R97-010 RESOLUTION NO. R97-/~ cITY COMMIssION OF THE cITY A RES .... ~ACH, ~R .... ~nRCMam= OF pROPERTY yNTO~ ~'~ OR Trim ~ . AUTHORIZING OF BO__~ coUNTY, ~--- ~ARK PROJECT, pALM Dm~'~ ---~ GREEND r~.- . UBLIC RECORDS OF FOR THE pALMETTu THE P MAYOR -- lNG OF THE SAM~_~IDNA. AUTHORIZING RECuR_D22~ COUNTY, FLOKI~ ~ ~F spECIAL ExECUTE E ECTIVE EN; AND pROVIDAm _ _ u~on recommend_..._.__ ...... +on Beach, = -~- of t~e .... ,o the City %~ %u_Y~e best in~~%opertY fr%~l~ . ~ has deemeU J~ ~+~, to purcn=~ ~+to Greenm ~ and re~i~=to be utilize~ ~u~ -- OF THE Ba~Ch cou ~ :BY THE C%TY OF BOYNTO _ . · of the _ _ unty, and cITY ..... ~omm~ss~on ~_~ Beach Co .... .... ~ The c~3, ~he Deed from ~'~he PubliC Re~%~ S~I~J~.~_~reb¥ accepu= ~__~ the same x~ ~_ +o exeCu~ ~=~ Flor~a,_~J? %~rk to recu~._ the Mayo~ Y,-- ~t mowing ~=~L~es~. the c~tY ~_~. authorizing' ~eleasing ~q~ ~o. au~nuz .... h Counu2, --~-=1 Lien, ~ - ~-~e 12, eatisfact~on °f_,~F~roperty by th Y _ _~ immediately ~ien placed on tn~ F ._~ shall take ef~ecu This upon passage. pASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: _~_~ day of januarY, 1997. BEACH, FLORIDA cITY OF BoYNTON ~ c$ ioner / / :rk (corporate seal) counsei/PGPARK 1/7/97