R98-005 RESOLUTI ON .j~'~ :¢.~..~¢~' A RESOLUTION OF THE- CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC.'S, CONSTITUTION REVISION RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida League of Cities, Inc., convened at its Annual Legislative conference on November 20-21, 1997, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport, Orlando, Florida to adopt both its legislative policies and proposals to revise Florida's Constitution; WHEREAS, the Florida League of Cities, Inc., adopted on November 21, 1997, its 1998 Constitution Revision Resolution; WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, believes that there will be a variety of constitutional proPosals that could affect municipal home rule authority and municipality's ability to respond to the needs and conveniences of their'citizenry; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, is a member of the Florida LeagUe of Cities, Inc., and fully supports the Florida League of Cities', and each position addressed in the 1998 Constitution Revision Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Constitution Revision Commission respectfully consider the Florida League of Cities' Constitution Revision. A copy of the 1998 Constitution Revision Resolution-of the Florida League of Cities is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Section 2. A copy of this municipal resolution to be sent to the 1998 Constitution Revision Commission members. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of January, 1998. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /,'¢ice Mayor '~~m' C~r~missioner~, 5 Commissioner AT,TEST: Ci~ Clerk ~eso~Lecsla~e jcfio~onsfi~fion Revision ~ ~.,e..~~ ~ The 1998 Constitution Revision Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. (FLC), ESTABLISHING POLICY POSITIONS CONCERNING THE REVISIONS TO THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE 1998 CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the FLC, whose membership consisto of Florida's municipalities, was created in 1922 to work for the ~morai improvement of Florida's municipal Jun~ 1997, pursuant to AfL XI, §2, Fl~ Con~, to review, considor and recommend to Florida'a electors propo~d ~ to Florida's Con~imtion; and WHEREA~, the FLC belkve~ that local serf ~ernm~nt i~ th~ k~y~tone to r and that constimtionM municipal hom~ ~ &uthority should b~ WHEREA~,. muni~paliti~ are th~ only optimml form of ~wel~m~llt, created primarily to service the needs and desires of a local community;, and Vv'HF, REAS, municipaliti~ are the ~mTnnento closest to the ~ and are ~ by ~mmunity ~ who have distingui~d themselve~ u public servants; proposals that could af~ct th~h' home ruk authority and abih'ty to r~spond to th~ nseda and ~ of ~ citismry. NOW, ~1/~ Bg IT lt~8OL~D BY TI~ FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC,, THAT ~ CON--ON REVISION COMMISSION RESPE~Y CONSIDER THE I~OLI~WINO PosrrloNs: Section 1. That the FLC, opposes any chsn~ in Art. I, Fla. Const., or in any other provisioa of the Coa___~tl~ that would ~bly infring~ upon th~ rights of all prow~ ownem in ord.' to espand th~ rishto of m proim'ty ownors. ~d bez~flts for munk~psl m~ or prohibit le~lati~ s~don if such benefit is a Section 4. That th~ FI, C, endorses ~airn~ss in municipal hirins practices and will-support an amendment to th~ constitu~on that reco~zes that employment polices are & matter of local concern and dependent upon the uniqu~ circumstances of ARide Il. General Provfsions Section 5. That the FLC, 8upport8 an amendment to Az~ 1I, § 7, FI~ Const., relating to environmental protection, that ensures the prudent expenditure of taxpayer doilm~ b~ req~ tl~t 8mt~ environmental re&q~ttion~ b~ supported b~ sound mti~fl~ & cost/benefit test and achiev~ & benefit derived ~ the environmentml re~mhtion that i8 mtionall~ related to th~ coots to implement the other provision of the Constitution that enm~r~ fairne~ tl~ou~h procedur~ and substantive due ~ for municipml officials and that rewtructur~ the Commission Section 7. That the FL~ suppoFts ~tn tO cloae loopholes in the Sectio~ 8. That the lq, C. supports an amendment to AR. ~ § X(a), ~mt, to &uth~Jm m~b m l~y m~ tax tl~ ~ ~nd ito l~iiti~ 8~km 9. That tim FL~ ~ppm~ -- mmmdmmt to A~ VI~ § 3(a), FI~ ~ 10. Th~ the FL(:, ~ppm~ ~n m~ln~nt m A~L VI~ § 1(~), FIL ConoL, to cod~y the cotlrts' a,~it4f~ of ~oze~' slid ~lsure8 mtlnicipa]itie8 mt.mi" home rub eu.~h~ to ~'ree~* Section ti, That the lq, C, supporm an mnendment to Article VII, § 18, Fla, which Morida~ ~ e~ this proHsion and It became effective. Const., to provide that · municipel ora~-~ prevails over · state law. 9ection 13. That the lq, C, supporm on amendment to Art. Vlll,§ 2(c), ConmL, which ~ · munic~ty to annex unincorporated property expeditiously. Section 14. That the FI, C, 8u~ an amendment to Art. VIII, g 2, Fl& Conot., that assuru · municipality's riaht to manaae ifs risht-of-ways and to ~ fair Section IS/ That the FLC, supports an amendment to Art. VIii, g 2(b), ~ land use decision& 9ecttoa 17o That the lq~, suppm~ sa ameadment to Article Vlff, §. 2, FI~ Coast., that ensures th~ right of citizens of any municipality not to t~ subjected to Section 19. That the FLC, supports an amendment to Art. X, § 13, Fla. Const,, to assure the sovereisri immunity of municipalities is the ,u~m~ as the 8rote and im a~encies and political subdivisions, and opposes any provision that would expand the. tort liability of municipalities. A~e ~ Amem~aea~ Section 20. That the FLC, suppoFts an amendment to Art. XI, § 3, FI~ Const., to ensure the rishts of munkn'pal citizens by precludin~ any limiM~ns on the powers of municipalities throush lesishtive or citinm initiited propomls that amend the ~nstitutio~ Section 21. That the FLC, .suppor~ andy ~ consUtutionM amendment that recosnizeo'and storm8 the principk of municipel Home Rule and oppose any their citizen& Includiuf the authority of municipMitleo to raise revenue~ Section 22.. That'a copy of this resolution be sent to tho 1998 Constitution this 21~ Day of November, 1997,