R08-122 II 1 RESOLUTION NO. R08- /J.-J-.. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON 4 BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY 5 MANAGER TO EXECUTE TASK ORDER NO. U08-03- 6 07 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL, TO PROVIDE 7 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR 8 SECTION C OF THE RAW WATER MAIN 9 INTERCONNECT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF 10 $31,775.00 PLUS A 10% OWNERS CONTINGENCY IN 11 THE AMOUNT OF $3,178.00 FOR A TOTAL BUDGET 12 APPROPRIATION OF $34,953.00; AND PROVIDING 13 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 14 15 16 WHEREAS, the Business Case Evaluation for Water Supply Strategy completed in 17 February, 2007, included in the interconnection of the East and West wellfields by 18 construction of a 6-mile long raw water main as one of the City's most critical water supply 19 projects over the next 5 years; and 20 WHEREAS, this proposed Task Order involves the pre-design activity of route 21 selection in Section C; and 22 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon 23 recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of 24 Boynton Beach to authorize execution of Task Order U08-03-07 with Brown and Caldwell, 25 to provide professional engineering services for Section C of the Raw Water Main 26 Interconnect project in the amount of $31,775.00 plus a 10% owners contingency in the 27 amount of $3,178.00 for a total budget appropriation of $34,953.00. 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 29 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: S.ICAIRESOlAgreementslTask - Change OrderslBrown and Caldwell UOB-03-07 (Section C) doc II 1 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 2 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 3 hereof. 4 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does 5 hereby approve, authorize and direct the execution by the City Manager of Task Order U08- 6 03-07 with Brown and Caldwell, to provide professional engineering services for Section C 7 of the Raw Water Main Interconnect project in the amount of $31,775.00 plus a 10% owners 8 contingency in the amount of $3,178.00 for a total budget appropriation of $34,953.00, a 9 copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 10 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 11 PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of October, 2008. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST: 29 30 31 32 33 34 Vice M~y~e Rodri ~k. Commissioner - Ronald Weiland EACH, FLORIDA /l I J ,f i " ~ .. _/"',. j' . // ~/' ~/r C-. / " .' ,~--<c"? ~ 02' (,;_::: ,::: c c / //~o/- Wood, t!~ ~ Commissioner - Marlene Ross derslBrown and Caldwell UOB-03-07 (Section C).doc 2 Task Order No. U08-03-07 Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C l(ot~/)?/ A. Background The City has capacity to treat more raw water at its East Water Treatment Plant (EWTP); however the raw water must be transported to the East Water Treatment plant from the well fields near the West Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). Therefore, the City desires to interconnect the two water treatment plants. The City plans to design and construct this raw water main in four phases: I. Section A - From the WWTP to Military Trail and Woolbright Road (or Golf Road, if needed). 2. Section B - From Military Trail east to Congress Ave (either down Woolbright Road or down Golf Road) 3. Section C - From Congress Ave to 1-95 (either down Woolbright Road or down Golf Road) 4. Existing Facilities - Under 1-95 to the EWTP down Woolbright Road It is anticipated that a 30" or 36" ductile iron or high density polyethylene water main will be needed for sections A, Band C. For the purposes of this study, it will be assumed that a 36-inch diameter pipe will be constructed. This proposal is for the design of Section C which will be investigated in the following two phases: 1. Route analysis and recommendation 2. Design, plans, permitting, assistance during construction, and certification This proposal is for the first phase, the route analysis and recommendation, for Section C, from Military Trail to Congress Avenue (either down Woolbright Road or down Golf Road) as shown on the sketch above in the solid yellow line labeled Section C. TASK ORDER NO. 08-03-07- Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C B Scope of Services for Phase I - Route Analysis The CONSULT ANT will investigate the existing conditions and recommend either Alternative # I (Woolbright Road) or Alternative #2 (Golf Road) for Section C of the proposed water main between the East Water Treatment Plant and the point of connection. The following items are included: I. Obtain documents of record, where available, related to the existing conditions including utility company record drawings, roadway plans, proposed improvements, right-of-way maps. Review available utility plans, atlases, and maps of the area for location of existing utilities. Coordinate the proposed facilities with existing utility alignments to avoid conflicting routings to the extent possible. 2. Perform site investigation activities including field reconnaissance of the project area to verify water line, sanitary sewer, and other utilities locations and alignments are consistent with those shown on utility record drawings to the extent determinable by visual observation at grade. Document surface details such as fences, sidewalks, walls, curbs, vegetation, sign poles, etc. to the extent that they are visible and may be materially affected by the construction of the proposed improvements. 3. Coordinate with the stakeholders regarding the project to include the following: a. City staff b. County roadway department regarding the installation of this water main within their right of way, any future plans for these rights of way, the permit process, maintenance of traffic c. Utility departments regarding relocation of their existing facilities, if needed. Coordination with the up to 8 utilities (such as FPL, Bell South, Gas, Cable TV, PBC Traffic) is anticipated. d. The consultant for Section B regarding the connection to that segment end point at Congress A venue. 4. Review the data and recommend which of the two alternative alignments is preferable. It is anticipated that a decision matrix will be used to conclude which alternative will be preferable with the items to be included in the decision matrix to be determined and weighted during the project and with City staff approval but will likely include items such as: Utility Impacts, Maintenance of Traffic/Public Safety, Constructability/Roadway Impacts, Permitablity, Right of Way Impacts, Community Impacts, Environmental Impacts, and Construction Costs. 5. Prepare and submit three copies of the Summary Report of the findings and recommendations to include the following: a. Summary of the findings along each of the two alternative corridors to include a listing of the potential conflicts and photographs. Digital photographs will be collected and presented (4 per page) at approximately 200 foot intervals along the two alternative routes. Additional photos will be collected at points of conflict. 2 TASK ORDER NO. 08-03-07- Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C b. Copies of the record drawings, roadway plans, etc. that are obtained c. A sketch of the key features (on County aerial photographs at 1"=200' scale on II x 17 paper) to graphically depict the features found along each of the two corridors with a general alignment indicated d. Recommendations 6. Two review meetings with the City staff to present our findings, review our approach to the analysis, decision matrix items and weights, and recommendations. c. Assumptions In addition to the work items discussed above, the following assumptions were made in establishing the scope of this Amendment and associated fee. Changes and/or modifications in the above work items or these assumptions are considered an Additional Services Item under the terms of the contract. Assumptions include: I. This analysis will investigate only the east west corridors along Woolbright Road and Golf Road. It is assumed that both routes for Section C will begin on the west side of Congress A venue. The north-south corridor along Congress A venue between Woolbright Road and Golf Road and Corporate Drive will not be included. 2. This recommendation will address the general corridor to be designed; however, the exact placement of the proposed pipe within this corridor will need to be designed and determined in the final design phase of the project. 3. The CITY will provide copies of any records in their possession regarding existing facilities in the vicinity (atlases, plans, record drawings, easements, etc.). 4. The following items are not included in this proposal: subsurface utility locations, boundary survey, geotechnical investigation, title search, detailed cost estimating. 5. No interim booster pump station is included in this Section. 6. This Phase is to recommend an alignment only, no design, plans, permitting, specifications, etc. are included in this Phase. 7. Survey and acquisition of any easements are not anticipated and are not included in this Phase. 8. Attendance at public meetings or hearings associated with public involvement or with permits applied for in support of the project is not included in this Phase. 9. The design is to be based on the local codes and standards in effect at the beginning of the project. Revisions required for compliance with any subsequent changes to those regulations is considered an Additional Services item. 3 TASK ORDER NO. 08-03-07- Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C D. Contract Reference This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated November 18,2003 between the City of Boynton Beach and Brown and Caldwell and extended by the City Commission on February 21, 2006 (Resolution R06-050) and extended a second time by the City Commission on February 19,2008 (Resolution R08-027). E. Additional Services The following are examples of some specific Additional Services Items that may be required, but are not included within this Task Order. Generally, a condition contrary to the work description in Section B or assumptions of Section C (upon which the design fee is based) is considered an Additional Services item. Examples include: I. Development of property descriptions of easements, road right -of-ways, etc. Preparation of right-of-way or easement boundary surveys. 2. Threatened or endangered species and species of special concern permitting, Environmental Impact Statements, or relocation work. 3. Archeological/Historical preservation permits, studies, or reports. 4. Analysis of additional corridors. 5. Design modifications to the Construction Contract Documents (i.e., change orders) required during construction. These and other services can be provided, if desired by the CITY, under separate Task Order(s) or by an amendment to this Task Order. Services performed will be on an as-directed basis in accordance with a written Notice to Proceed from the CITY. F. Obligations of the CITY 1. The CITY shall provide the CONSULT ANT in a timely manner, record data and information related to the sewer system, water distribution system and streets within the project as necessary for all the performance of services specified herein. 2. The CITY shall review all drawings and other documents presented by CONSULTANT and obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor, and others as CITY deems appropriate for such review and render decisions pertaining thereto within reasonable time so as not to delay the services of CONSULT ANT. G. Compensation In accordance with the above mentioned Agreement, compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT will be on a lump sum basis. The estimated time and compensation for the services described in this Task Order are as shown in Exhibit A, attached. 4 TASK ORDER NO. 08-03-07- Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C H. Schedule The CONSULT ANT will commence design and permIttmg services upon receipt of written authorization and will complete all work associated with this Task Order in accordance with the attached schedule shown on Exhibit B. 5 TASK ORDER NO. 08-03-07- Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C AUTHORIZATION APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DATED this day of {)c.rOBL::::-/< 36 , 2008 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Brown and Caldwell ~ Q~~P; Kurt Bressner City Manager Attest / Authenticated: @dI<:C m. P~:t '- ity erk Approved as to Form: Attest / Authenticated: QOOZ- Office of the City Attorney Secretary / Notary 6 Exhibit A Project Budget Task CSM Senior Senior Enginer Designer Office PM Engineer Support Billing Rate $ 190 $ 175 $ 120 $ 75 $ 80 "$ 75 1 Data Gathering Kick Off Meeting / Request for Information 2 0 4 0 0 2 Request / Review Record Drawings 0 0 4 12 0 0 Obtain PBC Aerial Maps 0 0 0 4 0 0 Prepare Alternate Route Alignments FigurE 2 0 4 8 16 0 Subtotal Task 1 4 0 12 24 16 2 2 Site Investigation Field Investigation 4 0 0 12 0 0 Prepare Photo Documentation of Routes 0 0 0 6 8 0 Document utility conflicts 0 0 8 12 4 0 Subtotal Task 2 4 0 8 30 12 0 3 Coordination with Stakeholders Review Permitting Requirements 0 1 4 8 0 2 Review MOT Requirements 0 0 2 0 0 1 Utility Relocation Requirements and Proc. 0 0 4 8 0 2 Coordination with Consultant B 2 0 4 0 0 2 Subtotal Task 3 2 1 14 16 0 7 4 Review and Recommendations Preparation of Decision Matrix 2 2 10 0 8 0 Cost Development 0 2 6 8 0 4 Subtotal Task 4 2 4 16 8 8 4 5 Utility Cost Sharing Contact utilties / summarize 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Task 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Summary Report Summary of Investigation 2 1 8 8 4 8 Graphical Representation 0 0 8 4 8 0 Summary of Conflicts 0 1 4 2 0 2 Recommendatins 2 1 2 0 0 2 Subtotal Task 6 4 3 22 14 12 12 7 Review Meetings Two Meetings with minutes 0 4 6 0 0 2 Subtotal Task 1 0 4 6 0 0 2 8 Project Management Project Management 0 0 8 0 0 8 Subtotal Task 1 0 0 8 0 0 8 Subtotal Labor Hours 16 12 86 92 48 35 Subtotal Labor Cost $ 3,040 $ 2,100 $ 10,320 $ 6,900 $ 3,840 $ 2,625 Total Total Total Expenses Total Hours Labor 58 $ 5,430 $ 600 $ 6,030 54 $ 4,930 $ 500 $ 5,430 40 $ 3,960 $ 400 $ 4,360 42 $ 4,540 $ 400 $ 4,940 0 $ - $ - $ - 67 $ 6,835 $ 750 $ 7,585 12 $ 1,570 $ 150 $ 1,720 16 $ 1,560 $ 150 $ 1,710 289 $ 28,825 $ 2,950 $ 31,775 $ 28,825 $ 31,775 Weeks from Notice to Proceed Task 1 - Obtain Record Drawings Task 2 - Field Reconnaissance Task 3 - Coordinate with Stakeholders Task 4 - Data Review Task 5 - Investigate Conduit Sale Task 6 - Prepare Summary Report Task 7 - Review Meetings Exhibit B Proposed Project Schedule - .. .. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Barb Conboy Utilities Manager FROM: Janet M. Prainito City Clerk DATE: October 31, 2008 RE: R08-122 - Task Order #U08-03-07 Fee Raw Water Main Interconnect - Section C Attached for your information and use are two originals of the above mentioned Task Order. Since the documents have been fully executed, I have retained one original for Central File. Please contact me if there are any questions. Thank you. (!JuL Y'n. P~~LfD Attachments cc: Central File S:\CC\WPIAFTER COMMISSION\Departmental Transmittals\2008\Barb Conboy - R08-122.doc