Minutes 02-09-07 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA PREVIEW MEETING HELD IN BOYNTON BEACH, CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON FRDIAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2007 AT 9:00 A.M. Present: Jerry Taylor, Mayor Ron Weiland, Commissioner Mack McCray Commissioner Carl McKoy, Commissioner Chief William Bingham, Acting City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Janet Prainito, City Clerk Absent: Jose Rodriguez, Vice Mayor CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Taylor announced Vice Mayor Rodriguez would be listening through a speaker phone. Attorney Cherof advised Vice Mayor Rodriguez could listen to the meeting on the speaker phone but could not participate in the meeting. Vice Mayor Rodriguez was in agreement with the parameters of his participation. Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. II.A. Information Items by Members of the City Commission Commissioner McKoy advised he would give a brief report on the recent trip to Washington, D.C. by himself and Vice Mayor Rodriguez. I.D.l. Additions, Deletions, Corrections (Taken out of order) Commissioner Weiland asked to discuss the CRA board, their functions, accomplishments and the possible necessity to remove the board. Mayor Taylor suggested placing the discussion under XI. New Business, Item B. Commissioner McKoy suggested moving forward with the small business initiative and an update would be appropriate. Bobby Jenkins, Assistant Director of Finance, reported progress had been made; however, due to illness of team members, there had been a delay. Commissioner McCray felt a specific timeline should be established and an update given at the meeting also under XI. New Business, Item C. 1 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, FL February 9, 2006 III.A.l.The Boynton Beach Heritage Celebration will be held February 23, 24, 8r. 25, 2007. Activities at the Hester Center include children's activities, sports tournaments, art exhibits and entertainment featuring Suave Smooth, JRed, Boot Leg and Tampa Tony. Kool & the Gang will perform a FREE concert on Saturday, February 24th, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., on East Ocean Avenue. Commissioner McCray indicated he would be making comments relating to the Heritage Celebration. III.B.A.Gang Free Boynton Beach "Kids Night Out" with the Original Harlem Globetrotters, March 5, 2007 at the FAU Arena, Boca Raton. Fifty elementary school age children will be awarded tickets for their drawings depicting alternative activities to joining a gang. Commissioner McKoy inquired if any elected officials would be present and accompany the students. Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager, replied the event coincides with a Commission meeting and staff and volunteers would be chaperoning the participants. IV Public Audience: Commissioner Weiland commented one standard should be applied to all persons who come forward to give their name and address and more closely adhere to the three minute limitation. Mayor Taylor explained he would monitor the speakers more closely and depending on the content of the remarks, does allow more than the three minutes. He agreed in fairness there should be more consistency. Commissioner McCray did not have a problem with the past practice. VI.A.l.Approve the piggyback of the CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH, BID #03/04-06, to FLORIDA HIGHWAY PRODUCTS, INC. for the microsurfacing of roadways in the estimated amount of $335,983. Commissioner McCray requested further information locating the roads involved and the District. Dave Kelley, Assistant Director of Public Works and City Engineer, announced most of the roadways were in the northeast and southeast quadrants in Districts II and III. Commissioner McCray suggested that information be included in the agenda itself for the public's information. VI.C.3.Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and authorizing execution of a two-year service and support agreement with TelVue Virtual Television Networks (TVTN) to remotely organize, update and maintain the City's public access television station at no cost to the City. 2 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, FL February 9, 2006 Commissioner McCray advised he would pull the item to point out service and support would be at no cost to the City. VI.C.5.Proposed Resolution No. R-07- RE: Approve and authorizing execution of a contract between 4th St. LLC and the City of Boynton Beach for a live fire training burn of a building located at 416 SE 4th Avenue. Commissioner McCray requested the estimated date of the fire burning to address any phone inquiries. Chief Bingham advised he would provide the information to the Commission. VI.C.6.Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and authoring execution of an agreement with Workforce Alliance in furtherance of an approved Employed Worker Training Grant for $27,711 to train up to 31 employees. Commissioner McKoy questioned the possible consequences of not completing the training in the specified time period. He requested clarification on the purpose and intent of the grant. Debby Majors, Grants Coordinator, responded ITS, Communications and Human Resources would be trained in specific courses. All classes fall within the timeframe of the grant funding. Substitute training can be scheduled if needed, as long as it falls within the time period. Reimbursement would be withheld if the training was not completed. The grant monies would pay for the registration cost of the training and the City would pay for the employee time and any travel or other costs involved that have been budgeted. VI.C.9.Preoposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and authorizing execution of an interlocal agreement with funding in the amount of $300,000 with Palm Beach County as a partner to implement the Youth Violence Prevention Project (YVPP) in a targeted area of the City of Boynton Beach. Mayor Taylor questioned the conflict in the time period referred to, being from February to September and then a reference to three years. Regenia Scott, Neighborhood services, explained the Court implemented the program as a three year pilot. Application would have to be made yearly. The next application would be for more funding to encompass an entire year. VI.C.10,Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and authorizing execution of a Project Agreement in an amount not to exceed $35,000 from the Recreation Assistance Program (RAP) - District 3 ($10,000) and Engineering Capital Funding - District 7 ($25,000) to assist with costs for Boynton Beach Little League field improvements. Commissioner McCray requested clarification of the location of District 7. 3 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, FL February 9, 2006 Jody Rivers, Park Superintendent, responded the Districts were County Commission designations. The specific boundaries could be provided. Commissioner McCray suggested for the benefit of the public, the agenda item should include language to designate the Districts as County Districts. VI.D. Approve the execution of a Special Warranty Deed to convey ownership of the Old High School buildings to the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). Commissioner McCray inquired when renovations would begin. Mayor Taylor understood the company who had been designated to do the renovations had pulled out. Mr. Kelley advised the improvements would be coordinated with the Community Redevelopment Agency once the deed was fully executed. Bob Reardon, CRA, advised ownership was the issue and once established, the interested parties would be contacted. Commissioner McCray requested a timeline for the renovations once ownership was transferred. Mayor Taylor suggested the CRA be prepared to give an update on the status of the project. VIII. B. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Cortina at Boynton Village (SPTE 06-012) Stephen B. Liller, K. Hovnanian Homes Hovstone Properties Florida, LLC Boynton Village, northeast corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Description: Request for a one (12) year site plan time extension for site plan approval granted on September 20, 2006, from September 20, 2006 to September 20, 2007. VIII.C. Project: Agent: Owners: Location: The Learning Place II (SPTE 07-001) Scott and Catherine Freeland Scott and Catherine Freeland 8515 Lawrence Road, east side of Lawrence Road immediately south of Citrus Cove Elementary School and the LWDD L-21 Canal. Description: Request for a one (1) year site plan time extension for site plan and conditional use (COUS 04-006) approval granted on October 18, 2005 from October 18, 2006 to October 18, 2007. Commissioner McCray asked if the recently enacted site plan approval to eighteen months would alter the requests. Mr. Kelley noted the original approval was for only a one year period before the approval time had been extended to eighteen months. 4 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Conference Boynton Beach, FL February 9, 2006 Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, explained the original approval had been extended to eighteen months; however, the extension time period would remain the same. VIII.G.Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Polio Campero (NWSP 07-003) Oscar Tazoe, Kimley-Horn 8r. Associates, Inc. 1950 Congress Avenue, LLC Boynton Town Center; east side of Congress Avenue, approximately 820 feet north of Old Boynton Road. Description: Request for new site plan approval to construct a 3,289 square foot drive-through restaurant and related site improvements on out lot #4 of the approved Boynton Town Center project. Commissioner McCray asked if this new site plan encompassed the new eighteen month period. Mr. Rumpf replied the eighteen months applied. X. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Commissioner McCray inquired if all the items previously listed under Future Agenda Items had been addressed and felt a review of the disposition of previous items should be made. Mayor Taylor recalled a few items had been removed by the Commission. Chief Bingham indicated a list and the disposition of prior items would be submitted. Commissioner McCray recommended at some point during the meeting, an explanation be given why there was only one meeting scheduled in February. Mayor Taylor agreed. There being no further r business to come before the Commission, Mayor Taylor properly adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m. /~ cC':~. _.- )) I ~/ . ...-:-:> 5