R98-001 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (CITY) AND BIG BEAT PRODUCTIONS, INC., (ARTISTS' AGENT) TO P. ROVIDE FOR THE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT AT "TUNES IN TOWN" CONCERTS DURING THE MONTHS OF JANUARY THROUGH MAY 1998, AND FOR BLACK AWARENESS DAY ON FEBRUARY 21, 1998; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach provides the community with musical entertainment at Oceanfront Park through the "Tunes in Town" concert series; and WHEREAS,, city staff has indicated the nee~J for services to coordinate and provide music entertainment for public recreation and enjoyment during four (4) "Tunes in Town" concerts to be held during the months of January through May, 1998, and for Black Awareness Day on February 21, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Big Beat Productions, Inc. has the knowledge, ability and experience to coordinate the musical entertainment for these events; and WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of city staff, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach has determined that an agreement should be entered into with Big Beat Productions, Inc. to coordinate and provide the music artist performing groups, including equipment and technicians for "Tunes in Town" concerts to be held during the months of January through May, 1998, and for the Black Awareness Day celebration scheduled for February 21, 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Big Beat Productions, Inc. to coordinate and provide .the music artist performing groups, including equipment and technicians for "Tunes in Town" concerts to be held during the months of January through May, 1998, and for the Black Awareness Day celebration scheduled for February 21, 1998. A copy of the Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ,1998. Vice,,J~yor Commissior~4~ ~ Co~nmissioner Co ioner "TUNE~ IN TOWN" ENTERTAINIdENT AGREEMENT Rtch~rd Uoyd. Pre,dent, 1515 Untv.r~ Drive ' of Boyflton ~ea~, Rorida ~ mu ' ' ~ ._ ,.~u~le I~8~. Cer~ Springs, FL 33071 i~ !00 East Boynton EeeCh Boulevard.. Boynton Beech. ~orl~a, 33435. WHEREAS, ~e Cl~ ~ in n~ of s~i~s to coordinate ~ Par~ ~ ~ ~-_' ;'L~'.~'"~'~ me '-~un~ in TO~~ con~ .~n, ,~ .... ~ pubhc WHEREAS, A~ete' ~enl h~ ~e kno~edge, abll~ ~d equipment to ~ord~ate ~unes in g~e,eflte~ent~d in~/ng ¢onl~ls with profession~ music a~J8~ and the aut~oflty to ~pre~nl these WHEREA~, lhe City desires to engage ~e ~rvi~ of ~isb' Agent to gm'Ida "Tunee ~ Town' enrichment ~r ~e ~or~e~tion~ put. sea, NOW THEREFORE, ~ in mns~era~on of the m~ua~ oov~ a~O pro~s set fo~ herein, ~e ~a~es ~o this agreement ac hereby ~ree ~ !, That ~te' ~ent ~11 ~oviOe ~e dlfferem music a~lst parroting rou :, and te~hnioi~s, for ~e ~normancee ~l ~ted be~w for ~e ~ount o~ ~.00 g Janua~ 9, 1 e98 ~srand ~ $7~.00 Fe~ru~ 13, lg~ J~mle ~ng Col~n ~,00 t February 2 ;, 1998 Ap~I 10, 1998 May 15, 1998 Strictly Equal *All bands wilt be seE-contained. *Performance ~me}s 5;00 p.m. - 8:00 $800.oo (B[sck Awarenees Day] $750.00 $950.00 I That the City shall tnit~a~e lhla agreement 0y prOVdlng a deposit che~k in the amount of $2,025.0O made payable to Big Beat Proclu~one, {ncorporated, and! that the balance ct $g,025.00 s~a. II be paid once Services are fuji,/rendered (payment will be n lalled to ArlJlts' Agent One week following each 'Tunes In Town" concert clare). 3. T.~_.at..h. ~e .c~s_ e o.f. severe inclement weather as determined by the ( =nmr~ammem ~oorainato[ ~haJi notl~/Arllste' Agent two hours prior to ~h~ carlCel. Bo[h parties agree thai the $2,025.00 depoait is n~n-refundable a cancellation due to ;ncfemerrt weather, ~e City shall re~¢heclule l~e artis~ t¢ 4. Thaf. in the event of,eickness or ac~ of nature whio~ ~u~e an Ir~ability group to Perform eJ s~heduled, Artlsts' Agent Sl3all eubslrtute m~llar ar'dst 'Tun~ In Town' Enlerlelnment Coorcllnator. ' =ity, 'Tunes In Town' dulecj ~r~ormance to that, In the oa6e ct ana',her dam. the music; aFU$1 or ~vill't prior approvaJ, by C ,I T p~r~ $, That l~e .'tlu$ic erlJeIs, I~ohn;clan$ and r~p~'~sentative~ ~hall be ~dormlng ~n~ICt~ Of ~e A~mslo' Agent (not the CNy of ~ynion Beam] a~ that t~ tnf~ ~em of ~elr inde~nd~t contre~or ~s through a ~tlen 6. ~lt no a~hol ~ illegal d~gI sha~ ~ ~nIumed by A~t~ ~gom, mu~c a~ste, ~~, cr~ ~- rt~es~flve~ Feet to dur~ or subsequen~ to ~ ~unea tn ~own pedorm~ In 7. ~ A~st~' Agent ahalt ensu~ ~t the e~lsts em ~e~ontained as ~ere ~ti be no pro~mional sound ~uip~t pro~ D~ ~e C~ ~r~i '%unel ~ To~' conceal. 8. Th~ no ~o~a~($) ~ f~ ~e ~ubj~l maEer ~ [his agreement S~ell ~ m~rded. reptoou~ or Iransmitte~ ~ ~ p~ ~ pedormance, in a~y ~tt~r or by any means wha~oevac, in the abs~ce of a aping ~iitin agr~m~t relating to; re~r~, repr~ucflon or ~anemisl~n. r 11, That ~e City shall not ~t responsive ~ ~y pro~ ~amage or parso~al inju~ . e neg~em .c~s ~ Ci[y m i~ em~oyeea and agents / ~ J 12. That ~' A~ S~ not ami, ~u~nlra~ or ~r ~ls igreemem to ~any mlJvl~ul, group. Igancy, ~vemme~ non-prat er prat ~a~n.I 13, Thai A~' Agent ~all indemn~, save a~ ~o1~ he.tess the C~, i~ a~ents and ern~oyees or re~r~ Igalnat ~ from CRy or Ci~'a ageml ~ employees, by ma~ ~ any ~n~ to Oro~eny or pemon, ln~u~ing dea:~, Ius~lned by any pers~ ~flomsoeger. which damage A~ his technici~, ~ret~l~ves, ~ or muIIc a~sts. ~ena]i m .i~er ~ny, men ~e ~'evalll~ pa~ shall be entit~ to ~asonqble a~or~y fee~ end ~s~ incu~d In seed I~galion. Venue ~r ~ld Ill.ion shall ~ Palm ~aqh ~ 5 That Ad;ars' Age~ shall provide ~e Oil~ ~ Cul~ura~y aae~ mu~ a~ls~s for ~e 'Tunes tn I 10. That Artists' Agen! shal not c~ieOrlmln~e aoalnst any ~erson on the ba~s ancostl¥, national origin, lga, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or di Correcting Pr~otice~. t~e ~elemion ~ music artl~ts or for any rea~on agreement, co~, religion, ,ability in It~ hiring or aesoc~amcS with this 17. That this agreement alone sets for'th all the coYer~anta, promiseS, agreenlent., conaITJon$ under~ancflng l:)etween tt~ parties hereto. Thm-e are no COvenants, i~r=mlSe$, agreements, conditlor~e or understandings, sillier oral or wri~e~, i~etween ~e parties otl'~er Ran those herein set forth. No agreemm~t shall be b[ncling ui~on the part,es unless and until ~ Is recluced to writing and signed t)y both Artists' Agent and th8 City. i iS. If i11¥ tem~ or pt'ovisiort of ~i$ agreement ~llall, to any exter~L b~ deemed irlvali~l or extent Of the taW, ' 19. $11at0rt Golden .s~all serve as the City's conta~ for the co~¢ina~ion a~c~ selection of music IN WITNESS WHEREOF. tiaa parties hereto have caused this ~greement cay and year written above, ATTEST: (~ity of 8oynton O0 exeoutecl on '~' Big ~3eet Productions · N~proved as to form ~ James Cher6f, City Attolney Oily of ~oynton Beach 3