05-18-53-2eetat? owing to the City of Bc~mtc~ Beach, Florida, and which have accede delinquentl and WHEREAS, the la~ r~q~ a sale of such lmds for such u~paid and delir~qu~nt taxes! oO~- IK)W, _T~_qEREF. OREaBE IT RESOL%~. by the City Co~cll estate ~t d~ ~ ea~ P~I~ ~l~t~ ~~st fr~ A~ I ~ date t~ e~t ~ ~ve~is~ ~ w~ t~ l~s ~ salaam, ~ to p~ah ~ch list N~s. a ~pa~. ~ ' '-- BE IT FURTYER RES~ViD, that the notice of sale sh4ll be substantially in tl~e f~ll~wing for~l '~TIOE" NOTICE IS P~2tEBY GIVEN, that t!'~ rallying described la~ds will be .oLd at public saXe on the W:~.:, ~ ~......_.~lgS3,_at 9,o0 o,clo~k A.E;- a'~U'~ City Ball, r~e ux~y or 3~yntc~ ~ea~ 0our~ of Pa~ ~each a~d Stat. ~ Flea. idae to pay ~e maou~t due for ta.~s .herein set opposite to the lames toget!~r with the cost of ~-~-uch sale md adve~tising coat! A CREA ~,Se ce X~,Twp.45,R ~ Amount of Tax Coats Lot. 70 a 71 Anna Clar,k 72,26 3 .S~.i, ~R0~ JR. ':~. SE ~- of S~ :.. of Sec.16 a S~ of ~..~L~C. sec. 15 ~P 4~, ~ Acr~age,Sec.17,TWP.45,R~3 s -~ or oov. ~ot 3 J. Doe T.J. Melea~ 1~.31 1..86 ~,ot. 55 a 56 That pa~t of Lot Ill ::,a in D.B. ~5,~age 166 H.E.:I Gilcl~ist Jo.. j. De I~z, ac 124.51 ~ 6~ 6, 6o LAUREL 8~.r~-A RE~JB. o~ ~- Of Lot 6,W~ o£ Lot ? a ]~ or ~.h3. Lots 6 & 7' 2nd Add. Lot li~te B. Robe~tso~ Anthony F.& L.G~llic~e LOt 9 Lot 18 Lot 19 Sub. of Lot 3 o~ ,:,~ of }~ Lot Alex & Essa SLuo~ , \ Rosis Lee EXA za~etJx Denni~ D~ Davis M. BoMU~ J°C~ Ola Mae Sim camm Jch~mie Lee & Plcrence Mo&es Se~~ Moses ~c~ple~ Let 30 Lots 31 ~. 32 Lawrence Miller  O,B,Tayle~, Willie 24.99 3.~7 3.57 12,98 1.82 1,60:. 19.0Z 237,00~ HAPPY HO~ HEIGHTS A sub. o£ ~ets k a 5 or Lai~ha~t ~ s ~u~. i~ ~ee. 21, Lot 1~, B~k°l Let 15~BXko 1 Lets 7,8 & 9, Blk. 2 Lots I & 2, -31k. 3 Lot 9. s~ ~ Lots ~6 m 17, ~ 3 Lot 1~, S~ 3 Wash & Jum~ita Meeks 77~ L 65 Dave B~Aml . Z'.~ 3, 50 nosie ~.,ee ~ ~ ,~ ~3 7.~9 l. 65 ~lie ~h Ravecca Cl~ 12,53 L 81 L~!ie ~~ ~2.23 3. O0 2,39 L 50 Let I, E~ of L4~ ?, Blk°2 Lots 1-~ ~ts 5 ~ 6, ~ 3 Lot 1,~ Willie Miller Reg, & Rebecca JAS,& Mae Taylc~ 2.1~ · 93 1. 7. 0 .65 11.29 1,77 21.29 2,07 --~09---- -Z. 70 2,77 17.41 ~ .95 :lamie Olllara Bailey Josie ~)olden ~utler Cha~le s Jones fADD.-?art of ~ot 7 E.R03ERT2 ADD-Being a portic~ of Lot 8,Lan~hartts Sub.in See. 21, T'?. 45, R 43 Lot 5, Blk. 1 ~.~.%:.Eut~ a Wife ~2.67 2.4X Lot 18, ~k.l All,so S~am 59.15 ~.~ Lot Lot 125 0~a E. Eell, 10.9~. Chris tin~ Deal 10.45 portion of Lot 8 of S~3~ of HE -,~-~ec.;Zl,~vp. 45, R E~ of Lot 5, Blk.l Jake a Hax-y Eberhamt 13.12 1.82 Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 1 Emily Colebx~ok .~ok~.~ 10.~ 1.76 Lot 22, Blk. 1 Lottie Linton 23.~6 2.15 10.02 1.~3 Lots 1~-199 In~. '.ff~ Sired, Sr. ~ta 295 & ~ ~ ~eL~ O~en 2.36 ~ ~ ~ 301 ~ & Willis ~ld~th Lots .44 ~ 445 Lots 14.o8 Ware 8.63 1.69 Albex~ ~iegle~ 3.10 1.52 _J.F. Fe-.cht~_nc:_r /~. ~~ 5.73 1.60 ~oXd B. Gl~t~ ~ 2.~ 1'5~ ~ol~ ~.e 2.~ 1.5~ 132 ~T.-.A V.P&Claude -~cwles 7.39 1.65 T.e.~-- ~- '= -'llc~ "~- ~ -~..~31- Lots 10~ & 105 Blk B ~-~tis E. PALM BEACH ¢0UNT~Y CLUB EST. Seo. 21,TWP ~5, R 43 not x, B~ ~ ~o ~ ~.o5 ~.~ ~ ~:B~ ~ J~, l~t~ 5.78 1.~ SHEPARD ADD. -S~o£ ."~- of ~0, o£ Let l, Skk 3 SP~PARD-FU~D ADD.-SE~ ~f Lot 1~, ~lk. 1 COPPS,C.W. ADD-Pax, t of E~.of Lets 82,8~86 & 88 L~ 36 & 39 Let 70 . Rose E. B?own a.ee 1.48 Eat. of ~eo,A-ge Ma.kE~l 7.16 1.6~ LlC.~ J. Roden Jr. Altee A. HeCa~le~ LiXliaa B. White Clyde C & Marg.ret Jcn~ianl2.~ ROBERT ADIT-~ub. of pa~t cf t.b~ ~E~ of SE~- E of FEe RX J. Doe L~s 2 a 3, Blk 3 xx.g5 1.77 Jam. A. Men.~is 3':~ c. C--T~.---'_-~'4-- ,~Lot 9, Blk I Keaz~t~ A~ Lot 1, ~ 2 u~t9 Ketone th %! Lets 7-X2 7~.~ 3.70 DEWEY'S SUB.-PB 1,P~ge 37 Lot XO Lots 11 & 12 Lot 53 Alfx-ed Clayton ?hep~rd Maude G. S~t~ Charles %~'illim~m n 28.62 2.29 39.35 2,/fl. TKE LA%.~$-Sub. of Lots 55,$6, ~7,58~9 &: 60 f .A,.,-of I~ Sea. 27, Twp.~5, ~:43 Aox*e, ~ee. 28 Adams, Swe~man & Rogers 386.12 Allie ¢. Adams 11.45 13.01 1.77 E} of Lot 8 Sub, , Shangri-La Colonies ~2.93 2.72 N 4 Ac~es E lot of W 330t of N 150 of Ocean Avenue. hank S~evensc~ SeedSto~el31,~l 8023 ORIGINAL T0%T; 0~- BOi~ON-L2in~ N_60! ~ ~ ~ & 12, S SOt of E ,.Of Lot 11 and s 80 of Lots 1201~ In~.Blk 12: Un~ 13.8~ ~a.7~ 4.~4 B~j~tce~ KEIGHTS -PFC, Pete 5 talk 1 88 Lot~ 1 ~.a, GeE, ~ames _23. 2.15 Lots ~ts 3~ & 32 B~ 7 _ ~ Pavi~ Co. ~,~ 1.72 ~s 3~ ~c,Blk 5 H.0.Ro~s~ ~ 1~.~ 1.~ ~$ ~ ~ ~ B~ 15 ~.~. . v.~.~~~?e~ Z.~ 1.~ Lots 5 a 6 V.L.Horeman& M.Fergan 15.75 1.90 Ka~l Albert EberhaS*~&Wife 1.67 1.48 WX2Og of~Lo~2& 3 Blk A Lots ~i$? Of 10 Dlk A ~o1'! !,i~7'bez.-I~ 16.~? 1.94 CeC.W~ight & T~heLnaW~lght25,96 BOWERS PAR_K.-~mM, c~f pc~tion~ of ~E~ & 5E~,-Se~ZS,Tw~.45,P~ Lots lj~-15 Inc. Blk 2 Mc~e~ a ~erol D~n 1.95 Lot 6 Blk k . ~ , ~tl~a A~a~ ~.~ ~.~ 1,~ Lot 6, ~k 8 ~ ~E.Yo~~ M~s~ 5.73 1.~ ~t 7, Blk 9 M~ & Fer~ ~ 5.73 le~ Lots 8.59 1.69 5.73 ~NTRAL PARK-A.Su~. of portiorm orsE~ o~ ~eo.e~,~,~.~5,~ Lot 26 Lot ~8 Lot 6 & N:~ of Lot 47 Harriet R.Wallace Hark Levy f: H. Hirschthal Ric?~rd C. ?razler & that Pca. t~on cf Lot 61 ~ 62 of B~nt~ SD lying W of W R fW of ~C i~/ & being in SE~ of SE~- of Sec 28 Let 9, Blk 10 Lot 1~, Blk 10 Lots ~$ & 9 Blk 11 Lots 10 & 11 Blk 11 6.20 1.~ 5.73 ~.60 MCDOI~tD PARK-An Add. in NE,;- of SW¼ of Se,.ZS,Twp.45,PJ%3 Lots 1 & 10~ Blk 6 Less RW of ~ 9-~ Lane Lo~ 1, ~ of ~ 9 LAKE BORON F~TATES-P~ats Nom. Lots 9-12 Inc. Blk 13 Lots 6 & 7 Blk 26 ,mrs 7. S & 20 Blk ~ "' ?"" ~' & all '- O. D. Buckl®s of tho Faith A.O & !e Lunsford ACmA 33 E ZO0~ of N 125' or S1735' of E~ of ~E~ West of :Y~ :PJY I Gu~ & M. De La F~apelle 138.3~ 7.01 N ~' of S 1735~ ~ss E N 12~' of S 1910' ~ of ~ ~.West 0f US ~ 1 C~tea. l:t~ ~ ~~c 42.93 5.~ ~ W of ~ ~ 1 ~aa W ~5' Lots 1-3 Ina, Blk 6 Ed. :: O. El!is,J J: bi.Ellis 135.57 5.50 A~EAgE S.ZCT!?J 5 AI~A~T~'71'S , ~abin~ ,Motel s etc. Vibex-t A. & Clara Foreman Lake Cit.j' Pa~.k Jay Mo~eXe'y Cha~lea J, Wil~ imusc~ ? .D. Kitchen We. ll ~ & L.M. Rc~s (Tile) ~-e c~ge ,3'ame~(?Xu~biu6) 7.16 1.64 X.19' 1..47 1.X9 1.47 ~.57 1.~ Calvtm Bcwe~a (D~/ Service Stati~.~, ~- O~es 11.93 1.79 11.93 1,79 Jay Moseley B~c~n & Hoseley_ Inve s tament s Jack~ s l~pai~ ~ Wm~ A & ~ Fiel~ ~L- m_~ p._t~.cr;_~n _!,z,.~,v4._=: ........................ De l~a'co I~plement ~-~ SmAp ly Co, Emily 23,86 2.15 3.57 11,9~ 1.79 10,98 1.76 23.86 2,l~; 2.39 t,~.~O- 190.80 .7.70 4.77 4.77 ~-.~7 ?rank C. Jr. & Alt_hmese Smith(Bar & Sundries) 7.16 1.64 City of ~ IT ~ R~OL~, that ~ch T~ Colle~ct~ do hold such t~ I~e ~su~t to such notice~ ~d ~ ~ ~~ R~OL~, that ~ the hold~ of such s~e, such T~ C.lleetc~ sh~l report ~ch s~e to th,e City Co~cil of t~ City of B~t~ Beach, ~ida. THIS RESOLL~r0N_ PASSL~ AI~ AD0~ ~q~.. ':~ D~Y 0F 19~3. F. L. ~int~ ~.~y~