R00-040 RESOLU1]ON NO. ROO- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION 85-777, SECT[ON 2.E. AND SECTION 2.F., WHICH WILL PROVIDE FOR CLARIFICAI-[ON OF COMPOSITION OF TRUSTEES OF THE EMPLOYEES' PENSION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 18-55 of the codified Code of Ordinances of the City of Beach, Florida provides that the "Board of Trustees", "Board" or "Trustees" be construed to mean the members of the City Commission unless the City ,mmission, by resolution, designates additional or substitute individuals to perform duties and functions of such Board of Trustees; and / WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to alter the compositi°n for the Board of Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE i'T RESOLVED BY THE C'rTY COMMI'.c;SZON OF CI'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beac recommendation of staff, hereby directs that Resolution 85-777, SE is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined tyr the words and figures in struck-through type, as follows: Section 2. That the composition and terms of the seven n the Board of Trustees of the Employees' Pension Plan of Boynton Beach are hereby established as follows: A.~. The Mayor ... h, Florida, ~ction 2.E., ~e, and by ~embers of :he City of E. One member in City Pay Grades 15 thru 22, nominated by members in Grades 15 thru 22, elected in December, 1985 for a term to end in March 1987, with subsequent replacements from,~,~,~'~'~"" ~.. = m~,,..~.~.. ~. r~.-..~... ~, ~.... ~ the cieneral membership of the general employees' pension plan, provided the member is a member of a bargaining unit of the City of Boynton Beach. elected to a three year term with the election being at large by all members of the Pension Plan. F. One member in City Pay Grades 23 thru 39, nominated by members in Grades 23 thru 39, elected in December, 1985 for a term to end in March, 1988 with subsequent replacements from Gradcs 23 ~,,., ~n ~,,~,~,~ ~, .....~,,,,~ ~,, r-.~,~,,~ -~ ~,,.. ~n the oeneral membership of the general employees' pension plan, provided that the member is not a member of a bargaining unit of the City of BoyntoE! Beach, elected to a three year term with the election being at Large by all members of the Pension Plan. Section 2. That all other provisions, of Resolution No. 85-777, not herein y amended, shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~,~/ day of March, 2000. Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Board of Trustee Composition