Central Farmers Trust CompanyRES 0LU~ION A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING T~ C?NTRAL FARY/~RS, TRUST C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0b~A~?f OF ~VEoT PALA~ B~CH~ FLORIDA~ AS THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY ~, ~S 0F T~E T0%~.~ 0F BOY~TON~ FLORIDA i%U~REAS~ a Resol~t!o~ wins duly a~opted by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida~ at a Special ~'~eeting held on July 9th~ ~9~8~ desi~.ati~ the Central Farme:~s~ Trust Compa~ of V;est Palm Beach~ Florida~ as t~ 0fficfal Depository of f~u~ds of the Town of Boynton~ Florida~ ~d f~rther resolvi~ t~t all checks drafts~ or others orders for tb~ withdrawal of money~ an~ that any evidences of indebtedness of borrowing ~oney from the Central Farmers~ Trust Company s~ll be ~gned by tho To~ Clerk of the Town of Boynton~ Florlda~ and s~ll ~ Count~r- signed by either the ~ayor or the Vice ~ayor of t~ Town ~ Boynt on~ Flo~da; and~ %~EREAS~ Section Five (8) of Article Four (~) of the Town ~arter~ states t~t "Ail publio moneys sk~ll be disbursed onl~ on check~ to be signed by the ~.~ayo~ and Countersigned ~ at least one other member of the Commission NOV~ TH~EFORE Be It Resolved by the Board of Town Commissioners of tb.~ To~ of Boynton~ Florlda~ that all public moneys s~-mll be disbursed only on ch~cks~ to b~ signed ~ the ~ayor and countersigned by one other ConE~issioner, ~n accordance with Section Five (S) of Ar- ticel Four ~!V) of the To~ ~arter, Be It Further Resolved by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Flor~a, t~t all checks, drafts ~ ot~r orders for the with~awal of money, ~d t~t ~y evidences of indebte~ess of borrowing money from t~ Central FarmersI Trust Compan~~ sighted by the I~layor of the Town of Boynton, Florida, and shall be countersigned by one other Commissioner of the Town ~ Bo~nto~, Florida Commissioner R 0 Eyers seconded the motion for the adoption of the above and foregoing Resolution, a~d upon being put to a vote the following vote was had thereon: Co~m~is~ioner R 0 Myers A~ Com~issioner Harry Benson Ay~ Co~issioner E L Wi~chester "Aye" I, E L V~inchester, Duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk, of the Towl of Boynton, in Pal~ Beach County', Florida, do hereby certify t~-~at the above and foregoing Resolution is a true ~nd correct copy of a Resoltulon t¥~t was duly ~dopted by the Bo~rd of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, in Pal~ Beach County, Florida, w~tch meeting was held on the seventh day of November, A D 19~8 Ih~ Witness whereof I have hereunto affixed ~y hand a~d the 0ffic~al Seal of the To~;;n of Boynton, Florida, this Twenty-third day of November, A D 19B8