R98-188RESOLUTION NO. R98-/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE RECIPROCAL PARKING INDENTURE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE C1TY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND TA] ENTERPRISES AND RIVERWALK SHOPPING PLAZA, SUBJECT TO STAFF COMMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, does hereby authorize-and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Second Amendment to the Reciprocal Parking Indenture Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, T/U Enterprises and Riverwalk Shopping Plaza, subject to staff comments, as outlined in the attached letter from the City of Boynton Beach 'Director of Development, dated October 27, 1998, and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Second Amendment to the Reciprocal Parking Indenture Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, TA] Enterprises and RiVerwalk Shopping Plaza, subject to staff comments, as outlined in the attached letter from the City of Boynton Beach Director of Development, dated October 27, 1998, and made a part hereof. Section 2. passage. That this Resolution PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1998. ATTEST: ~CiL-~Clerk ~s:~R~so~Rive~alk 2nd Add: shall become effective immediately upon /~' day of ,4/~,'~,-~z~_~' CITY OF BoyNToN BEACH, .FLOR]DA M~yoJu I~ay~)r Pro Tem /.~issi~ner Commissioner SECOND AMENDMENT TC~ RECIPROCAL PARKING INDENTuRF THIS SECOND AMEN DMENT TO RECIPROCAL PARKING INDENTURE entered into this the ~ of June, 1998 by and between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, whose to I a. Florida General Partnership, whose address is P~O. Box sHOpPIN~ pLAZA,790' De!ray wFL 33447-790, hereinafter referred' to as '"TAJ", and RIVERWALK FL 33445, hereinafter ~ Suite200, Delray Beach, WHi hereto an as "Plaza Cenrter~; and property described ' · · ,, ,, in Exhibit A attached which real property is hereinafter referred to WHEREAS, TAJ is the owner of that real property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Said real property is located immediately the East of the plaza Center, which real prOperty is hereinafter referr !~;- · to prOperty.": an:d ed to as the Restaurant WHEREAS, the prior owner of the Plaza and TAJ Enterprises previously executed a ReciprOcal Parking Indenture and Amendment to Reciprocal Parking Indenture which sets forth joint access and joint parking usages for the Plaza Center and 'the Restaurant Property; and WHEREAS, Plaza is redeveloping the shopping center located at the southeast corner of'U.S. Highway One and Woolbright Road in Boynton Beach, FL; and WHEREAS, the Plaza has obtained a site plan approval from the City dated May 6, 1998; and WHEREAS, the subject prOperty owned by the Owners is not part of the subject site' plan; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the parties to agree to site plan changes of the Plaza Center Which will be implemented at the time of the development of the Restaurant Propert,.. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: RECITALS The above recitals a re true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. The parties agree that the parking spaces located at the northeast corner of the Plaza Center adjacent to the restaurant propertY shall be deleted and access shall be available to the subject restaurant property as depicted on exhibit "C". The area ,located at the northeast corner of the Plaza Center adjaCent to the restaurant property shall be deleted aS depiCated on exhibit "C". 4. The parties agree that the parcel of property located at the southeastern portion of the plaza indicated'N.l.C, shall be provided at least two vehicular access points as indicated on exhibit "C" 5. The parties agree that the dUm pster which is located on the northeastern portion p~f the Plaza Center adjacent to the Restaurant Property may be relocated southerly so as to rovide additional acCess and parking for the restaurant. 6. The parties agree that the agreements contained herein shall not waive or release any zoning and/or building requirements for the development of the restau[ant site,. 'which shall include but not be limited to parking. 7. In ali other respects, the Indenture and Amendment shall remain unamended, unmodified and unchanged and in full force and effect. WITNESSES: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TAJ ENTERPRISES, A FLORIDA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP By: H:~IDE~AGREEMEN~THERBLUM.AGR By: RIVERWALK SHOPPING PLAZA BRIDGE 'l.,l& 6Q. F'L TO I~E BUILT LOCAL 8,'1~2 5Q.FT. -- FUTURE WINN-DI×IE EXPANSION 12,120 CENTERLINE DF' lO' UTILITY £ASEHEHT IJRB Igf, O p. Oil? TO ~ Eli. JILT UNDER ,SEPARATE PEPJ'IlT PROPOSED LUINN-DI×IE TO !~ BUILT LOAD~I~ LOA, D~I~ ~ SB9°41'! 125,00' (DEED) 125,72' (SURVEY) SITE SlTE AREA E×ISTING FLO, TOTAL MOE)IF NET REDUCTI( LUINN-DIXIE EXIST. DLDG AF NEI/J ADDITION5 '. COOLERS/FP. EE: NEiJ,;~HECFL ~00 ILIINN DIXIE TOT,, 'LOCAL RETAIL (UJ.D. E×PAN - ? (A3A~I"IS) ,2/'G21 2- (1:I33G) ,O0'G2 '.L~ 'Og L~L'~' .%, "11'1.L~'8 -It'20'1 BI×Id-NNIm 'J.:t'Dg ~.E,L'g ,,~,, -II'C.LB'~ ~ J. 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