Construction of county roadsRFSOLUTION A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE C0r~[CIL OF TIT,_. TOWN '~F BOYNTON FLORIDA~ REQL~STING T~ COV}~Y C ~.ffloSIO~RS 0F PALM n~'~"~H C~U}r~Y FLORIDA~ T0 RETAIN CERTAIN MO}~YS ~iICIt TItE ~ ..... ~ B~ EWTITLED TO U~ER SECTION 1604 0F TI~ REVISED GENERAL STATUTES OF FLORIDA~ 1920~ AND T0 E'[~END THE S~ AS i~RETOFURE 0N T~ ~INLIC HIGHWAYS 0F S~ID COUNTY I,,qtICH LIE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS 0F BOYNT }Y~ FLORIDA. BE IT RESOL~,D by the Town Council of the Town of Boynton~ Florida~ at a regular meeting of said council held on the [th day of March 1929~ that the Honor- able Board of County Commissioners of Palm ~each County~ Florids~ be and they are hereby requested to retain such moneys ss the Town of Boynton might be entitled to under Section 160~ of the Revised General ~t~tutes of the State of F]orida~ 1920~ an~ to exnend said moneys as they have been exsended heretofore on ~he construction and mainten- ance of the county roads and hishways which lie within and sass through the town nf Boynton~ Florida. Pn IT wrmp~e ~ES?L~D +h~t ~ cony of this resolution be snreed on the minutes of sam,?~ Town Council and tn, ,~ a cony therof be mailed to the Roard of County Sommissio}:ers of Palm '::each County~ F]orid~ th8t the commissioners may be asnrised of the wishes of said Town Council. P~ssed~ aonroved ~nd adooted under and by virtue }f the aforesaid authority this the day of A.D.192? R.O. Myers Mayor, Attest: Town q]erk