Old Resolutions 1926-1949 , r ~ {" I '" . ftESOLUTIOJ. :-.---............................... WIU~. The Charter of the Town o~B07ntoD pH.1... ,bat all public mome. aball be disbursed onl,. 011 obeck, to be 81ped b7 the J1I{a::ror and counterslgned by .t 1...' one other melaber of: the CommIs.ioft' ed, ?IHIEREAS, M.. A. Vieaver has been dul,. elected, quallf1.4, and 119 Rcting Ma:rw of the Town o'fBoynton, and, WHERF.AS, N. !;~ .ii.ems haa be.n dul,. el..te4, qual1.f1ed and. le actlng Vice-Mayor, and, Wi'lEBEAS, A. V.. teter_on ball b..n 818.ted, quallfied, aD4 18 acting Town Clerk ------ NOW, THlmF..F\.mE lIE IT RESOVV ED bJ' the eoard ot Town Commie.loners of the Town of' Bo7nton, Florida, that W. A. 'fje.ver aa l~a,.or, N. M. 'l,l.em. as Vloe-"layor, and A.. V. l~.teraon aa 'town Clerk, furnish the W..t Palm F~ach At1antlc Hatlonal BaDk and }illor1da ;::,tat. Bank, a .p.aImeD of thelr 81gnature8 on the oar4_ pro- vlded tor this purr~..J and. t BE: n' FUHTHER RF.sOLVl':D that a th. cop,. ot this He_olutton be .ent to the w..t E)alm Beaoh Atlantio National i:iank and Florida ~tate Liank. (/j~ct a p.k.~_".,or. _:a~.?~ - Vloe-Mqor. II 4t}/ rft~ Town Clerk. ~~:::.____.--~,.;,-w,,*'i'!'ill: . ,-' II f ,.. -' f ,~ ~ ' ~ ," I , , or , . : 1 , I I I . ''l, ..- RES 0 1~_!!...1. .I_Q.JL:. WHEREAS, it is necessa!~ for the Board of Town Con~issloners of the Town ot', Boynton, Florida, to designate a depositary for tm Intez'estsnj, Sinking Funds of the Town of Boynton, Florida, AND WHEREAS, it appe ars tha t the IiLOR IDA 8T ATE BANK OF' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, is duly qualified to be one of the official depo- sitaries of the Interest and Sinking Funds of the Town of Boynton, Flor' ida, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that the FLORIDA STATE BANK of DEL RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, be and hereby is appointed one of the Offi- aial Depositaries of Interest and Sinking Funds of the Toml of Boyn- ton, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that all cheeks" drafts or other orders for the withdrawal of money, and that any evidences of indebtedness of borrowing money from the FLORIDA STATE BANK shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by one other Commissioner, in accordance with Section Five (5) of Art5c1e Four (4) of the Town Charter. BE IT FUR~EER RESOLVED, that the FLORIDA STATE BANK of De1ray Beaah, Florida, be instructed to recognize the signatures of H. D. stevens as Mayor, and the countersignatures of either N. M. Weems as Vice-Mayor or J. P. Bowen as Town Clerk, on all checks issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tlmt the Town Clerk be, and he here- by is, authorized and direoted to send a copy of this Resolution, together with specimen signatures of H. D. Stevens, Mayor, N.M. Weems, Vlce-Mayor and J. P. Bowen, Town Clerk, to the FLORIDA STATE BANK of DEIJRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. ~"'A~r2- -- Mayor.. ~"--------_. /!-.~ ;n:~ ~ ~ ~ vlce'":lfiyor-:--'----.------ ~~ ' /1,' ~J..._,~.______ U own er. ~- - - .--- - ~ .~.--- --. - ------ ......."... - I / '........i ,/ ,t', .)..{:,.(J. ''( -'/;' b...\.: ," ' .... I.,' .... . . --I -~-""'---'1"""'~"'" ~ - REGULAR ,ME.J!j'J!IUG, JULY 2Qt h, 1926. . -----~~_... The HEGuLAR ~~T1NG of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of .Boynton, jj'lorida, waS held at the 'l'own Hall of said Town on Tuesday, July .20, 1926, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Present, h. U. Myers, -ayor, Uarry Benson, Vice-Mayor, and E. L. Winchester, Clerk, none being absent. Amon~ other things-the following proceedings were had: The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Harry ~enson, who moved its ad~ption, and said motion beini duly seconded, said resolution was read in fu.ll and adopted, all Uommissioners present voting in favor of said resolution: A BESOLul'IOt4 l'lWVIDHfG FOR TH.l!l UOtfSTEUC'J.iION I OF ~A~lTARY AND ~TORM ~EWb~ ~YST.l!lMS, INCLUDI~G MAINS, LA1'lliRALS, SEPTIC :rANKS, DISPOSAL l:'LANT A.ND A.P.l?U~T.l!l.NA.NU~::; '1Y11'ttIN 1'.t:il'~ 1'OWN cF ljUYlf'l'ON, FLuI\IDA WtiEhEAS, the Town Commission of the Town of ~oynton, Florida, deems it necessary and advisab~ for the preservation of the publio healt. and safety of the inhabitants of the 'l'own and the general welfare thereof to build and construct sanitary and storm sewers within the Town limits of the Town of ~oynton, Florida for the location and distances and along the lines, streets and alleys as herein designated, to-wit: ::.sAH11'.Ai{y ::iEWER Ocean Avenue from the west line of the Florida .l!last Coast Canal to Dixie Highway; Orange Grove Avenue from Ocean Avenue south to uessamine street; Jessamine Street from Orange Grove Avenue west to ~ixie Highway; from the interseotion of Ocean Avenue and the west line of the right-of-way of the ~lorida ~ast UGast Canal in a ao~~herly direction to the in- tersection of Lake Avenue and the west line of the right-of- way of the Florida East Coast Canal; Lake Avenue from the west e- n -- -- - - ""'!IIIlII'" -" 1- line of the right-of-way of the .J!'lerida East Coast Canal weat . to Pine Street; Dixie Highway from Lake Avenue south to Coooanut Row; the alley between Poinciana Street and Lake Avenue from the Dine Highway to Palmetto Street; the alley between Poinciana Street and Ocean Avenue from the Dixie High- way west to Palmetto Street; the alley between Ocean Avenue and Jessamine Street from the Dixie Highway we~t to the East line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railroad; the alley between Jessamine Street and Dade Street from the Dixie Highway west to tae east line of tae Florida East Coast Railway; aloni and parallel to the West line of the right-ot- way of the Florida East Coast Railroad beginning at Lake Avenue southerly to ~essamine Street; Jessamine Street from the west line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railroad west to Pine Street; Oaean Avenue from the west line of the Florida East Coast Railroad west to Green Street; Poinciana Street from the west line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railroad west to Pine Street; CaSa Lttma Boulevard from West line of the right-of-way of the Floyida East Coaet Canal west to a point 300 feet west of Orange Grove Avenue. STORJJI SEVIER Dixie Highway from Lake Avenue south to Dade Street; Cocoa- nut Row fram Dixie Highway east to the west line of the right- of-way of the Florida East Coast Canal: and, WHEREAS, the Town Commissioll of the Town of Boyntan, Florida, has caused to be prepared such Rlans, specifications, profiles and estimates of the proposed sewer system and dis- posal plant as does fully disclose the nature and character of the work to be done and material to be used therein. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Commisston of the Town of Buynton, lnorida, that this Commission does .~~ -- II ,-- hereby decide to build and oonstruct sanitary and storm sewers within tae To~~ of Boynton, Florida, for the location and distanoes and along the lines, streets and alleys desoribed as follows: SANITARY SEWER Ooean Avenue from the west line of the Florida East Coast Canal to Dixie Highway; Orange Grove Avenue from Ocean Avenue south to Jessamine Street; Jessamine Street from OraIlie Grove Avenue west to Di:xi e Highway; from the inter- seotion of Ocean Avenue and the west line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Canal in a northerly direction to the intersection of Lake Avenue and the west line of the right- of-way of the Florida East Coast Canal; Lake Avenue from the west line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Canal west to Pine Street; Dixie Highway from ~ake Avenue south to Cocoanut Ro'Ml; the alley between Poinciana Street and Lake Avenue from the Dixie Highway to Falmetto Street; the alley between Foinciana Street and Ooean Avenue from the Dixie Highway west to ~almetto Street; the alley between Ocean Avenue and Jessamine StrEet from the Dixie Highway west to the east line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Rail- r aod ; the alley between Jessamine Street and Dade Street from t he Dixie Highway west to the east line af the Florida East Coast Railway; along and parallel to the West line of the right-ai-way of the Florida East Coast Railroad beginning at La1:e Ave:-tue southerly to Jessamine Stre et; Jessamine Street from the west line of the right-of-way ef the .l!'lorida East Goast Railroad west to Pine Street; Ocean Avenue from the west line of the Florida East Coast Railroad west to Green Street; Poinciana Street from the west line of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railroad west to Pine Street; Casa Loma Boulevard from West line of the right-of- way of the Florida East Coast Canal west to a polat 300 feet west of Orange Grove Avenue. STORM SEWER Dixie Highway from Lake Avenue south to Dado Street; Cocoanut Row from Dixie Highway east to the west line of the right-of- way of the Florida East Coast Canal; and, BE IT FU-ET~R t~ESOLVED that the following shall state in a general way what is to be done, the limits within which said work shall be done. materials to be used, the grade to be established and the fills to be made. The grades shall be as shown on the plans, specifications and profiles on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Boynton, Florida. Ail mortar used for making Joints of pipe laying shall be composed of one part ~ortland Cement by measure to two parts sand. Ail other mortar used. as in the construction of manholes., flushtanks and other appurtenances shall be composed of one part Portland Cement by measure to three parts sand. The sand shall be clean and carefully graded, free from salt, sewage, mud, clay. vegetable or other £oreign matter. Beach sand will not be allowed. Ail rein- forcing steel required shall have the net sectional areas. distribution and sizes shown on plans. an unyielding ~alsework and centering. There shall be built The laggin~ where not covered with gunite, shall be dressed to a uniform thick- ness so that when laid it will present a smooth even sur- face, or it shall be made smooth by plastering or other efficient means. Forms shall be built true to dimensions shown on plans, well braced and of sufficient strength to support safely any load or strain imposed upon them during the process of filling and tamping without yielding. ~rick masonry shall be built of best quality of hard burned locally used building brick, and subject to to approval cf the Town Engineer. All courses shall be kept level and true to line and all brick shall be laid. in Portland Cement mortar. Storm sewer pipe shall be of the best quality salt glazed vitrified sewer pipe or approved concrete pipe, sound and well burned throughout its thickness, impervious to moisture, of smooth, well glazed exterior and interior surfaced, free from imperfections, circular in bore and of true form, ?ro- vided however, that an eccentricity of one half inch may be allowed. The pipe shall be socket pipe, with true circular sockets concentric with the bore of the pipe. All pipe shall have corrugated e~ds and sockets. "Y" branches for 6" connections shall be f~rnished for house connections. There shall be furnished a cast iron cover for each manhole, flushtank and lamphole, following closely the form end di- mensions shown on the drawings and must meet the approval of the Engineer before placing the same. There shall be furnished automatic flushtanks of a make satisfactory to the Engineer. All work during its progress and upon its completion shall conform truly to the lines and grades given by the Engineer. All pipes and specials shall be laid to the lines and grades given by the Engineer and in such manner as he may direct with joints close and even, butting all around, special care being taken that there is no sagging of the spigot and in the hub, and that a true surface is given to the invert through the entire lenght of the sewer. There shall be built at the places shown on the plans, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer, m~- holes of the form and dimensions shown on the detailed drawings, built of brick masonry. ~here sha~lbe c~nstruct- ed at such points as may be directed by the Engineer, i~iushtanks of the form and dimensions required for the part- icular kind of tank used. Portland Cement shall be used for the bottom and surrounding the casting and each siphon shall be carefully and accurately set, truly plumb, so that the planl of the top of the siphon is level. The chamber and walls shall be of brick mas~,r~ and the walls shall be plastered on the outside and inside to a height of six inches above the w,~ter line within the chamber with a ¢oatin~ c~ neat ~ortland uement mortar. The inside shell also be washed with a coating of neat ~ortland Cement grout after the plastering has become hard. ~ach £1ushta.uk shall be pro- vided with the neeessary stop cocks of bronze or some other non-corrosive metal to provide for both rapid and slow fill- ing so that it may be adj~isted to fill the chamber at a desired rate, and there shall be furnished and laid with each tank a suf~leient amoutn o£ three-quarter inch gal- vanized water pipe to extend through the wall ready to connect with a pipe leading to the water main. There shall be £~rnished and erected at such places as the Engineer may direct a lamphold of the form and dimensions shown_ on the drawings. A pump house shall be built of 2 x 4 frame as shwon on the plans and covered on the outside by 1~" of gunite placed on wire mesh or as shown on theplans. The septic tanks sha~l be constructedas shown on the plans and specifications. The frame work shall be built of steel o~ the sizes and w&ights sho~n on the plans and shall be ri- veted together with air hammers, manholes shall be pro- vided in top of septic tank end receiving t_~k shwon, these to have tight covers with gaskets to prevent the admission of odors. Pumping unite are to be installed in the man~er and in the places as designated in the plans and specifi- c at i one. All work is to be done an~mpleted in strict accordance with the plans and specific~tions and profiles onfile in the office of the Town ~!erk of the Town of Boyntcn, ~lorida as a~oreaaid. A~D ~E iT ~'Ui~T~R z~o~v~D that said work shall be done by contract and the Town Commission of the Town of Boyntmn, S~ATD UF FLOLIDA ~'~'~.~. 0~. PALM ~AJH I, Eo L. Winchester, ~o,~ (;Jerk of the To',~n of Boyn~ on, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and co;re~t copy of the m~ute~ of the Re~1~r Meet- ing o~ the Town Co~ission of said Y~ held Sn the 2Otb day of Ju, ly, A. D, 19g6, insofar as they relate to the 8doption of the reaoI.~tio providing for the conetruotion of s~itar~ ~d storm sewer systems, lnclu~ng Mai~m, Laterals, Sea,tic T~ks, Disposal ~:'lant nnd A~m~rtenances v~ttkin ,he i'o~.~ of ~.oyn,,on, ?lo,.ida. '.tlT~'~E? my hand and the official ~e~l of aaid To~ this Q ~., ~daY of J,l~y. k. D. 1~6. RE S 0 LUT ION. %~HEREAS, an election was held in the Town of Boynton, Florida on the ~ day of ~p_~r,i1, A. D,.~l~8 for the purpose of electing a To ~ Clerk of the Town of Boynton, Florida, who ex officio would be~ one of the Town Commissioners of said Town of Boynton, Florida, and WHEREAS, the Clerk and Inspectors of said election have made returns to the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida, as required by law, and '~tEREAS, it appears from said returns that there were three hundred and five (J08) votes east at said election, one (ll vote being spoiled and not csunted, and that three hundred and four (30A) of said votes were counted by the Inspectors, and WHEREAS, it appears from said returns that of said three hundred and four (~0A):votes so counted one hundred and fifty-seven (lB?) thereof were cast and counted for one S. 7,. Swindall and one h'~udred and forty-seven (lA?) thereof were cast and counted for. one W. C. Heaton, and '~EREAS, it further appears that eighteen (18) persons were permitted to vote at said election who were not qualified electors and that eighteen (18) of the three hundred and fou~ (~0A) votes counted were cast by persons at said election Who were not qualified voters and that said eighteen (18) votes are illegal and void and cannot be counted or considered in declaring or determining the result of said election, but on the contrary only two hundred and eighty-mix (E86) of said votes can be cou~ted and considered, and WHEREAS, the Town Commission are unable to determine whether said eighteen (18) unl~vful votes were east and oounted for the said S. Zo Swindall or the said W. C. Heaton, or whether part were east and counted for the said Swindall and part for the said Heaten, and WEEREAS, because of said eighteen (l@) unlawful votes so cast the Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida are unable to determine which candidate received the most votes, that is to say, whether the said Swindall received the highest number of the legml votes cast, or whether the said Heaton received the highest number of the legal votes cast, and NHERM~S, because of said illegal votes the Town Com- missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida are unable to deter- mine the result of said election° THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T~EE TO~E~ CO~ISSIOI~ERS OF THE TO~N OF BOYNTON, FLORIDA: That it be and is hereby declared that there was no election capable of determining who received the majority of votes and that said election is null and void. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN C0~ISSION OF THE T0V~ OF BOYNTON, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF SAID TOWN TO ISSUE NOTES IN PAYMENT OF CERTAIN INDEBTEDNESSES. WHEREAS the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, is indebted to its attorney, Newman T. Miller, in the s~tm of $1,949.80 for services rendered as such attorney in the validation of Refunding Bond Issue in the sum of $589,900.00, and WHEREAS the said Town is indebted to the said Miller for services in the representation of said Town in the suit of Divine -vs- Town of Boynton, being Common Law #7868s and WHEREAS said Town is indebted to said Miller for services rendered in the foreclosure of certain tax sale certificates, delinquent taxes, and assessments, and WHEREAS said amount now due and owing on said fore- closure, in addition to the payment heretofore made, is in the sum of $a,800.00, but that the payment heretofore made plus the sum of $5,500.00 is not the full and complete fee allowed under the statute for this service when completed, and is not the full amount intended to be charged, and WHEREAS the sum of money due and owing as of this date by said Town to said Miller for services rendered is an amount equal to $8,899.50, and WHEREAS the Town is without available cash with which to pay said fees or any material part thereof, and ¥~tEREAS said Miller is willing to take promissory notes signed by the Town of Boynton, by itsMayor, attested by its Clerk, with the Townts seal affixed to each of said notes, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of said town, H. D. Stevens, and the Clerk of said Town, J. P. Bowen, be and they are each hereby authorized, for and on behalf of said Town, to make, execute, and deliver to said Newman Te Niller, fourteen (14) promissory notes; nine (9) of said notes to be in the principal sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($§00.00); two (2) of said notes to be in the principal sum of Three Hundred Dol- lars ($300.00)~ one (1) of said notes to be in the principal sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00); one of said notes to be in the principal sum of One Hundmed Forty Nine and 50/100 Dollars ($149.§0)~ and one of said notes to be in the principal sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150e00), m~king a total of Five Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Nine and 80/100 Dollars ($§,$99.80); each of said notes to be dated September 5th, A. De 19~, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said notes and each of them shall draw interest at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum from the date thereof until fully paid, interest payable semi-annually. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said ]~ayor and the said Clerk of saidTown, as well as their successors in office, shall be and they are each hereby authorized, empowered, and instructed to renew any one or more of said notes from time to time, if not paid when due. INTRODUCED, read, and passed at a special meeti~ this the ~_ .. day of September, A. D. 1934e II ComL~issioner Harry 3onson :~oved the ado'orion of tb.e follov;- '~n~ Resolution:- ~.!,..~, in the ooinion of t!~e Doa~d of To~m Co~_issione~$ ~f the Tmm of Boynton, Florida, it s deemed advis~ble and fo~ t~_e be~t inte:~ests o~ said Tov~ to lease to the Eodel Land Company~ $ Co~por~tion, for a period of tD rty yea~s t?~at certain st.~.ip of ~nd in t~.e T~vn of Bo?nton desc~?ibod as follows: That certain twenty (20) foot street or alley- way kno,.;n as Seventh (Tth) Street, ::~butting and contiguous to lot Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7~ l0 and ll, all in Block 2 of Robe~.t~s ,~ddition to the Tram of Bo~nton $ and the foEn of such le-~se has been approved by the Term Attormey ~or t~e To,~m of Boynton~ ~ ~.~, 3..)h~ BE IT ~, ..,.,.)~VI~D by the Bce rd of Tot~ ~o~i~!one~:,~ of the ~ovm or BoT~ton, Florida, as follows:- 1. '~at the Term o:: Bo~ton, a ~micipal corporation ~der t~e la~;s of the State of Florida, does e~,oy agree to .~nd ~nter into an indenture w~tb t~ e s id ~odel Land Co~p~ny, ,~] .... ~ein ............. ~, tho above describ d property is leased t~ said BoI~ton to s~:~td L~odel Land ComDany~ fern a pePiod o~' thirty years, accordance and 'dpon t;~e 'onditions ~.nd te~s as set foPth and ~ontained in a copy .i s ::id p~ooosed in....(,,:tuPe oi le~':se, att.~ebed 0~ ~ r~ b-ero~::o and made a part h 2. That the l~.2~?or and ~;lo.~.k of said To..m of Bo~mton~ ?.re hereby authorized an~ directed to execute said indenture of Le~-~se mentioned in par. graph L~o 1, }~ereo for ,~,~ ~ ..... f, on · a,..c beh ~lf of sai ~o~m of Bo~ton. : 3. That th~s Resolution shall t~:~l~e effect im:':ediately ~pon its ! Cor~.~issio:aer S. L. S~indall seconded ~:he motion for t]~e ~dopt!on of the above and fore?;oin[~ Resolution, ~nd u'ocn~ being-out ~o a vote tlbe fol!o~'Ting vote Commissioner H. T. Itel oway Commlssionor Harry Benson Commissioner S. L. S,:~ ndall "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" Tbe~eupon~ It. T. ttollm-my~ as I.~ayor presiftng~ declared the ~bove motion duly carried. I, S. L. Swindall, d,~ly elected, qualified and acting Towo ~Clerk of the Town of Boynton, Florida, a m~micioal coroor~tion of !~he St.~te of' Flnrid~, do hereby c'rtify that the ~oil~wln_~ is a !true and correct cody of a Resol~]~ion ',~hic~ was a~ly adn~ted at a Heg.~lar Neeting of the B~rd of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, held on the fourth day of ~ebruary, .~k D. 1930, !and as s~.~ld l~esolutIon aooears in .+be ~in~t.e Book of the BOard of Town Commis~!nners of the To~-n of Boynton, Florida, in my of~)icial custody. ,iN 't'Z%~ W~!:~i?tOF, I have hereunto ~e~ my ~and and official sepal of the Town of Bo~nton, Florida, this the FIFTHday of ,.FE[~I~UAHy A. D. 19~0. Town "~C"le'~k ' ~'~; '':[ Town of Bo.vnt~n, Florida. A RESOLUTION BY THE T0~N OF BOYNTON, PAL~I BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND ~POWERING THE MAYOR OF SAID T0¥fN TO SIGN AND FUi~LY EXECUTE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTG%~, AN AGREEMENT OF EMPLOY~ENT ¥~ITH NEWMAN T. MILLER, ATTORNEY, UPON THE TEi~ AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THAT CERTAIN CONTRACT, ~ ORIGINAL COPY OF W/iICH IS ATTACHED HERA~f0, MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND SIGNED BY SAID MILLER: AND AUTHORIZING AND ,EMPOWER- ING THE CLERK OF SAID T0%~N TO ATTEST SAID CONTRACT AND TO AFFIX THE CORPORATE SEAL THERETO, AND MAKING SAID CONTRACT AN OBLIGATION OF SAID T0%~N OF BOYNTON. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C05~ISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BOYAFf0N, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor of said town be and he is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to sign and fully execute for and on behalf of the Town of Boynton, that certain contract of employment with Newman T. Miller, attorney, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of said town be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to attest said con- tract and to affix the corporate seal thereto, end BE ~[T FURT/IER RESOLVED that an original copy of such contract is attached hereto, made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A", and is signed by said Newmm~ T. Miller; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when said contract is so signed and so attested by the said Mayor and the said Clerk, and the official seal is affixed thereto, that the same shall then become and be a valid, subsisting obligation and contract of the Town of Boynton, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida. Passed and adopted at Boynton, Palm Beach County,Florida this 2nd day of August, A. D. 1932. ATTEST: Town Clerk Commissioners. IT IS HEREBY AGR~D by and between the TO~'~fN OF BOYNTON, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, to be hereinafter known and referred to as party of the first part, and N~'.~N T. MILLER, attorney-at-law ad.~aitted to practice in all the courts of the State of Florida, of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, to be hereinafter known and referred to as party of the second part, that WI~REAS it is the desire of the party of the first part to collect by foreclosure in chancery and/or otherwise all taxes, tax certificates, and/or special assessments heretofore imposed, extended, or omitted by said Town of Boynton upon real estate located therein, and WHEREAS it is necessary for said party of the first part to engage and employ an attorney to give notice, bring suits, and otherwise handle and prosecute actions to the end of making such collections, TEEREFORE the party of the first part hereby and by these presents en.:.:ages and employs Newman T. Miller, party of the second part herein, to give such notice and/or notices, to take such action, to do such things, and to bring such suit and/or suits, all as may be necessary, proper, and ex- pedient for the foreclosure and collection, or collection without foreclosure, of any and all taxes, tax certificates, and/or special assessments heretofore imposed, extended, or omitted by said Town of Boynton upon real estate located therein. Said pa rty of the first part promises and agrees~ 1:-- To pay all clerk's costs and charges, and Sheriff's costs and charges, for all newspaper publications, and postage, and any end all other legitimate and proper expenses eonnecte~ with the collections herein prOVided for, or which may grow out thereof, including the searching of records for the purpose of securing the proper descriptions of property, the names and addresses of the owners of said property, lien holders, mort- gage holders, and the amount of taxes due, whether the same were imposed, extended, or omitted, with interest and penalties thereone 2:-- To pay to the party of the second part as a fee for his services to be rendered herein, the sum of $25.00 for the filing~ of each Bill of Complaint, and in addition thereto to pay an amount equal to ten per cent. of the amount of money collected on taxes, including.., taxes imposed, extended, or omitted, and/or tax certificates, and/or assessments, and penalties and interest: PROVIDED HO~JhW~R that if the party of the first part is the successful blAder and buys all or any portion of the property foreclosed upon, or if party of the first part accepts any bond, coupon, certificate or other obligation o~ving by the party of the first part to any person, persons, firm or corporation in lieu of cash, or if any Judg- ment now exists or shall be obtained against said tow~ in any Court, either State or ffederal, and credit is given on said judgment for said taxes, tax certificates, and/or assessments, or any part thereof, then such purchase of said property by party of the first part, or such acceptance of any bond, coupon, -2- cel-tificate, or other obligation in lieu of cash or such credit given on any such Jud~nent sh~l be const~ed ~ ~ ~o~ect~on he.under. ~d the p~y off the second p~rt ~ be entitled ~o the c~ens~tl~ thereon, a~ here~n p~v~de~. the s~e ~ Iff th~ same h~d been oo~eoted ~n o~sh. ~ P~O~D~ ~~ that this contact sh~ be so oon~t~ed that the part~ off the ~econd part ~h~ll beo~ ~d be ent~ to said a~t of ten ~r cent upon an7 oo~ectlon so ~de. ~f ~de at a~ t~e affter the m~~ off a ~t~oe or ~t~oes to reoo~ tlt~e holders. ~rt~ge holders, or ~en holders, a~ ls p~v~d ~or In ~ct~on IV off Chapter 150~, G~eml ~ws of Florida Legislature of 1931. ~e p~ty of the first p~ ~rth~ a~ees to ~y ~1 the ~sts and e~enses he.in provided for to be paid p~tly ~d when the s~e beene due a~ ~ble, and hereby a~s to, ~d does ad--ce on said accost the s~ of Fo~ H~d~d ~l~s (~0.00), a receipt w~of is he.by ao~owledged ~ party of the second pa~. The party of the fi~t ~rt fu~her a~es to ~y the attorney's fees herein provided at such time ~or ti~s as collections as ~relnbefo~ desl~t~ ~e ~de, ~d a~ees ~ther ~o ~sh party of the second part ~th re- cords, copies of reoo~s, ~d If assessm~ts, an~or pe~t party of the second part at ~y time d~l~ a~ ~s~ess ho~ of a~ business day to inspect and t~e oopies of said records, so t~t he, par~y of the second ~rt, ~y ~ an opportu~ty of dete~~ for himse~ w~t ~o~t or ~o~ts ~y be due him, a~ whether he is bei~ paid promptly and In ~1. Party of the second pa rt promises and agrees to accept the employment herein provided for, upon the terms and conditions herein set out and to forthwith give such notices, take such action, and p~oseoute such action or actions VigOX~Asly and without delay, and to at all times keep a true, c~mplete, and accurate account of all monies received and all expenditures made, paid, and laid out, covering the costs and expenses hereinbefore designated and referred to, and to furnish the same from time to time to . party of the first part. IT IS 4~TUALLY UNDERSTOOD AED AGREED between the parties hereto that said party of the second part shall re- ceive only the compensation herein provided for, but that the said party of the second part shall have a lien and/or liens upon all money or other thing of value and upon all property purchased by said party of the first part for the Purpose of securing to him, the said party off the second part, the fees herein agreed to be paid by party of the first part. Dated and signed in duplicate this the __~2~,~ day of~ A. D. 193~. WITNESS: T0~ OF BOYNT0~ As to r 'c~f the second part. WHEREAS, it is. neceeeal'y for the Board of Town C~- missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, to designate a deposi- t~y for..~he IntereSt and Sinking Fund, 1934 Tax Account, of the .' To~n of ~eynt°n, Florida, and, ' W~ER~, it appea~e that the West Palm Beach Atlantic Nat'ic~al Ba~, of West Falm Beach, l~_orida, is duly qualified to be the official depositox-y of the Interest and 5inking Pund, 1~4 Tax Account, Of th~ Town of Boynton, Florida, T~EREFORE ~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town ~issionerm of the Town o£ Bo~nton, Florida, that the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Beach, Florida, be and hereby im appointed the Official Depository of Interest and Sink- ing Funds, 1934 Tax Account of the Town of Boynton, Florida. · E IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Town m, tssionel-s of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that all checks, drafts or other orders for the withdrawal of money, and that any evidences of indebtedness of borrowing money from the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank shall be signed by .the Mayor and counter- signed by one other Commissioner, in accordance with Section Five (5) of A~ttcle Four (L¥) of the Town ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Beach, Florida, be instructed to recognize the signatures of H. D. Stevens, as Mayo~, and the countersignatures of either wm. Menzel, as ¥ice-M~ or, or J. P. Bowen, aa Town Clerk, on all checks issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida. BE I~ FU~T~ RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and he herel~y is, authorized and directed to send a copy of this Resolution, together with spec~ae~ signatures, of H. D. Stevens, Mayor, W~. Menzel, Vice-Mayor, and ~. P. Bowen, Town Clerk, to the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank, of West Palm Beach, Florida. A t~SOL'JTiON BY THE TOWN OF BOI]~TON, PAI~f BEAOH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A~HORIZING ~~0%~NG T~ ~YOR AND C~ OF SA~%~ TO ~ ~U~ ~D ~~ GOOD ~D ~IO~ SP~I~ DEE~ TO PROPER~ O~i~]D ~ SAID ~CIP~I~ ~R C~TAIN CONDITIO~ ~D ~O~SIONS, ~ the Town of Boynton, a mmuuicipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, located i n Palm Beach County, Florida, has, under Chapter 105~, General Laws of the State of Florida, 1931, in Equity Suit No. 11,683, filed in the Cix~uit Cou~t of Palm Beach County, Florida, foreclosed each and all of the properties named and described in the report of sale by the Special Master named by the above styled Cou~t in said suit, and WHEREA~ as a result of such foreolosu~e and sale of said proper~ the said Town of Boynton is the o~er of each and all of said properties save and ex~ept th~ following described property: That tra~t of I-_cd ma~ked on W.S. Shepa~d,s plat of the subdivision of Sam B~own J~s subdivision of the ~outh Half of fractional Section Fifteen (15), Township 4§ South, Rar~e 4~ East. Said plat being on ~ecord in Palm Beach Land Reeord~ ~u Book 8, Page 8, and the land hereby described being ma~ked on said plat "R®set-vee". lying East of Lot 1 B lock 2 extending to La~e We ; , and ~- to T_~ ,~ ..... ?:.-~ ~ ~es~., mo~e or less exte - Boynton~ Palm Beach County, F10Prida, ights, in by Master,s deed made, signed, and executed by Shelby Bufo~d, as Special Master in ChaD~ery in said cause under date of July l~th, 1935, and WHEREA~ said Town of Boynton by and through its p~ope~ officers has good and lawful right ~o sell said tzmoperty or any pa~t thereof, a~d WHEREAS it is contemplated from time to time ~here will be PUrChasers seeking the opportunity of buying and PUrchasing all or some portion of said p~operty, and ~HEREA~ the opPo~tunity has been offered to said Town to sell ~ertain pox'tions of said Property, BE IT RESOLED by the 0ommissionex.s of the To~n of Bo2nton, Palm Beach County. Flex.ida, in session assembled, that the Mayox. and Clerk of said Town shall be and they ax.e each hereby authorized and em~o~red to make, execute, and deliver special waz~anty deeds to all or an~ pa~ of said Propex-ty to such pex.son, persons, fi~m, Partnership ox. eorpox.ation as may seek to purchase to p ux~hase same, at and for a px.ice of not less than the amount owing to said Tow~ fox. taxes, tax sale certificates, a~d/'ox, special assessments, plus any and all costs and expenses the?eon. PROVIDED. E0¥~ER, that no sale shall be made at a less px.ice than he~ein provided, without the ~u~the? consent of the Board of Oommissionox.e of said ~own of Bo2nton. PHOVIDED FURT~XER that in each such sale, each deed shall contain amon~ othex, things the following l~e~ "Subject, how~vex., to all unpaid State and County ~axes a~d to any Fedex.al income tax lien of recox.d. Subject also to buildir~ x.est~io~lons of x.eoord, ff BE I~ FURTt~Jt P~ESOLVED that 2he said Mayor and the said Clex.k may accept aa Ps, sent for said Px.operty or any pa~t thex.eof, in lieu of each; an~ valid, past due. negotiable w~itten obligation of said Town, at the full face value plus interest of said obli~atlon; PROVIL~D. HOWE~]~, that any taxes due and owir~ to said ?own for the yea~ 193~ shall be payable in sash. B~ IT FUR~x~EH P~ESOL¥~D that any and all sales heretofox.e made by said ~own for which a deed or deeds have been heretofox.e made and executed by the ~ayor and Clerk of said Town. if any there shall be and they ax.e in each instance hereby specifically ~p~oved and confirmed, and held to be in all x.especte the act of said ~own of BoT~ntOno B~ IT ~T~HTi~,~j~ PJ~SOL%U~ that this Rea lution shall be signed by the Mayor and. Commaissione~s, arAd attested by the Town Clerk of said Tovfl~, and be placed of record in the office of the Clerk of the Oi~ouit Cou~t of Palm Beaoh County, Florida. AI~I~o~Jc]~:9 Ai~D PAoo~D this __× ~= day of , ATTEST~ : STATE OF FLOi:~IDA COU~"~¥ OF PA~ BEACH ,) SS Before me,_the '~nderslgned authority, ,t~s ~y ao~ow~o~ed before me ~t they exeou~ed the above ~d fo~egoi~ Resolution for the uses ~ ~ses therein exp~sse~ ~ thx~ /J :~m o~ ~~ ~ i. ~a~ ~eaoh Oo~t~ ~or~a:~ RESOLUT ION. WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of Ordinance No. 152 it is the duty of the Town Commission at it's first regular meeting in Februs. ry~of each year, to examine and re- vise th.-registration book of the Town, erasing therefrom the names ,of all voters who have d~ed, removed from the Tov~a or are otherwise disqualified to vote, And, WHEREAS, such. examination was duly made at the first regular meeting of the Town Comm~[ssion hetd in February, A. D. 19~7- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE~0LVED, that the Town Clerk be, and ne hereDy is authorized, ordered and directed to post at the FRONT DOOR of the T0~'~ HALL of the T~wn of' Boynton, Florida, the follow- ing names, which, in the opinicn of the Town Cormmission cf the Town of Doynton, should ce removed from the Registration Book of' said Town: REGIS- REGIS- TRATION TRAT I0N NU~BER: N~J~E NUMBER: ~ FranM L. A~[~-~on 435 Harold Anderson 444 Mary I~. Anderson 643 Emma Arties 363 ~rs. G. W. Bean 393 Fred C. Blosch 655 ~[acie V~. B!osch 654 Jessie Booker 443 S. M. Carver 458 Arthur F. Cope!and 381 W. H. Covington 380 Zema S. Covington 695 Ids. H. Cram 694 Agnes Dessauer 546 Arnol~ H. Dunnam 590 R. Willis J. Easton Margaret M. Easton Jack V. Ell is Viola ?. Funk Kenneth L. Futre!l A. J. Hilliard Hampton T. ~ol!oway Lillie ~. Ho!loway Theodore Howard P. J. Jackson Young Johnson Ed. Jones C-~~ tis Jones Joseph E. Jones Napolean Jordan D. L. Lanier Elma Lanier ~artha Lawson Frederica ~edley Ed. ~eeks R. R. ~ims Helen ~.arie Murray Everett Nutt ir~ N. P. Pettis Annie Phillips A. W. Phillips C. R. Phillips ~,ary Lee Phillips Early Pollard Ike ?u]lins F. ~a. Richardson Jr. Cora B. Robbins Frank H. Robbfns Claude Ross Eline Rcs s J.J. Ross 10 9 533 504 322 3~8 410 413 355 57O 5V1 47 501 341 59 6]. 58 286 499 661 101 lO0 534 lC6 115 351 592 564 58v 582 6O0 409 172 1~6 5~3 472 1~! 603 63]. 634 56V 633 5O0 529 3O3 28~ 287 212 522 65V NAJ~.E James S.hac--~lford - Rosia Lee Shacke!ford Eva Stahler LeRoy Stokes Virginia Stokes Sophy I¥I. Stover W. E. Stover William A. Vroman Clarence C. ~eeks J. F. Wester t~ae Wester Lemuel Whitehead Be nnie Wilder Earnest ~illiams Peter Ziegler Passed and adopted at a Regular t~eeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held on February ~nd, 1937. Mayor, Vice-~ayor, Town Clerk. ..... ..o ..... ~ion at it~ T '"'7:' NP: 501 dl ZCZ 3[)1 592 ~'V 582 5,SV 3C3 2i2 65V REGIS- TRATIOE 444 44~ 45~ 590 NA~¢~ ,~ : egmlal~ Meetlr~? of the on Febl'ua~?~ 2nd, Cle B~;I~:~9 AN ~CT EflTITLk? ~ ~ ~ ~ ?. E~)T..~BLI~H A N~"~,. ~ ~"~ ~GrW~-v~~. TO L~:~O~.,IZ ..... ~ND V~v~ TO~N OFBOYN.~N~' AND O~:,*ICIAL AC~ AND ~I~ ~ND /~OVI~'~' I~2 TERRITO~.aL L~ITS, ~SDICTION AND ~W~R8, AND THE ~~$TIO~ AND ~W~ OP ITS 0~;. IOER~I TO P~O~DE ~N OO~X~S~ON OF FIVE H~ER~, T~R TERM OF -X- R E S 0 LU T I0N WHEREAS, the Town of Boynton, Florida, is the owner, in fee simple, of certain lands located in BOYNTON HEIGHTS Sub- division of the Town of Boynton, Florida, title to which was procured through foreclosure of Tax Sale Certificates and Liens for Special Assessments, W]~E~AS, at a Regular Meeting of the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, held on the 6th day of June, 1934, a Resolution was adopted seSting forth the selling price and other conditions concerning the sale of such lots located in Boynton Heights Subdivision, and, WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and expedient and to the best inter4sts of the citizens and taxpayers of the Town of Boynton, that the selling price of such lots be revised. ..... ........... TEEP~FORE BE IT REEOLVED, that the following lands located in Boynton Heights Subdivision be offered for sale at the price shown opposite each lot o~ g~oup of lots as follows: Lots 3 & A, Block 1, $180~e00 Lots 24 & 2B, Block 8, Lots 1 & 2, " B, 350e00 Lots 26 & 27, " 8, II Lots 3 & 4, " 2, 30OEO0 Lots 32 & Lots 5 & 6, " 2, 30OEO0 Lo~s 54 & 36, 8, Lots 7 & 8, " 2, 300e~ ~ts 36 & 5~, ~ 8, ~ts 9 a 10, " 2, 500,~ ~ts 7 a 8, i 9, Lots 11 ~ 12," 2, 300.~ Lots ~ts ~ a 14," 2, 500e~ ~ts ~ a 14, ~ 1~, Lots 15 a 16," 2, 300e~ LO~S 19 a 20, " 10. Lots 17 & 18," 2, 300.~ Lots 21 & 22~ " lOp " 2~ 175,~ ~ts 31 & 32~ " 10~ ~ts 19 & 20, " 10, ~tS 1 & 2, " ~, ~Oe~ Lots ~ & ~, ,, Lots 3 & 4~ " 3, 3~e~ Lots .35 & 36~ , 10, ~ts 5 & 6, " 5, 300.00 ~ts 1 & 2, 11, Lots 7 & 8, " 3, ~00.00 ~ts 9 & 10, " 11, . oo.oo Lots 1 ," 3, 300.00 ~s 15 & 16, " 11, Lots ~ a 14," 3, 300.00 ~ts 25 & 26, ~ 11, Lots 15 ~ 16, " 3, 5~.00 ~ts 27 2 28, " 11, Lots 31 & 32," 3, 175.00 Lots 29 a 50~ " 11, Lots 1 & 2, " 4, 350.~ Lots 1 a 2, " 12, Lots 3 a 4, " 4, 300.~ Lots Lots 5 & 6, " 4, 500.00 Lots 5 Lots 7 ~ 8, " 4, 500.00 Lots V a 8, , Lots ~ & 10, " 4~ 300~ Lots 37 . 4, 500~00 Lots 7 ~ 8, " 1~, Lots ll,& ~, , 4, 300~00 Lots ~,10 ~ 11, " 1~, Lots 13 & 14, Lots 15 a 16," 4, 500.~ Lo~s I a 2, " 14, ~ts 3 & 4, " 5, 150.~ Lots 9 & 10, " 14, Lots 5 & 6, " 5, 150.00 Lots 11 & ~, " 14, Lots 7 & 8, ~ 5, 150e~ Lots 17 ~ 18, " 14 Lots 9 a 10, " 5, 200.~ Lots 19 & 20, ~ 14, Lotw 9, " 6, 75.00 Lots 31 & 32, 14, ~ts 27 ~ 28," 6, 175.00 LOtS 33 & 34, ~ .14, ~ts 2~ & 50," 6, 175.00 ~ts 55 & 56, " 14, Lots 33 & 34," 6, 175.~ Lots 9 a 10, " 15, 175.00 175.00 200.00 200.00 260.00 150.00 175e00 175.00 175.00 150,00 150, O0 150,00 175.00 20OEO0 175.00 175.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 200,00 175.00 175.00 175.00 150.00 100.00 175.00 175.00 150.O0 150. O0 175.00 150.00 125.00 150. O0 150.00 Lots 11 & 1~, Block 1§, $ 18OEO0 Lots 1~ & 14, Blk 16, $1~OeO0 Lots 2§ & 26, " 18, 12§.00 Lots lB & Lots 27 & 28~ " 15, 125.00 Lots 19,20 & 21," 16, ~00,00 Lots 31 & ~2, ~ 18, 180.00 Lots BE IT FURTHER MESOLVED~ that seventy per cent (V0%) of the purchase p~ice of said lands may be paid bT the use of any valid, past due, negotiable written obligabion of said ToE, at the full face value, plus interest of said obligation; the remaining thirty per cent (30%) to be paid in cash. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon reoeipt~ by the Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, of the purchase price as hereinabove specified, the Mayor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are, authorized, ordered and directed to execute a Special Warranty Deed of conveyance for such lands....... BE IT FURT~R RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Broker, by whose direct efforts any of the above group of lots may be sold, shall receive for his or her services, a cc~mission of ten percent (10%) of the selling price of the lots so sold. Passed and adopted this 17th day of June, A.D. 1937: WH£REA$ INLET VILLAGE~ INC.~ BOYNTON~ FLORIDA~ PROPOSE TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE ~;~'AR DEPARTMENT FOR PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT A YABHT ~ASlN IN LAKE WORTH~ lt~ FRCNT 0F THEIR PROPERTY LOCATED APPRC'XIMATELY 6600 FEET NORTH OF BOYNTON BRIDGE~ ON THE WEST BANK OF LAKE WORTH~ AND WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMIT8 0F THE TOWN 0F ~OYNTON~ FLORtDA~ AS SHOWN ON DRAWING ENTITLED, "PROPOSED YACHT BASIN IN LAKE ~0RTH~ AT BOYNTON~ FLORIDA~ APPLICATION BY INLET VIL- LAGE~ INC.~ OF ~OYNTON~ FLORIDA,, AND PREPARED Itl THE OFFICE GE0. ~'. CARR~ CfVlL ENGINEEE~ AND ~HEREAS~ THE PLANS FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED HAVE BEEN EXAMINED AND CONSIDERED BY TFt[2 TOwN O0MMISSI~N~ AND ~HEREAS~ THE ~'ORK CONTEMPLATED BY ~NLET VILLACE~ WILL NOT INTERFERE V~ITH ANY PLANS FOR WORK WHICH THE TOWN COM. MISSION HAV~ IN VIEW~ OW THEREFORE~ aE IT RESOLVED ~y THE TOWN COMmiSSION OF TH TOWN OF ~OYNTON~ FLORIDA~ IN LEGAL ME:TING ASSEMBL[D~ 1HAT SAID TOWN COMMISSION WAIVE~ AND 17 ~OES HEREBY WAIVE ALL OB~EC~iONS TO SAID CONSTRUCTION, ADOPTED THIS c~ TOWN 0LERK 1937 MAYOR ~ ~ RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 0F T0~ C0~,~.~I~I0~ERS OP T~ T0~i~, 0F BOYNTON, p~ BEAC~ COUNTY, FLORIDA. -./ ~.=a~ all water consumers who have delinquent water, bills re{st pay at least one-fifth (1~5) of the amount owi~s:g as of 0ctc~ber !, A. D. 1938, on or before the !1th of each month in addition t{} their current water bills. 8- That no discount for promot pa}auent of - ~a~er bills will be allowed until delinquent water bills l~ve been paid in full. That the ~J~ater Superintendent be, and he hereby is, ordered and directed to discontinue water service to any and all water consum- ers who fail to make payments as specified in Section I hereof. BE iT FJRTI~R ~SOLVED: That the ?~hter Suoe - _ r.~n~endent be, and he hereby is, authorized, to discontinue water service as provided in Section S hereof at the e-- ' . - , ~pmratmon of a ten (lO) day final notice to those consumers who fail to comply with the ProviSiorm of Resolution. BE iT FURTHER RES0Y~ED: That the Practice of al!owi~ water consumers to work out, or have worked out, their water bills, be dis- continued; Provided, However, that delinquent bills for water consum- ed. up to Augus~t ~r~ !8, A. D. 19G8, may be worked o~t by the consumer or by a member of his or her immediate household. ers of the Town of Boynton, Florida. R E S 0 L U T I 0 i . BE iT~:~_,,_.::;~"~:~7-"~.n'~.~ That ?~,oo~ice is hereby given ~=~ %ko Tovzn Co~'zissioners cz the Tonn of ~oy__oon. Palr:~ ~.each County, Florida, that a ,~e~=era! ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 'he ~ov~ !iai!, the DLxie Election ne said To~ vzill ce ~e_td = ~, t ...... on tile hollies nf m'.~:~+ ' sunset of t]'~ ' ~ of i D ~o~ fop tko eurzose of nicaea's an enoumbent to the office of i,[ayor for ~ te~_ of thm-ee (~) years All nominations for said office s!m~.!! be made at !cast twenty (SO) days vrior %o the date of said election. Nominating petit:ions or certificates shall be accompanied b:r~ a ~.no''' fee of TwentT-five~ kO25.00) Dollars. Candidates me~.~ be voted fo~ or_ t~e ' o-1 ~ without being nominated. ~ . '/' -' . l~olice is further given that .... __ _ ... ..... a~e hereb~r appointed ~smect as Clerk of said election and are ordered to report at the Totem nail on the da7 and timm ~e , 2 hold ~ cz esaid ~ said election. SE l'l PURTiiER:'-~'~'~'avn~n~:~,.~ That a ~oe,,._ -~ of -'-~his notice be posted at ti~e ~o:'~v~ '-' door of ~'--~_~ Tov,m >:_all of the ~o~.,zn_ of Doynton, Ps!r-; se~cn'~ o ..... ~ou:~,z,7 Florida. SE ~_~ ~.'~.~::mRn~;=~'~ _r~EmOLY=D~ " ~ ~'"~.~::~-~,:- the registration Book of the Town of .~o ..... a,~ .._ ~o~,~ .:zal! on the ~ifth (5th) day of ilarch, A. D. 1938 All perso?s desiring to register for ti-ze 2~e?:.eral election called ~,.o.~' the Eleventh (!!th) day of Apr · at which time the oF ~-,~.,,zore Narch q"l~¢rtv-f~st~ (31st), A D. 1938, book will. be closed. Vi ce-i,ia~or Tovm_ Clerk ~;~;ii3~REAS it has come to the attention of the Con~nissioners of the To,~aa of BoD~ton, , Pa.~m ~each Couz~ty, Florida, and others interested in the welfare of said m~icipa!ity, th.rough the public press, that some attempt is .bein Horsman, Postmaster of Lake 17orth, Plorida, and perhaps others, to secur~7 federal f~ds to be used in reestablishing the canal ~ ~*~ syo~m of a~_. least the eastern portion of Palm Beach County, for the apparent purpose of diverting the flov~ of hyacinths into t}~e waters .... ~oru~!, and !¥HEREAS it is the opinion of the Co~missioners of the To~ of Boynton, Palm 3each County, Florida, and likewise the opinion of many- of the residents of said to%~, that the sug- gested plan as the same appears in the public press would be greatly detrimental and ha~ful to ~ne heal~, welfare, and comfort of the citizens of the To~ of l~o~ton, if carried to completion, 'Ti-~R !'ORE, }iZ Z'] RESOLV~D by the Commission of t]he Town of Boom. ton, Palm ~ ach ~. 3~lorids in session assembled, that the -plan sug~'ested by ~r. ~ L ~orsman, Post~ast.~r, or that any plan similar thereto ~ , be and the sa~e is hereby opposed and conde~ed. ~z..~ ..... that Senator Cla~de ~epper~ United States Senator from the State of Florida, b~ requested to oppose said suggested plan, and that a copy of this resolu- tion be forwarded by ~e Clerk of the Co~aission to Senator Claude Pepper, i:~ashin~;ton, D. C. ~ ,,,~T~.N RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forv~arded ~o the Okeechobee Flood Con~rot Distriot; one oopy to %he Lake V~orth Drainage-Distr~ot; ~.d o~le oopy to the Coms~ssion of the City of Lake l~orth~ Florida. ii~TRODUCED A2.~D PASSED by the Commission of the Tovai of Bo3u~ton, Palm Beach Co~ucty, Florida, this the / - day of June, A. D. 1938. 0 ' --~ C mml s szoners Cte'rk. ~ R ~ ~ 0 LU T i 0 N ~.2N IT DESOLV~ that notice is i'ie. reby given by the City Cox~miissioners of ~.il~ City of Loynton Leach, Palra Beach County, Florida, that a General Election of said City will be hold at the City Hall, on the ~i.xie '~'~w-a?, !~ the City of Boynton Beach, Pa~ ~ea~'- EzE.at o~oloek A. ~T. (~sste~n %ra~ Time) ~n4 qu.~set o~ tb.e ~o..ml, ', 1942 '~o~ tn~ ouroose e]ectin~ sn ene. umbent to the office of Vro~-]~{~y()), ~=.~ for a t~m of thr~ (S) years. All nominations for said off ].ce st!al! b~ made ~.t least T~vezity (20) J. ays prio~, to the dat~ oZ' ss. id c.i~ctiori, i~oiaiziating petitions or certificates shall be accompsaiied by' a filing fee of Twenty-five ~ollars ($25.00). Candidates may be voted for on the ballot without being nominatod. ~otice is further given that~/~ ~, ~~ .... a9 Cle.~k oe said Election ~d ~e o~Se~e~ to ~e~ort ~t the ~- :~11 on the day sm.] time nforr3ssid to '~a~ ~"~i¢~ Cit~ of Polrntnn meoa~, ]':'~l:n :'each '~ i' he ov:~ned ~o~ ....... . ount .~, 1. or ida ~ . the ~e~istration o.~ all mua]iPie5 electors oC the Citer of ZoTrnton z.e~,ah, PaJhu Zeach '?ount~, :.~_orada, st tae ~itV :all on .~ Fourth (4th) dab; of Hatch, ~. '(' . ~o,o All psrsons desiring to resister for tbs General ZL~ction cai!-,0_ rot t~ie Tiiimtasnth (13th) day of April, a. D. 194B should register on or before April Second A. D. 1942, at which time the Registration Bo~ will b~ closed. Done ~:~t lloy)ton Beach, · ! iida this Sr~ ~a~ ,~ · c,~ John Bollinge~ end R E S 0 LU T Z ON WU~ER~,~. ~h?.Com~.~ss~?ne~s of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Country, ~Orida ' : .... -~ , baye ~een l~o~ed ~ a P~oposed Bill wil~ be introduced Fo~ ~sage by the 15~ ~gla- latu~e of the State of Mlo~ida, P~Ovldi~ fo~ the no~tio~ of Co~ty C°~i~slone~s by a Co~ty,wide Vote and not ~ n~m~ti of the voters With~ the ~eSpective C°~issiOne~,s Districts; a~ W~REAs, Said P~oposed Bill P~Ovides that a wide reFe~end~ election will be held fo~ the purpose of sub- ~t~ said ~POposed Bi~ fo~ app~O~a1 o~ ~ejec$1on ~ t~ of Pa~ Beach Co~$y; ~R~, said PPOpOsed BX~ WOuld give to the of Co~ty Co~sslone~.s District Ncc 2 (Ci~ of West Pa~ control of the nom~ation of all five C~n~ CO~ssione~s ~'~ less of whethe~ op not $8% of the VOtePs witch ea~ of t~ O~e~ ~ Co~sslone~s, DistPicts Voted fop theIp ~spective thereby ~klng a~l five ~ Voters of Said C~nty C°~ls~ione~,s Dist~ic$ No. 2, althou~ C~nty Co~iss~o~p ~st actually Peaide wi~in his ~ District in O~ep to qualify fo~ the office of C~nty Co__ssi ~ TH~0RE BE ET RESOL~, by the Boa~ of City ; ssione~s of ~e Ct~ of Bo~ton Beach, Palm Beach Co~, ~:' in ~e~la~ meeting assembled, that it does hepehy oppose ~ object ~o the introduction ~d passage of the P~OpOsed Bill op ~y Othep PPOpOsed Bill that wOUld C~ge the. af°Po-m~tio~d ~ which C~nby CO~ssioneps ape no,ated ~ the Election, o~ ~t Would C~ge the ho~les of the P~esent C~nty Co~ssione~s' Districts be BE IT ~RT~R RESOL~, t~t copies of t~s Resolution fO~a~ded to Hon. Jo~ R. .......... ~ac~, State Senato~.~. and Fen. ~Me~be~ Beck, ~tate Representatives. City of Boynton Beach, The A~ove Resolution Passed and Adopted at a Regular Meeting of ~he City held May 4th, A. D. 1943. Commission 17 2 S 0 Z IT m T 0 7'.? R i '_:;'rb o t - ] ~ Tenth (].0t!l) daT' of April, ~. D. 1944, -dom ~ie !_,~rpos~ or e!ectizig ai'i ,miou)i:k.o:!~.t to the office of i,~YOR, :60? a u~ of Three (3) yoars. s~, ,4 of] ].ce sbaii be :'iad~ at le. ast ,,~ty of boyntol! a, aac~!, Palm all %ualified ,~i~ators. of fshe ,~i~;,'""-' o¢.. 2!;oy:!t;on (ist) ria~ o.f ~'~*~'e% 3Y; ,~. 1944. All ~epsoi~s desiri,~g to ~.~. . ~ ....... , . ~ .... '5 st~r 7~0/' ~ ..... G'r~!lePa].-'l]ectioR C,x] ....... 1 z~or U,:ia ,~, ~-z u,l,:, .... "~"' ~" T .,l~.o. (lOt]l) day of Anr~l,.:: .- A. v'i,. 1944..,. ,s}~m't]i .... P('~,,'i:~i;~._ on or l)~fopa }.'~arcb mhiptieth (3Ot%).._ "Oa~didate fi:limg dead-lime .~a~ 20th- 5.00 P. N. W~EREA~, ia acoor~la~ce with the provisions of Seotio~ 8 of O~di~aa~e Ho. 182 it ia the duty of the City ¢o~nnission at it,s First Regula~ Meeting ia Feb~uar~ of each yea~, to examiae and revise t~e Registratima Book of the-0ity, erasiag therefrc~ the a~e. of all vete~. ~o ha~ ~ed, ~e~ve~ f~o~ the Oi~ o~ ~e ~A~, ~eh exa~iaattoa ~s duly rode at ~he first mett~ of the Ci~ Co~issl~ held ia Feb~a~, A. D. 19~. T~F0~ ~ ~ ~SOL~, t~t the Oi~ 01e~k be, ~d he hereby ia auth~iz~, ~e~ed a~ di~eeted to post at the ~0~ DOOR of t~ C2~ ~LL of the City of B~toa Beach, Flo~i~, ~e foll~i~ ~m, which, ia the op~ioa of ~e 0ity Co~asioa ef t~ 0it2 of ~o~oa Bea~, shou~ be ~e~ved ~om the REG ISTRAT- ION HUMBER. HAME. ..... .......... 183 Wtllia~ A. MacRae ~50 Do~a 0ffer~a~ 29X William H. Pa~ttn $S5 ~oh~ E. ~aule~a~ 53~ ~e~ietta ~. Raule~s~ 2~6 ~em~ A. Re~e~ ~1 ~o~ ~. Roberts 475 Jo~ ~. Ro~rts 91 ~obe~ H. ~sseau ~7 Wilda ~. ~sseau 428 F~e~tk ~lle 444 ~ G. ~lle 701 V~g~a ~. ~e~d 259 ~alte~ L. Teas~le 216 Har~y A. Thompson 618 Kate W. Thompson 752 ~eo~ge Waskow 751 Gussie Waskow 79 Kate A. Wilcox 6 Zeri T. Wilcox 568 Joseph B. Williams 16~ Walte~ A. Williams ~-s and ~ons~utlng----~he O~t~ 0'oxnnXs'SiO~ o~ tho City of Bo~nton Beachp Florida. Passed and Adopted Fob ~4-1944~ POSTED AT FROh~ DOOR ~-24-1944. RE S 0LUT I Oi~ WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach provides that all public monies shall be di.~bursed only on check, to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by at least one other member of the Core,is ~ ' W~R~$, Willi~m J. Daly h~ been dul~ e~:~oted, qu~!ified, ~d i~ acting M~yo~ of the City of ~oyn~on ~e~ch~ ~nd, ~~S, ~. V. Pet~on has been duly elected, qualified, ~nd is acting City Cler~ ........ , ~OV4 T~REFORE ~E IT MMSOL~ by the ~o~d of City 9o~nission~rs of the City of Bo~ton Be~ch, Florida, theft William J. Daly as Mayor and A. V. Peterson as City Clerk, furnish the Wesb Palm Bec. ch &tlantic National Dank of ~est P~u Loyola, .~lorida, tk~ Fi~st liatio~l Ba~ of ~ke Worth, Florida and the Flo~a Stat, ~ of De~ay Deach, Florida a specimen of thei~ si~tu~es on the cards provided fo~ this purpose; . BE IT ~RT~R RESOLV~ t~t a signed carbon copy of t~s Resolution be sent to the West Pa~u Beth Atlantic National B~ of V~est P~u ~each, Flo~i~; the First National ~nk of ~ke ~orth, Florida and the Florida State Ba~ of Delr~y Be~ch, Mlomida. PASSED AND .iDoPTESD of ~aid Commission. city- Cler~j--- As and. constituting a majority of the Board of City Co~mnissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Pal~n Eesch Cotu~ty~ ? lot ida. R E S 0 LU T 1 ON '~REAS, there exists ,m certain land in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, described as "Lots i to 4 Inclusive, Block 6, O~i~ina! To~ o~ Poynton", of the City of ~oynton condition; snd, WP!:PM~S, tbi~ Co~dm~ion deems it ~o~ the presevv~tion ce :he p~.~blic s~fet~ ce the inhehit~.uts ~nd for the general we~fo:,e o? '~:~:~d City that s~d b-u~.~d!ng should be removed from ~;~.d !rind; UHE~AS, it app~r~ tDmt CK~R~.]S A. AUSTIN 0F B0~TON are the ore, ers of said lanai ....... Ti~R~ORE BM IT RESOL'~w~ by the Boa~,d of City of tho City of ~oynton -: ....... -., Tlorlda~ thet this Cmm~:ission does hereby direct and ~equire the ~aid o~e~s of s, id !ar~] to ~omove ~aid buildiug, which i~ in a decayod and ~ecked co~itton~ said probity within FIF~ day~ ~te~ no~ce is served upon them to do ac; Pift~n doys ~fter ~ot~ce is ~,rved upon them d~recting them to do~ so, re~ove~ from s~.id propepty, tb~ b~i!dfu~..~ her~inobowe. nr:sess and collect the expensoe t;b~r,~f, ~ s l~:en ~,c~¢{'-~,,t. . , ~;h~ sat~. !ution shall bo served ,.~.c:.,. ¢:r.c. cwne~a of s,.~ch l~.d o~, 1;he agent of such om~ers; or if said owners are r~on-residents: -,r cam'mt be fo~n~, within the ~ " ;..~ty~ ~,~ ...... u.o lrno~ a~ent or agents within the City, a copy o~ ~aid notice ~nd a copy of this 9eso!ution shall be posted on ,~id land, Passed and adopted at a ~e~]ar ?Seeting cf the City Com~ulssion of the C:I~V of ~esch, Pa!~ ~each ~ou~t~.~. FI. ovid,. the ~.4th ~v c~ .~'o~e~ '~'r,.. 1944. Tot 1 - PEVI2W9 PlAT OF BLOCK 12 0P.T]?ffAL T0~,~ml 0F P,0~!TON- SEC 98, sez, ved ':~?cn he~ diP~cbl~ her '~'~ ..................... ~ witbln to a~Id o~:e? thereof; '*:d, .,- ~=-:. ~....::z~ ............ , opy of tzti:~ i~,~,,,,~n.., shall Pas,~ed a~.~2 adopted at a of the Bo~,rd of City Co~m~foners of 'the u.ty of Eoynton ~each, Pa=_ Beach Couuty, F]o~!da, held on the !4t>: ,'!ay of June~ A. D. 1944, RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that notice is hereby given by the City Ccmissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that a General Electiom of said City will be held at the City Nall, on the Federal Elg~hway, in ~he City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, be~weem the hours Q£ Eight o'clQck A. M. (Eastern War Time) a~d Sumset of the Ninth (9th) day ef April, A. D. 1945, for the purpose of electimg an emc~ent to the office of VICE-~0R, fo~ a te~ ef ~ee (3) yea~s. Ail nom~ations for said office shall be ~de at least ~en~ (20) days p~ie~ to the date ef said election. Nom~ating petitions eP certificates s~ll be accompanied by a of ~en~-five Dollars ($28.00). Candi~ea ~ be voted f~ on the ~llet wither bei~ nom~ated. Notice is ~the~ given t~t ~o~s C. Feste~ Clara B. ~ite and Ethel I. ~ois a~e h~eb~ appointed Inspectors and ~la L,~sfo~ as Clerk ~f sa~ Electio~ and a~e ordered to report at the City Hall on t~ day a~ ti~ aforesaid to hold said election. BE IT ~RT~R ~SOL~ t~t the Regist~a$i~ Boca 9~ ~e City of Boston B~, Pa~ ~ach Co~, Fle~i~, be opened the Regist~ati~ ef all q~lified electors 9f ~e City-of Beach, Pa~ Beach C~ty, Flo~i~, at ~e City ~11 on the day of Feb~a~, A. D. 194~. ~1 persons dest~ t~ ~egiste~ for the ~ne~al Election ca,ed fo~ the N~th (gth) ~y of April, A. D. ~l~A8 should registe~ ~n e~ before Ma~eh ~e~Tninth l~AS, at which time the ~egist~ation Book will (29th), A. D. be~olosed. Dated Feb 20-1945. R E S 0 LU T I O N ' WHEREAS, an extreme emergency exists due to the failure of machinery and other equipment in the water-works system of this City, and, WHEREAS, it is deemed neces.sar-y and expedient to correct such situation without delay ...... I T.~EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Commission be, and it hereby is, clothed with full authority to do any and all things necessary to place said waterworks system in per£ec$ worki~g condition, including the employment of extra labor and also the purchase of aA~v new machine~2 or othe~ necessar-y equiPment, without advertisLu~ for bids on same. mhd constitu~inom the Board 'of ~ City Commissioners of the City of ' Poynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Fla. Passed and adopted at the Regular Meeting of May 1, A. D. 1945. ~:~q.~ the t~t ou ~he ~ale of ouch l~ds tb, e titles conv~yed ~i~i ~e ~ ~,itlo~ ~d no ~,~bstra~s w-i~ t ~e f~.~tished to tl-~ 2or ~ ~:~po~es of all ~ ,,::t~ide of ~nici~lltie~ ~t le ~]~t a :.~eet!nf; i~ ~:alted for 10~0 July ~, l!~ ~% the county ~:~:~i~sic~er~, ~, ~a~ it r~ill ~:mtorla~ iy ei ~plilS~ ~ eiJ3~dit~ the fixi~: of~ vaiuos tY each %~.~utci~lit-y ~'~..ii ~: r~:,o 'to a ~ilu~%ion of land~ in i%~ ~.~'~ioi~X li:~i!a of ~-:~ ~£ tho laa~ Oour~y quested to au~t t~ t]~ ~,rd ~' C~ ¢~sd, oner~ on (::eaZ) ti~ Cl'~t~ of the ,~it~, of !~oyaton l.eaoh p~ovides that all~bl~ m~s ~11 bo d~~~ ~ s~d ~. t~ ~ a~ c~nter~i~ b~ at lomst ~ ot~ ~.~,J~,~, '~'ill~m ~ly ~'~s ~en duly electS, a~ la act~ H~ ~ t~ City ~ E~n ~ea~h; ~~S, E. V. Tatte~sa~ h~ ~en ~ly eloc~d, qua~i~ ~ Is act~ City C~rk - ............ ...... l~S ~ ~ City ~ ~t~ ~oaoh, ~'l~lda, t~t ~:~illiam as ~y~$ ~. ~ Tat~ll as Vioe-~ ~ A. v. Pet~s~ as City C~k ~~h t~ Jest Pa~n ~ea~ At~tic ~ti~l ..... -----, the P~st ~-~tl~l Ci~ C~Issior~vs of the City of Bo2nton Death, ?a~L.~ ~:each Co~n~', ~lor~da. This Reoolmtlo~ passed and adopted at a Ro~la~, ~oeting of sa~ D~ ~E ~ Au~ V~, ~. ~. 1~. ...... .......... R ~ B 0 L U T I 0 N n,,,.~., IT RESOI3.~ID that notice is .~ercby Siren bT~ the ~'~--~ Commissionors of the ~. .... , ~ of E~nton Ee~:~.~, ~,~r?~. ~. .... :,~eb~ Co:tory, F!orid~, th~::t a :~ener~:l E],eci-{,on. of ~aid '2:V~: wi]L] he].d at the Recreet~.on Room, ~,n the Southwest ~ ..... o! Ocean Avenue and P~,.~ o Street, ~n the C~-~' of Bo~n~.!'on Beach, for e. term of ?~ree (3) v~srs.. ,, A.I~ nim!n.atfi, ons Cop said off lee s~s]! b,} }~,~'J'~ 'I' .4~o,:- r~o~ ~'+:. m~.y be voted eot of Twent. y-f4ve Dol].aps (;~.,~..~,. Cs.~; .......... On ~-~'~ !'~r ]lOt wit, hoz.tu be!2lr/ ,,c~,.~ hold said election. · ~R3~.~ IT PURTHEP RESOLV~ that tho Reglstrati. oR F'ook of the the Reqf~tz.nJ iort of ali. <n~al:tfl~:~a. ::~c,~cn.~ ....... of "~'~ e ~'"'~ .,, of _ Pes~, ~ ~''' E.~)~c!~ Covri:7;-, Florid. a, at the ~' ~'' _ ' ...... , ~u,,f H~I.~ o~ the 2Vth day cf FebruarT' A. D. ~9~.c All p~:rcons ,.~ ,~..n.r¢~J. Election ,.,.ll..c~ fo? {'1~.,., .... 2:iS~d:~% .... (?.'kb" ,~s~ or Ar~!. a,~" D,1.946 ..... :,ll~ ~ .., . ~ 011 ... OPe :'~ ' ~ ' ',~-.i'.} r,.-.M., ~ ,~"'~,. 'v~'~ el:', *Ir:e, the ReS~ ~tra t:ion~. ~ Boo~: ,,rf] ~.. .~ be c/.csed. Pcb 26th lo40 :.~orumissioner,,. ~, of the: Cit:,',r.. OC'.. Et~rni:on~, _ .. R E S 0 L U T I O N ~r~m, nm, n~q~,~.~,,~.,~,,., in aceord~nce with the ~rovisions~ of Section 8 of 0rdin~nce No. 159 it is the duty of the City Cm~uissioners at ~.t~ s First Regular ]'~eeting ~,n February of each year, to examlne~ anti revise the P~i~,tr~,t~on~ ~ ~ - ~. Book of the ~'-~,,~, erasing therefrom ~.e names of all voters who have died, removed from the Cf~ _,,,y ~ are otherwiso disqualified to vote, snd, ;]I~REAS, such ex,nitration was du~/ made at t~ F~st regular meeting of the City Co~m~fi. ssion held in February, A.D.]946. T~REFOPE ~ IT RESOLVe, that the C~ty Clerk be, a~'~ he ~ereby is s~thori~d, ord,~red s}od directed to post at t~ FRONT DOOR of the CI'.~ HALL of tb.o ~- ' ~]orid ~ the C~.,~,y of Boynton Deach, ....... , fo].l~ng ~mmes, ~b~ich, in the opinion of the City Co]muiss~ion of the C~.t~ of B~nton Eeach, should ~ rmuoved from tho Registration ~ook of said City: REGIST- ~GIo~- ~T I 0N RATI ~VMBER. NA~ ~g~ R. 77! James Audaer 7~7 Clara Alice ,~ilton n. 15 Louise Auds er 688 w .... 2:26 Orate E. Culver 601 Ruth L. },[cGreFor ~69 Char!~s J. Oonsman 26~ Estella H. ~cKay 3~0 ~argaret E. J~mes 6~ E~er E. Ra~or 2SV Jem~ie B. Jones ~96 C]arsnce W. Sh, lton 790 Murrell ~wis ~0 Lou ~na Sbslton ~ David ~ndgrsn ~0! Ida ~a ~ Smit~ 698 Florence Lundgren 134 Jaz~.e F. 40 En~ce E Magnuson 625 .r~.l, Valentine V3~ Kent Merry ~o~ ...... ~rs~a Ve~le Woo~]rz~ff 824 i~,.!innie P. ~,~erry ~04 E:~ry]. i'.[. Woolbr~ht a05 Ne!lie P. ~oolb.. ~hc Dated Feb 26-1946. R E S 0 L U T I O N Pg IT RESOLVI,ID that notice is hereby giw~n by the City' Cor.'-t~.!ssioners of the CitrV of B~ton Beach, Psion E~cb Co~mt~-~ Florida, that in the General Election heretofore cs,!led for the edith (8th) day of April. A. D. 1946, for the purpose of e]~ecting ar~. incumbent to the office of CITY C~RK, for a t~rr~ of three (3) · Election will also be held for tho ??repose of electing yoars~ said an incumbent to the office of ~()R for sn ?mexpired term of one (i) year. A!] nornination, s for ssid off'Joe sha].,] L~ r:ade at !~ast Twenty (~0) dsT'rs ~rior to the date of said election. Nolni~'~ating ~titions ~ certificates s~al! be accor~p~nie~ by a filing fee of Twenty-five Dollars (~8.00). C~.~idatas may be voted for on the ballot without being nominated. i Ds. ted i'~!arcb 5th 1946. As ~d constituting the Board of City Corm~issioners of th~ City of Eoynton B~ach, Palm Beach Co:.mty~ Florffda. Upon motion by Commissioner ~g~~t~~ and seconded by Commissioner, '~/~ ~--<~------~-~-"~'-"~'-' following Resolution was duly passed and adopted: RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING THE TOWN CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, BY LETTER UNDER SEAL OF SAID TOWN, TO REQUEST, DIRECT AND AUTHORIZE FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TO INSTALL, CONNECT AND/OR SERVE ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTS; TO CHANGE TNE~ LOCA- TION OF CERTAIN STREET LIGHTS AND TO AUTHOR- IZE PAYMENT BY TEE TOWN IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH, AND INCREASE THE CANDLEPOWER OF CERTAIN LIGHTS, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBSECTIONS 2, 5 AND 4 OF SECTION I AND SUBSECTION 5 OF SECTION III OF THAT CERTAIN STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT NOW IN EFFECT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH AND SAID COMPANY DATED MARCH 2, 19~6, SUPPL~W. NTARY AND SUPPLR~ENTAL AGREE- MENTS Tm~.RETO, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TOWN CLERK, OF AND ON BEN~r.w OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TO DELIVER A CER- TIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY the BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the Town Clerk, of and on behalf of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby authorized, as it shall be deemed necessary and advisable from time to time, to re- quest, direct and authorize, by written letter under the Town's seal, Florida Power & Light Company to install, connect and/or serve additional street lights within the corporate limits of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida; to change the location of certain street lights add to authorize payment by the Town of the cost in connection therewith, and to increase the candlepower of certain street lights, all in accordance with subsections 2, 5 and 4 of Section I and subsection 5 of Section III of that certain street lighting agreement now in effect between the Town of Boynton Beach and said Company dated March 2, 1926, supplementary and supplemental agreements thereto, and authorizing and directing the Town Clerk, of and on behalf of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to Florida Power & Light Company. 2. That upon the receipt of a letter by Florida Power & Light Company from the Town Clerk under the Town,s seal, request- ing said Company to make any or all of the street lighting changes hereinab~e designated in Section I hereof, Florida Power & Light Company, by virtue of this resolution, be and is hereby authorized to honor such request as written notice from the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, to make the requested changes in accordance with subsections 2, 3 and 4 of Section I and subsection 5 of Section III of that certain street lighting agreement now in effect between the Town of Boynton Beach and said Company, dated March 2, 1926, supplementary a~xl supplemental agreements thereto, and said Company may consider said request as the direct request of the Town Commis- sion of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, in connection with said Town Clerk's requesting and directing the street lighting changes hereinabo~e enumerated in Section I hereof. 3. That the Town Clerk, of and on behalf of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, serve a certified copy of this resolution upon Florida Power & Light Company, showing said Town Clerk's authority to request the street lighting changes from time to time as hereinabove set out in Section i hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED at Boynton Beach, Florida, this ~ ~ day of ~/~2~6 , 1946. The foregoing is approved t~bis ~ day of 1946. Mayor .... ATTEST: Town Clerk ( ~ ' yor-CommisSioner Comm~S~'{oners RESOLUT I ON , neighboring municipalities are changing, and that the citizens of such municipalities change, from Time to Daylight Saving Time, effective as of April 28, at 'the hour of 2 o'clock A.M. of such day; and WHERK~M, it is deemed advisable and to the best interests of the Town of Boynton Beach and the inhabitants thereof that such municipality do change, and do advocate and recommend to its in- habitants that they change, from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time, effective as of April 28, 1945, at the hour of 2 o'clock of such day; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town of Boynton Beech, Florida; 1. That in stead, in place, and in lieu, of Standard Time, ,Daylight Saving Time be, and it hereby is, adopted and designated the official time of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, el- ective April 28, 1946, at the hour of 2 o'clock A.M. of such day; continue and be effective as such until changed by Resolution of this commission; 2. That it is advocated and requested that all business, and citizens and residents of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, do ~onduct~helr affairs and observe the change from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time, in conformity with this Resolution. This Resolution passed and adopted t~i~ 2~th day of April,1946. ~ Mayor Commi s si oner oouj:N~Psign~a b? at !oast on~J ob~r ~mr[b~r of ti~ Co~u~ission; aih, ,,~A~, Paul ~,l~rc~r ~as ~i~REAS, : V. Ta-';t~rsaii Nas been ,au~" elecvo~, q-~.iified, V~: ""' · ' .~s ~oe~ du~~ oi~c't~d, quaiit'icd, ~A~, a. V ~d is acting Oaty Olork ........ , - r~ ~ ~' '. ~," ~ ~ ' '-' i~~ of hi~o City of ~oyn~son Loophole, Pioriaa, that Paul i, lercor as Mayor, :~ionai bank of ,~st Palm fuPn~sn 'm~ ,:~est Palm ~each, ~iorida, ~o i,'irs'o ~,at=o~a.z s~:~:.~ of? ~ke ~o~, Florida o[' ~oi~' si~-~'curos on V ~o o-May or Citj ..... ' -' ~oim ,~s'~ of L~nton Loach, Pai,;~ ¢~acf~ County, Fioz. lc~a. RESOLUTION WHEREASs the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is having a detailed schedule prepared to show a true and accurate account of all outstanding taxes- AND WHEREAS, there are numerous items throughout the tax rolls that should be abated for numerous reasons, including taxes on properties which ha~ been acquired by the City; taxes which have been settled and satisfied but not as yet removed from the tax rolls; church and other properties which should not have been taxed; lands erronously assessed, etc. .... AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that all such items be removed from the tax rolls before completion of such schedule .... THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and he hereby is authorized, ordered and directed to abate all such items as he may discover which should be removed from said tax rolls .... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such abated taxes, as evi- denced by Delinquent lax Receipts numbered 77 and V7 Supple- ment dated May 16th 1946 and Delinquent Tax Receipt mumber 111 dated August 6th 1946 are hereby approved and confirmed; said receipts being in the aggregate amount of One Hundred Six Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Nine and 36/100 Dollars, Dated Aug.6,1946 RE S 0 LU T I O N WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is having a detailed schedule prepared to show a t~ue and accurate account of all outstanding taxes,-- and, WHEREAS, there are numerous items throughout the tax rolls that should be abated for numerous reasons, including taxes on properties which had been acquired by the City; ta~es which have been settled and satisfied but not as yet removed from the tax rolls; church ard other ~operties which should not have been taxed; lands erroneously assessed, etc ...... & WHEREAS it is deemed necessax~y and expedient that all such items be removed from the tax rolls before the completion of such schedule. ---- THEREF(I~E ~E 22 RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and he hereby is aut~horized, ordered and directed to abate all such items as he may discover which should be removed from said tax rolls.... B~ IT FURTHER R'SOLVED that such abated taxes, as evidenced by Delinquent Tax ~eceipte numbered ?? and ?? Supplement dated May 16th 1946 and Delinquent Tax ~eceipt Number 111 dated August 6th 1946 are hereby approved and confirmed; said receipts being in the aggregate amount of One Hundred Six Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Nine and 36/100 Dollars. Dated Aug 6th 1946. Mayor Vic e~Ma'yor City Clerk ..( A RESOLUTION FIXING THF TIM~?U >(7~' .:~.~ COMMISSION O? T}?E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH F ; , , LQ{IDA TO SIT AS A BOARD OF EQU~I_ ~TION IN ~'H ~ E MATT~ OF ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPERTY OF SUCH CITY FOR TA~TION .A.ERZAS, under the ~orovisions of the Charter of the City. of ~-oynt~m ;~eaeB, in Pa]~m Beech County, Florida, it ls neces~y that tb~ ..... of t~e City of a -..oynton Beach, in Palm County, Florids, sit ~s a Board ~f ~qualization la the matte~ of'a~es~ment of the property of such City f~r taxation pu~posel for the year 19~6; ~- ;, ..... .... , ~3!~ ~i'I¢SOLVED, that the ..Commission of the City of boyntoh Beach, In Palm ~Jeach County, Florida, s~all as a Board of ~'~qua!lzation at the City Hail in the City of Boston Beach~ In Palm Beach County, ~'lorlda, on the 12th day of 19~<~, at the hour of 10 A.J~:. of ssi:, ay, for the ~m~roo~e of izinf~ tlc assessments ~f the ~ro~erty ~f sue~ City for t~xstion ~ourpo~es f>~r the year 19~6, in accor<lance ~.~'ith the ~rovlslons of' the ~it7 Charter; and, ~ i~ FUP'i'~i,';~: ~ESOLVED, that notice of ::he action herein taken be ~iven by two oubllcatlons of this resolution in a l~al ne"~spaper and by postln~ a co~oy thereof at the front door of the City ~fall in 2oynton Beac~, In Palm k~e~eh ~ ~ ...... ounty, F!orlc~. ['I?I'-' ?~E!qoI UTTON regularly passed an- a~::~ ~,oted this day of October, !996. ATTEST: ~ ~it~ Clerk' Commis s loner A RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY BE IT RESOLVED BY T}~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOY~?TON BEACH~ O,~LM BEACH COUNTY~ FLORIDA: That it is with deed regret and sadness that the City Council notes the oassing of the Honorable Bernard V. Tattersall~ Mayors That the City of Boynton Beach has lost a most loyal~ and efficient Official~ and a citizen outstanding for his kindness and charity: That the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach does hereby extend to the family of Mayor Tattersall~ their sincere symoathy: That a copy of the Resolution be sDread upon the minutes of this meeting~ and a cody sent to the family of the deceased. PASSED AND ADOOTED THIS lgth day of November 19~8. Members of ~ne City Co~ncil ~,E S 0 L U T ~ 0 N (OFFICIAL SIGN~TURES) WHEREAS~ the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ ~rovides that all nublic monies shall be dis- bursed only on check, to be signed by the Mayor and/or Vice }4ayor 8nd countersigned by the City Treasurer; and -~ WHEREAS _ ~'~ ~ is the duly elected and cual~fi~d ~yor~ and I,~REAS is the duly elected and q~alified'Vice-May~r; and ~{E, REAS ' ')''[' '~J-'~%.~×'~'~.~,~ is the duly aDpo~nted C~t~' Treashre~ -- NOW~ THrREFOHE BE IT RESDLVED~ thst a true cony of th~s RESOL~ION be sent to the Boston Beach State Bank~ Boynton Beach~ Florida~ and the First National Ba~ of Lake Worth~ Lake Worth~ both in Dalm Beach County, Florida. Dassed and adoDted this 3rd day of January~ A.D. 19~9. January Constituting the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida. R E.,,.S 0 L U T I ,0. ,N (OFFICIAL SIGNATURES) WHEREAS, the Cha~t~r of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, provides that the City Treasurer shall prepare all checks and vouchers to be drawn on the City dePosit- ories, and shall sign the same and present said cheeks to the Mayor or Vice Mayor to be co~mtersigned; and WttEREAS F. L. Minton is the duly elected md qualifled'"'Mayor; ~ '~TC~,REAS Councilman Hood has been appointed to sign checks ~U t~he ab'4e'nce' 'Jr "the LMayor; and WHEREAS D.V. illlams W ' City Treas~e~; '" is the duly appointed T~ERE~OHE NC~', ~ BE IT RESOLED, that a t~ue copy of this ~ESO~?TION be sent to the Boynton Beach State Bank, in Palm Beach County, Florida. Passed ~nd adopted this 5th day of July, A.D. 1949. COnsti'~u~in~ "the ~C"[ty 'C o~mc"il of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida