Minutes 10-19-96 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1996, AT 9:00 A.M. PRESENT Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz, Vice Mayor Matthew Bradley, Commissioner Henderson Tillman, Commissioner Jamie Titcomb, Commissioner James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. He explained that each candidate would be given the opportunity to tell about his background, qualifications, and experience. The Commissioners would then take turns asking questions. The candidates answered similar questions covering the following subjects, and ended with a closing statement: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Personally having to fire someone; Micro-managing departments and association with staff; Improving City efficiency; Privatization of services; Setting priorities with city manager tasks when faced with immediate multiple requests; Carrying out goals and objectives; Measurement of employee morale and pride; Management style and city manager's role; Relationship with City Commission and dissemination of information to them; Handling of Commissioner who dominates time; Budget experience and preparation; Major challenges for 21 st century; Areas of City needing attention after being viewed on tour; Action on commitments and accountability for solutions; Historic preservation involvement; and Involvement with media. Economic development INTERVIEWS OF CANDIDATES Warren Waqner Mr. 1Nagner reviewed his past experience, qualifications, activities, and preparation for the job at the City of Boynton Beach. He explained how he is a strong motivator with a power of vision. He manages people to produce results and wants to help accomplish the goals outlined in the Visions 20/20. He told about his relationships with staff, the public, and bosses, with making sure to understand the issues and needs. He stressed the ability to be the keeper of the city's MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 powerful vision statement with being flexible as well as implementing the policy directives of the Commission. He referred to this being a challenge, but explained how he was prepared with his county having many different needs. He referred to being in the situation many times of having to fire someone, but stressed how he had made sure the orga.nization had done everything possible to help the employee succeed. He told about managing a diverse group of employees and achieving results. With meeting the challenges of the 21st century, he stated that he will be taking limited resources and maintaining a competitive edge with creative problem solving to maintain the level of service which the citizens expect. He stressed the importance of being involved in the community and actively listening to people. He told about budget preparation and also being able to understand the numbers and translate to the public. He told about unfavorable media attention, but stressed that he is honest and truthful. He explained how all facts must be considered with privatization. With reference made to the tour, he explained how things need some polishing. The needs of the neighborhoods must be met with regard to swales, and economic revitalization of the downtown is needed to create the image of a strong city. He reviewed his action plan to implement objectives with milestones. He stressed the importance of keeping the Commissioners informed of everything so failures and successes can be identified with a course of action. He added that the City Manager has all the resources to implement an action plan, achieve results, and report back with the status. Mr. Wagner agreed that all five candidates are great, but stated that he brings passion. He has been involved in public service throughout his management career. He can make things happen. He will direct the resources of the organization, and achieve the goals of the community. He has a strong operational background, but would like to understand more about planning and development. He stressed the importance of acknowledging individuals and their importance. The Commissioners are the policy makers, and he is the conduit for what the City needs. Isaac Turner Mr. Turner told about his professional experience, budgets, personnel, and economic development. As far as media coverage, he stressed the importance of the City looking good, but it is always under a microscope. He tries to have the staff or Commission handle interviews since the staff has the expertise, and the Commissioners were elected by the people. He told about developing a work plan and monitoring it. He stated that he has had extensive experience in supervising staff and has been very active with dealing with unions and police associations. When faced with multiple priorities, he feels it would be between the citizen and the Commissioner, depending on the situation. He stated that the staff's responsibility is to provide the Commission with the best options and recommendations, and he intends to have an effective and capable staff. He stated he would spend the first two weeks meeting employees and talking to each one in the City. It is the role of the City Manager to make sure messages are communicated on goals, and are carried forward in the media, at community MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 meetings, minister alliances, senior citizen groups, etc. He thinks economic development is a high priority, and a group should come in and do an assessment of the resources, training, number of workers, types of business, etc. A recruitment status would be helpful. An education committee should also be involved in a joint project to utilize resources. There is concern about crime, and community policing teams should be assigned. He suggested a retreat for development of a work ptan to carry out goals and objectives. He would have a monthly schedule for reporting to the Commission. He explained how privatization could be approached with receiving proposals, having companies doing a cursory review, and giving the employees the opportunity to compete which usually results in them becoming more competitive. He told about restructuring EMS services in an organization, and also fleet maintenance. He is also researching utility services for meter reading and bilt collection. He told about having major responsibility in budget preparation for the past three years. in reference to challenges in the 21st century, he stated we must take advantage of better opportunities to provide better services, take advantage of technologies, and meet economic development with viability. He stressed the importance of giving the public good services. In reference to a domineering Commissioner, he encourages Commissioners to talk to staff, and they have access to department managers with the managers informing him about these contacts. He would report to Commissioners on a quarterly basis. Mr. Turner summarized that he is someone who is extremely concerned about whether we make it or not. He will be very interactive with employees. He will encourage ideas from the community. He would like to be very creative, but is pretty much "no nonsense". He wants to "WOW" the Commission. It is important to him to be successful. He wants to match his skills with the community. There are a lot of innovative programs, he is concerned about the community, it is in a good location with good economical structures but some internal work appears to need improvement. John Stunson Mr. Stunson referred to the budget message and visioning statement, and stated he wants to achieve attractive neighborhoods with community policing. He referred to improving Boynton's identity and exploiting Quantum Park. He wants to achieve a government structure that is a responsive and efficient government. He advised that he has had experience in a medium- sized city with annexations, interlocal agreements, sanitary sewer project, tiny tot program, etc. He told about carrying out a vision statement in a larger city. He told about coming to a city in an economic crisis, and how he did a lot of team building and created a vision statement. He focussed on targeted neighborhoods and created results. Mr. Stunson stated that media attention is part of our culture and we all need to deal with it. MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION' BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 He stated that part of being a manager is to have department heads understand what it is to be successful and monitor it. He thinks results must be accomplished, and there must be a good relationship between the manager and the department heads. Good people are needed who are motivated. He told about having to fire employees on a number of occasions, and being involved in the civil service process. He referred to being transformational and stated he likes to have retreats and get everybody's ideas and move forward. He has handled direct negotiations with unions. He meets with department heads weekly, and has frequent retreats. With carrying out the corporate desires of the Commission, he referred to the Visioning document having priority projects, and stated he would discuss these with staff to implement. He referred to 95% of the employees liking their job of serving the public, but stated there must be clear goals and objectives with recognition given for jobs well done. Attention must be placed on producing positive results with reinforcement from a clear mission statement for every department. He will develop relationships with people in all departments, and be available to as many people as possible. He stated that we have secure and safe neighborhoods with active community policing and substations, and we must maintain these. He again referred to the vision statement and goals and stated these must have time limits with progress reports made on the agenda. In regards to privatization, we must look at what the City is charging compared to private firms, andi if we cannot restructure, then look at competitive bidding. He explained how budget preparation should take into account five years behind and five years forward, and he will hold workshops in advance of the presentation. He referred to South Florida being a demographically changing area, and explained how ecohomic vitality was important in the future to be able to manage with enough financial reseurces. He advised that he was not directly responsible for working on historic programs but, hopefully, he can work with staff. He advised that he calls the Commissioners frequently to iCform them of what is going on. Boynton Beach has a good start with the visioning process andi has communicated priorities in the budget. He Concluded by stating that he feels his education and experience may be a match for the needs here. AT THIS TIME, THE CITY COMMISSION RECESSED AT 12:30 P.M. FOR LUNCH, AND THE MEETING RECONVENED AT 1:30 P.M. Richard White Mr. White told about his qualifications and experience. In reference to media attention, Mr. White stated that any city manager is probably the lightning rod for the press, and it is part of the job. The relationship is to keep the media informed and he has had good relationships with the media and none have adversely affected anything he has done. 4 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 Mr. White then explained how he was intrigued by the stark differences between Boynton Beach and Lexington with the housing structure, differences of income, race, etc., all making him want to apply for this position. He told about having opportunities to develop infrastructure and attract new businesses, but how it was different than here. He told about having to fire employees, but stressed the importance of not having duplicity in standards and making every effort to rehabilitate. He told about the views of government differing with the Asian population. He referred to economic development and told about turning a 40% vacancy rate into a waiting list in the business area, creating a special tax district for the industrial area, and still having a vibrant downtown even though near a new mall. Mr. White referred to creating a high performance organization in Lexington, and stated he would take the visions plan and work from it using it as a guide. He would develop a mission statement for the community and we must work together. He explained how he would create a senior management team. The team concept would be moved throughout the whole organization. The manager's role is to raise the competitive level of senior staff, and use their resources inside as well as outside. However, morale changes with issues and we need to create a real base. Employees want to feel appreciated, and he wants to maximize their potential. We should listen to their ideas and concepts, and solve problems at their level. He expounded further on the management team concept. Mr. White referred to the role of the City Manager being very visible, and told about being a member of various clubs and groups. He stated that 1-95 is a symbol of the community, but everything to the east requires a significant amount of attention. In reference to civil service and employees' tenure, he stated that the system may be cumbersome, but people must be held accountable. He stated that if a Commissioner tries to take up an inordinate amount of his time, he will steer him back to the group as this only happens if there is lack of direction and focus. He referred to historic preservation being Number 1 in his area, and stated that Florida must look at finding its roots to distinguish itself from one community to another. It is important to find, feel and celebrate history. He stated the vision document must be integrated into the budget process, and told about having a performance-based budget which he presents to the Commission during a straight seven-night period. He stressed that culture is changing and for the future, we need to itemize strengths and weaknesses and threats, and we must go to the community and not wait for them to come to us. He stressed the importance of revitalization. Mr. White stated that his approach is completely different than what others presented. If they are looking for someone who can coach, mentor, and maximize the use of staff, he can qualify for that. He views this job as a real profession. He would like to take the skills and competencies that he has and increase them. Peter Witschen Mr. Witschen told about his qualifications with being in this business for over 20 years, but stated that he is still ready to learn. His ski~Is are well rounded, and he has been an assistant MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 and city manager in larger jurisdictions. A lot of the issues that Boynton Beach is going through now, Fort Lauderdale went through 20 to 25 years ago. The neighborhoods needed revitalization, and they have built a nice downtown. He sets high skills and requires that from the people he works with. He is fair, open, and sincere. In response to media attention, Mr. Witschen advised that he acknowledges that the media is there and has a job to do, and he tries to be open with them with making his best recommendation. With reference in micro-managing, he sets goals and objectives, and develops department heads to do their jobs and gives them the tools necessary and points them in the right direction. Mr. Witschen stated that he does not like terminations, but a city is a corporation, and we are in business and account to the taxpayers. He tries to give skills and resources with periodic follow-ups, and if not successful, he asks them to leave. His management style is to meet with department heads every quarter and go over a work plan he has set up and measure their performance. Pay increases should be based on performance. He has an open management style and likes to walk around, talk to employees, and go out in the field. He coordinates all departments so they all work together. He also holds a weekly staff meeting to go over the upcoming agenda and meets the day after the meeting to make sure everything is followed up. He meets for breakfast every two weeks to see if there are any problems. To implement goals and objectives set by the City Commission, he brings all resources and department heads together. Assignments are made to accountable people, and he follows up on a specific time schedule to make sure that it is done. He believes credit should be given to the departments and workers responsible. His area has gone through downsizing and he knows what it is to work smaller and cheaper. He told about dealing with unions and how contract constraints were thrown out. To improve morale, a person should feel wanted, needed, and important. He believes in talking to employees first hand, and talking to the public who have contact with the employees. We all have the same product, so we must offer good customer service. He stressed the importance of getting to the cause for bad morale whether money, management, etc. In reference to economic development, Mr. Witschen told about their accomplishments in Fort Lauderdale in the area along the FEC corridor. He advised if he was faced with multiple inquiries, he would respond to the Commissioner first, as the first priority is to your employer. He continued that the goals must be executed and completed. A manager is paid for his best professional advice. He will give recommendations and will proceed with the Commission's decision. He explained how he would tell a domineering Commissioner that there were other priorities that he must attend to and take care of. Mr. Witschen then told about his involvement in Fort Lauderdale's historic overlay district. In response to budget preparation, he advised that the Finance Department creates the budget with a separate book on program budgets. All departments review it and make sure they align with the city's goals. 6 MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1996 In looking ahead, Mr. Witschen feels that No. 1 is the trust, putting trust back into government, changing work force, people demanding a lot more accountability, changing demographics, existing as well as immigration. Mr. Witschen concluded that Boynton Beach fits into his career and life plans. He sees a community that is ripe for revitalization and that is something he would like to be part of. Taking his developed skills and being able to implement them; being proud of them and doing the public good. He brings a lot of service, enthusiasm, high integrity, a lot of experience and hard work. He further told about his experience in redevelopment projects in Fort Lauderdale. In reference to organizational changes, Mr. Witschen responded that there seem to be a lot of departments. Fort Lauderdale has seven departments, and with less directors, more money is saved. ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m. ATTEST: City42;lerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~/ic~M,~r ~// ~ C o,~m m'~..~ si'~ er~''~'~'x~''~ ,~,¢~issioner