5-20-57C WIt~SREAS, ther~ are certain unpaid tax,s upon real estate owing to the C~-ty of Bo.!mton Beach, Florida, and which have become delinquent; and WH!.]R!~.iAS, the law requires a sale of such lands for such unpaid and delinquent taxes; NO'~, T~R".:'?'ORE, BL IT H~-;SOLVi~D, by the City-Council of the City of Boynton beach, Florida, that the Tax Collector of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be, and she hereby is, ordered and directed to make out a statement of all such real estate amount due on each parcel, includiz~g interest from April 1 to date of sale, at the rate of 12% per anm~m, to~thel-w~th the cost of advertising and expense of sale, in the same ol,~er in which the lands were assessed, ~d to publish such list once a week for four consecutive weeks, in the BOYNTOM B~-iACH MEW~, a newspaper. BE IT ?UHTHEH R~:SOLVED, that certificates on the follow- lng described lands will be sold at public sale on the Srd day of June, 1987, at lOgO0 o'clock A.M. at the City Hall, in the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach and State of Florida, to pay the amount due for taxes here~n set opposite to the s~e, together with t~ cost of such sale and advertising cost: Oescrl ,!o, ,ef Ac. s,,c. Owner Amount Costs of Tax E 174.16' of Lot 27 ~ E 174.16' of N 5V.l?' of Lot 26 Robert H. ~ Jane Jm~es 13.02 ~.25 AC. Sec. ~1-45-4~ less N 160~ J. W. Smith 127.40 6.68 Ac. Se~ 28-45-43 All ~hat pa~t of $ ~ of ~E ~ of SE ~ ~ of Ry Buchanan & Priester 14.00 3.28 E 80' of W 330' of N 15o, or sv,, or i- of NW ¼ S of Ocean Ave Bldg. only Stwenson Seed Store 128.52 8.15 Ac. See. 3S-45-.45 W ~.of Lots 9 to 12 Inc a~ Wi of Lots 17 to 20 Inc. Great Neck Conm~unitiesll20.O0 E gOO' of N 125' of S 1735' of Ei of Ei W of US ~1 Guy ~ Maritime DeLa Rupeile 285. ~8 36.46 11.44 De Sst l~ pti o~ _o.f, L.a,nd Ac. Sec. 53-45-43 (¢ ont ' d. ) - 2 - Owrler Amount Costs N 125' of 1735' less .:~ 200 ' & N 125' of $ 1910' less 256.54' of E-~~ of hUE ~ W of us #1 N 150' of S 1610' of E'~- of NE '~. W of US #1 Guy & Margurite DeLa Rupell e 52.50 105.00 5.87 6.01 N 100' of S 1010' of E'~ of NE ~, W of US #1 less W 225' 85.56 5.42 Arden Park Lots 56 to 67 Inc. Lot 7O Lots 145, 146 & 147 Lot 155 LOt 165 Lot 166 Dick & Rose Duncan Clyde & MarEaret Jordan Ada L. Holmes Ruth B. Roush Willie & Emily Bagley Leroy & Berdie Harvey 193.76 14.94 60.30 8.40 21.19 16.15 7.24 1.88 3.24 1,68 2.07 1.91 Barrett Heights Lot l0 g~ E ~0.SS' of 11 Lot 12 & W 30.55' of 11 Beverly Hills Addn. #3 L~ts 4to 7 Lawrence & Eliz Outhrie Kermeth & Helen Numray Am. Legion Club 233.66 161.10 21.00 8.44 6.26 2.06 Bowers Park Lot 16, Blk. 6 Lot 16, Blk. 8 Lot 1, Bi&. 9 W 1~' of Lot 5 & all of Lot 6, Blk 9 Lots 1 & ~, Blk. 15 Lots 21 & 22, Bi~. 15 Lots 2 a 3, Blk 18 Lots 6 & 7, Blk 18 Lots 8 & ~, Blk 18 Lot 8 & E ~5' of 9, Blk ~0 Lots 13 & 14, Blk ZO Lot ~, Blk ~4 Joseph & Violet Snow 9~.68 I. B. Oarrett 8.40 J. Austin & L.V. Carpenter 10.~6 Albert & Louise ~uillo 62.82 Chas. & Edythe Hood 84.94 Curtis &Myrtice Wright 75.48 Daniel & Bertha Strosheln 8.40 Ber-yl & ?,sale Woolbright 64.08 Daniel & Bertha Btroshe!n 8.40 Layton E. & Lyda Timm 61.42 Norman L. Bua-g, Jr. 17.22 Daniel & Bertha Stroshein 4.6R 4.21 1.68 1.74 3.31 3.98 3.69 1.68 3.35 1.68 3.27 1.95 1.57 original Town Of BqYnton Lot 1 a E~ of 2, Blk 3 Chaa. & ~i~;d~th Hood,, Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk 3 " N 60' Of E-~ of Lot 11 & N 60' of Lots 12 to 14,Inc. Blk 7 Jeanne Crist W 30' of 3 a F, 25' of 4 Blk 10 Chas. E. Frorwath 129.50 115.08 200.06 75.98 4.88 8.86 3,71 OwneF Amoun~ Lo~ ~l Robert & Jean 20.43 Lots 1, 2 & ~ 2' of 3, Blk 1 L~ts 23 to 26, Blk 6 Lots 31, 32 & W 48' of Lot 33 Blk 12 Lots ~3 & 24, ~lk 15 O.H. ~amea ~aude D. Vander Voost Wm. & t/ild~ed Brarda V, L. Hor~m~an ~ ~. Fergan 44.34 5.60 2. V6 2.59 1.~0 Lot 1~0, Blk A Lot 136, Blk B ~ts 143 & 144, Blk B N 22t of L~t 164 & 16B, Blk B ~t 1~, Blk C ~ta 1~ to 13~ Inc., Blk C ~ts 172 & 174, B~ D Congress ~a~ Co, Robert & ~y Cooke Walter & Eula Lunsfo~d T~o & Frarmea th, eh Dick & Rose D~mc~ B. B. ~o~a ~h~le a ~odo~ 9.94 5.60 21.19 119.14 4.20 36.96 9.24 1.73 1.60 2.0~ 5.00 1.~6 1.?1 L<)t 9, Blk 1 Jane Morris 8.40 1.68 ~~n Ridge Lot 10, Blk 10 Lot2~, Blk 11 Lot 16~ Blk 14 John & ~oseph Phillips Arthur & Agnes Glanzer Pedro & ~len Silvers D.M. & Elsie Bryant 84.4~ 67.44 67.58 65.76 3.96 3.45 3.46 3.40 Lot 19 Alex Simon 5~.96 3.17 Central Park Annex Lots 8 & 9, Blk 7 Lots 3 a 4, Blk L2 Mrs. Lenora Yeager Jo~nR. Peeler 18.40 14.00 1.98 1.85 L~t 10, elk 9 · LOt 4, Blk 10 Lot 9, Blk 10 Lot 5, Blk Il Lot 8 less 15~, W6' & S ~493' Blk Il LOt 9 less W 6', B~ 11 ~t 86, Blk 11 ~1. of lots ,~patd Chapel HAll Homes 22.68 " " " 20.16 " " " 21.42 " " " 20.16 14 .~8 28.84 31.50 472.08 2.11 2.0~ 2.03 1.86 2.30 2.38 19.88 Descr!p~ig~.~f Lan_~d C_herry Hills Lots 213 & 214 Lots 213 & 216 Lots 217 to 219 Inc. Lots 238 to 241 Inc. E -~ of Lot 249 & Lot 250 Lots 251 & 252 Lots 255 & 256 Lots 291 to 295 Inc. Lots 302 to 307 I~c. Lots 308 & 309 Lots 316 & 317 Lots 328 & 329 Lots 336 to 339 Inc. Lots S88 & 589 Lots 398 to 401 inc. Lots 452 & 455 Lots 4~ & 455 ~ts 456 to 459 Inc. Lots 444 & 445 Lot 480 Lots 506 ~ 507 Lots 555 a 554 Lots 555 to 557 Inc. Lots 558 & 559 Civic Center Lots 1, 2 & 8, Blk 1 Lot 1, Blk 2 C. W. Copps Lots 34 & ~ less W 25' Lots 37 & 39 Lots 42 & 44 Lots ~8~60~62~64~66 & 68 Lots 70 & 72 less W 28~ Lots 90 & 92 less W 25' Lot 97 c_reatview Lot 42 Lots 46 ~o 48, Inc. Lot 53 Lots 63 & 64 ?_a~son lira; -4- Owner Amount LillianThomaa Ray & Bror~ilda ~hyley James & Ethel Lewis Matthew Hand Robert & Margaret Zieale~ Robert & Viola Garvan Robert & Ophelia Jack~ n 4.20 4.20 7.00 34.58 27,40 40.04 53.62 Plortda La~d Investment 10.50 John Wave Dorothy Brown Alberta Ztogle~ Charlie Johnson O. A. Stevenson Rosa L. Dixion Irene Stevenson Johm Ta~e~ John Tanner HarolA & Louise Shalloway H. B. ~linton Ca~rie & Ellis MoRay A. ~. Luster Eddie & Carrie Waters 11.34 17.77 5.0~ 4.20 8.82 4.20 8.73 4.62 50.52 8.40 4.20 2.10 47 4.62 Ernest & Eliz. Andrews 78.68 Geo. & Barbara Caldwell 22.45 Daniel Stroshefn Ke~e~ Ad~s 99,54 100,80 Paul &Myrtle Brake Economy Builders Economy Builders Daniel St~oshein Daniel & Bertha Stroahein Economy Builders Economy Builders 5.60 95.20 5.60 16.80 5.60 5.60 2.80 Howard T. ~L- Evelyn Bu~hans Virginia Bowen Arthu~ & Va. Johnson BB Land Co. 189.42 43.68 79.06 48.58 Costs 1.56 1.56 1.64 2.47 2.25 2.65 1.75 1.77 1.96 1.5~ 1.56 1.69 1.56 1.59 1.57 2.35 1.68 1.56 1.49 2.85 1.57 3.79 2.10 4.42 4.45 1.60 4.29 1.60 1.93 1.60 1.60 1.51 7.11 2.74 5.80 2.89 Lot 5 Chas. & Sarah Little 113.68 4.84 - 5 - Ownel,, HapI~j Home Hts. W ~ of Lot 18, Blk 2 Lot 9, Blk 3 Pot 16, Blk 3 Lot 22 to ~4 Inc., Blk 3 Lots 17 a 18, Blk 4 ~ts I to ~ !nc., Blk 8 Lot 4, Blk ~ Lot 8, Blk V ~k ~ Lot 9, ~ W ~- of Lot 5, Blk 8 ~t 8, Blk 9 E~ of Lot 7, Blk 9 %~. of Lot ?, Blk 9 ~ts 1 & 5, Blk 10 Mutt & Alberta Sloan LiXlie Hudley Ltllie Hudley St. Johns Baptist Church queen E. ~cCtendon Felix McKenzie Felix & W.F. McKenlie Willie & Toms. is Lee NoI, fUs Willie T. Norfus Sarah Moody Minnie Long George Deal Bertram & Edith Smith Jofus & Lelia Harris Ha~.bo.r ES ,t,a~,eS Lot 31 Paul & Vivian McBride Lot 1, Blk G John Williams Laimharts of 5 LOt 9 Lot 18 Lot 18 LOt 20 LOt ~2 Lot ~4 Lot 25 Lot 30 S~ of Lot 41 of Lot 42 of Lot 43 Alex Simon Elis. Dennis Douglas Davis J.C. & Ola ~ae Simmons OeOl-ge & Johnnie Martin ?. & Rose Wackaman Sylvania Milllnes Lena Mae Range Leola & Thomas ~orf~$ Pearl Fredericks Wm. Barton ~nhar~,,s of 7 E 50' of W 405.03 E 50' of W. 55~.03 Nathan Collins Cecil Adde~ley Lots 1~ to 1~, Blk 1 ~ot 7, Blk 2 Virginia P. Bowen jane Morris ~,,e:: BoyB~on _E_s~ates Lots 1 to 5 Inc., Blk 4 O.D. Buckles Eat. Lot 4, Blk llA George H. ~rent Lot 7, 8 & 20, Blk ~4-A . O. C & Nellie Lunsford Lots 19 & W~ of 20,Blk 56 A ~.L: & Eula Lur~for~ E~ of Lot ~0 & all of 21 ~ J. Lunsford Amount 6 13.95 31.79 4~.76 19.35 25.58 75.88 5.50 3.50 4.90 9.22 5.51 6.95 10.84 161.24 6.72 19.74 4,90 18.0~ 15.48 11.16 37,52 6.54 22.54 2.66 9.45 15.25 6.43 16,24 197,40 10,50 28.84 4.62 20.11 6.~0 15.68 Costs 1.62 1.85 2.38 2.85 2.01 2.20 5.71 1.54 1.54 1.58 1.71 1.59 1.64 1.76 1.65 2.02 1.58 1.97 1.89 1.76 2.56 1.62 2.11 1.51 1.71 1.89 1.62 1.92 7.35 1.7B 2.29 1.57 2.03 1.62 1.84 -6 - Owne~, ~ ~Am0 ~unt of Tax Costs Lakes!de _careens Lots 46 & 47 Lots 82 & 83 Lots lZ2 to 127 Inc. & E 30' of Lots 128 & 129 Estella Overpaugh William & ~a Higley Nellie 5everson 35.10 1.SA 1.64 3.91 S 151.07' of Lot 8 less N 75' Lots 6 & 7 Lots 10 to 12 Inc. Lot 25 W 115' of Lots 30 & 31 W 115' of Lots 52 & 55 Lot 59 Lots 55 & 56 Lot 66 Lot 68 Lot 118 Lot 140 Lot 230 a S~ of 231 Lot 240 Lots 245 & 246 Lots 247 & 248 N ~ of 257 & all of 258 Lot 271 Lot 328 Lot 348 Wm. J. & France s Tcmlinson Monte B. Robertson Edward B. Weeks The edore ~ikas Pla. Land Inv., Inc. Fla. Land Inv., Inc. He~bert W. Morse Fla. Land Investment Marion Parrott W. W. Fink, Jr. Jack & Pauline Brott ~mne W. Mallcy Fla. Land Investment Chas. Edgar Ltvengood M~s. Jennie Nuds Warren & Eatelle Johnson Ralph G. Mitchell Roberts P. Spinks De ox-muid O' Bullivan Warren & Estelle Johnson 15.03 56,52 46.86 4 8.68 9.24 4.20 8.40 4,20 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.30 4.20 8.40 8.40 6,30 51.54 4.20 4.20 1.88 3.13 2.84 1,56 1.69 1.71 1.56 1.68 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.62 1.56 1.68 1.68 1.62 ~.97 1.56 1.56 Lawns Lots 92 & 93 Bertha F. Jones 14, O0 1.71 McDonald ~ar_k Lots 1 to 4, Blk 4 W.O. Mathia, Inc. Lots 41 to 44 Inc., Blk 4 ~eBride & Zompa Lots 8 to 12 Inc., Blk 7 Harold & Betty ~cCloy 17,92 16.80 121.34 1.79 1.77 3.86 Meeks Add~. Lot 4 Lot 5 Magnolia B. Johnson Maraaret Jobmaon Wo~ey ~avls 16,29 35.14 11.70 1.76 2.15 1.66 boks &. Anew8 .Addn, Lot 1, Blk ~ Lot 4, Blk 3 Lot 2, Blk 4 Lot 7, Blk 4 Lot 4, Blk 6 Lot 6, Blk 6 James & Mae Taylor Leroy &L ella Hax~is Minnie Lee & John Long Joale B. Butlor Tha~kor & Ada Baker Ja~es & Ethel Ellis 11,92 15.93 19.35 18.90 14.17 7.51 1,67 1.75 1.82 1.81 1.71 1.58 Lots 7 to 12, Inc, Ownel· Kenneth W. Adams Amount gOB.B4 7,70 LOt 6, Blk ? Pa~ Beach Countr[ Club Est. Lots 13 to 18, Inc., Blk 2 Lot 3, Blk 4 Lot 6, Blk 4 Lot 8, Blk 4 Lot 9, Blk 4 Lot 12, Blk 4 Lot 5, Blk 5 Mrs. Ada C. Aufhamer Charley & Josephine Razz RU.~IS & ~slO ~wn H~lo a L~8o Sh~lowa~ L~ll [ ~ T~ Do11~o Rass a J~os K~n~ Pe~y Why11[ 13.50 1,~4 7.00 1,84 S,49 1,~9 ?o00 1.64 Pence 3ub. NO. 1 Lo~s 9 & XO less · 10' o~ 50' of ~ 120' of Lot 9 Mary Palivoda & Helen Baeh~ 64.78 ¢,aO Lots 258 & 259 Herman Oiess 5.60 1.60 1~ ZO' Of 17 & 3 40' of 18 1~ 10' of 18 & 19 Lot 51 Lot 74 N 30' of 144 & s 40' of Lot 14~ Carl Bremer & Do~o~h~ 56.94 ~.12 Vtotor & Dorothy Gataky 109,90 4.73 · a'. & Mrs. Erl~ C. Sielinz 13.7~ 1.84 MI'. & Mrs. John F. Beardsley 14~.46 Robert C. & Murlel Halzman 131,18 5.37 Lots 1, 2 & $, ~lk 6 Virginia Purinton 44 O. ~0 14.64 g. l~oberts Addn, LOtS 1, ~, 3 & 4, Blk 1 Lot 5, 81k 1 Lot 8. Blk 1 Lots 1~ & 1~ Blk 1 Lot 16~ Blk 1 $ 7§~ of Lot 2?, ~lk I Llssie Roberts 113.78 4.84 '~. ~. ~tsey & ~¥I£e ~8.~6 2.58 Robert & i~dna 3utton ~6,40 ~.52 T. A. ~ith ~.B~ ~.08 Ve~on ~lth ~.40 2.10 Clyde Rol~ing.Ore:en Lot 4, Blk.8 Lot 3, Blk 9 Riley Field Co. 99,82 4.42 James R, & Beverly Wainde 14~,92 5.75 Descrip~tion of Lantl RQtling Gpeen 1st Addn. Let 5, Blk ? Lot 9, Blk 15 Lot 45, Blk lV -8' A~mount of Owner Ta_~x ............ l~rank & Stephania Cilu~zi 15.44 Richards & Hale, Inc · 10.08 Antimony & Fra~ncea Balletto 10.08 Nick D. & Don's Grano 11.~6 Ro~rt J. Si~e~s 14.28 C ost____ s 1,78 1.86 ao..l!~.n~ Green, Ri.,dae_ Lot SS, Blk 10 Cha~l®s F. & Nary Ochs Rolling G~een Ridge 1st Addn, Lot 12, Blk 57 Lino · Henrtette C~ilot 12.60 1.58 1.81 S~E? ARD. Addn~ .~ 75' of Lot 4, Blk 3 Aimie ~ Evelyn LaCroix 43.64 2.'74 S~.h. pa~-Fu~ Addn. Lot 12, Blk 1 Lots 1 & 2, Blk 2 Virginia Purinton Lillie ~y~a Daugharty 11.90 6'7.86 1.79 3,47 LOts 6 & '7, Blk 2 john F. & Jessie ~. Tittle 112.00 4.79 Lot 3, Blk 2 Michael & Lillia Kashinen 76,S0 Lots 15 & 16 W. H. Mayhew 116.58 4.95 ~F~,,~Webber,Add. E I of Lot 1, Blk 1 of Lot 4, Blk 1 E of Lot 5, Blk 1 Lot 22, Blk 1 Jolly a Dore Lee Frederick John B. & Sarah King Jake & Mary Eberhart Lottie Linton 5.22 10.62 5.17 11.~9 1.59 1.75 1.59 1.TV Robert ,,We 11~ Lot 13 Lot 15 Thereslta Gardner Cb~lst ine Deal 10.48 14.13 1.74 1.85 -9 - PERSONAL ?ROPERTf Powder Puff. Beauty Shop Ernest Andrews, Landscape Norman Burg, General George Caidwell, Plastering Chapel Hill Homes, General ?. A. Conner, Plastering Dick Duncan, Roofing Jack Henderson, Pav1ng George James, Plumbing John Xerestley, Engineering Leroy Lang, General Clarence Patrick, Plastering Lloyd Rhoden, Masonry Anthony flutledge, Paving Ray Sloss, Lawn Maintenance Gerald Tomllnson, Oeneral White Marble Roofing Co., Roofing Pe~y Whylly, General :Edmund Willis, Well Drilling C. E. Wright, Sign Painting Alfred Levine. Laundry Frank Smith, Laundry Florist - Nurserie~ J. W. Smith, Nursery Rehburc %nterprises. Manufacture Louise Lamme, ~tfts Me. rc bant...'.. Groc ers Oeo~ge W. Dupre®, G~ocery Marie Knowlem, Orocex-y General Me~hants C ~An~y Mercantile Jack Liebman, ~h~es & Clothing Paul N~Bride, Merchant Bill Smith, Radio & TV 8.40 2.80 2,10 2,80 4,20 2.10 4.20 4.20 2.80 14.00 14.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 ~.10 2,10 14.00 2.10 21.00 7.00 2.80 28,00 2.80 7,00 2,80 112.00 98°00 42,00 14.00 Costs 1.68 1.51 1,49 1.51 1.~ 1.49 1,56 1.~ 1.51 1.85 1.85 1.49 1.42 1,49 1,49 2.~ 1.49 1,SS 1,49 2.27 1.51 1.64 1.51 4,79 4,57 2.69 1,85 - 10 - Miscellaneous B. B~h. Yacht Basin, Docks Robert C. Halsman, Supplies & Boats John Jones, Pool ?ables R. E. Mays, Pinball Machine Rentals K. H. Adams, Cottages MPa. Virginia Bowes, Apartment Harr'y Yeller, Rooms Lillie Daugharty Samuel Boehm, Restaurant Nathan Collins, Ba~-B-~ Dolphin Ba~, Restaurant Guy De LaRupelle, Restaurant Beatrice (~ladwish, Restaurant Prank C. Jr. & Altlmese Smith, Bar & Sundries D. E. Snider, Restau~an~ J. D. Vogeill, ?he Gardens John Ware, Club 51 Service Station l~-ed Kienzel, Amoco Station Holiday, Service Station C. H. Hood, City Servi~e Stafford Hafuse, Oulf Sundries ~Amount of TaX. 28.00 21,00 1.40 1.40 16.80 1.40 14.00 5.60 '~.00 .?0 28,00 35, O0 4.~0 4.20 21.00 14.00 4.20 14, O0 14. O0 16.80 14. O0 Costs 2.2? 2.06 1,47 1.47 1.93 1.47 1,85 1.60 1.54 1.45 2.27 2.48 1.56 2.06 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.93 2,27 L~ ~: Marry Graham 28.00 day of D. I;i Ullli~ Tax Col!eotoP ~yo? hold such t~ sal~ ~uant to ~h not~oe, and In aeoo~ ~:; IT ~:U~'{~R R~.',SO[./VED, that upon the ~tdin~ of t~ City C~cil of tb~ City of ~:m~on ~lch, Florida. Tax C ollecto~