Florida Power & Light 2 SOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE VICE-MAYOR OF AND ON BEH~F OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON· FLORIDA· TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO WITH FL(~IDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AN AGREE- MENT PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLY AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND ENERGY FCR AND IN CONNECTION WITH TBE TOWNtS WATER PUMPING SYST~ FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) YEARS FROM AND AFTER JULY 18· 1929 WHEREAS, the Town of Boynton has requested l~lorida Power & Light Company to supply all electric power and energy for and/oF in connection with the operation of the Townts Water Pumping System· and WHEREAS, Florida Power & Light Company is willing to supply the r,quested electric power and energy in accordance with the terms and provisions of a mStandard Large Power Agreementm which has heretofore been sub- mitted to the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton~ and WHEREAS~ the Town Commission deems it to the best interests of the Town that the proposed '$tandard Large Power Agreement" heretofore submitted to the Town Commission by Florida Power & Light Company be executed~ and WHEREAS, the Town Commission approves the said proposed 'Standard Large Power Agreement~ as to form and substance· NOW· THEREFORE ~ BE IT RE~OLVED BY THE TOWN C~MMISSION OF TEE TOWN 0F BOYNTON~ FLORIDA: Tha%, the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor of and o~ behalf of the Town of Boynton, Florida~ be and they hereby are authorized to enter into and execute with Florida Power Compan~ that certain Agreement designated "Standard Large Power Agreement" providing for the supply and purchase of all eleet~O power and energy required for and in connection with the Water Pumping System of the Town~ which Agreement is hereinafter set forth in form~ words and figures as follows: