R08-063 II 1 RESOLUTION NO. R08-0'S 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON 4 BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING 5 EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT 2 TO TASK ORDER 6 NO. U-04-14-02 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 7 $28,161.00 TO MATHEWS CONSULTING, INC., FOR 8 ADDITIONAL DATA COLLECTION SERVICES 9 PROVIDED FOR THE PHASE 1 RECLAIMED WATER 10 SYSTEM PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN 11 EFFECTIVE DATE. 12 13 14 WHEREAS, on February 28, 2006, the City Commission approved via Resolution 15 R06-054, Task Order U04-14-02 with Mathews Consulting, Inc., for the purpose of 16 developing the Supplemental Phase 1 Reclaimed Water System Plan; and 17 WHEREAS, on May 15,2007, the City Commission approved via Resolution R07- 18 055, Amendment No.1 to Task Order U04-14-2 to provide design, permitting, bidding, 19 inspections and construction phase services as the project moved forward; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon 21 recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of 22 Boynton Beach to approve and authorize execution of Amendment No. 2 to Task Order 23 U04-14-02 in an amount not to exceed $28,161.00 to Mathews Consulting, Inc. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 25 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 26 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 27 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 28 hereof. 29 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does S\CAIRESOlAgreementslTask - Change OrderslMathews - Amendment 2 to TO UD4-14-02.doc II 1 hereby approve and authorize execution of Amendment No.2 to Task Order U04-14-02 in 2 an amount not to exceed $28,161.00 to Mathews Consulting, Inc., for additional data 3 collection services provided by Mathews Consulting, Inc., for the Phase 1 Reclaimed Water 4 System Project. 5 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ..fd~-aay of May, 2008. 7 8 9 . 17 10 ,-' 11 12 13 - I ~~ 14 15 16 17 C:V~?{y 18 19 20 -)7lrOOdr~ 21 22 23 Commissioner - Marlene Ross 24 25 ATTEST: 26 27 ~Z; ;Lt:;~. {trl, 28 4 29 net M. Prainito, C ,.;7 y 30 City Clerk 31 32 33 34 (Corporate Seal) 35 S:\CAIRESOlAgreementsITask - Change Orders\Mathews - Amendment 2 to TO U04-14-02.doc Rot" ()63 TASK ORDER NO. UD4-14-02 (AMENDMENT No.2) - PHASE I RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM Task Order No. U04-14-02 (Amendment No.2) Phase I Reclaimed Water System A. Background Mathews Consulting completed the design for the Phase I Reclaimed Water System. During the design process, additional information was required to be collected in order to complete the design. This Amendment No.2 to Task Order No. U04-14-02 provides the scope of work and fees for additional data collection services for the Phase I Reclaimed Water System. The following is a brief description of the additional services: . Additional survey information was required based on expanding the limits of the project location based on tie-in locations of existing reclaimed water mains, meter box locations, and obtaining additional survey information along 13th Avenue and SW 3rd Street. . A total of six (6) easement descriptions and sketches were required for location of the reclaimed water system outside of City R-O-W. . Additional soil borings were required at the L WDD aerial canal crossing for the pilings. The original design intention was to attach the piping to the existing bridge, however it was determined the bridge is not structurally sound and will be decommissioned in the future. . Additional underground utility locates (e.g. soft digs) were required due to underground utility conflicts. This was covered as an allowance in Amendment 1. B. Scope of Services The Engineering Services of Mathews Consulting, Inc. (CONSULTANT) shall include the following tasks: . Task 1 - Data Collection The specific scope of services to be provided by CONSULTANT in this Task Order Amendment includes the following: Task 1 . Data Collection Subtask 1.1 Topographical Survey CONSUL T ANT shall furnish the services of a professional surveyor to provide survey services consisting of field topography and horizontal locations referenced by baseline stationing. This control will be referenced from the Palm Beach County Control Network, which is the North American Datum of 1983 on the 1990 adjustment. All existing facilities and utilities within the full right-of-way of the design limits will be referenced by baseline station with an offset distance (left or right) from the baseline for the project. Surveying and legal work is also required to prepare document(s) for and to secure easements (temporary for construction and/or permanent) required for installation of the piping and improvements. 5/1/2008 1 ~M6~~~Llf~~iNC C Civil and Environm~nlll Engin~~n TASK ORDER NO. UD4-14-02 (AMENDMENT No.2) - PHASE I RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM The above topographical survey data will be prepared in AutoCAD (Version 2005) format at a scale of 1 "=20'. Subtask 1.2 Geotechnical CONSULTANT shall furnish the services of a professional geotechnical engineer to provide subsurface investigations (data shall be incorporated into the design documents) of the project area. Subtask 1.3 Field Verification CONSULTANT shall furnish the services of a professional underground services company to provide underground field locations of affected existing utilities. The work shall consist of measuring and recording the approximate horizontal, vertical, width and depth data of affected utilities within the project limits. D. Contract Reference This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated November 18. 2003 between the City of Boynton Beach and Mathews Consulting, Inc. G. Compensation Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT for all tasks will be on a Not-to-Exceed (time utilized) basis in accordance with the above mentioned Agreement. The estimated compensation for the services described in this Amendment No.2 to Task Order U04-14-02 is $28.161.00 as shown in Table 1 below and detailed in Attachment 1. TABLE 1: LABOR AND EXPENSE SUMMARY Labor Labor Expenses Total Cost Hours Cost Task 1 - Data Collection 8 $ 1,040 $ 17,606 $18,646 Utility Location Allowance $9,515 $9,515 Totals 8 $ 1,040 $ 27,121 $ 28,161 5/1/2008 2 ~ M_ATHEF S__ CO~,~.YhI!~S-t,li:~' TASK ORDER NO. UD4-14-02 (AMENDMENT No.2) - PHASE I RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: ~ Kurt Bressner City Manager Dated this day of ,2008. SUBMITTED BY: By: Rene L. Mat ews, P.E. President Dated this -+day of ,2008. 5/1/2008 3 ~ ~6~~Yh!~,~~,~~~ City 0/ Boynton Beach Task Order No. U04-14-0Z (Amendment No. Z) Phase I Reclaimed Water System Proiect Summarv Fees Labor Classification and Hourlv Rates Senior Principai Senior Field Resident Senior Cadd Admin. Sub- Engineer Engineer Repres. Inspector Eng. Tech Designer Support Total Consultant Reimbursable Task No. Task Descriotion $130 $120 $94 $75 $85 $80 $50 Labor Services Exoenses 1 Data Collection 1.1 T oDooranhical Survey & Easement Descriotions 4 $520 $14,200 1.2 Geotechnical 4 $520 $1,805 Subtotal 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1 040 $16005 Labor Subtotal Hours 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Subtotal Costs $1,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,040 $16,005 Labor Tota. Costs $1,040 Subconsultant Costs Total $16,005 Subconsultant Multiolier 1.1 Subconsultant Total $17,606 Utility Location Allowance $9,515 Reimbursable Exoenses $0 Prolect Total $28,161 Attachment 1 Mathews Consulting, Inc. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Barb Conboy Utilities Manager FROM: Janet M. Prainito City Clerk DATE: May 23, 2008 RE: R08-063 Task Order No. U04-14-02 (Amendment No.2) Phase 1 Reclaimed Water System Attached for your information and files is a copy of the Resolution and a copy of the fully executed agreement mentioned above. Please contact me if there are any questions. Thank you. &.~ Yn. A~~ Attachments cc: Central File S:ICCIWPIAFTER COMMISSIONIDepartmental Transmittals\20081Barb Conboy. R08..Q63.doc