Minutes 03-13-85MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MARCH 13, 1985 PRESENT Carl Zimmerman, Mayor Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor Nick Cassandra, Councilman James Warnke, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager James W. Vance, City Attorney Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk ABSENT Samuel L. Wright, Councilman (Excused) Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 5:00 P. M. Mr. George Hunt, Assistant to the City Manager, and Ms. Dianne Lawes, Executive Director of Community Redevelopment Agency, were present in the audience. Certification of Election Results Mayor Zimmerman ascertained there was no discussion after review of the results. Councilman Warnke moved to certify the election results as presented by the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elec- tions and Mrs. Betty Boroni, City Clerk. Vice Mayor Ferrell seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilman Cassandra requested the record to reflect the commend- able job done by Betty Boroni and Sue Kruse and for keeping their composure late into the evening because extenuating circumstances kept Boynton Beach there much later. .Industrial Revenue Bond Validation Hearing yr. Cheney announced the Industrial Revenue Bond Validation Hear- lng was held this morning and the judge validated the bonds. They anticipate selling $9,500,000 bonds sometime in April. If they do, we will get a payment of $20,000 out of that. Capital Improvement Program c c Councilman Warnke referred to the bond issues now becoming a matter of record and questioned the time frame and Mr. Cheney replied that a meeting is arranged with the ar.chitect on Friday to begin to negotiate a contractual agreement and prepare the time table. He has distributed a package of six potential finan- ial consultants and he would like the Council to let him know hich ones they want to interview. These interview sessions ould probably be scheduled in April, but it depends whether hey want a full Council to conduct these interviews. Assuming financial consultant is agreed to sometime in May, we would' ork with them which brings us into June or July. He guesses the bond issue would be sold sometime in August or September. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 13, 19 85 Mr. Cheney continued that selling of the bond issue will not delay progress of design of the buildings. He explained options when selling the bond issue. He added'that he visualizes a typical standard general obligation bond issue. Councilman Warnke clarified that it has been reduced from $12,000,000 to $6,350,000. Mr. Cheney explained the estimated interest payments anticipated. Councilman Cassandra asked if all the construction was being projected at one time and Mr. Cheney replied that we may have three things going at one time. He explained that this block would be phased in a logical way and all projects will be in- ternally phased to meet our operating needs. He added that the school was incorporated in the initial drawings and told about having discussions with Superintendent Mills about the school. Councilman Warnke asked if the B~s would be replaced on City Hall and Mr. Cheney informed him these are under warranty and are being repaired and will be replaced. .Improvements at Child Ca~e' Center Mr. Cheney told about meeting with the contractor and architect and ideas and possible changes they discussed. He explained how construction was anticipated during the summer. Mayor Zimmerman referred to the city's par-t of the financing and Mr. Cheney replied that-it is in the utility service tax and further explained how the utility service tax is calculated. He added that he~.wants to check with Maude Lee with hopes they will contribute. Staggered Terms of City Boards- Mr. Vance announced they are in the ~process of drafting ordi- nances for staggered terms on the various boards. Councilman Cassandra suggested drawing names for the various terms to avoid personality clashes. Vice Mayor Ferrell asked if the ordinances would be ready for first reading in-April and Mr. Vance informed him that he thinks they wi'il be ready on Tuesday night. Mr. Cheney added that first reading is antiCipated next week with the second reading at the first meeting in April. Mr. Vance advised they need the dates of appointment for all these people as they want to avoid a grandfathering situation. Mr. Cheney agreed, but stated the only complication would be whether to wait until having a five member Council to make appointments or not. He added that also consideration must - 2 - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 13, 1985 be given to the staggered terms so quality appointments are made to serve the longer terms. Further ~iscussion ensued regarding the process of appointments and Mr. Cheney offered to submit a pre-arranged schedule, so the Council members will know exactly what members each has to appoint on the current rotation basis. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Zimmerman ascertained there was no further business and declared the meeting adjourned at 5:25 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ./~ Mayor '~~V~ayor ~~'~ ~- /3w~/~'~o~'un c i lman c6 nci ATTEST: Clerk ecording Secretary (One Tape) councilman - 3 - I elm Egeaoh County JACKIE WINCHESTER Supervisor of Elections P.B.C. GOVERNMENTAL CENTER 301 N. OLIVE AVE., ROOM 105 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401-4795 Telephone: (305) 837-2650 March 19, 1985 Mrs. Betty Boroni, City Clerk BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL 120 N.E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Betty: Enclosed is a Certified Copy of the election results, precinct-by-precinct, for your municipal election held on Tuesday, March 12, 1985. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. /dm enc. Sincerely, Theresa Le Pore-Hudspeth, Asst. Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County, Florida ~OYNTON aCH 0!3112/B5 I'1-03 PM IO..i~ MUNICIPAL ELECT MARCH 12, 1985 PRECINCTS COON'TED - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 17 1'3 · 82 PRECINCTS COUNTEO - TOTAL BOYNTO' PR 17 I O0, O0 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL BALL - 125 22.08 NICK CASSANDRA B,'74I z 76.08 BOYNToN BCH-ORDtNANCE 85-2 FOR BONDS AGAINST 2,928 AGAINST BONDS 8OYNTOr~ BCH-ORDINANCE 1,99'7 41.24 BQ'YNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 FOR ~ONDS 2,252 2 A6.81 5B.19 BONDS 2,487 52.25 11-03 PM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL ST - Ti 185 BOYNTON 8CH-MAYOR JOHN M.BRO~HY CA SS IORA 2 lO AGAi!INST BONDS 50YNTON.SCH-ORDINANCE 1 5 BOYNTOiN &CH-ORDINANCE 85-3 FOR 80NDS AGAINST BONGS 17 89.4? AGAINST BONDS 80YNTON BCM-ORDINANCE 85-5 MOYNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST 5ONDS ' ' 13 68.42 6 31.58 ~3/t2/85 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12~ 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 676 BOYMTON BCH-MAYOR JOHN M*BROPNY 33,33 AGAZ~ ST BONGS BOYNTON ~CH-OROI 65 38,79 80YNTON BCH-OROINANCE 85-3 FOR BONDS AGA] BOADS 53 54, 78 5 AGAINST BONGS 80YNTON BCH-ORBINANCE 85-5 59 50,~3 BOYNTON B,CH-ORDINANCE 85-tl FOR_BONDS AGAINST BONDS 56 ~9.56 57 50,~ 058 P t 41 0'3112/85 1~1-03 PM HUNIC;[]PAL ELECT EONS HARCH 12~ 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL .OTS CAST - TOTAL 1~4~4 BOYNT ON BCH-iqAY oR JOHN ~,~ROPHY NICK CA 101 23.88 AGAINST BONOS ~OYN'TON BCH-OR[;tNANCE 85-2 152 38.78 BDYNTON 8CN-DROINANCE 85'-'3 FOR BONOS AGAINST ogN~S 222 53,62 192 AGAINST BONDS ~OYNTON BCH-OROt NAACE 211 52, 10 BOYNTON ~CH-OROINANCE 85-11 FOR BONOS AGAINST BONDS 1'73 42,93 230 57,07 0~0 P 073/12/85 11-03 PM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 19B5 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 2,319 BOYNTON BCH-MAYOR JOHN M,BROPHY 30,63 AGAINST BONDS 98 BO. 15 BOYNTON BCH-gRDINANCE 85-3 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 213 65.76 AGAINST BoNos BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 130 BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 177 55.84 140 4~.16 · 03112/85 HUNICiPAL ELECTIONS ]~t-03 PH HARCH 12, 1985 BEACH CDUNTY,FLOR~ REGISTERED V~TERS - ~UNICIPAL TOTAL 1~8t0 BOYNTON 8CH-HAYOR JOHN ~q. BRO:PHY 68 27,53 N~C~ C~SS~N~ ~ ~...Z,.~ ......................................... !~:.~...~.:Z AGAINST $ONDS 6~ 26,05 BOYNTON BCH-ORDIN~NCE m5-2 BOYNTON gCH-ORDINANCE 85-S FOR BONOS 163 67.08 · ;A~sT BONOS ........................... ~9 .......................... }.~..~..?:~ ......................................................... ~:.....~...:~:.:.:.:~.~.~:~::.. AGAINST BONOS 68 28.~5 8OYNTON B~_..ORDINANCc 85-5 BOYNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE FOR BON~S 166 69.46 AGAINST BONDS 73 30.5~ 96.2 P 1~7 Og/lg/85 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 2,195 BOYNTON BCH-MAYOR JOHN M, BROPHY NICK'CA! 116 31.87 ,AGAINST BONDS ~OYNTON 8CH-OROtNANCE 85-2 11~+ 31,93 80¥NTON BCH-QRDt~;~ANCE 85-3 FOR BOND S AGAINST BONDS 198 55,31 AGAINST BONDS OOYNTON 8CH-OROINANCE 85-5 165 ~6-35 BOYNTON S~CH-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR 50NDS AGAINST iBONDS t~3 ~0.17 213 59.83 ~63 P i4~ 0F5,/I2/85 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTEREO VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL BALLOTS CAST 1,989 BOYNTON BCN-MAYOR JOHN N;BROPHY NICK 202 28.65 AGAINST BONDS BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-2 208 30.1 ~ 80YNTON 8CH'ORDINANCE 85-3 FORBONDS AGAINST 80NOS 398 56.70 30~ t3.30 AGAINST 80NOS 80YNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 351 50.80 80YNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR 80NDS AGAINST BONDS 293 !2.65 39~ 065 P 1~3 03112/85 11-03 PM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL ST - 1~598 B O'"/'NT ON 8CH~HAYoR JOHN M'~OPHY 130 27,78 AGA!NST ~ONOs 8E]YNTON 137 30.2~ ~OYNTON BC!H~ORDINANCE 85-3 FOR BONOS AGAINST ~DS 26~ 56.,,65 AGAINST BONOS BOYNTON 8CH-ORDIN:iNCE 85-5 230 50, O0 BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-1t FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 198 ~+3.6t 56 39 ~066 P 11-03 REGISTERED VOTERS -~{:UNIC.IPAL TOTAL LLOTS CAST- ITAL 731 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 OYNTO ~ BCN'MAYgR 29 B1.18 AGAINST BONDS BOYNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE 85-2 80YNTON BCH~ORDINANCE 85-3 FOR BONDS .AGAINST BONDS 34 47 36,56 51,04 4896 AGAINST BONDS BOYNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE 85-5 5O 52,08 BOY~T©N ~CH-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR 80NOS AGAINST BONDS 39 40.63 59.38 D67 P I.~ NUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ~ARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED YgTcRS - HUNICIPAL TOTAL LOTS - BOYNTON BCN'MA¥OR JOHN ~ M,BROPHY NICK 19.68 AGAINST B~NDS BOYNTON BCH'gRDINANCE 85-2 259 B B. 68 BOYNTON BCH-ORDtNANCE 85-3 FOR BONDS AGAIN IDS 3B3 51.76 AGAINST BONGS BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 52.2~ BOYNTON BCH'ORD[NANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 317 ~3.25 416 56,75 068 P !56 HUNtCtPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 4REGISTERED ¥OTERS - HUN[CIPAL TOTAL 1,897 t 5ALLgT~ ~AST- TOTAL B75 t ~BOYNTON ~CH'MAYOR JOHN ~-BROPHY 72 t9 ~. N~CK CASSANDRA 29] ~0.]7 tj AGAINST BONDS 129 B6.86 17 ~8 BgYNTON ~CH'~RDINANCE 85-2 ~ BOYNT~N BCm-gRDINANCE 85-3 z~ FOR BONDS 199 56.06 ~ AGAINST BONGS 156 ::] ~GAINST BgNDS 177 50.00 29 ~o BOYNTgN BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 ~] 8OYNTON 8CH-ORDINANCE 85-11 ~s FOR ~]NDS 158 ~.89 ~ AGAINST BONDS i9~ 55.11 ~0 ~3 SC S2 SS ~ ~0~9 ? ~? 03/12/85 1' 1-03 PM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12~ 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 1~652 BOYNTON BCH-NAyQR JO~N H, BROPHY 8.36 AGAINST BONDS 52 1~.21 BOYNTON BCH-ORg:INANCE 85-3 FOR BONOS AGAINST 296 79.57 AGAINST BONGS BgYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 97 26.6'5 BOYNTON BCH-OROINANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONOS 297 114 68.~2 070 P t58 0'3/12/85 11-03 PM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS- MUNICIPAL TOTAL .LOTS 1,715 BOYNTON BCH-MA¥OR JOHN N, BROPH¥ 72 23.30 AGAINST ~OND$ BOYNTON BCH-ORi JANCE 85-2 78 26.17 BOYN'TON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-3 FORBONOS AGAINST 202 66.6 7 AGAINST BONGS BOYNTON B-'~N-ORgtNANCE 85-5 125 I1.81 80¥NTON BCH-OROINANC~ 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 158 l~!' 52.32 ,, ,071 P 160 0'3/1 1'1-03 MONIC IPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTE~,~D VOTERS - MUNICIPAL TOTAL 8'~8 80yNTON BCH-MA¥OR JOHN H,SROPH¥ 12 8.6,3 AGA I~ ~ ~ T gONgS 25-56 80YNTON B'C:H-ORDtNANCE 85-3 FOR 80NOS 77 60,63 AGAINST 5ONOS 80YNTON BCH-O~OINANCE 85-5 57 ~.53 80YNTON ~r 8~H-ORDINANCE 85-11 FOR 80NOS AGAI r 35.71 .29 ~072 P 160A 03/12/85 ~UNICIPAL ELECTIONS HARCH 12~ 1985 REG~STEREO ¥OTERs - ~N~CIPAL TOTAL .LOTS 2AST ¸61 BOYNTON BCH,-MAYgR JOHN M, BRQPHY AGAINST ~ONOS BOYNT~ 5-2 SOYNTON BCN-ORgINANCE 85-3 FOR BONGS AGAINST BONGS 2 28,57 5 AGAINST BONOS BOYNTON BCH-OROINANCE 85-5~ BOYNTON BCH-ORDtNANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS 3 ~2.86 161 03/12/85 fl'OB PM HUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MARCH 12, 1985 REGISTERED VOTERS- MUNICIPAL TOTAL 1,207 80YNTON BCH?MAyoR JOHN M.BRigPH¥ 27.56 38.2~ 8OYNTON ~ B~H-ORDINANCE 85-3 FOR BONOS 85 69. '71 AGAINST BONGS BOYNTON 8 5-5 5~.17 80YNTON BCH-ORDiNANCE 85-11 FOR BONDS 73 9B 113 P 503 03/]. 2/'85 17I- 03 ? H MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HARCH 12, 1985 8ALLOTS CAST - TOTAL AST - 32 NICK CA ~S:ANDRA ~OYNTON BCH.-ORDINANCE FOR 80NOS AGAINST BONDS 14 51.85 13 AGAINST: ~ONDS BC RDINAN 16 53.33 BOYNTON BCH-ORDINANCE 85-5 FOR BONOS AGAINST BONDS 15 72 AGAINST BONGS 15 51-72 ~.~ GO ~t~ CO ! !