R06-077 I' 1 RESOLUTION NO. R06- 077 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 4 FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY 5 MANAGER TO EXECUTE TASK ORDER NO. 043-2413- 6 02/CJD WITH CH2M HILL FOR THE DESIGN AND 7 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR FIRE STATION #5 IN 8 THE AMOUNT OF $1,479,262.00; AND PROVIDING AN 9 EFFECTIVE DATE. 10 11 12 WHEREAS, the City has continued its process of constructing new fire stations as part 13 of the improvement plan associated with the Citywide Fire Assessment; and 14 WHEREAS, the final portion of the fire station improvement plan involves the 15 construction of a new Fire Station in the Northeast quadrant of the City; and 16 WHEREAS, staff is recommending that the City Commission approve and award Task 17 Order #043-2413-02/CJD from CH2M-HILL which will provide for the design and 18 construction oversight of Fire Station #5 in the amount of$I,479,262.00. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 20 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 21 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 22 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 23 hereof. 24 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby 25 authorize and direct the approval and execution by the City Manager of Task Order No. 043- 26 2413-02/CJD with CH2M-HILL for the purpose of providing design and engineering services 27 for Fire Station #5 in the amount of$l, 479,262.00. S:ICAIRESOlAgreementslTask - Change OrderslCH2M Hill Task Order Fire Station #S.doc Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this AL day of March, 2006. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA -~ M~ oner {/?JeJ~ 'ltmrmSSlOner ~ (- CommIssIOner ~~ S:ICAIRESO\AgreementsITask - Change OrderslCH2M Hill Task Order Fire Station #5.doc CH2M Hill One Harvad Circle Wesl Palm Beach, Fl33409-1923 Tel 561.515.6500 Fax 561.515.6502 Ci~2MHILL Rolo-o77 February 22,2006 PROPOSAL/SCOPEOFSERVICESFOR CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION NO.5 AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOe) BUILDING Ref. As per Request for QuaJificatiolls#043-2413-02/CJD CommisSion Approved 06/17/20lB NOTE: proposal.is based on approximately a 37,000 SF Facility with a Conceptual S, F. construction cost estimateforbuilding~, site work, and. utilities of approximately $1,5,000,000 - seeJast page (does not includemovableequip1llent and fUl11ishillgS). Project l>escriplionand Services to be Provided: Proje<;t consistsofallew 5~Bay Fire Station of approximately t8,000 Gross$quare Feet on one leveL Integtatedinto theFire~tationbllilcJillg design is an additi(>naltwo(2) leve) overlapping/vertical footprint ofapptoximately 9,500 SF (19tOOO SF on. 2 adaitionallevels) for Fire Administrative Offices, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), ConununicationsandInformation Technology Services (ITS). The site is thenortbem 3.24 acres ofa9.3 acre parcel located on the southeast comer of Gateway Boulevard and. High Ridge Road. Ptovide Architectural. and Engineering Pre- Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, ConstructionDocuIllents, Competitive Bidding Assist~ce and Construction AdIninistration S.ervices for Fire Station# 5 and the Elllel'gency Operations Center Building as noted above. The structures willbe designed to resist wind loading for a Saffir-Simpson Category 5 Hurricane. We propose design for 160 MPH sustained wind speed which is equivalent to an ASCE 7-023-second gust value of 192 MFH. Services will include conceptual master planning of the entire 93 acre site and concept design ofthe proposed adjacentpolice headquarters building. Adjacent utilltiesconnections across High Ridge Road and a required median cut for Emergency Vehicle egress is included. Work Not Included: Traffic study, . sigIl(ilization,.geoteehnical testing. and report, boundary. and topographical survey, off- site work not listed above, security system and moveable equipment andfumishings are not included Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOe Building Page 2 February 22,2006 in Scope of Services. Signalization forthis project will be to provide empty conduit for tlashingsigns only - full signalization is a future consideration and not in this project. Task 1: Pre-Design Services: A. Geotechnical Services (Provided by City) $0 B. Site SlIney Boundary and topographic site survey loc~ting property !inest existing known utilities, adJacentroadways sidewalks and other relevant site infonnation (Provided by City) $0 c. Trafficlmpact Study (Provided by City) $0 D. Programming and conceptual drawings fQrFire Station and BOC Building And assist with preparing Grant Applications. D. 1. . Meet with City Management and Fire Department Staff, to review and update previ(lUsly provided concept floor plans and site plans dated April, 2004 and develop building space program for the EOG Building indicating required assigned arid support spaces for the buildings. Local area review trip included(~ggest Fort Lauderdale EOC Cen.terand West Palm Beach Police Station &lor SFWMD EOe Center - or other similar local area Facilities) for architect, structural, mechanical and. electrical engineer. $18,300 Meetings and Trip Include; Two (2) 3 hour meetings with City for 3 people Review trip; 8 hours each for 4 people D.2. Concept drawings and meetings. Provide revised/ refined concept site plan, building plans and sketches, and prepare for and attend: Two (2)review meetings with City One(l) meeting with Quantum Community Development District One (l) meeting with Planning & Zoning and City Landscape prior to the site plan submittal (TART) Review Process. $20,000 Meetings include four (4) 3 hour meetings for 3 people Expenses: ExpenSes for Deli verables;Programming submission to include loclowsk\proposa1s\Boynton Bc:al;h # 5 _2{}.2106 Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building Page 3 February 22, 2006 six (6) Sets of Program requirements, black line concept Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building sketches and ConceptualS.F. Construction Cost Estimate Travel and miscellaneous expenses for review trip and meetings. TOTAL TASK 1 LUMP SUM $ 1,150 $ 350 $39,800 Task I Deliverables: Six (6) sets of Program requirements, black line concept Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building Sketches, and Conceptual Square Foot Construction Cost Estimate Task 2: Space Progr~mand C()nCeptDl"llWingsfor Police Facility of approximately 62,000 Square Feet A Prepare for and attend assigned interviews with Police and City Management to;lscertainrequired space allocations. adjacencies, and buildingsystemsrequirements for the facility (assume ShOUTS ofinterviews}.N0TE: Trip to two local area EOClPolice FaciIitiesare included in Cl scope above. Interviews; 2 people~ Shouts each B Develop a building space program for assigned and non~assigned spaceS to determine total gross building square footage. Attendrneetjng to review space program for any adjusti11entsto be made. Meeting Includes; 3 hour meeting for 2 people C Develop conceptual building floor plan and building elevations based. on approved space program, aesthetics, materials and exterior finishes of fire station #5 including a Conceptual S. F. Construction Cost Estimate. Expenses: Expenses for Deliverables; For A, B & C provide 6 sets of building space program, black line concept Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations and Concept S. F. Construction Cost Estimate. Colored Rendering $ 3,416 $11,200 $26.000 $40,616 $ 1,800 $ 3.000 $4,800 TOTAL TASK 2 LUMP SUM $45,416 torJowsk\proposals\Boynlon Beach # 5_2122/06 BOYTton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building P2. .4 FCiy'uary 22,2006 Task 2 Deliverables: For A. B, and C, provide six (6) sets of Building Space Program, black line concept. Site Plan (ineludingbasic<'stonn water calculations and parking requirements), FloOf Plan, Elevations, aIld Concept Sqmrre Foot ConstI1.lction Cost Estimate Task3: Sebel1l=ttic Design; FiteSta:tion#5 andEOC Building Contingent upon receiptofinfon:n~tipn frpm Task 1; A, B & C atldthe City's Approval ofthepte-designsernGest CofisultantWill provide further developed conceptual site plan,floOl;plans, exterior elevations and. sections tQillustrate the scale a.nd relatipnship ofthfPrpjeet components. PreliIninaryselections of majorbuilding.systentsandcPllsttu:ctionmaterialsshaU benot$pn the draWings 01' d~scrib.edinwtitjfigand will ineltideanupdateofthe Conceptual S. RConsttUctionCostEstimate. Up to threeme.etings with CityManagenu~nt,Fil"eDep~b)).entPersonnel will beheld taTevie"", revise andfi11alizethe schematic design. The Owner will provide v,'1'1tten approvaloftbe work at the completion of this task. The desigIl concepts (site plan,flborpl@~,anci E:l~vatiQIUi)W'!lJbe~onside~ "frozetln ~lththe . exception ofvery minortevisionsat the completion .of'thistask. Task includes presentaijon ,p City G01'l1miSSlQn $230,000 Expenses: Expenses for l)eliv(:tables;SchcmaticPesjgn subJi1i~sion to ihcluge six (6) sets ofdrawin~s,andupdateofRF.. cpstesmnate Local travelandlliiscellalleOllSexpellSes. Colored Ren.dering $ 1,700 $ 300 $ 3.000 $ S.OoP 1'(j)TAL TA.SK 3 LU!\4P SlIM $235,000 Task 3 Deliverables: Schematic Desi~ sUbmission to include six (6) sets of Drawings; and updated Square Foot. Collsu-uctlonGQ$tESnmate Task 4: Design Development;iFirc Station#5a:lldEOC Building Based on the City's Jipproval oft~8eheIl}aticDesigtlD()curnentsand updated S.F. Construction CostEsti1l1ateand budget, COnSultant will provide Design Development Documellts.toillustr~te and. desC4ibe therefinementofth.e design Qfthe Project DOCU111et1t~sb~ll eSfablishthe SCope, rehltipnshi:ps; fotIIlS,size and appeataneeofthePtojeefcbymeans ofplans,eJevations,sect1otlS, typical COllStructio~ det~ilsand.e~uipment layouts as wen. as outline specificationstllat identitY major Il1aterialsands)1steIIls . and establish in general theirqu.ality levels.. An update of the S..F,C()t1struction Cost. Estirnatb is InclUded. lorlowsk\proposaJ;;\Boynton Beach 1# 5:.... 2J22J06 Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building P~;i' ') Fe bruary 22, 2006 Up to two (2) meetings will. be held with City staff to review~ revise and finalize thedeslgri d~velOpment. TheOwne:r?swtittenapproV'alof the work in this taskwill be required prior t()proc,eeding with Task 6.. $303.000 Expenses: Expenses.forDeliverables;Design DevelopItleIitSubJJ1iSSionto inclttde six (6}setsofdrawlngs. outline specifications, and update of S.F. cost estimate $2.100 Local travel and miscellaneous expenses. . . ....'. ~ ., .. 400 TOTAL TASK 4 LUMP SUM $305,500 Task 4 Delivetables: .. Desi~Uev~1()pmentsu~l1jittaline1udessix~6}Set$ ofDtawin~s, Outline Specifications, and updafedS<tu31'eFodtConstrnctiort CostEstmlate Task 5:. TechnicalAdvjs~tYReview Team ('r.AR'f) :Review The TART Review PfocessrequiressuPtWssionofthe following and sllbsequent..te'View.tespottse.submittal; 9Q% ~Q1Dplete~yill~t~qx~wi1lgs 90% laIld~capeJ img~ti011orawil1Ss - Arcmt~turalflo()rplans(inclutling1ifesafety'and ADA} and c()lored...~leyati()ns - Site UghtmgmdpnotClll1etries Attend,Conunissionreviewlapprovalmeeting $9,600 Expenses: Printing f Reproduction for Submission review (12 cQpies) $ 700 TOTAL TASK SLUMPS-OM $10,300 T<tsk5DeliYerables:. Twelve (12)setsofs~gned andsealedOiVillSiteDt~wings, La.rrdseapelIrrigationDrawin:gs, Architectural. Fl()()rPlans, Colored. Elev.ations,. Site Lighting and Photometries Task 6: ConsttueuollDoeuments; FireStatiOlltlSand EOCBuilding Based on receipt of th~City's approval for the Design Development Documents and updated S.F. Construction Cost Estimate and budg~t, Consultant will proVid.e Construction DocUJIlents to set forth in detail the requirements fdtconstru~tion of the :Project. T~:r shallirtclude Drawings andSpeeificatio1is that establish in detail th~quaiitylevels of materials and systellls requiTed for the Project.. All architectural torlowsk\proposals\BoyntdnBeach # 5_2Il1/Ofy Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building Page 6 February 22, 2006 and engineering systems listed in Task 4 and Attachment B will be finalized. $594,000 Up to three (3) meetings with 2 persons attending each with City Staff \vilt beheld to review and fmalize the construction docllIDent!:t E!.penses: E~penses for Deliverables~ Construction Documents 8ubmissiontQ include six (6) sets of drawings, specificationsandupdate.ofS.F .cQstest1mate $ 2.600 Local travel andqriscell<$eolls expenses. $ 700 TOTAL T~K5LUM:PS:UM $5~,3{}O Task6Deliverables:ConstiuctionDocumentSsubmissiOlltomeluclesix.(6) sets of Dra~ings; Specifications, and updated Square Foot Coustruction Cost Esth:rulte.. Task 7: Pepnitting AssistCitylnpreParathm Qfr~quired pennit applic,ation~ andthe.proces$ing tbO~eapplicatiqnswrt~tlI~follpWing; ... CityofBo}1iton.BeacD: Buildingl)epartIilent .SF~ ..FloriaaI>~attmentofBnvitomnentalProteetibn (FDEP) · NatlQOO1. Pollutant DiscbatgeEliminatiQnServi~e(NPJ)ES) .PalrnBeacn CourityHealtl1.Departrnent .Wellpennit for irrigatio.n 1qote: Does not include anYl'ennitfees $15,860 EXpenses: Loeaftraveland mis~nanepusexpenses $ 140 TOTAL TA:S:K6LllJl1llSnm$lo,OpO Task.? Deliverables: Assistance and S\!pport delivefa.\>leoo.lY Task 8: Competitive Bidding Distribute Bid DocUlllents (City t() provide'f'tQJ1t-~nqqoc~~~~and.attet:id pre-bid conference with €ityantlprospectivebldders. A.ssisttbeGityin answerin~..questions"p~parea.ddendUl1'ls. assistCitydnbiuJtnalysls 'and rec()mmendatioll$. Note:.perspectivebidders..to pay GOllSultant f'orireprottuetion"cDstsfot.Bidding Documents. torlowsk\ptoposals\BOyllton Btach# 5_2fl2J06 B<n\i,,-; Beach Fire StationS & EOC Building P: F.,:y 22, 2006 TOTAL TASK 7 LUMPStJM. $14,000 Task 8 Deliver-abIes: Assistance and support deliverableohly Task 9: Construction Phase Services Attend thepte-cohstructiollrneeting, Attend weekly progress meetings, miscellaneollson..site review meetings, coordinate office administration-includlngshop drawings, change orders,pfopoSilI requests / RFI's,review monthly pay applications, conduct substantial and final completion i'nspectionsand ProjeCtClose Out. (See attabbmentA ffir breakdown). Expenses.: Miscellanc9us including travel. reproduction, photos and developing, etc. (16 ll1onthcbnstfUctionperiod) . TOTAL Tt\SK 8 LuMp suM $195,346 $ 12.000 $ 2&7,346 Task 9 Deliverables: Processing/review RFl's,shop drawings., slibrnittals,etc. Task 1 (): Pf)stC()nstrll~til)n Services PtovideRecord(zAlJDI)rawings (electronic flle) based upon (.i()ntrac;tQl"stna1;k~ lJp.c;hangcsand provide I Year wan'a.nty walktlIni. Expenses::Electromcfi1esa.nd wa.1k'thmtraveJlexpcnses TOTAL TASK 9 LI.JMP SUM $ 8:400 ,. :$ 200 $ 8,600 Task 10 Delivetables: Provide electronic Reccrrd Drawing files amlcolllpletel Y~Warranty;walk tbm. TOTALSERVlCES (TASK 1-10) $1,479~62 Task 11: Addititmal S~rvices, not pres~t1y contelllplat~d intltis Work.Authoriza.tiQIl) may be subsequent1yestablish~d by-agreement of the parties abdamendment hereto. Such Additional Services mayincludc. butarenoflimited to: a) l)esignl I)octlII1ents for additional Hardenillg aoove thewihdloadsstatedaoove. b) CommuIlication.$ystemssel~tit)~'.specin~atioIlsordesign{providing.circuitlJbpxes only). c) Irttenot aesjgnsor'enlia~~ments~fttmi.Sbi~g~le<;tiofi, d) Off sitedesi$11be~ol1tl,tneproj'ectboundariesJptopettr'lines, e) Emergency lSigr'laldei)igr'l. loclowsk\proposals\BoyntonBeach # 5_211,2/06 Boy' ;on Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building P:~ h,.ary 22, 2006 f) Traffic Study. g) Permit Fees. h) Extension of Tasks 1.;,10 beyond that described herein. i) Management of sub-consulta:ntsassocia.ted with additional services. j) Revisions to p~evious1yapproved work. Schedule: CH2M HILL shallcomrne~ce services i1n1l1ediatelyuponautl1orizatj~n and completeT3$K 1-6,serVicesreqnested b:ylheCfFY withinaperiOij'Of34vteeKS for Pre Design, Schematic I)e~ign, Design I).evelopment. TART Review,311d Construction Docutne:rils fromteceipt of ''N(iqeelo Proceed," not inclusive of any reviewperiodsrequiredb!CityStaff. CQmpetifiveBiddi~g anticipated to be foUr (4) weekpeQodand consthlction is eStimated tltlQw~kS (l(j Jl1op.~). Task I:Pernrlffing Task 8: Bid(iing Ta.sk 9: Construction 6Wee~s (cbheurrenhvith TasK 1) 7 W'~eks 9w~l{s (eoocutrtrntwithTa.SKs 4&6) 12 weeks 34w~ks+ OWfietreviews (I>ermitsrequiredbef'6re'rask8) 4. weeks 10 weeks Task 1: Pre Design r>taJldp.2 Task 2: Pre.DesignA, Band C Task 3: Schematitl'Design Task 4:. Design Development TaSk 5: TARtI' Review Task 6: Construc.tiont>OCUlll.'. euts. . -- - . ".- ....... .........-.. .< ... Assumptions: 1. Thv presence Qt dut~ef> QfCH2NfHILL"sp~tsPnnel(lt a. CQn$trUcPbll. site; .wb~tb.etaso~ite reptesentatives:..ot.'otberwise;.do I1ot.make.CH2MHILL.ottheirpersormet'..in...an",way responsible for those dutie$ tl1(lt'[)elongJQ. the Client.oritsCo;nstnJ~tt()nGoPlT(l~tQr,.orother entities and. doesnoHelievethe€onstmctionConttactororother entitiesfrOnttl1:eir obligations, dl.1ti~'and resPQnsibilitiest 'illcludfugdmtnQl.ljjnitedto-a11eonst:aJct1onroethpdst- means, tech:riiques,....seq1iences,arid..pl'ocedtlres tl~ceSsary...for coo.rdmati~g'~d~o1fipl~tiilgJill portions a.fthe.constructIon work CH2MHILL's petsonnell1avenoalltht:)].ii~Joexercise'any control. over. anrC()nstnIctiQnContractol"oranYothertmtityinthv.PtWfornlQp~'~theWOfk or any ne(llthbrs;.tfetyptecalitiC>Ds,andhavenodl.1fyof-inSpectilig),noting, O?S$'Vjri;g'~ correcttngorreporting..ouhe:ll.tb orsafety.deficiencies at thesite;...exceptas:relatedto CH2M: HILL'sownpetSotpfel. torlowsk\proposals\BoytlIOillJeach#5 j/I1lO6 Bov\don Beach Fire Station 5 & EOe Building p. Fe.' ,;;\ry 22, 2006 2. CH2M HILL makes no warranty that the City's actu~lconstructioncosts. finaneial aspects, economic feasibility, .or scheduleswillllolvary from CH2M HlLL'sopiniofis,arialyses. projections or estimates (reference Footnote 1 ascontainedhereinJ. 3. Schedules of completion for Tasks 3, 4& 6 assume a2 week turnaroundofreviewcoIl1J]jents and approval. D?lays beyond the 2 weekperiod may result in Schedule delay and require a schedule change. $ 9;600 $ 700 $ 10~(J(t S15,860 $ 140 $ 16,o.o.D $195,346 $12,000 $207,34~ Compensation for Services: RECAP: Pre Desi2D Task 1:' Fire Station & EOClITS/Fire Atbllin. Task2: police:Facwty * expens~s include $3,000 fC)r colC)redreIldering Fees SllbtC)tal $38,300 $4D..616 $78,916 Basic services - DesitmtrouehBiddine Task'3:. Schematic DeSign * expenses incbule>$3,OOO for colored rendering Task 4: :Design I)evelopJllent Task 6: Construction Docfuments Task8: COl11petiti:veBiddiilg *No reproduction.ofj)jUdocmnentsis ir:tC)uded $230,000 $3'01. ODO . > ~,. $S94;OOO $ 14~OOO Subtotal $1,141;0'00 Task 5: TART Requirements Task 7: Permitting Task 9: Construction Phase Services Task 10: Post ConstructiollSen'ices $ &400 $229,206. Subtotal EXpenses Totals $ 1 t500 * $ 4.800 $6,300 $3980'0 .' ," $45~416 $SS~15 it $.5,000 $13S,DOO $2;S;OPi$~~O $q,300 $59'[,300 * .OS' ~4Jioo $1'(f,3QD.$1~J$1~OO $ 200 $-13,040 .~ ,8_64)0 $242,146 Total $1,449,122 $30,140 $1,479~62 The totalamourit toh~paid toCH2~HILL~yth~CITYun~el'thisw{)rk authorization. for services (not. includ.ing.a.dditiona1servi~es):shaI1 oeaLu.rnpSUtllalllountofOne Million Four Httl:l(JredSeyenty~i~e ~bo~.d'f\VP.I}tmdre(tS~tYT\V()Dol1ars($'l,479,262)~ CH2M HILL will invoice the CITY on.a ItlOJithly. basis as required fotpayment. tcrlowsk\proposals\BoynwnBtlu:h# 5 _'l/22.f{)6 Ii< Fire Station 5 & EOC Building 1..:06 APPROVAL OF SCOPE & FEES CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH no~ SignatUre (/v~ KURT BRESSNER CITY MANAGER Title: BOYNTON BEACH, FL CH2M HILL. INC. s~kIt~ Title: [//t,t IMo;~ Date: ..E -dd - 0 b Date:. ;J A/f) I 1 kJo~ ~ I AZ:~~{)JLo- CITY ATTORNEY torlowsk\proposals\BoynwnBlll\(;h # 5_2122/00 Boynton Beach FiteStation 5 & EOC Building p Fin j 22, 2006 ATTACHMENT A BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION # 5 AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) BtJILl>lNG TASK 9: CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES Construction Phase (Basic Services. Based on 70 week 116 month constnietiofiperiod). Construction Phase Services include the following: Honrs 'totalS . Prepare for and Attend Pre~ConstrUction Meeting ( 2 people) . In-Office administration (correspondence, RFI's, change orders, proposal requests, phone, fax, etc.) ArcbitectJEI1giIleer(Ave.5ihrs/wk) > 10 $1,292 350 $38,500 Shop Drawing B,:evi<;;w: 1\.fchltectuial Meehanical Pl'i.Jll}bihg/.Fii"e'.PrQtection Blectiieal Structural Civil Landscaping 200 80 80 80 80 40 40 600 $63.000 $101,500 . Weekly Meetings: Equi,,~lent of (1) 5 hour visit everyweek to inelude travel,. 4-hoursmini1num on site and prepare anp, distribllte.MeetingMinutes and Monthly Pay Application - 70 visits. 350 $45,500 . Miscellaneous Engineering Site Visits: To ineludeGiVil (dtinng,ufiderground inspections, UtHityhook .upsandt,aving)t..~andscaping, Mecl1an1cal, Stnlctural,Plumbingand .Electrical Engineerto attend Pr9gress.Meeting as requested - equiv~letitof48'(S'liol.1t) Visits ilicludingn-avel time. 240 $30~OOO ICrlowsk\prop<>saJs\Boynton Be;:Ich ff5.:..212'2106 Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building Page i 2 February 22, 2006 Attachment A Boynton Beach Fire Station # .5 and EOe Building Page 2 . Substantial Completion & Punch List Architect/PM M~hanica1 Electrical Civil Landscaping Clerical · Final COUlpletjoJlICIC5seOut Architect/PM Clerical · Expenses: TOTAL torJowsk\ptoposals\BoyntOn Beach # 5_2122/06 24 16 16 12 10 16 94 40 16 56 1,700 $ 3,216 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,250 $ 864 $ 5,36(} $ 864 $ 10,830 $ ~Z24 $195,3jffi $12.0.00 $207,346 Feach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building F, ,) it 2006 ATTACHMENTB BOYNTON BEACH F'lR.ESTATION #.5 AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) BIDLDING Scope of ServiceslEstimated Drawings (Schematic Design.through.COIl.struction Documents) DisCipline General Est. # of Sheets G-l G-2 G-3 3 Sheet Title Title, Inde~,Locati{)nMap SyIl100ls and Abbreviations General.Notes..&Code...Analysis SiteSuTVey SS I Site Survey Life Safety LS-1.1 LS-1.2 LS-L3 3 Levell Life Safety Plan Level. 2 Life Safety Plan ~y~l J Life'Safety Pl~ Civil C-LI C-2J C-2.2 C-2.3 C-3.! C-3;2 C-3.3 C-3.4 C-3.5 C-3.6 C-3.? C-3.8 12 Site Plan Paving, Grading & Drainage Horizont.al Control Utilities Plan Civil Details Civil Details Civil Details Civil D.etails Civil Details Civil Details Civil Details Civil Details LandscapelIrrigathm L-Ll L-2.1 L-2.2 L-2.3 L-3.1 m.1.1 Landscape Plan Landscape Details & Plant List Landscape Details L$dScape Details Landscape Specifications Irrigation Plan torlowsk\proposals\Boyntoh tleach # 5:.J-122I06 Boynt 'n Peach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building P:t', FC:O:L 2006 DiscipJine LandscapelIrrigation (continued) Architecture Est. # of Sheets IR-2.1 IR-2.2 IR.-3.1 9 A-LI A-L2 A-2.1 A-2.2 A-2.3 A-2.4 A-:25 A...2.6 A-2.7 A-2.8 A~2.9 A-2JO A-2.11 A-2.12 A-2.l3 A-3.l A-I.2 A-4.1 A-4-2 A-4.3 A-4.4 A-5.1 A-S~2 A-53 A-SA A-5.5 A-5;6 A-6.l A -6;2 A~6.3 A~6-4 A-.6.5 A-6.6 A-6.7 A-7.1 torlowsk\pr0p6sab\Boynton Beacb # 5_2122106 Sheet Title IITigation Details Irrigation Details Irrigation Specificatic)lls Architectural Site Plan Site Details Levell Floor Plan - EOC/CommllT/Firc Admin Level 2 Floor Plan - Fire Station Level 3 Floor Plan - Fife Admin. Levell Ceiling Plan Level 2Ceilirt.gPlah Level 3 C~iling Plan Level I Eqlli.pment Plan Level 2 Equipment Plan Leve1.3 Equipl11ell(Pllm Levell "Wall Types Plan Leyel2Wall Types Plan Level 3 Wall Types, Plan RuofPlan.] Details Exterior Elevauons EXterior Elevations Building Sections Building Sections Wall S eeti{)ns Wall Sections Enlarged.Plans &. Interior Elevations Enlarged Plans&. Interior Elevau()lls Enlarged Plans&. IntenorEfevations Enlarged Plans &. Interior Elevations Enlarg~d Pla.ns&.mt~rioI Elevations ElllargedPlans & lnte1'i6tElevations SClIedules & Det(iib; Schedules & Details Schedules & Details Schedules &. Deta.i1s Pattern PI3.11&Details Pattern I'lan~T>etails Pattem Pbt'n&Details Details Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOe Building Page 15 February 22, 2006 Discipline Architecture (continued) Est. # QfSheets A-7.2 A-7.3 A-7.4 38 Strudural 8-1.1 8-2.1 8-2,2 8-2.3 $-2.4 8..3.1 S~3.2 8-4.1 $-'4.2 S-4.3 8-4.4 8-4.5 8-4,6 8-:4.7 14 Mechanlcal M....1.0 M-IJ M-l.2 M-2-1 M-2.2 M.:2.3 M-3.1 M-3.2 M-3.3 M-4.1 M-4.2 M-4.3 M-5.1 M-5.2 M-5.3 M:..6.1 M-6.2 17 Ia'Jowsk\proposals\Boynten Beach #. S_2rt1J06 Sheet Title Details Details Details General.Structural Notes Foundation Plan Level 2 Floor FrarriiligPlan Level 3 Floor Framing. Plan RoofFramjng plan Sched1l1es..&J)etails Schedules & Details Sections &. Details Sections & Details 8ections &. Details Details Details Details Details Mt9hanicalLegend {Symbols SChedules Scl1ed1l1es LevellHVAC Pl;m Level ZHVAC Plan Level 3 .HVACPlan Enlarged Plans &Details Enlarged Plans & I>.etails Enlarged Plans & Details Seeti()ns.&..Details SectiOJl& &..Detailg 8e.ctions& Details HV ACDetails HVAC Details HV AC Details Contt()}s Controls &.Scnedules Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & Eoe Building Page l6 February 22,2006 Discipline Plumbing Est. # of Sheets P~l.O P'-I.} P-L2 P-2.1 P-2.2 P-23 P-3.l P-3;2 P-3.3 P-3A P-4.1 P-4.2 P-4.3 P'-5.1 P-5.2 P-5.3 P-5.4 17 Fire Protection FP-1.1 FP-2.1 FP..22 FP-2.3 FP-2.4 FP-3.1 FP-3.2 FP-4.1 FP-4.2 9 Electrical E-l.O E-1.1 E-I.2 E-2.1 E'-2.2 E-23 E-2.4 E-25 E-2.6 E-2.7 toclowsk\propOSlils'\Boyntoit B'eaeh # Sj.1W06 Sheet Title PlufubmgLegend & Abbreviations Plumbing8chedules Plurnbing Schedules Level 1 Plumbing Plan L~ve12pl1lIIlbing.Plan Leve13 Plumbing Plan Enlarged Plans Enlarged Plans Enlarged Plans Et)la.rged Plans ~fatk Diagrams W~ter RiserDiagt~ GasR.iser Diagram Dtrtails Details Details Details SitePlanFir(", Pr(jteetion Levell Fire Protection t.eve12. Eire Protection L~ye13FirePrQtection RoofPI.an Fite Protection Enlarge.d PlalllDetilils Enlarged Plan I Details Details Details Legend & Abbreviations Electrjc~lSit,~Plan Electrical Site Photo Metrics Levell Lighting Plan Level 2 Lighting Plan Level 3 Lighting Plan Levell PoweT.Plan 1evelZPower ~laf1 Leve13'Power Plan Levell Communications P.lan Boynton Beach Fire Station 5 & EOC Building Page J 7 Febnwry 22, 2006 Discipline Electrical (continued) Esk# of Sheets E-2.8 E-2.9 E-3.1 E.. 3.2 E-33 E-3.4 E-3.5 E-4.l E-4.2 E-4.3 E,.5.1 E-5.2 E-5.3 E-5.4 E,.5.5 E-5.6 E~6.1 E-6.2 E-63 E-6.4 30 152 + Survey- sfi~t Total sheets Concept proposal c_ofistrnction cost review: Sheet Title ~eve12. Communications Plan Level3 C'omn:runications Plan Enlarged Plans Enlarge(j. Pl~s Enlm-ged Plans Enlarged Plans 1 Details Enlarged Plans I Details One Line Diagrams One Line Diagrams One Line Diagrams 1 Schedules Details;llQ$~s Details I Risers Details. I Risers Details Details Details Schedules SchedUles Sthedu'les Schedules · Standard 1 S FI. code construction for Fire station/Admin.. :Building approx..$275ISF . Upgrade .to Category $ constI1IetiPIl= +3'OOlci-40.%(say35% increase) = $372tSF · Fire station (lLevel) i8~()()biS.F@ $312/8F · Fire )\.ominlEOC/Co~-IT . ... .. ,. .. ..18,0(JQSF~~3121SF (2 additional partiallevels - part Of Fire.. Station footprint) · Siteworklutilities 3.24acres@$15(),OO()/ll~re Contingency(intlation,unkJ:1oWfls, additives etc, - appro*.8%) $ 6,696~000 $ 6,696,000 $ 486.000 $13,878,000 $ 1.122.000 $15,000;000 Note: Move(lble eqllipmerit& ~mislUngs (notincluded) {37,OOOSF-8,400 for'aPPatarus bays ilreaS}x 70% = +1- 20,000 SF of assignable spaces that need moveable furnishings and equipment. 20;000 SF@ $251SF tcrJowsk\propos.a)s\BOyntOfl B~ch ft. 531221fJ6 $ 500,000 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Carter Deputy Fire Chief FROM: Janet M. Prainito City Clerk DATE: March 23, 2006 RE: Resolution No. R06-077 - Proposal/Scope of Services for Fire Station No. 5 and Emergency Operations Center Building with CH2M Hill Attached for your handling are three original documents mentioned above. I have also included a copy of Resolution No. 06-077 for your information and files. Once the documents have been fully executed, please return one original document to the City Clerk's Office for Central File. Thank you. ~ m. p~ Attachments Copy to: Central File S:ICCIWPIAFTER COMMISSIONIDepartmental Transmitlals\2006IDeputy Fire Chief Ray Carter - CH2M HILL PROPOSAL FOR FIRE STATION #5 - R06-077 - 03-23-06 doc