06/02/52-1DATED JUh'E 2, 1952-/ Upon motion duly m~ie aad seconded, the following resolution was unaaimo~l~ adopte~ HE IT RESOLVED by the Oit~ Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, as follows~ (1) That the 0ity of Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of ~lorida, does hereby contract and agree to enter into an agreement with Scott M. Loftin and John W. Martin, as Trustees of the propert~ of l~lorida East Coast Railway Company, an& not ind.tvid~ally, wherein au& whereby the said Cit~ or Bo~nton Beach is given the right and privilege to construct an& maintain a public crossing over and across that parer of the ?ight of wa~ and property of sai& Florida F~st Coast Railway Oompazly' i~ the City of Boynton Beach at the location ~escribe& as follows~ A parcel of land with uniform widSh of 50 feet northerly and southerly, extending easterl~ and westerly across the right of way an& tracks of the Flori&a East Coast Railway Compau~ at Boynton Beach, ~lorid~, with longitudimal center line located 1551.3 feet southerly from Mile Post 311 from Jacksonville, Florida, said right of way of the Railway having a total width of 75 feet at this location, being 25 feet and 50 feet in width on the easterly and westerly sides, respectively, of the center line of the Railwayls northbound main track. Ail a~ ~hown colored yellow upon blueprint of p~rt of the Railway* s plan .... dated ...... , attached to said agreement aud by this reference thereto is ma~e a part hereof. all as more fully describe& and under the further terms and con~httione each and every in COl~ of proposed agreement now on file with the City Commission of Boynton Beach, l~lorid~, and by reference thereto m~te a part hereof. (2) That the F~yor, with the attestation of the City Clerk, be and the~ a~e hereby a~thorizet ~nd directed to execute said a~reement for and on behalf of said City of Bo~nton ~each, (3) That this resolution ab~ll take effect inu,~ediatel~ upon its passage. ) OOUi~ 0~' P~ ~ ) O I~ OF ~0~ ~ ) I, D, V. ~~, Ci~ Clerk of the Oity of B~to~ ~ ~ci~ co~or~tion, of t~ State of ~lori~, ~o ~re~ cert~ t~t the for~o~ is a t~ ~ of resolution ~~ ~ted at a re~ meet~ of t~ City ~tssion of ~e Oi~ of 2~ton ~1~ on ~ ~ ~ of J~e, A. D. 1~%2, ~ as ~& reeoluti~ a~e ~ ~ute 2ook ~e not n~ere~ of the ~utes of ~e ~i~ Oi~ Oo~ission of t~ Oity of 2o~ton 2~ch ~ ~ official 8 ~ ~SS ~0~, ~ ~ ~to set ~ ~ ~ ~ficial seal of the City of Boynton Reach. s/, T. City Clerk of' the Ct'~ of ~oynton ~e~ch