R98-013RESOLUTION NO. R98-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF DALE S. SUGERMAN AS ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN APPOINTMENT CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY WITH DALE S. SUGERMAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff, the City desires to employ the services of Dale S. Sugerman as Assistant City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to provide certain benefits and requirements regarding the employment of Dale S. Sugerman by the City; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby confn-m the appointment of Dale S. Sugerman as Assistant City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and authorizes the City Manager to execute an Appointment Contract on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach with Dale S. Sugerman, said Contract being attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: CifffClerk day of February, 1998. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Commissioner / ~n~issioner ~ t~ommlssloner .~ WORK PLAN FOR RE-ASSIGNMENT AS ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER NEW ASSIGNMENT TO BE BY EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Present Full-Time Duties: Assistant City Manager Supervisory responsibility over I.T.S. Director of Human Resources Chief Union Negotiator Temporary Assignments Acting I.T.S. Director Acting Economic Development Director Proposed Full-Time Duties: Assistant City Manager Supervisory responsibilities over Utilities Supervisory responsibilities over Public Works Economic Development Director Chief Union Negotiator (through current negotiations only) WORK PLAN 1) Base of operations (and funding of efforts) will be with Utilities. 2) 3) 4) Will provide full supervision of Utility Department and Public Works Department efforts such that they coordinate directly with all city-wide Economic Development activities, Will provide project management and point-of-contact leadership with the Development Department (thru Bulent Kastarlak) on the following projects: a) Marina project. b) Dolphin Bar project. c) Ocean Avenue Bridge project. d) Downtown Stormwater Drainage project. Will handle all Economic Development activities, including: a) b) c) d) Contact with the Chamber of Commerce Follow-through with the C.R.A. determination. Development/distribution of the City brochure. Aggressive marketing of the City. Coordinate with Quantum & Catafulmo EXHIBIT "B" APPOINTMENT CONTRACT THIS APPOINTMENT CONTRACT is entered into BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, (the "CITY") by and through MANAGER") and DALE S. SUGERMAN. between the CITY OF its City Manager ("CITY RECITALS The CITY and DALE S. SUGERMAN acknowledge the following premises for this contract: A. The CITY MANAGER is the Chief Executive Officer of the CITY and is authorized, pursuant to Section 72.1(b) to appoint individuals in a specialized field. B. The CITY MANAGER on behalf of the CITY desires to appoint DALE S. SUGERMAN as an Assistant City Manager for the CITY, and DALE $. SUGERMAN ' desires to undertake that appointment. C. In selecting DALE S. SUGERMAN to be appointed as Assistant City Manager for the CITY, the CITY MANAGER has relied on all information and materials appearing on or furnished in connection with his application for that position. DALE $. SUGERMAN represents that all such information and materials are accurate, complete, and authentic and that he is qualified to serve as Assistant City Manager and that the performance of such duties are specialized in nature. D. The CITY and DALE S. SUGERMAN wish to reduce their agreements to writing in order to describe their relationship with each other, to provide a basis for effective communication between them as they fulfill their respective governance and administrative functions, and to enhance administrative stability and continuity within the City of Boynton Beach. E. The position of Assistant City Manager is a contractual appointment by the CITY MANAGER of an individual in a specialized field and not a civil service position and the CITY's Civil Service Rules and Regulations are not applicable to DALE S. SUGERMAN. By entering into this appointment contract, DALE S. SUGERMAN waives all dghts under the City's Civil Service system. F. Nothing herein shall constitute an abridgment of or limitation to the dghts and powers of the MANAGER to manage the work force of the CITY and to organize, reorganize, create, or abolish the CITY work force, including this appointment except as provided.for herein ~S:CA~AG R'~EM PLOYM EN'I'gS U G E RMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. 1'/28/98,1/29/98 G. Nothing herein shall constitute an abridgment or limitation on the rights and powers of the City Commission to create or alter the work force of the CITY by appropriation or non-appropriation of funds earmarked for departments, positions, or appointments. TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND COVENANTS Accordingly, on the foregoing premises and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this contract, the CITY and DALE S. SUGERMAN agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 Ag reement for Appointment 1.1 The CITY MANAGER hereby appoints DALE S. SUGERMAN to serve as Assistant City Manager for the CITY and DALE S. SUGERMAN hereby accepts that appointment and undertakes that appointment. 1.2 DALE S. SUGERMAN is an at will employee of the CITY. By acceptan.ce of this Contract DALE S. SUGERMAN acknowledges that there has been no representation or promise, expressed or implied fixing the term of his appointment, except as provided for herein, ARTICLE 2 Duties and Obligations 2.1 Principal Duties and Obligations. Subject to the CITY MANAGER's responsibilities and direction for the overall operation of the CITY's work force, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall: 2.1.1 Serve as an Assistant City Manager of the CITY, as that job is defined in the job description and action plan as attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B", including all responsibility for Economic Development functions and, in cooperation with the Utility Director and Public Works Director/City Engineer, be responsible for overseeing the supervision, operations and management of the CITY'S Utility Department and Public Works Department. 2.1.2 As Assistant City Manager, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall not be responsible for pdmary supervision of the City's Human Resources Department functions, nor shall he be responsible for prima~ superv!sion of the City's Information Technology Services Department functions as of the date of ratification of this agreement. 2.1.3 Nothing herein shall limit the power of the CITY MANAGER to ~S:CA~AGI~EMPLOYM ENT~UGERMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. 1/28/98,1129198 -2- assign DALE S. SUGERMAN to special projects from time to time in his role as Assistant City Manager. 2.2 Manner of Performance. Except as otherwise expressly provided by this contract, as Assistant City Manager, he shall at all times: 2.2.1 devote all his time, attention, knowledge, and skill solely and exclusively to the business and interests of the CITY during normal working hours and at City related events after normal business hours. 2.2.2 perform his duties and obligations faithfully, industriously, and to the best ef his ability. 2.2.3 not engage in conflicting outside employment except with prior written disclosure to the CITY MANAGER. 2.2.4 keep the CITY MANAGER fully informed in advance of all travel and activities that take him out of the office for more than a day at a time. All travel must receive prior written approval of the CITY MANAGER. ARTICLE 3 Annual Performance Goals and Evaluation 3.1 The CITY MANAGER shall review and evaluate the performance of DALE S. SUGERMAN at least once annually in advance of the adoption of the annual operating budget. The review and evaluation shall be in accordance with performance cdteda developed by the MANAGER, which cdteda must be provided to DALE S. SUGERMAN in advance of the commencement of the period of evaluation. The cdteria may be added to or deleted from as the MANAGER may from time to time determine, except that DALE S. SUGERMAN shall not be evaluated for tasks if no performance cdteda have been established. Further, the MANAGER shall provide DALE S. SUGERMAN with a summary written statement of the evaluation and provide an adequate opportunity for DALE S. SUGERMAN to discuss his evaluation with the MANAGER. 3.2 Periodically, the MANAGER and DALE S. SUGERMAN shall define such goals and performance objectives that they determine necessary for the proper operation of the Economic Development function, Utility Department and Public Works Department operations in attainment of the objectives and shall further establish a relative priodty among those, vadous goals and objective_s, which shall be reduced to wdting. Such goals and objectives shall be generally attainable within the time limitations as specified in the annual operating and capital budgets and appropriations provided by the CITY. 'S:~CA'~AG R',EM PLOYM EN T',SU GERMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. 1/28/98.1/29/98 -3- 3.3 Compensation reviews are not subject to any specific formula applicable to other C~TY personnel. Wage adjustments shall be at the sole discretion of the C~TY MANAGER and are subject to the appropriation of funds by the City Commission. ARTICLE 4 Compensation and Benefits 4.1 Base Salary. The CITY shall pay to DALE S. SUGERMAN an annual salary of EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 00/100 ($81,111.00) DOLLARS, payable in equal installments at the same intervals as the CITY's management personnel are paid. 4.2 Deferred Compensation. City and Sugerman agree to execute all necessary agreements provided by the International City Management Association- Retirement Corporation (tCMA-RC) for SUGERMAN's participation in said ICMA-RC retirement plan, and in addition to the base salary paid by the CITY to SUGERMAN, CITY agrees to pay an amount equal to Seven and one-half (7.5%) percent of SUGERMAN's base salary, or $7,500.00, whichever is less, into the ICMA-RC on SUGERMAN's behalf, in equal proportionate amounts each pay period, and to transfer ownership to succeeding CITY or SUGERMAN upon SUGERMAN's resignation or discharge. 4.3 Business Expenses. The CITY shall pay or reimburse DALE S. SUGERMAN consistent with reimbursement policies for CITY managerial employees. 4.4 Automobile. The City shall provide DALE S. SUGERMAN with a fleet vehicle. This CITY vehicle, the selection of which shall be as agreed to by DALE S. SUGERMAN and the CITY MANAGER, may be used by DALE S. SUGERMAN for both CITY business and personal use. 4.5 Health Insurance. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall receive the same benefit provided to non-union City employees hired after 10/1/91. 4.6 Disability Insurance. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall receive the same benefit provided to non-union City employees hired after 10/1/91. 4.7 Life Insurance. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall receive the same benefit provided to non-union City employees: hired after 10/1/91. 4.8 Participation in Retirement System. SUGERMAN shall be enrolled in and shall enjoy .a!l benefits provided .under the General Employee Pension Plan. 4.9 Holidays. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled to observe the same paid legal holidays as non-union employees hired after 10/1/91. S:CA~AGI:~EMPLOYMENT~UGERMAN Rev.1/6/98, Rev. 1/28198,1/29/98 -4- 4.10 Vacations. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled to observe the same vacation accrual as non-union employees hired before 10/1/91, only for accumulations earned after 10/3/97. He shall be able to carry over his vacation accruals that are currently on the books to his contractual vacation accruals. 4.11 Sick Leave. DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled to accrue sick leave and be subject to the same sick leave policies as non-union employees hired before 10/1/91, only for accumulations earned after 10/3/97. He shall be able to carry over his sick leave accruals that are currently on the books to his contractual sick accruals. 4.12 Adjustments. If, subsequent to the date of this Appointment Contract,' the City Commission approves, for non-contract or individual contract employees, vacation leave and sick leave accruals at the rates received by employees hired pdor to 10/1/91, DALE S. SUGERMAN's accruals, for the period of time from his date of hire until 10/3/97, shall be adjusted to provide the increased benefit. ARTICLE 5 Indemnification and Reimbursement 5.1 Indemnification of the Assistant City Manager. The CITY shall: 5.1.1 defend and indemnify DALE S. SUGERMAN against all claims and actions,' civil or criminal, provided the claims or actions arise out of and in the course of the performance of his duties and responsibilities pursuant to this Contract; and 5.1.2 pay any judgment that may be entered against DALE S. SUGERMAN in a civil action arising out of and in the course of the performance of his duties and responsibilities pursuant to this contract, except a judgment based on intentional wrongdoing by DALE S. SUGERMAN. 5.1.3 CITY reserves the rights to select, appoint, retain, or discharge legal counsel necessary to provide the foregoing defense. ARTICLE 6 Date of Appointment 6.1 DALE S. SUGERMAN's appointment and the term of this Contract S:CA~.GR\EMPLOYMENT~SUGERMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. 1.,'28/98.1/29/98 -5- shall commence on the date of ratification of this contract by the City Commission. Additionally, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall receive a base salary adjustment of 5%, retroactive to October 3, 1997, the anniversary date of DALE S. SUGERMAN's odginal em ployment with the City. ARTICLE 7 Termination of Contract 7.1 Events of Termination. This Contract shall terminate: 7.1.1 at any time by mutual agreement of DALE S. SUGERMAN and the CITY; 7.1.2 upon DALE S. SUGERMAN's sustained inability for all or substantially all of 180 calendar days in a 190 day period to perform all or substantially - all of his duties and obligations pursuant to this Contract as a result of physical or mental illness or condition, which inability shall be vedfied at the CITY's expense (to the extent not covered by applicable medical insurance maintained by the CITY) by a licensed physician selected by the CITY, provided that state or federal law or regulation would not 'preclude or prohibit DALE S. SUGERMAN's separation under the condition; 7.1.3 at any time by the CITY MANAGER's and CITY COMMISSION's unilateral termination of DALE S. SUGERMAN's contract for the position. 7.1.4 the death of DALE S. SUGERMAN. 7.1.5 the resignation of DALE S. SUGERMAN. A resignation shall be submitted in writing and shall provide for an actual resignation date no later than forty-five (45) days following the date of notice of resignation. 7.2 Rights and Obligations Upon Unilateral Termination by CITY. Unilateral termination shall be in wdting, signed by the CITY MANAGER, and need not S:CA~AGR~EMPLOYM ENT~SUGERMAN Rev.1/6/98, Rev. 1/28/98,1/29/98 -6- reflect performance related reasons. If this Contract is terminated by unilateral action by the CITY MANAGER, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled only to: 7.2.1 Prorated base salary for the effective date of the termination plus one hundred eighty (180) days; 7.2.2 to this Contract; reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant 7.2.3 an amount for accrued and unused vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum number of .days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; 7.2.4 an amount for accrued and unused sick leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-unioh employees hired before 10/1/91. 7.3 Rights and Obligations Upon Termination by Mutual Agreement. If this Contract terminates upon mutual agreement of the parties, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled to: 7'.3.1 base salary accrued to the agreed date of termination; 7.3.2 to this Contract; reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant 7.3.3 an amount for accrued and unused vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; 7.3.4 an amount for accrued and unused sick leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; 7.,~ Rights and Obligations Upon Termination Due to Disability or Death. If this Contract terminates due to DALE S. SUGERMAN's physical disability or death, DALE S. SUGERMAN or his guardian or personal representative shall be entitled only to the following compensation and benefits: 7.4.1 base salary through the last day that DALE S. SUGERMAN performed services to or on .behalf of the CITY; ~S:CA~AGR~EMPLOYMENTASUGERMAN Rev.l16/98, Rev. 1128198,1129/98 -7- 7.4.2 to this Contract; reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant 7.4.3 an amount for accrued and unused sick and vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum number of days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; and 7.4.4 life and/or disability benefits if applicable. 7.5 Rights and Obligations Upon Termination Due to Resignation. If this Contract terminates due to DALE S. SUGERMAN's resignation, DALE S. SUGERMAN shall be entitled only to the following compensation and benefits: 7.5.1 base salary through the date of resignation or such other date as mutually agreed to between DALE S. SUGERMAN and the CITY MANAGER; 7.5.2 to this Contract; reimbursement for as-yet unreimbursed expenses pursuant 7.5.3 an amount for accrued and unused sick and vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum number of. days permitted by law, according to the schedule/formula for non-union employees hired before 10/1/91; 7.5.4 life and/or disability benefits if applicable. ARTICLE 8 Modification or extension of Contract 8.1 Modification and Amendment. No modification of or amendment to this Contract shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties. ARTICLE 9 Inapplicability of Collective-Bargaining Agreements 9.1 No collective-bargaining agreement .to which the CITY is a party shall in whole or in part govern, apply to, or be deemed part of or incorporated into this Contract. -S:CA~AGRtEMPLOYMENT~UGERMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. 1/28/98.1/29198 -8- ARTICLE 10 Venue 10.1 Any civil action arising out of this Contract or the nonperformance or breach of any covenant contained in it shall be brought only in Palm Beach County, Florida. ARTICLE 11 Waiver 11.1 The CITY's waiver of any breach of any term, condition, covenant of this Contract shall not constitute the waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term, condition, or covenant of this Contract. , ~ Applicability to Successors 12.1 This Contract shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of: 12.1.1 DALE S. SUGERMAN's heirs and personal representatives; and 12.1.2the CITY regardless of changes in the persons holding office as members of the CITY. or ARTICLE 13 Severability of Provisions 13.1 If any provision of this Contract or the application of any provision to any party or circumstance shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, the provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Contract or their application to other parties or circumstances. ARTICLE 14 Governing Law 14.1 This co~tract and the terms, conditions, and covenants contained in it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 'S:C,A',AGI:~EM P LOYM EN'I%S U GERMAN Rev.l/6/98, Rev. 1/28198,1/29/98 -9- ARTICLE 15 Integration of All Agreements and Understandings 15.1 This Contract contains the entire agreement between the CITY and DALE S. SUGERMAN. All prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, pertaining to the CITY's appointment of DALE S. SUGERMAN are fully abrogated and of no further force and effect from and after the date of this Contract. ! 15;.2 Regardless of which party's counsel prepared the original draft and subsequbnt revisions of this Contract, DALE S. SUGERMAN and the CITY and their respective counsel have had equal opportunity to contribute to and have contributed to its contents, and this Contract shall not be deemed to be the product of and, therefore, construed against either of the m. 15.3 The omission from this Contract of a term or provision contained in an earlier draft of the Contract shall have no evidentiary significance regarding the contractual intent of the parties. ARTICLE 16 Execution of Contract 16.1 This Contract may be executed in duplicate or in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall be deemed one and the same instrument. No term, condition, or covenant of this Contract shall be binding o,n either party until both parties have signed it. EXECUTED on the respective dates set forth below. DALE S. SUGERMAN (~ Witness CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH KERRWL. WiI.~_IS, CITY MANAGER 'Dated:' ! -S:CA~AGR\EMPLOYMEN'~SUGERMAN Rev. 1/6/98, Rev. ~/28/~8.1/20/98 -10- GER~LIb TAYL0~/I(~IAYOR APPROVED AS TO ~ORM: CITY ATTORNEY/ S:ca~Agreements~Employment Agr~Sugerman Dated: S:CA',AGR~EM PL OYM E N'iAS U GERMAN Rev.1/6/98, Rev. 1128198.1129198 -11- 26O ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Nature of Work= This Is a hlgh!y responsib:e professional supervisory, administrative and research position reporting directly to the City Manager. The employee,s work will include research and studies securing facts ab medat ~e-artm~nt .... ~out. administrative operations throu w .? u~ =ne City, and will include some adml~str responsibilities relative to atari City operations. Tile employee will work on a day-to-day basis with Citizens Department Directors and members of the press. Acts ss City Manager during times of absence and unavailability of the City Manager. Task Statement(s): Note= These examples are Intended only as illustrations of the va=lous types of work performed in this class~fication. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment for this position. ' Assists and advises City Manager with administrative details and duties of C~ty Manager's office relative to the day-to-day functioning of City government. Plans, enacts, and monitors special programs aa directed by the City Manager. Investigates citizen's complaints and requests for se=vice, and attempts to resolve difficulties or provide responses. Assists in preparation of the agenda and support material for City Council Meetings~ prepares and writes public information ~aterial. Assists City Manager in monitoring departmental activities. Maintains close contact with all municipal departments in order to assist departments Ln meeting operational objectives as appropriate. Participates in the planning and coordination of work in connection with the proper operating functions of financial administration and budget Preparation~ assists the City Manager in analyzing budget requests. Reviews budget transfers/amendments for ]ustiflca~lon, fiscal impact and conformance with applicable policies/procedures. Analyzes budget variances for de~ermine causative factors. revenues_' and expenditures to EXHIBIT "A" Assistant City Manager Job Description - pg. 2 Conducts needs assessment to project future needs, expenses, and expenditures. Develops revenue projections for next fiscal year; makes timely adjustments to projections. Reviews reports, billings, etc. to reconcile discrepancies. Assists in coordination of corrective actions recommended by internal and external auditors. Gathers information to facilitate policy/procedure planning; reviews/revises, observes, implements/clarifies policies, procedures and regulations ho facilitate unit operations that are consistent with legal and organizational guidelines; documents appropriate procedures, programs, etc., to ensure compliance. Instructs/advises personnel on local, state andfederal procedures, rules, etc. Resolves unusual questions/problems and provides technical advice. Coordinates staff and equipment to facilitate work completion; accepts, responsibility for actions and/or accomplishments of both unit and self. Sets appropriate deadlines for work activities; meets deadlines to coincide with organizational needs and goals; determines long and short-range goals for work unit. Complies with all established poliCies and procedures of City including all safety policies/procedures; reports accidents and incidents accordingly. Demonstrates effective oral and written communications skills; conveys ideas and information in a clear and concise manner. Accomplishes objectives without close supervision; suggestions to improve operational procedures/controls. makes Develops contingency plans for crisis situations and anticipates variations in work flow. Demonstrates proficiency in specialized areas neceesaryfor current assignment. Follows the expectations profession and position. regarding the ethical conduct of Participates in training programs, takes- advantage of other continuing education opportunitieS, and/or reads professional publications to keep current on techniques or methodologies appropriate to the Job. .Demonstrates working knowledge of relevant law, rules and regulations within the profession; utilizes legal resources when necessary leading to knowledgeable d~cisions. Assistant City Manager Job Description - pg. 3 Organizes work to use time effectively and efficiently. Delegates authority and responsibility to subordinates with appropriate guidelines and follow up; seeks maximum productivity from work unit/department. Assures equal opportunity in the work place and works toward accomplishment of cultural & w6rkforce diversity by implementing affirmative action goals. Documents all rights/obligations of City and Contractor/Grantor to avoid misunderstandings regarding contracted activity; reviews contracts/grants to ensure compliance with established policies; amends/reconstructs contract to comply with services needed. Devises time frames for specific tasks and recommendations; determines and communicates the priority of issues. Identifies target audience for programming needs; monitors program status and determines solutions to problems. Researches programming offered by other entities/organizations to support rationale for implementing programming/eliminate duplication of services. Reviews receipt and expenditure of grant funds; monitors progress of contracts; prepares reports as required by grantor and/or City. Monitors, allocates and schedules resources to ensure accomplishment of program goals. Reviews program performance data to determine need for program qhanges. Establishes and maintains an effective working relationship with supervisors, subordinates, other employees/agencies; projects a positive, professional impression when dealing with the general public. Accepts work assignments willingly. Investigates complaints appropriate action to departmental policy. made against subordinates; takes resolve them in a fair manner per Keeps superiors/subordinates aware of changes tn policy and procedure which might affect their performance and morale. Makes presentations to schools, civic groups, organizations, etc., to inform/publicize programs. business Counsels, disciplines and recommends employee termination when necessary. Handles employee complaints/grievances and problems. Develops a work climate conducive to subordinates' productivity; develops two-way communication, provides proper tools, equipment and training, and provides leadership in resolvina oroblems. Assistant City Manager Job Description - pg. 4 Performs research/analysis add-prepares written reports, graphs, tables, etc. Keeps superior informed of change~ ~n the ~tatus of important projects; notifies superior before making decisions which require superior input or approval. Considers potential impacts/consequences of decisions before acting. Education and Job Related Experience: Masters Degree in Public or Business Administration, or a related field, and over three years up to and including 5 years job-related experience (preferably in -local government) or any equivalent combination that meet the following minimum ability: Minimum Reasoning. ability usually associated with this classification: Ability to apply principles of logical or scientific thinking to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions; to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagrammatic form. Deal with several abstract'and concrete variables. Minimum Math ability usually associated with this classification: Using Algebra: Ability to deal with system of real numbers; linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, angle and circular functions, and inverse functions; related algebraic solution of equations and inequalities; limits and continuity, and probability and statistical inference. Using Geometry: Ability to perform deductive axiomatic geometry, plane and solid; and rectangular coordinates. Using Shop Math: Ability to use practical application of fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion, mensuration, logarithms, sliderule, practical algebra, geometric constructions, and essentials of trigonometry. Minimum Language classification: ability usually associated with this Read: Ability to read literature, book and play reviews, scientific and technical Journals, abstracts, financial reports, and legal documents. Write: Ability to..~ write novels, plays,- editorials, Journals, speeches, manuals, critiques, poetry, and songs. Speak: Ability to be conversant in theory, principles, and methods of effective and persuasive speaking, voice and diction, phonetics, and discussion and debate. Training: Amount of training, either on-the-Job or formal education, usually associated with this occupation in addition to the Reasoning, Math and Language abilities detailed above: Over 3 years. Physical Demands: Degree of Physical Demands (Strength) usual~y'associated with this classification: Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects, lnc%uding the human body. Sedentary Work involves sitting most of the time, but may involve walking or standing for brief periods of time. This position at times may require walking or standing to a significant degree. Types of Physical Demands usually associated with this classification: Stooping: (Stooping - Bending body downward and forward by bending spine at waist). Reaching, Handling, Fingering, Feeling: (Reaching - Extending the hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction). (Handling - Seizing, holding, grasping, turning or otherwise working with hand or hands, fingering not involved). (Fingering - Picking, pinching or otherwise working with fingers primarily, rather than with whole hand or arm as in handling). (Feeling - Perceiving attributes of objects such as size, shape, temperature or texture by means of receptors in skin, particularly those of finger tips). Talking, Hearing, Seeing: (Talking - Expressing or exchanging ideas by means of spoken word). (Hearing - Perceiving nature of sounds by ear). (Seeing - The ability t~ perceive the nature of objects by the eye). Driving: Must be able to operate a motor vehicle and pdssess a current valid Florida Driver's License. Environmental Conditions: Physical Surroundings usually associated with classification: The Worker is Subject to Inside Environmental Conditions: Protection from weather conditions but not necessarily from temperature changes. Machinesr Tools~ Equipmentt and Work Aids which may be representative, but not all inclusive, of those commonly associated with this type of works Charts, Contracts, Diagrams, Blueprints, Manuals, Reference Books, State Statute, City Charter, Computer, Telephone, Etc.