R10-050 II , 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. RI0- 050 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING 6 EXECUTION OF A REQUEST FROM CLEAR WIRELESS, 7 LLC., TO CO-LOCATE ON THE EXISTING 8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER AT THE PUBLIC 9 WORKS COMPOUND LOCATED AT 222 NE 9TH A VENUE; 10 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 WHEREAS, the property has been leased by Sprint Spectrum since 1996 for a 13 telecommunications tower; and 14 WHEREAS, Clear Wireless, LLC., has requested that it be permitted to co-locate on 15 the subject telecommunication tower and site; and 16 WHEREAS, The original Lease Agreement requires that the City consent, in writing, 17 to any request for collocation; and 18 WHEREAS, collocation IS encouraged to prevent the proliferation of 19 telecommunications towers in the City of Boynton Beach; and 20 WHEREAS, the proposed co-location will be contained within the existing fenced 21 tower lease area and will comply with all required setbacks; and 22 WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the request for collocation and recommends that the 23 City consent to the request. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 25 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: 26 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 27 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 28 hereof. SICAIRESO\AgreementslReso - Clear Wireless Co-locate - telecommunications(1).doc II , 1 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does 2 hereby authorize execution of the request for collocation between the City of Boynton Beach 3 and Clear Wireless, LLC., consenting to collocating on the telecommunications tower located 4 at 222 N .E. 9th A venue, Boynton Beach. 5 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. 6 ...n 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of May, 2010. 8 9 CITY OE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ATTEST: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 S:ICAIRESO\AgreemenlslReso - Clear Wireless Co-locate -lelecommunications(1).doc R 10- D5"O 0 . wire April 12th, 2010 City of Boynton Beach Commission 1 00 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach: FL 33435 RE: Request for City Consent to co-locate at 222 NE 9th Avenue Boynton Public Works - Clearwire FL-MIA6061 -Crown Castle 878211 Clearwire is hereby requesting City consent for Clearwire to co-locate on the existing telecommunication tower located Boynton Public Works 222 NE 9th Avenue. The original lease agreement for the site requires written consent from the City for additional tenants (co- locators), including additional ground equipment The subject property has been leased from the City by Sprint Spectrum since August of 1996 for a telecommunications tower (Resolution R96-81). Clear Wireless is proposing to co-Iocate at 115 feet on the 150 foot tower, and will be the 6th carrier/user on the tower which is designed for Exposure C windloads. A structural integrity report by a registered engineer concludes the existing tower can accommodate the proposed Clear Wireless antennas without structural modifications, The proposed Clear Wireless co-Iocation will be contained within the existing fenced tower lease area and will comply with required setbacks. Clear Wireless is seeking approval thereby allowing the co-Iocation within the existing lease parcel to accommodate Clear Wireless equipment, and avoid the current need for an additional tower in the immediate area. Clear Wireless agrees to provide The City of Boynton Beach with a one-time payment of $1,500.00 due prior to final inspection of the co-location improvements. Please contact Brian Plewinski at 954-583-9990 if any additional information is required. Thank you, //}/l~ /" / ... ---- ,.. - Murray Strauss Network Deployment Market Manager Clearwm: I emplale 8-18-09 . ~. ..' "., .r " ,... "fO I . . (--: .... > . . . .- .~, . . . - lEASE AGREEMENT " FOR TELECOMMUNlCAnON TowER SJTE - , - THJl LEASEAGREEMEtIT(the -AQreemeri-), made and ~~ intothislhe ...., 'diiYof~bji_bolWeen' ,." . '. . ..' ".:..:.' c 80YNTONB~Hi FlORIDA:' ." .." .". " " a municipal corporation (Hereinafter referred to as .CIlY") 'AND". " Sprw Spectrum, LP." " " A Delaware linited P8I1nership .' (Hereinafter referred to as .,-ENANr) " " WHEREAS, CITY Is thEHMtJer Of a certain real property focated 8t222 N.E9th. Avenue, Boynton Beach, FIorkta 33435. Palm Beach County. Florida; and . " " '. ~REAS; TENANT ~res .to".ease Ei portion of saidrSal ptDperty to oonsIrUct, " . . . dp$i"ate. sOd .'mai.ntaln t~iecommuniC8tions t~ end support ~ and . " " : WHEREAS;: ciTY staff" hasrevl8wed thereq\ieSt of TENANT and tecommei1ds"that " ... , TENANT lease a portion of said real property; and ....... , , . .' Wl-iEREAs,ttte citY cominiSSion cona.n With the recomrnend8tionof staff and " . . deems it in the best interest of the City of Boyrdon Beach to leese a portion of said real . " " property to TENANT; and wHEREAS," cnY arid TENANT" have negotiated an undeistariding for the leasing of s' portion of said real property; and ,.,..... .. ..... .' . :' .~~~, cTiY ~iitENANT d8sfre to redUCe thei".~t~ng to' ~q;; noW' .... " . . .therefore, ." .. - '. ;. '. - . ...... .. ..... " " '. . . . " . - . . . . ." . . " " ..... ..~. ,.." .. . ." ." . .. . . .... ...... " . . . .......... . . '. ..- '--. ~. . .... -'.'. - .,- .-.. . ;---. -'"" f , " .' ( . ( INCONSIDERATION OF Ten ($10.00) OOIIei's, in hand paid by TENANT to CITY, as welt as the mutual covenants herei1after exchanged, the parties agree as follOws: . SectiJ 1. REAL PROP~TY TO IE L~ '. 1.01 . ciTY shalllesSe to TENANt thal'cert8i1 p8rcei '~'rea' ~, situated '. . in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach COLnIy, Florida, together wlh 8 nonexclusive easement . foringJess and egress, seven (7) days BWeek, twenty-fcu (24) hQurs a day, on foot or . motOr V8hides, rouding trucks, and for ilstall8ticn and maintenance of utility wires, cables, 'conduits and pipes over, Under 0( along twenty (20') foot wide easement , . extending rrom nearest pubfic right-of-way (more partiooIarty described in Exhibit A),', whichisN.E. 9th Avenue, to the leased property and ri~-ot-way for access are . hereinafter refemKj to as the -1'rtJperV. The said property is located at 222 N.e.9Ih Avenue, in the City of Boynton Beach. .. . " "' .... . . section 2.. DUllea AND 'RESPONSfBJlrnes OF tENANt. , " . .2,01 TENANT shall use the Property for fhepurpose of' constructing, . ' . , . mail\tajningand Operating 8 telec:ommlrications tower end uses incidental thereto, consistng of a structure or strudlxes, as necessary now or in the fuf.u'e, to house itS .. telecommunications equiJxnent. freestancfang an:t.... support ~e (pole), not to..' , " . e~ed 150' . (one hUndre<fflfty feet) to meet:Ta(ANT's t~I.munf~ns needs,:anca ' . .': ' al necesSBrY connecting .Sppurtenances. TENANT upon the 'apprOval'or CITY may , '. modify Its antema support structure iWld building(s); said approval shall not be . . . unreasonably withhefd.by CITY. . .. . . . . . , 2.02. TENANT 6i1atfp,ace 8roUrid Ihepenm8l8rOfthe Propeity a security fente, ' , , . of ch8in-tinkconstruction, or similar but oomparabte conslruc6on. whid1 meets the . . . requirements of the Code of the City of Boynton B9actt . '2.03 TENANt shalt 'be fesponslble for $01 ~- and similar' tests whiCh. may... . ...,. be'tequited as a concrltion or construction and for all expenses related to its '. -.' i~ wtich may thereafter ~ construcIed upon ,Pmpe.1y. . _ '_. ..:.. ',.'.2.04 ..TENANT~~I~~the~iO'a:~':~and~~' .. . aM requirements imposed by ordinances'of Ihe City of Boynton Beech and Palm Beach '. County, FJorida .... . ..'. 2:05 'lheCrTYaJSoreserVestherightloat8nyii'11ecbingth8tease,~or ..' " ~In$lalied other anlenoas for govem.ne.)t usage on TENANT's tower. An artennas ,... ' . '. shall be'pIaced at an elevation as to prcMde the most etfec:Uve ~ and with such . .approval not .urna&enably withheld; provided. however, Il8 crrrs or other Bntemas.. ...:' . U . . . shan not.inteiferu wiIh TENANrS operationscnthePJoperty. Shot*ITENAHT: instal '.' " . an emergency generator on the Property, the CITY may 8CQe8S and connect only itS . . .... '? . , - . , " ,..' .~. r . commuiiicatiOnSequipment to TENANT'S emervency generator: . . 2])6 TENANT shalt ftmiSt\to itS oomsnned ~ipment stTUct1.n, electric'or t~ service for the operation of TENANT's telecommunications equipment. .' TENAttr shaU be ~ liable for, electricity ~xpenSes relating to its instaftation,eod . . ,.' ecJiipment.TENANT's etectrical:seMce '$h811 ~ separately metered. 8nd ~NI<<f . . '. shrill be respOnsible for 81 cOsts associBtechvith metemg, inchiding the "Cost Of,,' ,"- installing any meter. . TENANT should ii_I arf/ emergency gei1eratOri at this . .... .- . Property,' said generator shall comply with Palm Beach County's WelrtIefd Protection '. ' : Ofdil &nee, . .' i01 . . TENANT shall .submit'sit tequired applicatiOns fOr pennRi to the . . ., . . . aPPlicable CITY andfor County departments for review end approval and required fees; . 2.08 TENANT Will be responsible fer making any necessary returns fOt' and'. , . .' paying 8fff Bnd afl property taxes separately levjed or assessed against Is . improvements on the Property. TENANT she. reimburse CRY, as additional rent. is' . ,proportionate shale of any increase in real estate taxes leVied against the property in , .' excess'of the. taxes due for fle 1996 real estate taxes on the real property In whJch the. : .. Proixwtv.1s 8 part ind against TENANT'S improvements by the taxing authorities.. ' . 2.~ ~. upon termination of this 'Agreement. shaD, within a ~ " ' .pEtriod. r~ its' persOnal propertY arid~ and ~e.Ihe'pr~'to,~ ong~ . . . . . ooncItJon, reasonable wear and tear exCepted. PJ CITY's option. when this Agreement . . .".. . is terminaIed and upon CtTY's advance written noI4oo to TENANT. TENANT willleIw8 the foundation. the lower structure and security fence, to become property of CITY. TENANT shaH pay rent at the then existing monthly rate or m the existing IhOI"IIhJy pro , .' rata basis, if based upon 8 longer payment term. until such time as the removal of . personal property and fIXtures are COfI1>IeIed. . . . . . . . .. . . i 10 . TENANT shall keep the property 'free'trom any' &ens 8ri$ing' out 01 any , wark:performed, materials ftmished, or obligatiOns incured by or for TENANT. TENANT'shaI. within twenty (20) days fdIowir1g the impositiof I of any sud\ Hen,. caUse .' . ~ .. . 1he same 10 be ~ of record by payment or posting of a proper band. No work . .. ....~ CITY pe;rmhs ,'faiWn" to ~ on.. ~'sh8l1 be deemed tO.be for 1'18" .' . . '..', use and benefifof CnY 60 1hat no meChanICs or other lien Shall be illiOWeCi ~ the:-' ;--. . .. estate of CITY by reason of its consent to such work. CITY BhalI have the rigtt to post notk:es thai it is not responsible fir payment for any such work. . . 2.11'" :CrrY herebY ~ts tENANT as 8 primary indUc8inent to the TENANT's entering intO 1tis Agreement. the first priority rigti to install its,Eriennas and operate itS . . teIecornI1U11cationS tower at 1he Property. From time to time CITY may gfWIl to itself ,'.. . , and to other erIities the righllo operate teIec:ornm&a1k:tions facilities at the Property '. . '. . : " ~ 1he right to Install antemas in connecticn will the operation of such faciities of . . . , , . . , . other axmu'Iica~ions fac11iti9s; 'provided, however that CITY shall net BIlow the - '.~' " " , . . (-., ,r" . \ q:)eratiOn Of stieh fa:CitItleS and antennas by other tenants to interfere with the Operation of TENANT's antervlas ard equipment as it exists at the lime of such other temn's , . iistaIafion or as it may be modified at any time cUing the term of this Agreement. as ' ' , the::t.. may be extended. If any suctI interference occurs. CITY agrees to etirninatB. ' . if U. ~ ior,18I eq\.ipmenJ ~ operated by the.City, 'or~, the el~,of. ~ such , ,', equipment ~ ~bY 8 thid PartY, ~ ~eff~ncewilb,TE~~ .?P*&ti~.:, Within a reasori8bIe tiine ifter receipt d TENANrs rloUce Of such intOiference 'and. If , ' necessary,to cause the inteI'ferIr'G pwlyto cease its operations. If such int8fference c:onti~ for more than thirty (30) days after TENANT's notice to CITY wiIh l8Spect to such.ifiterference"than TENANT shan have the ri~t. in addition to il& right to pursue . . . any or all remedies available to it at law or in equity, to immedately termi'l8te this . . AgreesrienI by giving written notice 10 CITY d such terrr*latlon, The CRY hereby also agrees that the TENANT has no obIgation or requi'emerts to upgrade or modify the Tower to f8cIlltate the use ~ the Tower for other entities which the CITY may 8UIhorize; , Any or all costs MSoQated f1etewith, shea be borne by parties other than the TENANT, .... .. ,. , . '2.12 Car( herebY agrees _ if beCause of tENANrs operations on th~ , Property any laws or ~ations of the Federar Aviation AdmInistration, Fedei'aI . Corrmt.rications CommissIon or any oItIerreJevanl govemmerUt agency or body :' . " reqtire or reoonllnefld that TENANT"s antennas andlor the Tower be rlt B"IdIDr marked., ' , , TENANTrnay install and maintain such ttghIing and markings. In no event, hoMMJr. shsITENANT ~ responsible for the, in6taIlaIion or maintenance of any lighting or : '" ~'~ired by 1he..operattons o! Crrv or any other teoant, inlhe TOwer. CflY' " . will'pend'TENANT access to all portions or the TOWer that TENANT may i'leed m order .. to'cheCk and repeace such reqWed or recc:mmended lighting or marking. .. , ',~, ;. ,ouriES AND 'RESPoNSIBU..lllES OF CITY'" -... ... ,. :' .i01 ' CrTYshafl Cooperate With' TENANT In its effOrt to ObtaIn certifiCates,. . ' . permits and other approvals that. may be required by any federal, state or Cotriy , . ," authorities. .. . ' , ..... " 3~02, cJry: ShaJl'gnint TENANT.the ~ to sUl'V8y said J>rOPerly in order 10' ~ requtrements" to submi1 the applications for permits. . :' ''-., " .'3.03, ciTY Shatl ~. Wfth"TENANr:~ its effort to:~ liilty':seMces . . '. ' " ," . . , , " aJOng said righkJf-way. including signing such doaI'nents of euementI as may be .., ..' . "requredbyany publicutiHty is lWl8bJe 10 use the'aforementionedright-of-way.1he CITY . .. .' . - '. . ' hereby agrees to grant an addtionaI right..of'-way, either to the TENANT or to public ' , ' . .... \dity, at no cost to the TENANT. . " , ' ' .... ... , . .... , . . .. . '. . .~4~ ,ACKNOwlEDGMENT' .- . . ~ .' .' '- , . ,'4;01 'CiTY C:W1d."tENANT 8cknoWredge Ihat TENANrS ability to'use the ... " , , . .... ..~.. '.' ,." ....... , , . " ' ' . I . . . r- C' o. ( . . ~rty Is Contingent uPOn iE~ otJtainirlg, after the execution ()f this Agreemern. . .'. . all tha certificalBs, pemrits and other approvals that are raqL8red by any federal, &tete andfor kJca1' atM1oritiS8. In the ewnt that .. certif~e , permit or approval issued to .' =fs canceled. expres.lap&eS or is oIheIWise wi1hctswn or terminated by a .. . ~I~, so that ~ Is U'18bJf(to use eald re~ property for its .' , '.int~ Pui'Po88,1ENANT ~ have the rij# to termln8te thha Agr~ pU'SUlirt . to S8c1ton 7.&C' . ',' . . . '. . '. .'.. . -:.., '. . .' . . .' : .... 4.02 ~. 'PriOito 'the 'submittal cI the 'iPPHcatiOrifor the reqUired buildkig pennit. . i"EHANr shall have the right to perform or caused to be perfoimed and shalf have . . . compe(ed an ~ct the Property and the ac:tacent areas in order to detemmfj , " '. whether such are conI8minaled by hazardous sUbstances or poIlutarU. If the . assessment revHIs the presence of hazardous subsI8nces or poIlWris beyond leVels" . acceptable tQ'lENANT and under appllceble environnenIaI Jaws, TENANT shall hsve . ..the right to tennin8te this ~ pu'&UBnt 10 Section 7.01. '. .' .'. . '. ". . 4.03 '. thY c:oven8rrtS ihat CrN has siood and WlicIent titie aricI'irUreSl to the . property and has fun authority to entef' into and exea.Jte this Agreement. CIlY fUJ1her covenants that there are no other liens, judgements or impediments of title on the ProPerty. .. . ..... . . . . . . . .'. -' . . .. ..............S~:5. .:Ti:RM.OF~~.: '. '. " . . . . . '5~01 '. SeeA1t8ched AddendiJm~ 'Parag'raph 2.. Rent. . .' '5~02 TENANT shall h8Ye:ttte OPUOO:1o extend this ~ lor foUr (4) . . . additional rMl (5) year terms. Sudl extensions shall atAomatfcafly oca.I' unless . TENANT gives written notice to the other party of its intention not to extend this . . . Agreement at Jeast six (6) months prior to the end 0( the amn t~. . . .. ..: '5.03' .1f,.8t.th8.mdo"th8ma1y8arextenslOnWn\'this~haS'f1Ot '. . been terminated by TENANT giving to the oIw party writIen notice of its intenIion to '. .. . '. '. . . . : terminal8 at least . (6) monIlS prior to the end d the terin, this Agreement shalt . . ... _ .: . i8fnain in foice inI:sfrettupori the. same cOYerisris, t8nns and ~. The . . .' . -' . . .' '. -'. . "'-~&hliII'b81or'amu&I'leims~unI8sst8rininatedby.9itherpartybY . :" .. , .' . .:' " . '.. . : . . '.' . .~ the.other party 'Mitten notice of its .,.ntion to tennr.ate at }east six (6) morihs . prior to the. end of the-tenn. ..... . . ... '. ~~:.'coNsiDERATION' :. . . .... . 6~01'.' Sa's BtIact1ed addendum . parag.;iph 2 ~ Rent' '.. .......,. . 6;01(a) Serrices' ProVided to.th9 City. ,.,' .. " ~... ..' . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... ... , . :--- "","- ~ ( ( . ' f , In either $75, , both and by , ',' " 'Eiw M~,'N in~iaI tem1, ~ ~ Retirpayrrient Shalibe'~ed' to the,. , - CrN nO lilterthan ihkty (30) calerld8r daysiJfter the EimiYers8ry date of h Certific8le , of ()ccupBrlcy. ' Annual Reri payments shal incu a late payment fee of 1.5% per month (18% per,8lTUIl). calculated from the CertifiCete of Occupancy BriI..yersary date, for art{ ~ submJtted to the CRY later than the date due. " , 6:03' see',~ ,Addencbn, Pi:II aglilPh 3 ;. CPJ, ' " -€tOot ,'ThiS i~ 8 net-riel~ ieai8' and TENANT Shel pay ~n safes taxes, teal , estate'triJCes' Bl$essed against TENANTS jJroperly, utility c:h8rges. cost of , '" '~, and ell other charges and ~s associated with the tenant's use'of ,- ,the,demised premises of this Leese. ,,"SectIoo't.' tERMINATION i , 7.01' ,lh8,tENANT'may letnn.lale this Agreememby prOviding a ten (10) caler14ar ~ wr~ ~ice prior, 10 ~ etf~ive ~ation date. , ' ','7.02 ,priorto~8ndcfeachfMi'(5)yeattenn. TENANT maytermiri8te'lhi.,' , Agreeinem by providing written notice to the CITY at least six (6) months prior to the , end of the current term. .... . .. '. : '.. . ,:, 7.03 ShoukfTENANTdefaUtlundenin)'of1hetSrms ofthiS~ CITY , may terminate ttis Agr8ement for cause by pnMcfing a sbdy (GO) day 'Mitten notice 10 ' " , , TENANT; however, TENANT shaH be given the opportunity to correct sny default within , thirty '(30) calendar days of receipt of wrhlen notice. This Agreement shall not be temn:Md if sUCh defauI is of 8 nakn that It C8lnOt be C\Rd in thirty (30) a:i1endBr ',', days Md TENANT, is dillgentlyproceeclng to cue such defect. ' ' .. " ,-,' :, ,;,7.04:_,tQ'~'~dt&rmi~'Of''*AgreEinlet:ltbyrawn. ai"~fees:' ., paid priOr to saknemination date sheil be retailed by ,the CITY: " " " ' '",. ' , ,,',: 7:05', 'Upon,~. tENANTStlaIi'*CrtYtntoptionto~&said. , ,antenna ~ucture &n:d certain ~ improvements for the agreed \4>Ofl1Um of one , 'HUlCIted ($1 OO~OO)- Dolars. CITY shaI h8ve ninety (90) catendar days from the , _, ' effecIiYe .. , , ,',' - ,,', ~ Of,~irl'wmchtO'iOOwt:isa this ~'" :' , " ' " 'SecItoiI a. ' JNDSlNFlCATION '. , , ,,8.01 ~~ TENANT8gre&stoindei'trify,'8M'erid'hoid . ' , ~' . ... . .' , , ! . I . r- . , J : .(' harmless and defend CfTY, its City cOmmissiOn niembers, oiiiterS; .agents &rid. . errpIOyeeS, fmmany and aft claims, damages, liability. losses, causes 01 action of any . ' nature ~r, whk:h may arise out of, in coM8Ct~ with or becase of lhe use and ~ of th8 property by TENANT or Its otIicers, agents, employees or indeperfdenl~underthis~or".brNdlof.thls~by' ,. . '., TENANT.. PU-suanl to its I8pJtity, TENANT .ShaN pay 8. 'cIaims, ~ liens'or ..' " . .' s8itf8ments Or jUdgments,'Of 8li/nBhn ~, in 00nnedJ0n th8t8with inc&lding. '. . but net limited to, psratega( fees. sUomey's fees and costs to .Me. d .. claims or suits. Including attDmey';s fees on apPeal. in the name of eJTY ~ applicable, IIRd nil . . . . pay an cost and judgments which may iasue thereon at both I1e trial8"d appellate . : :. levels. Sudl indemnification shafI not be limited to the anJOU't at comprehensive, . . . . generslllabBily insI.nrice which TENANT Is required to oI8in WIder tU AgreerneIi; . " ," This iridemnily shall not apply' to any claims ariU1g from an eel c# gross negligence or . inlentlonal misconduct d the indenvlified party. . ....', . 8:02 . Nottmsj .~d herebl is '~ended nor'6haIJ be COristrU9d toWaiva - CITY'S rights from immunities under 1he common taw or Florida Statutes, 768.28, as . amended from tme 10 time. Sedk.n;t~ : tNSURANCE . . . . . . . ., . . 9.01 TENANT mSintails a risk managemenl prOgiatii WhIch povide& for .'- : ~Jve '. i liatiaitY piCperty iriit.Hnc8 andwOrkersi ~ I .' genera.. "'" - . . . ' ..' . . , 'YerlficatiOr1 Of Said program has.been submitted to the CITY'S RIsk "'aligemen!' .. . .' " Coordlnator. The CITY $hall receive a Ihlrty (30) calendar d8r written notice in event of any change in the current program having an effect upon the breecIh of coverage with . . .' respect to limllljjons and any variance wllh respect 10 limits of liability, if Ie$s than ' those indicated In the program stbmftIed to Ihe CITY'S Risk Manager. .' 9.02 fjPON EXECUnON OF THrS AGREMHT BYl'ENANt. nE caTv OF . BOYNTON BEACH SHALL BE NAMED AS AN AOOmONALINSURED AS rrs ' JNTEREST MAY APPEAR WITH RESPECT TO THE REQUIRED COVERAGES AND'.' . THE OPERATIONS OF TENANT UNDER THE AGREEMENT. .' , ' '. ' '. ,SectIOn 10~ :,A$SiG~:~r' ..... .' . .. . .'... . ,,'"0:01Thi8~nt~'~~~~,~_~'or~d~'" "'.. '. . .. - . anY ti'ne axcept to. TENANT's principal affifi8les or SLt>>sidiaries or its prirJc:Jpef. or to . ., aI'rf ~'upon which TENANT is merged Of consoJidated. As to OCher parties.1hiS'. . '. . . .. Agreement may not.be 8OJd. albie_ell. assigned or transfened wiIhout the written , consent of the CITY; such c:on&enl shaI not be lR8asbnabty wifhheId. This provisiOn . .' wit not Predude TENANT.from allowing oIher J81jes to co-Iocate on the Property to . . .... . Tower. so tong as IhiS Agreement is in effect. Ihe City aN IS8I1IS in writing. a'1d the co;. : '. . IDeated equjpment does not interfere with exfsting equipment . . . . . ....... ~ . . ... . .1 " r r . I' " f \-. ' ~1OD_1L ' COMPuANCE WiTH LAWs. ' ' . .. .' . , ~..,.. 1.01 tENliNT $hiilI..,mp1y WiIh 011--.'....... ~. Mes, . .. . \'ll!lU' . and """u1orde<S 01 \he \lniIlld SUi\8S 01 AItl8ricG. ~ ell FJorida, CItY CI . .'. .1leIlCh. PalmSoecb CctJItY,1I(ld p1l1)Y ot1I>r ~d1O/iIY wI)Id> I\1lIV be , ...applicable.." ..' .... ..... .' ...... .... ...... ..' , ' , ' ,'ifdIOh"t, ~\.AW;veNuE ' '12.01 The'-' ~andetr8d 01'" ~..... be gooieri1Bd bY the iaws Of the State d Florida. , .. .' .' 1202 #;,~.~<< fliiPiI8 ~OutOf \he - eIIlhIo Ago...noeni . . s1\sll tie IlIigaIed In \he ~ JudiClaI (;lI<Ull1n and lot Palm Beach C-"Y. fIorida. . . . . . .' ~1~ INSOLWiICV" . .. . .... . , ' . 13,01 ill "'" e.eni \heI either pII1Y shIiI b<lC(lIlie ~;.....g..-t' .. . . . ~ ""the ........ 01"'-" .- or pormt \he ........ """"" ell a ......... for . . ilS lluslnllOSor 1lS.-- or shIiI avail.... 01. or -- sutjooI.... any pIOC88dlnD . . .....\hefedOf8l~Pdor__--ofany-.-..ogto~.. . or \he ~oI ~ of........,.. ...tJeCOlf8~ to~ then. et \he . . .' . 0JlIi0n ofl!*'cinOi'portyoOd ~ ~ 'MilI\lIi ~.'" AlII-nei'4 ",",I . . .' . ___ andbe of no f\lrIhilr """" and elf8cL ." . .... .. ,~tlon 14, ,'ENnRl: AGREEMENT . . .. . ". .... '14.inl\iiO.~~\II8...iJn;~of\hB~...ietinci .'. . . ..to \118 sulljoCl metter IllI<1OoI. ~"'prior~ tJelW88R "'" pilIleS.., "'"el".",.8I............ ThIo ~1\1lIV not be~. ~ mod\ftod or .' .' .' .' . . oI"..wl....:h..oged nor I\1lIV any of \he _ ""'*" be \II8lW8d.lDICIlI'lbl' a"'-' '. '. .' .. ____ ~ bl"1lolh pertlIlS.. The f8iIIP of III*1J to ....- for vIGIIliliin .' · · . . . .... ..... .' .of or to In!IIIt on _ ~ of any of 118 .......... of.... ~ ohOII not . . . ...... . '.. be constfUIld as a __ ...~for lhefU\lft of ..., ........... ....... . . . . . c;OnlIiIkin or ~ bbt "'" ....... stiBII ;:onlirUol'shd ......., lA {ljI forte '""" elfeCI. : . . .....~15.:~ .:. .'. ....... ',>. . . . 15.01 ShilUId ri po.;, tiiriII or.,.;.n..cn of.... ,.,p.ment be bl' Ihe .' '. .' '.. '. . ci>Or\S dO<id8<Ilo be ;nveIid; 1IeglI1'" In''''-wIh anyleW of lid -. 118 vaIIdiIY.of . . , . Ihe ;emalrin91O be aoilIIld. tIeQ8I...ln....- Wllb any - of- -. \he vaIIdiIY . . of ..remalnlIC 1o'fXlilk""S ... pnwisioIlS shIiI not be 8Ifeded Ih,,".,y. . .. ... whn16..1IO'nCES . :"':.' ..' .... ....... ..... ." . ....... . . . .' .... . . . - . ,,' ' ' " ' ,.. ~,' .... ~'I: , " . ! , ,~- ' ,-- . ( ( I 16.()1 'AU notiCes or Other communications t'8quired bY this ~nt shall be in writing and deemed delivered upon maiUng by certifted mail, re1um receipt requested. to the foUowklg persons and adchsses: - , , " ,crrv:Cfty Man8ger ',' _ ' , " ", : 'Gity,<<~Beach" " , - , " " ' , " ,: , P.O. Box 310 ' ' WrrH Boynton Beech. FJorfda 33068 , . ..... .,. . .... COPVtO: " James A 'Cherof,'ciy A~ " ' , Josias. Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrof, P A " ' _ " 3099 East CommerdaIBouIevard, Suite 200 - , Fort ~ Florida 33308 TENANT: Sprirlt'spedrUc, LP .,a. , Delware Umited PartnerShip WITH ' , COpy TO: MaStrinarchristlarisen ' , Attomeys at Law ,. ,27$O,North F:ederp' Highway ", Fl: ~rdale, fL333Cl6 , , , - " ,S8ctJan 17~, OTHER PROVIs1ONS' , 17.'01 ,Should fle ciTY. at' aiytime'cUirlg the term of tm ~'decide to ' SeH 'all or part of the property to a purchaser other than TENANT, such sale shalt be ....... , under and subject to this ~menl and TENAHrs rights hereunder, and q &ale by the errY of lheportion of Ill. Property underlying the right-of-way herUl granted shaY' ,', , be under and stJbject to the right of the TENANT In and to such rigtt..of-way. . .' . . . . 1'7.02 ' , If'the' WhoI&Or the piOpe!ny. or Suctl pO,tiQlltiertd . WiJlmaktt the ~ unlSable for the J:UPOSes herein Jeased. are condemnecI by My legally , ,~ed,B&J:thorityfor'8nypubfic,~,cr'~jhtnin"'-:of88ldeventsth&., ' , .. term heieby,~' ihaI cease' from 1h8", when jJoesiliicio ~is t8k8r\ by " pldc authorities, and rental shalt be 8CCCUJted for as between CITY ;nf TENANT as' ' of thai date. My Jesser conderMaIion lheft in no way effect the respective ristD and ',,' , .., ,," obligations 01 CfTY and TENANT hereunder. Nothing in ttis provision shall be , , , ' ccnstiued to imI or 'aIfect tENANrs right to an award of compen&8tion of any etniAent' , , , 'domain proceeding for the'taking of TENANT's leasehold inIIR'est henu1der. " " '-17:03' city Covenants that l'ENANt, 0Il'payi1g the rent and Perbinirlg the , COV8nants. Shall peaceably and quietly have, hoJd and erjoy the PrDf*ly: . , , , ' ......~... , , ,., .. - , ,. . ~ -. .. ..... .'. '- .. . - . ",-.. ""..- . ( \ '. . 17:04 Attorneys' Fees. If any party obtains s jUdgement agaiJiStany other party . by reason of breach d tns Agreement, the prevaifing party shaI be entlt/ed to .. .==r~'fee'-<mIs,~~-.al_h_800 " :':SeCtlOnts," PUBUc'REcORil$' ".: '. " '. . ..,. '. ~.:. . . . . '. " . . ..' 18.D1.CltYaiid TENANT agree fhal8'C:OPY'dthisAQreement shBJ. berecordBd in the PltiiC Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, upon eXecution of this Agre~l The cost b recordation shall be paid by the TENANT. . ..,.. . . IN WrnESS WHEREOF. th9 parti&5' heA!to:have caused theSe' pr&se;itslo be . ~ !ted, the day and year first above written . .. , .. '" ., , ATTEsT: .', '. '. ',q. C/TYOFBOYNToNBEACH.Fi.'" ~~ ' . .. . . ..........a-. . ...... .. ~~.. ..... . '. : . . Approved as to Form: . . , . .. . ", ..... /)/~.tuJ:)Jfttt~4-~_. CIw ......., State 0( Florlda' . County or Patm Beach . ...Th& ~ itiSlruilint ~'~'.before me' .,. ~ ~~.. t.W;..~.. ~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~ '~1 ..... . _uo. ;~~ , , . . " fYVj.IU~ .. , . ~~ . . ~." ,:, . . ". - . '... . . . '. . " <!f!P .... .' . . , . . ." ,- . .. .q.(... . . . . . .' '" . -'. {-' (-- , . CJxu{r(W., ~/1WA/HhJz_ ,NOTAIlY PUBLIC ...,N*,.... ofF1lll* . SEAL 6F OFFICE . m --- . ... . ~~or~..t~.... Public exactty 8S commissiOtied IndMdUats' '\thO signed are persOnallY " , known: no identification produced TEHANT' ""'" -oa ~'c;(>(t'~S'en~\'if' l,.~ f. .~~...... . . .... .... .. ..... ...~Gv8.-tf)~~~' ""AttsSied~' ", - " , " ,- _ TIDe:' '-,STATE OF flORW1( " ) , '" COUNTY OF Palm Baee', } " '~'~u' ' 'i'HE~EBYCERTFYthat~.hfs':>~~' , ", dRyOf'. , " t:> ,,-\. ~ - 30 > I t'.J9c.,. before me per.cualyappear8d " - ~ oJ;..,") ~ .......H.- or PCS, to me personaJly kr10wIi to be the, " E.~.'#-o/,r,..J.s ~ " " "~,.., , , , . . - , , , ; ~, i '-~."'" . _.__._,L._..._....______.~____ . r J " '. ( " individual Who executed the fOregoing instrumerii aOd acknoMedged betore'me Ihat he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed on behalf of PCS. WrrHESS my hand and official seal Of this :3 ~ day' of ' , 1'\ c... "\n '--<<I . 30 . ~ . .. .... ~ - . , . ..., " .. ".. -,' '. - L ' - . .'il-' :' ~',. , ....., Public d:>eh..- A.J~ ~~p~ ...... -l . MY 'Con1Rrission EXpires:,1 ,,1d.DOO '-"Y"1ft.. .... ,'. .,.. , ....... '. G&~ __ANNSYEPPE . . .' 900182 . - ....; "toUI w#CCA41... . . ft1 .. DI'IIB JAM 11. 2DOCl '. Tower.lse. .. . ~"GF 1'1 . Rev. 5I22J98 614196 , . '.~. . .' .. . - - - ., .. -' . . ...... ... . .. . . . . . . ." . ; !; ; . . '. /'"' r . .... >> ;~ (~. ( . ADDENDUM TO PeS SITE AGlt~ Sitt; Nd: CItY 01i'"B"OYNroN BEACH Site ID: MIA 9212' . . . PUBUC WfRXS CoMPoUND (222 N,E. 9th Avenue. B~on Be8cb. FL 3i42S) . 1HJS ~ iDodifieSirii ~:thePcS SJte ~t ~CrTcd:tO hCreiii asfbUowJ: . '..' of ;W' ), . ~Propaty, Real Estate IUd ~ Tms: SSLP will pay aD pel50naJ property _ iDlangible taxes levied or useased OD the PCS system, SSLP wiD pay any increase in Owner's tal . . estate tAXes cfirectJy 8Un"butabJe to the PCS iDstaDa1ioa. . . 2. '. Rat: NotWithd~ anytbins to the contraiy contained herein. real wiD COInJDence on .' . . the lleat'Start Pate. Rent wiD be paid BDIDIIly in advance OD the Rent Stan Date and OIl each ." aoniversary of it. The Ra1t Start Daie IbaIJ be the earlier of (a) the date wbicb is 30 days after the ." . . . issuaDce of a buildins permit for iDStaDation or the PCS, or (b) the first day of the moPtb followins . ~Il otpbyJiall preparatioD oftbe Site. T.be mmual rent will be S 12,SOO , putiBl years to be pTO-rated. . . . '. 2,1" Upon 'me.~. of'll Cmi1k:ate of Ocwpincy by CliY for TENANT'I Co~ Facility, TENANT sbaIl in lieu of.making 1hc PC.Y"'~ ofrent ror the jnitiJJ m yar , tenD as pnMded he.~ TENANT sbaII pay to OTY a onetime Unp sum payment of SEVENTY _ .' . FIVE motJSJ\liD AND NQlIOO (S7S.000) DOLLARS. This Jump swn payment sbaII constitute the.. . ., - advance nmtaJ.~ by 1ENAN'r for the initial five ~ &eaSe tenD.: . . . . " . . '" . " ;. .... . .' 3. :.' cPI:The anQUii'rent tor ead1 ~ Tcnn will be the amJUlII rtOt in eirecit -(Or'the 1iriaJ . . year oribe Initial Term or priu- Renewal Term. as the case may be. iJac:reased by an amoum based upon tile CUIII.11atiYe perceut inc.n:ase oftbe CPI (Consumer Price Index - U.S. City Averages for Urbu W. . Barnerl and Clerical Wcde:rs - 1982-84 - 100, publiJhed by tile United States Dcpm:tmCDt of Labor,. . . . Bureau of Labor Statisti~ (or reasoAIbJe equiva1eat index if such indclt is ~) between the . wn"lltrI..e-UR4. of the InidlII Term and the cod of the Initial Term. or the commc:oc::emmt and cod of the ~ Term. as the case may be. such inc:n:ase not 10 exceed 20 pen:ent in Illy case. . '. 4: . A~ t:oDuoJS: 'lD tbe~ Ofa eoDfiict ~ecn Pes SitcA~ and thiS .. . " Addendwn, 'this Addendum shaD control . .... ..,. .:5. :-:'pCs'~~ii~.,~,~.iod~~bf~~:ssiie~'." ;:' . and ExIIilitstbereto wJDch lie DOt inconsistaJt herewith remain in fbD force Ud e:IFed~ . , . . . . .,... OWNER: CITY oF' BOYNTON BEACH; FLOIuDA .. .BY:..1t~~ ..... . . . . SSlTIX 0..59-6000282 100 But Boynton Bcacb BoyOtonBeacb.~ :P425 DA Tn: 8') 1.1. l? ... ..~ ...... ~ \ '. t' (' , ' .' ' . I . , ' . _ I ~~ BY:" . 1 .... .. .~'=~::l~nC - ..~ ..... I no'" . ..'" ... ...~ . . . -' .' · r ,. .. . .. " ,_..". .' '. . ..... i': i ":'\'" . . I . . . ' \ ' ' .. ' ,\ ' ' .. " \' , .. . \ .. " ' . ' t . . . ; I ~ \ n~.. :t\~ " , ' , . '\' - ' ' '\' : ' ' , ' . '. -\ .. \" ' " .... ' I . , '. ' , i" ' ,- . , l , \.- " " " ,....' ' .. \ "i .. ' ' ' , , ' ....... .n....,' . ...... . .' '.'. .... :\ ..... ,.. 1 , .' . . : .. i , l " ' \ ' .,1 . .' ." \ . . ..... .' \ ..' . . .,. ..' .' ...\ ~. I ' . '" . ' .. . . \ .' ' , , ' " ,t ',.. ' ",.. ' ' '. " ' ' i ,- . . \ .-.- \ . C r...~ . ' ,. ' . ',. ..' . . . i' ... ". ~.... . . ......., oao.... ...... ..._... _.......ft. ~.- _....- .-___ ,_\2 .. , ' ., ' ' . ' '.' ... , ' ..s......."..;~..r~~e.-s.i~ ~ ~.i_~....,.;............- .. UI""-'-' .' , .. .. ""'.........~ 00;04 . ' .. . .. . .. . . .. . ' . ,.."""....__~.. ~.,....... lOI....... . ...... ,..-.. . ,.' . . .. . , . . - . , - ' .. ~ ' . . '. - ~..,~. . ,p. . , .. . . . . . . , -"~" ssiJ'j,oiiOIs~. .... ..' .. ,. .. . " . .. . .. . ""'" ~;;04 s$I.P...,...ss.r.:.,....,........... j!oJiIoiI...;olij........... _..liP~.;....... ... .. ..._.._10................--..-.........--. .,.. .. . . .,p;.. ............ ;.... ~'SIW............ ............. of ~ -Ap-;....~ jop..-....,..,.,.....".. " opdO. ,.....-....., ," .~' 'I&!:'~. . / <........ ...............,;;.. : , ' " . .. . .. ....... . .. - .~ p.. ~- . -, .. . . . -' .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION O'F LEASe PARCEL : J., 4. : So" ,: ' " 6:-"" . A portion.of Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, .CONGF?ESS GRbVE", as recofded in Plat,,' , ~'I " Book 13" Page 63 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida being .. , more parlicularly described as follows: " , " ", ' ..- .. " Commence at the Southwest Comer of said Lot 3, Siock 1; thence S89 '"3S39"E ,'" along the South line of said Lot 3 for 14.40 feet; thence NOD ~12'08W for 56. 44 " , feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the following described parcel; thence . ' N89 '2B'29"W, for, 30.00 feet; thence .NOO 12'08W for 16.50 ,feet; ,thence .. S89 ~28'29';Efoi 30.00 feet; thence SOO 1?08"c for 16. 50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' . ..~. .~ .... :' :.. . ,. ' . . , , .. .... # -' . ... . ' , .. .. .... , ' . 'z'" 0, ". , '," ( " I " " .... . . .' . " . . -".... .. ' , ' , , , , ' . ' , , , .. \:. " , i , . . . . . . . t I , , ' . .... ' , , , , , ...... .." .. .'.. .- . ..... ...... " . '". '. .- - ..' . . , ' " ' . ' ",.. . . , . '" ' ' . f&' '. . .. .," . , .. ."- ..,. ...... ,'. "' ..