Minutes 06-21-83MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1983 PRESENT Carl Zimmerman, Vice Mayor Nick Cassandra, Councilman Joe deLong, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk William Doney, Assistant City Attorney Vice Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced that Councilman Wright is unable to attend tonight due to a conflicting Community Action Council board meeting in West Palm Beach and Mayor Warnke is not able to attend because he recently attended the Mayors' Convention in Denver and is taking a little time to visit and see the sights out west; he will return in about a week. Vice Mayor Zimmerman announced we are appreciative to have Rev. Nathaniel Sandy of the Church of God Universal with us tonight to give the invocation and he requested him to come forward. He added we will remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Councilman Nick cassandra. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice Mayor Zimmerman referred to there being several additions and announced under the Consent Agenda, Item K, three addi- tional bills have been presented. A brief memorandum was given to us which will be Item C under New Business to con- sider the actions of the Community Relations Board of June 8 regarding two expenditures they wish to made. Councilman deLong referred to Legal and stated the proposed resolution pertaining to the Area Planning Board looks as if it is useless now since these people have resolved their dif- ferences. In view that it is a tabled item, he moves to strike this item from the agenda. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0. Mr. deLong stated under Legal - Other, he has a resolution insofar as the desire of the people in this City to prevail upon the School Board to locate a high school in this City. He believes this is the time to notify the School Board for this activity. Mr. deLong continued that under New Business, he would like to add Item D, a plaque that he believes this Council should install in the new clubhouse recognizing the work which was done beyond call by our Building Official. He designed the clubhouse, drafted the plans, etc. We should have a plaque when we have the dedication saying the building was designed by Edgar "Bud" Howell. - 1 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE ~, 1983 Councilman Cassandra stated under the City Manager's Report, he would like to discuss the topic of training. Also, he would like to remove Item G from the Consent Agenda for discussion purposes. Under Administrative, he would like the item of Golf Course Manager added. Councilman deLong moved to adopt the agenda with the addition~ and'deletions. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice Mayor Zimmerman referred to the issuance of certificates of merit for the ICMA Supervisory Course and Mr. Cheney told about the training program instituted in the last few months in supervisory management for employees. He added that many times both in public and private operations, people are put ii supervisory positions, but are not given the tools to work with. We send supervisors to training courses to help them do their job better. Vice Mayor Zimmerman stated the cer- tificates are issued by the President of Palm Beach Junior College. He then called each individual's name and presented a certificate to each one and requested them to remain for a picture. He added that they have done something commendable and have done well for themselves, their department and the City. Their efforts and accomplishments are appreciated. Vice Mayor Zimmerman then announced that City Hall will be closed on Monday, July 4, 1983, in observance of Independence Day. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of June~7, 1983 Councilman deLong moved that the minutes be adopted as sub- mitted. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Water Situation Mr. Cheney referred to having problems with two water wells and announced that Well 15 is back in operation and is pro- ducing 450 gallons per minute. He further explained how we may be able to increase this above the original 700 gallons depending on the pump. Well 16 will be back in operation - 2 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 within a couple days. We have overcome the problems in a suc- cessful way with possibly increasing production. He further explained that changing the pumps will be taken into con- sideration. Mr. Cheney continued that we are also in the process of deve- loping six additional wells on this same piece of land, two by the railroad and four by the canal. In order to do the four wells across from Leisureville, it will be necessary to allow the contractor to have pumps going 24 hours per day. We do have an ordinance, but it can be waived for an emergency problem. In this situation, it will be necessary for the pumping units to work 24 hours per day. It may cause some minor disburbance in Leisureville, but cannot be avoided in order to get the water. N. E. 10th Avenue Project Mr. Cheney reported that the N. E. 10th Avenue project con- sisting of widening and major improvement work has begun. Florida Power & Light Co. is putting up new poles so the road can be widened. This project will take awhile, but it is hoped it will make a major change in 10th Avenue. Trainin~ Councilman Cassandra referred to training and stated based upon what he saw on the agenda regarding supervisory courses, he thinks it would be advantageous for the July 5th meeting that the City Manager would include what other training we are doing for other departments and also what audio visual equip- ment has been allocated for that effort. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Vice Mayor Zimmerman announced if anybody has not given their name to the City Clerk to speak on any item on the agenda to please do so at this time. If anyone has something not on the agenda, please come forward at this time. Kimberly Veronica Barenz, an attorney practicing in Boca Raton at 26 S.E. 4th Street, stated she resides in Boynton Beach at 1970 S. W. 24th Circle. I am here tonight, not on my own behalf, but on the behalf of certain people who have hired me to represent them in reference to a problem which they per- ceive as a dangerous problem to their specific survival in this community. The people who engaged me to represent them - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 are homeowners who are located within a 400 foot radius of Bethesda Hospital in the Westchester Heights Subdivision. These people contacted me within the last month and requested my advice with reference to a matter that has been pending before this Council and before this City for the past six years. Specifically, the Bethesda Hospital's request for rezoning, which is presently pending before the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. Ms. Barenz continued that the reason she is here tonight is because within the last few months, there have been repeated references in the minutes of the Council meetings as well as Council workshop meetings as well as the meetings of the Planning & Zoning Board of this City wherein reference has been made by Council members, by the Mayor and by attorneys for both the hospital and for the City in reference to a settlement of matters that are pending between the hospital and the City. I wish to address myself to these matters tonight before anything goes any further. Let me start off b~ saying that I am not here to present to you the facts or the law with reference to those cases that are pending, but what I am here to do is present to you a position that you must con- sider before any settlement action in any form, in any way, shape or form, is taken by the City with reference to the lawsuit. That lawsuit stems from the denial of the petition for rezoning which was filed by the hospital, which denial came out of this Council last February, 1982. The denial of the petition for rezoning and subsequent abandonment of a por- tion of N. W. 2nd Street started that lawsuit. That lawsuit as such has stayed in limbo since the judge in the circuit court, Timothy Poulten, told the hospital to come back to this City and exhaust their administrative remedies under the law. Exhausting their administrative remedies means following the law. They have not followed the law. I encourage the City tc appreciate that and understand that in light of the remarks that I wish to make. Continuing, Ms. Barenz stated that zoning and rezoning is a portion of this City's legislative capacity or power. That power was destined to the City by virtue of State Statute; the Florida Constitution, which is the Bible; and this City's charter. That law says that before any rezoning can take place, there must be public notice, there must be public hearings, there must be a set procedure which is followed, a procedure which I am not going to reiterate before you tonight because you've heard it before and you've done it before and I know all of you know how it works. I am sorry that not all of the Council members could be here because I feel that this - 4 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21~, 1983 plea, that this speech that I am giving here tonight is of utmost importance. You cannot settle that lawsuit! You can- not stipulate and have an agreed order entered before Judge Timothy Poulton or any other judge of the Circuit court of Palm Beach County with reference to rezoning. That is not a legal argument. You are not the Fourth District Court of Appeal; you are not the Supreme Court of Florida; you are not the Supreme Court of the United States. I am not arguing to you to persuade you; I am telling you the law. The law says that people must be given the right to appear to object to voice their opinions. The City Attorney, with all due respecl to Mr. Vance and to Mr. Doney, cannot sit down with Joel Strawn or with anyone from the law firm which represents the hospital or any law firm which represents anybody - any governmental body or any person. You cannot stipulate to a rezoning. If I repeat myself, it is because it is that impor- tant. By stipulating to a rezoning, you are circumventing the processes which are placed in your trusted hands by law, by charter, by the constitution, by cases. The cases say that the City, the local self-government is the keystone of zoning not withstanding any arguments that may be put forth, not withstanding any workshops, not withstanding any conferences with concerned neighbors. The concerned neighbors don't want any more conferences. The concerned neighbors hired me for a unified voice. The concerned neighbors know better than the hospital that you cannot contract zoning. There can be no spot zoning of your comprehensive land use plan; there can be no contract zoning under Florida law. What the hospital seeks to do by sitting down with the City and with the concerned neighbors is to contract for a certain type of zoning on that land for a certain purpose. I beg to differ with the hospi- tal. If that land is rezoned to PU through the proper govern- mental channels, in the event this Council passes a rezoning to PU after proper governmental channels, you cannot restrict them and say you can only put a parking lot. That land is zoned subject to approval of plans. There is no guarantee and a guarantee would be illegal on the part of the City or on the part of the hospital. You cannot compromise one of your fun- damental basic police powers - the right to zone in your City. Ms. Barenz referred to the minutes of the meetings and stated she noticed Joel Strawn, the attorney for the hospital, stood here and went through and explained tests and explained the law and explained the facts. That law suit has been reinsti- tuted again. Why - that law suit sat for an entire year from May 22, 1982 until May 25, 1983. Nothing happened! Nothing! On May 25, the attorneys for the hospital sent out a notice of taking deposition of a gentleman named Carmen Annunziato, who - 5 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 I believe is an employee of the City. Carmen Annunziato,s deposition is scheduled for mid-August of 1983. The reason they scheduled Carmen Annunziato's deposition is so the case wouldn't be dropped off the docket for failure to prosecute after one year. My clients do not believe the hospital and they will not believe this City if this City circumvents the law. In the event the City and the hospital decide to sign a settlement, a stipulation, and decide to go before the judge to have that settlement or stipulation approved, my clients will be there to voice their legal and righteous objections under the law. The reason that they will be there through me is because I have filed a motion to intervene in that law suit. I want to make you as Council members appreciate the fact that we are not trying to spend the City's money, we are not trying to force the City to litigate. In fact, if allowed to intervene by the judge, we would intervene on the side of the defendant; the same side that the City is on - against the hospital. We are not trying to make life difficult for any- body. We are merely seeking to see that justice is done in this case and in all cases which may follow. If the City allows the hospital to settle this case as I read in the minu- tes out of court, which as I have explained there is no such thing on a zoning matter, if the City allows that to occur, you will be setting a precedent which you will regret, not for a year, not for two, but forever. When K-Mart comes up and says we want to build a boat ramp - beware. If you set the precedent with the hospital, you set the precedent for everyone else in this City to do whatever they like. By starting a law suit, putting the City and Council members in a position of incurring the wrath of the taxpayers because of legal fees and then turning around and saying they will settle out of court if you give us our rezoning, we will promise that we will plant trees there, a fern here, and we will make the lines yellow and not white. It doesn't work that way. Ms. Barenz referred to having heard a lot of talk and having seen a lot of written words about two governmental units butting heads and stated for educational purposes only, she submits the following that Bethesda Hospital or the Southeastern Palm Beach County Hospital District is not a governmental unit. They are a taxing district. Their taxing powers extend into the southernmost portions of this county, specifically into the City of Boca Raton. Could Bethesda Hospital tell the City of Boca Raton how to zone a parcel of land that they bought for a radiology lab? Absolutely not! They are not a governmental power like the Department of Transportation, like the State of Florida They are merely a taxing district. ' - 6 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road. water and sewer system. Tax dollars do not go into the Mr. Cheney then referred to the wastewater treatment plant and stated it has been indicated that probably in 1985-86, there will be a sewer capacity problem at the regional plant. However, the capacity will last longer than originally antici- pated because the economy has slowed down. We have taken the lead with Delray Beach to expand the sewer treatment plant, which is a joint system by the two cities. Studies are being done. If at some point, we run out of capacity at that plant~ there will be no more development. Mr. Uleck referred to being involved in city water treatment plar~sand stated both of the City plants are ten years behind time. Also, the City is selling more permits than they can actually handle. Mr. Cheney disagreed. Mr. Uleck then asked if the people are being taxed on these four wells and Mr. Cheney replied that they are never taxed for water and sewer. The utility system is paid for entirely out of the utility system fund. Mr. Uleck referred to the water bill increasing, the same as taxes and Mr. Cheney explained the user system. Mr. Uleck referred to the machinery for these wells running constantly and stated that it bothers a lot of people living there. Vice Mayor Zimmerman stated that the City is not giving per- mits to a lot of people going onto the water system, but they are given by the County and we have to supply the water. Mr. Uleck asked if he meant that the County forces us and Mr. Zimmerman replied affirmatively. Mr. Cheney added that one of the biggest problems is the service area and having a suf- ficient utility system. He explained how the County got progressive some years ago and said they would not tolerate competitiveness between utility systems and established the regional planning system with service areas designated. In return for the regional planning system, we have an obligation to serve water and sewer to a certain area. This is a sen- sible plan for the future. Mr. Zimmerman asked if he thought all the areas in the unincorporated area should be taken into the City and Mr. Uleck replied negatively. Councilman deLong referred to the projected population being 75,000 to 80,000 for the City limits and stated he asked about progress regarding the water treatment plant because the pre- - 8 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 sent plant does have a limited capacity. He thinks we are about four years behind. He wants to find out how far down the road we are from a new plant. Mr. deLong continued that it was his understanding that by serving the service areas when expansion and construction became necessary, the government would subsidize 75%. CONSENT AGENDA Approve Extending Fuel & Lubricant Bids Vice Mayor Zimmerman announced that a gentleman had requested to speak under bids. Mr. John D. Behnke, 356 South Country Club Drive, Atlantis, stated he was before the Council a year ago to serve the City in the capacity of bidding for fuels. He was the low bidder at the time, but was not given a speci- fic reason why they were not given the bid. Several months later, he was notified the specifications were going to be changed. It is impossible to change the specifications of gasoline and diesel fuel in a couple months' time. He is pre- sent tonight because he was told the City was going to extend the contract with their present supplier and apparently there is no chance for him to bid. He referred to this not being a small operation and advised they are the largest fuel broker this side of Atlanta and are not jobbers. The company is bonded, insured and can buy from anyone. He told about the operations of the company and plans to build a new plant in this area. He also told about the fuel operation at Port Everglades. He stated what he would like to do is just be able to know what his company has to do to give a bid. He is sure they can support their bids. Councilman deLong referred to receiving a memo from the Director of Public Works stating they are satisfied with the present supply, quality and mode of delivery of gasoline and oil based products and questioned the difference between the same quality of products and price? Mr. Behnke replied there is none, but explained how they buy from eight of the twelve people at the port and the difference is only 1/4 to 3/8 cents per gallon. All the products are compatible, but the question is who can give the best service. Mr. deLong asked why the City should discontinue with service they are satisfied with now and give him the business and Mr. Behnke replied that over a year, money could be saved. Mr. deLong referred to his sta- tement that there was no difference in price and Mr. Behnke clarified there wasn't in cost, but what they can buy it for. Mr. deLong asked how much the City could save and Mr. Behnke - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 replied that on the average it would be about 3~ per gallon. Mr. deLong asked how many gallons we use per year and Mr. Sullivan informed him that we use approximately 350,000 gallons per year. Mr. Cheney referred to going through this issue last year and advised we decided to go with Gulf because of a better guaran~ tee on price. Mr. Behnke questioned the guarantee? Mr. Sullivan clarified that the first time we went to bid, we went for diesel fuel and lubricants. We did not change the speci- fications, but how to report the bid to the City Council. We asked the bidder to give the guarantee that if there was any shortage, we would receive first priority. The second guaran- tee was they would give us an invoice and give us a profit margin on top of that invoice. Based on these two, the bid was awarded to Gulf. At that time, Mr. Behnke said he could not give us invoices with prices because he buys from dif- ferent sources. It is Mr. Behnke's practice to pick up excess fuel at discounted prices and he sells to customers at a savings which fluctuates. It was suggested that we call the City of Delray Beach and we did, but they had never received a price differential during eight months. We went with Gulf because we felt they were giving us a solid price. Mr. Cheney added that it was his recollection that we were com- paring prices last year with Delray Beach and what we are paying with Gulf is lower. Mr. deLong added that if there is a 3~ difference on a gallon, the savings would be a sizable sum. Mr. Cheney informed him that we were convinced last year that the "if" was not likely. We checked with Delray Beach and we were paying less from Gulf than they were from Mr. Behnke. Mr. Zimmerman asked if he was still supplying Delray Beach and Mr. Behnke replied negatively. Councilman Cassandra referred to having the procedure to follow the recommendation of City Boards and stated he agrees this gentleman should be considered, but if the review board recommends we stay with Gulf supplying, that we should honor that recommendation. He asked if this Could be extended next year and Mr. Sullivan replied that we do have the option to extend if both parties agree. After further discussion, Councilman Cassandra suggested asking the City Manager to discuss this with Mr. Behnke before accepting this bid and Mr. Cheney agreed this could be done. Councilman Cassandra moved to remove Item B from the Consent Agenda to have Mr. Sullivan discuss with Mr. Behnke and we - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH' FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 will honor the decision our people come back with assuming Mr. Behnke gets a fair shake. Councilman deLong clarified this would be postponed until the next meeting and seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Vice Mayor Zimmerman announced the Consent Agent will be con- sidered now with Items B and G deleted. A. Bids Purchase of Landscaping Materials for City Hall Parking Lot Improvements - Parks Co The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Landscape Innovators, Inc. in the amount of $2,825.55, which is the low bid and meets all specifications. Two (2) Swat Carbines - Police Th~ Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Frankford ArSenal in the amount of $1,114, which is the low bid and meets all specifications. Approve Budget Transfer - 15 Ton Condenser Rheem Model RAVD 150-C1 The budget transfer request is in the amount of $4,860 from Reserve Account to Air Conditioning Account. D. Accept Donation from Castoff Square Dance Club The Castoff Club donated $1,000 with the request that it be applied to the air conditioning system. E. Approve Authorization to Dispose of Records - Personnel The P~rsonnel Department has requested approval for the disposal of employment applications 1979-80 covered by their memorandum dated June 2, 1983, No. 37. F. ApDrove Disposal of Surplus Beds - Fire The Fire Department has requested permission to dispose of 13 beds and mattresses which have been replaced. H. Approve Refund on Cemetery Lots 259 & 260, Block M Charles J. & Bessie C. Connors have requested this refund. - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 List of Payments - Month of May, 198~ See list of payments attached. Insurance Settlement - Damaged Vehicle? Mr. Sullivan recommends accepting the insurance settlement offered for the damaged Public Works Department vehicle per his memo of June 9, 1983. Approval of Bills See ilist attached with three additions. Councilman deLong moved to approve the proposed Consent Agenda, Item V, consisting of A 1 and 2, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, and K, with deleting B and G. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Vice Mayor Zimmerman referred to the donation of $1,000 from the Castoff Square Dance Club and stated there should be a thank youlsent for receipt of that check. Mr. deLong informed him that it is customary for the City Manager to send a letter of thanks~ Mr. Cheney informed the Council that the item for disposal of 13 beds is actually 24 beds because it includes old Murphy beds fromiStation 2 which were no good. Vice Mayor Zimmerman added that all are being given to Faith Farm. Mr. Cheney agreed, but added that we do have some folding beds which we are keepin!g around. BIDS NONE PUBLIC HEARING NONE DEVELOPMENT PLANS A~'nrove request for a 6 month extension of site development plans - St. John's MissionarB~ist Church Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a standard request for extension of a site plan which will expire very soon. The Comprehensive Plan and NeighborhOod Strategy Area policies and - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 zoning in this area have not changed, and the proposed use is consistent with these land development regulations. It is recommended that this request be approved. Councilman deLong moved that this extension be granted, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion Motion carried 3-0. ' Approve request for 6 month extension of site plan approval for Parkcrest Apartments submitted by Lee Walker Mr. Annunziato referred to this request being for an extension .of one year and advised that he is recommending an extension for a six month period only. We are about to enter a period of appraisal for the comprehensive plan and it is essential for a developer to move on a project. The comprehensive plan policies and zoning in this area have not changed, and the proposed use is consistent with these land development regula- tions. Mr. Lee Walker came before the Council and stated he asked a year ago for a 1~ year extension for this hoping the price of money would come down. He was told the only way he could get site plan approval was to pull a permit. He asked for an extension of the permit plan and was told it was approved. He wrote Mr. Cheney two letters after approval of the subdivision site plan asking why the permit was not also extended since he spent $3,000 for the permit. He never received an answer from Mr. Cheney regarding the $3,000 he had spent. He does appre- ciate Mr. Annunziato's approval to extend it for another six months. He is anxious to get going. He is still wondering what happens to the money he spent on the permit which was never used for anything except to extend the use of the site plan. Mr. Cheney replied that he could not answer this right now, but will have to check the records. Mr. Annunziato added that the issue of the extension of the building permit is for inspection purposes. Council approval runs with the site plan. The building permit is under the southern building code. Councilman deLong moved to approve this recommendation of the Planning Department that this request for six months be granted starting July 5th. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Cassandra added that he believes Mr. Walker will have to converse with Mr. Cheney in his office regarding the expenditure of $3,000. This request is for an extension and six months is acceptable. Mr. Zimmerman clarified that this motion will not affect whatever is decided on and Mr. Cheney agreed. Motion carried 3-0. - 13 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Approve modified site development plans for Boynton Lakes PUD submitted by James Holland for Lennar Homes, Inc. to add gara- ges and increase floor area for some attached single family units Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a request for modification to the approved site plan in Phase I of Boynton Lakes PUD. The applicant is desirous of adding garages to attached single family units which will increase the size. There were no comments from the technical staff. The Plannin~ & Zoning Board recommends approval and the Community Appearance Board approved last night. Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board, who has unanimously recommended this. He added that the Council is not just here moving on recommen- dations, but the members present tonight attended the meetings of the Planning & Zoning Board and are aware of the history. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion Motion carried 3-0. ' Approve modified site development plans submitted by Robert Hill, for Bethesda Memorial Hospital to construct a satellite antenna d~sh on the south side of the building Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a request for modification of an approved site development plan for Bethesda Hospital. The applicant wishes to construct a dish antenna on the south side of the hospital. He showed the design. This was reviewed by the Technical Review Board and went to the Planning & Zoning Board with no staff comments. The Planning & Zoning Board unanimously.recommended this and it was also approved by the Community Appearance Board last night. Councilman deLong clarified that we do not have any policies or restrictions on this in the City. This will be placed in a area.position where it will not be obnoxious to the surrounding Mr. deLong moved that this request be granted, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. deLong questioned the height from ground level and Mr. Annunziato informed him it is about 25 feet. Mr. Cassandra added that according to the plan, it will top the third floor window. Mr. Cheney added, that their neighbor is the nursing home which has no opposition. Mr. Cassandra stated in 1981-82, he felt the City should address this satellite dish problem; but in this particular case, there is no problem. Some residents in the Pines of Delray - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 found one installed right outside their window. There should be setbacks established. Further discussion followed about the location of this one. Motion carried 3-0. Approve modified site development plans submitted by Arthur Carauana, to construct a screen porch extension on Lot 37 of Cedarwood Villas, Phase II Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a modified site development plan. The applicant wishes to construct a screen porch to the rear of his unit. It went to the Planning & Zoning Board from the Technical Review Board with no comment. The vote was 6-1 from the Planning & Zoning Board to approve. The COmmunity Appearance Board approved last night. Councilman deLong moved to approve this recommendation, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Approve site development plans, submitted by DIC Commercial Construction Corp., to construct a 20,250 sq. ft. office/retail buildinq plus ancillary parking and landscaping Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a request to construct a two story building on the vacant lot located on the northwes~t corner of 28th Circle and U. S. 1. It is a proposal to construct an office/retail building and he explained the proposed use. The access by north and south- bound traffice was pointed out. Mr. Annunziato continued that this was reviewed by the tech- nical staff and went to the Planning & Zoning Board with the following comments from the Building Department: 1. Board of Health permit will be required. 2. Overhang on the east and west end of buildings encroach setbacks. The applicant submitted modified plans showing the overhangs were removed and is in compliance. 3. Rear overhang scales to encroach property to the north. This has been reduced and the building is totally on the applicant's property. 4. Protective buffer wall requires 2' setback from the west property line, plan denotes 1'. The applicant will have to move the wall eastward 1' and has adequate land for that change. Mr. Annunziato advised the Planning & Zoning Board unani- mously recommended that the site plan be approved, subject to - 15 - ' MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21i, 1983 staff comments and subject to the applicant submitting an analysis of traffic problems in the vicinity of the site. The applicant did respond yesterday with a traffic impact review. He then read the important features from the report. He pointed out the problem is not so much for southbound traffic, but possible congestion for west approach left turn movement. It is unlikely there will be enough approach to generate the installation of a traffic signal. The issue came up at the Planning & ZOning Board meeting of capturing southbound trips with an additional driveway on U. S. 1, but he doesn't believe that would be physically possible and explained how it would be inconsistent with the parking lot ordinance. If given a choice, it is preferable to capture trips on a side street and be out of traffic. This was approved by the Community Appearance Board last night. Councilman deLong stated at the Planning & Zoning Board meeting, it was mentioned there would be a problem with a left hand turn and people would have to go to 23rd Avenue to make a turn, but this was an error. A turn can be made at Jo-Al's Restaurant. The applicant came forward and stated he feels they have complied in all the ways requested. They have engaged the service of engineers to conduct a study to determine if access to the site would be more feasible from a side street or Federal Highway and this has been explained very nicely by Mr. Annunziato. Mr. Angelo Pantalone, 2832 S.E. 5th Circle, representing Los Mangos, stated they are against the cut for 28th Circle. Curb cuts should be 180' from intersections and this will be less than that. He referred to submitting a sheet showing approximate measurements and enumerated the various curb cuts in this area. He also explained how by taking a traffic sur- vey at this time of year, the full potential is not realized with many area condominium residents not being here. With Los Mangos being directly across U. S. 1 from Colonial Club, difficulties are encountered by residents of both areas when entering Federal Highway. Several years ago, a motel had their entrance on 28th Circle and several accidents occurred. Also, this cutoff will increase traffic through Los Mangos. They consist of 180 units and generate approximately $135,000 in taxes to the City and these taxes are paid without any road service or street lighting. Many people will make the right turn from this project and go through their streets, plus cars coming out of this area making a left turn onto U. S. 1 will encounter a jam. They do not see why a curb cut - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 211, 1983 cannot be made on U. S. 1. They think it is feasible and do not know of any disadvantages, vice Mayor Zimmerman informed him that 180 feet is required by code and evidently some on this street were probably permitted before the code went into effect. Mr. Pantalone questioned when it went into effect and Mr. Annunziato replied approximately one year ago in March. Mr. Pantalone referred to Los Mangos getting the short end and Councilman deLong agreed and told about the history when Los Mangos was constructed. Mr. Pantalone referred to there being 29 curb cuts in 4/10 of a mile and questioned what kind of planning this was and Mr. deLong replied that he has made his point. Mr. deLong con- tinued that in regards to the survey he submitted by footage, it is very appropriate. He also made a survey and there are single, double and triple curb cuts along U. S. 1. Some business establishments have no curbs, some have side street ingress and egress, etc. He counted the curb cuts from woolbright Road to Los Mangos and enumerated where each one was located. He doesn't see any reason why this applicant can't have two curb cuts. Councilman deLong moved the approval of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board, excepting curb cuts and ingress and egress will be on Federal Highway with two curb cuts. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion, under discussion, Mr. Zimmerman questioned how this would change the plans and Mr. Cassandra clarified there was no objection to the building and the only objection was the driveway on 28th circle and this motion sets ~the curb cuts on Federal Highway. Mr. Annunziato advised this would require a variance to the parking code and Mr. deLong replied that they have over 200~ frontage. Mr. Annunziato agreed, but stated they must have 180 feet in between. Mr. Cassandra asked if this could be referred back to the Planning & zoning Board for a variance and Mr. Annunziato agreed and added that the applicant would have to apply for a variance. Mr. Joe Haggerty, 524 S. E. 5th Circle, submitted a traffic diagram to the Council for consideration and explained the traffic flow. He continued that this applicant should have cuts. If access is brought up to 28th circle, they wil curb ...... ~, ~. 1 and it will be confined to ill have to come ouL u~ u. ~ . ~ .... = if ~eoDle from this area with 86 parking sp~c~s ~= ~ .... ~- ~ .- ~ -~-~ ~e w~ 1 cause a 3am an~ a out onto a ±lmlte~ su£==u, .... 1 . com~ ..... . ......... nc~,' This intersection w~ll b~ problem 1~ tnere is ~ =~=~ ~ - 17 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 2~.1, 1983 congested. If curb cuts are put in, they will come in and go out at a normal rate and will not interfere with the normal traffic on this street. The only purpose of this street is to go into Los Mangos and out of it. If they thought they could take some of the traffic off, he could see it, but they are not doing that. If someone made a traffic study in January, February or March, it would be a lot different. Councilman deLong commented that it appears the traffic situation on Federal Highway will get worse before it gets better. He thinks it was created by past people in charge of the Department of Transportation. He thinks the whole high- way was laid out in the wrong manner and there should have been side service roads constructed. What is needed here now, in his opinion, is an amendment to the ordinance which covers curb cuts whereby it should be at the discretion of the Council for certain conditions. Vice Mayor Zimmerman replied that probably the ordinance was changed because we realized it was becoming a mess. He would like to hear from the applicant further. The applicant came forward and stated he could appreciate the residents' concern about the problem. However, they are overlooking that this shopping center is not a major mall. There will be professional offices on the second floor and small retail stores on the first floor. According to the traffic report, the flow from this center will be nominal. This is a small strip shopping center. The applicant continued that the next item he would like to address is the island which the residents are disturbed about. It has been requested when this cut is made by them, that the area is tOtally refurbished by them. It will be 100% better than it is now. In the interest of expediting the project, they designed the project in accordance with code. He does not see how two curb cuts could be inserted and comply with the code. Councilman Cassandra clarified that the Los Mangos residents are not objecting to the building, but are concerned about the traffic. According to the City Planner, we have a problem with many curb curbs because 180 feet was not taken into consideration. We must address whether to consider more. He would like to see this solved. He asked if they have to pay an additional fee for the Planning & Zoning Board and Mr. Annunziato informed him there will be an additional fee of $200 for the public hearing request. - 18 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 2i, 1983 Mr. Pantalone advised there is an existing curb cut 99 feet from 28th Circle north on this property and Mr. Annunziato replied that he doesn't believe that curb cut could be opened up to serve this property. Mr. Haggerty referred to the plans showing the building being constructed east/west and stated the applicant is trying to inflict curb cuts on 28th Circle so it won't mess up the design of the building. The applicant advised that he is willing to put a curb cut at any place as long as it is in compliance with the code. Mr. Frank Lacurto, 1701 Sabal Palm Drive, Boca Raton, came before the Council and advised that he is a real estate broker and has handled this property for about 1~ years. This property is zoned C-3 and this stipulates that no more than a maximum of 40% of the property can be covered by the building and they have complied with this. About three months ago, they had an engineer and architect design the site plan and presented it to the City. The City Planner and Technical Review Board made certain recommendations. His client has spent over $400,000 to buy the land, employ an engineer, architect, etc. They have complied with all the requests. They did have curb cuts on Federal Highway, but the recommendation was this would be dangerous. They have redesigned the whole site plan which has taken three months with trips back and forth. It was felt that retail stores and professional offices would be beneficial to this area as well as to residents of Los Mangos. They have changed the parking lot three times to comply with the ordinance. They have complied with all the stipulations and don't know what else they can do at this point. Mr. deLong asked if this goes back to the Planning & Zoning Board, would they make the final decision and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively as the site plan must still come to the City Council for final approval. Mr. Zimmerman asked if any modifications could be made and Mr. Annunziato replied they would have to be reviewed by the Technical Review Board; it was felt by the City Engineer and Police Department that the proper solution is to get traffic off U. S. 1. Mr. deLong questioned what procedure should be followed and Mr. Annunziato replied it should go back to the Planning & Zoning Board to see whether they will grant a variance. Mr. Cheney commented that it might come back from the Planning & Zoning Board requiring the ordinance to be complied with and Mr. deLong .replied that the ordinance could be amended then. - 19 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Mr. Cheney clarified that the reason we have an ordinance is to respond to problems. If we amend an ordinance for one particular situation, why bother with ordinances? There are a lot of curb cuts on Federal Highway because of historical problems. If there is property with no side road and less than 180' frontage, we would have to give them a curb cut. Access cannot be taken away from property. This land is on the corner of two public streets. The Los Mangos people think it is just for their access, but it is a public street with this corner lot located on it. Mr. deLong referred to Federal Highway being fouled up and stated something should be done and Mr. Cheney replied that we are trying to do that with requiring 180 feet. Mr. deLong commented that the service station on 2nd Avenue was taken care of with an ordinance amendment and Mr. Cheney replied that request did not affect traffic and this request affects traffic, safety and access from Federal Highway. Mr. deLong stated this is a question of opinion and Mr. Cheney replied it was an opinion when established by the City Council to require 180 feet. Mr. deLong stated what is needed in this ordinance is a con- ditional use for when we come across something like this and the people have a legitimate complaint and doing what they request will not have an effect on traffic. He thinks we are in error by not having a conditional use for this particular ordinance. When these conditions come up, we should be able to overcome these conditions. Mr. Cheney clarified that the recommendation is that 180 feet is important and access points on 28th Circle is less serious than access on Federal Highway. Councilman Cassandra referred to finding a solution for the residents and applicant and stated we do have the 180' requirement and he thinks it is necessary. If we have an ordinance, we should live by it or correct it. His other concern is we have a law suit with Friendship Gas Company on exactly this issue. The oil company refuses to move their curb cut to follow the ordinance and we may set a precedent with this application. He would like to remove his second from the motion. He would like to personally look at this area to see what the problem is. He would like to meet with the people there. Mr. Cassandra asked if two more weeks would create a problem and the applicant replied that it has already taken three - 20 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 months. Councilman deLong added that these people must live with this the rest of their lives and should be given con- sideration. Mr. Cassandra stated that we cannot go against our own laws and Mr. deLong replied that he was not asking that, but he wants to find a solution with an amendment. The applicant added that he has been paying interest on the construction loan and has come back many times and revised the plans. Mr. deLong then withdrew his motion. Councilman Cassandra made a motion to postpone this until July 5th, maintain the same recommendations that the Planning & Zoning Board has given, and he would like to see Los Mangos personally with a possible solution to the problem. He is undecided on his consideration. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Under discussion, the applicant advised that this disturbs him. They do construction all along the Florida coast. Before entering a proposed city, they investigate city ordinances, code requirements, etc. They did this months ago and designed their plan accordingly. They had a curb cut on Federal Highway and were told to change it because it was not in accordance with the code. Mr. deLong informed him that discussion from the audience is not per- mitted when a motion is on the floor. Motion carried 3-0. Approve site development plans submitted by Veronika Droemer, for construction of a 17,000 sq. ft. industrial warehouse building, plus ancillary office, parking and landscaping Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a request for site plan approval for a 17,000 sq. ft. industrial warehouse building. He explained the location and added that it is located in an industrial zone. This request went to the Planning & Zoning Board with a positive recommendation from the City technical staff subject to staff comments. He then read the comments submitted by the Building Department, Fire Department, Engineering Department and Planning Department. This plan comes to the City Council with a unanimous recom- mendation for approval from the Planning & Zoning Board and it was also approved by the Community Appearance Board last night. Councilman deLong moved to approve the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board. He added that all motions made here tonight on recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board also include in compliance with staff comments. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra noted the intended use was automotive test labora- tories and asked if they intended to do any car testing and - 21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Mr. Annunziato informed him the developer of the site will be in the business of importing foreign vehicles which do not meet EPA requirements and will be modifying these to meet EPA requirements. Mr. Cassandra asked if we have a noise ordi- nance and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively. Mr. Cassandra asked if noise was taken into consideration and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was not in this instance since this site is 1,500 feet from a residential neighborhood. Motion carried 3-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance Nol 83-23 - Re: Zoning Ordinance amendment to include service stations in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District Mr. Doney read proposed Ordinance No. 83-23 by title on second reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING APPENDIX A - ZONING, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TO AMEND SECTION ONE, DEFINITION OF TERMS, TO ADD A DEFINITION OF "ARTERIAL STREET, COLLECTOR STREET, EXPRESSWAY, AND LOCAL STREET" AND TO AMEND THE DEFINITIONS OF "AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATIONS AND LOT FRONTAGE"; TO AMEND SECTION SIX B, "C-2 NEIGHBOR- HOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMITTED, BEING SERVICE STATIONS WITHOUT MAJOR REPAIRS; TO AMEND SECTION 11, SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS, SUB-SECTION L, TO SPECIFY THE APPLICA- BILITY OF SAID SUBSECTION; TO AMEND SECTION 11.1 TO ADD SUBSECTION H SPECIFYING THE STATUS OF EXISTING USES REQUIRING CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL, PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Vice Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this pro- posed ordinance and received no response. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 83-23 on second and final reading, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 3-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading NONE Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 83-KK - Re: Accepting improvements and release of performance bond - The Glens East at Hunters Run, a replat of Tract "0" Mr. Doney read proposed Resolution No. 83-KK by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING CITY UTILITIES AND RELEASING THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR THE GLENS EAST AT HUNTERS RUN, A REPLAT OF TRACT "O" SUMMIT PLAT NO. 1 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43 ON PAGES 95 AND 96 IN THE RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-KK, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 3-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-LL - Re: Adopt Job Description for Equipment Operator IV/TV Specialist Mr. Doney read proposed Resolution No. 83-LL by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR IV/TV SPECIALIST AND MAKING IT A PART OF THE CITY'S PAY PLAN Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-LL, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra asked if this would be a promotion for someone in- - 23 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 house and Mr. Cheney replied that it will be opened in-house, but we are not sure we will have someone with these require- ments. Mr. Cassandra referred to the utilization and Mr. Cheney explained it will be a continuing program of the sewer system to identify problems and inspect new sewers at the cost of developers. Mr. Cassandra asked if there would be continual work for this position and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 3-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-MM - Re: Double Taxation Mr. Doney read proposed Resolution No. 83-MM by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, IDENTIFYING SERVICES RENDERED BY PALM BEACH COUNTY WHICH PROVIDE NO REAL AND SUB- STANTIAL BENEFIT TO PROPERTY OR RESIDENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND WHICH ARE FINANCED FROM COUNTYWIDE REVENUES AND AD VALOREM TAXES; PETITIONING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO DEVELOP APPROPRIATE MECHANISMS TO FINANCE SUCH SERVICES PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.01(6)(a) and (7) FLORIDA STATUTES; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 83-MM, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney referred to this being an important issue and explained this is an annual procedure to keep this issue alive. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Motion carried 3-0. - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Proposed Resolution No. 83-NN - Re: Enterprise Zones Mr. Doney read proposed Resolution No. 83-NN by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPROVING THE DESIGNATION OF AN ENTERPRISE ZONE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS Vice Mayor Zimmerman announced that Mr. Owen Anderson had requested to speak. ~ir. Robert L. Foot, President of the Chamber of Commerce, came forward and stated they are in favor of this proposed resolution as it is an opportunity to attract employers for our residents. Councilman deLong moved to approve Resolution No. 83-NN, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, ~. Cassandra referred to very seldom complimenting the City Planner, but stated that he has done an excellent report on this. He asked if there are any requirements levied on the City by coming into this enterprise zone and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively as there are only benefits and he explained. Mr. Cheney added that it is a state program. ~s. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion: Councilman deLong - Aye Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Motion carried 3-0. Proposed Resolution No. 83-00 - Re: Authorizing Execution of 911 Mutual Aid Agreement Mr. Doney read proposed Resolution No. 83-00 by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE 911 MUTUAL AID AGREEF~NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND PALM BEACH COUNTY Councilman deLong moved the approval of proposed Resolution No. 83-00, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra questioned what this would do to double taxation and Mr. Cheney replied this works as a bene- fit to all communities in the county and we should have more mutual agreements like this. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Councilman CasSandra - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 3-0. - 25 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Other Approve Water Service Agreement - Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. - 7592 High Ridge Road, Lantana Councilman deLong moved that this recommendation be approved, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra asked if we have enough water plant capacity for this and Mr. deLong replied that we must get the facilities. Mr. Cassandra stated that he thinks every time we get one of these, it might be beneficial of noting the increase. Mr. deLong added that as soon as things look tight, he believes the City is privileged to shut them off and City residents would come first. Mr. Cheney advised that every quarter, an updated report is given and that report will be available at the end of June. Motion carried 3-0. Approve Water Service Agreement - Jamaica Bay Mobile Home Community Mr. deLong moved to approve this recommendation, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Consider approval of proposed modifications to the agreement for roadway improvements between the City, Riteco and Janet Knox Field, Trustee Councilman deLong moved approval, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. deLong asked if this would square away the property for the American Legion and Mr. Cheney informed him that this is separate and has to do with the highway agreement. He added that we have approved this twice before, but another technical change was required by the County. This has been reviewed and is recommended. Motion carried 3-0. Resolution Re- School Board Councilman deLong moved that the City Attorney draft the 'appropriate resolution to the school authorities letting them know and explaining the desires of residents of this City to have a high school located within the City limits of Boynton Beach. We do have enough students of high school age to fill several high schools. The parents and business leaders feel the City has been bypassed in the past. He wants a resolu- tion to the School Board as to the desires of the people in - 26 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Boynton Beach. He believes our attorney can phrase this appropriately. Mr. Cassandra remarked that he knows what the educational budget is and he doesn't believe this can be done this year. Mr. deLong stated he thinks we should revive the issue of finding land in Boynton Beach. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0. OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS West Ocean Avenue Drainaqe Report - French Drain Construction Mr. Cheney stated we have a request relative to West Ocean Avenue and solving the drainage problem. The issue is simple, but the decision is complicated. He believes we should solve our drainage problems, including this one, with a swale. This swale would cause the elimination of curbs along West Ocean Avenue. The people want french drains constructed. According to Mr. Clark, french drains do not solve the problem as they become clogged. He believes the swale solution is proper and does a good job. It is recom- mended that a swale be used for this project. He knows the neighbors are not happy with that recommendation. Ms. Cele Engel, West Ocean Avenue, stated they would not accept just a swale instead of a french drain. The residents do not want the curbs torn out and a big swale put in. They are just asking for two french drains, which will probably cost less. Councilman Cassandra asked if there was flooding in this area during the last rains and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively. Mr. Cassandra referred to french drains solving the problem and Mr. Cheney replied this would be temporarily only as a french drain is a hole in the ground with pipe and rock around it and it gets blocked and there is no way to clean it out. Vice Mayor Zimmerman clarified that it was the engineer's recommendation to go with a swale and Mr. Clark agreed as a swale will last longer. Mr. Cassandra questioned who would pay the cost for this and Mr. Cheney informed him that drainage has always been at City cost and the cost of construction is estimated about the same for either. Mr. Cassandra referred to french drains not' solving the flooding problems and Mr. Cheney Clarified that they will - 27 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 solve the flooding problems, but only temporarily. Mr. Zimmerman clarified that it isn't an item of cost as the cost will be the same and it is the engineer's recommendation that swales do the job better. Ms. Engel stated that they do not agree as swales are ugly and they will lose their lawns and curbs. She clarified that all that is required is two more french drains. Mr. Zimmerman asked if the other neighbors were in agreement and Ms. Engel replied that she is speaking for all. She con- tinued that most of the people are 60-80 years old and will break their legs walking in a swale. Mr. Cassandra stated he would like to make his decision after looking at this area. Mr. deLong moved that this item be postponed until the meeting of July 5th. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Consider Use of New Two Cent Gas Tax Funds Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a list of needs and problem areas in the City relating to transportation and stated he has not attempted to suggest priorities. Also, he has not put cost estimates on these projects. He would like some feeling as to whether this type of list is what the Council wants to continue to work with relative to spending the 2~ gas tax if we have it, whether they want to make additions, etc. Mr. Cassandra asked if they were all City roads listed and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively, with one exception and that is if we do traffic signals, we might get some pressure to put some on corners which are not just City roads. Mr. Cassandra asked if we could take care of S. W. 23rd Avenue even though it is a County road and Mr. Cheney replied that we could do it, but it lets the County off the hook and compounds the double taxation issue. Mr. deLong referred to the projected total income being approximately $28,000 per year and Mr. Cheney clarified that it will be $140,000 per year. Mr. deLong asked if the list was set up by priorities and Mr. Cheney replied negatively as he would like comments and if there are none, he will recommend priorities at budget time. Councilman Cassandra moved to accept this as presented. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. - 28 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Consider Actions of Community Relations Board Mr. Cheney informed the Council that the Community Relations Board has recommended donations in the amount of $6,000 for the South County Drug Abuse Foundation and $1,000 for the American Association of Retarded Citizens in Palm Beach County. Councilman deLong moved that these recommendations be approved since funds are available, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Mr. Cassandra asked if this money would come back to Boynton Beach people and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively and added that more comes back than we give. Motion carried 3-0. Golf Course Clubhouse Plaque Councilman deLong moved that this plaque be installed on the clubhouse, as he stated at the beginning of the meeting, for the Building Official for the design of the clubhouse. Mr. Cassandra seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Cheney asked if this was to be in addition to the normal plaque and Mr. deLong replied affirmatively. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider appointing two alternate members to Boynton Beach Housing Authority (Tabled) It was agreed to leave this on the table. Budget Billing Procedure (Requested by Councilman Nick Cassandra) (Tabled) Mr. Cassandra moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Cassandra referred to the budget coming up and the possi- bility of utility rates going up and stated it was suggested by the City Manager last year and before that that we are probably going to get the same rebellion on water bills and he believes we should have some program for the people. Mr. deLong stated that he thinks the policy was to review it every two years and why it was felt so much at this time was because of a large increase spread over years since an adjustment was made. Mr. Cheney advised that he will see what we can work out in the budgeting process. - 29 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21~, 1983 Satellite Dish Zoning (Requested by Councilman Nick Cassandra) (Tabled) Mr. Cassandra moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. deLong suggested leaving the City Attorney draft an appropriate resolution or ordinance, so we have some control. Mr. Cheney advised that he has asked Mr. Annunziato to study this. Mr. Cassandra stated the size, location, etc. must be addressed. Mr. Cheney advised that the staff will go ahead. Mr. Cassandra moved to proceed with the legal work for this being done by the City Attorney with the cooperation of the City Planner. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Action 1. Change Order No. 3 - Lanzo Construction Company (Sludge Conditioning & Stabilization Project) 2. Hiring of Pension Consultant (Wyatt Company) Mr. Cassandra referred to the budget coming on and stated he wanted to make the City Manager aware of his philosophy of a consultant. He feels a consultant is needed because we do not have the talent or we do and they do not have the time to do this. In the last 2~ years, we have laid out $1,054,000 to Russell & Axon on consulting fees. His question for the City Manager to consider is whether it would be advantageous to consider hiring an engineer, architect, or planner to do our own work dedicated to that area regarding water and sewer? If we laid out $100,000 to $150,000, that could be coming back from private developers and we would have a large savings if such a talent is around. It seems that we pay high to the middle man. He would like this considered to cut down our expenses for consultants. Mr. Cheney informed him we have never wanted staff to design a water or sewer plant. A lot of time we have paid for is to process federal grants to the federal government and that is a specialty we can do. If they are willing to look at the staff doing our own design for routine water lines, that can be done and he explained. This could be a plus to us finan- cially. His impression was the City did not want to get into such staffing. We will look at it. - 30 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1983 Mr. Cassandra moved to ratify the action of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board pertaining to Change Order No. 3 and the hiring of a pension consultant. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0. Golf Course Manager Mr. Cassandra referred to there being concern about getting a Golf Course Manager aboard and the structure improved and stated that recently inquiries were sent to other areas for possible applicants. He would like to have the City Manager's recommendations by July 5th. Mr. Cheney replied that he will try to do it on July 5th. Mr. Cassandra added that he wanted to review it before the Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Mr. deLong extended thanks to the Assistant City Attorney substituting and added that the Vice Mayor did a remarkable job with all the traffic here this evening. Motion carried 3-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:45 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA  Mayor ~£ .... ~ Vi ce Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Recording Secretary (Three Tapes) Councilman ~ '~~'~ ~an - 31 - Councilman AGENDA June 21, 1983 ADMINISTRAT ION e Va Approval of Bills: Se Associated Ferris Printers Offset Printing of Preliminary & Final Official Statements and Notice of Sale Re: General Obligation Bonds Pay from Rec. & Mun. Beach Improvement Fund~ 303-000-169-33-00 5,299.0 The Bond Buyer Publication of the Notice of Sale Re: General Obliga- tion Bonds Pay from Rec. & Mun. Beach Improvement Fund: 303-000-169-33-00 1,617.8. Board of County Commissioners Use of County Landfill for month of May, 1983. Pay from General Fund---001-341-534-40-9A 15,981.5J Davis Water & Waste Industries Inc. Odophos Liquid No. 1 for Sewage Pumping Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-352-535-30-65 30,830.01 Florida Municipal Securities Financial Services Re: Beach Bonds Pay from Rec. & Mun. Beach Improvement Fund: 303-000-169-33-00 27,354.11 House of Gold Service Pins for City Employees Pay from General Fund---001-132-513-30-96 2,590.0( IBM Corporation Lease Copier III Model 40 (City'Hall) Charge to various departments---General Fund and Water & Sewer Rev. Fund 1,113.0( IBM Corporation Rental for June, 1983---System 34 Pay from various accounts in General Fund 7,307.51 COUNCIL APPROYE[k -2- e 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Kelton & Associates, Inc. Payment ~9 (Final) Professional Services re: Double Taxation Study (Based upon 16 participating Municipalities) Pay from General Fund---001-000-247-14-00 Metric Engineering, Inc. Re: N.E. 10th. Ave. & Cherry Hill Improvements Pay from General Fund---001-000-115-87-00 NM Industries 26 Demountable Bunk Bed & 3 Conversion Kits for Fire Dept. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-221-522-60-71 State Contract ~420-49-83-1 Northern Bank Note Company Printing of Bonds and attendant shipping costs Re: General Obligation Bonds Pay from Rec. & Mun. Beach Improvement Fund: 303-000-169-33-00 Physio-Control 1 Lifepak--5 Portable battery operated Defibrillator Cardioscope and Recorder per bid specifications.(Fire Dept) Pay from General Fund---001-221-522-60-89 Per bid 3/25/83, Council approved 4/19/83 Remex Corporation 1 Olympia Electronic T/WModel Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. Fund---401-391-539-60-72 Regency Dodge 1 Panel Van 1983 Dodge for Parks Dept. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-722-572-60-83 State~Co~tract ~070-00-83-1 Regent Chevrolet, Inc. 3 Chevy Impala's for Police Dept. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-211-521-60-81 Russell & Axon Professional services rendered on various projects. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 1,438.0( 5,078.5~ 7,045.6t 2,094.4~ 6,850.0( 1,028.0( 7,043.9: 23,604.0( 29,386.7~ COUNCIL APPROVED: Meeting: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. -3- South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board City's portion (5~) regarding Litigation Expenses Re: Pines of Delray North Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-11-00 South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board Services in the Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater for the month of May, 1983. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-353-535-40-9I S. I. Lime Company Lime for Water Treatment Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-332-533-30-65 Tri-Cities Construction, Inc. Construction of foundation, slab and metal structure for Maintenance & Golf Cart Storage from 5/28/83 to 6/10/83. Pay from B.B. Rec. Facility Constr. Fund: 415-000-169-41-00 U.rban Desiqn Studio Billing for Services thru 5/31/83 - Inv.~2 of 8 Approved by Community Redevelopment Agency 6/8/83. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-000-247-1C-00 James W. Vance, P.A. Expenses Re: Beach Bond Validation Pay from Rec. & Mun. Beach Improvement Fund: 303-000-169-33-00 24. Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. 25. 26. Disaster/Hurricane Communications Equipment Pay from General Fund---001-000-247-31-00 Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club 1 wk. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club 1 wk. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 $ 1,369.3 58,520.0 11,535.61 4,911.0~ 4,300.0~ 5,293.51 2,491.0~ 70.2{ 67.2( COUNCIL Meeting: -4- The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked ~and approved for payment by the Finance Department. Grady W. ~ann, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. e~ter~L. / Cheney,~ City Manager COUNCIL A~ P~OV'ED, RUSSELL & AXON Established in 1920 Engineers · Planners · Architects Incorporated Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach', Florida 33435 June 10, 1983 STATEMENT ~ Sun~ary of Russell & Axon Invoices for Professional Services for City Council Approval. For Wells 17 - 22 & Raw Water Main Invoice No. I - 626-681-60-3 - Professional Services Authorization dated 9/19/80 For Wells 17 - 22 & Raw Water Main Invoice No. 6 - 626-681-60-6 - Resident Inspection Authorization dated 9/19/80. For Test Well Program Invoice No. 15 - 626-681-68-1 - Professional Services Authorization dated 3/18/82 For Master Plan for Water System Expansion Invoice No. 13 - 626-681-70-1 - Professional Services Authorization dated 5/4/82 For Water Main Extension - Old Boynton Raod Invoice No. 2 - 626-681-71-2 - Professional Services Authorization dated 1/20/83 $ 2,349.81 8,649.60 4,600.00 11,465.37 2,322.00 GRAND TOTAL THIS STATEMENT $29,386.78 TCB/er cc: Perry A. Cessna Betty Zobel - Finance R&A Files APPROVED FOR PA¥, 'iEN'I' 110 EAST ATLANTIC AVENU~E o SUITE 414 W - DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 CITY June 21, 1983 ADDITIONS TO OF B 0 YN T 0 N BEACH REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING A G E-.NDA CONSENT AGENDA K. Approval o~ Bills 1. 2. yon Hagge & Devlin, Inc. Myre Fairway Gol~ Course Construction Company Chamber of Commerc~ Greater Boynton Beach 7:30 P.M. $ 2,800.00 $57,492.90 4,000.00 ¢% ~ ~ APPROVED: 5/31/~3 5C7 CHECK '3141 8554 12658 12661 13130 13131 13141 13615 13659 i-4~-~ ~ 14531 14532 14533 14534 14535 14537 14538 14539 14540 14541 ~4543' 14544 1~45 14546 14547 14549 14550 -1455i i4552 14553 T~554 14555 1~556 ~4557 14558 14559 .... ~560 I456I 14562 -a~563 .4564 14565 1~566 1~567 1~568 lk569 I4570 I'457I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ._. _.C U R R E N T M 0 N T VENDOR 032901 014010 194290 --%94290 024698 024698 ..... 0-32901 194400 194400 1~0-~'~5 VENDOR NAME H CHECKS CHECK PAGE 1 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3/09/83 '= ...... 20-;0-00R AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB 9/24/82 5.~OCR KEN SNOW ..... 3/01/83 225.~.1CR KEN ~SNOW BOYNTON'S G.A.L.A. 3/04/83 IO0.10CR 270015 02040 5 021540 ....... F-~-~ ~k-~~bNA R I CK .... ~01 / 83 026480 OBE BUTLER 5/01/83 030501 RENA CARRIER 5/01/83 03j&~ -CALLIE 080432 'JOHN'HARRINGTON '; .... 5/01/83 340006 ::'L'ENON HARRIS ":." ~00i-~ --Y~-'B. HICKS ..... ' 5/01/83 084660 MURIEL HOLZMAN 5/01/83 5/01/83 104508 FRANK JOHNSON 5/61/83 BOYNTON'S.-G.A.L.A. 3/04/83 100.( --t-i'TY~'OF-~?NTON B~CH ............ 7 .......... 3-709783 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 3/t8/83 4 3o~ SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 3/18/83 403.~ -~ ':' '~EN'R~'~'~'B'~R $? ':'<.?' .:" : :'f~ii :/:: ~:.; ? <~i/i: 5/01/83::.- '.'~!:.~i!~!..~--.~i/i',:~i!7641~, ~ CONSTANCE BAISH 5/01/83 :.. 53.1 lo8;-5 227.5 63.2 '- -325,8 i.. 384,4 387,02 198.7 164.4 88.7 '"I045t0 ;";-~OHN :JOHNSTON ...:.:~:..i:':'.'.-" "-. <370013 !'¥:IRGINIA"-.E,'~KEISTER.... · ':J: ' 370002 MINNIE L KING 5/01~8~ 5/01/83 0 5CR 5 9 9 .150.3 218.0'- 313.4'~ 91.2~ I33.2~ ....... _3_8_0006 GRETCHEN LUBY 5/01/83 160350 ......... ~EREE~-A-~DGETT ........................ 5/01/83 166300 ."':ELEANOR. PUFFER - 190945 JOHN SCHNEIDER 5/01/83 5/01/83 1909~0 ........ MA'RY'E-~--~-~ORR ................... ' ......... 5/0i/83 253.~'~ -- - 192592 ADA SHOOK 5/01/83 182.21 450024 FRANK SMITH 5/01/83 46.48 Z0251~--:'7~-~'-'~HOM~~ .-T--~--= 230452 :':"oLIvE.WALLACE ..':.' - 5/01/83 168.90 490018 MC ARTHUR WATERS '.'. · ': " ..... ~31580 ..... W-;-T'd~E-E~H ................................................ 5/01/83 402.93 5/0I/8~ ............. 82.6~ 266900 MILDRED A. ZWART 5/01/83 77,13 _020500 BRAOFORD BAXtEY 5/01/83 330008'--'.'-:]O~N-.-G~RDN~R ........................................... 086351 NOAH HUDOLESTON 106450 GEORGE JUNNIER 132780 194690 THEODORE SORG 081650 HAROLD HERRING 124590 -NORMAN'-EOL'ATTE 146600 ALLAN NYQUIST 420008 STANLEY C. PORTER 194290 KEN 206300 222795 5/01/8~ 643.72i 1 79-~ ~5T9~ 5/01/83 1,029.70 5/01/83 931.25 5/01/83 .................. 5/01/83 1,001.00 5/01/83 30.34 5/0 1 / 83-' 5/01/83 1,004.03 5/01/83 902.16 225.41 9I .50 953.72 SNOW ....... 5/01/83 JOHN M. TUITE 5/01/83 LORRAINE VlCKI 5/0 .............................................. 1/83 . [ 5/31/33 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE, 2 CHECK # 14572 14727 14738 14739 14740 147~'1 14742 CURRENT MONTH CH VENDOR,," VENDOR NAME 23549~ ' CURTIS'-~-WRIGHT 024725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 23052I JAMES R WARN'KC 390'06! .... GRE'GOR~-F~-"MACGRAW ..... 024725 BOYNTON. CITY FEDERAL CRED 032898 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ....... ~8 1-5~ ...... REG E~?--O00G~ 280002 LILLIAN BONNER '. E C K S ..................... CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5/0~/8'3 ................. 5/01/83 -640.0~ 4/29/83 4129183 161"~6 5/0~/83 33~7~ '. ' 57~783 6,3o8.o 5/04/83 228.0 14743 080366 WILLIAM Ro HAMILTON 5/04/83 160.0 14744 032901 . CITY': OE. BOYNTON ~ACH '. 5105183 ..... n ..... MICHAEL MUNRO 14749 370005 CLAIRE KENDALL 5/06/83 442o~2 14750 490001 WENGLER, THOMAS ED 5/06/83 552.50 14752 063762 . FLOR.IDA:::;NATIONAL BANK ~ . 5'/06/83 ' '" I4753 02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 5/06/83 14754 3~0051 MARY Ro MUNRO 14755 010197 AAA GARDEN CENTER 5/06/83 260.(0 14756 011400 A.DVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 5/06/83 .14759 .013780 '.'".ALLiED:.UNI-VERSAL-iCORP ""'"' 5/06/83 . ' 1~706o~6 1~761 014052 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIA 5/06/83 ~5o~0 14762 0142~0 ISIAH ANDREWS 5/06/83 70o~0 14754 .015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO.. 5/06/83 66,~0 1~765 020~I9 H BARBER ~ SONS !NC . 5/06/83 '14766 ......... 020~0 ......... THE-'-B-~KER'-'g"-TAYLOR CO. ' ..... 5/06/83 ................... T~'O~ 14767 020457 LISA BARROMAN 5/06/83 14768 020468 BARKER UNIFORMS?INCo 5/06/83 704o]I0 1~770 022936 STEVE.BITTERMAN 5/06/83' j:..: 100.~0 1~7~1 02~76I' BLOSSOM'SHOPPE FLORIST 5/06/83 - 1~772 ............. 02~650 ..... R.'R%--BOWKER CO; ................................... ~/06~83 ................. ~'~D 1~773 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/06/83 4,603. 5 I4774 024765 BOYNTON GUN & LOCK, INC. 5/06/83 955. 0 1~776 025~22 BRANOENBERG'S AMOCO 5/06/8~ 14777 025595 BROWARD, PALM BEACH TRACTO 5/06/83 i4778 .......... 030332 ...... - 5/06/83 ........ ~ .......... i~)O~ 14779 O 30560 1478O 032401 14781 ..... 0'32467 14782 032890 14783 033657 lZ. 784 ' 033658 14785 033659 14786 033661 EDOIE-C~NGLEY CASSELL COMMUNICATIONS VIRGI CHAT¢IELD CHICKEN UNLIMITED CITY OF BOCA R&TON, COOPE CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP CLK' OF-COURTS-S'UPPORT DEP CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 5/C6/83 10. r2 5/06/83 5106183 13 5,9 ~. 4. i~o 5/06183 52 5/06/83 .......... 5/06/83 47-1'30 50'7 C CHECK,-"~ VENDOR CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE' 3 UR R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ,,-" VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT '4787 ~4788 14789 14790 14791 14792 14794 044'750- 14795 050300 ....... 0'~ ~'~'6'~ ......... C'I- K - '~-¢'-"t-OU'R-T'S-'~ u P P o R T DEP" ' 5/06/83 37.0O 036300 JOHN CURLEY & ASSOCIATES 5/06/83 57.3 040303 O ~ I BOOKS INC 5/06/83 5~.8 ..... ..... ~-4'i 4-i-8-'-~D'~---6 ~;T O ~'~7-["N-~-OiS-T R-i-'i-L- ........... 5/06/'8~ ..............~-; OAi'AZO .:' 'DECISION:DATA COMPUTER 'cO.' 5/06/83 55.9 OOLPHIN ELECTRONIC SUPPLY 5/06/83 OOUBLEDAY ~ CO. 5/06/83 11.3 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 5/06/83 i0,~28.1 14796 14797 1.4798 '0 56909 14799 14800 14801 14803 14804 '--14805 14806 14807 .... ~4808 14809 14810 14812 14813 ..... 14814 14815 14816 5/06/83 ':5/06/83 EW~N_G .I',Np_~$ T_R_! E'S'~.::'Z:./i' ...:... :. _...., :':_...:'~ 5/_0_~/_8_~ 060115 FAIRCHILD PRODUCTS CORP. 060200 F.R.P.A. MEMBERSHIP 062781 FINANCIAL GRAPHIC ARTS,IN ' "' ': ': 06 Z ~t-~_O .... ?':'. F I.R E.M EN '.S:~:::: R EEI E F-- :&.!:: ~ :'-:..':-::"-':.':-- .~..; ::!<063690 ] ':i':? F L ORID A"i?B'OLT.:i::~?<':NUT.:' ': ':'>:': :]' ::>::'-: '?';";:~:?'? '"'":':.j'063779 :. ::-FLOR'IDA:':iSERVICE ENGINEERS; 5/06/83 5/06/83 5/06/83 57'0-g-/83 5/06/83 5106/83 100,8 187.0 15.0 289.5 .. ':'-:.I'91~.1' -- 179.2 ...:'. ".-' '187.2 063780 FLORIDA POWER [ LIGHT CO. 5/06/83 58,g0-3-~ 064556 FORD'S INTN'L CRUISE GUID 5/06/83 Z4..C 070400 JUAN GARRINO 5/06/83 250.C -": :;i 0 '715-~-T~ '~: :::: i: iS E N E~~ U---~N ~--E~N-D E R ~!:-?. '~: .; ': :~-~-/b-~-/83 :--"-:: - "-~-':. ::::-: ..~:.: 3 Z o 5/o /83 --'- ~,'5~9~' ~-T-~V~'--~-~A-~--'"- ..... : .............. ............. ¥-/0~-1'~' -- 75.5 075530 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 5/C6/83 28.8 080366 WILLIAM R. HAMILTON 5/06/83 7.£ 0~'0 Z~O 2 '-'~' .TW-I[ M'~':---H'~"R[E':' -.:.~'~"-.: iT.; ii~ -'~ -: -. '. 5/06 / 83 ................. ~'3 '~-~ ::!080425 :;!:-,i::::.HAND'S':::iJ<:]iii~i!:ii~?;i:?:?i!:i.;!.!~~ :!:';i?::.ii:-:":':?':":':'i-f"'-:':/?";.:I' :: 5/06/83 ' ;'-." 15. 080438 '.HARK HARRINGTON '.--" - 5/06/83 750.0 '0-8-i-~0-~' -T-E'~¥ '"H E~-I~-S ........ --"~: ........................ 5 70-67-8 3 ............... ~+ 5b'-,'O .... 5 5 3 7 0 5 0 14818 081700 HEWLETT PACKARD 14819 084676 VICTOR HOTHO 7 CO. ,~---~ [4822 ..... ~f'OgOt08 .]:[CNA RETIREMENT CORR. "' 14824 094302 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA 14825 100310 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 5/06/83 5/06/83 5/06/83 5/06/83 570~/8~ 5/06/83 5/06/83 5-/'o-~/e~ 4,949. 259. ..... · ....:. '' 570.1 873, lOZ. 114. I01.( 0 4 1 14827 14828 ; ";~48 Z 9 14830 14831 · 14833 ~ 14834 '-1-z~835 14836 14837 104761 ' JOYCELENVIRONMENTAL CONSU 5/66/83 915.~ 1'11564 "-:JIM.:-KELLEHER "."..": 5/06/83 112815 KIRK MATERIALS, INC. 5/06/83 108. 115595 LORRAINE KRUPOWIES 5/06/83 I0. 120410 LAMAR UNIFORMS 5/06/83 85. .......... ~d~'5~-- [~'I-~-~U~N~S-P~ODUCTS ............ 5~6/8'3 ............... 121525 PAUL O. LECLAIR 5/06/83 7.( 130326 MAIN LINE. BOOK COMPANY 130508 MARCO POLO HOTEL 130560 H.F. MASON EOUIP. CO. 130565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 5/06/83 I90.zZ 5/06/83 ................ 5/06/83 551.69 5/06/83 1,195.( 0 --5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ),q7~. C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ]NECK,," VENDOR,," VENDOR NAME CHECK OATE TOTAL AMOUNT 14838 ........ i]09-50 .... W-I' L L-~ E --'P~ (J-T N-'-' N C G R A D Y q,-839 1317,56 MIAMI ELEVATOR CO,. 5/06/83 14840 136400 MUNICIPAL CODE CORP. 5/06/83 14841 -136420 "' MU N I C I P~-[T-P-O L I C E ............. '~ ' 5/06/83 14842 140390 N.A.O.A,'.. APPRAISAL GUIDES 5/06/83 14843 141728 NEWS AND SUN SENTINEL CO. 5/06/83 14844 ........ ~-50~ 50 ........ -0'-'-8 ~-~' E N, 14845 161705 PETTY CASH POLICE ... 5/06/83 14846 162601 PHYSIO-CONTROL 5/06/83 ~-~'-i0 'M'.IR I AM · P. INO: ' :::L:!: 5/(57~-/83 -:.:-~17~,3~,? !?R:;'C:;~::i;SpORTSli'::::':::::i:::!:-i::?:~'ii-'.:..:?;:-:i:::~- '~::'?:"~: 5/0a/83 ......'18049'6' 14847 14848 14849 14850 14851 1485'2 14854 14855 67.73 341.01 2,230.2~ 40.0C 1,500.0( 89.9~ 675.92 500.0( 18157~ REAL ESTATE DATA 5/06/83 .1,075.0( 182771 JAMES RHODEN SR. 5/06/83 290.0( 190186 ' ' S'4,: I-;'¥'E t'ME :, eOM P ANY :'~' 5/06/83 9.710.5C ARTS & CRAFTS 1~857 [9090~ E J SCHRADER E CO.~ INC. 5/06/83 1~858 19245~ SHERATON CHARLESTON HOTEL 5/06/83 16859 :...:;.:'.'..~93951 ".'SMITH OFFICE: SUPPL'Y:= 5/06/83 ~05~.5( 14861 '~g642Z ?.-:S'UPP LI ES.: '~ NTERNA~ I ON A L 5/06/83 ]8,9 14863 201580 TENNIS SUPPLY 5/06/83 945.0[ 1486~ 202538 THO~PSON-HAYWARD CHEMICAL 5/06/83 .855.0( 1~866 ~'¥"2101~5 USCM DEFERRED'COMP. PRO. 5/06/83 3~872.1; 14867 :'~'. -21'6350 -'UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 5/06/83 592.1~ 14869 2B0400 CHARLES WALDNER~ M,D, 5/06/83 1~950,0t 14870 ZB0447 RiCHaRD S, WALKE 5/06/83 15,4 ~4873 23~58~ 'FLORENCE WORDEN ~:. 5/06/83 ...................... 30'0 1~87~ ...... 2'~0'329 ..... HELEN ZACHEK 5/06/83 ~4875 ~70002 PAUL VALERIO 5/06/83 14876 650335 VERNON MC KENZIE 5/05/83 2l.O~ 14878 B00026 FRED DELAMATER '- .... 5/06/83 14880 0~0298 JUDY CALANDRA 5/09/8~ 14'88'~ ........ i-2i~740 ......... SiCCY~[EWZ-S ......................................... 5/09/8~ ............ 4882 161638 BENNY PERLE 5/09/83 65.0 14883 192755 RUDY SILLIANO 5/09/83 50.0 1~8'84 ....... [-q'~l'8~ ........ jOE-S'TO~E ............................. 5/09/83 ......... 5'0'~0 14885 021675 DANIEL BELL 5/t!/8] 14.1 14886 041488 DEERFIELD BCH' FIRE RESCUE 5/11/83 70.0 14887 ...... 0~4730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/11/83 .... ~,6Z5~0 14888 024725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 5/13/83 734.7 14889 032895 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/13/83 164~019o9 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYN!ON BEACH PAGE 50-7 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS cHECK,," VENDOR # VENOOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOIJNT 1~890 063762 _489i 024725 14892 GI0197 1~893 0~t350 14894 011404 148g5 14896 014080 14897 014168 14898 014240 14899 14900 149'01 14902 14903 14904 14905 14906 14907 015561 015700 016020 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED AAA GARDEN CENTER "~D~INIST'R~T~'VE CHARGES ADVANCED-TRAINING SYSTEMS ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY --XMERi~A~-.-~P~EDY-~RINTiNG ............ CHUCK AMIANO -. ISIAH ANDREWS .:ARTIC AIR.CONDITIONING '::ASGRow 0F;~ili;!i:FLoRIO'A ~":..".-,'.' ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 5/13/83 25,374.4 5/13/83 11,206.2 5/13/83 90.0 5I~3/83 ............... 37~0d'~ 5/13/83 58.'0 5/13/83 9,567.0 5/13/83 60.0 5/13/83 50.0 5/13/83 70.2 ':':' 7~.5 5/13/83 .::. :...:.:... 5'113183 : '. ::i;!i..':i' 359,4 5/13/83 1~8,492,9 o--i-g~-O O- .... -~OYdP R ~'D-o~ ¥ S, -'i N~; ....................... '57£37 8~ .............. -~o--8.5 020160 B.B. ASSOC, FIREFIGHTERS 5/13/83 T05.6 020440 THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 5/13/83 236.8 021485 BEACH &:':.POOLSIDE EMPORIUM 5/13/83 021530 BEAN~ EXTERNINAT!NG CO. 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 14909 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 14910 024710 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY .-149!1 ~4912 14913 "1~-914- 14915 14916 14917 14918 14919 14920 14921 14922 .... I~923 14924 14925 14926 I4927 I4928 -i-~929 i4930 1493i 14932 14933 14934 -14935 14936 14937 14938 14939 024720 BOYNTON.!,BE. ACH CHAMBER 5/13/83. 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/13/83 024765 . BOYNTON"GUN' & LOCK· -INC. 5/13/83 -'--024T7'~ ........ ~'~'?~TON'--~'~'~L"-OX"?-G-E~ ............... ~713/83 025580 BRODART ,INC. 5/13183 025595 BROWARD-PALM BEACH TRACTO 5/13/83 ':':-':1,000.C 3 'ii':.'. "-' 160':.~ :~ · :...-917.40 207.C 0 62. 5 385. 0 ..... 0-25600' 026370 026420 ..... 030185 030298 030540 BRONARD 'P0-MP'"~-'SUPPLY'-~; ........ 5/13/83 .................. ~'~. '~ ....... DR. JAMEE..E. BUFFAN 5/13/83 ZO8. BURROUGHS CORPORATION 5/13/83 130. C';K,'S--LOCKSHOP, INC. ............... 5/13/83 ...................... JUDY CALANDRA 5/13/83 ZO.( CASE POWER & EQUIPMENT CO 5/13/83 0'305--77 ........~AUSEWAY"TCOI'N~UA'UN'DRY ................. ~/137'83-- 032416 PETER L.:'CHENEY 5/13/83 033657 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 5/13/83 ---~33658 ...... CEK-"OFCOURTS~'SUPPORT OEP ...... 5/13/83 033659 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 5/13/83 033661 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 5/13/83 .... 0'3366~ ...... CEK-~O~-CO'OR'TS;-SUPPORT-DEP ............. 5/13/83 --.] 52.( ..................... 47.( 12.( 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 035404 CRAWFORD DOOR CO. -"03544! .... C'R'IMIN~'[-~USTICE 035450 CRIMMINS COMPANY, INC. 036356 CUSTOM T'S ..... 040395 ..... OALE,S'P~'i'NT--&-BODY SHOP 040508 DR. JEFFREY DAVIS M.D. 041418 DE BRA TURF & INDUSTRIAL 041423 DECORA OFFICE FURNITURE 041640 FRANK DEMARCO 042605 DInZIT CO., INC. 5/13/83 41. 5/13/83 845. 5/13/83 13. 7 3 5 0 4 0-:?--- 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/13/83 276. 5 5/13/83 359. o 5/13/83 ................. ~ff.!4- .... 5/13/83 830.~O 5/13/83 60 7 5/13/83 10 2 5/13/83 50.~0 5/13/83 47 ,2 · 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE .5~7 ................... _C U R R E N T M 0 N T H C H E C K S CHECK,,-" VENDOR,,-" VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT '149~2 044750 DOUBLEDAY C CO. 5/~3/83 77. 14943 044764 JULIE DORNBERGER 5/~3/83 ~49~4 ....... 04&45o ....... ~oHN--'B*'J--~U~'REE ............... ..-' 5/~3/83 . 32. o ~49~5 050300 EAST COAST F~RE EQUIP. 5/~3/83 - 149~5 053900 EMERGENCY':'MEDICAL'E SAFET 5/Z3/83 139. 0 ~,9,8 o6o~26 FASSON 5/23/83 3~5.( 0 ~49~9 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF E 5/13/83 14954 063730 FLA FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSC 5/~3/83 20.( 0 14955 063758 FLORIDA POLICE CHIEFS ASS 5/13/83 AO. 0 1~956 0~%9. ' GEO. FOWLER WELOING CO. - ~-/~ 204.~ O' 14957 -: 065550 ::.:::.'FRATERNAL.:/oRDER'~/OF POLICE' 5/13/83 '::'.::" '".<~:~';' ~,68~'~i 9 14960 070~08 JIM GARVEY 5/13/83 1~961 071550 GENERAL GMC TRUCK 5/23/83 14962 ... 0728~6.. ;~?~: CLA IRE-.~GIRTMAN.......... ..:~::~:.?. . .:::'?'~"...":' . :,.-. ~i~'..~.; '..~;~.~.~,....-~?~:-: 1~96~ ': .0755~0 ": '~?R.L'" 'GRUNMONS.. PRINTING '":"' 5/i~/83::- "':t::<' "::': '.' 2~'~ ~966 080309 HALSEY 'S 5/13/83 14967 080310 HALSEY C GRIFFITH, INC. 5/13/83 246.~ ..... i~-968 --0 ~O~-fO- W ILL IA~R. HAMILTON '5'/~y83 ~0 14969 '.'080574 ". HAWKINS 5 ASSOCIATES, INC 5/13/83 9, 14970 08~700 NEWLETT PACKARD 5/13/83 - ~972 086356 HUO USER 5/~3/83 14973 090099 ~.B.N. CORPORATION 5/~/83 88. )0 14976 .... :.--09,30~~--'''~NTERNAT[ONAL cITY .' -- 5/23/8~ :. 52. ~0 ' <-' 1~977 ..... 09~3'i0 ..... ~NTERN~TIONAE [NST-ITUTE--O ............. 57~783 1~978 ~003~0 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 5/~3/83 389. 1~979 11156~ KELTON E ASSOCIATES ~NC. 5/~3/83 14981 . : 11360~' ..' KLIATT';.-PAPERBACK BK GUID~ 5/13/83 27. 1498~ 1 ~471-7 BEVERLY KOVACH ' 5/1~/83 ~985 ~21543 ~ATHY LEEOOM 5/23/83 ZO.30 ~' 'i-4986-- [21740 S'A E LY---'-E EWI S .................... 5/~3783 14987 122683 NANCY LICATA 5/t3/83 i0. 14988 130400 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 5/13/83 59.55 14990 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 5/13/83 67.Z0 14991 132770 MILLER BEARINGS 5/13/83 !lZ 86 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T M 0 N T H C H CHECK :,!' VENDOR # VENDOR NAME PAGE ECKS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 14992 .... i34600 .... MONROE CALCULATOR 14993 134701 ~OTOROLA INC 14994 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 1~95 ........ ]~0~2~ ..... 149g6 140436 "NATiONA~E':'FIRE PROYECTION 14997 141717 NEWS JOURNAL 5/iB/83 5/i3/83 5/13/83 57t3/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 84.'7 7.; 8 2,292. 0 86., ,4 70. :9 14999 150915 -. 5/i3/83 150OO 1513~0 5/13/83 OCEANA PUBLICATIONS ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS 15001 1518~9'.:->:OEFICE<ADMINISTRAIION & 5/13/83 ~5003 ' 160335 "'"'-~HEODORE':PAD~'~'H''iT:i:'!~i:!'' ..... 5/13/83 15004 160410 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS 5/13/83 15005 161510 PEACOCK'S RADIATOR 5/13/83 i5006 i61700 PETTY CASH LIBRARY 5/I3/83 -'1-~7 , 162601 ..PHYSIO-CONTROL<.::;.;;!;:i!~ii!::;::~:i~:::-_ __ _.~s 5/13/83 15008 ].:162756 ';:]P~:iCARD:':CHEMtCA:~!?!i::C0::''' "'::<"- 5/13183 15009 .':::::i66zo~ .::,.,_ 5/lp_~83 15010 166302 NANCY M PULTY 5/13/83 15011 176310 QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO INC 5/13/83 15012 176397 R.C. SPORTS 5/I3/83 ~-150!3 15014 15015 15016 15017 15018 15019 15020 15021 15022 15023 15024 ~5025 15026 15027 15028 150.29 15030 ---1-5031' 15032 15033 . ..~.18041i '/"<~ RAINBOW-;':PR-INTING~::i;INC . .: 7 '!"?180496:: ;-.:: RANGER .!.':CONS TR UC:!TI ON :INDUS' "' 39. 130. 10.~ 2_0. 114. 825. 12. 141. IZ~8. 101. 16. I01. 64. 5/13/83 75. 5/13/83 174. ~0 :5 ~0 ~0 )0 ":<:' ~2 r7 ~0 $2 ~5 ~5 ~0 )5 )0 .~5 " 30 50 181588 REEVES HARDWARE INC. 182780 RICH MOTORS, INC. 186321 D M RUF 187507 ':-'t gO 190 190610 1913-770-- :-BERNICE- E; RYMEL :':-:" "S'...& S..ARTS'.-&· .CRAFTS -SAV-ON UTILITY.. SUPPLIES 5/13/83 118.30 5/13/83 54.)0 5/13/83 20.30 5/f3/83 23.30 5/13/83 92.57 5/13/83 709.50 "~-NNEYY~-~-O[-CY .......................... 5/i3/83 ............... 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY 5/13/83 191630 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 5/13/83 ...... I'9395! ........ SM[qrH'OFF'ICE-SUPPEY ................. 5/13/83 194610 SOME'S UNIFORMS 5/13/83 194694 SOUTH FLORIDA MACK TRUCKS 5/13/83 tg-~T2'O~OUTHER~P-KPER:CO~T.: '~/1328-~ -195995 'CIND¥';STACEY - "-?;.- 5/13/83 196003 STANDARD.& POOR'S.CORP. 5/13/83 597 215 B!- 20. 10. 329~ 124. 170. 17 718Z 30 30 O0 77 1-9-- 20 .... 1-5 O 3 ~ ............ 1-9 6 0 ~5 .... S T-AT E'-O-F---F'[O R'I D ~ 15035 15036 --'-~5037 15038 15039 --I5040 15041 15042 - ~/1-3783 317. 196020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. 5/13/83 12 196182 WOODROW STOKER 5/13/83 ZO ..... 196394---~SON--L--[GRTiNG-'-~% ELECT-RiC~L .......... 5/~3/83 ............ 196417 SUPELCO,'tNC. 5/13/83 177. 196899 GRADY W, SWANN 5/13/83 31 202560 .... THORN'O]~E-PRES'S .............. 5/i3/83 204691 AUOREY TOTTSER 5/13/83 23. 210146 USCM DEFERRED COMP. PRO. 5/13/83 3,9T!. 08 35 O0 79 60 53 .... O0 31 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 8 507 C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S CHECK,-" VENOOR # VENOOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 15043 -' 5044 ~.5045 15046 15047 15048 216410 UNITED WAY OF PALM BCH. 230301 MARGARET WAGNER 230494 .... BOB'W'~[TERS ..................... 230527 MRSo:jAMES WARNKE 232500 Jo WILLIAMS PUMP.SERVICE i50~9 ............... 232790 15050 234525 15051 241596 5/13/83 2,0C0.0( 5/13/83 ' 614.7( 5/13/83 20.0 5/13/83 5/13/83 -24.7 5/13/83 989,7 15053 15054 15056 15057 i-5U5 8- 15059 15060 EUNICE WILSON 5/13/83 J.J.A. WOLF FRESH DIST. .. 5/13/83 XEROX CORPORATION 5/13/83 481.4 7.0 1,032.2 7310007 RONALD:'~: ESPOS ITO :.'i.!, . .. :'~ W 600 Z ~. ' :i!<":TEA M S T'E'R S::;:J:i:.L 0.C A L'.: U N: I 0 N N O. ': .... :'"~700GZ ::':PAUL "'v':x:~"I°" '?:.i?:"': · ' : - 53007B- ........ ~'~ ~-A R D 'A~U 5- 530079 UlLLIAM H. ALMON 5300~0 ALVARDO REALTY 5300-8~ . ~[gE-~-aO~O ..... '- ... · ':-'-%;530082 GOR DON>.::AUST I N -'.:/:'~? :~ :' "' ~':.':;~:5~0190 BOYNTON :~ LAKES' ':'"':" :..:-' 15061 15062 15663 T~O64 ~'~' 5065 15066 -~5~67 5/13/83 5/13/83 ... 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 ~-!~1'~ 5/13183 5/13/83 -.i 20.0 1.7 7.5 10.1 5403!'- VUONNE BLACK 5/13/83 540312 NANCY BOAK 5/13/83 · .:.¥: 5403_..~- .. :- ¥[ VI AN --BONERT .":..?:: ~.:::-~:~:::~:: ~71~'/83 "::7:.'?:5~03~ .~. BOYNTON'.: AR INE.;:~.:f..-:~:.~:~:.:.-..~.:.: 5/13/83 5~03~5 O: ~ E. RANNO BRUNO 5/13/8B 15068 15069 ' --1-5'0-70 15071 15072 .... 15073 30.0 :': 69,9 147.6 ZO.1 30.0 60.0 26.1 540317 GEORGE BURGESS 5/13/83 556262 CLYDE CAULKINS 5/13/83 ~'50-20:~'"-7-~M~?-CES--C-H'O~N' ''.-'. :. - ..... 5/f3/8~ 550204' .'.BETTY CLIFTON 5/13/83 '550205 CLARENCE COMEAU 5/13/83 5-5020'6 ..... ~'ONTEMPUR~R~ ~-OM~--~ON'~ ................. 5/1-3/8'3 15074 550207 ROGER COOK 15075 550208 D.A. CORWIN ---1-50-r~55 O20-g~cuM MYN~D N'S T'RU~I-O N' 15077 :. :::i::!-:i?:.5502 !0 ' ', ":: Es T HE R'~. C :', :' C LA R'K 'i:::.:'?:!!::i!:::"~-:. 15078 :'560026 DREXE L::/.PROPo ' I NC ::::<':':::<" 15079 ........ 560166 .... GE'OR G'E-~-A-I L E Y ............ 15080 560~67 HENRY DE BOER 15081 560168 ARTHUR DE LUIGI --- [50-8-2 - -5~60-!55-g:-T--P-~U[~TTE--OE--M~-R-~-O ...... 15083 560170 GAIL DE 'MENT 15084 560171 JOSEPH DI NAURO i 5085 ......... 560172 ..... JOHN ~-OM i--N I CK '15086 560173 Lo D~IRSO 20.1 3 -613 ........ 6.13 20.1',5 ..... 1~]-=~ ~' ......... 20.515 15087 15088 15089 15090 15091 15092 15093 5/i3/83 5/13/83 26.10 5'7I 37'8-3 ':::i:::i' - ' 3WC 5--:7---- 5/13/83 ': 7.5 5/13/83 - : .. 22.~5 5/i3/83 ................. 20;1 5 5/13/83 20.15 5/13/83 5 7- i 3-/-8-3 2 ~.~ ........... 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13783 5.80 580108 ........... 58'0109 .... ~EXTE~--~'~"FORT~'~ .................. 5/i3/8~ .............. 25~ 580110 HYMAN FIDEL 5/13/83 56. 590072 GIGLIOTTI CORP OF FLA. 5/13/83 490. .... 590083 COSMO GENTILE 5/13/83 16.( 590173 PHILIP GANTNER 5/13/83 5.5 590174 EARL GEHMAN 5/13/83 5/13/83 25.q0 JOSEPH FACTOR 5/13/83 5 0 5 5 0 5/31/83 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH PAGE 9 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS CHECK " ,, VENDOR' ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE i5094 590176 ROSE GOLD 5/13/83 15095 590!77 JOHN GORMAN 5/13/83 TOTAL AMOUNT 30.~ 15096 15097 15098 15099 15100 15101 15102 15103 15104 15105 15106 15107 15108 15110 15111 f5112 15113 15114 15115 ''15116 590178 EDWARD GRYBKO 5/13/85 600091 HUNTERS RUN -~ ........... ~ ...... 5/i~/83 600175 JEAN HELVEY - 5/13/83 600176 E. HEYWORTH 5/13/83 6~01-77 ....... ~ERBE~¥'--~-iLD": ..... 7 ....: ............... ~7~3/83 600178 MRS. I. HILDEBRAND 5/13/83 600179 KEVIN HIRE 5/13/83 600180 FREO.,'A~:-.:.H-O~O~:;:.. ',,.:: : ....... ~7~3/83 600181 WALT':~:::~"~OLL~"i":!:?;Jili;;ii/?::<~!~i!;"i;,:/~;-~'i'!'~::i;?~:?:i~':''':''' '57'13/83 600182 LLOYD HUGGINS 600183 THOMAS HURST 620076 TOM JONES 620077 JEANETTE JUTRAS -~30iO~OM~E~--KAH~':.-::~.::;~:.~;;!:'.. 630105 EDWARD 630106 BETT. Y.:KOLE MA INEN · ' -..-,:...: - 5/13/83 630107 ---~-~--R-~D-Kb & D. DOTCHIN 630108 GERALDINE KRUPA 630109 ~OHN KUCERA 630110 ,'..RUTH KING 640094 L.-H,.;.ASSOCIATES~ INC. 15117 650007 'MILNOR::~:::;CORP,<- ::i,';:!:::"':' '~5ii-~ ..... 6'~014~--- ~ILORD DEV. CORP. 15119 650153 MARINER VILLAGE OF 15120 650334 WILLIAM E. MARSHALL 15121 650336 MICHAEL MADONNA I5122 650337 HERBERT'.MANNA 15123 650338 WAYNE MELCHER 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 15125 15126 15f27 15128 15129 '15130 ............ 15131 15132 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/i3/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 g5033~ ..... JOHN"'Ri"CR'AEES 6503~0 J. MICHAEL MILLER 650341 BASILA MORALES ~-50-3~-2--~-=-~OSEP~M~--M-OR-E~rON .:.. 650343 FRITZ.~'MQRTTE ':;?;.' . 6600~! LOUIS'NANTAIS 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 5-/i--3-~8-3- 5/13/83 5/13/83 6700~5 ........ MRS~-~;--O'SEN ............................' ......... 5/i~/83 ........... '' 680024 JOHN PAGLIARULO 5/13/83 680071 ROLAND PAQUETTE 5/13/83 15133- ...... 680!~-6 ......... P~O[-'PROVOST ...... ................................ 5/~3'783 15134 680147 SAMUEL J. PAUL 5/13/83 15135 680148 HAROLD PAULSEN 5/13/83 15136 -- 680149 ......... PLU~'-R-Ei-Li¥;-'iNC; ............... 5/1~/83 15137 680150 DAVID C. PRINCE 5/13/83 15138 _= ..... 700C63 JOHN RUPP 5/13/83 15139 700169- ~R'AINBO'~-LAKES~TE~ CHASE- ' 5/1'3y83 15140 700170 ALBERT RAMSEY 5/13/83 15141 700171 GREG RATTY 5/13/83 15142 700172 LESTE'R-'ROSSKAM ...... 5/13/83 15143 710268 WESLEY STEUWE 5/13/83 15144 710309 JERRY SAFRAN 5/13/83 _ ... :-.. i~;.~:!;i:i:;::.'':': ...... .3.{ 26.: 0 30 .( 0 3.~0 : :'.-": .~?:::::;;i~:.;.::: ::!': :". 40 o ~ - :-. :::::;:i:,;ii.iiii:'i:. ~:.. 116 .t zo17 38.2 20 .] -.' 9.E5 · - 26° 20° 7.. 30. ~'".~.:-: i-::?'~: '~ . - 26. 26. 6. 18. .... 14.z 0 Z8.CO 20.95 zT.. o 25 5 0 5 Il. 26. 26° 0 O 0 -5~ 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 5 0 0 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5~7 C U R R E N T M O N T H C H CHECK,," VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME E C K S PAGE 10 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT L5146 710311 GERALD SCHUNCK 5/13/83 15147 710312 S. JOSEPH SCOVILL 5/13/83 15148 '--7i03i3 ........ P~OE-S~"N~'~ .......... ] ................ ' ........ 5713/83 151A9 71031~ ROBERT:.SHZVELY : . ..: 5/13/83 15150 710315 RAY SLowIK ' ' 5/13/8~ 15151 710316 L.M. STIFF 5/13/83 15152 720088 THE SATTER COMPANIES '. 5/13/83 15153 15154 15155 720101 WALTER S. TAYLOR 5/13/83 3.~ 7201.02,: 'MARK.'.':.'THOMAS:.:::?:::--., .--:-.-.:~ z o ~ o ~ -'. .' '~zO,_o~'-.':..: f R ~DEW~'~b'S: 15157 720105 JANE TURNER 15158 740045 MARK VINCHLER 15159 75015! FREDERICK WILHELM ....... 15160 . 15161 15162 15163 15164 15165 15166 ~15167'- 15168 :15169 15170 15171 ....... 15i-72 15173 15174 ---15-i-75-- 15176 15177 I-5-I-78 I5179 I5180 ........ 1-518'I- 15182 I5183 I-5-I-8-4 15185 15186 15187 15188 15189 ..... 1-519 0 15191 15192 40."~5 3o~ ,0 .5 .0 8o .0 750156 , CARLTON'.W 750157' :::-' SA MUE.~,:i"F'~:':3. WARO 750158 <'<SIDNEY.'WARNER. 750159 JOSEPH WEAVER 750160 NANCY WECKWERTH 75016I LLOYD WILLIAMS :.:.750162:"::'. GERHAROq 750163- ?50 750165 L.A. WUETHRICH 790000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 063755 FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL 5/13/83 5/13/83 5/13/83 :.;.::..! :'-;:'::.' :'::. '..5 / 13 / 83 .:: ':. '. '5/I3/83 ~7-1--3' )'-8-~ 5/13/83 19. 15. 3.~ 38.1 ~0 ,0 .5 10" ,0 ;5 5/13/83 10., :': ~::?'::.~: i.~-;:i~i:ili,:;:!: < :;!ih::: .':' 2.:~-' :?.: .... : <".:. =5/13/83:.::. ::~i;<;..:(?!??:'?.~?75 ~-~:. .::.'" :-: ": '5/13/8 -- ' ........ 57f~7-8-3 ' ' .... ...... 5/13/83 3,054°~ 5/17/83 70.~ ~0 .0 ,0 ~0 131679- M E-T ~-O-;cZ-O O: =' .... - -: ' 1 ~-/i-77~-~--' ' .---< Z78,; 115601 ' ELEANOR KRUSELL .:.<':i: !'. :" 5/17/83 .. 165306. PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES I 5/13/83- i.'-':'.. --~:600 !0' G-I~'E~i[}i-' 'C'iq-A~[-EN E ' T~-A I L .................... 57i 87-8'~- 363 290057 LARRY CLAUDE 5/19/8~ 310009 HELEN R. EWING 5/20/83 ASOOZ9 -. '.'~HA'ROED~.;H;'"'::sHuL~ ;~": .... 5/20/83..'~/.?:~-:~'T:~?'.']~:;.386;~0 Q3-2'89 ~---CIT~O F-BOYNTON-" B EA-C N ...................... 5-/20/83' ~-~0~ ~ ....... 063762 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK 5/20/83 25~387.~0 02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 5/20/83 11~358..:5 072816 CLA IRE"GIRTMAN 010197 AAA GARDEN CENTER 010325 ABRAHAM CHEVROLET '--57'2'0783- 5/20/83 5/20/83 ---5720'7'~ 5120183 I90.~ 9,22!.! 4,830. 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 5/20/83 013793 ALLTECH ASSOCIATES INC 5/20/83 26. Z 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS 5/20/83 70. 0 15193 ............ 0'1556-~- ARTI-C '~-~R CONDITIONING .......... 5/20/83 .............. ~-~' 15194 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 5/20/83 3'1. 0 15195 016000 ATLANTIC HARDWARE 5/20/83 111. 9 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R ~ N T M O N T H C H E C K S CHECK,." VENDOR,." VENDOR NAME i~51 o6 .......... (~ 160-20 .... ATL ANT'I C-~A T I DNAI:--BANK ..... ~.5 ig7 016289 AUDIO INTELLIGENCE PAGE 11 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5/20/83 250.? 5/20/83 6.2, 15198 15200 15201 15202 15203 15204 15205 15206 15207 020100 B E H SALES 5/20/83 1,767.9 020440 THE':'BAKER'&.'TAYLOR"'CO. 020450 BAKER E"TAYLOR COMPANIES 020468 BARKER--D-N-~'~-~'~H§,INc- 021200 BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 021603 BELL & HOWELL CO. ...... · '.024 3u '.:.:-BOYNTON::BEACH RETIREMENT 24,ou BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE, 15208 O -" '" 15209 024780 BOYNTON PUMP F. SUPPLY 15210 025585 BROOKS PRODUCTS 15211 . 0,256u0 ..... . B~-C~]~RD:::PUMP: & SUPPLY C. Oo. 15212 '!'::::!: ': 030185 :.:'"' :ii: C o K ~. '.S': "~OC KS:HOP~':?[ ZNC'. ' :::.:..-'/. 15213 :.:.J::i. 03028~ C AD [.EL'_ACi:.~.'~ ENG~RAV.,ERSi!:::i".:: :': .: 5/20/83 5/20/83 567.7 19.4 5/20/83 39.0 5/20/83 332.3 5/20/83 616.6 5/20/83 5/20/83 - 5/20/83 15215 I5216 .~5218 152Ig -~5220 0~0298 ~UDY CALANDRA 03364? CLASS 033657 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP · ' '::"::: 0336-58 ::: :::;:..C LK-. 0 E::::COUR~ S~ SU PP 0 RT.. O E P · ....::.': !..? 6~:~ 3659-:. ? CLK:i! '6~?!:C.OURT: $jS u'p P'ORT '0 Ep 5/20/83 5/20/83 5/20/83 5/20/83 5/20/83 :.:ii:.-........ 2. 5120/83 198.7 ~,. " '063.4 ~ 4~761.4 T 76. 5 512.~3 700 .C O 84.~ O 5/20/83 5120/83 12.5 5/20/83 52.~ 5/20/83 5/20/83 :-~:L'"::::'03366~ -' CLK' OF':':"~OUR. T.S-SU'PPORT OEP 5/20/83 033664' CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 5/20/83 15221 034604 15222 03634~ 15223 ..::.~.~~ 15224 .:';i.'..:::-040525 15225 :."-~:..041702 -' ~226 042902, ,,-~ 15231 -15232 15233 15234 [52-35 ...... 15236 15237 ~:'-'~5238 15239 15240 ." . 47.q 12.0 COMMERCIAL HYDRAULICS & 5/20/83 CUSIP SERVICE BUREAU 5/20/83 O A ['E' .S ]-P~-i-N¥':'.~J --I~OD-'~--~"H-Oi5 ........... 5 / 20/83 DA Y-TI MER S: :: ':.-:-:: :': :: .?'::':. 5/20/83 DEPOT ..HOBBY SHOP': 5/20/83 42. .......................................DIXIE SAW & KNIFE CO: ........................ ~']2b-~8~---'~- ............ --~--~; 5120/83 5120/83 5-/207-~-3 5IZ0/83 5/Z0/83 -5-/2 0 £8-3- 5/20/83 5/20/83 512o/83 5/20/83 37.C 3,804.(~ 55.d 15227 050300 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 15228 050310 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 15230 ' ].'?i:06:2781 '.::: FINANC'iA:~:?i:GRAPHIC:.:ARTS'IN '(.;].?:.062820 FIREMEN~'S":. ..... R. ELI EF- E ':":":... 0-6-3-69 O----~CO 'R- i-~ ~---B-O-CT---~-- h=O T- 063763 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK 063768 FLORIDA POLICE COMBAT LEA 0-63-83-Z-- -FL~SOC-[~ ~'O'F~--pROF'E;SSTO N 063869 DENNIS FLUSHING. . 063870 ' WILLIAM':::V;';FLUSHING 8 4 0 0 0 0 5 2 4 5 400.'5 ......... U-64%00-- -FOOR'-~T'~--C'O~POR~T~'ON ................. 5'720183 065622 DENNIS FRONRATH CHEV INC 5/20/83 070410 GAYLORO BROTHERS 5/20/83 15242 075500 GRIFFIN TECHNICS INC 5/20/83 .... 15243 075530 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 5/20/83 -'15244 ...... 0'75581 ...................................... GULF OIL CORPORATION ~12'0i'~3 ............. 15245 075610 GULFSTRE&M LUMBER CO. 5/20/83 3.144.,.7 15246 080a25 HAND'S 5/20/83 2.-,-3 22.~ 5 25.000, 0 72. 0 ZO-; b ...... 232. 0 28 · '0 !70= '7 314. ,9 236.' 8 950.~ )0 460 .t ~0 ~7 307~ 5/3!/83 CITY OF BOYNTON CURRENT MONTH ]HECK,." VENDOR. ¢~ VENDOR NAME 15247 5248 I5249 i5250 15251 I5252 i5254 090103 i5255 OgO!05 BEACH PAGE I2 CHECKS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 15257 15258 15260 15261 1-5262 15263 15264 15275 15276 15277 15278 15279 -'---I-~28-O 15281 I5282 15284 i5285 -"--1-~2-86 15287 08043~ ......... ~ARRISON--C'O-MPANY 080559 J MICHAEL HAYGOOD 081700 HEWLETT PACKARD 084~74 HOPKINS'MARINE HARDWARE 08~76 VICTOR HOTHO 7 CO. I B M CORPORATION 5/2e/8& I.B.M. CORPORATION 5/20/83 .090108 -.-/ICMA-~E:TIREMENT CORP. - -' 5/20/83 .' ::.'.::L!09~20~.'- :Li.i:. JN:~U~Ri-~!~'L~i;?ii:]~up pLI ES!:i::.CO· ';';/::~!>'h..:: ;::. 5120183 ':O~'~20~ "'iND~SfR'~:'~':'"WELDI'NG;":::INC'; ..... 5/20/85 09~29~ I-~Y'~- As'S-~--UF-'E-L~C-T-R~-C-~[ ............. ~'72~ .......... 100201 J. & J CHEMICAL 5/20/83 100208 J £ L FEED & SUPPLY INC 5/20/8~ =.'=!=~'0'I660 .-.'.:JERRY'ti:S!ii.'cLOCK &i KE¥.=S. ERV'~.'' 5/20/83 '..-1=~5595 i'"=[OR. RAINE KRuPOWIES '" -~:"'":; ' 5/20/85 I5266 i20323 LAFRANCE EQUIPMENT CORP. 5/20/83 15267 120~10 LAMAR UNIFORMS 5/20/8~ 1527o' '. :,.: lZ635: /2o/8 15271 13--0~ "' ~-~-~-t~':~ACDOWELL .......... ~'0~-83 15272 130385 HALTER INTERNATIONAL CORP 5/20/83 15273 130565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 5/20/83 .... [~74 i~--O-9~OJILLIE RUTH MCGRADY . 5/20/83 '130991 .;.]i>:GEORGE E MC:]MA'NUS ..:. 5/20/83 132715' MIKE' MICHAELS 5/20/83 132742 H'~O-'-~E'-~'PUTE~"~TOR~ ............... 132770 MILLER BEARINGS 5/20/83 132771 MILLER DODGE 5/20/83 ~:':~.:~:?K~6~20 .'"];~:'~MDNIci'PAE:::~]~OLICE :.::'~:]?:~[ ~:=">/:~=?=~" 5/20/83 ' ']'I~0~9~ ' N'~R.'~'P~A=,: '":~:]~:.?~3]:':~;:=~'=~.' '~:~?<''' .=':' '::<'==';:.':' 5/20/83 1404~5 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIE 5/20/83 140450 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 5/20/83 141701 NEPTUNE METER CO. 5/20/83 15288 1~2735 NIX CAR WASH 5/20/8~ 1'5289 ...... ~-4-~-59C ......... ~O~EN~-~ON~TROCT~O~ ............................. 5720/83 .5ZOO 155594 ORLANDO MARRIOTT INN 5/20/83 15291 160100 P ~ G DISTRIBUTORS 5/20/83 "-~5292 ......... i-6-~3~5 .... P'X-rNT-'-~ENY'E~ ....... 5/20783 15293 160373 PALM BEACH BRAKE ~ WHEEL 5/20/83 1529~ 160~25 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS 5/20/83 15295 ....... ~'~700 .... PORTER-PA-IHT CO. ' ............. 5/20/83 15296 166176 PUBLIC SAFETY DEVICES INC 5/20/83 15297 166201 PUBLIX MARKET 5/20/83 5/20/85 88.95 5/20/83 I',133.75 5/20/83 577.92 5/20/83 .................... 5/20/85 49.0] 5/20/8~ II.g; 6~576.5~ 1)948.9~ ,;?!<z. 89 o. '< 840 .'0~ 55.0 292.5 56.3 22,5'7'5' 328.9i 275. i 2,215-01 91.6 -180.2 67.2 50.0 185 o0 129.9) I42.37 6.2 8.~ 20 ~493 .C 32.CD ~5~C0 ~3. 50l. 2.430.Q0 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE. 13 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS c~ECK # VENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 15298 180408 RADIO DETECTION CORPo L5299 180413 RAINBOW PRODUCTS OF 15300 180496 RANGER CONSTRUCTION INDUS ~5301 181590 REGENCY DODGE 15302 18176© REVENUE SHARING ADVISORY 15303 182780 RICH MOTORS, INC. 153o4 1~28oo 15305 184688 15306 186500 5/2.0/83 ........ 778.-d 5/20/83 '530.6 5/20/83 69.9 '-5/2o/8~' %~,106.C- - 5/20/83 :':'-::~: ." 66,6 5/20/83 '::':'-:: - 20.8 RINKER MATERIALS CORP. 5/20/83 71. BETSY ROSS PUBLICATIONS '. 5/20/83 B. RUSSELL & AXON 5/20/83 16,894. 3 5 B 3- ~ 5 5 i -1--53-0~-' -.190181 .'SCRWTD BOARD .,... - . 5/20/83 ...... 15308 190615 ":SAX":ARTS:" ~ .CRAFTS .: :'::' ::::' ': "'5/20/83".-': .'".!'.:~ii!:'::.'::-~!;i!iii!:.~?;.!.:::212,5~ ': 15309 191100 SCOTTY'S': '" ' ·. ':5/20/83 15311 194400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 5/20/83 87,716. ~6CR 15311 ~_ 194~00 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTR~BU~ ........ _5229/83 87,716. )6 15312 15313 15314 15315 15316 15317 -~15318 .~ 15'319 15320 Y-~321 i5322 15323 15324 15325 15326 -~5~27 15328 15329 ----~5330 15331 15332 [5333 15334 15335 --15336 15381 15382 '-~-~5383 15384 15385 -i'5386 15387 15388 15389 15389 15390 194697 S.. CENT:~:"t'WASTEWATER TREAT I96020 STATE OF ~LORIDA -' DEPT,': 196185 EDWARD DoSTONE JR.& ASSOC 196392 .WILLIAM SULLIVAN 196405 SUNCO, INC. 5/20/83 5/20/83 -.:5/20/83 5120/83 5120/83 5120183 '.: '.-.."::;34', 705 -':... ========================= 6';': 13,491 55.( 43. -..196898 CLAYTON ~' R o"".SWA IN ':UR. 216~7 URBAN DESIGN STUDIO 5/20/83 300.( 216~48 URBAN DESIGN STUDIO 5/20/83 230~50 ~'BILL WALLACE FORD~ INC. 5/20/83 230525 ~ARREN GORHAM ~ LAMONT~ I 5/20/83 ':':.': 35.! 0 231780 WESTERN AUTO STORE 5/20/83 54.; 5/20/83 232426 EDWIN & LOUISE WHITMAN - ----1-9~-4:00 --S-SO CI?~L--VS'EC U R'[T'Y"-C'O N T R I'BU'T ............. 5/'207"83= 251612 YELLOW FREIGHT SYSTEM 5/26/83 280018 ELENOR Mo' BURNS 5/27/83 -2-9002 ! ..... T i"MOTH ~--C'~M P BECE- ............................ 5'72'7/83 340049 JEFFREY HARMER 5/27/83 450025 WARREN H SHELHAMER 5/27/83 ..... ~0027 ..... J'EN~IFE~-'F~SONE .......................... ~'~27~8~- 063762 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK 5/27/83 063762 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK 5/27/83 013720 AL[EN""INSO'RANCE AGENCY 024725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 5/27/83 013780 ALLIED UNIVERSAL CORP 5/27/83 474. 299. 232. 166,956. 25~75Io ,0 ~2 ~7 ~0 ......... ~-738-5 .' '11,470. 96 · 5/31/83 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH __ C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S PAGE 14 ~. ~CK # VENDOR,," VENOOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 014168 CHUCK AMIANO 5/27/83 50.0 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS 5/27/83 70.2 01'~3'00 ...... ~A~HEN"~NNUNZI'~TO .................. L ........ 5/27/83 "5392 £5393 15394 15395 15396 15397-- 15398 15399 015481 ARE. OFFICE"OF MANAGEMENT 016300 'AUTOPRODUCTS,':INC- 0216~i BELVEDERE 5 £ 10 024285 CLARK BOAROMAN CO. LTD. 15401 15402 15404 15405 1-5406 15407 1540B 5/27/83 5/27/83 ~7-2-7 / 8~- 5/27/83 5/27/83 572-77 5/27/83 5/27/83 024730 BDYNTOiq ~-A~-~t- "'R]~ T; j~'R-E'N EN-T- ............. -~'/Z-~7-/83 025585 BROOKS PRODUCTS 5/27/83 025595 BROWARD-PALM BEACH TRACTO 5/27/83 0 26386 BUR'~"A'OT-OF~N~-i'O'~A~ ~--/~7-~8'3- 030 Z98 '-' .:]:'"J UD:Y.. CA L. ANDR AT.:~.::~;~:'::;:?.] ;~:~:.~"::: ::-. - ..': ':'" 5/27/83 '03055a '. ;.~C~OE:~.S.'"::CASSANOR:A: '." 5/27/83 I5410 032897 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH I54Ii 033631 THOMAS A. CLARK 5'413 . -:'i:..:: ~:i-0 33 6-5.7 - ~:i:~:i'C:'CK i::i.OF'!:: COURT.'S~.SU PPORT 15.0 71t.1 1 .2 37.2 75.0 50.0 " 25.0 701 ,'4 3,489.7 2,889.C 19.3 20.C 217.0 OEP- 5727 / 83 5/27/83 5/27/83 51~?? 83 5/27/83 .... 15427 15428 050371 PAUL ECKERT 5/27/83 15429 051288 EDUCATION DIGEST 5/27/83 '--~1-5-4-3-0 · -'' .'O-5~'-3-9~-7--S--~NV-i-R-O-N~T~E-NT-A-C=S-~-RV-ICE S 57277 83- 15431 ...-056908 ".EXPORTER'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA 5/27/83 15~32 ... 062820 FIR. EMEN*S RELIEF. & 5/27/83 .... '15433 062986 V W FISCHER ' %543~ 063690 FLORIDA BOLT & NUT [5435 063790 FLORIDA RECREATION & 15~37 065590 CHARLES FREDER[CK 15~38 066500 FUTURA PRINTING 3,333.3 75.C :.-I2.£ .... 52.C 15414 "- '033658' :7~:.iC'E~::.i:'oF:'::COURTS~SUPPORT OEP 5/27/83 -15~-5 ..... 0-33-65-~--C"'~0 F~-C-O'O-R-T S:SUP'P-O' R-T ~-EP .......... 5727 15416 033661 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 5/27/83 15417 033664. CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 5/27/83 15419 035450 ..:::'CRIMMINS COMPANY¥' INC. 5/27/83 15~20 ' 0~0395 ':~OAtE,5:'':PAINT''&':''~'BODY SHOP - 5/27/83 15~22 041~2.1 DECISION DATA COMPUTER 5/27/83 15~23 041581 JOE DEtQNG 5/27/83 '"" "37.q 12o~ 300.3 279. 43~-.-- 172. 217. 50.( 85.~ 200.( 15.( 325.( 1,987.~. 15439 ...... 071557 ....... ~E'NERA--L--~NSURANC'E'ONDER: ............... 5/27/83 15440 072816 CLAIRE GIRTMAN 5/27/83 15441 074538 GOLD COAST GROUP 5/27/83 3 .: O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 i .................. -5-/Z-7/83 ................ '~-o'.-~ o 5/27/83 20.~8 PARK 5/27/83 _ ?.8 9_-_~- 5727/83 ........ 1,262 .~8 5/27/83 13o.'9o 5/27/83 8.00 ............ 8. 0 107 · 0 ~08. 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE' 15 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS Z~ECK # '54~2 ~54~3 i54~4 t5~45 15446 154~7 154~9 15450 ~-~545i VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE 075288 DENNIS C.-GRABEEL 5/27/83 075450 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 5/27/83 075581 GULF OIL CORPORATION 5/27/83 ~O~Og '~A-[SEY~.'S ........................................ ~/~3 080366 WILLIAM R..'HAMILTON 5/27/83 081605 TERRY HENES 5/27/83 -"~'69'0 ..... E'~GA'~-~O~[~ .............. 5/27/~ ......... 090099 I.B,M. CORPORATION 5/27/83 090104 I.B.M. CORP. 5/27/83 090108 :.ICMA RETIREMENT]:COR. P, ";.~ - 5/27/83 ?!':J'; J '::~'HEM i CA ~": 'i!.!~!. >.::~..::: :.~;.'<].':.:? :: ~ <. ' 15452 15453 I00201 5/27/83 10~507 DEE G. JEGHERS.~ 5/27/83 ~-~4 104758 15~55 111550 i5456 115595 ~5457 115601 15458 120500.". 15~59 120546 THE JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTANC 5/27/83 BERT KEEHR 5/27/83 LORRAINE KRUPOWIES 5/27/83 ELEANOR KRUSELL' ::':!:.'.?:':-· -. '.'. .. BOB LATHAM" LAWMEN~S ANO':SHOOTER~S TOTAL AMOUNT ............. 52.2] 1~,620.9C 126.0( ~.'~i 255.0~ -' 200.0t 88.0' 340.0' .... 20.0( 200.0 10.0 5/27/83 '"'¥.~"~"~:i."-' 200.0 5/27/83 - ?:":' 856,0 -~5460 121520 LEAHY BUSINESS ARCHIVES 15461 121740 SALLY LEWIS i5462 I229!I LEOYDS AUTO ELECTRIC 5/27/83 1,981.5 5/27/83 20.0 5/27/83 310.0 5/27/83 .:?".:::::i-'!!.!ii!!? 326,7 130400 MANHAT.TAN'::J'TROPHIES 15~64 130532 MARRIOTT.:HoTEL..-::.::.:-:::',. '::~'~!.:.: 15465 130560 .:.H,F. MAsDN.:EQui'Po'c:O. '.: .... 15467 131572 MEIDINGER, INC. 15468 i31682 METRO 100 -"I5-4~9 ......... ~--5~'i ........ M-I-[~ER DODGE i5470 'I36~20 MUNICIPAL POLICE . ... 15~7I i40409 NASHUA CORPORATION [5~72 .......... i~b~-&~ ........ NAYiONAL-Li~RAR'Y'RESoO'RC'~ ............... 5/27Y83 15473 150851 JIM O'CONNOR 5/27/83 37.5 15474 160372 PALM BEACH AUTO PARTS 5/27/83 356.3 15476 160382 ':..:PALM BEACH'COUNTY C. OUNCZL 5/Z7/83 '":'/'i":i'-'"ilil].::: 50.C 15477 160392 PALM BEACH COUNTY - SOLID 5/27/83 '~5478 1-6-0-~07 ........ P-ALqq--BE~CH-~YDR~U'[TC'S ..................... 5~27/83 15479 ~61511 PEACOCK'S RAOIATOR SERVIC 5/27/83 15480 161650 CHARLES PERSING 5/27/85 '--1548~ .......... --1-6-2"~00 ..... PR¥S-ICI~NS~--D'ESK'REFERENC ........... 5/27/83 15482 162790 PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. 5/27/83 15483 162799 PIERIAN' PRESS 5/27/83 "i5~84. '- -162873 ........ [¥NNE--"P'ITTA-RD .......................... 5/27/83 15485 164500 ROBERT POCSIK 5/27/83 15486 164503 ANDREW PODRAY 5/27/83 15487 .... r~531-3 ..... PREFERRED-"S-~RVICES ............... 5/27/83 15488 166201 PUBLIX MARKET 5/27/83 15489 176397 R.C. SPORTS 5/27/83 15490 18'O&li RAINBOW'PRINT'ING"INC .... 5/2'7/83 15491 186500 RUSSELL 6 AXON 5/27/83 15492 190181 SCRWTD BOARD 5/27/83 L 3 3 3 0 278~ I19.~ 200.C : 2,453o 69.50 ~05¥0'~'-' 200.00 172.5~ 26. 1 71. ............... 57~ 618. 852. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~3!/83 CHECK 15493 15494 154Q5 15496 15497 15498 15500 15501 1.5502 15503 15504 MONTH PAGE 16 CUR R E N T CHECKS 15505 15506 15507 f5508 15509 15510 i55!g 15513 -1-5~14 15515 15516 VENOOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL 192802'- -SIRCHIE'-FINGERP~INT L~BOR ..... 5-/27/83 1Q4594 SOLAR-GARD OF BOYNTON INC 5/27/83 194703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 5/27/83 196020 STATE-'OF FLORIDA'-' DEPT. 5/27/83 196394 SUN LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL 5/27/83 196397 SUN OATA INC 5/27/83 "265~1 65 ..~0 I45.~9' ..... i962~-i-7 ...... -~Up'E-CC o, i'NC-; .................................... --5/-27/83 ~?;~2'. 20OlO0 TAB PRODUCTS CO. , ' 5/27/83 69.~01.:::......~ 210~6 USCM DEFERRED COMP. PRO. ' 5/27/83 4,036. ~-i~':' ' ~iY:6:~:YiY:-S--:~'i~'~'E~---O'¢ - - .. 57-z-?28] .: .:..:...:..:::':::-::::.-;: ::'--.'. I 3.". Z 2: ~ 89':"' :":::'::V A N Ti G ::::'.:':'~ 0 M M U N I C i:T I 0 N-S I N:::' ':'.' 5 / ~ 7/8: ':":::'?: '.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :":;:: 38 ~: . -...:. :~-2~-2'~ .... V J N I NG ~- (-~EM I C A L-'C'0MPiNY .......... 5Y2~/83 ....... ' ~9.~0 ZBOZ00 W.E.S.C.O. 5/~7/83 65.j 8 Z]0448 BILL WALLACE LEASINC INC. 5/g7/85 1,I12. p ll-05Z:i' -~X~i~]:R wIR~X~~:-:- ---'-- :5~7-~8] .: '::-:' ' <::::-:.:: ': ': > ':'238. )0-';''': -Z~0540 ':'<WATER"OEpARTMiNT. .'~: : .... '.::::': ' ' ' .5/Z7/.85 ,:'":.:::::-::::.:~.:75,I9Z~ :::" :::' 88. :O:.~ 5/27/83 .-....-:.<:..:.:.-': ' 231582 WELOtNG::::.PRODUCTS.::CORP, -. :.: .' '2 3i6-60- ' '--TH-O-~-A--~--E. WENGLER B-/277-8'~- 2'0-0% 232405 TRELA J WHITE 5/27/83 170 232550 TOM WILLIAMS 5/27/83 324. 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