R10-003 " ".-....,." I ~ RESOLUTION RIO- 00'3 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY i CLERK TO EXECUTE A THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTH SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND P AETEC FOR EXISTING PHONE-LINE EQUIPMENT AND ONGOING LONG 1 DISTANCE SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN ] EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 I 1 ] WHEREAS, City staff has been working to decrease the City's ongoing phone ] charges; and ] WHEREAS, the attached Agreement with P AETEC offers the City lower rates as 1 well as a small credit for switching from a month-to-month basis to a 36-month Agreement; ] and 1 WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission has determined that it is in the best interests of the residents of the City to approve and authorize the City I Manager to execute a thirty-six (36) month Service Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and P AETEC for existing phone-line equipment and ongoing long distance service. I ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF I ~ THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: ~' Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption ~j hereof. 1! Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby approve and authorize and direct the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a ~~ thirty-six (36) month Service Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and P AETEC I ~t for existing phone-line equipment and ongoing long distance service, a copy of the Service ~I Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", I I Section 3. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage. I , I I i i I I lapps3IautolDataI64IItemsl6418641419\Reso _ -] AETEC _(Phone_Service _ Agmt ).doc I I ] I I I l I I I i PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5-t:taay of January, 2010. , I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 1 ] ) I ] I ] I 1 I 1 ] \ ] ] I I ] 2 2 /' I 2 2 2 ATTEST: 2 I I 2 2 I 2 2 I 3 3 3 I 3 3 l 3 ! 3 I I lapps31autolDatal64\Itemsl641864 1419\Reso _-] AETEC _( Phone_Service _ Agmt ).doc I 2 I \ \ ( ! I PAETEC Quotc# 227274 RIO - ~)J,4!200' ~ PAETEC SERVICE AGREEMENT This sets forth the terms of the Service Agreement ("Agreement") made this 14th day of September, 2009, by and between PAETEC as defined in the PAETEC Standard Terms and Conditions of Service C'PAETEC") . and CITY One PAETEC Plaza or BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Corporation ("Customer") The term of this Agreement is for 36 months 600 Wi\lowbrook Office Park ("Term"), Customer agrees to a Minimum MOnlhly Fee of $89430 AI! sef\lices provided are Subjecl 10 fhe lermS" Fairport, NY J 4450 and conditions below lInd on the attached Rate Schedule(s) I CUSTOMER INFORMATION ~ Customer Name CITY Of HOYNTON BEACH Service Address See Attached Service Location Listing Notice Address: 100 E BOYNTON HE^CH BLVD 1l0YNTON BEACH, FL, 33435 US Contact Name: John McNally Contact Phone: 561-7426000 (<'eden' J.D. or 8.S.#-: Contact Fax: Tax Eum t: SERVICES BEING PROVmt:D BY PAETEC TO CUSTOMER Access Loop Trunks Switched J+ Toll-Free (8xx) Monthly Recurring t:quipment Credit By signing this Agreement, the Customer hereby authorizes PAbTEC to provide the Services listed herein and on any/all altachments, Each month Customer shall purchase at least the Minimum Monthly Fce amount set forth above, calculated prior to application of any taxes or surcharges. This Agreement is subject to and controlled by PAETEC's federal and state tariffs as applicable. And/or by PAETEC's Standard Terms and C{)odltions of Service aod the service specific terms and c{)nditions a' localed .t htlp:llwww.paetec.com/notlce/legalnotice.html, as such tarifTs and terms may be modified from t;me t. time and all of which are hereby expressly incorporated by rderence. Information regarding Customer's rights and options pertaining 10 Customer Proprietary Network Information ("CPNI") is available .1 <..111 m://wwlV, Tlactl..lr.:. com/noriccfc llni .html" The individual signing the Agreement on behalfofCustomcr is duly authorized to do so. AcceDtedBvcustom~ Authorized bv PAETEC, Sigl\at~: \~r-;> -----r' SIgnature: Print Name; KURT BRESSNER Print Nnmc &/,,<.. /l'fF('~ ( Title: em MANAlitK Titlc: o:i? r.:> BQYNTQN Ilm"', FL Datc: Date: ~~~-/..; This OneT is voidable by AE'l'EC if not signed and returned to P ARTEC by the 13th day of December, 2009 7 QA-P-3030-00-I,F13 Page t of 12 P^ETEC QlIote# 227274 09114/2009 Additional Terms Scbedule In addition to Ihe tenus and conditions contained in the Service Agreement ("Agreement") between PAETEC ("PAETEC") and CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ("Customer") and all other schedules thereto, the following terms and conditions apply, These Additional Tenns shall lake precedence over any conflicting provision of the Agreement, including any conflicting provisions contained on the first page of the Agreement and/or any conflicting provisions contained in the Standard Terms and Conditions ("Standard Terms") or any other Agreement schedule, including those referenced on /he P AETEC website. QA-P-3030~OO~[ ,PI 3 Page 2 of 12 QlIotc# 227274 09/14/2009 PAtTEe ~ PAETEC Service Location Listin2 Customer Name: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACII 100 E BOYNTON !lEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US Service Totol MRC Trunks Toll-Free (8xx) Site Total MRC $894,30 Grand Total MRC $894,30 The infonnation set forth on this Service Location Listing sets forth (he total Monthly Recurring Charge(s) ("MRC") for each Service Location covered under the Agreement For a breakdown of the MRC ,harges for each Service Location, along with site specific Usage Fees and Non.Recurring Fec(s) ("NRe"), please refer to the site specific Rate Schedule for each Service Location. 13y signing below, Customer acknowledges that It has received and reviewed the site specific Rate Schedule(,) to thc Agreement, and agrees to the mformation set forth therein. ^CCC~tedIlYCU:~ tllIthurized by P^ETl'C ~ r~ Slgnlll\lrc: Stgnall~ , ~ Print Naill!;: KURT BRESSNER I'rmt N.me. .o/t.-~ ~'rYT TiLle: CITY MANAGER Title. .i' ( Date: ..2 , S' ' "d Page) of 12 PAETEC Quote# 227274 09/14/2009 Rate Schedule Customer Name CITY OF 1l0YNTON BEACH Sales Agent Name Baker, Philip J Sales lD 274333 ^ccounl MlUla er Ilaker Phil J Sales ^ em Phone Monthly Recurring Telecom Fees** 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH. n. 33435. Item Rat. Ouantity Total Trunks 20 DID Station Numbers. 550 1.00 5.50 FSLC Charge '" 677 5.00 33.85 PRITI 850.00 1.00 850.00 Toll-Free (8xx) Toll-Free Access * 4.95 1.00 4.95 Sift Total MRC Fees 894.30 , Non Recurring Fe~s ~ !k!l! Ratt Ouantitv Total Silt Total NRC Fees 0.00 , Monthly Recurring Equipment Credit , Monthly Equipment Credit (200.00) OUl1Itton orendit I Months I USAGE F.... I ll!!!! Rate Initia' Additional Increment Increment Dedicated Long Distance Usage Rates IntraLata 001 I 6 sec 6 see InterState O.OI5 I 6se<; 6 see IntraState 0025 I 6 see 6 see Directory Assistance '" I Y9 2 Canada '" Bronze I 30 sec 6 see Caribbean '" Bronze I 3U see 6 see US to International '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 003 I 6 see 6 see IntraLata om I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ - International Canada. Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean '" Bronze I 30 see 6 S~I.: US to International '" Bron;:c I 30 see 6 see Toll-Free (8xx) - Dedicated Domestic InlerS13te .. 0.03 I 30 see 6 see IntraLata 0.04 I 30 see 6 see lntraState 0.04 I 30 see 6 see Toll-Free (8xx) - Dedicated International Canada to US ... 0029 I 30 see 6 see US to Intemational ... Silver I 30 see 6 see Toll-Free (8xx) - Switched Domestic InterState * 006 I 30 see 6 sec [ntraLata 0.07 I JOSC{; 6sec IntraState 007 I 30 see 6 see Toll-Free (8xx) - Switched International Canada to US ... 0.029 I 30 sec 6 see US to International .. Silver I JOsec 6 see Conference Calling 014 J 60 See 60 See QA-P.30JO-OO-LF13 Page 4 of 12 PAl::Tl::C Quote# 227274 09/14/2009 Notes: I . Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 ~ Per Minute Per PartIcipant * Rates are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. ** Additional charges apply for al11ocal, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, CPE maintenance and dm:ctory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <httlJ://n(lctcqmJj~: OSAGE FeeH 6415 N OCEAN BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, liS !.ttm. .B!!! Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance ., 125 , N/A N/A Swih:hed t+ ~ Domestic Interstatr;: 0.03 I 6 sec 6 sec lntraLata 0.03 I 6 sec 6 see IntraState 0.03 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ -International Canada * Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean * Bronze I 30 scc 6 sr;:c US to International * Bronze I 30 see 6 sec Conference Calling 0.14 3 60 See 60 Sec Notes: 1 . Per Minute 2 . Per Call 3 ~ Per Minute Pcr Participant * Rales are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. .. ^dditional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, CPE mamtenance and directory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <htU1:/Il)actc(,;onlin~l'nm'.~ USAGE Feeu 21 I NW 13TH AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US llim .B.m Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance .. 125 2 N/A N/^ Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraState 003 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ - International Canada * BronLe I 30 sec 6 see Canbbean * Bronze I 30 see 6 sec US to International * Bronze I 30 scc 6 sce Confr;:rence Calling 0.14 3 60 Scc 60 See Notes: I - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 ~ Pcr Minute Per Participant .. Rales are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's involec_ .. * Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance wld directory listings, For the current features pricing, go to <htln:Jlnaclecgillinc CO!!!::" USAGE Fee""" 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, Item B!ili Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance ... 1.25 2 N/A N/^ Switched 1+ ~ Domestic Interstate 003 I 6 sec 6 see lntrat,ata 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraState 0.03 I 6 sec 6 see Switched 1+ -International Canada .. BrailLe I 30 sec 6 sec Caribbean * Bronze I 30 see 6 sec US to International ... Bronze I 30 see 6 sce Conference Calling 0.14 ] 60 Sec 60 Sec QA-P.3030.00-LF13 Page 'j of 12 PAETEC Qunte# 227274 09;)4/:W09 Notes: I - Per Minute 2 - Per CaJl 3 - Pcr Minute Per Participant ". Rates are subject to change on 30 days noticc via a bill message on customer's invoice >to '" Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, CPE mainlenance and directory listings For the currcnt features pricing, go to <htto:J/pactecnnlinc_com>. USAGE iI"ee'/r1lr 8020 JOG RD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US Item B!tt Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance >I< 125 , N/^ N/^ Switched 1+ - Domestic interstate 00] I 6 scc 6 ::il:(; fntraLata 0.0] I 6 see 6 see IntraState 003 I 6 sec 6 see Switched 1+ - International Canada ". Bronze 30 sec 6 see Caribbean >I< Bronze I 30 sec 6 see US to International ". Bronze I 30 sec 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 3 60 See 60 See Notes: J . Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Per Participant * Rates are subject 10 change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. ". '" Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge. TOuter maintenance, ePE maintenance and dIrectory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <httn:llnactcconlinc com.-' lJSAGE Fee" 3501 N CONGRESS AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33426, US Item Rate Initial Additionltl Increment Increment Directory Assistance '" 125 2 N/^ N/A Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 003 t 6 sec 6 see (ntraLata 0.03 I 6 sec 6 sce IntraState 003 I 6 sec 6 see Switched 1+ ~ International Canada >to Brorll.c I 30 see 6 see Caribbean * Bronze I 30 set: 6 see US to International '" Bronze I 30 sec 6 see Conlerence Calling 0.14 ] 60 See 60 Sec Notes: 1 ~ Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minutc Per Participant .. Raws are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. ** Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX fealUres, nctwork access charge, router maintenance, CPE maintenance and dIrectory listings. For the current features pricing, go to :<.htfD.I/pactcconlme,cmn< USAGE Fee*'" 1901 N SEACREST BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435-2232, US llim Rate Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance .. 1.25 1 NIA N/^ Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.0] I 6 see 6 sec Switched 1+ - International Canada '" Bronl.e I 30 scc 6 see Caribbean. Hronze I 30 see 6 sec US 10 [ntcrnational '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 .' 60 See 60 See QA-P-3030-00-LF I J Page 6 of12 PAETEC Quote# 227274 0911412009 Notes: I - Per Minute 2 . Per Call 3 - Per Minule Per Participant * Rates are subject to change on 30 days noticc via a bill message on customer's invoicc. .. Additional charges apply for aJllocal, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, touter maintenance, ePE maintenance and directory listings For the current featurcs pricing, go to <http://rmctcconlinc com' USAGE Fee"''' 801 N CONGRESS AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33426, US lli.!!1 Rate Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory Assistance. 125 2 N/^ N/A Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraLala 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraState 003 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ -International Canada * Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean ;; Bronze I 30 see 6 see US to International * Bronze J 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 J 60 See 60 See Noles: I - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Per Participant * Riltes are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. * * Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network <<<:cess charge, router maintenance, CPE maintcnance and directory listings. For the current featurlts pricing, go to <hun:l/natteconline.com> USAGE Fee"'" 208 S SEACREST BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435-4452, US Item Rate rnitial Additiona' Increment Increment Direclory AssistIDlCC ... 1.25 2 N/^ N/A Switched 1+ . Domestic Interstate 0.03 J 6 see 6 see IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 J 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ ~ International Canada '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean. Bronze J 30 see 6 see US to International * Bronze J 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 3 60 See 60 See Noh's; I - Per Mmute 2. Pcr C,11l 3 - Per Minute Pcr PartIcipant . Rates are subject to change on 30 days notice viti a bill message on customer's inVOIce. ~.. Additional charges apply f(lr alllot;al, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintcnance , ePE maintenance and directory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <hUo:f!DiJClccQnling-fQll1 USAGE Feeh 3228 GUN CLUB RD, WEST PALM BEACH, FL, 33406, US llim Rate JnJtJaJ Additional Increment Increment Direcl'Ory Assistance ... 125 2 N/^ N/A Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 J 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ -International Canada. Bronz~ I 30 sec 6 see Caribbean ;; Bronze J 30 see 6 see US to International * BronL.e I 30 sec 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 1 60 See 60 See QA-P-JOJO-OO-L.F] 3 Page 7 of]2 PAETEC Quote# 227274 09/14/2009 Notes: I - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Per Participant If Rates arc subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. ** ^ddilional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance lmd directory listings. For Ihe current features pricing, go to <htto:l/naclcconlinc.com:,:, USAGE Feeu ]01 S CONGRESS AVE, BOVNTON BEACH, FL, 33426, US Item Rale Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory ^ssistancc '" 125 2 NIA NIA Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 6 see 6 see IntraLata om I 6 sec 6 sec IntraState 003 I 6 see b see Switched 1+ -International Canada ... Bronze I 30see 6 see Caribbean .. Bronze I 30 scc 6 sec US to International '" Bron7.e I 30 see 6 sec Conference Calling 0.14 J 60 See 60 Sec Notes: I - Per Minute 2-PerCall 3 ~ Per Minute Per Participant '" RUles are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill rnessag~ on customer's invOlce '" '" Additional charges apply for a1\ local. long distance and 8XX features, network access c"arge, router maintenance, CPE maintenance and directory listings For the current features pricing, go 10 <httn:/!naelCC()nlipc.cnm._', USAGE Fee** 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, Uem Rafe Initial A~ditional Increment Increment Directory Assistance '" 125 2 NJA NJ^ Switched 1+ - Domestit Interstate 0.03 J 6 see 6 see IntraLata 003 I 6 see 6 sec IntraState 0.03 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ - International Canada ... Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean ,. Bronze 1 30 sec 6 see US to International ... Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 3 60 Sec 60 See Notes: 1 . Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Per Pm11cipalll '" Rates are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. . '" Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features. network access charge, router mamtcnance , CPE maintenance and directory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <htto:l/naeteconlinc.com:' USAGE FeeH I" N CONGRESS AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33426, US Item Bm Initial Additional Increment Innement Directory AsslstaJ1l.:e ... 125 2 NI^ NIA Switched 1+ ~ Domestic [nterstate 003 I 6 sec 6 see IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 I 6 sec 6 see Switched 1+ ~ Internationul Canada ... Bronze I 30 StC 6 see Caribbean >to Bronze I 30 sec 6 see US to International .. Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 , 60 See 60 See QA-P,}OJO-OO-LF1J P<lgc R of12 PAETEC Quote# 227274 119114i200Y Notes: I - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 * Per Mmute Per Pal1icipanl of Rates arc subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. U Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, rouler maintenance, CPE maintenance and directory listings. For the current teatures pricing, go to <httJ.):J/nactcconlinc.coJ1l~' OSAGE "<<HI 2010 N .'EDERAL HWY, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US llim Rate lnitial Addllio.ol Increment Increment Directory Assistance * 1.25 2 N/^ N/A Switched 1+ ~ Domestic Interstate 0.03 J 6 see 6 see IntraLata 0.03 J 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 J 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ -International Canada * Bronze , 30 see 6 see Caribbean "' Bronze J 30 see 6 sec US to International. Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 014 J 60 See 60 See Notes: I - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Pcr Participant .. Rales are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice .. Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, CPE maintenance !)lld directory listings, For the current features pricing, go to <bttn:/ll1ltctl;;.conlin\l.cnl11>, USAGI<: Fee1r1r 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, Item .!iW Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory ASSistance '" 1.25 2 N/A N/A Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 , 6 see 6 see JntraLata 0.U3 J 6 set; 6 see IntraState 0.03 , 6 see 6 see Switched J+ - International Canada "' Bronze I 30 sec 6 see Caribbean" Bronzc , 30 see 6 see US to International * Bronze , 30 see 6 sec Conference Calling 014 ) 60 See 60 See Notes; I - Per Minute 2 ~ Per CaU 3 - Per Minute Pef Partk:ipanl * Rates are subjecllo change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's inVOice. *'" Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features. network (\ccess charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance and dm:ctory li~'fings, For the current features pncing, go to .- hUn:l!naeteconlinc com... USAGE Fee"'* 311 NW I2T" AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US Item Rate Initial Additional Increment Increment Directory ASSistance of 125 2 N/^ N/^ Switched 1+ . Domestic Interstate 0.03 , 6 see 6 see IntraLata om I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.0.1 J b see 6 scc Switched 1+ - International Canada * H rOnze , 3D see 6 see Caribbean '" Bronze J 30 see 6 see US to International * BrOnze J 30 see 6 sec Conference Calling 0.14 , 60 See 60 See QA-f'.30JO-OO-l.F13 Pag~ 9 of 12 PAETEC Quotc# 227274 (IW1412009 Notts: 1 ~ Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Pcr Minute Pcr Participant '" Rates arc subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. '" '" Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance and directory listings, For the current fea1ures pricing, go to <httn:/ln<lctcL'onliJlc com:::- \JSAGE F~H 1021 S FEDERAL HWY, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33435, US 110m R!!t Initial Additional JnrrtIDMf In('rtf\1cnl Directory Assistance '" 1.25 2 NIA N/A Switched 1+ ~ Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraLala 003 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 003 I (, sec 6 see Switched 1+ - International Canada '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see US to International '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 3 60 See 6U See Notes: I . Pcr Mmute 2 - Per Call 3 . Per Minute Per Panicipant '" Rlltes are subject 10 change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. "'.. Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance and directory listings. For the currenl features pricing, go to <httn:l/oaeLtConline (',om>, tJs..\GJ<: Fee.... 3111 S CONGRESS ^VE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL, 33426, US Item !!!1t Inlllal Addllional Incnll1enl Incremen' Directory Assistance * 125 2 N/A N/A Switched 1+. Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraState 0.03 I 6 see 6 see Switched 1+ - In'ernational Canada * Bronze J 30 see 6 see Canbbean ... Bronze I 30 see 6 see US to International '" Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 J 60 See 60 See Notes: 1- Per Minute 2 - PCT Call 3 ~ Per Minute Per Participant '" Rates are subject 10 change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. '" '" Additional charges apply for a11local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router ma;nlemmce , CPE maintenance and directory listings. For the current features pricing, go to <nuo:/lnaeleconhne com- USAGE Fee*" 129 E OO:AN AVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL' 33435, US lli.m !!!!! [nitiaf Additional lncrell1ent Increment Directory Assistance ... 1.25 , NIA N/^ Switched 1+ - Domestic Interstate 0.03 I 6 see 6 see IntraLata 0.03 I 6 see 6 sec IntraState 003 I 6 see 6 scc Swih'hed 1+ -International Canada .. Bronze I 30 see 6 see Caribbean ... Bronze J 30 sec 6 sec US to Intcmalional .. Bronze I 30 see 6 see Conference Calling 0.14 ] 60 Sec 60 See QA-P-3UJO-OO-LF 13 Page lOof 12 PAETEC Quote# 227274 09/1412009 Notes: 1 - Per Minute 2 - Per Call 3 - Per Minute Per Participam '" Rates are subject to change on 30 days notice via a bill message on customer's invoice. .. Additional charges apply for all local, long distance and 8XX features, network access charge, router maintenance, ePE maintenance and dire{;!ory Jislings. For the current features pricing, go to <http'./fDaetcconlinc.con1> Q^.P.3030~OO-LJ-i13 I>agc 11 of 12 P ^ ETEC Quote# 227274 09114/2D09 Customer Name CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CUSTOMER EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE In addition to the other terms and conditions contained in the Service Agreement ("Agreement") between PAETEC and Customer, to which this Schedule is a part, the following terms and conditions apply with respect to certain credits offered 10 Customer for certain "Customer Expenses," (including, but not limited to, equipment, software, and consulting services) in consideration of the specific term and purchase commitments made by Customer to P AETEC in the Agreement. A, THIS SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY If CUSTOMER HAS A THIRD PARTY LEASE THROUGH CIT OR AEL WHICH IS BlLLED ^ND COLLECTED THROUGH THE PAETEC SOFTWARE FOR SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT fOR SERVICES PROGRAM. IN SUCH EVENT CUSTOMER MUST SIGN THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY lEASE SPECIAL TERMS AND MUST COMPLETE THE APPLICABLE crr AND/OR ^EL LEASE AGREEMENT. IN ADDITION, THIS SCHEDULE DOES NOT ^PPLY IF THE CREDIT IS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PURCHASE OF TilE PiNNACLE SOFTWARE THROUGH PAETEC SOFTWARE CORP. B, Customer Expenses _ In the event that Customer has either purchased or directly leased (other than through the PAETEC Softw"re for Services or Equipment for Services programs) certain equipment or software to facilitate the use of the PARTEC Services purchased under the Agreement or made other pertinent expenditures, PAETEC may agree 10 reimburse Customer for a portion of the actual costs of sUi,;h expense as follows: /, List expenses covered by the Credit: (the "Customer Expense") General Expense Description Purpose Vendor 2, Customer Expense reimbursement shall be paid in the f01m of a credit on Customer's invoice for the PAETEC Services. The amount and duration of the credit shall be as specified in the Rate Schedule to the Agreement. 3, In order to be eligible for the reimbursement, Customer must provide PAETEe with a copy of its paid invoice for the Customer Expense within ninety (90) days urthe commencement of the Term, 4, PAETEC makes no representation or warranties regarding any Customer Expense and shall have no liability for any damages incurred by Customer as a result of the Customer Expense, In the event PAETEC, or any of its subsidiaries is the vendor of the Customer Expense, nothing herein shall void any terms or conditions of any purchase agreement between Customer and PAETEC or any PAETEC subsidiary, C To remain eligible for Ihe Customer Expense credit, Customer must remain in compliance with all the terms and conditions of the Agreement (including without limitation Customer's billing and payment and mllllmum ree obligations). Furthermore, jf the Agreement is cancelled prior to lhe expiration of the applicable term, regardless of the reason for the cancellation, PAETEC's obligations to Customer for any Customer Expense reimbursement shall immediately cease, ACC~~ At Signature: Signature: \ Print Name: KURT BRESSNER PnlllNiIl'lll:: Titlc" CITY MANAGER Titll:: A'5 MYNT5N BEfI(~11. rL Date: Dale d ," ,/cJ .<l QA-P-3030-00-LF13 Page 12 of J2 CITY ATrORI>lEY