06-02-55 ,',.~,~,.~, the City Council hms heretofore D~:ished water free of charge to Churches, Civic Organizations, Fraternal a-.d ?atriotic Organi- zatic~s and others, and ?/~-~EA~, the volume of water being consumed by such locat~.c~s has become too great for the City to m~y l~ger furnish free, N~f ~P~RE ~ IT ~.0~LVED, by the City Council of the City of Boyntc~ Beach, that henceforth all such water connecti~s in the City be metered. .'~m first 60,O(~) gallons consunmd each calendar year shall be fr~e of charges after that the or~vaili~g rate will be char~d for all water used. p.~.,~ .~ ..~, T.D by the City C~mcil of the City of Boynto~ Beach at its regular ~eting of this 20th day of June, 1955. ~'~. ~'f. Shook ~a3~r C. ~tanley ;"i~eaver M. H. Par~in ouncil~an Seal /~ttest: D.V. Williams City Clerk mlbert W. Deen Councilman Acct. ~2a 372-a ~l-a ~24-a 5Z4-b 7~9-1 75o-~ ~7-~ 9~155a Aogo-a 962 Accounts allm~ed 60,0i O gal ~-,~r ~ear Street 2nd Baptist Church St Jo!-'~ ' s Oa~tist Church Church of God St. Paul ~,~ Church ~t. ~arks Catholic Church Ch~r~ber of Commerce 1st Baotist Church ~%merican IDgion Hall Boy ~cout Hu~ 1st H. E. Church 1st Presbyterian Church South~ide Baptist Church st. Joseph Episcopal Church Girl Scout Hut i?om~u ' s Club Bethe~da Hos?ital Shop T~.E. 12th Ave. r.E. !.P~h ~ve. & N.E. 2nd St, ~[.E. lltb Ave. }12 N .E. 10th Ave, 312 Y.E. lOth Ave. ~o. Federal Seacre st Blvd. N.W. 2nd Ave. City Park ~eacr~st Blvd. & ~ 1st ~ve. ~.~,, 6th Ave. S.U. 15th Ave. Chaoel Hills So. Federal H~. Eo Ocean