R10-017 " I 11 RESOLUTION RIO-017 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 4 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING 5 AND RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S EXECUTION 6 OF THE VERIFICATION DOCUMENTS TO ASSIST THE 7 CORNERSTONE GROUP IN ITS PARTICIPATION IN 8 THE NEW ISSUE BOND PROGRAM (NIBP) 9 ADMINISTERED BY THE FLORIDA HOUSING 10 CORPORATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 11 DATE. 12 13 14 WHEREAS, The Cornerstone Group has requested that the City of Boynton Beach 15 complete required local government certification forms for the New Issue Bond Program 16 administered by the Florida Housing Corporation; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon 18 recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of 19 Boynton Beach to authorize and ratify the City Manager's execution ofthe Local Government 20 Verification forms on behalf of the Cornerstone Group for the developer's participation in the 21 New Issue Bond Program (NIBP) administered by the Florida Housing Corporation. 22 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 23 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 24 Section 1: The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 25 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 26 hereof. 27 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby 28 authorizes and ratifies the City Manager's execution of the 2009 Universal Cycle Verification 29 documents (copies of which are attached as composite Exhibit "A" to this Resolution) in 30 support of the Cornerstone Group's participation in the New Issue Bond Program E \Data\ 7 8\Items\ 73\993\526\Reso _ -_Cornerstone_New _Issue _Bond _ Program. doc " , i' 1 administered by the Florida Housing Corporation intended to support the completion of the 2 final phase of The Preserve at Boynton Beach development. 3 Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 4 W) 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ day of February, 2010. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 {: . . ner - Jose Rodriguez :'? 20 o L e:-~ / F ~ 21 /~1 ~./.~ 22 Commissioner - Marlene Ross 23 24 ATTEST: 25 26 27 28 29 M. Prainito, MMC 30 Clerk 31 32 33 34 E '\Data\ 78\Items\ 73\993\526\Reso ..- _Cornerstone_New. Issue..Bond _Program.doc 200' UNIVERSAL CYCU: - LOCAL GOVERNMENT VERIFICATION or STATUS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENTS Name of Development The PrCSCfVe at Boynton ~:~: ~~c T Deve;lopmc::nt Location: 1111i1i N'Mth"''''''1 ~lh ~l"~ Rl1ynl'.," R,;.~I., FI..,tidro TId~~ .. (AU minillNll\ Frovide llleaddmnl'lilPlCd bylh=tJnit;d Slile,Po SlilVlcc:.mdllllinglhc addrCA llIlrl'il=r.IIlrct:lll8lJ\c8Ild elly. orltlhcad~,b81 nolyct I bccnulip;d, pro'Oide Ibc &reelllilllC, c1C11est dClipled intc:rKCliDll and city.) Development Type: TownhousC5 (PlIlt III.A'I of40a~ UlIiv=r:;IJ r:yd~ Ap!lIimon) Total Number of Units in Development 64 I (p;ff1ll:A'17t2b'D'g' Viii \o!nII1 CydMppheab on) Zoning Designation: PUD i Mark lhe; applicable state;ment: 1. @ The above-referenced Development is new constnlction orrchabilit:ttion with neW conitruction !lnd the flJlal site ph... in the z.onin~ designation stated Iilove, was ~proved by action of the Cit}' Commission 011 04/OS12OO5 (LE8dly AutlIOl'\zed l\ cdy") Doru: (mrn'ddIyyyyl- I o The above-rcferenced Development j, new COn !it.ruction (It tchliliilillltion with new conmuction md this I 2. r jurisdiction provides either prelim in lIlY sile plan approval. or conceptual site plan ~proval. 1'he preliminwy or conceptuHl site plat., in thr: ~oning de;ig1ll4.ivn lIilu1r:d ahvve. was lIPproved by action of the on I (1..1y A~orU;dDody") Da1c( mm.Idd.fmy).. I 3. On,e ahove-referenced Development is new constnlction or rehBbilitation with new conlinJctionllJ'Jd I tequinal sile pl~ leppl'ovld fat the new construclion wcrk. However, thill: jl.lrDidiction provides neith~ I I prelimin;ry site plan approval nor cooceptual site plan approval, nor is any other similar process I provided prior to issuing fmal site pia') approval. Although there is no preliminary or conceptual site I plan approval process and the fmal site plan approval has not yet been issued, the site pIa'), in the zoning I , I desigmi:ion st~ed above, wu reviewed by I on I (Le8dly Aull10lized II cdy"') Date(tmlIdlSlyyyy) ... \ 4. 0 'l'he above-referenced Development, in the zoning designation shIed above, is rehabilitation without any i ! new coostru ct ion and does not require additiooal site pl;m approval or similar process. '" ~Iy A.ull1an:o:odIlQdy" i. JlD~;m illdjvjdlOll. ^pplio;:ml~:;L ""Lcthel1o'fTle nfllle City CouncL County ComnuSlm, IlllllTd.Departm;I1l, DiVlsilJl\, l:'I.f;. WIth QUlllanly OYe! sudI !lI:lI.l1!l'!. - Date 1IJl8\ bc "Ol'\ orbcton:'" lhe Aptii~on Dradline. CERTIFICATION I certifY thar the City/County of :Bo}'rlton Bcach has vested in me the authority to verify status of (Nim: otCilyOf CIlUI1ty) site plan approval as specified above and r further certify that the infonna:ion stated above is true and correct. 0.--c;.L~ t11Lh....~ I 7? (,) n..p( i Signature Print or Type Name I I I P~1\f1;~ rI- Lon;j-V;..r.. I I Print or Type . e I nis certifie;1lion m\l,'It be ~igned by the applicable City's or Co~s Direcmr of Hl8IIIIins ancl Zoning, chicf appointcd , official (staff) rc:sponsiblc for dc:tc:nninBtion of issun RIBtc:d to !ilc: plan lIppl'oval, Cily MlIIIIII:U, or County i MarllIIllerlAdministratorlCoordinator. Sil~es from local elccted offitials IIJ"C: not acceptablc:, DOl IIR other signatories. If this certilication is applicable to this Devdopmert and it is inappropxi.I=[)I QlDed, the AppJiution will IiDl to 1'1'M:ct tbrc~hold. i IfdU~ nn6cabon contain~ ccnc:ctions or 'white-out', orifitis scanned. imaged. altered, orrctyped. thc Application will fail to med tb-c:~hold. nle cc!'tilie.tion mIY be phCJ(ocopic:d. UA1016 (Rfi. 5-09) Exhibit ~ 674.004(IX.t. 6'j.~1 OO)(IX'll'.AC. ZOO9 UNIV...;R,....A.... C'iC.l.l!: - LOCAL COVERNMENT VERIFICA'l'lONTlIAT DEVELOPMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH ZONING ANI) LAND USE RECULATIONS Name ofDevc:lopnent: The Prmrve at Boyrton Beach, Phase I Development Location: 1866 Northeast 5th Str~~~Boynlon Beach. F10rida 3~:)S ! (A~ a minimW'l1, prOllll1t lilt ad~. as&8ft!:d by the Unilcd Sl8Ic' PQIIal SClVicc. indlltlinR theaddfOS!ll\\lll1ler. !Im! namulId city. or itlllC addn:$e ba, not y~ I bccnulip;d.prollilllo 111~ IIl'P.l'l. """'., c1ll>oosl ddipll!dinl!l'stelillll821d cilY.) Development Typc;: Townhous=s (~1I1 A.., of ]noo Urliv...~ Cydt Appllcal.lOl\) Total Number ofUniLs in J)cyc;lopment: 64 (Part IlIAd. or~oag Uni'o'l:nal Cyd= Appli!;;lQor\) 'll1e undersignc:d Local Government official confinns that on or tx:fore w..~OLa : : i DIt= ( ,'" I (1) The number of units (not buildings) allowed for Ihis development site (if restricted) is: ~ I and/or ! if a PUD, the number of units (not buildings) allowed per development site is: 180 ; or I if not a PUD and development site is subject to t~ing special use or similar permit, numbe;r of units allowed for this development site is: N A : and 'f (2) The zoning designation for Ihe referenced Development site is PUD : and (3) The intended use is cOl1sig;ent with current land use regulations and the referenced zoning I designation or, if the DeveloJXIlent consists of rehabilitat.i<X1, the intended use is allowed as a legally non-conforming use. To the; best of my knowledge, there are no additional land use regulation hearings or approvals required to obtain the zoning classification or density described herein. Assuming cttnpliance with the applicable land use rcgulld.ioDl:l, there are no known conditions which would preclude constnll.tion or rehabilitation (as the case may be) of me referenced Development on the proposc:d site, ~ t:All~ mill be "on rr befbrc:" lhcApplica~on DI:iI41inp,. I CERTlFTCA nON I certify that the City/County of BIlynlon Be~l;h has veg;ed in me the authority (Name of CilylCmmy) I to verify comtistency with local land use re;gulations and the 7.oning designation !pecifie;d above or, if the Development consists of rehabilitation, the; intended use is allowed as a "legally non-confonning usc;" and I further certify that the foregoing information is lIUt and correct. In additioo, if the proposed I Development site is in the Florida Keys Area as defined in Rule Chapters 67-21 and 67-48, F.A.C., I further certify that the Awlicanl has ootained the necessary Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) I I allocations from the Local Government. i Signature ~ y Ku,,-?L I M; c.J.,.....c. ( I i Print ~ Type Name I ?b.tllLikij ~?G~ I Print or Type T 1.'his certification must be signed by the applicable City's or County's Director of Planning and Zoning, chief appointed oaicild (iotafl) responsible for determination of iSRues related to comprehensive pllll1ning lII'Id zoning, I I City Mana.gc:r. or C.ounty Manager/Administr5or/Coordinraor. Signatures from local elected officials ere not 1 lICceptable, nor are other Sign50nCll. If the certifica:ion is applicable to this Dl;vclopment and it is I inllp~opiately signed, the Application will flU' to meet threshold. If this certificltioll contains corrections or 'white-out', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or retyped. Lhc Application will fRillo mccl threshold. The certification may he photocopied. U..ll016 (R.v. 5-09) erhibit~ I 67.oGl.0001(IXlt. O'/-~l.OO3(I)(.~ F A 0 , I I I 1009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVERNMl!:NT VJl:.R.XJIlCA.nON' 0.' I Qu..u.n'ICA.'l'lON AS IT.ll:8AN' IN.FILL DlVELOPMENI f I Name of Development: '.Ibc Prcscrvc at Boynton Bc:ach, AlIIsel I Development Location: 1866 Norchmt ~th Slreet, .BoyntQn Bcaeh, Florida 3:343~ .. ! CAt a minimum, provide lhe alldrc85a Hilll=d by 111= UnitcIl ~I Pullal Sln'i~. indudlnll th~:.ciItou llllll'ber.lllreetl'lllmtand euy, orlrlllead~sba1 nalya been aelieu~, prOVIde be met llR=. clDS~sl ~ iIl1trmliOll fIl'\d tily.) i i Local Govenunent City of Boynton BAch I nle; City/County of &~tClll lkach conf1Il11S that the Dc;Yc:loprnc;nt I (NalDe of City or Cowey) I identified above meets the following criteria: 1. The; proposed Development is lowed on a site or in an area that is targeted for in.till housing or neighborhood revitalization by the local, county, state or federa.l gOYailmc:nt as e;videnced by its inclusion in a BUD EmpowennentlEnterprise Zone; a HUD-approYc;d Ne;ighborhood I Revitalization Strategy; Florida Enterprise Zone; area designated Wldcr a Corrununity J DC9'c1o~e;nt Block GnUlt (CDBG); area designated as HOPE VIol' a Front Porch Florida I , Conununily; or a. COn'Ununity Redevelopment Area as described and defined in the Florida I Conununity Re:dc;vc:lopment Act of 1969: or the proposed Development is located in a , qualified CalSlJS tract and the development of whim contributes to a concatcd community revilalizatim plan; and I i 2. The site; is in iU1 are;a that is already developed and is part of an incorporated area or existing I urban service area; and I 3. The proposed Development is not located wirhin rhe Small County Calegory. I CERTIFICA nON omlation is true and correcl. KURT BRfSSNER CITY MAN4GER I:WYNTON BEACH, Fl I Signature Print or Type Name I I Print or Type title I , This certification mu& be signed by the chief awoinle;d official (s:afi) re~onsible for &Jeh approvals, I Mayor, City Manager. County Manager/Administrator/ Coordinator, or Chairperson of the City Councilor COUnly Commission. Other signatories are oot acceptable. If this catification is r inappropriately signc:d, the: AppliC"cition will not q,aaJify as an Urban In-Fill Development , I If the certification contains corrections or 'white;-out' or if it is scanned. imaged, altered, or retyped, the i i Application will fail to qualify as an Urban Tn-Fill Development and will fail threshold. The I certification may be; photocopied. UA10l6 (R" 5-09) F.J:hihit E-- d7.oGl.004(IXa~ d7.21.00](l)(al FAC. 200' UNIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVERNMENT VERD1CA nON or AFFORDABLE i HOUSING INCENTIVES EXPEDITED PERMlTTING PROCESS }'OR AFFORDABL't HOUSING I Name of Development: The Preserve at Boynton Beach. Ph.e [ I I Development Location; 1866 Northeast !lth Street BQynlon &ach. F10rida 3343...5 I (Al a~um. pro'Oide tie addrel$~5l'pp"" by llIe United Slau:sPo8lal Semcc,indllllinltl1eouldressllllmlle:r.!lrec:l nanlt8Dd city. or itlhl: allnlhal nlltyl'l j bczD alii gnCll, Jlf'"" de !be lU'el!l namt. d Melt dtIignaled i~Ol\ .nd tily) i i Name of City or County Government: City ofBoyntOll1 Buch \ i Name of Jurisdidion tha1 will issue building pelTl1it.s: City ofBoyuton Buch I I The City/County of floynton BC:lIch currtnlly admini!:ers an expedited ! (N.uc orChy or County) I I pcnniuing process for affordable housing enacted by R~olution # 09-024 I (OraOarlce. Re'olulil;\NtIMber or citation of policy) . I adopted OS/19/2009 I Dille (mm/ddlyyyy) I CERTIFICATION ! : . nnation is fme and correct. KURT BRESSNER CITY f~~ANAGER BOYNTON BEACH, Fl signature Print or Type Name Print or Type Title This certification must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for iS9.les rcla1ed to I this incentive. Mayor. City Manager, County Manager/Administrator/Coordinat(l", or Chairperson of the City Council/Commission or Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. Other I signatories are not acce;ptable. Zero points will be awarded if the certification is improperly higned. Signatory muSlt be a r'Presentative of the local govemmCllt that has enacted the incentive. For I purposes of this form only, if a Developnent is located wirltin a municipality but the incentive is not I available in the city. Applicant may use county incentive. For example. if a Development is located in \ a town whidi docs not have impact fee requirements but the county has such reqlJiremenl.5 and they I have a reduction or waiver of these fees for affordable housing. the Applicant may submit a properly I I exewtcd Local Government Verification of Affordable HOIl5:ing Incentives Form from the county. ! ; The Applicant will not receive cre;dit for this incentive and the Application will fail threshold if the ! certification contains corrections or 'white-out' or if the certification is scanned, imaged, altered. or I ret}pcd. The certification may be photocopied. I j I r UA1016 (Rev. 5"()9) ~bibit - 67.c,OO.(IXo);61.'I.ooJ(J)(.l F.... c 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVERNMENT VERIFICATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVES CONTRIBUTIONS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPERTIES OR DEVELOPMENTS ~ Name of Development: The :F'r(~el'Vl: at aoynton Beach, Hwc I ; I Development Location: 1866 NortlxlDl ~th Street, Boynton Beach, Flmd.3343S I eM a minimum, pro~dr lhe addmn5lil'J\;d \Iy tlI.Uniled SbIIrsPGlI8I Sclllicc. includin~ Ih~ adlln:z; nurril.... !lttoel1'llll'lleand city. orifllle un,ba, not J;\ I bemulilJlCll,pl'O\o\dcllle street name, c1Oi$desil:llilCd inl~onand oly.) I I Name of City or County Gove;rnment City ofBoyrton Bmh I The rcfc:rcnced J..ocal Government has an oo-going and current process for providing contributions to i I affordable housing properties or developments. I I I CERTIFICA nON I informatioo is true and correct. KUR'[ BRESSNER r em MANAGER BllYNTON BEACH. FL f Signature Print or Type Name Print or Type Title This certification must be signed by the chief appointed o1Iicial (staff) responsible for issues related to this incentive. Mayor. City Manager, County Man ag er/ Administratoc/Coocdinator. or Chairperson of the City Council/Commission or Olairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. Other signatories are not acceptable. Zero points will be awarded. Signatory must be a representative of the local government thai. has enacted the incentive. For purposes of this fonn only, if a Development is located within a municipality but the incentive is not available in the city. Applicant may use county I incentive. For example, if a Development is located in a town which does not have impact fee recp.lirements but the county has such rc;quirements and they have a rc:duction or waiver of these fees for affordable housing. the Applicant may SJbmit a properly executed Local Government. Verification I of Affordable Housing Incent.ives Fonn from the county. Tbe Applicant will not receive credit for this incentive and lhe Application will fail thrc;lt101d if the I certification contains correcr.ions or 'white.out' or if r.he certification is scarmcd. imaged. altered, or I retyped. The certification may be photocopied. I i UA1015 (Rev. ::;.09) Exhibit - I 674~1)(.,; ~21.CIIl(IX.~ P .AC. I i I , I 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE . LOCAJJ GOVERNMENT VERJF1CA nON OF Al"FORDABLE I HOUSTNG INCENTIVES MODIF1CA nON OF FEE REQUIR.J1MENTS FOR AFFORDABLE I HOUSING PROPERTIES ORDEVELOPMENTS i I Name of Development: The Prescrve.~tBoyntoo lXach, Phase I I ; Development Location: 1866 Nortl..~l Sib S1re~~ton Beach. F1orid1l3343 S i (AL i minil1l\ll'll. jltO\\dC IIlc addmnl'lip;dby lhrUni\lSl SllIldPaal Servicc. indullinglh.. .ddr... nlltl'llltr. ~ect name8lld city. or ifll1~ .<ldrP.ssho,llOlyet , been 8.lipcd. Frovidc the streo! l'IIl'de, c10sea dClipLcd illLClll:Clilll1 'IIld bly.) I Name; of City or County Government: City of Boynton Beach The reference;d Local Government curre;ntlymakcs available to affocdable housing properties or developments the modification offcc requirements, including a reduction orwaiver of fees and alternative ! methods of fee; payment. CERTIFICATION I 'ormation is true and correct. KURT BRESSNER C\i~ MANI\GER I BO~"10N BE.ACH. FL I Signature Print or Type Name; I Print or Type Title I I This certification must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for issues related to this incentive, Mayor, City Manager, County Manager/AdministratCl"/Coa"dinator, or Chairperson of I the City Council/Commission or Chairpe;rson of the Board of County Commissioners. OIlIa" signatories are not acceptable. Zero points will be awarded. Signatory must be a representative of the local government that has enacted the incentive. For purposes of this f'orm only, if a Development is located willIin a municipality but Lhe incc::ntive is not available in the city. ApplicBI1t may uSe; county incentive. For exanlplc, if a Development is located in a tOYJIl which do~ not have impact fee reqJirements but the county has such requirements and they have a reduction or waiver of these fees ! for affordable housing. !he Applicant may submil a properly executed Local Govemment Verification i of Affordable Housing Incentives Form from the; county. I j The Applicanl will nO!. receive credit for lhi~ incentive and the Application will fail threshold if !.he I I certification conl.a.ins corrections or 'white-out' or if the certification is scanned, imaged, alta"e;d. or I retyped. The certification may be photocopied. I i I I I , . I I UA1016 (Rev 5.D9) Exhibit I 67.4l1.oo.l(ll(o); tl1.~I.Oll3(1X'l F .^.c. - I j I 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCJ... F.. - LOCAL GOVERNMENT VERIFICATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVF..8 IMPACT OF POLICIES, ORDINANCES) REGULA nONS, OR PLAN PROVISIONS ON COST OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPER TIES OR DEVELOPMENTS I. i Name of Development The Preserve at Boynton "CllCh, Fbl5C I Dr;...elopment Locationl866 Nonbclllll :'Ith StI'cct. &ynton Beach. Florida 3343~ CAlM mmimurn, pro~de lite ~cldRs$ ~,.;grusI by lIIEUniled SIalc' Pottal Smicc. induding the .~es, nllll'bcr. 5ltct:lnamc'IIld ~ily, nr irlhclllllRs.1lIls nol y~ I beal :Ji.l!l\Id.llrovide Ibe IIlCCl name, dosr:<t dCSlptl!4lDlentCli on IIId cily.) Name of City or County Government; City ofBoynlon Beach _ I The: rc:fcn:nced Local Government eurn;ntly hItS a process, established by ordimmce, resoJutioo, plan, or pol icy, I that requires cODsidc:ntion of the impact of proposed policies, ordinances. regulations. or plm provisions on the I COISl of affordable housing prior to adoption of such policies. ordinllllces, regulations, or plan provisions. r I CERTIFICA nON r I onnarion is true and correct. KIJRT BRESSNER ! I CITY MANAGER I J:lOYf-FON R~ACH FL Sjgnatu~ Print or Type Name ! I Print or Type Title I This catification must be signed by the dlief appointed official (stafI) responsible for is!KJes relate;d to 1 I this incentive, Mayor, City Manager, County Managcr/Administrat(('/Cocrdinator. or Chairperson of I the; City Council/Commission or Olairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. Other signatories are not acceptable. ZetO points will be awarded. Signatory must be a representative of the I local govctnmcnt that has enacted the incentive. For purposes of this fonn only, if a Development is located within a municipality but the incentive is not available in the city, Applicant may use county incentive. For example, if a Development is located in a town which does not have impact fee rCCfJirements but the county has such requirements and they have a reduction or waiver of these fees for alfoJ'dable housing, the Applicant may submit a properly executed Local Government Vcrificatioo of Affordable Housing Incentives Fonn from the county. I The Applicant will not. receive credit for this incentive and the Application will fail threshold if the certification contains corrections or 'white-out' or if the certification is scanned, image;d, altered. or I retyped. The certification may be photocopied. I j I j r , UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) Exhibit - I jf7..c.lXl4(lX.~ 61-1UXJ:J(IX.l PAC.