06-06-55-01created a ~ and m-gent need fer a Pa~k~ and the~e is n~ Park in ~ District ~ picnic areas and reaz'e~,~! facilities fer the citize~ and the oh.ildran ef the City ef B~ynten a Park wi~h facilities such as have been and are new being placed ia the Jeha Prinae Memwial Park ~uld g~eatly benefit all of the ~ the Cmm~y ,~w ~ ap~atoly 1~0 acres ef dedicated pl~.ty within the li~ts cf the City ef Be~nton Beach. and WA~HEAS, a s~ll partien af this la~ is new ~ reed by the Gi~l Soouts, and the City Ceuao~ of Boynt,,e~ Bes~h dee~s sueh an isq~e~ent necessary to the health and well-be~ ~ of the residents of Beynten end Delx~ Beach. and the City Co~il of Beynten Beaah believe that such an i~lweeene~t ~e, ald be a very desirable asset to the ~hale Fourth District af t~e County. and · ~RFAS. a ~ developed Park in this az. ea weald be eaJeyed by Torn'lots and residmts alike. N~ ~, BE IT RE~OL~D, that t~e City ~s~ of P~ ~h 0o~ty ~ ~e ~~ of ~ city ~ ~~ ~. ATTEST~ ... 5 c~ty Cle~