07/21/52-1 Upon motion duly mado ~id seconded, the follo~ii~ resolution was unnn~,~(~sly adopted: DE Z? R~.S0LVED, by thc City Co:ziission of tl~ City of Do~ulton Doach, (!) T!iat thc City of LLoyntcn ~eac: :, a :u~uicipai corporation of t tie ':;taro o£ ~o~id&, d~s ho~ebv cont?act ~1 ag~oe t o onto~ into ~ a~ocment ~;ith Fcott 2. Lof~ ,and Jo!~ ~;. ::et. in, as Tru~eo~ of t>~; property o:? Plo~id: East Coast Railway C~p.r:ny, s~%d not indtv:Ldual:.y, whex, ein a~-~ whe~e~ thc said City of 5~%ton :3each is glvon '~ ha ri[?~t ~ prlviloge to i~t~, mainta~ ~id use a ~!bg~'~de 6 ~ch cast ii, on ~ator ca~"rie~ pipe line to c ~ a wate~ p~ss~e of ~ po~s per square ~ch, ~stalled in ? ~2 ~ch cast casing pipe, extending easterly a:~ wcstez, ly ac~s~.: t~ ~i:~t of ~y,,~u~ u~nder the t~acks '.f th~ R ilway at ~L l~th Avenue ~ D~ton .... point located 1565 feet s~at~-~esto~31y f~.a~:t the Railway.a ;lile ?oat No.311 Jackzouvi!!e, :~orid~, said ri~uht of wcy of bhe R..ilway Imv~g a tot~ widbh 75.0 feet at ~:~is locati.~, ~i~; :~0,0 feet ~u~d 25 feet ~wi~u:~ on t~ nopth- westerly ~nd y:outheasterly sides respectively of tl~ centex- line of the north- b~d m~ln ~z.;.'ck; ~l as ~ col~ped_yell~ up~ blueprint of p~t of the Railway'$ pl:~n ~3-S1~, dasd .&u~t 20, 19%2, attached to said a~on~ent, ~d by refe~-ence t hereto made a p~,~ all as ~ilo~e Fully described and ~do~ cVe~ 'in copy Do, ton DeacOn, ~?lo~id~, a~ by rofo~ence thoreto medo a p~t he~eof~ (2) tlioy ~o ::ie~oby o:utho~ized half of ~a!d ~ity of