02-07-55-2'~ n x 0 L '{T i' ! 0 3each, Plorio. a, toes, ./.,as,.~n~ to :-~rt:icte li~ of tlae ~;i~arter o~,. the saiO Oitv, deem i15 nece~:~arv i'or ~:,{ public ..... t, ?,~Pec ts, Oo!llevaPos, svenues, iL:ne s, alleys, psr!':wa2r~ ~ an(i other oublic hi~2~wavs, w-i-L-.hin the limii~s o< {~he said r, iisy, be improvem 1. 'Pi-~e ~uperin'benctent o/' puOlic Uorxs is hereby mirected a!lO op~e2eo_ tO i.:,PE;nare art lane.~ a~_ieys, n,:'r~C.r~xrS ~ltn(.. Or.heP puOlic [ti'h~..'ays over the deal- eat, ce PL..P : ir ,~ 'el~ ~'''''' '~-~~ ~ ~.~.~ ~ ~ SOU ~'Ol~-u~l'. .... .~..lc o. L. t Street~ 1212 feet a. L. 1st btroct oetween S. ~.~. Ist '~ve. a~:~ S.~. 3Po Ave I !U23 _feet I 2. Tnav the Superinvenc~ent of Puolic l<orl~s slm!l pre- ~._,~:~re plans and specificai;ions ,r!:'~ic~: slw~l] 'ce on file with the City Clerk oF ki~e,~"~tv~ ~, o.f ]~oyn~::on Beac~, wl~ich said .~etans and specifi- zon,:~ s 1 :~e in accorOsnce wit[~ ~iae laws anc- C, itv of :~oyn~:on 'Beach, hsvinP: a navinr,' "~-}ie~-, of nov len~ ti'zan 22 feet, be con~tr'uctea o/' lime rocx co,~pacte~ to not less thm~ 6 ..... ~.l~...c.~n.:: as set out, by laws [~e: orctS.}:~m~ces of sale: City o~_ 3oyn'bon ~eecn. .). ~iac: said :3.~.~}cri:-zvenme,o_'t of ~-u'~,lic ~oz",-*' shell have prcpar(~d .~.n{ 'orescn~C -co 'the next pe':'~&!&r Oitl!r (.;o::l:lission .::eetin:' UYi..'~J,!iii,UU:SL!T pascall ~r'.d ao. opbcd -b!li:s l?th dam of January~