Minutes 04-21-87MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1987 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT Nick Cassandra, Mayor Ralph Marchese, Vice Mayor Ezell Hester, Commissioner Leonard Mann, Commissioner Dee Zibelli, Commissioner Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk Raymond S. Rea, City Attorney Mayor Cassandra Called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ~he invocation was given by Reverend Douglas Davis, St. John's Missionary Baptist Church, and was followed by the Pledge of ~llegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Ralph Marchese. AGENDA APPROVAL Commissioner Zibelli added "B. Report on Work Day with Codes Enforcement Officer" under "X. New Business." She also wished to make an announcement after the proclamations were read. E £ £ nder "J. Approval of Bills" on the CONSENT AGENDA, City anager Cheney added the payment of a bill to Delray Fire xtinguisher Service, Inc. in the amount of $3,785.70. He lso added "2. Proposed Resolution 87-AA" under "VIII. Legal, · Resolutions." Under "XI. Administrative',, City Manager heney added "E. Policy for Sale of Property on N.E. 13th venue", "F. Project Graduation", and "G. Six Month Budget eview." He then added "B. Purchase of Movable Office nteriors for City Hall and Pineland Plaza" under "V. Bids." ayor Cassandra wished to add "4. Moratorium" and "5. Code ook" under "VIII. Legal, D. Other." He also wished to make statement prior to "X. New Business, A. Appointments to City oards and Committees." Under CONSENT AGENDA, Mayor CaSsandra emoved for discussion "D. Development Plans, items 1 and 2." e also wished to raise a question on "B. Bids, 2. Fencing for emetery" under the CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Cassandra also asked hat "XI. Administrative, F. Project Graduation', be moved to he end of "III. Public Audience", as there was someone from he Kiwanis Club who wished to speak on this matter. ommissioner Zibelli moved to approve the agenda as corrected. he motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. NNOUNCEMENTS ayor Cassandra read the following proclamations: - 1 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 1. Victim Rights Week - April 26 through May 2, 1987 2. Drinking Water Week - May 3 through May 9, 1987 Commissioner Zibelli wished to compliment the Employee News" publication. She also praised Sharon Randolph, and Kevin Haltahan for their the publication. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT "Boynton Dottie Moore, hard work on Water Plant Open House City Manager Cheney advised that, in conjunction with "Drinking Water Week", the Water Plant will have an Open House on May 5, 6 and 7. A tour of the plant will be given. Police Response Time Report C f c 1 t d ity Manager Cheney said that after questions were raised at he last Commission meeting about police response time (with articular reference to the north end), he obtained a report n the day after that meeting on the response times for the ast year. The average response time for an emergency call n the north end was three minutes; for all calls, the verage response time was five minutes. City Manager Cheney aid that information can be provided for any area of the ity. Neighborhood Noise lso at the last Commission meeting, a woman was concerned bout noise in her neighborhood of Miner Road. City Manager heney learned that the mother of the drummer who was the ause of the noise is selling the drums. Recycling Center Temporarily Closing ity Manager Cheney reported the Recycling Center by the Water lant will be temporarily closing services at that location or a few weeks because the water Plant is being remodeled. ecause things always fall off the Plant onto the ground and ecause the insurance company responsible for all the cars oming into the Recycling Center is concerned about insurance iablilty, the center has decided not to remain open during hat time. In the meantime, the Recycling Center in Lake orth is expanding its hours from 2½ hours per day to all ay long. - 2 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Youth in Government Day ity Manager Cheney reminded the Commissioners that Youth in overnment Day will be Thursday, April 23. He urged those Commissioners Who could to be present at 8:00 a.m. to greet the youths. He announced that lunch would be provided at noon, and a ~ock City Commission meeting would be held that evening at 7.30 p.m. The City Manager's report was accepted as presented. Remarks by Mayor Cassandra t t C C r t a C ayor Cassandra said there were several items he would like he City Staff to address through the City Manager. First, ayor Cassandra said he had been concerned with the issue of igns being put up on U.S. ~1 and Boynton Beach Boulevard; hat issue has been addressed through the review of the Sign rdinance. However, Mayor Cassandra said, he now sees a igger problem, which is the development of Boynton Beach oulevard. Mayor Cassandra requested a Staff report on the easibility of a special zoning classification for Boynton each Boulevard. He said the City is spending $6.3 million o beautify the City complex, and he is concerned about what ill be surrounding it on Boynton Beach Boulevard. He said, f the bridge does materialize, this street will be the only ntrance to the City from the turnpike. (The only other ntrance will be on Woolbright Road, once the extension is uilt to Military Trail.) Mayor Cassandra would like to see pecial construction zoning to make Boynton Beach Boulevard n attractive entrance. ayor Cassandra also suggested getting a consultant to dvise on the development of the street. He further thought hat, while the report was being assembled, a six month mora- orium should be declared (which he would address under "Legal, ther"). Mayor Cassandra would also like a Staff review of onditional Use. He thought it should either be removed or ade stricter. Mayor Cassandra said he did not want Boynton each Boulevard to become another fast-food chain strip. He equested that the Staff give a report on Technical Review oard review and Planning and Zoning Board review of any uilding that is renovated, and he hoped that any building eing renovated would have to go to the Community Appearance oard and be landscaped. Mayor Cassandra also mentioned he "use it or lose it" concept and said the Staff should dvise if any developers have not honored their one-year ommitment. - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 CONSENT AGENDA Minutes 1. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of April 7, 1987 ice Mayor Marchese stated that, on page 36 of the minutes, nder Planning and Zoning Board nominations, it should read hat Vice Mayor Marchese, rather than Mayor Cassandra, nomi- ated Robert J. Walshak. He further stated that on page 41, aragraph 2, the temperature should be 1,200°, rather than 20°· Bids - Recommend Approval - Ail Expenditures are Approved in the 1986-87 AdoDted Budget Two (2) Entry Vests - S.W.A.T. - Model-American AK-47 - Police Department amount of $1,320· he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to etro Public Safety Dist., Hialeah Gardens, Florida, in the ($660 each) Fencing for Cemetery - Boynton Beach Memorial Park - Recreation Department he Cemetery Board recommended awarding the bid to Adron ence Company, Okeechobee, Florida in the amount of $1,308.55. · Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 87-Y Re: Final Plat - Wellesley at Boynton Beach, a Replat of Tract "N" of Plat No. 3 - Meadows 300 (West of Congress Avenue - North of Meadows Boulevard) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR WELLESLEY AT BOYNTON BEACH, A EPLAT OF TRACT "N" OF PLAT NO. 3, MEADOWS 300 AS RECORDED N BOOK 48, PAGES 196 THRU 200, IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 OUTH, RANGE 43 EAST" £. Development Plans Consider request submitted by Frederick Vecchione, agent for First Oxford Development Company for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a swimming pool, deck and dock at - 4 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Mariners' Way which is located on Federal Highway at N.E. 12th Avenue, east side By memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato advised that th~ Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. Consider request submitted by Ronald L. Uphoff, agent for Roland Reinhardt, for approval of an amended site plan to allow for a change in building layout and design for the new addition to the Bavarian Haus which is located on the east side of N. Congress Avenue, south of W. Boynton Beach Blvd. y memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato dvised that the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously ecommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. Consider request submitted by Menendez-Ste. Marie Architects and Planners, Inc., agent for Jonathan Chua, M.D., for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a 4,040 square foot ambu- latory surgical suite on Woolbright Road at LWDD E-4 Canal, northwest corner By memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato advised that the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to sta~ff comments. Consider request submitted by Pneumatic Concrete, Inc., c/o Bernard Kelly, agent for Manor Care of Boynton Beach, Inc., for approval of an amended site plan to allow for an 18,750 square foot (60 bed) addition to the existing nursing facility on South Congress Avenue at Charter Drive, northwest corner B memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato ~vised that the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously scommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. Consider request submitted by Karen Bentz, Land Design South, agent for Ryan Homes, Inc., for approval of entrance and recreation area signage at Meadows 300 Tract K - Lakeshore which is located on the west side of North Congress Avenue, south of Hypoluxo Road By memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato advised that'the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously r ~commended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. - 5 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Consider request submitted by Timothy P. Mather, agent for Post Florida (Boynton), Ltd. for approval of entrance signage at Post Landing which is located on the west side of North Congress Avenue, north of N.W. 22nd Avenue 1 h B F G T M G y memo dated April 16, Planning Director Carmen Annunziato dvised that the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously ecommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. Approve Request for Zoning Approval for Alcoholic Beverage License Tip's Restaurant and Lounge 504 N.W. 12th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ert Keehr, Deputy Building Official, in his memo of April 8, 987, said zoning for the above location permits the sale of eer and wine for consumption on the premises in conjunction ith a duly licensed restaurant. Boynton Beverage 2755 South Federal Highway ~oynton Beach, FL 33435 ert Keehr, Deputy Building Official, in his memo of April 15, 987, said zoning at the above address permits the sale of beer nd wine for off premise consumption. Approve Authorization to Dispose of Records 1. Finance Department ~ady Swann, Finance Director requested permission to dispose f records in Memo No. 81, dated April 8, 1987. 2. ~City Clerk's Office he City Clerk requested permission to dispose of records in smo No. 82, dated April 17, 1987. ~Approve Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report T ~e quarterly report showed that 2,453 inquiries had been answered and showed expenditures of $10,614,79 for the second quarter. - 6 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BiOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Hi. LiSt of Payments -Month of March, 1987 Siee list attached· I. Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board action of April 16, 1987 - Change Orders I (~5 and ~6) for the S G. Phillips ContraCt Change Order 95 increased the subject contract by the amount of 76,750, for a current contract price of $9,683,801.60. Change rder ~6 increased the subject contract by the amount of 22,990.65, for a current contract price of $9,706,792.25. Approval of Bills ~e list attached. A bill from Delray Fire Extinguisher Service, nc. in the amount of $3,785.70 was added to the list of bills to be approved. · Vice Mayor Marchese moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items A, 1, as corrected; B, 1, 2; C, 1; D[ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (with items 1 and 2 pulled for discussion), E, 1, 2; F, 1, 2; G; H~ I; and J, with the addition of the above-listed bill · The motion was secOnded by Commissioner Hester and carried 5~0. D. Development Plans Consider request submitted by Peterson and Associates, agents for Lionel Leisure, Inc., for site plan approval to construct a 36,589 square foot children's toy store on a 4.46 acre portion of outparcel No. 2 at the Boynton Beach Mall which is located on the west side of North Congress Avenue, north of Old Boynton Road Assistant City Planner Jim Golden showed photographs of where the proposed toy store would be located and what neighboring b~ildings looked like. Mayor Cassandra stated that the City been very demanding of what was built in the Congress Avenue area, so there would be a very aesthetically pleasing look there. Mayor Cassandra reported that the plans presented to the Planning and Zoning Board did not show very much, and what the plans did show was questionable, in his opinion. M~yor Cassandra asked the City Attorney if the Commissioners were required to approve what the Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) had approved. He further asked if a Public Hearing would have to be held by the Commission, since a Public Hearing was already hgld at the PZB meeting, if the Commission disapproved the plans. Mayor Cassandra knew no Public Hearing was required when the - 7 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Commission approved such plans, but wondered if it would be different if the plans were disapproved. ~ity Attorney Rea advised that the Commission should let the ~pplicants speak, if that were the case, but not the public. ~ity Attorney Rea also answered that the Commission does not necessarily have to approve what the PZB has approved. He ~aid the Commission would have to find criteria within the ordinances dealing with site plan approval by the PZB and ~he CAB that was not considered or was inappropriately con- Sidered. City Attorney Rea explained the criteria of the TRB (technical aspects), the PZB (evaluation of compatibility with surrounding structures), and the CAB (concern for stan- ards of architecture, beauty and other aesthetic considera- tions, as well as for harmony with the uses of surrounding properties). John Roland, Peterson and Associates Architects and Engineers, Suite 1980, Southern National Center, Charlotte, NC 28202, ~dvised that while he did not have color photographs at the PZB meeting, he had them at the CAB meeting. He noted that ~he project received unanimous approval from both the PZB and ~he CAB, having met all of their requirements. Mr. Roland showed a pencil rendering of the building and escribed the materials used for the building. He said the aterials used for this building were the same as those used or the Boynton Beach Mall. Mr. Roland showed a picture of nother building illustrating the true shade of blue of the anopy. n response to Mayor Cassandra's inquiry, Mr. Roland stated hat shopping carts would not be kept outside of the building, s they are at some of the toy stores. Mayor Cassandra said he building seemed to be one solid wall with a canopy, and e did not think it was aesthetically pleasing or blending ith the area. Mr. Roland noted the materials and colors ere the same; Mayor Cassandra replied that he was unhappy ith the appearance of the building. ity Attorney Rea advised that if the Commission disapproved he site, it should be based on the determination that the aterials and color scheme are not aesthetically and archi- ecturally compatible with the area. C the request for site plan approval. ommissioner Hester noted that the project had gone through 11 the processes and been approved, and he wondered what osition it would put the Commission in, if they turned down City Attorney Rea said - 8 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 the other Boards were charged with making evaluations and recommendations to the Commission, but their recommendations and findings were not binding. City Attorney Rea told of a ~imilar situation that occurred five or six years ago; the °urt at that time indicated the Council had the authority o make a decision on their own, based on their own findings. Mayor Cassandra asked the applicant if it would be easier to ~able the request and meet to discuss what might be bothering ~he Commissioners. Mayor Cassandra added that he was also oncerned with the kangaroo that was to be in the sign. Mr. oland said the client would leave the kangaroo off the sign, if asked. Mr. Roland said there was one problem with tabling he issue; the building had already been totally designed, and is client had already paid for it. ommissioner Zibelli noted there was not one objectionable omment made by any of the other Boards or the City Staff. he asked Mayor Cassandra what exactly his objection was, nd he replied that the building was a solid, rectangular lock wall. Mr. Roland said landscaping should also be con- idered as far as the appearance of the building; a planted ~rm would be screening the building on the side adjacent to he entrance of the Mall. 9mmissioner Hester moved to approve the request for site lan approval for the Lionel Leisure children's toy store, ased on all of the comments made and the approval from the arious Boards. The motion was seconded by Commissioner ibelli. Commissioner Hester said, although there were hings he did not approve of, the project had gone through he basic processes; therefore, he did not see how he could ote against it. Commissioner Zibelli felt since the project ad gone through all the review Boards with unanimous approval, hey knew what they were doing. Vice Mayor Marchese did not ee how any Board could make a determination without a true onception of what the building would look like, but he said e would reluctantly go along with the approval. He stressed he fact that developers should present a clear, concise, onest conception of the building. Mayor Cassandra remarked hat the Boards have rules to follow in review, but the final ecision of what the City will look like is up to the City ommission. A vote was then taken, and the motion carried 4-1. ayor Cassandra cast the opposing vote. o Consider request submitted by Edward Duggan, agent for Oakwood Square Associates, Limited for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a 4,976 square foot restaurant to be located at the - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 northernmost leased outparcel, plus minor changes to the layout and design of the Centrust Bank outparcel which is located on North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southeast corner E~ward Duggan, agent for Oakwood Square Associates, Limited, 6350 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309, advised that the restaurant had agreed to change the color of the roof to conform to the colors ~f the shopping center. Commissioner Zibelli moved to approve the amended site plan to allow for the addition of the restaurant. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE M~yor Cassandra announced that anyone wishing to speak on an i~em not on the agenda could do so now. He preferred that those wishing to speak fill out one of the forms in the back o~ the room; however, anyone not filling out a form would skill be allowed to speak after those who filled out forms spoke. Anyone who wished to speak on an item on the agenda s~ould fill out a form and wait to be called when that item c&me up. He emphasized that no one could speak during first eadlng of an Ordinance but must walt until it comes before the Commission for second reading. Newspaper Vending Machines B h~ n O' O~ h m, f r, g, Db Olenik, Jr., 8 Southern Cross Circle 9101, reported that ~ had received several calls from concerned citizens who had )ticed the recent placement of newspaper vending machines atside of their apartments and on rights-of-ways of City- ~ned and County-owned streets. Mr. Olenik said the City as no ordinance regulating the placement of these vending ~chines. He said while there is the first amendment right )r freedom of the press, the City should still be able to ~gulate and know how and where these vending machines are )ing. M Bm ~. Olenik stated that, as a member of the Community Appearance )ard, he has the charge to make sure developments and streets :e aesthetically pleasing. In addition to the boxes detracting :om the aesthetics of the City, Mr. Olenik said there were :her issues to be addressed. First, there is the potential [ability of having one of these vending machines on City- qned property. Secondly, the vending machines seem to be a )rm of advertising, which might be a violation of the Sign Oi:dinance. Thirdly, all other businesses in the City that s,~ll products and services have to file an Occupational License. - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Mr. Olenik wondered if the newspaper companies could be required to pay the Occupational fees. In regard to Occupational Licenses, it was reported that there is a section in the Code which covers newspaper vending machines. In the past it had been discussed whether to collect the fees, and the City, at that time, decided to collect at a later date. City Manager Cheney stated this has been an ongoing issue in which most of the problems have been solved by conversation and c~pital persuasion. He noted that a case relative to this issue is now pending before the Supreme Court. City Manager Cheney said the City has had limited complaints until the last few weeks, when there have been massive com- plaints. City Manager Cheney said several of the newspaper companies have been requested to move their vending machines; the Palm Beach Post and the Miami Herald have agreed to move their machines. Vice Mayor Marchese stated that one thing to be considered iS the fact that when people drive up to the boxes at the sides of roads, the sod is ruined and the irrigation system is broken up. He felt what was needed was an ordinance and the cooperation of the press. City Manager Cheney said the argument that the boxes are ruining the swales has been very h~lpful in persuading the newspaper companies to cooperate. M~yor Cassandra added that~the liability question mu~t also be addressed. He stated that a report should be forthcoming o the Commission regarding lIability, legality and the enforceability of such an ordinance. J~dith Persin, 18 Las Islas, stated that she is a resident of Dos Lagos Ms. Persin said she is a journalism graduate and ~s very sympathetic to the press, but she is embarrassed by these marketing tactics. She said the latest vending ~chine is tied to a stop sign in front of the Meadows. Ms. ~rsin pointed out that there is adequate delivery of The Post ~roughout Boynton Beach, and there are an adequate number of ~nding machines at commercial establishments; she did not see ~e need to place the machines in front of residential areas. ~. Persin said she could also see having them at condominiums' ~creational buildings, for convenience, if requested. Practicing Golf at Jaycee Park W~lliam Queenan, 12 Colonial Club Drive, said he had a petition w~th apprOximately 350 signatures in favor of allowing golf p~actice to be resumed at Jaycee Park. He said it had been a~i°wed for 15 years until one man protested. - 11 - MINUTES -REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 City Manager Cheney reminded the Commissioners that this sub- ect had been discussed recently by the Recreation and Parks ~oard, and their concluSion was to recommend elimination of , f g01 practice at the Park. The Commission had then concurred wiith the Board's reCommendation. '.harles Frederick, Recreation and Parks Director, said there ad been a concern of the liability of the City if someone ,as injured or if property was damaged. Mr. Frederick noted ~he Board had discussed just restricting the type of practice, .ut the Board felt the only way to prevent any accidents was eliminating all golf practice. Mr. Frederick said there as never been a reported accident to his knowledge, but an ~ ,~cident could happen. M~yor Cassandra asked if a representative could address the ~ecreatiOn and Parks Board at their next meeting, since these Jeople did not have the oppOrtunity to speak before Mr. ~ederlck said they c?uld come to the next Board meeting on 5[Onday, APril 27 at 7.30 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board Action avid L. Diesselhorst, 10811 Cedar Avenue, Fairfax, Virginia (local address: 715 W. Boynton Beach Blvd.), Project Manager cf the design team for Dr. M. N. Jacobs' medical office, said £,r. Jacobs wishes to build a dental office with additional profeSsional office space on the property. ~r. Diesselhorst said he and Dr. Jacobs were outraged at the actions taken by the Planning and Zoning Board on April 14, 1987, to table the project for not having an artist ren- dition of the project. He said the design team has worked ¢~er the past months with great faith in the City Planning ~taff, the TRB and the CAB to get the project approved. Mr. £iesselhorst stated that the requirement to have an artist ~sndition is not in the City ordinances, City amendments or information sheets on submittal data, and he added that the ~ZB exceeded its authority by requiring this material. Mr. £iesselhorst noted that the CAB has legal authority and ~esponsibility for the building and its appearance, but does not require elevations; he noted that the CAB had unanimously aPproved the project. ~r. Diesselhorst said the project engineer, Glen Martin, had remarked at the PZB meeting that they do not have such require- ~ents and asked the Board to reconsider the motion. Someone cn the Board stated (on public record, i~but not in the minutes) that "what is good for the goose, is gOod for the gander," - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 referring to previous projects that had been tabled for the same reasons. Mr. Diesselhorst stated that (on page 20 of the PZB minutes) the Board discussed whether the PZB asking for the detailed artist renderings and elevations would be a conflict of responsibilites between the PZB and the CAB, and the City Manager asked to table the motion concerning these r~quirements until he could confer with the City Attorney. Mw. Diesselhorst said this shows the Board knew they were w~ong in making such a statement. Mr. Diesselhorst advised that he tried to contact the City Attorney, who was also sent a letter from Dr. Jacobs' attorney stating there were possible legal action ramifications caused b~ the Board's failure to act on their request. He said the Board's action would cause delays in construction time and higher construction costs, lost rental income, and an inability t~ finalize their mortgage commitment which would cause higher interest rates. Mr. Diesselhorst asked that the Commission r~primand the Board for their action, require them to apologize t9 the owners and the design team, Or lose their Board positions, add overrule the PZB by acting on their project that e~ening. H~ believed the projec% should be approved, based on the TRB r~commendation to the PZB that the project be approved, subject t6 staff comments. C P P c t a' a t a ~mmissioner Zibelli asked, since it was just discussed at the ZB meeting to require new renderings, if that should include ~ojects already in progress. City Attorney Rea said applicants Dming before the various review boards take the position that hey must meet the minimum requirements to get the project pproved. Unfortunately, in this type of situation, there is advisory board that has to evaluate an entire project. Even hough there are many specific criteria that have to be evalu- Led, there are also broad, all-encompassing criteria that must b9 adhered to. City Attorney Rea noted that many of the appli- cants fail to reali~e that part of the presentation is graphical in nature. He thought the Ordinance gave the Board the authority tp take those types of requirements and, at a minimum, require that the Board members be able to visualize the plans. Mr. Diesselhorst said the point he was trying to make was that if the Board hands out an application with two legal sheets of iuformation required for submission and the applicant submits ail of those items, then that is what the Board should be con- c~rned with; any additional information could be covered by a third sheet listing optional or highly recommended documents. M~. Diesselhorst repeated that the Board itself had brought up the subject of modifying.the. Ordinance to include these require- ments after tabling the projects. He stated that professionals - 13 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 such as himself have to live or die by the Code; this was not in the Code. City Attorney Rea commented that the applicant has a choice to either follow administrative roads or to pursue legal avenues. City Attorney Rea said the Code is clear that the applicant has the burden of persuasion to show the Board that their project satisfies and is compatible with the Code. Mr. Diesselhorst r m h t t o splied that he understood that process, but he felt the project the legal requirements of the Code for submitting data, and did not feel the Board should table it on something other ban required submission data. He added that he was prepared submit colored renderings, but was also prepared to object legal grounds after the fact. Vice Mayor Marchese said he was present at the PZB meeting, and he did not think the Board members should be disciplined. H~ said the Board is charged with the responsibility of keeping the city looking attractive. The Vice Mayor also felt that Mr. D~esselhorst could have had a colored rendering to ~present to the C~mmission, rather than putting the burden of the delay on the COmmission. Vice Mayor Marchese did not like Mr. Diesselhorst's s~ggestion that the Board be disciplined for inefficiency. Mr. D~esselhorst replied that he was not suggesting that they were inefficient, but just that they were exceeding their legal authority. He added that he would withdraw his request for disciplinary action, but he still believed that they exceeded their legal authority. Mgyor Cassandra was not sure the Commission could evaluate the project without any data before them. He was concerned with the delay being caused, but he also was in support of t~e Board. Mayor Cassandra asked Mr. Annunziato if it were pQssible to call a special PZB meeting to evaluate this and the other two projects. Mr. Annunziato said it would be up t~ the Board Chairman to call a meeting. Mayor Cassandra d~rected Mr. Annunziato to contact the PZB Chairman and find out if it was possible to call a special meeting before the n~xt City Commission meeting. He emphasized that he could not promise a special meeting, but he would direct the Planning Director to pursue it. M~. Annunziato felt that all three projects would be approved when there was a more thorough presentation. As he expressed at the PZB meeting, the interim time does not have to be c6nsidered wasted time for the applicants; it can be used for bringing their construction plans into compliance with all the technical requirements. - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987~ Commissioner Hester said he was also at the PZB meeting. He expressed concern over the definition of "site plan." He hoped that, since the PZB now wants colored drawings, the requirement will be added, either administratively or in an ordinance, so that the developer will know what is required. ~ommissioner Hester noted that the project came before the :oard with everything that had been requested of them. iommissioner Zibelli suggested that they put on the applica- tion that colored renderings are required. Mr. Annunziato agreed that this could be done administratively. Mr. Diesselhorst remarked that there would have to be a modi- ication to the ordinances, and this would create a conflict ,etween the PZB and the CAB. City Manager Cheney replied that .he City Attorney would rule on whether the ordinances should .e modified and whether a conflict would be created. [ayor Cassandra directed Mr. Diesselhorst to contact Mr. ~nnunziato to find out what could be done, as far as a special n~eting. Boat Ramp Park Lawrence Bartley, 3415 S. Lake Drive, said the City created beautiful park, but also created a lot of problems. He aid, as there is insufficient parking, cars and trailers are parked in the streets. Mr. Bartley said this also causes a lot of fighting. R r. Bartley asked if there was any way the parking could be egulated like beach parking is. City Manager Cheney noted n attendant is located at the park and said he has not had ny reports of fighting. City Manager Cheney did not think harging a fee would control parking or prevent fighting. n response to Mayor Cassandra's inquiry, City Manager heney replied that the park has never been closed when full. r. Bartley clarified that there have not been any physical ights yet, just verbal fighting with tempers flaring, but e was afraid it could lead to actual fighting. In response o City Manager Cheney's inquiry, Mr. Bartley said the police ad been called in connection with some of the fighting. Parking Lot Lighting and Crime at Sandalwood DeveloDment ichard Anderson, 413 Liveoak Lane, Sandalwood Development, ished to bring to the Commission's attention the concerns f the residents of Sandalwood. He reported that in the svelopment and adjacent areas there have been in the last two months two rapes, one attempted rape, two home invasions, - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 many cars stolen or broken into, and women being followed into the development by other cars. Mr. Anderson said such crimes a~e not unique to any one development; however, Sandalwood does not have any lighting at night, which is one cause of its problems. M~. Anderson said he checked several records and found that tee plans submitted by Burg and DiVosta never had any such ~g~ht~ng on them. However, those' concerns were raised in b e ts made by the Police Department, the City Engineer and the Chief Plans Review Inspector prior to PZB approval. R~gardless of those comments, the plans were approved as is. Mr. Anderson reported that many residents of the neighborhood are living in fear and are purchasing handguns for the sole purpose of going to their cars or mailboxes. He added that ambulances would never be able to find the home they are called to, because house numbers cannot be seen at night. Mr. Anderson informed the Commission that Assistant City Manager George Hunt and an Engineering Inspector are working on a solution to this problem. At this time, they are nego- tiating with Burg and DiVosta. Burg and DiVosta are saying they have an approved set of plans that they are working from. Mr. Anderson said that, when you negotiate, what you get is not necessarily what you need. Mr. Anderson had read the Building Code, and he noticed that there was a special requirement for street lighting and park- ing lot lighting. These requirements were either not brought u~ or were ignored. Mr. Anderson said he had learned that t~e approval ultimately rests with the City Commission. Mr. Agderson requested that the Commission support the City E~gineer and his efforts and that they also look into this s~tuation. He commented that the Commission does a great job looking at the appearance of developments in the community, a]~d he asked that they also consider the safety of the resi- d~nts in these communities. Mr. Anderson concluded by saying t]~e conditions in which people must live should be considered, a:~ well as the conditions of the buildings they live in, when- e,~er a development is approved. He added that responsibility f~)r this situation must be shared between Burg and DiVosta, w]lo developed the community, and the City, for not having e]lough foresight to anticipate this problem and not doing a]lything about it when it was recommended by City staff. CSty Manager Cheney stated that he would give the Commission a report at the next meeting when he had more . details Mayor Cassandra said site plans are approved subject to all staff - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 comments, and if the staff comments are not followed, the developer should not be able to get building occupancy. He said that, based upon City Manager Cheney's research, an answer to why this did not happen could be found. Project Graduation [enneth R. Forbes, 135 S.E. 26th Avenue, said he was repre- senting the Boynton Beach Kiwanis Club and the parents of a iroup of seniors at Atlantic High School who are promoting iProject Graduation." Mr. Forbes said the seniors will raduate on June 6; that night they will be taking a night ruise and will return home the next morning. The graduation party will be alcohol- and chemical-free. Mr. Forbes stated hat all of the civic organizations and clubs, the Chambers f Commerce, and the two City Commissions are being asked or contributions to this project that has a budget of over $15,000. Mayor Cassandra reminded the Commissioners that they had given money to Santaluces High School for a similar project Bast year. In response to Commissioner Zibelli's inquiry, Mr. Forbes reported that the students are raising money by elling candy bars (which will raise approximately $5,000), nd they also will buy tickets to the event (which will raise about $4,500). The students are also raising money by having ummage sales and car washes. The parents are also working o raise money. Mr. Forbes also stressed that they wanted o choose a location for the party that would be safe and ecure. iayor Cassandra reported that Santaluces High School had 'ritten a letter requesting a donation to their alcohol-free raduation party also. Commissioner Zibelli moved to pprove a $500 donation to Santaluces High School and a $500 onation to Atlantic High School through the Kiwanis Club for heir alcohol-free, chemical-free graduation parties. The otion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. Turn Signal at 10th Avenue and Federal Highway everend Douglas Davis, 301 N.E. 13th Avenue, asked when the urn signal on 10th Avenue and Federal Highway would be epaired. He said the turn signal had not been working for n entire year. City Manager Cheney believed that the County nd DOT had decided to turn that left signal off. He said he would ask them to study that intersection again. Reverend Eavis reported that accidents occur there almost every day. - 17 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Other Comments Ben Uleck, 1507 S.W. 17th Avenue, responded to earlier com- ments by the Mayor, who had told Mr. Uleck his remarks were Out of order. Mr. Uleck said he did not feel he was out of Qrder; he just wanted to see the renderings of what the Commission was discussing. THE COMMISSION TOOK A BREAK AT 9:10 P.M. ~t 9:20 P.M. The meeting resumed BIDS Restaurant Concession at Boynton Beach Municipal Golf Course ity Manager Cheney said the restaurant concession had gone . ut to bid. Two bids were received, and City Manager Cheney ecommended that the contract be granted to Luz Morse, the urrent concessionaire. He said the difference in the two ids was minimal enough that he felt the concessionaire who ad started out with the Golf Course should be given another pportunity. ity Manager Cheney said there are additional conditions in he new contract; if these conditions are not met, it wil-1 e recommended that the lease be terminated. In response to .ayor Cassandra's inquiry, City Manager Cheney answered that he contract was for two years rather than one because they hought a two-year contract would attract more bidders. ice Mayor Marchese moved to approve the restaurant concession t the Municipal Golf Course. Commissioner Hester seconded he motion, and the motion carried 5-0. · Movable Office Interiors for City Hall and Pineland Plaza ity Manager Cheney reported that the City's architects have ecommended that the movable office interiors be purchased rom Steelcase. He said a representative of Westinghouse urniture was present who would like to question the selection rocess. Since the Commission members had just received the opy of the recommendation at the meeting and had not had a hance to read it, City Manager Cheney recommended allowing the representative to speak tonight, but having the Commission make a decision at the next meeting after they have been able to review the recommendation and the challenge. - 18 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Deborah Smith, 1891 S.W. 81 Avenue, representing Westinghouse Furniture Systems, said the company is concerned with the pro- curement procedures for furnishing the new municipal center.  ayor Cassandra advised that the normal procedure is for the o~plainant to talk to the City Manager; the City Manager ould then make a recommendation to the City Commission at he next meeting, and the complainant would then be allowed to speak if the recommendation was against them. ~ity Manager Cheney informed Commissioner Zibelli that the interior furnishings were being purchased for City Hall, but would be made adaptable for Pineland Plaza. ~UBLIC HEARING None. M P M .EVELOPMENT PLANS Consider request submitted by Doug Long, owner of the Mega-Mini Self Storage, for approval to amend the site plan to allow for the addition of two new storage buildings consisting of 18,053 square feet of floor space located east of South Congress Avenue between the LWDD L-28 canal and S.W. 30th Avenue - TABLED avid Zelk, of Zelk and McMahon Architects, was representing oug Long. Mr. Zelk reminded the Commission that he had made presentation at a previous meeting. Because the Mayor had concern about landscaping on the north side of the property nd Mr. Zelk was unable to answer his questions at that time, he request was tabled. r. Zelk said in the interim time he had met with the staff nd had surveyed the existing landscaping. There is one ead tree on the north side and one tree missing. The trees re spaced at 35' on center, and the City Forester advised hat it would not be healthy to have the trees any closer. r. Zelk showed a sketch of a~ditional landscaping that would rovide hedge material between the trees. He believed these dditions would answer Mayor Cassandra's request for softening he wall space between the trees. The dead tree and the issing tree will be replaced, and the other trees have been rimmed. In addition, on the south side (which was not iscussed by the Commission) two dead trees will be replaced. r. Annunziato advised that one other item to be addressed ~s signage. Mr. Annunziato said there are several unlawful - 19 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 s~gns on the Mega-Mini property, including two free-standing signs at S.W. 30th Avenue and Congress Avenue (which were p~rmitted on the basis of being on site), a wall sign on the west (which Mr. Annunziato thought should be allowed, since M~ga-Mini has no real street frontage), and two signs on the sQ~th side (which Mr. Annunziato could find no justification for). Mayor Cassandra asked if the signs were included in this approval, and Mr. Annunziato replied that site plan approval is all-encompassing. Mr. Annunziato said the site should be b~ought into conformance wherever there are obvious problems. City Manager Cheney added that, if the site plan is approved, s~meone could interpret that to mean the currently illegal signs are also being approved. Mr. Annunziato recommended approving the site plan, subject to bringing the site into c°nformit~.~ with the regulations for landscaping and signage. A~torney Bruce Gorland wished to make certain observations cgncerning signage. In answer to Mayor Cassandra's inquiry a~ the last meeting, he said there is no signage on the north s~de. Attorney Gorland said there are two sides to the other c~ses of signage. He explained that in 1979 there was signage i ' pa nted on the building; in 1986 the owner painted the building and painted over the sign, and he wanted to repaint the signs o~ the building but was told he could not do that. The owner m~t with the City staff, and certain permits were issued to a%low signage. A p~ L, ti ti t! p, ti a( s~ a~ ~ the same time, the question of whether or not the free- ~anding signs were on site came up. Initially, when that [gn permit was applied for, it was denied; after that time, ~uth Tech put up their sign right in front of Mega-Mini's ~oject. City Manager Cheney had then suggested that Mr. )ng make another application, and a permit was approved. ~at sign has been up for over a year. As to whether the [gn was off site, Attorney Gorland said he would question ~e City Planner's interpretation of that. He explained ~at a letter identifying the owner of the property where le sign is located was in error, and he explained. ~torney Gorland said the bottom line is that there is some ~estion as to whether the signs are illegal. He noted that ~rmits were applied for; it was not as if they had put up ~e signs without applying for permits. Attorney Gorland ~ded that at the last meeting, the only.two comments were ~garding landscaping and signage on the north side. He ~id they would stipulate that site plan approval for the ~ditional buildings would be a non-issue as far as the signs - 20 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 are concerned; if the signs are a problem, they would also address that problem. City Manager Cheney commented that he had a question about the free-standing sign, which he felt was permitted under a letter which had some implied errors in it. As far as he knew, no site plan had been granted with that sign on it, and the other piece of land is not included in this site plan and has different ownership. If the plan was approved n~w, it would be hard to get the sign down, because it would have to go through the Codes Enforcement Board, which could take months. M~yor Cassandra asked if Attorney Gorland said he would be willing to stipulate that the approval of this building would not give approval for the signs that are up; Attorney Gorland concurred. Mayor Cassandra asked City Attorney Rea if the Commission could approve the request and still address the City Manager's concern. City Attorney Rea answered that there were two options: resolving the issue now or resolving the issue through the Codes Enforcement Board. City Attorney R~a said the site plan could be approved, subject to the signage being in compliance with the Sign Code. City Manager Cheney repeated his feeling that the signs should be required to come d6~n before approval of the request. Attorney Gorland said they complied with all the requirements of the City for site plan 9~proval, and he did not think it was fair to use the signage issue to hold up site plan approval. Mgyor Cassandra asked City Attorney Rea if the Commission could make a motion such as the City Manager desired. City A~torney Rea thought he could give a better answer if he knew more about how the signage was approved in the first place. THERE WAS A FIVE MINUTE BREAK FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY MANAGER TO CONFER ON HOW THE SIGNS WERE ALLOWED. The meeting resumed at 9:55 P.M. C~ty Attorney Rea suggested approving the site plan, subject t~ the signage coming into compliance or being in compliance w~th the Sig~ Code. He said this could be opened up to interpretation at a later date. CQmmissioner Zibelli moved to approve the amended site plan of Mega-Mini Self S~orage to 911ow for two new storage buildings, subject to the slgnage coming into compliance with the Sign Code. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hester and carried 5-0. - 21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Consider Request for Annexation and Forwarding to Planning and Zoning Board for Public Hearings Citrus Glen located at the southeast corner of Lawrence Road and Miner Road extended Lawrence Groves located at the southeast corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-19 canal City Manager Cheney said these requests must be accepted and fprwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board. They would come back to the Commission later for the approval process. Commissioner Hester moved to accept and refer the requests fbr annexation by Citrus Glen and Lawrence Groves to the P~anning and Zoning Board. Vice Mayor Marchese seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Commissioner Zibelli was concerned with how the land would b~ developed. City Manager Cheney replied that annexation would give the City control over how it is developed. ~LEGA~ A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 86-48 Re: Rezoning - PCD Center (Postponed to April 21, 1987) City Attorney Rea wished to continue this Ordinance until the next City Commission meeting on May 5, 1987. Proposed Ordinance No. 87-9 Re: Guidelines for Renting Apartments in the City of Boynton Beach CSty Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 87-9 on second and final reading by title only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 13-3, 13-5, 13-16 AND 13-22 (~92); PROVIDING FOR PROOF OF RECEIPT OF A RENTAL GUIDELINE FQR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS FOR NEW AND RENEWAL LICENSES; PROVIDING NEW LICENSE SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION PROCEDURES; PROVIDING A NEW LICENSE TAX SCHEDULE FOR RENTALS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" Mayor Cassandra asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the proposed ordinance. - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Michele Costantino, 155 Flamingo Drive, said she understood he Commission was taking a tour of the City on May 2. She sked, if any of the Commissioners had a problem with this crdinance, that they table it until after they have toured the neighborhoods, so they might see what the problem is kefore voting. £arbara Kruger, 2563 S.W. 10th Court, thought the rental enforcement was only needed for the north end of the City. Becently, however, someone moved next door to her, and every night there are four or five cars parked there. She said she hopes the Commission will approve the rental agreement that ~lll help her in the south end, as well. Julie Szyinkowski, 655 Las Palmas Park, wrote a letter to the City Commission expressing her support of the rental law. Commissioner Zibelli read her letter, which also expressed Ns. Szyinkowski's support of a reduced fee for the owners of several rental properties. Gary Lehnertz, 619 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Lake Boynton Estates, said he and a number of his neighbors feel this would be a very good action to take. Mr. Lehnertz said that, although Lake Boynton Estates is primarily single-family homes, some homes are being rented there. There have only been minor problems there so far, but Mr. Lehnertz felt they could escalate. Mr. Lehnertz had also seen the north end, and he fslt the ordinance would not only benefit that area of the City, but areas like his where the potential problem exists. Mayor Cassandra asked if anyone wished to speak against the proposed ordinance. O~en Anderson, 2181 S.W. 15th Avenue, said he was speaking as a citizen, rather than for the Chamber of Commerce. He f~lt that the problem the Commission was attempting to correct w~s limited to certain areas. Under the proposed structure, there would be a substantial increase in motel charges per unit, without any increase in proposed services or benefits. There would also be a large increase in rental fees for single f~mily residences. Mr. Anderson said the ordinance does not t~ke into consideration condominium associations, which already have such charges. The ordinance would really be a dlplication of these efforts that have been in existence for s~me time. Mr. Anderson added that, with increased Codes Enforcement action and Police action, the same thing could b,~ accomplished. Mr. Anderson said these agencies would end u'? enforcing the ordinance anyway. For these reasons, Mr. Apderson requested that the Commission delay the vote until t~e ordinance could be studied further and changes could be made. - 23 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Marty Trauger, 702 S.W. 28th Avenue, explained that he was not in total opposition to the proposed ordinance; he felt it had many good points of merit. However, he was requesting that the Commission delay or postpone the adoption of this o~dinance. Over the last two weeks, Mr. Trauger has talked with many real estate agents and rental property owners, and he found there is very little known abou~ what is going on. M~. Trauger said he did not totally understand the fees and procedures. He added that he owns rental property in the ~rth end and is concerned about clean-up of that area also. Me. Trauger thought the Commission's efforts were commendable, but believed the~ were going about it the wrong way. He added hat he was not criticizing, but merely offering some points Dr further consideration. Mr. Trauger said the rental fee should not just be imposed in cases of absentee ownership, but where the owner lives on the rental property premises, as well. He further suggested streamlining the Codes Enforcement duties tD take care of this problem. Mr. Trauger repeated his request t~at the adoption be postponed until more publicity is given to the people concerned. C~mmissioner Zibelli responded that the proposed ordinance had not been publicized as well as it should have, but neither had many people called her to inquire about it. She said she h~s discussed with the City Attorney the problem of places like L~isureville and Colonial Club. Commissioner Zibelli felt that Since they have strong homeowners associations, these develop- ' City Attorney Rea said there is a problem because the l~censing fee structure is based upon the taxin authorit o~ the municipality. If a fee is ~mposed, it m~st be imposed uliformly, and cannot be eliminated for any group. However, l'~ can be stated that any condominium association rules are n,)t pre-empted by the statutes, and their rules will still g~ C~ e] a] si h~ )vern them in spite of the application of this ordinance. [ty Attorney Rea said the law would require these people to ~gister and still pay the fee, although the fee amount could altered. mmissioner Heater was concerned with how this law would be ~forced. Commissioner Zibelli responded that when a complaint ~s received, the records would be inspected to find out if it ~s a rental unit. If it was, the landlord would be contacted, ~d he would have to do something about it. The rental laws ~ould cause the landlord to become more particular about who rents to. - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Vice Mayor Marchese stated that he is not opposed to the ordinance, but he also sees enforcement problems. He was concerned that developments with associations and boards should be given consideration. Vice Mayor Marchese favored tabling the decision until it could be reviewed further. ~ayor Cassandra suggested closing the public hearing portion and continuing the proposed ordinance until the next meeting. City Attorney Rea advised that there might need to be the ~irst reading of a new ordinance, if there were substantial amendments to be made to the existing proposed ordinance. Mayor Cassandra asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of or against the proposed ordinance. oseph Molina, 811 S.W. 6th Avenue, believed that the intent f the ordinance was to clean up certain areas, but what is developing is an agency to collect fees and enforce the law. Mr. Molina said the person that will be hit the hardest will ,e the tenant, because all of the fees will be passed on by .he landlord to the tenant. He said it was doubtful any lean-up would occur, unless there is some social education o the people renting these properties. He further said the andlord could not be expected to oversee the tenant every .ay. Mr. Molina did not think that passing this ordinance nd having a 'tax on any dwelling to be rented would solve the problem. He also believed more money would have to come cut of the City's budget to enact this law. fommissioner Zibelli responded that the rental fee would be $24 per year, or $2 per month. She repeated that the purpose cf the law is to get the landlords to rent to reliable tenants. Commissioner Zibelli remarked that the ordinance must be city- wide, or it would be discriminatory. ~s no one else wished to speak, THE PUBLIC AUDIENCE WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Zibelli moved that proposed Ordinance 87-9 be CONTINUED until the City Commission meeting of May 5, 1987. The motion, seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese, carried 5-0. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading None. C. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 87-Z Re: Urging County Commission to facilitate installation of an expanded traffic signal capability at the corner of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue - 25 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 City Attorney Rea read proposed Resolution No. 87-Z by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH URGING THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF AN EXPANDED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CAPABILITY AT THE CORNER OF NW 22ND AVENUE AND CONGRESS AVENUE" Commissioner Hester moved to approve proposed Resolution 87-Z. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Zibelli, carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 87-AA Re: Urging Postal Service to include areas south of Hypoluxo Road in the Boynton Beach Zip Codes  ity Attorney Rea read proposed Resolution No. 87-AA by title nly: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING POSTAL SERVICE TO INCLUDE AREAS SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD IN THE BOYNTON BEACH POSTAL ZIP CODES" t i L of the local concern.. carried 5-0. ~ice Mayor Marchese moved to approve proposed Resolution 87-AA. he motion was seconded by Commissioner Zibelli. City Manager heney said, for the record, the City has talked to the Postal ervice for two years trying to get this change. Letters and )mplaints have been received from many people, especially ~ose who moved in on Congress Avenue, north of Miner Road. ]e Postal Service has consistently maintained that they annot change zip codes all the time; however, they have just ompleted a major zip code change, but they continue to ignore he fact that Hypoluxo is in the City limits. People who live n Boynton Beach are receiving their mail from Lake Worth and antana. City Manager Cheney said this shows a total ignoring A vote was then taken, and the motion D. Other Approve Lease Agreement between City and Mr. Joe Willison, Concessionaire - Boynton Beach Municipal Boat Club Park City Manager Cheney advised this is the first time there has b~en a lease for this, because it is the first time the City has had this building. City Manager Cheney recommended approval of the lease. Vice Mayor Marchese moved to approve the lease agreement. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Zibelli and carried 5-0. - 26 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Consider Policy Relative to Settlement of Insurance Claims City Manager Cheney explained that, for years, the City has had insurance on liability issues with no deductible. There- fore, all the claims went to the insurance company, and the insurance company took care of them. Now, the City has a $5,000 deductible. City Manager Cheney feels that some claimants and lawyers may attempt to make a settlement for a minor thing, saying it is cheaper to settle than to go to cQurt. If that is allowed to happen, City Manager Cheney said the City will get "eaten up". City Manager Cheney believed that the Commission should take the stand that the City will not settle, if the proposed settlement is outlandish. The City should let it be known that it will pay the lawyers' fees and Court costs, rather than settle with the "ambulance chasers". City Manager Cheney said he was asking the Commission to agree or disagree with that philosophy and give the City staff some leeway with it. Mayor Cassandra asked how much leeway he was talking a0out; he felt the Commission should still be aware of what t3e City staff was going to do. City Manager Cheney said t3ere are many cases where the City is in the wrong and a;rees to pay, but there are many minor injuries that do not ]~stify the payment. The Commission was in agreement with City Manager Cheney's philosophy. Approve Lease Agreement with Pineland Plaza for Temporary City Hall City Manager Cheney said he was satisfied with the agreement. A~sistant City Manager George Hunt stated, for the record, that the.monthly rent payment was being changed from what is written in the legal document, $6,925.83 per month, to the sum of $6,700 per month. Commissioner Hester moved to approve the lease agreement with P~neland Plaza, with the corrections as stated by Mr. Hunt. The motion, seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese, carried 5-0. 5. Code Book Mgyor Cassandra reported that the Code book requires revisions. He said that a supermajority vote was requested for any i . Comprehensive Plan amendment, which the City.Attorney advised i , would~ require a Charter change, and that would require a refer- endum. Mayor Cassandra added that nothing could be done until - 27 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 election time. The election laws change also involves a refer- endum, which will be done as election time approaches. Mayor Qassandra recommended that the Commissioners add any thoughts to what they believed should be in the election change, so that the ~ity Attorney would have sufficient time to rewrite the laws. ~ayor Cassandra hoped the Commission would soon appoint a committee (three citizens or the City Attorney, the Mayor or a Commissioner, and a citizen) to review the Code and Charter changes; that committee would bring back their recommendations tD the Commission. City Manager Cheney urged the Commission not to postpone this action. 4. Moratorium M~yor Cassandra asked the Commission to consider a six month m~ratorium on Boynton Beach Boulevard from the west boundary o~ the City to the west boundary of the Central Business District (the railroad tracks). Mayor Cassandra's reason for t~is request was to have time to consider how to develop the land that is the only entrance to the City. He did not want the area to develop into a fast food or shopping center strip. Cgmmissioner Hester asked what would happen to any projects that had already been approved for that area. Mr. Annunziato o~ly knew of two projects pending for the area, plus one application for the Plan amendment. Mr. Annunziato said the two projects were the Humana Emergency Care facility (which h~ understood would probably not go forward) and Cross Creek (~hich has already been approved). City Manager Cheney wondered if a planner-architect should b~ employed to survey the area and advise how it should be d~veloped. After there were drawings and renderings of what t~ey would like to have, then a zoning category could be developed to implement that. He thought that would better justify the moratorium. In answer to Mayor Cassandra's inquiry, Mr. Annunziato advised that the moratorium should 19st at least six months. In answer to Commissioner Zibelli's q~estion, Mr. Annunziato said an outside consultant would cost approximately $15,000 - $20,000. City Manager Cheney noted that amount would pay for itself in increased property value i~ Boynton Beach Boulevard is correctly developed. City~ Attorney Rea said the Commission should direct the Planning s~a~f to come back with factual j~stification of the · present conditions of Boynton Beach Boulevard and the present needs w~th regard to whether a new plan is necessary. He said there should be a justification of the inadequacies of the present zoning classifications; that justification would be used as - 28 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 part of a public hearing process, if the Commission decides a moratorium should be implemented. Mayor Cassandra was concerned that the newspapers would report this plan tomorrow, and developers would rush in with requests to build before the moratorium could be implemented. Mayor Cassandra said he had heard rumors of projects hoping to build on Boynton Beach Boulevard that he would not want opposite a $6.3 million City complex. City Attorney Rea said, if the COmmission decides that this is an emergency situation and plans to implement an emergency ordinance, the Planning staff should justify that emergency situation by the next Commission meeting. Mayor Cassandra repeated that he thought something needed to be done tonight to prevent the rush that would start tomorrow. He thought the Commission should impose an emergency moratorium tonight, and then be reinforced by the Planning staff's opinion in two weeks. Mr. Annunziato did not think major site plans would impose problems, because it is difficult to generate such plans in less than a month. However, the problem would come when pgrmits were requested for things like changes in use of occupancy. City Manager Cheney suggested having an emergency m~ratorium for two mo~ths until the background information is received for a permanent moratorium. Vice Mayor Marchese moved to approve an emergency moratorium for two months for Boynton Beach Boulevard from the west boundary of the City to the west boundary of the CBD. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hester. Mr. Annunziato c~arified that there are properties that are going to be a~nexed into the City, and he said those properties should be included in the moratorium also. The motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS A. Appointments to City Boards and Committees Mgyor Cassandra reported he had received telephone calls from people who had submitted talent bank forms wondering why the Commission was appointing the same people to more than one Board when there were other applicants. Mayor Cassandra said t~e Code Book does not address that question, and he felt the Commission should address the question before making any more appointments. Commissioner Hester agreed that enough people turn in talent bank forms that the same people should not have to be placed on more than one Board. Mayor Cassandra thought there was - 29 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 only one person at the present moment on more than one Board; he thought that person should be asked by letter which Board he would like to remain on. The Commissioners agreed that, if there are enough applicants, the same people should not be placed on more than one Board. Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals Commissioner Zibelli nominated Lawrence Bartley as a regular member. The Commission unanimously approved the nomination. Community Relations Board C~mmissioner Hester had talked with Mrs. Girtman about her absenteeism, and he wished to reappoint her to the Board as a regular member. The Commission unanimously approved his recommendation. Planning and Zoning Board Commissioner Zibelli appointed Harold Blanchette as a regular member of the Board. City Manager Cheney said he would notify those on two boards that they must decide on which bgard they wish to serve. The appointment was unanimously approved. Firemen's Pension CQmmissioner Zibelli reappointed Russell Burkholder as a regular member. The reappointment was approved unanimously. Board of Adjustment Mayor Cassandra nominated Daniel E. Boyar as a regular member. The nomination was unanimously approved. Community Redevelopment Agency V~ce Mayor Marchese nominated Arline Weiner as a regular member. The nomination was unanimously approved. Commissioner Zibelli rgappointed Charles Mucciolo as a regular member. The Commission unanimously approved the reappointment. B. Report on Work Day with Codes Enforcement Officer Commissioner Zibelli reported that she went with Codes Egforcement officer Dorothy Moore on an inspection of the City. Commissioner Zibelli told of the poor cogditions she - 30 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 encountered on this tour. She did notice, however, some sections that had been in poor condition and were showing igns of improvement. Commissioner Zibelli urged other ommissioners to take a similar tour. Mayor Cassandra noted that he and City Manager Cheney had taken a similar tour. ADMINISTRATIVE A. Submission of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan City Manager Cheney noted the form, documentation and maps n the Plan. He stated that the maps were made on the Word rocessor in his office. City Manager Cheney said the Plan ttempts to take all of the past capital projects that were funded and budgeted and get them into some organized book. He added it suggests some Capital Improvements projects for he future which are not funded yet, but will require further iscussion. City Manager Cheney suggested that, at some point ~n the future, a budget-type workshop should be held on this project. · B. Adopt Board Member Absentee Policy ayor Cassandra noted the absentee policy suggested by the ity Manager at the request of the Mayor and Commission. £ity Manager Cheney suggested that, after three absences for any reason (excused or unexcused), Board members would ke notified that one additional absence would cause the ter- mination and replacement of their memberships. The Mayor and the Commissioners agreed with this policy, and City ~anager Cheney said he would notify all Board members of this new policy at the Board Orientation meeting. Approve Day Care Center Agreement with Boynton Beach Child Care, Inc. mac~ayor Cassandra was glad to see this project progressing, d he noted the cost factor might be higher than was first ticipated. Commissioner Hester moved to approve the day re agreement with Boynton Beach Child Care, Inc. The tion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. D. Special Meetings of Planning and Zoning Board Mr. Annunziato reported that Comprehensive Plan amendments awe being processed again. He stated that public hearing d~tes need to be established by the City Commission so that a~vertising can begin. Mr. Annunziato said it was being recommended that the requests for Comprehensive Plan amend- - 31 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 ments be split and held at the City Commission meetings of July 7 and July 21. He added that the more controversial m~eting (inVolving a major change in land from high density r~sidential to commercial) would be the July 7 meeting, the JDly 21 meeting would involve preliminary public hearings on the Plan amendments for two annexations consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies. Mr. Annunziato also noted the Evaluation and Appraisal Report should be implemented in this calendar year, and he said the Planning and Zoning Board would process approximately 16 rezonings (2 meetings, with 8 cases reviewed at each meeting). Mr. Annunziato stated the rezoning meetings would probably b~ held in late September or early October. He asked for input from the Commission on how they would like to divide the rezoning applications (geographically or by number). Mr. Annunziato recommended that the decision to set these p~blic hearing dates be postponed until the City Commission m~eting of June 2, until the impact of budget hearing dates and vacations were assessed. There was further discussion of meeting dates and vacation s~hedules. City Manager Cheney said he would need to know e~eryone's vacation schedules very soon. Mayor Cassandra a~vised he would be on vacation May 23 through June 6, and h~ wondered if the public hearing dates could be set at a m~eting other than the June 2 meeting. City Manager Cheney said they would look at that date further. E Policy for Sale of Property on N.E. 13th Avenue C C p: h, b~ ty Manager Cheney reminded the Commission that they had ~reed to put up for sale a particular piece of property on .E. 13th Avenue, when approached by a citizen about it. It ~s agreed to have an appraisal done and put the property up )r sale by sealed bids of a minimum $5,000. [ty Manager Cheney said a memorandum stating this policy Lth several other conditions listed was before the Commission )r their approval. Conditions in addition to the minimum ~ice included: 1) a building permit for a single family )me taken out within 12 months of the deed transfer; 2) )nstruction must begin within three months of obtaining a lilding permit and must be completed within six months of b~ginning construction; 3) complete landscaping and irriga- tion must be part of the building construction (this is not o~dinarily required); and 4) if those three conditions are n~t met, the property and any improvements made will revert to the City, who will complete the improvements. - 32 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 W~lda Searcy, 402 N.E. 13th Avenue, stated the property is in bad condition, and she hoped the City would be responsible to have this cleaned up. Mrs. Searcy said her b~ild a home on the property and live there. fRmily is interested in this lot, because they r~hab~litate their community.' She thought the should be sold for a minimum price since it is litated in a dilapidated neighborhood. cousin would She said her want to help property being rehabi- J~lia Clayton, Mulberry Grove, Illinois (temporarily residing at 402 N.E. 13th Avenue), said she is interested in purchasing the property. Mrs. Clayton said the property needs cleaning up and trees need to be removed. She remarked that she is interested in beautifying N.E. 13th Avenue. City Manager Cheney replied that whoever purchases the property will be responsible for cleaning it up. Mrs. Clayton also inquired about the minimum price; she felt i t b O t b t I C C b b t M W W b a t was too high. City Attorney Rea advised Mayor Cassandra hat the best procedure would be to open the sale up to sealed ids and set a minimum bid as close to the fair market value f the appraisal as possible. City Attorney Rea stated that ~e Commission has the authority to set a minimum acceptable id for that parcel, and he said they should probably exercise hat authority. n response to Commissioner Zibelli's inquiry, City Manager heney said the land was obtained as a settlement for an ~tstanding Code Enforcement lien on some other property 3ree or four years ago. Commissioner Zibelli felt that, if ~meone wanted to rehabilitate that area and live there, the 9mmission should be willing to lower the price. Lty Attorney Rea suggested that the City could also open up ids without setting any minimum price, but make it under- ~ood that the Commission has the right to reject any or all ids. Mayor Cassandra said the Commission must decide whether 3ey want to have closed bids to the public. In response to · yor Cassandra's inquiry, City Manager Cheney said the City Duld have to advertise the bidding, unless it wanted to limit 3o could bid. City Attorney Rea noted that the price of the id would be contingent upon the person's willingness and ~ility to comply with the requirements set forth. V C ice Mayor Marchese moved to adopt the recommendation of the [ty Manager to open up the sale of the property to sealed [ds, with the removal of the $5,000 minimum price limitation. ~e motion was seconded by Commissioner Hester. - 33 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 21, 1987 Mrs. Clayton stated she would not be present to submit her sealed bid. City Manager Cheney advised Mrs. Clayton to ive him her address, so he could send her the same document hat will be made available to everyone else; she could then send that back to the City. A vote was then taken on the motion, and the motion carried G. Six Month Budget Review City Manager Cheney reported that revenue is well ahead of what w~s budgeted, and expenditures are less than what was budgeted. City Manager Cheney ~aid at the next meeting the Commission wQuld be asked to approve two additional positions (one to PDrchasing and one to Planning). He said they will also be moving ahead with the Risk Management program. %DJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: y- ' City Clerk Recording Secretary (Four Tapes) Commi ~ti~ n e r Commissioner /~ ~' ~on~er - 34 - AGENDA April 21, 1987 CONSENT AGENDA - ADMINISTRATIVE ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. 1 Recording Resusci Anne - Laerdal Model per bid specifations for Fire Dept. Pay from GeneralFund---001-221-522-60-46 Per bid 3/9/87, Council approved 3/17/87. 1,173.00 BOOZ-ALLEN & HAMILTON, INC. For services rendered in connection with the Boynton Beach Radio and Dispatch Systems. Pay from Utility Service Tax Fund---302-195-519-60-29 9,700..00 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber services for month of March, 1987. Pay from Publicity Fund---101-191-519-40-54 1,375.00 DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES April, May and June estimated costs to Suncom. Pay from General Fund---001-197-519-40-71 1,131.06 DHRS, OFFICE OF LABORATORY SERVICES Water Testing Laboratory Renewal Certificate to con- tinue performing analysis under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-533-40-99 1,000.00 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Odophos Liquid-for Sewage Pumping. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-535-30-65 5,480.00 DIXIE USA, INC. 1 Cardiac Rhythm Generator for Fire Dept per bid specifications. Pay from General Fund---001-221-522-60-46 Per bid 3/9/87, Council approved 3/17/87 1,149.82 10. DIVERSIFIED DRILLING CORPORATION EST. #5 For Test Production Well Program from 2/27/87 to 3/27/87. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-000-169-01-00 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF FLORIDA Installation new electrical service to Radio Building from existing Generator Building. Pay from Utility Service Tax Fund---302-195-519-60-29 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF FLORIDA EST. #1 Work'completed to date Job 386 Pilot Plant Site & Wells 1W and 12W for period 1/20/87 to 4/1/87. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-0O0-16.-01-00 11,641.35 2,680.00 21,394'.80 .COUNCIL APPROVED. M_oetin 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. FIBREBOND CORPORATION Balance due Telecommunications shelter. Pay from Building Improve. Fund---304-194-519-60-29 Per bid 12/9/87, Council aproved 12/16/87. 4,221.75 FLORIDA DIESEL TRUCK AND INDUSTRIAL, INC. Parts, labor & service for Engine model VT12-800GS at Sewer Plant and V12 Cummins Generator at Water Plant. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-535-40-33 1218.29 " " " " " 401-332-535-40-33 1218.29 2,436.58 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 1,157.00 Cost to provide temporary 277/480 Volt 3-phase service to Pilot Plant - Boynton Beach Blvd re: Western Wellfields. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-000-169-01-00 KIRK E. FRIEDLAND, ESQUIRE For professional services rendered Tradewinds & Spada from 2/25/87 to 3/27/87. Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-61 3,115.22 H. F. SCIENTIFIC, INC. Micro-T 16 Station Turbidimeter per bid specifications. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 Per bid 12/22/86, Council approved 1/6/87. 26,040.00 IBM CORPORATION -~.::.- · Charges for Copier III Model 60 - Available Charge from 4/1/87 to 4/30/87. Pay from various departments. 1,261.16 JONES CHEMICALS Chlorine for Water Treatment. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-533-30-63 6,700.10 MERIDIAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING,INC. For preparation of Well Site Surveys and Associated Easements including extra work due to changes in-well description. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-000-169-01-00 MILLER & MEIER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Architectural services forBoynton Beach Municipal Facilities Project No. 85906. -- Pay from various departments. 12,300.00 14,658.93 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 100 copies of Supplement No. 30 to Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. '.~ Pay from General Fund---001-t22-512-40-77 1,411.17. COUNCIL-ApP RO /ED: Meetin, 21. 22. 20. PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS, INC. March Legal Ads Pay from General Fund---001-122-512-40-7M " " " " 001-122-512-40-7L " " " " 001-122-512-40-75 170.30 1,114.81 183.80 1,468.91 SEPPALA &A HO OF FL.,INC. 21,390.00 Phase I Communication and Dispatch Center Proj. #85906. Application #10 for period to 3/31/87. Pay from Bldg. Improve. Fund---304-194-519-60-29 10,695.00 " " " " " 304-211-521-60-29 10,695.00 PALM BEACH COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY Use of County Landfill for month of March, 1987. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-534-40-gA 23, SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT BOARD Services rendered in connection with treatment and disposal of wastewater for month of March, 1987. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---481-353-535-40-9I 24. SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT BOARD Payment #2 for Sludge Alternatives Study. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-000-169-12-00 25. TRANS-FLORIDA 100 APC Sewer Markers. '' .~ Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-351-535-30-9F "Bid Items" 26. 27. 28. 102,971.76 29. UDDO-MIMS INTERNATIONAL INC. Removal & Replacement of Sand and Gravel for Filters 5, 7 and 8 at Water Treatment Plant. $15,000.00 due now as 50% completed, remaining $15,000.00 due upon completion. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169v01-00 Council approved 1/20/87 104,571.06 27,761.13 1,140.00 30,000.00 JAMES W. VANCE, P.A. For professional services rendered D.O.T. vs. Lopez-Torres 3/19/87 to 3/30/87. Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-61 1,592.28 MELINDA WINGER & MARTIN ZEVIN, ESQUIRE Settlement'for personal-injury to Claimant Melinda Winger regarding city-owned dumpster on 10/11/86. Pay from General Fund---001-195-519-40-.49 3,500.00 XEROX CORPORATION -. Xerox 4000 II Meter Usage 9/30/86 to 3/31/87 for City Hall. Pay from General Fund---001-194-519-40-33 1,319.25 COUNCIL A/P, PRO VED: 30. AMERICAN LIGHTING MAINTENANCE Lighting for Wilson~Ballfield Pay from General Fund---001-722-572-30-45 " " " " 001-722-572-40-99 2,670.75 894.25 3,565.00 The bills described have been approved and verffied by the department heads involved, checked and aproved for payment by the Finance Director. Grady W. Swann, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. Cheney, City Manager APPROVED: