303-000-0-693-30 NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY DOCTOR Pre-employment physicals for 31 people @ $88. each. Pay from General Fund---001-135-5-460-01 THE NEWS I, egal advertising for May, 1992. Pay from General Fund---001-122-5-470-13 " " " " 001-122-5-475-00 $3261.94 676.82 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT NPDES Program Part II - Inv. #2 (2nd of 12 payments). Pay from Stormwater Utilities---425-000-0-692-10 5,940.00 8,719,55 1,922.54 11,519.50 4,500.89 2,340.00 1,002.60 136,474.00 1,316.00 2,728.00 3,938.76 3,000.00 COMMISSION JUL ? 1992 APPROVAL 24. 25. 26. 27, 28, 29, 3O 31. 32. 33. 34~ OCEAN BAY CONSTRUCTION Blanket P.O. 1576 - Community Development Block Grant Improvements - Est. #2 from 5116192 to 6112/92. Pay from Federal Grants Fund---lO5-513-5-630-17 Per bid 2113192, Commission approved 312[92 PITMAN PHOTO SUPPLY 12 boxes Kodak Ekthatherm needed to operate equipment and take photos and print same for Police Dept. Pay from General Fund---00!-211-5-380-01 PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS, INC. Blanket P.O. 244 - Hydrogen Peroxide for Odor Control. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-5-365-00 PETERSEN INDUSTRIES, INC. 1 Main Boom Rotation Motor for Vehicle #87. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-433-00 POOLE & KENT COMPANY Blanket P.O. 858 - Construction of W. Water Treatment Plant - Balance due Pmt. #4 was short due to typographical error on Memo #92-210. Pay from 1990 Constr. Fund---409-000-0-690-10 Commission approved 12[3191 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY PERSONNEL Western Region Item Bank membership fees for period 7/1/92 thru 6/30/93. Pay from General Fund---001-135-5-395-00 SANTANA PRODUCTS 8 Bathroom Stalls for Boat Club/Wilson Center. Pay from Public Service Tax Constr---301-192-5-629-03 & 04 SEALAND CONTRACTORS, INC. Bla~ket P.O. 86592 - Pmt. ~17 for Ezell Hester Park. Pay from Public Service Tax Constr---301-721-5-640-30 SEWELL, TODD & BROXTON, INC. Payment of various invoices regarding Workman's Comp. Claims. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-468-00 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH Use of County Landfill during month of May, 1992. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-01 SOUTHEASTERN Mb~ICIPAL SUPPLY Materials to install sewer pipe at Lift Station ~313 and replacing obsolete R.D. Wood Hydrants in City. Pay from W & S Utility Rev.---421-000-0-691-21 $2300.00 Pay from W & S Rev. Fund ...... 401-333-5-654-00 7160.00 69,582.96 1,018.95 17,462.25 2,944.99 10,000.00 1,500.00 4,517.00 80,234.56 1,957.03 38,016,65 9,460.00 COMMISSION JUL ? 1992 APPROVAL 35. THOMPSON PUMP & MFG. CO., INC. 1 month rental of 6" Wellpoint System used to pump water out of ditch 12" Watermain. Pay from 1990 Constr. Fund---409-000-0-690-10 36. TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS, INC. Collection Agency Fees for Water, Sewer and Garbage Write-offs. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-391-5-468-00 $745.00 Pay from Sanitation Fund ..... 431-341-5-468-00 496.67 37. WRT, INC. Intracoastal Water Park - Inv. #4 for professional services from 4/!/92 thru 5/31/92 in accordance with executed contract dated 7/15/91. Pay from Capital Improve Fund---302-721-5-463-06 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. YOUNGQUIST BROTHERS, INC. Blanket P.O. 541 - Est.#3 & #4 - Aquifer Storage and Re- covery Well. Pay from Utility Cap Improve---404-000-0-690-10 YOb~GQb~ST BROTHERS, INC. Blanket P.O. 87091 - Pay Est. #8 Final payment and release of retainage - Deep Injection Well Disposal System from 12/31/91 to 5/25/92. Pay from 1990 Constr Fund---409-000-0-690-10 CHARLES F. ANKROM, INC. Blanket P.O. 83 - Design Agreement for Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course---411-726-5-680-09 Commission approved 8/20/91 QUALITY GRASSING & SERVICES, INC. Blanket P.O. 1742 - Pmt. #4 - B.B. Municipal Golf Course Project Phase I. - Pay from Golf Course Constr---412-000-0-694-10 TARE LAWN MAINTENANCE Blanket P.O. 68 - Landscape Maintenance Services. !Pay from General Fund---001-722-5-430-15 1,790.00 1,241.67 5,700.00 113,407.00 226,629.60 2,200.00 72,051.16 6,517.50 iThese bills have been approved and verified by the department heads involved, checked and approved for payment, ~ra~nance Dire~ctor I therefore recommend payment of these bills. COMMISSION JUL ? 1992 APPROVAL City Manager