R07-096 , , T 1 RESOLUTION R07- oq b 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF 4 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 5 APPROVING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 6 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN 7 AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 8 (R2003-0174) DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2003, BETWEEN 9 THE CITIES OF BOYNTON BEACH, DELRAY AND 10 BOCA RATON AND PALM BEACH COUNTY TO 11 EXTEND THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE 12 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO EXPIRE ON 13 FEBRUARY 4, 2011; AND PROVIDING AN 14 EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement was 17 signed by the parties on February 4, 2003, the purpose of which was to set forth 18 the parameters under which the County will make specific components of its 88 19 MHz Trunked Radio System available tot he parties in order to provide for 20 interoperable radio communications between Palm Beach County and the 21 participating cities; 22 WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement was set 23 to expire on February 4, 2008, this Amendment will extend that expiration date 24 to February 4,2011. 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY 26 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 27 THAT: 28 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and 29 confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this 30 Resolution upon adoption hereof. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 11 Section 2. Upon recommendation of staff, this Commission does hereby approve, authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the Interloca1 Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County to extend the expiration date of the Interlocal Agreement to expire on February 4,2011, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 3 That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this.0..L day of August, 2007. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~... c:;/... ATTEST: - ---"~-_..---- ------..- ]: . 1l0......./,uL.: (C<)rporat~(~) ."- ,,/ ~-- ROI -oq '=> AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT to Agreement R2003-0174, dated February 4, 2003, is made as of , by and between Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the County, and the cites of Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Boynton Beach, each a separate municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida and hereinafter collectively referred to as the Cities. In consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the County and the Cities agree as follows: 1. The term of Agreement R2003-0174, set to expire on February 4, 2008, shall be extended to February 4, 2011. 2. All other terms of Agreement R2003-0174 remain unmodified and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida has made and executed this Amendment on behalf of the County and the Cities have hereunto set their hands the day and year above written. SHARON R. BOCK, CLERK & COMPTROLLER PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: By: Deputy Clerk Addie L. Greene, Chairperson APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY APPROVED AS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS By: Asst. County Attorney By: Director Facilities Dev & Operations Renewal Amendment to Hub Connect 04/11/07 Page 1 of 4 .~ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: #~f'~ ClA'1C1L ~ Renewal Amendment to Hub Connect 04/11/07 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS By: Page 4 of 4 ~S/~7/2~~7 ~O.~~ ':)c.~. -233-~7~S ':"t:\C~'_I"':-:C:S ):.V (~ 80S '='AGE i?2 IR200~;5 0174 FED II 4 mJ3 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ThJS Amf:ndmf:nt In to an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, is !'Jude Jnd entered into this _ day of _., :W02, by and between PALM BEACH COLTNTY, a political subdivisIOn of the State of Florida ("COUNTY") 2nd {he cities of .BOCA RATON ("BOCA RATON") and DELRA Y BEACH ("DELRA Y BEACH") and BOYKTON BEACH ("BOYNTON BEACH"), e:!ch :\ separate municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State o.f Florida. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Cities oEBoca Raton, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach, have established via interIocal Agreement tbe South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communi4;atioos Cooperative for the purpose of exp.mding the geographic use of available frequencies for mutual assistance and daily activities and for the establishment and operation of radio communications systems; and WHEREAS, thl: COTJNTY has purchased, designed, installed, and committed to the operation of an 800 MHz Trunked Radio System to meet tbe needs of the Palm Beach County Sh~riff's Office, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Palm Beacb County Emergency Management Service. :and various Palm Beach County general government agencies; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the Cities h;1ve determined that tbe ability to provide interoperable systems is critical to the effective and efficient provision of public safety services; and WHEREAS, it has been determined mutually ben~ficial to aU Pani~s to execute this Agreement which sets forth the parameters under which the radio systems of the Cities and the COUNTY can be connected saving the taxpayers money of both the COUNTY and tbe Cities as well as the opportunity to receive the public safety benefit of interoperabilitYi WHEREAS, Section 163.0t, Florida Statutes, per.mits public agencies to entcr into Interlocal Agreements to joindy exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that this Amendment #2 is appropriate to update the original Interlocal Agreement, as amended from time to time, and that this amended agreement rescinds :1nd termin:ttes Agreement #2001-0199,and replaces it in its entirety: NOW THEREFORE, in conjunction with the mutual covenants, promises and representations contained herein the parties hereto agree as fotlows_ SECTION 1: Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the parameters under which; 1) the COUNTY will make specific components of its 800 MHz T runked Radio System available to the COOPERATIVE in order to provide for interoperable radio communications between the COUNTY and the cities parTicipating in the COOPERATIVE and 2) identify tbe use and monitoring requirements for the Common Talk Groups established on the County System. South Hub Amend 1/2 T,.~I Uf)<l:ttc: 7/)1()2 17:35 Page I of 19 ~S/~.2/2~~7 ~O.t~ :;s~. -2?3-~2~S ':"",0.S::-::_;--;ES ~~\/ .~ 2PS ":',~GE 2'3 SEClrlON 2: Definitic,ns 2.8] ~!1tQn B!~ach Site The City of Boynton Beach's prim.,ry r"clio communications site 10cated in Tract B, Rolling Gre'en Ridge Second Addition, City of !3oynton Beach. 2.02 Central Hub The Central Hub coo~i~ts of the radio communications system opfrated by the City of West Palm Beach and includes those cities utilizing the system through intcrlocal agrc~ement with the City of West Palm Beach. 2.03 Cities The City afBoca Raton, the City of Delray Beach, and the City of Boynton Beach, as individual entities, but u~cd in context of this Agreement to mean each city acting in the collective. 2.04 City-CountYRoamin& Talk Group Talk groups csubHshed on a municip:lI r:ldio com munications system for which the SmanZone controller will assign channel resources on the County's communications systems when units from the talk group arc registered on the System. 2.05 Common Countywide Talk Groups Talk groups established on the County's communications system that are made available to municipalities and other non-County agencies. These talk groups must be programmed into agency radios and be selected by the user. 2.06 County Talk Groups: Talk groups established on the County's cmmunication system that af(: made available to county agencies providing for inter-departmental communications. These talk groups are re~erved for particular departments/agencies and only available to outside depal"tments by separate agreements. 2.07 Controller The Controller is the group of equipment components that provide audio routing and control signaling functions required to interface various independent communications system and provides interoperable operations between the individual systems. 2.08 Coooerative The South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative which was established by BOCA RATON, OELRA Y BEACH AND BOYNTON BEACH to collectively provide a radio communications system which provides radio communications for the three cities. All references to the COo.PERA TlVE shall also refer to each of the Cities of Boca Raton, Delray Beaeh and Boynton ~acb and to the approval of all actions of the COOPERATIVE by the Cities pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement establishing the COOPERATIVE dated 2/2/98. 2.09 Coopera.tive's S)!:stem The 800 MHz tronked radio system or systems, funded, purchased, installed, maintained :.lnd owned by the COOPERATIVE or the individual cities. The system, or systems, shall include the fixed network and field radio transmitting and receiving equipment, microwave equipment and/or leased communication transport lines as required for communications between sites, dispatch center equipmem and facilities required for the operations of each city's public safety and government services functions, and the towers and physical facilities require to house and maintain the system equipment. South Hub Amend "2 Last Updale: 7/3/02 17:JS Page 2 of Ie) ~S/:2/?~?7 ~~.~~ ='S:. -2??-?2~S ~A':~'...~""':':::S ")~\;' ,~ ~'='S "'6SE ~a 2.1~) ~:SOP~~ Communications SYS[I~m 2r1d Oper:wons Pot icy Advisory Committee esrablished to devdop policies fOI" the system in which both the COUNTY and the COOPERA TJVE participate. 2. J:r CRSSC Countywide Radio System Steering Comminee established to ove:rsee implement~ti()n of the policies established by the CSOP A C and to modify existing policies or create new policies as required over the life of the System. 2.12 Microwave System A communications system utiliting frequencies in the microwave r2Jtlge to route audio and control signals between siles in a multi-site communications system. 2.13 Network Administrator: Is the County staff position responsible for maintenance and administration of the COUNTY system including the SmanZone Controller. 2.14 Nonh Hub The Nonb Hub is a communications system proposed to be developed by the municipalities in the nonhern County area. 2.15 Panies All entities that have executed this Agreement which include the COUNTY, BOCA RATON, DELRA Y BEACH AND BOYNTON BEACH. 2.16 Prime Site The location of the County's SmanZone~ Controller. 2.17 RAQiQ. Alias: The unique nam~ assigned to an op~rator's r:lebo that displays on the dispatchers console when a radio transmits. 2.18 Roamini Feature A feature of the SmartZone controller thar allows units from specified talk groups to register OntO communications systems associated with the SmartZone controller when beyond the coverage of their primary system. Additionally these talk groups are assigned communications channels on the systems where units registered when there is talk group activity. 2.19 South Hub The South Hub refers to the communications system, facilities and operations proposed by the South Palm Beach County Communications Cooperative. 2.20 ~ The 800 MHz T ronked Radio system fund~d, purchased, installed, maintained and own~d by the County. The system will include fixed and field transmitting and receiving equipment, a microwave system for communic:ltions between sites, remote and prime site control and management equipment, disp:l.tch consoles and related equipment and a Sman:Zone controller located at the prime site. 2.21 SYStem AdministratQ[: An employee within the County's Communication Division of the Depanment of Facilities Development & operations Depanment responsible for day to day administration and management of the System and County's designated contact person pursuant to vuious sections of this Agreement. South Hub Amend #2 Last Update: 7/3/02 17:3S PilgC 3 of 19 ?S/~.2/2??7 ~?:C~ "3S~_ -233-?2':?S ~~~:'_~T:~S J~V ~ ~OS "::>AS::: <;>5 SEC1~ION 3: COUNTY'S SO<) MHz Trunkcd Radio Sym:m 3.01 The COUNTY has purch:ascd, insr:allcd, and opt:rates a SmartZooel'l Controller, capable of e;(panslo.i\ Ie 48 pom, at its Prime Site. The COUNTY will :ioldy fund the purchase imd own the Controller. Th!~ COUNTY will allow the COOPERATIVE to connect to the Controller utilizing a maximum of nine (9) ports. 3.02 COOPERATIVE agrees to pay its fair share of the operation and maintenance costS associated with the Controller on pro rata basis. The operations "nd maintenance costs to be included are: system~dministration costs (which includes personnel costs), utilities, equipment, software and comporlcnr ren('wal, replacement costs, and controller maintenance costs (which may be out-sourced or performed by the County). The COOPERATIVE'S maintenance costs are calculated in Section 5,01 and 5.012 of this Agreement. 3.03 COOPERA TIVE will be solely responsible for any and all permitting and/or licensing CO!lt!: associated with its use of the Controller. 3.04 COOPERA TIVE will be solely responsible for any and all costs associated with the purchue of equipment components, modules, interfacing hardware and the installation services requircd to 1L1tili~e the SmartZone11l Controller. ),05 The COOPERATIVE agrees that only the COUNTY will connect to, expand, or otherwise:: modify System components which are owned by the COUNTY. The COOPERA TIVE will fund such a(:tiolls to be undertaken by the COUNTY on the COOPERATIVE's behalf, and pursuant to the terms of l:his Agreement. 3.06 The COOPERATIVE will only be financially responsible for those actions undertaken on the COOPERATIVE's behalf when the COOPERATIVE has agreed to the costs in writing prior to commen,cement of the activity. SECTION 4: County's Digital Microwave Communications System 4.01 Pursuant to a separate agreement between the COUNTY and BOYNTON BEACH, th~~ COUNTY will locate digital microwave communications equipment at the Boynton Site. The COUNTY win allow the COOPERATIVE to use the microwave system as a communication path between the COOPERATIVE and the Controller located at the COUNTY's Prime Sire. 4.011 Boynton Beach will solely utilize the 6 Tl capadty in the Microwave System rese(Ved for use by the COOPERATIVE pursuant to separate agreement and th:u Delray l~each and Boca Raton will transport from their systems to the COUNTY's Prime Site via lcased Tis and not via the Microwave Syst~m. 4.012 If Delray Beach and Boca Raton subsequently decide to utilize the Microwave System directly from their respective systems to the COUNTY's Prime Site, the individual City will be toully responsible for :tll costs associated with the purchase, installation, ownership, operations and maintenance of equipment solely for its benefit. South Hub Amend 112 Last Update: 7/3/02 117:3S Page 4 of 19 ?S/:.2/2""7 ?':':.?!t! 5S~. -2?3-?2?S ':"r.v=~~_~""'~.~s 'J~V I~J t-ln.-- ...J- .::::l ':'IAGE 8:; The provisiorls of Section 403 will also then appiy to [}elray E,each and/or Boca Raton. 4.02 COOPERATIVE will be solely responsible for all com associ.\ted with intedaces between the Micr(r~rave System or t1\f~ cl:lrTlmercial telephone system and the COOPERA TtvE's radio system. 4.OJ The COOPERA TJVE agrees that only the COUNTY will connect to, expand, or otherwise modify Microwave System components which are owned by the COUNTY, COOPERATIVE will fund such actions to be undertaken by the COUNTY on the COOPERATIVE's behalf. and pursu~nt to the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 5: COOPERATIVE's Maintenance and Administration Costs 5.01 The COOPERATIVE shall pay an annual mamtenance and administration fee based on the f,oUowing percenuge of staff 2nd material costs. The costs provided below present as not to exceed cost through October 2003. The costs for agencies using the SmartZone Controller are derived a$ follow: the capped Estimate Annual Costs for fiscal 2003 are multiplied by the fixed percentages and the sum of the cost:. for each category are apportioned out to the user agencies b:1Sed on the number of active talk groups for each agency. As additional non-County users connect directly to the SmartZone Controller, the COOPERATIVE'S percenu.ge of the total cost will reduce. Estimated Annu.al Annual Staff or Materials COSt Percent Cost Network Administrator $75,000 20% $15.000 Network Engineer $67,000 10% $ 6,700 Fiel.d Engineer $50.500 10% $ 5,050 DlIta Entry $25,000 10% S 2,500 Parts/Supplies/Software $50,000 30% 515.000 T oul 544,250 5.011 The COUNTY reserves the right to charge the COOP ERA TIVE on a time and materials basis for the after hours emergency trouble reports that are not the result of a failure of the SmartZone Controller. the Ambassador switch, microwave system or related subsystems or software. 5.02 The COUNTY shall inform the COOPERA TTVE of any adjustments to the maintelllance administration costs eilch year during the monch of March. The COOPERATIVE shall pay the maintenance and administration fees as a check p:t)'llble to the Board of COUnty Commi:.sioners, The COUNTY shall invoice for payment in October and payment shall be due November 30'". Each year the COUNTY shall re-calcIJlate the fees provided in chis Agreement. The neW' calculation shall consider increases to the number of active talk groups and annual maintenance and administrative COSts, Using the allocation methodology described in [his Agreement, the costs contained in Section 501 can be modified annually based on a letter agreement executed by the County Administrator (of his designee) and the Chairman of the COOPE.RA TIVE. South Hub Amend #2 Last Update: 7/3/02 17~35 Pilge 5 of 19 '/1"'/1~/"'J/t'7'>: ,"~I ",...:.1..:. .,. , I"':'>-=': <.~ ~s;. -2?3-~2~; f:""~IC~~_~""~'::S .)~"j 2~ ,..,....,... ....;-'J '='AGE [;'7 5.0:i The C:OOPE,RA TIVE shall provide to the COUNTY copies of their software licenses for the use of the SmanZone system features associated specifit;ally w:.th the COOPERATIVE. These lIcenses shall be submined to the COUNTY prior to the COOPERA TIVE commencing operations on the SmartZ':>ne Controller and renewals shall be provided thereafter as prescribed by the Iicense(s). 5.04 The COOPERATIVE shall have the authority to connect and utilize the features and capabilitic~ or the SmartZone Controller to provide interoperability between the cities of the COOPERATIVE and other agencies as may be authorized at a future date. The COOPERATIVE shall have access authority to the Smart200e Controller that will allow the COOPERATIVE to establish talk groups and subscriber units on the System within the allotments provided in Attachment B to this Agreement. The COOPERATIVE sh:tll progr:tm ulk groups or subscriber units for operation only on radio systems owned and operated by the cities of Boynton Be;lch, Delray Beach and Boca Raton. 5.05 The COUNTY slull attempt to notify the COO ERA TIVE a minimum of seventy two hours in advane~ of all !;chedul~d interruptions of the SmartZone Controller's capabilities. The COUNTY shall make every effort to limit scheduled interruptions of the Sm.JrtZone Controller service to no longer than ninety minutes. Scheduled interruptions of service shall oecur between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. whenever possible. 5.06 The COOPERA TlVE shall be responsible for maintaining the equipment components tbat make up the COOPERATIVE'S System and tbe associated equipment used to interface with the County's system. 5.07 The COOPERATIVE shall have the authority to utilize private call and telephone interconnect features for the operations of thf'ir agencies. The COOPERATIVE recognizes that the COUNTY'S use of the System does not include these features. As a result, additional equipment and software licenses may be required to implement these features. SECTION 6: System Capacity Forecast Assumptions 6.01 The COUNTY and the COOPERA TIVE agree that it would be mutually beneficial to maximize the number of city-county talk groups with capabilities for System-wide roaming. The system design forecast does not project any System capacity is available to achieve this objective, However, :as the System is used, the COUNTY will have actual System use data that can be used in lieu of the System use assumptions wed for the original system capacity projection. The COUNTY agrees to periodically reevaluate law enforcement's use of the System compared to the use projections. The specifics of this evaluation are identified in Atuchment A to this Agreement. 6.02 Roaming shall be allowed between the radio systems of the COOPERATIVE members at the discretion of the COOPERATIVE. Roaming shall not be allowed, as of (he date of this Agreement, from COOPERATIVE systems onto the COUNTY system nor from the COUNTY system onto the COOPERA. TIVE systems. South Hub Amend #2 LOllt Update:: 7/3/02 J 7:35 Page 6 Qf 19 ~S/~2/20?- ~?:~~ "3S~. -233-?2~S -:-'~-:~J'~::"'~~S -:;~'-j (~ ']os "'AGE 2'8 SECTION 7 COOPERATIVE'!: Acknowledgment of COUNTY Expenditure Th,e COOPERATIVE ;.lcknowledges that by entering into thi, Agre~mentJ the COUNTY has allowed thc~ COOPERA TIV:E: to SolVe in exce~s of $1,000,000 as well as avoid costs associated with esublishinl; a microwa"e link from the Boynton site to the Prime Site in exce:;s of $125,000. SECTION 8: COUNTY'S Obligations to COOPERATIVE's System 8.01 Nothing in this Agreement shall represent a commitment by the COUNTY, or shall be construed as intent by the COUNTY, to fund any portion of the COOPERATIVE's System. 8.02 After system acceptance warranty expiration, the COUNTY shall provide a response by a qualified technician to failures of SmartZone functionality that impact the operation of any of the COOPERA TrvE'S radio systems within two hours of being notified of such failure. The COUNTY shall take all possible actions to restore SmanZone functionality to full operation without delay, 8.03 COOPERA nVE shall give the COUNTY twenty four hours notice of the need to access the SmartZonc: Controller !aciHty for routine maintenance or i.nstallation of COOPERA TIVE equipment. 8.04 COOPERA TIVE shalt bave continuous access to the SmartZone Controller facility to repair problems with their connectivity system!i_ After hours access shall be provided through the emergency trelUble reponing procedures established for the System. SECTION 9: Utili7Altton of Countywide Common Talk Groups 9,01 The EMS Talk Groups were implemented specifically for emergency medical corrununicatio:n.'1 between the emergency providers and hOSpitals in and around Palm Beach County The lIsage of the talk groups are defined below. 9.011 Scenario of Usage A field unit requesting communication with a hospital will request communication with a hospital through the Palm Beach County EMS Dispatch Center on the MED Control Talk Group 2. The EMS Dispatch Center will assign the unused MED Talk Group and request the field unit switch to the appropriate MED Talk Group. 3. The EMS Dispatch Center will contact the hospital and perform a console patch between the Hospital Talk Group and the corresponding MED Talk Group uniting the field unit and the hospital. The u1'\its will corrunence commu1'\ication with dispatch intervention. 4. At the conclusion ofthe communication, tbe Dispatch Center will break the patch between the talk groups and retum the MED Talk Group back to the pool for other users. South Hub Amend #2 Last Update: 7/3/0:2 17;35 Page 7 of 19 ?S/;2/2~';;7 ':-" <j. /~ /' 3S:. -23?-~2':;'S ;:-AC::-:'_~""~~S -:)~V (~ n.....r- --'- ":) ---AGE i?9 9.02 The Common Talk Groups were implemented specifically for inkr-i\gency communication among multiple agencies, regardkss or their specific disl;ipline or affiliation. They were also created to allow commlu~li,:ations between as,cncies without requiring cross-programming operational talk groups in each agcncicsr<ldios. Proper usage of the Common Talk Groups arc defined below. 9.021 Scenario of usage: I. A unit requesting to coordinate a multi-jurisdictional operation or call for mutual assistance. places a call on the Call Talk Group for the appropriate discipline (ie. Law Enforeement. Fire Rescue, or Local Government) to the dispatch center of the required agency(ies). 2. The responding dispatch center assigns one of the Common Talk Groups to the requesting unit and contacts its agency's unit(s) and request the user switch to the corresponding talk group. 3. The participating units would communicate on the Common Talk Group(s} and upon completion of the operation. the talk-group is cleared of all radio traffic and put back into the pool for other agencies. 9.022 Exam.ples of approved usage for Common Talk Group arc following: L Working talk group for multiple agencies fighting a fire together. 2. Coordination during a police chase through multiple jurisdictions. 3. Coordination during disaster recovery. 4. Coordination for a special event which requires participation of multiple age"cies and disciplines. (i.e. undercover operations. investigations, perimeter communications, fire ground coordination, etc.) 5. Coordination for scene security and establishment of landing zone for aircraft. In addition. the Common Talk Groups could be used by any agency experiencing catastrophic failures of their own communication system for a predetermined amount of tim~, A request to utilize the Common Talk Groups for this situation requires permission of the System Administrator. Once approved by the System Administrator, the Common Talk Groups could be temporarily utilized until repair of the agency's communication system is complete. South Hub Amend #2 Last Update: 7/)/02 17:35 Page80f 19 ~S/12/2?~7 ~?:~~ '3S;. -2:?3-?2~S '::(.v=:-:!_~"\'"~~s --:;~\/ (~ ~~s '='A'3E If'! 903 The Commori Talk Groups shall not be used for c~lIery-day routine communications 9.031 Examples of improper use arc the following: I. As an c:xtra talk group for agencies that have cross programming agreements and dt1pijil~atc t<llk groups programmc:d into their radios, 2. To provide an extra working talk-group for a single agency supporting a special event or operation. (i.e.. undercover operations, investigations, perimeter communications, fire ground coordination, etc.) 3. As an additional dispatch, administrative, or eaT-to car talk-group for use by a single agency. SECTION 10: FrequC1\cies 'the Parties agree that tbe frequencies held by Palm Beach County and the frequencies held by the COOPERATIVE shall be separate and shall be implemented and used at the sole discrerion of rhe individual panies. SECTION 11; Liability The parties to tbis Agreement and their respective officers and ~mployecs shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions and negligence of the other pany. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as a waive'r of sovereign immunity by either party, pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. SECTION 12: Term of Agreement The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years from execution. The Agreement may be renewed for a period of three (3) years upon written modification by all Parties. Should the Agreement not be renev.'ed at any time in the fUture, the provisions of the termination clause shall apply. SECTION 13: Amendments to this Agreement 13.01 This Agreement may be amended from time to time by written amendment by all Parties. 13.02 In the fut:ure, if the County enters into an agreement(s) with other municipalities which terms are more favorable than those contained in this Agreement, the County agrees to amend this agr~ement, by written amendment executed by the County Administrator or his designee, the Director of Facilities Development & Operations to match rhe more favorable. This provision does not apply to Stcrions 4 and 7 of this Agreement. SOllth Hub Amend 112 Last Upd:ue: 7/31O~ /7;35 P.gc 9 of 19 ?S/~?!2~?7 ~~:~~ .-,s;. -'2?3-~?0S ::-(.'IC~'_~--7ES JFV P,OPS OAGE 1:' SECTION 14: Termination 14.01 The COUNTY ClUJ only terminate this Agreement as a result of :lny default of the COOPERA TTVE pursu:mt to this Agreement. 14.02 The COOPERATIVE may terminate the Agreement with 60 days notice to the COUNTY. All improvements made to the SmartZone Controller, the Ambassador Switch, the microwave system, \lnd related subsystems by the COOPERATIVE, or on its behalf, shall remain part of the equipment where installed and ownership shall transfer to the COUNTY. SECTION 13: Administration 15.01 The Palm Beach County Communications Divisions is charged with responsibility {or administering the System. Within the Communications Division a position with the title of 800 MH~ Synem Administrator will be the City's day to day contact and clIn be reached at 561-233-4417. The Communications Division is staffed from 0800 to 1700 bours Monday through Friday, ~xduding County holidays. After hours emergency contact can be made through the County's Fire Rescue Dispatch Center at 561-712.6550 and the appropriate contact will be made. 15.02 The administrative policies for the SmartZone Controller shall be established by the CRSSC. The COUNTY and the COOPERA TrvE agree to abide by the policies so established. 15.03 The COOPERATIVE shall assign represenutive to attend the User Committee meetings for each of tbe law enforcement, fire rescue and public works disciplines for which the Cities have subscriber units programmed on thc System. Participants at tbese meetings will discuss all system maintenance and administration issues. Non-critical problems or suggested changes shall be presented at the meetings. As agreed to by the user Committee members, issues discussed at the meetings shall be forw;mied to the Network Administrator of the CRSSC for final approval. 15.04 The COOPERATIVE shall be responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures established for System use. Should the COOPERA TIVE not follow the established procedures, there shall be tbree warnings before corrective action is taken. The CRSSC shall bave the authority to direct the Network Administrator to implement modification to the network including disabling unitS or disabling access to the System. 15.05 The COOPERATIVE shall receive certain access codes to the Palm Beach County system and shall be responsible to safe guard the code information from release to unauthorized parties. Service staff directly employees by the Cities of the COOPERATIVE shall be coasidtred authorized to receive access and programming codes for the maintenance of their agencies' radio equipment. Commercial service providers are not considered authorized to receive access of programming codes for the COUNTY's System. Agencies that plan to use commercial services for their system or subscriber unit maintenance must include confidentiality requirements in their contracts with the commercial service providers acceptable to the Network Administrator before access or programming codes may be released to these companies. South Hub Amend #2 Last Update; 7/3/02 17:3S PIlle 10 uf 19 05/12/2007 ~9~dd 5S1-2??-GJ7?S :::-6'=~'_~~::~S ~~V ?l 'JoS '='AGE: ;.2 15.06 Commercial maintenance service providen; :lre not consid(~red :Iurhorized to receive access or progr~mming codes for lhe County system, unless mlel~ting the requirements of Section 15.061 and/or 15.062 below. If the City does not have employees capable of programming City radio equipment or prefers to have others program City radio equipment, It may request th31t the p..lm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Palm Beach County Fire R.escue or Palm Be:lch County Communications program City radio equipment under the terms of a separate agreement. 15.061 If (he City uses a commercial service provider to program City radio equipment at the time of execution of this Agreement and desires that the commercial service provider program the City radio equipment with the Common Talk Groups, the City must submit its existing comract with the commerc ial service provider to the Systf:m Administrator for review. The review will focus on whetherrhe contraCt terms between the City and the commercial service provider are adequate to protect the Counry's radio system from mis-use, harm or release of access and programming codes to unauthorized persons. Notwithstanding the previous statement, the County retains the ri&ht, in its sole opinion with or without written reason or cause, to approve the use of a commercial service provider, If approved, the System Administrator will release the acceSs and programming codes to the commercial service provider. The City will be responsible for ensuring that the commercial scrvice provider adheres to the terms of thi~ Agreement pcrtaining to the proper use of the programming codes and radio equipment use, If not approved, the City shall use either the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Palm Beach County Fire R.escue or Palm Beach County Communications Division to program City radio equipment with Common Talk Groups. 15.062 If the City intends on using a commercial service provider to program City radio equipment with the Com.mon Talk Groups, the City shall submit the appropriate bid documents/contract to the System Administrator for approval prior to soliciting a bid or quote from the commercial service provider. The System Administrator will work with the City to develop rhe appropriate language for the comriet which will allow for approval of the commercial service provider. Nocwithstanding the previous statement, the Counry rerains the right. in its sole opinion with or without written reason or cause, to approve the use of a commercial service provider. If approved, the System Administrator wiII release the access and programming codes to the commercial service providu. The City will be responsible for ensuring that the commercial service provider adheres to the terms of this Agreement pertaining to the proper use of the programming codes and radio equipment use. If not approved, the City shall use either th~ Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Palm Beach COUnty Fire Rescue or P:llm Beach County Communications Division to program City radio equipment with Common Talk Groups. 15.07 The City is solely responsible for the performance and the operation of City equipment and any damages or liability resulting from the use thereof. Should the County identify malfunctioning City owned equipment, the County will request thE: City to discontinue use of the specific device until rE:pairs South Hub Amend 112 Last Update: 7(3102 17:35 Page II Qf 19 ~S/~.2/2??7 ?'?: (; r:. '3S~_ -23?-~2~S c(.\s;::_!.....~.~s ":)~"j l~ ,..,.-,~ _,- ':1 '='AGE J.3 arc c:ompkted. The C.,unty may, ;;It it's discretion, disable the equipment from the system after properly notifYing the: CIty in writing if the device is causing interference to thciystcm. I s.ns In the case or !.\ol.cn at' lost equipment, the contact person identified in Section 15.01 will notify the Syst,:m Administrator by e~mail or fax authorizing the System Administrator to disable the equipment The authori?.ation shall provide the County issued individual unit ID number and the serial number of the radio. The System Administrator will advise back via c.mail when the radio has been disabled. A request by the City to re-activate a disabled radio will also be required in writing bye-mail or fax to the System Administrator. 15.09 The COOP ERA rIvE ...hall bave the capability to generate call aCtivity reports, faulty reports and re'ports about the infrastructure equipment, as well as subscriber units established on the individual radio syStems of the COOP ERA TIVE. 15.10 The COOPERATIVE shall have aceess through their SmartZone Manager Terminal to receive alens and alarms for the SmartZone Controller as well as the infrastructure equipment for their individual communications systems. 15.11 The COOPERATIVE shall be responsible for including the requirements of Section 9 and Section 15.06 of this Agreement in any Agreement with another municipality or agency for communications, dispatch, police or fire rescue services. SECTION 16: Annual Budget Appropriations The COUNTY'S and Citits' ptrformance and obligation to pay pursuant to this Agreement are contingent upml annual appropriation for its purpose by the Board of County Co.rnmissioners and each individual City Council. SECTION 17: Notices Any n(']lice given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and done by Certi.fied Mail, ll\eturn Receipt Requested. The effective date of such notice shall be the date of receipt, as evldenced by the Return Receipt. All notices shall be addressed to the following: As to the COUNTY: Director, Facilities Development & Operations 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 503 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 With copy to: Director of Communications Division 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 506 West Pallm Beach, Florida 33406 South Hub Amend #2 Last Updatr::: 7/3/0217:35 Page 1lor 19 0S/~?!2??~ ~?:~~ s~~. -2??-~:2'?S ":'j~S;:!_Il!:--'S -':.r::'.l ?J 2or; Ccmo::y Anornl:Y's OH;:Cf: 301 Nonh Olive Ave, SUllte 601 We:.t P.llm Beach. Florida 33402 As to BOCA RATON: City Manager City oJ Boca Raton 201 w. Palmetto Park Rd, Boca Raton, Fl 33432 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Boca Raton 100 NW80ca Raton Blvd Boca Raton, Fl. 33432 As to DELRA Y BEACH; City Manager City of Oelray Beach 100 NW First Ave. Oelray Beach, Ft. 33444 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Del ray Beach 300 W. Atlantic Ave Delray Beach, Fl. 33444 As [0 BOYNTON BEACH: City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. Fl. 33435 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Btaeh Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 South Hub Amend #2 Last Update; 7/3/02 17:35 '='AGE 14 Page: 13 of 19 ",,'-/"''-'/~f''),n- .~ ':II ~. ~_ I .i. '_ ' '/.~: ,( (~ ~S:. -2??-'?2?S ::-A~:~'_:-~:::S ~~'.j ?~ 8~S '='''4GE 1'5 SECTION Hi: Applic:;\b1~ iL3wlEnforcement Costs This Agreement shaH be governed by the laws of the St.m of Florida.In .any litigation brought by a p:lrty to this Agreement to ~~nforce the terms of this Ag,rl?ement, each party shall bear its own costs and attorney's fl~es Incurred in connection therewith. SECTION 19: Filing A copy of this Agreement shall be filed by Palm Beach County with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. SECTION 20: Delegation of Duty Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the Constitutional or Statutory duties of any party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this AgreE:mCnt to be executed on the day and year first written above. ATTEST: R2003 0174 fEe . 4 . DOROTHY H, WILKEN. Clerl~"",,,,,,,,, ~~~,,,, "'T Y ""II .... .'... ell, -=-.:FO~"""""". 0 'It .. CJ ..' ",4;'" E ..' .1 S ".\t: \ -~ .'.: t-\.."" l;-1c " .;:. ~ BY: '1- \t1> % ". ~ NT Y :CI)~ ~C. :--~ \~"" .eLORIt)'" /~i ,,,IS-.... ...~f AS TO FORM AND LE;~~~~~{ PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Byl}~ IJ-~ ff' Chair Karen T. Marcus AS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS: BY;~~ County Artorn BY; South Hub Amcntll#2 19~t Update: 7/3102 11:35 P"sc 14 of 19 ?S/~2/2??7 ~?=t~ 5S:. -2??-02?S :-(.\':~~_~""JO::-:S ~-=:'\j t~ 'Joe; ~AGE :5 CITi( OF BOCA RA TON, Cl~rk CITY OF BOCA RATON, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS BY:~ Signature of Mayor -- -- BY~ (1.~.& BY: ""$ Legal Sufficiency: rJ-- Suuth Hub Amend 112 Us! Upd..t.:. 71)/02 17:~5 P~ge 15 of 19 ~S!:7/7~~- ~~.~~ ':",s~. -2?3-~2~S "::"I.\S~'_~.""'~::S .~'::"/ ,?; :5 ::'I.:\S:: :.7 CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, Clerk CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS By:~.~Q,J.~ Signature of Mayor ~ BY: --- BY: VAlli [) Iv'. &H~lI D 7 Printed Name of Mayor Legal Sufficiency: City Attorney SOUtll Hub Amend #2 LllS! Update; 7/3/0:2 17:35 Page 16 of /9 ?,/1'<-)/'-"?17-" _ ~,' u L,' /_ _ __ ; '7':): ~_... ~ ~S;, -2??-?2?S -:-t:.f=~'_~-:-:~S ~)':"""./ ?>l ~-,-.,- - --::) ::>AGE 18 CITY OF BOYNTON BE.ACH" Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS uP BY:~~/ , Signature of Mayor BY; ~ B. WbIanJ V'I!t!. M~.,. Printed Name of MayJr Legal Sufficiency: City Attorney 800MHz\.ou,h hub 211d South Hub Amc:nd #2 .tRsl Update: 7/3102 17:35 Page 17 of 19 ~S/:.21'J2r:;7 ':"">~. ':.'-: ~'S:. -2??-02r:'S "'r-\:~'_~~~":S -..,,...., L"'- 'oJ ~ 8PS 'jAG':: :. '3 Attachment A System Capacity Forecast Re-ev;lluati,on tn order to implement Section 6 of the Agreem~nt, the COUNTY agl'ees to the following. Two (2) years after final acceptance of the System and compl(!t~ migration of PBSO to the syst~m ~d every three (3) years thereafter, the forec~st of System capacity will be re.e~aluated. The re-eval~atlon 'lUlU entail the substitution of actual System use data for System use assumptions used to determme System capacity. The re-evaluation will be do~e by p~rforminr; an Erlang study ~ased on actw! system usage data, actual unit quantities and, revised unit quantity growth for the remalllmg system budd-out. The SYstem use assumptions used to determine the original system capacity projections are identified as follows: System Build-out: 2013 Number of Voice Channels: 27 (See note below) Calculation Model: Erlang-C Standard Call. Seconds/Units; 3.778 seconds Loading: Cllll/Hour/Unit: 1.7036 call-seconds Working Channel Overhead: 0.5 seconds Maximum Acceptable Delay: 1 second Average Message: 4.278 seconds Offered Load: 14.3634 erlangs Basic Grade of Service: 0.20 percem Delayed Call Grade of Service: 0,01 percent Percentage of Time e:lch Channel in Use: 53.2% Agency Parameters: Law Enforcement Fire-Rescue/EMS Gen. Gove.m.. Total Unit Quantity by 2013 Peak Edang by 2013 3412 6.91 1405 2.84 2278 4.61 7095 14,36 Note: Implementation of two additional channels capable of countyWide coverage is required to meet the operational minimums for the fu1115 year system life cycle. To determine the availability of system capaciry to suppOrt city-county talk groups, the above assumptions will be compare with actual use data and the assumptions will be adjUSted accordingly for law enforcement. Using the adjusted parameters an Erlang.C study shall be performed to determine cap:l.(:ity usage, In the event that the re-evaluation indicates that overall law enforcement Wage is less than that computed by the assumptions (including the projected growth in number of COUNTY jaw enforcement radios and the actual use for those projected radios), the COUNTY ,."ill re-direct thar law enforcement capacity difference to allow for cenajn talk groups to h2ve the roaming feature activated. Municipalities proposing Saudi Hub Amend #~ List Updatc.-; 1/3/02 17:35 Page 18 of 19 "'S/1_ 2/21/j"'~ '::"-'''?: ~( O::-S7. -2?3-???S ""IC.S:-:'_:-:-:-:O::S -,,:",',' ,... -." <;> t"""lC''- .1... '"") ~().GE roam.ing ralk groups sball provide Erlang study dara to demonstraH' the identified available capacity can supp,:)rt the call traffic from the proposed city-county talk groups. To ensure comparable Erlang study results, municipal sttldies shall be based on the same methods and calculation model as u~ed for the County's study. The number of specific l:ity-coumy talk group to use the roaming feature will be ba5ed on an evaluation of aU city-county talk groups, capacity needs for each talk group, the capacity available, the number of radios with access to the talk group, the risk/stress involved in ;Ictivities using each talk group, and any monitoring requiremems. All citie.~ in the County will be able to participate in the identifi,ation of law enforcement city-county talk groups for consideration to go to System-wide roaming. The COOP ERA TIVE acknowledges that any capacity which may be re.assigned to enable city-counry talk groups with the roaming feature is available to all cities in the County not only those in which the COOPERATIVE routinely participates. As the System has countywide coverage it wlll nOt be necessary for COUNTY users to activate a roaming feature, As a result, ao;' COStS a5sociOlted with the re-programmio& of subscriber units and the Sm;U'tZone controller will be borne in its entirety by tbe entity proposing the city-county talk group. The re-assignment of any capacity initially forecasted to fire rescue and general government users, is at the sole discretion of the COUNTY. h:~ou(hub.. Soulh Hub Amend #2 laSI Updale: 7/3/02 17:35 Page 19 of 19 2~ ..,.. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Matt Immler Police Chief FROM: Janet Prainito City Clerk DATE: August 24, 2007 RE: R07-096 - Admendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2003-0174) Attached is a copy of the above-mentioned resolution and the original Admendment to Interlocal Agreement that requires more signatures. Please obtain these signatures and return the original agreement or a copy of the agreement for Central File. Please contact me if there are any questions. Thank you. Attachment c: Central File Gwen Johnson The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj@cLboynton-beachJ!.us www.boynton-beach.org September 18, 2007 AUDREY WOLF DIRECTOR FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD - BLDG 503 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33406 Re: Resolution No. R07-096 - AMENDING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (R2003-0174 BElWEEN THE CmES OF BOYNTON BEACH, DELRAY BEACH AND BOCA RATON AND PALM BEACH COUNTY TO EXTEND THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE AGREEMENT TO EXPIRE ON 02/04/2011 (MHz TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEM) Dear Ms. Wolf: Enclosed, please find one original partially executed agreement as described above that was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting on September 4, 2007. Once this documents has been fully executed, please return one copy to my office for our Central File. Thank you. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~m.P~ (ynet M. Prainito, CMC City Clerk Enclosures Copy to: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD - BLDG S06 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33406 S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMISSION\County Transmittals\2007\r07-096 - AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - MHz TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEM.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream