03-21-55-1R E S 0 L U T I O N ch, Florida~ does~ ~ursusnt to ~rticle the City Commission .o~ the City of Boynton 1~ of the Charter of the said City, deem it necessary for the nublic interest~ that certain stre~ts~ boulevrrds~ avenues~ Isnes~ a!leys~ ~srkways~ ~nd other bublic hiRhways~ within the limits of the said City~ be imnroved by beipg built~ rensired~ resurf~,ceS~ sn~ rebuilt, now~ therefore~ BE IT ~q'~~v~n R' Y Tk~ CITY '~ ~' ': ~S FOLLOWS: 1,. The Suoerip?en~ent of Public Works is her'eby directed nd ordered to '~revare an esti~mted cost for renair~ resurfacing~ rebuildin~ and construct~s~ streets~ rosds~ boulevards~ avenues~ lsnes~ alleys, uarkways, sn,:-] othe-r' ~ublic highways over the ~edi- c~ted ri~hts-of-w~ys as hereinafter set forth: S. W. lOth Avenue between Green and S.'W. 3rd Street~ 3946 feet S. W. 3rd Street abutting Lot 24~ Block 6~ McDonald Park~ and Lot 1, Block 8, Bel!amy Hts. 240 feet 2. That the Sunerint~nde~t of ?ublic Works shall ore- sere vlans a.~td soeci~zcstions which shall be on fils with th~ City Clerk of the City of Boynton Besch~ which sai~ olans and specifi- cations shsil be in accordance with the laws an5 ordinances of the C~ty of Boynton Besch~ having a oaring width of not less than 22 feet~ be constructed of lime rock compacted to not less tbsn 6 inches and surfacing as set out by laws an~ or<~inances of said City of Bovnton Beach. 3. The sai~ Suner!mten~ent of Public Works shs!l have ~,re~,arad arid oresent to the next regular City Commission meetinF ofl the City of Boynton B~sch, on A~ril 4~ 19':~:?, the said o!ans and soecifications as herein mentioned. AT l_~ST: E:,~,I.~, .....LY oas and ado~te~ this 21st dry of Msrch~ City Clerk Mayor , Councilyn - Counfii}raa~