04-04-55-1RES 0 L U T I o N THE R~714OVAL )F UNS,~FC, BUILDIFG, LITS 7 & O~ ~,RD'EN ~ARK there .... ~,-~ Lots 7 & 8, ARDEI< ':';ARK~ all ~ fe t ~ - build - !within the ~ity of Boynton Beach, FlsriSa~ certain unss ing~ and '{ · ? ~ this Council dee~s it necessary and ex~ediept WI~.REA~ ~ - ~ of the for ~h: nreservstion of ~h~ ~ublic heslth amc safety inhabitants of the City of Boynton Beach and for the ganert~l wel- ~,~ there should be removed from the said ' ~ of the said City th~ fl lands all buiiding~ debris and trash; and, -~'" ' it a:-'r~ars that th~:, fol~owin~ nersoF,,s are those owners of the said lands, Estate of jose'nh L. A. Mooney~ Attorney ) fiRDV3N ~-~RK THE'W:FORE BE rr R[SiLVFD by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florids~ that this Council does hereby direct smd require said owners of said la~ds to remove from said trash and debris~ within fifteen d~ys nroserties unsafe building~ after notice is served u~on them directing thrum to do so; snd~ Bt~ IT WI~TNV. P~ P'FS'OL~r~tD, that if said owners shall not, within fifteen days after notice is served u~on them, directing. them to do so~ remove from said ~ronerties~ th~ thir:gs or thing 'this Council shall cause the directed smd required to be removed~ same to t:c removed and wil~ char~e~ assess and collect the ~x- menses thereof~ ss s lien agsins't the ssJd lands or ss s claim s~sinst the owners the:'eof; BR IT FURTHER ?}~S'3L~iD~ that notice ar, d copy of this Resolution shall be served --~o,~, ~ ~ of such lands or u:~on ~ , if aid owners are n,)n-reside?ts~ the agent of such o~ne~s; or s c .... ~ known s~ent within or csnr~ot be found within the ,~y~ ~nd h~.v~ no the City~ 8 cosy of ss~d noti. ce and s c~ny of this R~solution shall be ~osted upon sai6 ]ands. Page 1 PAS~ED Ai~D ~.D0~TED this 4th d~y of Aoril~ .~.D., 19~ at regular meeting. AT ~ ~. ST. Msyor Councilnan This notice, is to order you~ L.A. Mooney~ Attorney for the estate of Jose~n and M~ggie Hi!~, t,~ owners sai~ ls~d described in said Resolution to remove from s~id land the unsafe building, debris and trssh~ within f~te~=n d~Ms after the date of this notice~ ~r this Council will cause same to be re- moved~ and will chsrge~ assess an~ collect the exam. erases of said removsi~ ~s a lien a~sinst s~id nronerty or as s claim 8g~ir~st the owrer or owners thereof. t?.~ WITt~'ESf W~Z~{E]F~ i have hereunto set my hand ss City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach end affixed th.~reto the coroorste seal of the ssJ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida, this ~ ~ day of A~ril~ B..D.~ 19~. SEAL - Citf~lerk'- Page 2