Assessments for street repairsR E~ ° 0 L U T I 0 N ( RESOLUTION ~'I)ING ASSESSMENT? FOR STREET I~ ROVz.~EN~o '3!JICH PROVIDED FOR IN RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON THE 6TH DAY 0i" AUGUST A.A. 1~2~. ) WHEREAS, the Town CoLm.nission of the To~'~ of boynton, Florida, did on the 6th day of August, A.D. 1926, duly adopt a resolution providing for the construction of certain street improvements within the Town, which said resolution specified the streets to be improved, and provided that the whole of the cost and expense of such improvements sheuld be paid by special assessments to bo assessed upon the property specially benefited by such improvements in the proportion to the benefits to be derived therefrom, said special benefits to be determined and pro rate~ according, to the front footago of the respoctivc propertios specially benefittea thereby; and, ~;HEREAS, upon th~ adoption of th~ aforesaim resolution, th~ To~m Commission did cause to be made an assessment roi1 in accordanc~ with the method of assessments, provldem for in said resolution; and, 'NHEREAS, said assessments ~oll has been completed and duly filed with the Term 0ommission, and shows the lots and lands assessed, the amount of such assessments a~?ainst each lot or parcel of land, and the n~mber of annual installments in which the assessments are divided; and, ~HEREAS, it is necessary under Chapter 9298, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1923, that said assessment roll shall be publishea two times successively, once ~ach week in a n~ws- paper of g~neral circulation, publishe~ in saim m~nicapality, and that a notic~ b~ attached thereto, directed to all pro- pert[~ owners interest~d in said ass~ssmm'~ts, ct the tim~ and place where compl ints will be hearm, with r~ference to said assessments, and when said assessment roll will be finally approved and confir~ed by the Tom~ Commission, sitting as an Eq~a lizin.~: Board. NOW THEREFORE LE IT RESOLVED, that the To~m Co~mnission of the Town of Loynton, Florida, does hereby designate the Loynton Progress~ being a newspaper of general circulation, published in said Town in which said assessment ~oll and notic~ shall be published; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Co~nission of the Town of Boynton, Florida. s meet in regular session on the Sth day of Sept. A.D. 1926-at 2 O'clock P.M. in the To~-~ Hall-in Boynton, Florida, as an Equalizing Board, for the purpose of hearing complaints with raference to said assessments, and to finally approve and confirm th~ same; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following notice shall be~at%~6hed to said assessment roll and duly published as aforesaid, "Notice" To all property o~lers interestod in the following assessments: You will please take notice that the To~'~ Co~mmission of the Town of 5oynton, Florida, has ~de assessments against the property as sho~'~ upon the annexed assessment roll, for the coso of the construction of certain improvements as s~ecified in a resolution of the Tc~n Co~.mnission, duly adopted on the 6th aay of August, A.D. 1926. You are further notified that the Town Co~ssion of the Town of Eoynton, Florida, will on the 8th day of Sept., A.D. 1926 at 2o'clock P.~. at the Town Hall in Bo~'~ton, ~lor~a, hold a meeting, at which time and place, complaints will be heard with reference to said assessments, and when said assessment roll will be finally approvod and confirmen by the Town Commission, sitting as' an Equalizing Aoard." ADOPTEZ this 18th day of August, A.D. 1926. (~igned) R.O.~.~yers, ~ayor Harry Eenson, Vic~-~ayor E.L.Winchester, Town Clerk Attest: Tow~'~ Co~mnission, Town of Bo~n'~t on, Florida. Town C ler~