04-01-57A Z S o,,n, ,UT 0 N A RESOLUTIOI~ REQUESTIN~ THE CONVEYANCE OF LANDS BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF PAL~{ BEACH COUNT"f, FLORIDA. WHEI~EAS, on Aug-asr 9, 1948, the Board of County COmmissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, did by said Resolution, dedicate lands as herein described for use by the City of Boynton Beach, as a garbage disposal area, and WqiEREAS, the City of BoTnton Beach has found it necessary to request this land to be deeded by conveyance, title to the said lands in order that the same may be used for other municipal purposes, now, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOtmNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS z The City of Bolrnton Beach, by and through its duly elected officers, does hereby request, by and through this said Resolution, that the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Palm Beach, convey to the City of Boynton Beach certain lands as hereinafter described, which have by previous County Resolution dated August 9, 1948, dedicated the said lands for public use for the City of Boynton Beach, and it has been determined by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, that in order to use the said lands for other municipal purposes, and to improve same by the expenditure of municipal funds, it would he proper and necessary to have fee simple title to the properties and the said City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach does hereby request by this Resolution that the Board of County Co--issioners of the County of Palm Beach, Florida, to, by its deed, convey fee simple title to the followin~ described property to the City of Boynten Beach, Florida~ 4t. 20 t0'i'~13'tnCl%isi{;, Bi6:k 6; Lots 16 and 19, Block ?; La. ts 8. 9,~'ahd $1o Block 9, Lots 12 and 19 to 2~ inclusive, Bl?ck 10; L.~t.~ 8 to I9, ~and ~4 to $.1 inclusive, Block 6; Lots 8 to 17 and FO to ~1, in61Usive, Block 7; Lots 8 to 31 inclusive, Slook 8; 'LO~ I0 to 29 inalusive, Block 9; Lots 8 ,in~hsi~%. Block lO; Lots 13 to 18, inclusive,to 11 and 24 to Block 10, ST BOYNTON Plat 2B, .as in Plat Book 15, page 13' Being ~bdivision of East $/4 of Si of NWt, Section 19, a Township 45, ,~nge 43~ AND, Lot. 9.6 to 49 inclusive, Block 7; Lots 9.6 to 49 inclusive. Block 6; Lots 9.6 to 49 inclusive, Block 8; Lots 9.6 to 49 inclusive. Block 9; WEST BOYNTON P~T 2~ ~ ~ Plat B~k 1~, ~e 14, bein~ a s~ivision oF ~t o~ S~ North of Boston Rock ~oad, ~d NE~ o~ SW~. Section 19, To. ship 45. R~ge 43~ ~D Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, SuBdivision of West 3/4 of Section 9.0, Township 45, R~mge 43 and NW~ as in Plat Book 7, page 20, Section 9.9, Township 45, PASSED AND ADOPTED by uanim~m~ vote of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, this 1st day of April, 1957. Attest~ -- Mayor 'City Clbrk