R09-123 ,,' ,,- >' '--'- -----'-""""- -- '''' '---T'''- 1 I RESOLUTION R09-/~ 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 4 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING 5 AND DlRECflNG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE 6 VERIPICATION DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF A TAX 7 CREDIT APPLICA110N ON BEHALF OF THE AUBURN 8 GROUP FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF 9 QUANTUM CONSISTING OF 180 AFFORDABLE SENIOR 10 RENTAL UNITS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 11 DATE. 12 13 14 WHEREAS, The Auburn Group has requested that the City of Boynton Beach sign-off 15 on verification documents to support the re-submission of Auburn Group's original 2008 16 application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits as required by the Florida Housing Finance 17 Corporation; and 18 WHEREAS, the City Commission's authorization as expressed in this resolution is 19 conditioned on the administrative staff's representations that all of the elements of the 20 verifications are true and correct; and 21 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon recommendation 22 of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to 23 authorize the City Manager to execute the verification documents to support the re-submission 24 of a tax credit application on behalf of the Auburn Group for Development of The Village of 25 Quantum consisting of 100 affordable senior rental units. 26 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 27 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 28 29 Section 1: The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 30 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption S:\CA\RESO\Low Income Housing Tax Crcdb (Auburn Group)(Village at Qumtum) 2009.doc n ....,."'.",..,+_..__"'~'<_'..h"'.." ~""w, __~.,,~"~.._...,"J.'F~~ ~ ,"".., ^",,",,,~,,,"',_.-,~,,~ _.."".."..,..,....~". II 11 hereof. I 2 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby 3 authorizes the City Manager to execute verification documents in support of the re-submission 4 of a tax credit application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits as required by the Florida 5 Housing Finance corporation on behalf of the Auburn Group for development of the Village at I 6 Quantum consisting of 100 affordable senior rental units, a copy of which is attached hereto as 7 Exhibit "A". 8 Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 9 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ day of August, 2009. 11 12 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ATTEST: 30 31 1n.~ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 S:\CA\RESO\Low Income Housing Tax Crcdls (Auburn Group)(Village at Qumtum) 2009.doc ."""., """'"'....,._""'__r."'.~-".,.~- .....~_....~_.,,-,..-....._-,.,..,,--"'..,....,... ,-, Print Page Pip 1 ofl D8taiII $1,G71,1 $1"'1,1 I .. --~ e VdIap at Quantum Map 2 . . 'tl.lI" Aw- 1- .... produced by: pepqis . OIly R NiIDDIiII. CF A - http://maps.co.palm-beach.fl.uslpapagislprintingllayoutaspx 8/1812009 __ ____ ._ ___ ._.n,_.__ ......~"..,.<.I.......-,-~.t _.""-,,, _.---.,,,,~--,-,,- ..~~....,.-......_----..............-~-^,"",~"",~----.........." IlaeCi~:a..cL. eitlJ O.rll:', Oltice lOO.EBOYNTON BeACH BLVD BOYNTON BeACH fL3J43~ (~1)7 42-6060 FAX (~1)742-6090 ...mail: prlliDitoj@a.ho,DtOD-bM..1. B UJ www.boynton-beach.org CERT~FICATJO"- I, JANET M. PRAlNITO, CITY CLERK of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. R09-123, consisting of 2 pages plus a one-page map, is a true and correct copy as it appears in the records of the CIty of Boynton Beach, Florida. WJTNISS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, dated this 18TH day of August, 2009 ~Yn.~ .. M. PRAlNITO, CMC CITY CLERK (SEAL) 5: \CC\WP\certlficatlons\ResoIutions\2009\Certffied R09-123.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream I . .... ...-.. . . _....".'_ .,' . ...... .'.__ - __,,_ _"'~"'_'_"_'___" .~._ __n.._d""_<" . ._-,,-~---'"'''''' -. . e · i'lta! "! i i 1 j ~ ,. ~ ,. Iii n f i I I . 't . 'I 0 · 0 0 E II ~ I t Ii . ill tl i al J: If.. ~ ., It. g ~ it. ! ~ 'I i[tlf ;:1 t r J II . d~ I a I'.' J tll' .. ~.. J ... I I ~~. I ~.. ,9 I It i .fIt I' it 'i' I rh; lrll~l. \;,18111. fl. )1 !. I I It t.p ~ 2 ~ .. ~ \ I r 't. - a t. B \ t I I tr b ~ ~\ fl. ~ i a i 8 In. : I Jl : I oS' : i lOCi i it.lU~ f t I Ii! II lUll I..P III I ; ._9L .. i q t. t r' it ' . i' · ~ rt'I' I' I: 1 J:. 11 I I · I Ii ~ a t L 1 t' ~11" ~ a: .' I -.9 I~ .. 11- il I I I t t L ILL I 0 t: .. . ,!. Il. f. t .. ,9 \ ,. ~ {J' ."._""",,,,,._,..,.......e..'..... --_........~'"'.....,....,-...,"""....._._..",.."._,_.,...""'''',._~..~...._.....'.,_4._''''''_..._..._~,,,.....,.,...,,.........''",',...~~"'',....,......~.,_~ i i 1t89UNIVERSALCYCU: - vumCATIONOP AVAILABILITY OF 1NJIIIASTR1JCnnu: - WA'nR NIIDe of~t~ ViIIIp.~Ltd. , ~LocatioD: _....--........,- --"-fL3341' (AI...........................".... . . . ...................._..._............,. .....................-. ............iIIllIIIIIcIIII.....) The 1JDdersipt.cl service proW1cr MoRmile dill OIl or bdbre OIIlftlOO9 . DIll ........'77H 1. Potable water is available to the poposcd Developmmt. 2. 'lbae lie DO iD.1pedim-m to the poposed DcvcIcpDeDt few obIIiaiD8 potIble __ service 0Cber tbaD paymmt of boot-up or iDIIaDa1iOD tees. tiDe ~ to be pid tbr by the ~ ill COIIIlCCtion with the CClIISInJdioD of the ~IA~". or GIber sucIl rauIiDc p.i-iatraIM pocedure. 3. To the best of oar kDowkcIge. DO ~ or local heuio8 is reqaftd to maR potable water IVIiIIble to the poposecl Developmalt. 4. To the best of oar kDowledF, 1bae _110 JDODt(l&.~nl" pa:tIiDiDg to poIIhle water wbidllle IIlPIkabIe to the ~~ .DIII_Ile-__........... o' D-liIIe.. I CEIlTJnCATION i 1~~~is_IIIII::=-......... ! Sipdure Name ofEndty Pm9idiDs Service Kurt Bressner 100 .....,....... BW. i Print or Type NIDlC MdIas <--...... c:iIr.") I City Manager .,.. ....'laridd3435 I Print or Type Title (561) 7.Q.6010 TelepboDe NuDa: (mr~ ..code) I 11Iia 4lIflt ~ ..;.- may DOt be .... by.... AprIi C 1 t. by _y nIuecl padies of Ibe ~ ell" by lIlY PIiDdpeII ell" Y""'.'1/1&-- at.. ~:o. Ill.................. hill local..... ClI6icWa _. ....... If.... cerf'~ islpp'-1JIe to tis :oev-....- aDd it is ~ ...... .... .4fp1ieaticlIl wiD &iI ...... If 1biI ~ CCID18iDa comc:Iiaas ell" 'wJUte.oat', or if it is IC8DDId, imIaed. abaed, or retJped, the ~ will &iI tomeettlnslloJd. The _~may bepbotocopied UAlOY ca.w. s.Gt) EDibit~ ....1I4C'*k ~ IIIOXIO.JAC. - -..-..-------- -",,,.'-._,,,,,...","-_. --..-- .! ...._,..,..---.,-~-~........,.,.......------"~""_.............,,....--.,.... '"~__~.,~_,_.~"",.',~"'~'<l~~"""""",""" 2Mf 1JNl'V&8SAL CYCLE - VElUl'lCAnoN OJ' AVA1LABILlTY OF .lNJ'RASTR1JCTIJIlI- SIW'IR CAPACITY, PACKAGE TREAnRNT, OR SD'TIC TANK Name ofDeve1opmeot: ViIIIp .'f2 . LId.. ~Loca1ioo. ~~1T1d,~ . ........... - jJILUG6 . (Ah............................,......... .' ..........................-..._.........-.,. ......................-...........iIIllIIIIIcIIII...lII,.) The 1JIIdersipd service provickr or pclmittiog authority confirms that OIl or befoIe CM"'*' DIII~ 1. Sewer Cap8c:ity. PIckage ~_ or Septic Tank is available to 1be proposed ~ 2. Tba'e are no ~ to theproposcd Dew~ for obIaiDiBa tbe sperifieod waste ttalmalt scnice GIla _ Jl*ydal ofhoot-up or incbIlItdinn tees, .. ~.. to be pIid for by tbc Appticlnr in CCIIIIICCtioo. wi1h the c:oasttuctioo of the I>eveIopMt't, or GIla such IOIItiDe admiIIistra1ne pmcedure. 3. To 1be best of our blowIedge, DO vm.oce or local beariog is mp1ired to make d1is savke , lIVIiIIble to the p:oposed ~ 4. To die best of our .tDowIedF. tbae lie no moratoriums perIIining to d1is sc:mce. whidtare applicable to the proposed Dcvc.lillent. .n-_'be-__1Iebe...~".. . 0.... CKRTlftCA'nON j l~~a___ Cityf4""'''' , ~~ NIme ofEmityPmWlillg Savice Kurt Bressner lOOB.-....... - ......... I P.riat or type Name .Addftss <-- ........-> City Manager .,....... .......33415 PriD.t or 'I)pe Title (Sf1) 'MUOIO TeIqJhoae ~ (JIIC'..... erea c:ocIe) ThiI certi&atiaa may DOt be Iiped by tbe ~i--. by my re1Ited..- oftbe ~. ell' by my PriDcipeIs orF'....a.t ~ -... oftbe ,t.p~ III ~ ......... fnmlocll.... oII!id.Ik.. DOt ~. If die catificatioIl is ~ todaia DevD~" ... it is ~ siped, 1M AppIicaIiGa will &i1 daIboId; If Ibis c:erlifieatiao CGIl1aiDI COIl'eC:tiaas or 'wbitIt-oDt". (II' if it is IC8IIIIed. imapcI. altered. (II' mtnJed. die AppIimiaa wiJl fIIilllO meet tbreIbold. 'I'he ce.ti&eatioo may be pbota<lapied. tWt16(1.w.~ ExIIibit~ ~f7~'.A.C. - ..-...,......----.""'---. .."".-...-.,..~~~.-~.~~"-~."'..",.."'-----__..___~___.~M~ .., UNlVDSAL CYCI.E - vaD'lCA11ON 01' A V AILABIUI'Y OF INntAS'I'ItlJCl1JRl!: - ROADS Nameof~ ViIIIp.~Ltd. ~Locadoo. a.-~ _11~.~.-..s. fLDG6 CAI.........................:::."......, ,., " . - I" .. '......__.................,. ...................-. ......iIIllIIIIIcIIII....) The 1IIIdeni8Ded local gmwnRlfOllt npesaIbdive codim dill OIl <<before OIfIftlOO9 . n.<--W,b,dY 1. ~~ paved lOIds poYidc lICCCSS to die pmposcd Deve1cJpmaIt or paved roeds will be CCIIIStIUctaIIS pelt ofdle JRPC*d~ 2. Tbae lie DO ~ 10 the proposed Devdopmalt 1I5iDB die roeds otIau dII8.,.,.. of impact fees or "'Vy~ c:am cuts. tom IIaa, lriphdi.oo, ClI' -.oa..~ ~ filial IJlllIVVIIs aDd pemli1s few the JIIoposecI DewJopDem ! 3. TIle c:xccutian of tbis ~ is DOt a gt'IIldDg of trIfIlc cOIIr.;uu.ga.y lIppIOVIl few die pmposedDeft~ 4. To die best of our Jmowledge. dIac lie no montoriums pcrIajDiog to IOId 1ISaF which lie i applicIbk to die JIIOPOICd DevdcroVRt, .n.__..-.....-. Air'. . n.IIiIe. CERTIFICATION I I~~is_lIIIlIcoaoc:l. City or.,..... SipaIure NIme ofLocll Qw&6w.oftIt Kurt Bressner l00.........BML Priat ClI' Type Name .AddIas <--......ciIy._> City Manaaer .,.. BeIdt, JIIadda 3341S Priat ClI' Type Title I. 561.742-6010 Tc1ep11ooe.N1IIIIba: (Jftl'..... _ code) This certitwtinn may DOt be siped by the .AppIaDt. by my re1ated.... of 1he 10...... CIl" by my Pri8cip8k CIl" F...... ~iuia oldie ~ fa ~ IipIIhns framIoc:aJ. elected of!ic:Wa.. DOt IClCIpIIIbIe. If 1he Cildi&aoo is ~ to tis ~"1Dd it is ~ lipid. tbe AppJie-Ma will &it tIueIIIoId. If this ~ coamias COINCtiaas _ "wbite-out'. _ if it is IC8DIJIed. imased. altend, _ retyped. the ~ will fail>> meet 1braboId. The certific8tionmay be pbotooopiecl. UAlOl. (Itw. ,.., Exhibit ~ ~~1'.A.C. - - -...---...-.--.- _ ___---l - \ .. ,- ._' .'.... ," . . ..-. . .--,~-'" - .- --- -" ' .' -' . ~ \ ' ... i t ~ t .... \\ \\t \ \i\e.a e. \ '\a It\ ~ t\ eo. t \ f.' . .u l I,. B \ ~ It. ! '. Q 'I t' I \ h \ .'Il.~ Itt.\l \ "\8~e.\ 8. ~ \ t ~ 1, ' , \ ~ . II i ii i '" 1 It . ~. '"t ' , , Ii. t'" ~,," . t 'Il\ Ii \ \ \\1 4~t ,t ! la t l \';' \ II t ~'l. \~I .11 \ ~"tlli \'1 ., \. t ..., t ~... '" ...11 ,. I - ~. .'. ... .' ..... ,.... ,....,.,...... .. ..--. ,...-..--'.. .' ..,.,.- .. . . .. ~..-..'- \i \ t1 \\ii, \\~t\\\ n' \i t' ill U\'U \ \ \ ill t tV l a I . ... II ~ ~. !l' 8 ... ~ . ill :~ L 4'1 l\ \ \ L Y ~~:: 11 It \\ \~r\.\i.\\l[l ~ "\ t II~h\"J\o i~~\' If \ \ l\ \~\ t tl\l\l i' \ IIi i it' ~,~ If { 1 h. Q .L I_ . ..r\.L ~ t' 1 rl e \ i i ~ tr a ~ a ~ z l ~ 1.' ~ \\ \iLa\ l,\hl \ .. \i i t ~ i' \\ l\ h rt \ \l, r f. ~ \ t t i i '. r.\..J ; lit t tr \ ~ t 11 \ i ri r . \ sf. l t ~ \~ . \~tl \lr~~ I i.. II t ,\ a . h .;. "'~. ,. L ..It .... '--~'-'"-'_._".'---~ ..... .----...---............--'^.. 1tIJ1JNlVDSA.L CYCLE - LOCALGOVIRNIONT VDIJICATION OW ~a& IIOlJSJNG INCINTIVISEXPEDI1'&D ....II-...G n.ocas JOR~ IIOtJSIlI(G Name ofDeveIopmeot: ViIIIa. ~ Ltd. Dcw~ LocaIioa: ~ TI"'1~TI~. ... . ....... t Jt. ,~, (AI........................:::,,,.... , ' ..... ....................._......tftII:.........,. ......................-. ..................,.) . Name of City or Coooty QovMvneat: CI&y of.,....... NIIDe of 1urisdicti0ll dill will issue buiJdiDs permits: City of........ The City/Couoty of Cilv ofllcmllaa:::' aJlIeldI) admiBistas 111 CIpCditcd (N-. aay .CaaaIy) pem1iuing proc:ess for aft'ordable hoosiag e.IIIded by D-........rn No.__ . ~ .. -'1.. ..........,flIIil:J) adopted ~ . Dele (mm/dJJIyyyy) <xtnUlCATlON IalItifydlot~is ....1IIlI-. -'\ EDIt lit S.....,re ' PriDI: or Type NIIIle CD U r PriDt or Type TItle This CCl1i1katioo DIIISt be siped by the dIic:f ~ 08'icill (staff) IapOIlSibk 1br iIIues J.dIIed to 1bis laI:adve, Mayor, City ~- IK. CClUIIly u-yJ..i-' _~d. 'rf,or <:tI1iqreuoIl of the City CauIriI~' tioo or ~ or the BoIld or ec..y OJ . lh~ Oda ~ia lie DOt ICCLlIIbIe. Zcm' paiIIts .. be _*6=4 if the CClI1itkatiaB is . ~ .-, sipat Sipaby _ be -. ~ift of dIie local ~-.-t ... his aIICIIed die .~. For ~ ofdds hm oaIy, if. Dw~ is IocaIM widdD a .~':'ipIIky'but die iIIc:aIiw is DOt IWIiIahk: ill die city, AfplkIDt., use CCIUIIly 1ace.aIive. For fllIr~. if a Dew~ is IocIIect in a ton widell does DOt have iIIIpIct lie .........6."," but the comity .. sada ",*fll_ _6ey have. redIcdoD or \1rIiftr or.. fees AIr IIhMJe ~ dIie AlJplkIDt..,. ....... . papcdy czecutedLoal(]crfb_~d V~iIad:ioa ofAfbdlbk HoasiDa1Dcaltiws FClIIIl tam tllecoaaty. The ApplicIat will not receive credit 1br 1bis iDaative lDd,the AppIica1ioo win fail dIresboJd if the ccrti1katioa. ccDaiDs COIKCIiclas or 'wIdre-out' or if the ca:ti~tioD is ~ m.ged. altaed. or myped. The ca1i&lliOD may be pbotocopied. UA101' (In-. UJ) Exbibit ~ ~~'AC. - .~' ".".."...,.....,~--,~"'~",',-~.~'._-"-,..._..~".^ ........----..., 2MflJNlVDSAL CYCLE - LOCALCOVlltNMDn'VDlnCAnON 01' AROaDMLE ROUSING INCINT1VES CON1JUJRtlllJlW TO AJ'IfORDABLE BOtJSING ~I11!S OIl DKVELOPII:&NTS NllDeof~: vm.-.Q . , Ud. ~l<<atMIa. --..._.....fL33G6 (At.................... 1::."111' i .~ ' .. ' . ...._.....iteaiMla....,. .............,.........-. ...................) Name of City orCouDty ~ City.".,..... 1bc ldacDced Local 00vaDmaIt IuIs III ou.-soiII8 aod C1Jl'RIIt process few pIOYidiIIa CODIributitms to afbdIIb1e 1vInti1\gpapaties or ~.~. ~kIJlflCAnON ~catifyd.<:rt:~~_CURCl Kurt Bressner SipatDre , PIiDt or 1')pe Nac City Maoaaer PriDtorTypentle 'I1Iis ~ _ be sipcd by tile ddef IfIIPI>i8lI omdal (sid) IapCl ,Nt... iIIUCS RlIIeed to dais ~W;. Mayar. CilyU.--r". CG8IIJ~ r~.i-i~ or ~of die CiIy C~'1J()--Lm or ~ of die ... of CoaDty CA . 11 ~ Oda -wwmes lie DOt Ice..... Zao pCIiIII will be ....... S~.... be . ~~!'~ of the 1cal..~ ~.... aICIed -.e iIM:aIfM. For = of dais 811m.,.. . DcwJc.t.~-.. is located witbia a --Ldpdity bit 1IIc ~ is DOt ill die city. ~k_ .., 1IIe c:.-y iaaI:aIi.ft. For -~.. if . ~~ is located ill . toWIl wIdd1 does DOt 1IaYe iIIpIct tee ' R9~ .., but die ~... aalllqliU 1* _ dlqltave . ___ or WIiwr of.... fees few dbil...1wIsiD& die ~ ..,. saIladt . prapedy euc:uted Local Ocw....w..-t VaiftadiOll of A1b:dIbk HcJasiaB kClllives Farm hID die COUDty. 1bc AJpIicaat will DOt RCCive aedit for Ibis _CDtiVe 8Dd die Application will filii thR:sbold if die lift :ad cClIIIBiDs c:oaccIioas ~ if the c:atiftcation. ~ iIDIIed. IItcRd. \;Q ~ lOll 01' or IS or retyped. 1bc cad&1IiOD may be photoc:opicd. VAlOl6 OM..s.GIP) EDihit~ ~~JAC. - ..., -_,.."."'....,...";~,_'o,...,"" "....'~..".._".~~.". ,~"._...._._.,"'"_"'..._,_,.............. 1Mt UN:IV'&RSAL CYCLE - I..OCAL OOVUNMDIT VBRD'ICATION OIl AJI'J'ORDABU: II01JSING INCENTIVBS ~1"ION OI'RE BQllJDMItIImIIORADORDABLE IIOl.JIING ~11mt OR DEVa..O'PMENI'S NIJDe ofDevelopmeat: ViIIIF .Q. . LId. ~~ntLocalioa: ~~I.=;lV~~ . .. LJL~ (AI................................ " " ' ............__.................,. .......... ...........-. ..............iIIllIIIIIcIIII...dI.r.) NIJDe of City or Co1IDty Go\Ir.mIDf'nf'" CilyofBoJlllaB IIeKh Tbc rc::fc::raK:ed Local GovaDmaJt CUIl'eddy __ naiIabk to a1fordab1e bousiDa papa:Iies m ~ the """"'Hriftn of~ ~, iMnding. Rlductiou. orWlliwr offi=c:s 1Dll-It8naM mdhods of~ paymmt. , CDl11Ji1CADON I~1IIIt~"'llIlII_ Kurt Bressner i ~i""'tre .PIiDt or Type Name City M'AftllOp.r PIiDt ar Type Tide nus ~ must be sipecl by the'dDefappOOllieCl offidIl (111ft) ~ .. __1dIIed. to tis ~ Mayor, City ).(-j:FT, CGUIItJ "~r'.A,iI.......i~, ar ~ of the City ~ .... or ~ of the 80IId of eo.ty ~L1&f~ Oda ........_.. ~l''''. Zao...... be "...&4. ~ _'be. &.~.. of the localao- "'L~ dill 11M CIIlIded tile ~~ Far pIIfOIIS otdlia bill cmly, if. ~_d is , 10catecI wifIriD a -~ ipIlIity bat... ~ is IlGt IVIiIIbk in tbe city, ~ -.y 1IIC COIIDly ~ Far ~. if a nor Iopant is locaIed in . towJl wbich does DOt Ute impIct fee &.~ bat the CC8Ity _lid ~.. _ have I ~ arWliwr of.. fi=c:s few aflMcIIb1t ~ 1be AppIk:ut -.y II8IImit a pnpedy execuIIed Local cn,__-~ VerifkatioD of A1bdIblc HoasiDa IIM:e81iWs PcIan ftom tbe COUDly. Tbc AppIkInt will DOt m:cive credit tor dais iIM:adive IUd the AppJic:atiOD will fd dRs1IoJd if 1be cerd1icaDaD coataiDs ~ ar 'WJIite..out' or if the ccrtiAcation is ~ imapI. aItsed., or retyped. The c~ may be pbotocopied. UAlOlt~. 5oOP) ExbiIlit~ ~~'.A.C. - , ,..,.,,_ ~ '~'''',",_''.''m'~><"~'''''.'''.'''_'''__~ ., IJNIVDISALCYCLE - LOCAL GO~ vauncA110N OW AJ'IlOIIDABU IIOUIING INCIN'I'IVIS IMPACT CW IU.ICIIS, 08DINA'N(S8, """"''I'IOMI, OR PLAN PmVlSlONSONO)S'I'OJr ~ aoo~~I__RftLOPMENTS N8e ofDewlapmlatv...~ Ltd. ~,..rI W""LcI**"~Hf; i;fttI:~rL.""'- i ,~DQi (AI........................ Tl..}.' ..................--.................,. ...................--. ......................) N.... of City or Couuty Ooftlldmlillt: Qyala.,...... Tbe~Local~waeady ......... ......--L .by_~~""'.poIcy. i thIt~4>~~ oftbeialpletof~poIicieI,~iIl -........., Jf . &....... or.... ~~-.1be i c:aat of ~ hoaaiDsprbto...... of.... poJici8, GI L... --. ~..... ""^.:.;..... i ";&K.II'lCA'I'ION ; ,_",~.,,_ KurtBressner i ~ SipIduIe Prlat or1)peNale City Manager i PriId.1)pe Ti8e I i i Tbis caIificItiOD _ be sipecl by the dtiIf 1ppOiDIed' o8iciIl (staff) ~ b issues rc1Iecd to tis ~ft, MaJar. City V17-' . CoI8.y ~~"'Ami..I~, or CIIIiIpencIIl of die City ~ . _ or ~ of tbe. BoIIdot ec.ty ~. .... ~ g\......_ DOt 1ft.,.1t1t Zcm... will be awll'dcd. ,.,...~.. be Ai.'1 r r .~ oftbe local ao---I:... dIM.. --.l die ....~ por.-a-- af1lds 111m ca.y, if A Dnda,DI lit is IacItecl wIIIiiD A lWl.... '~ .. die ~ is IIGt IVIi'II1lIt ill the city, AfrIil"' .,. .. c.ay ~. Por -v.. if A Dt,~ is lociIe4.ia A 10WIl wIIidl cIDcs DOt lIRe iIDpa, fee mpif 1M..... _die ctIIaty his -'alClfJlil --.. 6ey IIae . ..... or'" of1lDe tces for.............. AJIIIic..., 11118it.~ czecutecl Local Go\W-' V~ of Albdlllle HousiDIlKativa PGIID'" die COUDty. 1k AH1fiant will DOt RlCCivc aedit few dIis iDcaItive aod the AwJkatiOB will taildlrcshol4 if the 1i1kItioD' . "wbife.out' if the tific. . sca1med, imIFI. aItaed, c:crI ^1IIIta.,,,_ alII.'et1iOBS or or ccm cllioB IS or ' Ietypcd. 1'bc cCl.'titkadoD may be photocopied. i tWOl' (Iw."" !lrhibit~ fJ4"'~F.A.c:. - I ~ \ CONCEPT-A A. NORTH TOWER TYP 9,400 sf)( 5 flrs =: 47,000 GSF B. NORTH TOWER FULL HT 5,400 sf x 1 fir = 4,800 GSF \ C. CLUBHOUSE 2,000 sf x 2 firs = 4,000 GSF \ \ D. SOUTH TOWER 11,800 sf x 5 ftrs = 59,000 GSF \ " E. SOUTH TOWER FUU HEIGHT 7,200 sf x 1 fir = 7,200 GSF . F. TOWER VERTICAL CIRC 1.500 sfx 6 firs = 9,000 GSF \ \ TOTAL = 131.000 GSF \\ 01. OFFICE FIRST FLOOR 10,000 sf x 1 = 10.000 GSF ~ " 'Go . . ' 02. OFFICE SECOND FLOOR 10,000 sfx 1 = 10,000 GSF ~ \ ~ \ \ " TOTAL = 20,000 GSF \ \ I \ \ "'~ .-. . RESIDENTIAL UNITS = 100 X 1 SP / UNIT = 100 SP [ OFFICE USE = 20.000 X 1 SP /200 SF = 100 SP . \ .--.... ..~......- . PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 200 sp . PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 165 sp /10 He sp ( INClUDes 22 sp ON GROUND LEVEL UNDER 0 BUilDING ) \ \ , 4 I } .-- OVERALL sITe PlAN AUBURN GROUP VILLAGE at QUANTUM * Song + Asaociata.lnc. ....-..-........ ............. '~"'.<_._","s,,,,,,,,,,"' e...."...-_'__.....' ..... p c: ~ OJ "...x{;:,,'... .;.:. , , c: :::0 Z .. ..... . '" .. . .... M .. ~. (i) . ~.; ~ .'.~ :'~:'::.. :::0 .:. ~. :.~ ',:. .::. .:\.:. " , 0 ......:...:i..:'...:..i.. . . .~. c: "0 < - r- .;'" '. "~:~"~s? " ..: .'... .. .- , ' ", () ,- :. .. 0 t~ "" ....... z i. ", ." ,.., ':;;..:.' ".'::,.! ',,:' ,','. ":!-<,, '....~: ,,; () . i' . ... ' . -.., .".-.; m I ,. . ..,' . . - .IJ ""C .~ ... . , . , ' ' , -I ii ': .... I )> I~ .,...~~ ~w, ~ - Be/17/2BB9 11:59 56127671111112 AUElJRN PAGE 82 . - A.bum Group . August 17, 2009 Kurt ~lSoer q-tyManager Otyof Boym:on Beach 100 East Boyutou Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida. 33435 Je: VillIp at Quam:wn. Ltd. :Mr. BteSSdCr, We 1ft dIdful to the Oty and you for ~ the fce waMr for vm. at Q-ftfaJm mcl for the sigDing the necesmyfonns for ia taX-credit appIicIQon Iast)aft .. woald. to re-submit this yearmd need the same forms re-~ Please see me aw:bed forms from the pmrjous ,... .. rqm that we could not beiDs this to your ~n soona:. !be kmd CJVII1en just caW ruetOClayaad said tbcyaccepld our off~ ,. __ that the City Comminion is meeting lOmorroV/ in repnIs 10 Palm Cove. Bu~n Bach, ,. In! not, ceftlin whether }OU need them to ftoo~~ their choice to sip me forms. If so, 'we .. bopeful it can be disc\1SsccL Givm the short notICe we ~ 1MX'IIIIIy not. .. svch I ~ ~ since die plmslforms Mm I'l'YinIed last )at' and die pl'Ojec:t ha DOt cbmpd; we are hopeful" we will be able to get it done. If you m.ve any~oDS, pae &ct me ~ MyceB ~ne is 786-25)....533 and Dawn's is 561-843-4700. Ap.in. we ~logize lor this short notice. We an pMIful for your considenliou. and Ume. If )'OU feel "M: can IJX)Ve this forward, I ".;n send the fteW' unsiped forms for this ,., appJicadon ~ly. RcfpeetfuUy, ~/W~ Cito Bepristain E~ Vice-President 777 East Atlantic Avenue. Suite 200, Deltay Beach. Florida 33483 Telephone: (561) 278-3901 fAX: ('61) 278-3903, !meil: Cito@aubumlE'O\1P.net