R05-022 RESOLUTION NO. R05- 01..1.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A TASK ORDER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $519,400.00 TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC, FOR FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR WILSON CENTER, POOL AND PARK; ~D PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on January 6, 2004, the City Commission approved funding for replacement of Wilson Center, refurbishment of Wilson Pool, and improvements to Wilson Park; and WHEREAS, The Commission reviewed the Master Plan at the November 16, 2004 meeting City Commission meeting which Kimley-Hom dedicated a significant amount of time meeting with staff to develop the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to authorize execution of a Task Order in an amount not to exceed $519,400.00 to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize and direct the approval and execution of a Task Order in an amount not to exceed $519,400.00 to Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., for final design and construction S:\CA\RESO\Agreemenls\Task - Change Qrders\Kimley Hom· Task Order 020305 Wilson Center.doc II I services for Wilson Center Building, Pool and Park. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /5" day of February, 2005. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , ! i , ; I < t'· Commissioner ATTEST: ~.J:¿, 'tn. S:\CAIRESOlAgreemenls\Task - Change OrderslKlmley Horn - Task Order 020305 Wilson Center.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted and Planned Engineering and Architectural Costs: $427,500 Final Total Engineering and Architectural Costs as recommended: $646,100 It will be necessary to modifY tbe anticipated expenditures in tbe current fiscal year budget as well as the proposed five-year capital plan to reflect the current costs of professional services. Moreover, tbe budget and five year plan will be modified to reflect tbe current estimated construction cost of$3,771,500 ALTERNATIVES: As noted, staff believes the consultant's fees are slightly higher than we would normally expect but not so high tbat we believe that we should not move towards completion of this much anticipate project. However, if the Commission believes that the ~ultant's fees are too high, the taff recommends that we seek proposals !Tom other fums un er ct wi he City as of the City's consul· rVlC ctiOn;;¡;¡S :f0v er of2003. . fl'·" D ent ead' City Manage Signature Public Works/Recreation & Parks Department Name City Attorney I Finance I Human Resources S:\BULLETIN\FORMSIAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC -~ - ..-.--"'.--.....- ~=n Kimley·Horn and Associates, Inc. January 26, 2005 . 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida Me. Wally Majors 33407 Recreation & Parks Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Proposal for Design, Bid, and Constrnction Phase Services for the Wilson Center, Pool, and Park Complex Dear Me. Majors: Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. (Kioùey-Hom) is pleased to subrnit this proposal to the City of Boynton Beach (City) for professional consulting services for improvement of the Wilson Center, Pool, and Park Complex. This proposal addresses scope and fees for professional services associated with preliminary and final design of this project, as well as bid and construction phase assÎstance. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Our understanding is that the City would like to provide a new community center and upgrade the existing park and pool facilities to better serve the neighboring community. The upgraded Wilson Center complex will serve as a comerstone for the proposed CRA improvements and the Heart of Boynton improvements. The City has previously authorized Kimley-Hom to provide schematic design of a new community center, pool facility upgrades, and modifications to the site layout. Services provided to date inc1uded several meetings with City staff to refine the schematic design, boundary surveys of the proposed park boundary and the individual parcels within the proposed park boundary, color renderings of the schematic layout, and a presentation to the City Commission. Based on the City Commission's November 17, 2004, approval of Kimley-Hom's schematic design, Kioùey-Hom is prepared to begin detailed design of the Wilson Center, Pool, and Park Complex. Kimley-Hom understands that the City desires us to proceed with the following distinct elements of the proposed facility improvernents: (A) a community recreation center (B) upgrades to the existing pool with renovation of the existing pool building (C) a playground area with a tot lot . TEL 561 845 0665 FAX 561 863 8175 , _.~","*.,,,,~,~~",~,,~,,_.~~...,.,, ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (D) a walking trail with pavilions (E) an open multi-purpose grassed play field with lighting, and (F) two lighted basketball courts The City also has requested that Kimley-Horn provide detailed design of an interactive play pool as an additional design alternative. Design of this facility includes modifications to the open space to accommodate the new facility footprint as well as rnore substantial upgrades to the existing pool building, including enhanced utility serVIces and mechanical equipment and additional structural and aesthetic improvernents. The design of all of the primary elements will be in accordance with the approved master plan developed during the first phase of this project. The design of the interactive play pool and the accornpanying pool building upgrades wi1l be in accordance with the schematic design of these elements as presented to City staff and the City Commission. Due to Kimley-Horn's close coordination of the schernatic design with City staff and leadership, and the resulting interaction during site plan developrnent, many of the design elements have been advanced beyond a typical schernatic design. Consequently, Kimley-Horn has been able to establish the design pararneters rnore definitively and estimate proposed construction costs more accurately. The schematic design approved by the City Commission a]]owed us to define the layout of the site and proposed facility upgrades sufficiently to eliminate the standard 30% design submittal, thereby reducing the design and review cycles required to prepare plans and technical specifications ready for construction. In order to expedite the detailed design of the primary and alternative improvements, Kimley-Horn proposes to prepare the detailed design in two phases, Preliminary Design and Final Design. SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 - PRELIMINARY DESIGN Having received Commission approval of the schematic design, Kimley-Horn wi]] proceed with the preliminary design of the proposed facility improvements. It is anticipated that we wi]] make a design submittal that is representative of a 50% design for review by the City. The preliminary design subrnittal wi]] combine a]] of the elernents prepared during the schematic design and advance them to a level of detail sufficient for the City to review and rnake additional comments regarding compliance with the design intent and constructability. Kimley-Horn intends to develop a preliminary index of sheets as we]] as individual plans defining the construction requirements. The preliminary plans wi1l address the primary elements of design, pending comments frorn the City. ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. The preliminary design plans will include the fo]]owing: . Horizontal/dimensional control for all facilities. . Utility alignments for tie-ins to existing utilities and proposed new services, hydrants and cleanouts for: a. the community center b. the improved pool locker facilities c. the new interactive pool features and building (alternative design) d. the basketba]] courts e. the open play area · Drainage design and layout, including inlets, conveyance pIping, retention/detention areas and/or outfa]]s. · Lighting requirements for the open play field, polygon pavilions, basketba]] courts, and parking areas, including security/flood lighting. · Floor plans, building sections, exterior elevations, and structural and mechanical details for the community center and pool buildings, including automatic sprinkler systems for fire suppression. · Pool and deck layout for the updated aquatic facility, including revised floor plans and exterior elevations for the modifications to the existing pool service and locker room building. · Landscape and irrigation plans and details. The preparation of the preliminary design plans includes coordination meetings with City staff to obtain input and decisions, including decisions related to the selection of architectural materials and finishes. Kimley-Hom wi]] submit the Preliminary Design plans for review by Recreation and Parks staff and the TRC. We also wi]] participate in required TRC review meetings. We wi]] address all comments recei ved. Kirnley-Hom wi]] prepare a Traffic Concurrency Report as part of the Preliminary Design. Anticipated Deliverables (or Task 1 After completion of this Task, Kirnley-Hom will provide three (3) copies of the fo]]owing deliverables to Recreation and Parks staff and ten (10) copies for TRC reVIew: A. Preliminary design plans to include the fo]]owing sheets (24"x36" hard copies): I) Project cover sheet 2) Boundary and Topographic Survey 3) Index of sheets /General Notes 4) Demolition and Clearing Plan 5) Horizontal Control Plan 6) Site Plan/ Key sheet! Phasing Plan 7) Utility Plan __"uM_""_ ~~,_,~_,_",w.._ _~.'_'.'._ _..",._",.~ ~=~ Kìmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 8) Drainage Plan 9) Irrigation and Planting Plan 10) Site E]ectrica] Plans II) Recreation Center Floor Plans a. First Floor Plan Layout b. Second Floor Plan Layout ]2) Recreation Center Exterior Elevations 13) Recreation Center Building Thru Section ]4) Life Safety Plan 15) Aquatic Facility Pools and Deck Layout 16) Interactive Play Pool and Play Structure Layout Plan 17) Interactive Play Pool Filter Building Plan 18) Interactive Play Pool Filter Bui]ding E]evations and Sections 19) Pool Restroom/Locker Building Floor Plan 20) Pool Restroom/Locker Building Elevations 21) Pool Restroom/Locker Building Section 22) Basketball Court Plan and detaìJs B. Preliminary calcu]ations for: 1) Drainage 2) Fire flow! water needs 3) Sanitary requirements C. Preliminary Technical Specifications for site civil improvements based on the City's current Utilities and Engineering technical specifications D. Prelirninary architecturaI and play Structure specifications E. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost, including preliminary lists and budgets for proposed pool equiprnent, sunbrellas, recreation center fixtures, and tot lot playground equipment. F. Traffic Concurrency Report Kimley-Horn also will prepare a list of pennits that will be required along with the anticipated permit fees. Kimley-Horn also will contact City and outside utility owners to mquire about underground utilities in the project area and notifY them of the proposed construction. We will send the utility owners progress sets of the project plans for tbeir use in marking their underground utilities. If the utility owners agree to do so, we will have them paint mark the locations and depths of their utilities at the project site. We will incorporate infonnation received from the utility owners in the final construction plans. TASK 2 - PERMITTING ASSISTANCE During the development of the final construction plans, Kimley-Horn will conduct a pre-application rneeting with the SFWMD, Palm Beach County Health Department and Building Department, and the appropriate City departments. KimIey-Horn will prepare the appropriate pennit applications for signature by the City and subrnittal to the permitting agencies. Permit fees will be the responsibility of the City and are not included in this proposal. ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Services under this task include reviewing comments from the permitting agencies and providing responses for requests for additional information from each agency. The City has expressed a desire to have the building permit in hand prior to bidding the project. Kimley-Hom will make all necessary applications and address all comments received prior to the bid such that the building permit will be ready for the successful bidder to acquire. We will address any issues related to the building permit in the bid documents. Deliverables for Task 2 After completion of this Task, Kimley-Hom will provide the City with original permit applications for signature and submittal to the agencies. TASK 3 - FINAL DESIGN The focus of this task is to finalize the plans and specifications needed to proceed into the bid and construction phases of the project. In addition to updating the information included in the previous submittal, the plans for the final submittal will include additional detailed design of the site improvements and facilities. The plan sheets and details are anticipated to include: Horizontal Control Plan Signing and Marking Plan Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan and details (3 sheets) Erosion Control Plan - Storm Water Pollution Control Plan Utility Plan - Sanitary Profile - Irrigation Plan and Details Basketball Court Plan and Details - Multi-Purpose Field Layout Plan - Tot Lot and Pavilion Layout Plan and Details (2 sheets) Typical Water and Sewer Details Site Electrical Plans Landscape Planting Plans and Details (3 sheets) Recreation Center Building Details: 1. Architectural 2. Structural 3. Mechanical 4. Plumbing 5. Electrical Aquatic Facility Details: 1. Architectural 2. Structural 3. Mechanical ... _h_M'''.,~~'''"'''·'·- " .'~'''' 'C"~>~.""-"'""';'~~" "''''> '^, ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 4. Plurnbing 5. Electrical The preparation of the final design plans includes coordination rneetings with City staff. Kimley-Hom wil1 submit final design docurnents to the TRC, Engineering, and Recreation and Parks staff to receive final comrnents from this design submittal and address al1 comments before proceeding with the bid package preparation phase. Anticivated Deliverables (or Task 3 After cornpletion of this Task, Kirnley-Hom wil1 provide three (3) signed and sealed copies of the fol1owing deliverables to the City on 24"x36" paper and one (I) digital copy on CD. I) Final construction plans 2) Final utility and drainage calculations 3) Final Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 4) Final Specifications TASK 4 - INTERACTIVE POOL ALTERNATIVE DESIGN The City has requested that Kimley-Hom include the design of an interactive play pool, play Structure, and companion pool building improvements as an alternate for consideration by the City. Development of this design wil1 include substantial improvements to the pool building that would not be required for the base design_ In addition, rnodifications to the site grading, drainage, utilities, irrigation, and landscaping wiJ] be required. These rnodifications wil1 affect the Opinion of Probable Construction Costs, drainage and utility calculations. Because the base design and alternate design differ substantially, design development for the interactive play pool must proceed independently. Kirnley-Hom proposes to develop this design alternate on separate sheets and include the sheets in the preliminary and final design plans. Note that the fee proposed for this task is inclusive of Bid and Construction Phase Services for this design alternative. This will provide the City the opportunity to approve or eliminate all services related to this alternative without altering any other task in the proposal. TASK 5 - BID PHASE ASSISTANCE After tbe design documents are completed and the construction implementation schedule is identified, Kimley-Hom wil1 proceed into the Bid Phase. During the Bid Phase, Kimley-Hom wiJ] provide the fol1owing services: . Provide infonnation to City staff for inclusion in the bid documents, including a schedule of bid items. . Prepare hard copies of plans and project rnanuals for sale and distribution by Kimley-Hom to proposed bidders and construction reporting/plan review services. Kirnley-Hom wil1 handle reproduction of the plans and project ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. manuals and charge a fee to the services and prospective bidders who wish to obtain a copy. · Prepare and maintain a list of planholders. · Attend pre-bid meeting(s) conducted by City staff and assist City staff in answering questions. · Respond to questions from proposed bidders regarding the bid documents. · Issue bid addenda including modifications to the bid docurnents (if necessary). · Attend the bid opening. · Review bids. · Tabulate bids. · Check contractor references. · Notify the City of any apparent discrepancies or irregularities in the bids. · Make recommendations to the City regarding award of the bid. · Meet with City staff to review our recommendations. Unless directed by the City, Kimley-Hom will not divulge the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost to prospective bidders. Kimley-Hom assumes that the City wí1l provide the following services during the Bid Phase: · Prepare the final fTont-end documents (with input from Kirnley-Hom as required. ) · Advertise the bid. · Schedule and facilitate the pre-bid rneeting(s). · Review the submitted bid packages for completeness and compliance with City requirements. · Respond to inquiries from prospective bidders regarding the Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. · Notify the successful bidder. · Handle the contract negotiations with the successful bidder. If the City is unsuccessful in negotiating a contract with any of the bidders or if the City determines that it is in its best interest to re-bid the job for any reason, Kimley- Horn will prepare a proposal to assist the City in re-bidding the job as an AdditionaJ Service. TASK 6 - CONSTRUCTION PHASE ASSISTANCE Kimley-Hom will provide professionaJ construction phase services for the subject project for the purpose of providing assistance to Client during construction. We anticipate that the proposed improvernents will be completed within 14 months of Contractor's receipt of Notice to Proceed. These services are as follows: Kimley-Hom will attend a Pre-Construction Conference with representatives of the City and the selected Contractor prior to commencement of Work at the Site. ^._ ,,,>,~~_....,,~w'"'' _ "-'""'~'~"'~~""'~"-"-""'"'' ~ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Kimley-Horn will provide on-site construction observation services during the construction phase of the subject project. Observations will vary depending on the type of work being perfonned by the contractors, the location, and the contractors' schedules. Kirnley-Horn will make visits to the Site in order to observe the progress of the Work. The /Tequency of site visits will vary based on the activities of the Contractor. Such visits and observations by Kimley-Horn are not intended to be exhaustive or to extend to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress. Based on infonnation obtained during such visits and such observations, Kimley-Horn will determine if Contractor's work is generally proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, and Kimley-Horn shall keep Client infonned of the general progress of the Work. The purpose of Kimley-Horn's visits to the site will be to enable Kimley-Horn to better carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned in this Agreement to Kirnley- Horn during the construction phase by the City, and, in addition, by the exercise of Kirnley-Horn's efforts, to provide the City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will confonn in general to the Contract Docurnents and that the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Docurnents has been implemented and preserved by Contractor. Kimley-Horn will notifY the City of any observed construction that does not confonn to the Contract Docurnents. Kimley-Horn will conduct and prepare meeting summaries for field progress meetings held at the project site. The frequency of the meetings will vary depending on our observations of Contractor's progress. Kirnley-Horn will recommend to the City that Contractor's work be disapproved and rejected while it is in progress if, on the basis of such observations, Kimley-Horn believes that such work will not produce a completed Project that confonns generally to Contract Documents or that it will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents. Kimley-Horn will issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Docurnents to the City as appropriate to the orderly completion of Contractor's work. The requests for clarifications typically come in the fonn of Requests for Infonnation (RFIs) /Torn the Contractor. Such clarifications and interpretations will be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Field Orders authorizing variations from the requirements of the Contract Documents will be made by the City. Kirnley-Horn will review and make recommendations related to Change Orders submitted or proposed by the Contractor, as required. Kimley-Horn will review and approve or take other appropriate action in respect to Shop Drawings and Samples and other data which Contractor is required to submit for confonnance with the infonnation given in the Contract Documents and cornpatibility with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents. Such review and approvals or other action will not extend ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to rneans, methods, techniques, equipment choice and usage, sequences, schedules, or procedures of construction or to related safety precautions and programs. We intend to define all submittal requirements, and consequences for failing to abide by such requirements, in the Contract Documents. Kimley-Hom will evaluate and determine the acceptability of substitute or "or-equal" mateTials and equipment proposed by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents, but subject to the provisions of applicable standards of state or local govemment entities. Kimley-Hom will require such special inspections or tests of Contractor's work as Kimley-Hom deems appropriate, and receive and review certificates of inspections within Kirnley-Hom's area of responsibility or of tests and approvals required by laws and regulations or the Contract Documents. Kirnley-Hom shall be entitled to rely on the results of such tests and the facts being certified. As necessary, Kimley-Hom wiH render written decision on all clairns of the City and Contractor relating to the acceptability of Contractor's work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the progress of Contractor's work. In rendering such decisions, Kimley-Hom shaH be fair and not show partiality to the City or Contractor and shaH not be liable in connection with any decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. Based on Kimley-Hom's observations and on review of applications for payment and accornpanying supporting docurnentation Kimley-Hom wiH recorrunend the amounts that Contractor be paid. Such recorrunendations of payment will be in writing and will constitute Kirnley-Hom's representation to the City, based on such observations and review, that, to the best of Kimley-Hom's knowledge, information and belief, Contractor's work has progressed to the point indicated, such work-in-progress is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the conditions precedent to Contractor's being entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled insofar as it is Kimley-Hom's responsibility to so determine. In the case of unit price work, Kimley-Hom's recorrunendations of payment will include final determinations of quantities and classifications of Contractor's work, based on observations and measurements of quantities provided with pay requests. By recorrunending any payment, Kimley-Hom shall not thereby be deemed to have represented that observations made by Kimley-Hom to check Contractor's work as it is performed and furnished have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to Kirnley-Hom in this Agreement. Promptly after notice frorn Contractor that Contractor considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, in company with the City and Contractor, Kimley-Hom will conduct a site visit to determine if the Work is substantially cornplete. Work will be considered substantially cornplete following satisfactory completion of all items with the exception of those identified on a final punch list. If after considering any ..~. ".,M""~-.>~__'_·"· ..=---''....,. ·4' ~ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. objections of the City, Kim1ey-Horn considers the Work substantia1ly complete, Kimley-Horn shall notifY the City and Contractor. Kimley-Horn wiII conduct a final site visit to determine if the completed Work of Contractor is genera1ly in accordance with the Contract Docurnents and the final punch list so that Kirnley-Horn may reconunend, in writing, final payment to Contractor. Accompanying the reconunendation for final payment, Kimley-Horn sha1l also provide a notice that the Work is genera1ly in accordance with the Contract Documents to the best of Kimley-Hom's knowledge, information, and belief and based on the extent of the services provided by Kimley-Horn under this Agreernent and based upon information provided to Kirnley-Horn upon which it is entitled to rely. Kimley-Hom sha1l not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any Contractor, or of any of their subcontractors, suppliers, or of any other individual or entity performing or furnishing the Work. Kimley-Horn sha1l not have the authority or responsibility to stop the work of any Contractor. Kimley-Horn wilI, at the City's request, maintain the official project files in our office until the project is accepted by the City as cornplete. At that time, we wiII turn over the project files to the City. The City's standard construction contract language requires the Contractor to maintain a complete set of "as-built" or record data throughout construction in the form of red- lined plans and technical specifications. As a condition ofthe City's final acceptance of the Contractor's Work and final payment to the Contractor, the Contractor wiII be required to submit the completed record documents to Kirnley-Horn. Kimley-Horn wi1l incorporate the record information provided by the Contractor into the project plans and technical specifications to reflect any approved deviations fTom the Contract Documents. We wiII provide this information digita1ly to the City on CDs. Kirnley-Hom wi1l coordinate a warranty inspection with the Contractor and City one year after final acceptance of the Work by the City. We wi1l prepare a written summary of any deficiencies noted at that time to the City. CONTRACT REFERENCE If acceptable to the City, the proposed services can be performed as a Task Order under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated November 18, 2003 between the City of Boynton Beach and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. as adopted by Resolution Nurnber R03-182. At the City's request, Kimley-Horn wi1l enter into a separate Agreement with the City for the proposed services. ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. INFORMATION AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY CITY The following information and services shall be the responsibility of the City: · The City shall review all drawings and other documents presented by Consultant and render decisions pertaining thereto within a mutually agreed- upon time. · The City will designate representative(s) to serve as point(s) of communication with the Consultant. · The City shall provide to the Consultant with available Geotechnical information for use in developing the design of the proposed facilities. · The City will conduct any necessary hazardous material (asbestos) surveys associated with the existing buildings. · The City will acquire all right-of-way, easements and lands needed for the project. · The City will provide access to the site, as needed, for the Consultant's performance of these services. LIST OF SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not included in this Agreement: · Off-site improvements · Linear Park Design (extension of Palrnetto Greens Master plan) · Geotechnical services (to be provided by the Contractor during construction) · Testing services (to be provided by the Contractor during construction) SCHEDULE The anticipated schedule for the Tasks outlined above is based on the implementation schedule presented to the City Commission at the November 17, 2004 meeting. We understand that the schedule may be modified during the project at the request of the City. . TASK DESCRIPTION ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE DURATION TASK I - PRELIMINARY DESIGN Production of Deliverables for Task I........... ................................. .10 weeks City and TRC Review. .................................................................2 weeks TASK 2 _ PERMITTING ASSISTANCE - concurrent with Task 3 TASK 3 - FINAL DESIGN Production of Deliverables for Task 3 .................................................... 14 to 16 weeks City and TRC Review.........................................···.····....··..··.............................2 weeks ~~, '0' ".~'.,_"'~"""."~,_.,._.., . ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. TASK 4 - INTERACTIVE POOL ALTERNATIVE DESIGN _ concurrent with Tasks 2 and 3 TASK 5 - BID PHASE ASSISTANCE Prepare Bid Documents and Advertise........................................ ......2 weeks Receive and Tabulate Bids............................................... ................6 weeks Award of Bid and Negotiations....... ···.··.........................................3 weeks Notice to Proceed................................... .............. ................... ...1 week TASK 6 - CONSTRUCTION PHASE ASSISTANCE Comrnunity Center and Building Improvernents. . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . . .. " . .. . .. ...60 weeks Sitework (concurrent)........................................................... ..24 weeks ADDITIONAL SERVICES We are available to provide, as requested and authorized by you, additional services that require analyses or design beyond those described and included above. Any services not specifically provided for in the above scope, as well as any changes in the scope you request, will be considered additional services and will be performed at our then current hourly rates as we agree prior to their performance. Additional services we can provide include, but are not Iirrrited to, the following: · Additional survey services · Traffic Planning, Signal Design and Analysis · Environrnental Engineering · Design of Off-site improvements · Services in support of re-bidding the job COMPENSATION A summary of proposed lump sum budgets for each of the tasks described above is included in the table below. BUDGET / COMPENSATION TABLE TASKS Task I Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Preliminary Permitting Final Interactive Bid Phase Construction Design Assistance Design Pool Assistance Phase Alternative Assistance Design SUBTOTAL $191,700 $7,100 $179,600 $164,600 $10,000 $131,000 BY TASK TOTAL $684,000 . ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. CLOSURE If you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the services, please have authorized persons execute a Task Order referencing this proposal. Fees and times stated in this Agreement are valid for sixty (60) days after the date of this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact Michael Spruce at (561) 840-0852 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, lNe. ~- By: David R. Bardt Michael D. pruce, P .E. Vice President Project Manager R\044349009\finaldesign scope l_ 26_05.doc ^"~n"'" ,,~.'.' .'-~."'. ,.,,~.~.~ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. CLOSURE If you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the services, please have authorized persons execute a Task Order referencing this proposal. Fees and tirnes stated in this Agreement are valid for sixty (60) days after the date of this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact Michael Spruce at (561) 840-0852 if you have any questions. DATED this (~5 day of FebnxÁ-l^ 1 ,2005. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Kimley-Hom and Associa rn {y¿1.'" ¡f v1 0 ty Manager )(;ftT Senior Vice Presid~lJt ----- Attest! Authenticated: Title m ~ (Corporate Seaiì Approved as to Form: Attest! Authenticated: ~ Office of the City Attorney . MichaeI~ spc~,-=~:tt Secretary H:\044349009\prcposals\Contract\final design scope 1_ 26 ~ 05.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us WWw.boynton-beach.org February 28, 2005 MICHAEL D SPRUCE, PE PROJECT MANAGER KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC 4431 EMBARCADERO DR WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407 Re: Resolution No. ROS-022 - Proposal for Design, Bid, and Construction Phase Services for the Wilson Center, Pool and Park Complex Dear Mr, Spruce Attached for your information and files is a copy of Resolution No, R05-022 that was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting on February 15, 2005. Also attached is a fully executed copy of your proposal. If I can be of any additional service, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH tn. ~, net M. Prainito, CMC City Clerk Attachment Copy to: Wally Majors (w/attachment) S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMISSION\Other Transmittal Letters After CommiSSion\Kimley Horn & Associates _ ROS-022 _ Wilson Pool.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfttream