Florida Power & Light 2RESOLUTION A~THORIZING AND DIRECTING FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TO RESTORE TO SERVICE AND THERE- AFTER TO SERVE UNDER THE STREET LIGHTING AGREE- MENT NOW IN EFFECT BETWEEN THE TOWN ~ND THE SAID COMPANY AND DATED THE 2ND DAY OF MARCH 1926, FOUR (4) OVERHEAD BRACKET TYPE STREET LIGHTS, TEMPORARELY DISCONTINUED IN PNRSUANCE OF THE SUPPLEMENTAEY AGREEMENT NOW IN EFFECT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND THE SAID COMPANY AND DATED T~E 6TH DAY OF AUGUST 1929; PROVIDING THAT DELIVERY OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO SAID COMPANY SHALL CONSTITUTE AUTHORITY FOR FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TO COMPLY HERE- WITH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF BOYNT ON: I That as of the 6th daf of:Zanu~,rT' Florida Power & Light Compan~ be and it hereby is authorized and directed to restore to service and thereafter to serve under the Street Lighting Agreement new in effect between the Town and The said Company and dated the 2nd day of March, 1926, four (4) over- head bracket type street lights, heretofore tempor- arily discontinued in pursuance of the Supplementary Agreem~n~ new in effedt between the Town ami the said Company and dated the ~th day of August, 1929, the said four (4) overhead bracket type street lights being described as to candelpower and location as follows: .Candlepower Location One Hundred Southwest Corner Corbine St West end Southeast Corner Corbine St East_end One Hundred Cot Park and Palmetto Streets Cc~ Curtis St and Dixie. High.way That the Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to certify to the passage of this Resolution and to deliver a Certified copy hereof to Florida Power & Light Company and that the said Oertified copy hereof, when so delivered, shall constitute authority for Florida Power & Light Company to comply herewith