Park & Recreation Commis..-1RES 0LUT I0N (A RESOLUTION ORGANIZING THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION. ) WHEREAS, at a RegUlar Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held on the Second day of April, A. D. 1935, A. Resolution was adopted authorizing the Mayor to appoint, with the approval of the Commission, a group of citizens representing the various organizations of the Town to act as a PARK AND RECRE^TION C0~MMISSION; WHEREAS, the Mayor of the Town of Boynton did, and the same was duly approved and confirmed by the Town Commission in said Resolution, appoint the presiding officer of the following organizations to act as a PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION: Boy Scouts of America, Troop Committee, Troop #5, Boynton Fire Department, Woman's Club, Woodmen of the World, Carpenters Union, Parent-Teacher Association, Boynton Lodge No. 236, F. & A. M., Boynton M.E. Church South, Boynton Baptist Church, Boynton Beach Athletic Club, Public Schools of Boynton, Merchants of Boynton and Custodian of Boynton Beach Casino; and, WHEREAS, it was further provided, "That said Park and Recreation Commission shall meet as a body on the first Monday of each Month to hear reports and take action on current business;", and further; "That said Park and Recreation Com- mission shall elect annually, at the April meeting of each year, a Chairman, V~ce Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer"; and, WHEREAS, it was further provided, "That said Park and Recreation Commission shall file a written monthly report of it's activities, together with it's suggestions and recom- mendations for the furthering of such activities, with the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida, said report to be filed not later than the tenth day of each month;" and, WHEREAS, said Park and Recreation Commission h~s ceased to function and has not made monthly reports to the Town Com- mission and has not held it's meetings or held it's annual ele- ction of officers as provided for by said Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that the RESOLUTION which was adopted at the Regular Meeting of this Commission, held on the Second day of April, A. D. 1935, creating the said PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION be, and the same hereby is recinded, revoked and repealed. ..... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr. R. O. Meyers, the acting Treasurer of the said Park and Recreation Commission be required and directed to promptly render an accounting and conveniently surrender to the Treasurer Of the Town of Boynton, all funds remaining in his possession. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so sur- rendered be and the same hereby are appropriated to the main- tenance of Parks and Playgrounds. (Signed) ~ H. D. Stevens Mayor ,(Si ,~ned) N. M. Weems vi c'e'_M~y or (Signed) _J.. P. Bowen Town Olerk