Florida Power & Light FLORIDa. POWER & LIGHT COMPASS{ Rate Schedule Number S-2& Electric Service INCANDESCENT STREET LIGHTING V~H~TE WAY OR ORNAMENT;L TYPE FIXTURE Underground System - Dusk to Dawn Service - Comoany Ownership APPLICATION OF SCHEDULE: For lighting of public streets, alleys, thoroughfares and public parks by'incandescent metallic filament lamps in white way or ornamental type fixtures owned and approved by Company, fed by underground conductors. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single phase, approximately 60 cycles, from Company's ex~st~nff series or multiple system, at Company's option. Service includes installation, energy, maintenance, lamp renewals and patrol. LIMZTATION Ow SERVICE: ~Limited to the exclusive use of Consumer an~ sh~_ll not be resold or shared with others. NET aNNUAL RATE: Series Lamps Nominal L~2&~'~- I)u-qk to Dawn power of Lamp Service .Multiple Lamps Rating 5uSk~ot-5--Dawn in Watts Service ]00 $24.60 75 $25.50 250 43.40 100 3~.00 400 50.90 150 43.30 600 61.30 200 48~60 lO00 82.60 300 59.20 500 80.40 NET ~ONTHLY BILL: One-twelfth of the a~:ount computed at the Net &nnual Rate includin~ the following adjustments. ADJ~ST~.IENTS: First, - Minus or plus one-half of one percent of the amount computed at the abo~'e stated rate for each whole point in the "All commodities" index below 70 or above llO, respeCt- ively. For this purpose there shall be employed the average of the three moat recently oubl!shed morthly value:~ for the "All commodities" index taken from "?~daolesale Prices" comoiled by the United States Department of Labor, (ad~sted to a 1926 base if any other date should, be employed for the base by the ~nited States Department oe Labor). Second, - Plus the applicable proportionate part 6f any taxes and assessments imposed by any governmental a~thority in excess of those in effect January 1, 193V, which are assessed on the basis of meters or custor~ers or the price of or reven~es from electric energy or service oo!d or the volume of energy generate~ or purchased for sale or sold. MO~TTHLY BILI~: The Net ~.,~onth.l-~ Bill plus 10 percent. PoO~PT PAY~fENT DISCOUNT: The difference between the gross and net bills. Allowed on b'lls paid within 15 ~ays from date rendered, provided that no pre~ious bill remains unpaid. Bills will be rendered at monthly intervals an~ are due upon presentation. N0),{ INA L CA :I~)LE -P 0V~'ER: For the nurDose of b!].]'n~ ~nder +hi. ~ate schedule, the Nominal Candle-power is to be taken as the manufact~rer's rating of lamp in lumens divided by 10. TER~{ 07 SERVICE: Not less than te~ years. FLORIDA POI~R & LIGHT COMPANY Rate 2chedule Number S-1 Electric Service INCANDESCENT STREET LIGHTING WOOD POLE BRACKET TYPE FIXTURE Overhead SFstem -- Dusk to Dawn Service -- Company Ownership APPLICATION OF SC~HE~LE: For lightinq of public streets, alleys, thoroughfares and public parks by incandescent metallic filament lamps in overhead wood pole bracket type fixtures owned and approved by Company, installed on poles of Company's distribution system. CHARACTER OF SER¥_rCE: Single phase, sooroximately 60 cycles, from Comoany's existinz series or multiple system, at Company's option. Service includes installation, energy, maintenance, lamp renewals and patrol. LIN~TATION O~ SERVICE: Limited to the exclusive use of Consumer and shall not be resold or shared with others. NET AN~,,~AL RATE: Series Lamps Nultiple Lamps NOminal Candle- Dusk to Dawn Rating Dusk to Dawn power of Lamp Service in Watts Service 6o 16. o $o 16.3o 80 lV.40 60 1V.40 100 18.50 75 18.90 250 27.00 100 ~1.60 400 34.50 150 ~6.90 600 44.90 200 ~2.20 1000 66.90 300 42.80 500 64.00 NET MONTHLY One-twelfth of the amount computed at the Net Annual Rate including the following adjustments. ADJUSTMENT f~: First, - Minus or plus one-half of one percent of the amount computed at the above stated rate for each whole pofut in tt~ "Ail commodities" index below VO or above llO, respectively. For this purpose there shall be employed the average of the three most recently published month!¥ ~al~es for the 'tAll commodities" index taken from "Whole- sale Prices" compiled b~ the United States Department of Labor, (ad,~ste5 to a 1926 base if any ether date should be employed for the base b,v the United States Department of Labor). Second, -Plus ti~e applicable proportionate part of any ta-~..es an5 assessments imposed by any ~,overnmental authority in excess of those ~n e.ffect January ]~, 1937, which are assessed on the basis of meters or customers or the price of or re"en,~es from electric energy or service sold or the volume of energy ~ener~te5 or purchased for sale or sol.~. ~?.0NTHLY BILL: The Net ~'Ionthly Bill plus 10 percent. PR0~PT PAY!WENT DISCOUNT: The difference between the :~ross and net bills. .~llowed o~ bills paid within 15 ~]a.vs from date rendered, pro'~id~d t~at n~ prevlo~s ~]~_~. r~a~.ns ~,~np~id. Bills will be rendered at monthly intervals and are due upon presentation. N0Y, INAL CANDLE-P0~?fER: For the purpose of billin~~. ~.~nder this rate schedule, the Nominal Candle-power is to be taken as the manufacturer's rating of lamp in lumens divide5 b.¥ 10. TERM 07 ~tw~Tf~' Not less than 2en years.