09-023 . . I i I ORDINANCE NO. 09- 0 ~:3 I 2 , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, -, 4 FLORIDA AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT 5 REGlJLATIONS, CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE III, SECTION 6 6 "SPECIAL SIGNS", BY AMENDING SUB-SECTION F TO 7 CLARIFY WHERE TEMPORARY BANNERS '\1 A Y BE s PLACED; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, I.) SEVERABILITY, CODU~ICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE 10 DATE. II 12 13 WHEREAS, on February 2, 2009, the City Commission approved Ordinance 09-013 14 amending the City's sign regulations by increasing the time allowed for the display of 15 temporary banners from two (2) weeks to ninety (90) days for existing businesses; and 16 WHEREAS, due to an incomplete modification (0 thc code text the ultimate 17 amendment contains cont1icting prO\ iSlons n:lativc to the locations ",here banners may be 18 displayi:d; and )0 WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered statl's recommendations and reports, 20 and determines and tInds that it would be appropriate to amend the current sign code to clarify 21 where temporary banners may be placed; and y, WHEREAS, the City Commission tinds that the adoption of this ordinance is in the l' best interest of the health. safety. and we] fare of the citiJ:i:ns and residents of the City of --, 24 Boynton Beach. _'5 NOW THERJi~FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 26 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: :)7 Section L rhe foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct and are now ratified 28 and continned by the City Commission. 29 Section 2. Chapter 21, Article IlL Section 6F of the Land Development Regulations 30 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as I<Jllows: I "Ci\"()rdlllanccsl[DR Changcsl1nd /\mcndlllg 1 DR 11161 SIC,'JS)11I42111'il doc , . I I F. One temporary banner may be posted by a business that has 2i been issue a business tax receipt on private commercial or 3 industrially zoned property within the city for a period of time not 4 to exceed ninety (90) days within a one year period. Temporary :) banners may not exceed an arca of twenty (20) square feet each. 6 lemporary banners may not be placed in 'it'-~f-tCl:t.k". landscape 7 buffers along rights-of-ways l)r within rights of:: ways. 8 IC111J2Qrm_QQ!1ners .?lEiILlwL PI,,'._L1IOlmte_l;t . on---2L. attached to I.) landscaping. utility poles or gUy wires. An applicant shall remove 10 temporary banners within twelve hours upon posting of a tropical II storm or hurricane watch. This subsection shall not prohibit the ]2 city from placing banner signs on city owned property or within the 13 public right-of-way within certain designated corridors throughout 14 the city in order to announce municipal or not-for profit activities, 15 events or programs pursuant to this chapter. 16 17 Section 3. l~ach and evcry other provision of thc Land Development Regulations 18 not herein specifically amended, shall remain in full lorce and effect as originally adopted. 19 Section 4. All laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton Beach in 20 conflict with any provisions ofthis ordinancc are hereby repealed. ::'1 ~ection 5~ Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof -,-, be dcclared by a court of competent jurisdiction tu be invalid. such dccision shall not affect the -- -,~ remaindcr of this Ordinance. --' 24 Section 6. Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. 25 Section 7. This Ordinance shall become effective immcdiately and shall sunset 26 February 1. 2010. 27 FIRST READING this~' ~y of _ A-pR~L. .2009, 2 'i,l'/\\UrdIlHlIlecsl[DR Chang,,11nd Amcnd1l1g [DR 21 (61' Slej'JS)(041 1091 due DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION Memorandum PZ 09-015 TO: Chair and Members Planning and DevelOP'WVrd FROM: Michael Rumpf, Directo Planning and Zoning " DATE: March 19, 2009 RE: Temporary banners - Clean-up needed to recent code amendment Chapter 21. Signs, Article III 6(F) You will recall the recent amendment processed to the City's sign regulations, increasing the time allowed for the display of a temporary banner from 2 weeks to 90 days (for existing businesses). This amendment was adopted by Ordinance No. 09-013 on February 2,2009, and is only effective for one year, as temporary assistance to struggling businesses during this challenging economic period. Due to an incomplete modification to the code text, the ultimate amendment contains conflicting provisions relative the locations where temporary banners may be displayed. Recall that staff promoted the placement of the banners throughout the subject property, with the exception of rights-of-ways and the buffers along abutting rights-of-way. However, the former version of the regulations precluded them from setbacks, which was not omitted when modified. Obviously, if it was the intent to preclude them from setbacks, it would have been redundant to also preclude them from the right-of-way buffer. This conflict within the resulting revision was an oversight, and staff proposes to fix the code with a quick revision to the regulations through the simple elimination of the word "setbacks" as shown below: F. One temporary banner may be posted by a business that has been issued a business tax receipt on private commercial or industrially zoned property within the city for a period of time not to exceed ninety (90) days within a one year period. Temporary banners may not exceed an area of twenty (20) square feet each. Temporary banners may not be placed in setbaGks, landscape buffers along rights-of-ways or within rights of ways. Applicant shall agree to remove banners within twelve hours upon posting of a tropical storm or hurricane watch. This subsection shall not prohibit the city from placing banner signs on city owned property or within the public right-of-way within certain designated corridors throughout the city in order to announce municipal or not-for profit activities, events or programs pursuant to this chapter. The need for this correction was just realized by staff, thereby preventing it from being placed timely on the March agenda. Staff is now reacting expeditiously to quickly amend the code and remove the inconsistency to prevent confusion in its implementation and enforcement. Staff requests the Board's support of this correction. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPECPROJ\CODE REVIEW\CDRV 09-002 Banners for existing businesses\P&D board - clean up of banner regs _ 3-24-09 meeting.doc Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 24, 2009 s. Communications and Announcements A. Planning and Zoning Report 1. Final disposition of the February 24, 2009 Planning and Development Board meeting agenda items. Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, reported the City Commission had approved the Land Development Regulations Rewrite, Group 6 deliverable. Staff would be moving forward for adoption and would continue to review the Rewrite, taking into consideration the comments made by the Board. Mr. Rumpf noted the City had recently adopted an ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations Sign Code pertaining to the display of temporary banners. Staff had discovered that the amendment contained an unintended, internal conflicting provision and wished to amend the Code to remove the inconsistency. The ordinance adopted was effective for one year and would sunset February 9, 2010. It permitted existing businesses to display a temporary banner for a 90-day period during anyone year period. The intention of the ordinance was to allow more latitude and flexibility in displaying the banners within the time period set and throughout the property . The existing Code prohibited banners in setbacks. Staffs added text permitted the placement of banners throughout the property, with the exception of rights-of-way and buffers along rights-of-way. The earlier regulations precluded the display of banners from setbacks which had not been omitted from the amendment. If it had been the intent to preclude the banners from setbacks, it would have been redundant to preclude them from the rights-of-way buffers. Staff proposed to amend the Code by removing the word "setbacks." Mr. Rumpf noted the inconsistency had not been reported timely and could not be included on the agenda. Staff sought the Board's position on the proposed amendment, which would be brought before the City Commission. Motion Ms. Barritt moved to approve the strikeout of "setbacks" from the language. Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion that passed unanimously. 2 II I th I SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this 5_ day of~, 2009. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Commissio e - 19 ATTEST: 20 'in. ~ 2\ --~. --- 77 7' ~J 24 25 26 ( 27 28 -, . <';,l A,()rdll,anecsl[DR Changesl1nd i\ll1cnd1l1g [DR ~l 1(,1 'illjNS)\1)4~1()'i1 dlle