R07-001 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. R07 - 00 \ 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF 5 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, '6 APPROVING THE FOUR YEAR LEASE OF A 7 FOLDING AND INSERTING SYSTEM FROM 8 PITNEY BOWES UTILIZING A FLORIDA STATE 9 CONTRACT #600-760-00-1 WITH PITNEY BOWES; 10 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 < I 12 WHEREAS, the current lease with Pitney Bowes for the Spectrum 5-Series I. I ji 1,3 Folding and Inserting system, which is aging and not suited to handle the growth and i I I 14 changing needs of the City of Boynton Beach, will expire on February I, 2007; and < , i I 15 WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, it is the City's desire to enter into a I , , I , Lease Agreement with Pitney Bowes, utilizing State Contract (#600-760-00-1) pricing for I 16 , I' a new DI950 Folding and Inserting System; and !, 17 j' , ! 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION i, " , i i 19 OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: i , 20 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed 21 as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon '.' . ." . . . 22 adoption. 23 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby 24 approves the "piggyback" of State Contract #600-760-00-1 issued to Pitney Bowes in the i ., 25 amount of $57,470.32, for a 48 month lease of a new DI950 Folding and Inserting 26 System. , 27 Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute said 28 Lease between the City of Boynton Beach and Pitney Bowes, a copy of said Lease being 29 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 30 Section 4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately. S:\CA\RESO\Agreements\Pitney Bowes - Folding & Inserting.doc '1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of January, 2007. 2 3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 4 h~r 5 ,6 7 ,8 9 Vice Mayor 10 , i. 11 I I. 12 i' 13 I' 14 Ii 15 i' ~.,. " 1,6 I. 17 . I 1.8 oy , 1'9 , I' i' 20 ATTEST: I' I' 21 ~ i 22 . < Ii 23 24 i 25 26 27 I 28 I; i , , ; I' i' i I , !' !; , ! S:\CA\RESO\Agreements\Pitney Bowes - Folding & Inserting.doc ~c'm . DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT The AdmimJlm/ive and Operations Arm SERVICES ~f F IOlida 'J CowrtJtrleJ/! JEB BUSH, C;OVI~RN()R \V'lLlJAM S. SrMON, SECRE'1'J\RY Suite 315 CERTIFICATION OF CONTRACT Roi-oot TITLE: Mail Processing Equipment CONTRACT NO.: 600-760-00-1 BIONO,: 15-600-760-K i EFFECTIVE: February 21, 2000 through February 20, 2007 I RENEW AL: February 21,2006 through February 20, 2007 (Rev 23 Jan 2006) SUPERSEDES: 600-760-97-1 CONTRACTOR(S): , American Business Systems (M) - Neopost I Francotyp-Postalia, Inc, (A) Modular Mailing Systems, Inc,- Hasler, Inc. (A) Pitney Bowes (A) (Rev 7 April 04) A, AUTHORITY - Upon affirmative action taken by the State of Florida Department of Management Services on February 9, 2000, a contract has been executed between the State of Florida and the designated contractors, B, EFFECT - This contract was entered into to provide economies in the purchase of Mail I Processing Equipment by all State of Florida agencies and institutions, Therefore, in compliance with Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, all purchases of these commodities shall be made under the terms, prices, and conditions of this eontract and with the suppliers specified, ; , , C, ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS - All purchase orders shall be issued in accordance with !' , the attached ordering instructions, Purchaser shall order at the prices indicated, exclusive , ! of all Federal, State and local taxes, , I i All contract purchase orders shall show the State Purchasing contract number, product I number, quantity, description of item, with unit prices extended and purchase order totaled, (This requirement may be waived when purchase is made by a blanket purchase I i order,) ST.HI': PUHCIIASl:-<C . 4050 1':~I'L\~,\l)I': '\,./;\ y . ']',\LLAlI;\SSl':I':, ]i]'oHIDA 32399-0950 . 'j']-:] ,1':1'1 [OK I,: 850-488-8440 . II,\X: 850-414-6122 i i D, CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE - Agencies shall report any vendor failure to perform ! according to the requirements of this contract on Complaint to Vendor, form PUR 7017, i Should the vendor fail to correct the problem within a prescribed period of time, then form PUR 7029, Request for Assistance, is to be filed with this office. , I 10, SPECIAL AND GENERAL CONDITIONS - Special and general conditions are enclosed for your information, Any restrictions accepted from the supplier are noted on the ordering instructions. F. CONTRACT APPRAISAL FORM - State Contract Appraisal, form PUR 7073 should be used to provide your input and recommendations for improvements in the contract to State I ~:,p, "" ,,,,, ,h" 90 d.y' p,'o; " 'h, "P'''''"" dOl' of ." oo",m". i I AuthOrized Signature , , , ke/kla Attachments CITY ATTORNEY I I , , I , i " CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR I I Barbara Carter I PHONE: (850) 487-6592 SUNCOM 277-6592 E-MAIL: barb.carterblal,dms.mvflorida.com I , I , Dee tl 06 10:38p BEN RUBI 9545237552 p. t i i: ~ Ii 'i1 r;= Pitney Bowes Your Business Information: DBA Name of Lessee City &c, """,ce ,0 " lare p+ Customer P.Ol tJ. Billloc.1.0. 2- I Years. In Busin~ Business Type i ; Name ot Principal Social Security # Bank Accounl # Bank Phone # Credit Card # Expire Date Name On Card Typ. Tax Bcompt 1# Sales Tax (if applicable) I Fiscal Period Renter PO# From: To; , I I " The information referenced above is correct. Please note any billing requirements below: Please Initial I AI Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services, customer satisfaction is our number one pr;oriJy. Backed by one of the largest and most respected complmles in the office equipmenl indui'lry. encl. cu.nomer /.'1 assured the lItmosl reliability, conve"ience andjle.xibi/lty in the product" and service we ~ffer. I Technology Protection Plan " Your Business Needs: (Xl Items to be included in your 1'otnl Quarterly Payment. : X Equipment Mainlenanre. Pro\'idcs full service coverage includinlllLlI part.~ and lubor. Sort-Guard - l"rnvide:s ncce~nry carrier mte updall:. , ;< Software .\1.ninlcllantc - Provides revision upgrades and technical as,islarx:e. Meter 00 Lellle - Provides simplified billing llnd includes i _rcset(s)pcryear. Qty I ;-; .!i- ~ .. D..L fl. " r '- , <""~ ~ , \ D..J,..-;><"T ~,':t" ~"P~-1-. . i F'7T '\: F'-rQ.t\0'" To'0~ (i):>~=-t--\-r"''l$ ol ~<;.v~t-<tI/;,'1<; Your Payment Mn: I By your signutu/"'C as "Renter" below, you rcqlJC~t lhnt we renl to YlJIllhe equillflLc/lt described above or on any " , Initial Lease Term (In Months) sdll:t.lule a/lached hereto (the "Hqldpmenl") for e.'Iscnlial Govemmclllal purposes in eonsider:lIiOll nfyour p:l)'lIIC!nt 10 (Begin after any applicable interim usage period) liS of the: amount, set fOrth in Ihe Payment Schedule.. subjeclto lhe tellfls wtd condilions provided in this A~enl. For PlIrJIoses of this A~enr, nit ptIyments set forth in the P:iryment Schedule shall be referred to as Ihe "Total Paylnents." 11te p3)1nents refl.'lTl:d to in the Paymenl ScbeJulcolher thallthl': "Fill<lll PaYIll'-'1lI" Sohal! be rcfr:m:d to # of Months Monthly Amount stflcularlyas a "Pl,.'Tiod Paynu::nt" and conectivlllyas the t>eriod PlIymems." YOUfoffer",ill be bindiug on ItS whclI (Applicable taxos. not induded) we :tCe~pt it hy having an autllorizcd employee Sil91 it. All p:rymcnts bercundershlll! be paYllblc only to u'RI our C'lecutivr: offiCCII unless we direct you mhcrwisc ill writing. First .,~ $ I J il;L [. NON-APf'ROPRlAllON. You Wnmtnt that you have funds Il>r.lilnble 10 p:lY the Total Ppymcllts wrtiltbe end of This lease is billed Quarterly, your TOIOI Quarterty Payment is three your current fiscal period, and shall Wie your best efforts co obtnin funds to pay lhe Total PayinL'Ilts in eaeh I times the Monthly Amount. subsequent fucal period through the end of your rnitial Term. Jf:yOUf approprwlion request (0 your IegisJuth'C body, or flmding authority ("GoverninG Body") for funds to P/lY the Total Paymcrrls is deoied, yoll may tenninnte thi~ Agreement on tile lasl day oftbe fiJClIl period for which funds haw bo:en approprintcd, upon (i) submission or dcw.:llOientation rea.wnably sUfi!discrory to us evidencing'the GoverninG Body's denial afan appropriation sufficient to continue this Ab'fCCIIiCnt fortl1c next suoceedinu fis<:al period, nnd (ii) saris.l'actiOll of all charges and obtig:uions llnder this AI::fCCmelll in.cllffed through the end (lf1he fisca.l pcriud ror which nutu.~ have been <IrlJlHIpTial:cd, ineh.luinl; tile return of tfle EljlJipment at your expense. lJ Required Advanced Quarterly Lease Check of Received. a . Signature Dale Tax Exempt (certificate attached) Print Name Tille Support Services' Paymenl 01 . This lease and other ilL>rec:ments may only be dJ:\llgerl by the p:U1ks in wrilmll. To be paid to vendQr pursuant to sedion 21. I , , i