R09-154 1 RESOLUTION NO. R 09-1S'-{ 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF 4 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 5 APPROVING A CUSTODIAL SERVICES 6 AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT OF FLORIDA FOR 7 THE EAST AND WEST WATER TREATMENT 8 PLANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $27,045.77 AND THE 9 UTILTIIES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING IN THE 10 AMOUNT OF $22,915.07 WITH A TOTAL 11 EXPENDITURE OF $49,960.84; AUTHORIZING THE 12 CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID 13 AGREEMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 14 DATE. 15 16 WHEREAS, the Utilities Department is currently using Respect of Florida for 17 custodial services at the Utility Department's Administrative Building and the East Water 18 Treatment Plant and would like to expand their services to the West Water Treatment Plant 19 for a period of one (I) year; and 20 WHEREAS, RESPECT is a program falling under the auspices of the State of Florida 21 according to Florida Statute 413.036 which provides employment to disabled citizens of 22 Florida. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION 24 OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 25 Section l. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being 26 true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. 27 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby 28 approves a Custodial Services Agreement with RESPECT OF FLORIDA for the East and 29 West Water Treatment Plants in the amount of $27,045.77 and the Utilities Administrative 30 Building in the amount of$22,915.07 for a total expenditure of $49,960.84, and authorizes the S:ICAIRESOlAgreementslCustodial Services - RESPECT(2009-10).doc City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Agreement between the parties, a copy of which is 2 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3 Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately. -tb PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ day of October, 2009. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~oner-J Commissioner - Marlene Ross A TrEST: 'tn. p~ S:ICAIRESOlAgreemenlslCustodial Services - RESPECT(2009-1 O).doc ~(h - \5~ ~ ~,!i~!:~~!. City of Boynton Beacb East and We.t Water Treatment Plant Janitorial Services Contract Price Proposal fnr Contraet Vear: October 1,2009 - September 30, 2010 Date of Proposal: September 1, 2009 Breakdown of Proposed Price' Direct Labor $13,SS7.\8 Fringe Benefits 2,992.67 Chemicals and Supplies 4,489.32 Equipment 1,478.33 General and Administrative Costs 1,7SS.52 Floor Care [,ISO.oo CNA Fee .. 1,622.7S Total Annnal Contraet Price'" 527,045.77 . Above cost line items are projections. Line items may be reasonably adjusted by contract assignee, without increasing annual price. to acconunodate unanticipated costs. Sucb adjustments must not adversely effect the perfonnance of the contract and the meeting of contract specifications. .. RESPECT of Florida. as the designated central nonprofit agency (CNA) oftbe Florida. Department of Management Services. has been authorized a fee of six percent (6%) of the total contract price pursuant to Section 6OE-I.OO3, Florida Administrative Code:. ...Services will be provided three (3) times per week (Monday, Wednesday. Friday) at the East Water Treatment Plant and two (2) times per week: (Tuesday, Thursday) at the West Water Treatment Plant. Floor care services will be provided two (2) times per year at the East Water Treatment Plant BOd ODe (1) time per year at the West Waler Treatment Plant. Floor care will consist of: steam cteaning all carpeted areas. scrub and fiuish vinyl tile flooJ'j. . ce for the identified contract. (S'ignarwe q{ AUlhorb:ed .Represemalive) ~~~~~ B6'trncm,\jeACII. Fl I""~) SlgnlIJg Ihi$ price proposal thus 110/ conlNe/utllty bind your agt!ncy nor RESPECT of Florida. It simply bldl<al'" "" .g,eem"'l o/lIte p,lce/o, Ih...- snv/ces, PI.... fox approval bock 10 RESPECT of Flo,lda at (850) 656-0168 Arm: Nancy Perlmiln. Thank Yoo, f.\group!\rcspeet\saviccslproposals\Cil)' Boynton E W Water PlanUS (21045) 11)..2009 _09-20W.xIs - 427 - . 1;,\ CP, - \ r:s '::; ~ ~~~~~!. City nf Boynton Beacb Administration Building Janitorial Services Contract Price Proposal for Contract Vear: October 1,2009 - September 30, 2010 Date ofPropooal: September 1, 2009 Breakdown of Proposed Priee * Direct Labor $12,080.39 Fringe Benefits 3,181.48 Cbemicals and Supplics 1,365.36 Equipment 640.00 General and Administrative Costs 1,228.48 Floor Care 2,763.45 Window Cleaning 281.00 CNA Fee .. 1,374.91 Total Annual Contract Price... $22,915.07 . Above cost line items are projections. Line items may be reasonably adjusted by contract assignee, without increasing annual price, to accommodate unanticipated costs. Such adjustments must not adversely effect the performance of the contract and the meeting of contract specifications. .. RESPECT of Florida, as the designated central nonprofit ageocy (CNA) afthe Florida Department of Management Servlces, has been authorized a fee ofsix percent (6%) ofthe total contract price pursuant to Section 60E-l.003, Florida Administrative Code. .....Services will be provided three (3) times per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Floor care services will be provided one (1) time per year and will consist of: Front Lobby - scrubtiJe and grout and color seal tile; Bathrooms and Work Stations - scrub ceramic floor tile and grout; steam clean all carpeted areas; Kitchen, Stair Landings, Labs and Offices - scrub and finish vinyl tile floors. Exterior window cleaning services will be performed one (l) time per year. (SlgffOtur<< (J i(ulh(Jf'lud Rl!pn~t1tt:Jttve) KURT BRESSNER CIT'fMMj~') 8QYNTo~~m~ n ',) , ([)at~) Slgn/Jtg ilia price propos.l does /WI contraCin.lly b/Jtd yonr agency nor RESPECT of Florida. It silllply indicates 11ft .,rumen' oIthe price for the slflted snYfee:t. Pk"n fax tlpprol1fl1 back ,~~EC!.'llilre,rlIIa ll'f!.,5W6-IIJ!..a~1!'fIili fl!fl9fr>> M.l'~k Yon. : p pcct Ie I",PropOll S ity ton mm _' ,S - 428-