General ElectionRESOLUTION (NOTICE 0F GENERAL ELECTION) BE IT RESOLVED that notice is hereby given by the Town Commissioners of the To~a] of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, that a General Election of said Tow~ will be held at the Tore% ~lall, on the Dixie Highway, in the Towel of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, Between the hours of Eight o'clock A.~. and sunset of the9th, day of April, A.D. 1934, for the purpose of electing an encumbent to the o~fice of Town Clerk, for a term of thr~e years. Nominations may be made for said of rico on or before Ten days previous to the date of said election, Candidates may voted for on the ballot without being nominated. Notice is further given that Emma MacKay , Stella McKay and Will Partin are hereby appointed Inspectors and Frances Stitts,. as Clerk of said election and a~e ordered to report at the To~a~ Hall on the day and time aforesaid to hold said election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a cop~ of this notice be posted at the doo~ of the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Registration Book of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, be opened for the registration of all qualified electors of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the Town Hall on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1934. All persons desiring to register for the General Election called for the 9th day of April, A.D. 1934, should register on or before March 30th,1934 at which time the Registration Book will be closed. The ~bo've' 'R'~solut'~bn was duly pa'sse~ and adopted at a Regular {neet~ ing of the Town Commission held February ~Oth, 19~4