Minutes 09-06-83MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 PRESENT James R. Warnke, Mayor Carl Zinm~erman, Vice Mayor Nick Cassandra, Councilman Joe deLong, Councilman Samuel L. Wright, COUncilman William H. Sullivan, Acting City 'Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk James W. Vance City Attorney Mayor Warnke called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Tonight, in honor of the dedication of Temple Beth Kodesh, Mayor Warnke announced that the invocation would be delivered by Temple President, Irving Koch. This will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Councilman Joe deLong. Everyone was asked to kindly rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Councilman deLong wished to add an item under Other. Councilman Cassandra stated he would like to add under Adminis- trative, Item F, Guidelines to Business Meetings. Councilman Wright wanted to make an addition under Old Business, Item B. Mr. Sullivan had an addition to make under Consent Agenda, Item K, Approval of Bills, from Rossi & Malavasi, a bill in the amount of $1,560 for golfcourse work. Under Bids, Item 5, Mr. Sullivan also wanted to add Cemetery Sidewalk. Mr. deLong moved to adopt the Agenda with the additions, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Warnke announced the scheduling of a second meeting for the 12th of September, 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers, continua- tion of the first Public Hearing on the tentative adoption of a millage rate. The Public Hearing portion was completed but some items are still to be discussed by the Council. There will be a Public Hearing on property tax covering the 1983-1984 Proposed Budget adopting final budaet and adopting aggregate millage rate scheduled for September 19, 1983, 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers. A City Council Workshop Meeting regarding Utility System Expansion is scheduled for September 8, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEmbER 6, 1983 Mayor Warnke read a Proclamation whereby November 19, 1983 would be Proclaimed American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Free Health Fair Day. A Proclamation was read by Mayor Warnke whereby Sunday, September 11, 1983, will be proclaimed Community Carnivale Sunday. At this time, Mayor Warnke recognized the presence of our City's immediate past Mayor, Col. Walter "Marty" Trauger. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of August 16, 1983 Councilman deLong moved for adoption as submitted, seconded by Councilman Wright. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilman Cassandra abstaining as he was not present. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of August 30, 1983 Councilman deLong moved to adopt as submitted, the minutes of the August 30, 1983 Special City Council meeting, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Zimmerman abstained from the vote as he was not present. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Sullivan announced there would be no report in the absence of the City Manager. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Warnke announced if any person has anything to say to the City Council which is not on the agenda, they are free to come forward at this time. If any one wishes to speak on any item that is on the agenda, please give their name to the City Clerk. They will be called upon at the time that item is discussed. Mr. Walter "Marry" Trauger, 702 S. W. 28th Avenue, requested the Council to consider giving direction to our Downtown Development Authority. They have presented a very beaUtiful plan and he is not talking against that. From the plan, it looks very good; but to sell that plan to the city, it has to be quite marketable. They announced the ~urch should be moved which annoyed people because improvements were just added to that area. Also, in reference to downtown, they went against ordinances of the city in recommending over four stories. That certainly is not making the plan marketable. - 2 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEkCH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Mr. Trauger continued that he would like the City Council to consider giving direction to the Downtown Development Agency until they get these plans in concrete and are marketable to the people. He would think the citizens of Boynton Beach would quite strenuously object to approving a plan on a tax district such as they are proposing and using city funds in the development of these plans, when these taxpayers voted against high risesl It may be premature, but they should avoid unfavorable~comments. Mr. Trauger referred to improving Seacrest Boulevard north of the bridge and stated in October, the City Council passed a resolution requesting the county to examine improvements. Around the same time, 23rd Avenue was recognized as needing improvements from Seacrest Boulevard to U. S. 1. He defies anyone to show him a worse section on Seacrest Boulevard than it is on 23rd Avenue between the railroad tracks and Seacrest Boulevard, particularly after rain. He is objecting to an unelected or unofficial city council or people serving as such in the north end and taking plans out from under this City Council and running to the County COmmission, which is usurping the Council's authority. They can. recommend to the City Council, the elected authority, which taks action. There should not be a group of people Self-appointed doing this. This must get back into the right channel with getting it before the Metropolitan Planning Authority to be incorpor- ated into the five year plan of the county. Because of a lot of people clamoring about this, it is leading to the false hope of Seacrest Boulevard being improved tomorrow and it isn't until it gets into that plan. Mr. deLong referred to the Council not being in a position to guide anybody as far as height restrictions are concerned as they have to be set by referendum and they can't be changed unless by referendum of the people. At that time, whoever wishes to oppose those height restrictions, can do so. b~. Cassandra spoke about direction in terms of a meeting to take place shortly, including the Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency, Hank Thompson, City Manager Cheney, ~. Cassandra, etc., to clear things up. Mr. Cassandra told ~. Trauger that his advice is being followed so far as direction is concerned. ~. Wright stated that the C.R.A. knows what the residents have decided and referred to the proposal as perhaps just being wishful thinking. Mr. Wright commented about the clean- up effort and referred to special groups and interested people whose leg work and achievements many times come to fruition. There are a lot of people behind certain things that happen and everybody has to be given credit. Mr. Wright referred to all the efforts of people living in the area of Seacrest such as talking to the County Commission and the media, etc. The City Council did support some of those efforts being made; it takes more than a resolution. Everybody must be given credit. - 3 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6~ ~1983 Mayor Warnke advised that some months ago the .Council again ~a~s.ed a Resolution to the M,P.O, asking for help on seacrest B~!e~rd~ It was referred to the M.P,O, 's Technical Ad-visory comm. ittee which will determine whether it will be put on the year 2~000 plan, Mrs. Wilda Searcy, 402 N,E, 13th Avenue, stated that since the improvements are in the northeast area, she would ask the Council for s~me rehabilitation in the area of Canal 16 from 1-95 to U.So ~10 The Canal should be used by th~ community people, She is also asking for rehabilitation of 3rd Street, especially one block from 12th to 13th which she spoke to Mayor Warnke about. Mr. Warnke advised that he went and looked at that property. .He acknowledged Mrs. Searcy's comments. After discussion, it was ascertained that City Manager Cheney was in the process of researching this due to Mrs. Searcy~s initial inquiry to him. It would be taken up again when Mr. Cheney returns. CONSENT ~GENDA A. Bi'ds ~'l. An'nuaI R.equirements for F1Occulant Aid The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding 'the bid to Calgon Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa.~ in the amount of $492,90 per 50 gallon drum. Approve Kamplex. Bid for portion of~NQr%h/<Sou%h Water Main 'as i~ cro-s~e~~ ~E~'~0'~tlh ~v~n'Ue~ The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Kamplex, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, in the amount of $~839~25. 4. Approve Lake Eden Sanitary..Repai~.~-Diana--Dri~e.-and The Tabulation Committee recommends accepting the low bid from Johnson~Davis~ Inco~ in the amount of $7~500'.0~ B. Approve Electric Chan~e O.~der for,,NeW~-We~l,.i~.~-t~ ,(_W~!~-~%~5 'an'd 1'6') ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ , Perry Cessna has submitted a summary of Change Order require~=-~_~ ments amounting to $1,274.00. Approval recommended by the City Manager. Ce Approve City's participation in Retired Senior Volunteer Program ................ Personnel DirectQr W'illi~m S-ull~¥an submitted ~o~s ~Qr uae in this program and ~ecQmmends - 4 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Approve requests for permission to use temporary construction trailers Seven construction trailers- Meadows 300 PUD, Congress ~venue & Hypotuxo Road Six construction and sales 'trailers - Lakes of Tara, Congress Avenue & Congress Boulevard 0 One sales trailer - Oriole Homes Cdrp., Sky Lake Subdivision, N.W. llth Street Accept Easement Deed for 20" Water Line - First Federal Savinqs and Loan ~ssociation of Lake W.orth Utility Director Cessna transmits requested material covering easement for 20" water, line requested by F-irst Federal S & L 'Association of Lake Worth. Approve request for Zoning Approval for AlCoholic Beverage License: Valerie's Seafood & Fish Market, 404 N.E. 10th Avenue Deputy Building Official Keehr noted that zoning at the above location permits the sale of beer and wine; package sales only. Agree to extend' agreement with Flomida.National Bank for one year Agreement provides for extension for one year if both parties agree. Florida National Bank has agreed ahd City Finance Director, Grady Swann, recommends the one year extension. Approve write~off !of receivables - Utility and General Funds In accordance with auditor Ernst & Whinney recommendation, Finance Director Swann submits lists of receivables and returned checks that are most likely uncollectible. I. Change Order No.~ 2 Myre Fairway Golf Course Construction Co, Bobbed Wire "Y" For adding bobbed wire "Y" on top of previously approved fence, Change Order No. 2 is for the amount of $3,942. This change authorized by Bob vonHagge through the City Manager. - 5 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Change Order No. 3 Myre Fairway Golf Course Construction Co., 7)000 ft. of non-perforated drain tile for sand traD. s Bob vonHagge has authorized this change through the City Manager in the amount of $10,500. K. Approval of Bills See list attached. Councilman deLong moved .to adopt the Consent Agenda with the deletion of A.2, and that portion of H. concerning the town of Hypoluxo. Mr. Zimmerman seconded 'the motion. Under discussion, Councilman deLong referring to A.2, Installa- tion of Storm Panels on the. Mausoleum, requested a written legal opinion from the City Attorney insofar as this expenditure is concerned. Mayor'Warnke was advised by Mr. Cheney that we are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Mausoleum, ~o%ed Mayor Warnke. Referring to Item H, Mr. deLong asked for a detailed report covering the item'of the write off covering the town of Hypoluxo, Engineering Services in the amount of $1,721.99. Mr. deLong added~ that he wanted .to make certain the tax payers' fUnds are being protected. Regarding Item G, Mr. Wright asked if we had any other requests to extend the agreement with Florida National Bank. Mr. Sullivan stated that this was put out for bid tWo years ago and there is a clause in the contract that provides for a continuation of the contract if both parties are in agreement. Mayor Warnke added that this is a continuation of the acceptable bid some time ago. Mr. Cassandra questioned Item H and asked if we wipe these unpaid bills off, Mr.. Sullivan referred to the bills being turned over to a collection agency. Mr. Cassandra noted that would just add to an uncollectable bill. Mr. Cassandra questioned.?Item B ~n~a-q~e~±rected-to Mr. Cessna by asking who approVed the 30 hp in the original design. 'Mr. Cessna advised that these are the original pumps they had to rework and because of the reworking, they had to go to 40 hp. With no further discussion, the motion made by Mr~ deLong and seconded by Mr. Zimmerman was voted upon and carried 5-0. - 6 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 BIDS A. Cemetery Sidewalk Mr. Sullivan informed the Council of details concerning the bid for the Cemetery sidewalk and advised that this would complete the section along Woolbright Road. Mr. Cassandra expressed the concern of the Cemetery Board in not losing the hedges and noted that this was not "spelled out" He was told that the sidewalk would not affect the hedges as the sidewalk would be right up against the curb. Mr. deLong moved to accept the bid for the sidewalk, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman. No further discussion. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING Approve request for variance from subdivision and platting requlations for the Town Club of Boynton Beach Site Plan Mayor Warnke advised that the applicant was not ready due to the incompletion of the title search. Discussion followed. Mr. deLong moved to continue the request for a variance from the subdivision and platting regulationS for the Town Club of Boynton Beach Site Plan until the next regularly scheduled City Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 4, 1983, at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. No further discussion. The motion carried 5-0. The Public Hearing was closed. DEVELOPMENT PLANS None. LEGAL Ordinance.s - 2nd Readinq ~ Public Hearinq None. Ordinances - 1.st Readinq Proposed Ordinance No. 83-25 - Re: Adopting the Aggregate Millaqe Rate Before proceeding Mr. Vance advised the Council that due to a mechanical time problem, it is recommended that Ordinances No. 83-25 and No. 83-26 be adopted on first reading tonight with the advertised millage rate. After discussion it was - 7 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 ascertained that the 6.1984 mills in Section 1. and the 15~ as indicated in Section 2, cOuld be adjusted downward to conform to the rate the Council decides upon at their September 12th meeting relative to Ordinance No. 83-25. Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 83-25 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, STATING THE AGGREGATE MILLAGE RATE TO BE LEVIED AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE 1983-1984 FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING THAT THE CITY MANAGER SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ADJUST THE AGGREGATE MILLAGERATE UPON RECEIPT OF THE FINAL TAX. ROLL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of'proposed Ordinance No. 83-25 on first reading with the intentions to amend on 2nd Reading. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra wished to state that he could not be a strong advocator of cutting down the millage and accept this 1st Reading. Mr. Sullivan referred to the Mayor's booklets which say in Section 2 ~ ~'Tha~ said Millage Rate exceeds computed roll tax rate as computed by the Tax Assessor..' That has been removed in the corrected editions and has not been computed by the Tax Assessor but by the City's Finance Director. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Cassandra - Nay Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Mayor Warnke - Aye Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Motion carried 4-1. Proposed Ordinance No. 83-26 - Re: Adopting the Final Budqet for 1983-1984 Mr. Vance advised that again due to mechanical problems, it is required that Ordinance No. 83-26 be adopted on first reading. He would ~ely upon Mr. Sullivan to fill in the blanks and Mr. Sullivan provided the following information: Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 4 Section 4 $13,144,888 5,499,039 789,431~ 1,710,621 2,500,052 - 8 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Mr. Sullivan continued: Section 5 $ 50,550 Section 6 248,000 Section 7 70,000 Section 8 487.244 Mr. ~ ~anceread proposed Ordinance No. 83-26 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1983, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-26 on first reading only with the intent of adjusting the figures, at a later date on 2nd Reading~ Councilman Wright seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Boron± took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman COuncilman Cassandra - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Nay Motion Carried 4-1~ Proposed Ordinance No. 83-27 - Re: Amendment to Sign Ordinance Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 83-27 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21, SIGNS, SECTION 21-16. SPECIAL SIGNS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TO ADD A NEW SECTION 21-16 (c) (6) TO PERMIT THE PLACEMENT OF A SIGN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BY A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) UNITS OR MORE NOT FRONTING ON A MAJOR OR MINOR ARTERIAL STREET UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL AFTER RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD, THE TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD AND THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. - 9 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL 5~EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-27 on first reading only. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion~ Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Motion carried 5-0. - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Proposed Ordinance No. 83-28 - Re: Approval of Satellite Dish Antennae ~. Vance read proposed AN ORDINANCE OF AMENDING APPENDI PROVISIONS, OF BOYNTON BEACH, SATELLITE DISH Ordinance No. 83-28 by title: THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, X A- ZONING, SECTION 4, GENERAL HE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF LORIDA, TO ADD A NEW SUBSECTION M, NTENNAE; PROVIDING FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF A PE-RMIT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, REMOVAL OR MODIFICATION OF A SATELLITE DISH AN- TENNAE; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAE TO SERVE SINGLE FAMILY OR DUPLEX HOMES; PROVIDING SETBACK REQUIREmeNTS AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-28 on first reading only. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Annunziato answered Mr. Cassandra's query regarding measurements by advising that the intent of the proposed regulation is to prevent these dishes, no matter where measured, from dish or foundation, from encroaching into a building setback line. Mr. Annunziato concurred With Mr. Cassandra that it was not "spelled out" and stated that is was standard interpretation. Mayor Warnke asked whether the proposed regulation would also apply to fou~plexes or eightplexes. Mr. Annunziato explained how aesthetics would be taken into consideration according to the type of residence in which it was being installed. - 10 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 In answer to Mr. Zi~merman's questions, ~. Annunziato inter- preted the regulation regarding side and rear setbacks'. Mr. Zimmerman' felt it would make more sense if the word "setbacks" were included. Mr. Annunziato explained why it was not included. ~s. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright - Aye - Aye - ~ye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Vance stated that the next two Ordinances are in tandem. Proposed Ordinance No. 83-29 - Re: Amend Future Land Use Element - Yachtman's Cove ~. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 83-29 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY BY A~IENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY AMENDING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOCAL RETAIL TO MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; AMENDING ANY MAPS ADOPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAND USE ELE~.~NT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-29 on first reading only. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Motion carried 5-0. - 11 - - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Proposed Ordinance No. 83-30 - Re: Rezoning - Yachtman's Cove Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 83-30 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FROM C-3 (COMMUNITY COMmeRCIAL DISTRICT) TO R-1-AA'(SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-30 on first reading only. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion. ~s. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 83-III - Re: Designating the City's Representative to the MetrQpolitan Planning Organization Mr. Wance read proposed Resolution No. 83-III by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. Wright moved %he adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-III, designating Vice Mayor Zimmerman as a member representing Boynton Beach for a two year term and Mayor Warnke as an available member of Council. ~r. ~zimmerman seconded the ~otion.~.~.NO further discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a ~oll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Motion carried 5-0. - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - 12 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MV. ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Mr. deLong moved to adopt an amendment to the motion covering proposed Resolution No. 83-III; copies of all minutes of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Meetings be supplied to Members of the City Council. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. No further discussion. The motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-JJJ - Re: Approve and authorize execution of Traffic Control Agreement for the intersection of S.E. 23rd Avenue and U.S. Highway #1 Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-JJJ by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A TRAFFIC CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND PALM BEACH COUNTY. ~. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-JJJ, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Under discussion, in answer to ~. deLong's question, Mr. Sullivan referred to this officially turning all of the maintenance over to the County and as a result, they would have control in regulating the signal. Mr. deLong ascertained that this is one of the few lights in the City that is not under County control. Mr. Wright co_mmented that because of this we will be saving $50,000. After further discussion, Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-KKK - Re: Reducing bond for Meadows 300, Plat I Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-KKK by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REDUCING PERFORMANCE BOND FOR THE MEADOWS 300 - PLAT NO. 1, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST ~. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-KKK, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote as follows: - 13 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-LLL - Re: Accepting all improvements and release of remaining $1,000 Cash Bond - Golfview Harbour, Tract I Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-LLL by titl.e: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING ALL IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT I OF THE THIRD SECTION OF GOLFVIEW HARBOUR, SAID THIRD SECTION BEING A REPLAT OF THE SECOND SECTION OF GOLFVIEW HARBOUR SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. Mr. deLong moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. 83-LLL, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No discussion. ~s Boroni took a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman CaSsandra Councilman d'eLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-MMM - Re: Accepting sidewalks and and release of bond - Woolbright Plaza Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-MMM by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELEASING THE SIDEWALK BOND FOR WOOLBRIGHT PLAZA Mr. deLong moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. 83-~, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a rolI call vote as follows: Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Motion carried 5-0. - 14 - - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Proposed Resolution No. 83-NNN - Re: Approval of Final Plat - Sky Lake Development Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-NNN by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR SKY LAKE PLAT NO. 2, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 20, TO~NSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST Mr. deLong moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. 83-NNN, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Motion carried 5-0. - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Proposed Resolution No. 83-000 - Re: Approval of Final Plat - Lakes of Tara F~. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 83-000 by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR LAKES OF TARA P.U.D., UNIT 1, IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST Mr. deLong moved the adoption of PropOsed Resolution No. 83-000, seconded by b~. Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Zimmerman asked if the rumored new project name, Cherry Walk, had any bearing on the proceedings. Having also heard that, Mr. knnunziato referred to the procedure when the City is formally notified. At this point, there is no conflict. No further discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. - 15 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Other Consider amending zoning ordinance relative to REC and permitting outside storage - Requested by Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman (Tabled) Mr. Zimmerman moved to remove this from the table, seconded by ~. Cassandra. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Zimmerman further moved to delete this item from the Agenda. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Discussion and Review of Draft Ordinance for Building Moratorium - Downtown Business District (Tabled) Mr. Cassandra moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr. deLong. The motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cassandra stated that the City Manager took this off 1st Reading because there were a couple of questions raised on the first write-up on certain sections of this Ordinance which have been corrected in the new presentation. The correction was in Section 6, under Area Variances. They recommended the develop- ment of a C.R.A. Variance Board. Mr. Cassandra belieVed this was in conflict with our Board of Adjustment. Mr. Cassandra related Mr. Cheney's comments that the C.R.A. has a big enough job with downtown development without giving them the addition- al job'of poticymaking of special variances. A mute point which Mr. Cassandra wanted to touch upon was that going through normal channels, there is a fee, however, with this procedure it would be free of charge. Mr. Cassandra further stated that if we don't impose a moratorium, we will have properties coming up for sale. An example was the For Sale sign that went up just across the street from St. MarkS' Church as soon as Urban Design made its recommendation for their relOcation. Mr.'.Cassandra did not think tha~ was fair to a buyer. He referred to protecting a seller as well as a buyer and therefore thought the Moratorium should go back to the Planning & Zoning Board as recommended bY the City ~nager so that people who own land or want to buy land know what to do. Mr. Cassandra moved for the recommendation that the Ordinance go back to the Planning & Zoning Board for review and then be put on the Agenda as a 1st Reading. ~. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Take action to authorize Mayor to be Boynton Beach's voting delegate at the Florida League of Cities Meeting on October 23, 1983 Mr. DeLong moved to authorize the Mayor to be the Boynton Beach's voting delegate, and in his absence the Vice Mayor, at the Florida - 16 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 League of Cities Meeting on October 23, 1983. discussion. Motion carried 5,0. No further Approve request for annexation - Lake Worth Christian School Mr. deLong moved to forward this request to the Planning & Zoning Board for review and recommendation, and back to the City Council. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. In order that the Members have all the facts before voting, Mr. Cassandra raised the question as to whether the City is getting any "tax monies for these services". ~. Vance was quite certain that the school is tax exempt. Mr. Zimmerman asked if he was pretty sure they are not on the ad valorem tax roll. Mr. Vance was not positive but stated that typically they meet certain requirements. Mr. Cassandra referred to the School Minutes attached to this request and noted the item referring to an agreement of cooperation between the Seacrest Presbyterian Church and called attention to the automatic tax free status. Mr. deLong adVised that they are entitled to it by law. He referred to encouraging petitioning for annexation. Mr. Cassandra was concerned about their not having sewer pipelines. Mr. Cessna concurred and added that the school itself would have to put in a pump station. Mayor Warnke repeated the motion made by 5~. deLong and seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No further discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approve Water Service Agreement - Sausalito Grove PUD Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation although he frowns upon the 9.28 units per acre. In view of the fact that they are signing an agreement whereby they will petition for annexation to the City, this is so that they become contigUous so that means that you are going to have heavy density and that won't protect the situation. Mr. DeLong thought that when they came in for this negotiation on the contract, something could have been done to lower that density because Mr. deLong thought we run about 5. something. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra agreed with Mr. deLOng that they are in our service area but saw a redundancy in thinking witch the Workshop Scheduled for Thursday, we are approving water for other people rather thanwaiting f0rthe outcome of the Thursday meeting when we have the opinions of the experts. Mr. deLong referred to the grant of the Federal GOvernment in which 75% of the water and sewer service in the City is subsidizSd. This was put into effect by the E.P.A. and Mr. deLong was thinking of the result if the .applicant is refused. He was also concerned with the - 17 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 effect on the future expansion of lines and building a water plant in terms of the grant. He did not want the City to be penalized and referred this to the City Attorney. Mayor Warnke commented that the recent trend is that there will be no more grants made by the Federal government. ~. Vance advised that it is probably debatable. The City did, in connection with the grant application, indicate that we would service certain areas. Mr. Vance stated that it is possible. ~. deLong commented on an effort being made during the initial handling of a heav~e~sity?aPPlication toreduce the density although, he stated that we don't have control over unincorporated areas. If the majority of the Council wanted to-turn this down, Mr. deLong stated that he would also agree and wait to see the aft~er- effects of the Thursday meeting. Mr. Wright believed that Mr. Cessna was in support of this request. Mayor Warnke read the following into the record: "The City of Boynton Beach is now facing a moratorium in 1985 on new additions to our water system unless steps are taken now to solve the problem. Too often' in the past, elected officials did not act to prevent serious future difficulties until it was too late. Let us not make the same mistake. "The mor.atorium is inevitable, based on the latest reports, if the City continues to supply new develop- ments outside the City limits. "It will take three years to put a new water plant and wells into service and we have less than two years before the present system reaches capacity. It will be even more of a problem during drought periods. "We must now make a choice. Not a choice based on economic factors but one based on supply. We must make a decision to put the present and future residents first in line for drinking water or else let our City growth be strangled by the moratorium that will occur if we continue to add new developments to our s~stems ~including sewers) outside of the City. "What are our priorities? Water for our present and future citizens or supplying the influx of residents outside of the City? I am not thinking of economics. I am not against controlled development and growth that is a vital part of our future. I am vitally concerned, as we all are, with the welfare and health of our citizens. - 18 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 "What I am fighting for is time to plan an orderly growth with foresight and common sense to prevent the moratorium on all growth both within the City and without. "I have said many times that we must improve what we have. In this case we must save what we have." Mayor Warnke computed that we would gain two years for City growth before a moratorium if we do not add any more C.O.'s or approve any more water outside of the City. In answer to Mr. deLong's question, Mayor Warnke was not advocating declaring a moratorium. Each case should be judged on its own at this time but after all the studies are made, hopefully through our Thursday meeting, etc., Mayor Warnke felt the addition or expansion of our water system outside the City limits at the present time, is inadvisable. Mr. deLong asked how differentiation would be made as to who is going to get it and who is not. Mr. Wright referred to not being sued. Mr. deLong offered to withdraw the motion and see what the consequences would be by proceeding otherwise. Mr. Cassandra asked that the motion not be withdrawn. He commented on the many valid points in the Mayor's presentation. All other requests on water service have been approved until this very moment. To discriminate against this one is unfair. Mr. Cassandra thought this last one should go through. Mr. deLong believed a moratorium would have to be declared to begin with and agreed this last one should go through. Mayor Warnke called attention to the policy already established by the City Council, one of which is a priority of furnishing water to outside citizens based on the health, welfare and safety thereof. Mayor Warnke referred further to the moratorium being inevitable He referred to the City Attorney's opinion. Mr. Cessna agreed with Mayor Warnke and stated that whether it is legal or not is up to the City Attorney. Mr. Cessna referred to not guarantyinganybody service at the time they build except credits given, i.e., Congress Avenue Developments~ which we have to honor. He does not believe in guarantying anybody capacity unless they want to pay for it ahead of time. Mr. deLong stated that the City Manager's memorandum of 9/6/83 specifically states that, "Itis recommended that this Agreement be approved for they are a part of our Regional Service Area." Mr. deLong asked F~. Vance if there is a penalty if we refuse. Mr. Vance referred to the legal liability for furnishing water and sewer within the service area and we do have one case which essentially says there is no requirement. However, we also applied for an E.P.A. grant and we agreed to certain duties and responsibilities. Mr. Vance clarified that this is not a clear cut area where he can come up with cases but it is the E .P .A. - 19 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 If we are obligated, Mayor Warnke saw no reason for the request to come before the Council. Mr. Wright pointed out the stipulation that if there are any other limitations we can establish, we are not liable. Mr. Vance concurred and further discussion followed. With regard to planning ahead, Mr. Cessna called attention to an outline he prepared contained in the Council Minutes of January, 1979. Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked if we have any other agreements signed for water along with the right of annexation when they become contiguous, as far west as this. Mr. Cessna enumerated: 60 acres± behind St. Vincent de Paul's Seminary east of the E-3 canal A small section of Jamaica Bay up against the Lake Worth Drainage Canal on Military Trail Pride's Crossing on the west side of Lawrence Road north of the L-20 canal and south of the L-19 canal just across from our City limits that could become ,contiguous very quickly. Mr. Vance noted that they all include the annexation agreement and at the perogative of the City Council, they may be taken in or not. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on.the motion made by Mr. deLong and seconded by Mr. Wright, as follows: Mayor Warnke Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong - Nay - Nay - Aye, because of approval by the City Manager, we are not giving water at this particular moment, but as pointed out by the City Attorney, if water is available, they may have it. We are meeting Thursday and we will have all those answers. - Aye, my qualification of the vote is the fact that there is nothing here that says that we should dec- lare a moratorium at this time. If the City makes ~P~their mind to dec- lare a moratorium, I will go along with it, but I don't think that they should take this last man in and throw him out. - 20 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Councilman Wright - Aye, it's very explicit in the agreement~ I vote to support the motion. Motion carried 3-2. Community Appearance Board Review Councilman deLong brought up the need for the Community Appearance Board review before a building permit is issued under some of the following conditions: building rehabilitation, alterations, sign changes, facade changes, tree removal, or any remodeling whatsoever. Councilman deLong suggested the need for an amendment at an earlier meeting. Inasmuch as the City Manager was not present, it was determined that this subject would be taken up at a later time. OLD BUSINESS Consider Amendment to Handicapped Section of City's Building Code After discussion it was determined thatthe appropriate time for the City Attorney to proceed with the preparation of the appropriate Ordinance Amendments would be at the time of the adoption of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive plan. Mr. deLong moved to lay the question on the table. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Annual Report From the comments Mr. Wright received from citizens, he wanted to extend compliments and appreciation'to the City staff for their efforts in the preparation of the CitY's Annual Report. Mr. Wright referred to it reflecting a great dollar's savings and being very informative to the citizens. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider appointment to Community Relations Board (1 member).and Housing Authority (1 member) Councilman deLong moved that nominations be open for anew member for the Community Relations Board. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Zimmerman nominated Dr. Perry Brown, 2300 N.E. 1st Lane, Apt. 411, Boynton Beach. Mr. Cassandra seconded the nomination. Inasmuch as there were no other nominations, Mr. deLong moved that nominations be closed. Mr. Cassandra seconded the nomination. Mayor Warnke announced that Dr. Perry Brown is now a member of the Community Relations Board and that appropriate action be taken by the Secretary. - 21 - REGULAR CITY COUNTIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER ~6, 1983 With regard to considering the appointment of one member of the Housing Authority, Mr. Cassandra moved to table this. Mr. Cassandra stated that the reason he is making this motion is that he was at the last Housing Authority meeting and again, they did not have a quorum. He was concerned with their strength to run meetings and suggested meeting with the Chairman, Mr. Kloster. Mr. Zii~merman seconded the motion to table. Motion carried 5-0. Accept Joe Sciortino's Resignation as Chairman of the Municipal Golf Course Advisory Committee Mr. deLong moved to accept the resignation with the appropriate letter of appreciation. Mr. Zim~erman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Zimmerman moved to open nominations. motion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong seconded the ~. Zimmerman moved to promote Phil Massa from an Al'ternate Member to a Regular Member and appoint Nicholas F. Falgione, 513 S.E. 27th Way, ~38-B, as an Alternate Member of the Municipal Golf Course Advisory Committee. Mr. deLong moved that nominations be closed and the appointees be notified by mail by a unanimous ballot. ~. Cassandra seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Report relative to breakdown on FPL's costs per day for parks usage on lighting - Requested by Councilman Nick Cassandra ¥~. Cassandra remarked that Craig Grabeel did an excellent job in the preparation of the report. In answer to Mr. Wright's inquiry, Mr. Cassandra advised that he has met with the City Manager regarding user fees, etc. Inasmuch as the City Manager was not present, Mr. Cassandra suggested holding off'on the response. The current few months, not included, would be added on to the cost factor. Report on expenditures to R & A and analysis of and inspection workthat could be transferred to the City in the future ~. deLong complimented the report submitted by Craig Grabeel, Special Project & Energy Control Officer. He referred to this being a good start to setting up our own systems. Mr. deLong expressed concern for the taxpayers who have lost a terrific amount of money in the past. Mr. deLong reviewed the experiences of our Utilities Director and our City Engineer. He enumerated dates, firms and experience contained in the background information of the City Engineer and remarked of how beneficial this set up could be to the local taxpayer. He knew of other cities that have set up their own administration, expansion, utilities, etc. - 22 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 In noting the current remunera'tion figures, Mr. deLong stated that this would warrant increases and more than offset the amounts to be saved. He reviewed the "terrific" background of Craig Grabeel. In further reading the report, ~. deLong noted mention of employ- lng a Consulting Engineer. Mayor Warnke referred to the spin-off of a lot of projects that were assigned to R & A and paid for by the developers. Mr. deLong noted that would come back to the City and would have a tendency to keep the rates lower for the City, reading the amount of fees already channeled in that direction. Mr. deLong felt this should definitely be pursued and noted that this is the first Council to do this. b~. Cassandra wished the record to reflect that this in no way was a reflection on R & A and their services to this City but was more of a financial concern for the citizens of Boynton Beach and a measure to save them money. There was no doubt, Mr. deLong thought they do a marvelous job; our principal concern is the economics of it insofar as the pocketbook of the taxpayer is concerned. Mr. Cassandra wanted the minutes to show, according to Craig Grabeel's report, covering a period of 1981, 1982 and part of 1983, that the City could have made $591,000±. Mr. Cassandra felt we are going in the right direction but wanted to stress that it is no reflection on R & A. Mr. Wright did not see the recommendation referred to but did see where the report said the City could have saved some money had someone in~house made some of those preparations, etc. At this time Mayor Warnke recommended that a motion be made rather than a general discussion which would be-followed by the mOtion. Mr. Cassandra moved that a recommendation be made to the City Manager to follow up on the comments in the subject report recommending the addition of one engineer and two inspectors to the City's staff. *Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Wright stated that he would like to see in the subsequent reports, if this is to be pursued, the savings that would be involved in keeping the costs of water and sewer rates down. Mayor Warnke was sure that would be a part of the City Manager's report. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote: Vice Mayor Zimmerman Councilman Cassandra Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Mayor Warnke Motion carried 5-0. - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - A~e - 23- *corrected, see Minutes 9/20/83 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER :6, 1983 Third Quarter 1983 report on sewer and water capacity reserves Mr. Cassandra asked the Chair if this would not be appropriate to discuss on Thursday. Inasmuch as there would be no Council Meeting for two weeks, Mayor Warnke was concerned about people requesting service outside of the City. At this time, he passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Zimmerman. Mayor Warnke moved that the City put a 90 day moratorium on accepting any more applications for water service outside of the City limits. ~. deLong seconded the motion. Mr. Vance referred to projected dates of Water Plant capacity and Sewer Plant capacity. He also referred to the prepared studies to be considered at the Thursday meeting. In order to justify a moratorium, Mr. Vance advised that you have to have what essentially amounts to an emergency situation. This would be projected to be at a crisis point, from current data, at least three years down the road. Mayor Warnke called attention to specific dates, figures and percentages after which he stated that there would only be a two year breather to supply our own citizens and people building in the City, otherwise the people in the City and the people outside of the City, by the end of 1985 would all be denied any kind of C.O.'s. Mr. Vance referred to the possible action the City Council may need to take after evaluating this report on Thursday but with the record he~ i s familiar with, it is difficult to project an emergency situation at this time. Mayor Warnke's main point in making the motion was that he put 90 days on it as a most arbitrary period which could be lifted at any time. He was trying to prevent a rash of people coming in making applications Outside of the City. Later on when we do have to take action, we have this Grandfathered in, so to speak~. After listening to the City Attorney, Mr. deLong wished to withdraw his second to the motion which was made for the sake of discussion. Vice Mayor Zimmerman stated, after calling for a second to the motion, that for lack of a second, the motion is lost. Mr. Cassandra remarked that if people file their application, it would not be acted upon until the next Council Meeting at which time a decision could be made. He stated that Mayor Warnke's point was well taken. Mr. deLong did not think it would look well after the other application and then going immediately into a moratorium. Mr. Vance added that the legal requirements of a moratorium are somgwhat strict,:. Mr. ~W~iqht commented that they are very strict, - 24- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 Guidelines .for business meetinqs Mr. Cassandra proposed the following recommendations for con- sideration by the Council. He explained that these guidelines are recommended for conservation purposes so that one person would attend a business.meeting instead of many. This would cover business meetings attended by Council Members and City Department Heads. 1) Since the Mayor represents the City, he would do so and attend meetings, i.e. Florida League of Ci~ies, etc. 2) If'more. than one meeting is taking place at One time, a seCOnd Council Member -would be chosen, preferably the Vice Mayor, or. he can giv~ up h~s place to a third. Council'Member~ 3) A written report would be sUbmitted to all Council Members go that all could benefit. Mr. deLong referred-to these meetJ Member has when the City joins. do have a certain amount of repre~ tion of the City ;~ the League of Mr. Wright believed the Council st any meeting. As was previously~de make a request to go to a meeting In view of the fact fha{ Mr. Wrig~ people of this community, he beli~ do j~s~what.~.~e needs to get done people being denied the benefit O~ Wright concurred'with the submissJ Mayor Warnke referred to the contJ ~rom attendance at these-.talks, se is also an intangible that you ca~ "x" number of dollars and gaining City. For instance, Mayor Warnke Convention in Washington. He pa.sa Beach HoUsing Authority which may for- the City. Mr. Cassandra reiterated that if there would be no question about ngs as a privilege each Council n different organizations, you entation by the size or popula- ~nicipalities. ~ould approve staff travel at cided,, a~ Council Member could and the Council could deny it. .t was elected to represent the red another person could not He referred to more than two attending a meeting. Mr. on of a report. nuing education being derived minars, speeches, etc. There 't put a finger on; i.e. spending "x" numbe~ of dollars for the made a contact at the Mayors' ed this along to the Boynton result in possible fundmng here w~as ~ more than one meeting, ore than one Council Member attending'~ but his concern was for conservation. - 25 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 OTHER None. ADJOURNMENT Mr. deLong moved to adjourn., seconded by Mr. Zimmerman. Motion carried 5-0 and %he ~meeting was properly adjourned at 9:40 P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: City Clerk Receding Secretary (Three Tapes ) Vice Mayor Councilman Councilman - 26 - AGENDA September 6, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA - ADMINISTRATIVE Approval of Bills: Alsa¥-PiDpin Corp. Est. %4 $ 150,245.91 Wells 17 - 22 for period 7/21/83 to 8/20/83 Pay from Utility Capital Improvement---404-000-169-01-00 CPT in Palm Beach Annual Maintenance Contract for CPT equipment in City Manager & City Clerk's office Pay from General Fund---001-122-512-40-33 $1500.00 001-121-512-40-99 1500o00 3,000.00 e Bill Currie Ford 2 Ford Pick-Ups for Parks Department Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-722-572-60-81 11,421.64 Florence Fuller Child Development Center, Inc. Remaining payment - Child Care Center per contract Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A 1,099.01 Se Geraght¥ & Miller, Inc. Boynton Beach Water--Supply Wells--Statement of charges for 6/26/83 through 7/30/83 Pay from Utility General Fum. d---403-000-169-01-00 2,4~0.2~ ° IBM Corporation Lease Copier III Model 40 (City Hall) Charge to various departments---General Fund and Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 1,588.24 ° Jones. Equipment Company 6 Bodyguard shields for Police Department Pay from General Fund---001-211-521-60-82 1,244.21 S.I. Lime Company Lime for Water Treatment Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-332-533-30-65 7,987.93 M.P,H. Industries~ Inc. 4 Moving Radar, Battery Packs, Mounts & Brackets for K~asaki's at Police Department Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-211-521-60-42 Per bid 4/11/83, Council approved 4/19/83 5,235.00 COUNCIL APP,qOYED: Meeting: !0. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. -2- Meidin~er For services rendered 8/1/82 through 7/31/83 in connection with City of Boynton Beach Retirement Plan. Pay from Retirement Trust Fund---611-137-513-20-29 Myre Fairway Golf Course Const. Co. Appl. ~13 Golf Course Construction from 8/1/83 to 8/31/83 Pay from B.B. Rec. Facility Constr. Fund 415-000-169-41-00 Daniel O'Connell General Contractor, Inc. Golf Course Golf Cart Storage Bldg. Req. 4 Final Golf Course Maint. Bldg. Req. 3 Final Pay from B.B. Rec. Facility Constr. Fund 415-000-169-41-00 $ 450.00 1350.00 Petersen Industrial Machines, Inc. 1 Trash Collection Vehicle Pay from Sanitation Cap. Replacement---103-341-534-60-83 Per bid 4/12/83, Council approved 4/19/83 Ranger Construction Company, Inc. Shell Rock for Roads & Streets Pay from General Fund---001-411-541-30-4A Shurly Contracting, Inc. Est. ~2 N.E. 10th. Ave. Project ~!82-2000 Pay from General Fund---001-000-!15-87-00 10~ reimbursable Community Development Block Grant Snap-Tite, Inc. Hoses etc. for Fire Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-221-522-60-89 Per bid 7/1/83, Council approved 7/19/83 Star Publishing Company, Inc. 15,000 Annual Reports - 1982/83 Pay from Publicity Fund---101-191-519-40-5G U.S. Foundry & Mfq. corp. 29 (1-) Adjusting Rings for Resurfacing Program Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-333-533-30-9E 1,870.25 23,956.31 1,800.00 37,970.22 1,050.00 17,413.87 9,769.00 1,210.00 2,552.00 20. 21. 22. -3- Urban Desiqn Studiq Billing for services thru 7/31/83 Inv. ~4 of 8 Approved by Community Redevelopment Agency 8/25/83 Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-000-247-1C-00 Xerox Corporation Memorywriter plus accessories for Library Pay from General Fund---001-711-571-60-72 State Contract ~600-90-84-1 Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrad¥ Server for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 4,300.00 1,772.00 140.40 134.40 The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department. ann, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. / Peter L. Cheney, C' nager